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Representation of the People (Amendment) Act 2002

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No. 1 1 of 2002. The Representation of the People 1 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


[ L.S. ]
I Assent,

James B. Carlisle,

3rd October, 2002


No. 11 of 2002

AN ACT to amend the Representation of the People Act Cap.

[ 10th October, 2002 ]

ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as fol-
lows -

1. This Act may be cited as the Representation of the People Short title.
(Amendment) Act 2002.

2. The Representation of the People Act is amended by Amendment of
the repeal of Subsection 3(3) and the substitution of the fol- 3 .

lowing -

"(3)The Chairman and two other members of the Commission
shall be appointed by the Governor-General, acting on the
recommendation of the Prime Minister after consultation with
the Leader of the Opposition, by instrument under the Public
Seal and the Deputy Chairman and one other member shall be
appointed by the Governor-General, acting on the
recommendation of the Leader of the Opposition after
consultation with the Prime Minister, by instrument under the
Public Seal."

ANTIGUA 2 The Representation of the People No. 1 1 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


Repeal and 3. The First and Second Schedules to the Representation of
rep'acement of the People Act Cap. 379 are repealed and the following new
First and Second
Schedules. Schedules are substituted.




Part I

Provisions 'as to 1. (1) The proceedings at the election shall be conducted in
time. accordance with the following provisions:

(2) In the case of a general election, the writ shall be issued
as soon as practicable after the dissolution of Parliament. In the
case of a by-election, the writ shall be issued as soon as practi-
cable after the seat has become vacant..

(3) In a general election or a by-election, nomination papers
shall be delivered between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the
fifth day after the date of the issue of the writ.

(4) The delivery of notices of withdrawal of candidatures shall
take place within the tinie for the delivery of nomination papers
at the election.

(5) In the case of a general election or a by-election, objec-
tions to nomination papers are allowed during the hours set for
the delivery of nomination papers on the day for the delivery
thereof and the hour following:

Provided that no objection may be made between 6 p.m. and
7 p.m. of the said day except to a nomination delivered between
5 p.m. and 6 p.m.

(6) In the case of a general election or a by-election, the pub-
lication of a statement of the persons nominated may be made at
the close of the time for making objections to nomination pa-
pers or as soon thereafter as any objections are disposed of.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 3 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(7) In the case of a general election or a by-election, polling
shall take place between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the day
specified in the writ by the Governor-General.

2. (1) In computing any period of time for the purpose of Computation on
section 1, a Sunday or Public Holiday shall be disregarded, and time.
any such day shall not be treated as a day for the purpose of any
proceedings up to the completion of the poll.

(2) In this rule the expression "public holiday" means a holi-
day appointed as such by the Public Holidays Act or any procla-
mation made thereunder.

3. (1) The Chairman, Deputy Chairman and each member of Conflict of interest.
the Commission shall take an oath or affirmation on appoint-
ment in accordance with section 3(9) of the Act and Form 15/16
of the Appendix to the Rules.

(2) A member or acting member or the Chairman of the Com-
mission who has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a mat-
ter being considered or about to be considered by the Commis-
sion shall, as soon as possible after the relevant facts are known
to him disclose the nature of his interest at a meeting of the

(3) Any such disclosure shall be recorded in the minutes of
the meeting of the Commission and the member or acting mem-
ber or the Chairman of the Commission shall not be present dur-
ing any deliberation of the Commission with respect to that matter
or take part in any decision of the Commission with respect to
that matter.

4. (1) The Commission shall, in appointing election officers, Appointment of
ensure that every person takes an oath or affirmation, in the pre- officers.

scribed form, to perform faithfully the duties imposed under the
Act without partiality, fear, favour or affection.

(2) The Commission shall not appoint any person who is a
political party official, a Minister of Government, a Parliamentary
Secretary, a member of the House of Representatives, a Senator
or former Parliamentarian who has ceased to be a Parliamentarian
for less than ten years, or a candidate for election to the House of
Representatives to be an election officer.

ANTIGUA 4 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(3) Where the Commission considers it appropriate, the Com-
mission may invite the assistance of political parties in the screen-
ing process of persons prior to their appointment as election of-

(4) The Commission shall not appoint to the office of election
officer any person who has not completed to the satisfaction of
the Commission a course of training in the duties of the office to
which the appointment relates.

(5) In these rules Political Party Official means an executive
member of a Political Party.

Training of 5. (1) The Commission shall, in addition to the initial train-
election officers. ing course, which appointees successfully completed, ensure that

every election officer is thoroughly trained in all aspects of the
election tasks assigned to him.

(2) The Commission shall cause its staff and other election
officers to be kept up-to-date with developments in electoral
matters, particularly relevant election technology and election

Part I1


Issue of Writ. 6. (1) The Commission may, by Order -

(a) specify the manner in which writs which shall be in
Form I in the Appendix hereto, are to be conveyed,
and make different provisions for different classes
of writs; and

(b) provide for the giving of receipts for writs by per-
sons to whom they are delivered or who may re-
ceive them in the course of their conveyance.

(2) Delivery of the writ to a person for the time being
authorised by law to act as deputy for the officer who by virtue
of his office is returning officer shall be as good as delivery to
the returning officer.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 5 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(3) An Order under this rule may require a returning officer
to furnish an address to which writs are to be conveyed and any
change of that address, and may provide for recording addresses
so furnished, and delivery of a writ to a person found in, and for
the time being in charge of, a place so recorded as the office of
a returning officer shall be as good as a delivery to that return-
ing officer.

(4) The person to whom the writ is delivered shall endorse
the date of receipt on the writ.

(5) An Order under this rule may provide for any incidental
or supplementary matters and may revoke or vary an Order pre-
viously made.

7. (1) For the purpose of every general election of members Writ under public
to the House of Representatives and for the purpose of the elec- sea1.
tion of members to supply vacancies caused by death, resigna- '
tion or otherwise, the Governor-General shall issue writs under
the Public Seal addressed to the returning officers of the respec-
tive constituencies, by the title of his office as returning officer
and not by his name, for which members are to be returned.
Such writs shall be forwarded to the Supervisor of Elections for
transmission to the several returning officers.

(2) Every such writ shall specify the day and place of nomi-
nation of candidates, the day on which, if necessary, the poll
shall be taken, and the day on which such writ shall be return-
able to the Governor-General.

(3) Upon receipt of such writ every returning officer shall
proceed to hold the election in .the manner hereinafter provided.

8. The returning officer shall publish the notice of election, Notice of election
in Form 2 in Appendix hereto stating -

(a) the place and times at which nomination papers are
to be delivered; and

(6) the date of the poll in the event of a contest;

and the notice shall state that forms of nomination paper as set
out in the Appendix may be obtained at the place and time afore-

ANTIGUA 6 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


Nomination of 9. (1) Each candidate shall be nominated by a separate nomi-
candidates. nation paper, in Form 3 in the Appendix hereto, delivered by the

candidate himself or his proposer or seconder, to the returning
officer at the place fixed for the purpose.

(2) The nomination paper shall state the full names, place of
residence and description of the candidate and the surname shall
be placed first in the list of names.

(3) The description shall not exceed six words in length, and
need not refer to his rank, profession or calling so long as, with
the other particulars of the candidate, it is sufficient to identify.

Subscription of 10. (1) The nomination paper shall be subscribed by two elec-
papers. tors as proposer and seconder, and by eight other electors in the

presence of the returning officer.

(2) Where a nomination paper bears the signatures of more
than the required number of persons as proposing, seconding or
assenting to the nomination of a candidate, the signature or sig-
natures (up to the required number) appearing first on the paper
in each category shall be taken into account to the exclusion of
any others in that category.

(3) The nomination paper shall give the electoral number of
each person subscribing to it.

(4) The returning officer shall supply any elector with a form
of nomination paper at the place and during the time for delivery
of nomination papers and shall, at the request of any elector,
prepare a nomination paper for signature.

(5) No person shall subscribe more than one nomination pa-
per at the same election and if he does, his signature shall be
inoperative on any paper other than the one first delivered:

Provided that a person shall not be prevented from subscrib-
ing a nomination paper by reason only of his having subscribed
that of a candidate who has died or withdrawn before delivery of
the first mentioned paper.

(6) In this rule -

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 7 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. A N D


the expression "elector" means a person who is registered
as an elector in the constituency in the register to be used
at the election or who, pending the publication of that
register, appears from the electors' list there for as cor-
rected by the registration officer to be entitled to be so
registered. The expression "electoral number" means a
person's number in the said register or, pending the publi-
cation of the register, his number (if any) in the electors'
list there.

11. A person shall not be validly nominated unless his con- Consent to
sent to nomination, given in writing, in Form 4 in the Appendix nomination
hereto, on the day fxed as the day for the delivery of nomination papers.
papers and attested by one witness, is delivered at the place and
within the time for the delivery of nomination papers, provided
that a person shall not consent to more than one nomination.

12. A person shall not be validly nominated unless the sum of Deposit.
five hundred dollars in legal tender is deposited by him or on his
behalf with the returning officer at the place and during the time
for delivery of nomination papers.

13. The returning officer shall fix the place within the con- Delivery of
stituency at which nomination papers are to be delivered to him,
and shall attend there during the time for the delivery thereof and papers'
for the making of objections thereto.

14. (1) Except for the purpose of delivering a nomination pa- Attendance at
per or of assisting the returning officer and subject to sub-rule nOminatiOns~
(3), no person shall be entitled to attend the proceedings during
the time for the delivery of nomination papers or objecting to the
nomination unless he is a person standing nominated as a candi-
date or is a proposer or seconder or such other person assenting
to the nomination.

(2) Any elector in the Constituency shall have the right to
inspect, and to object to the validity of any nomination paper.

(3) The Commission may allow accredited international ob-
servers to attend the nomination proceedings.

15. (1) Where a nomination paper and the candidate's con- Validity of
sent thereto are delivered and a deposit is made in accordance nomination
with the rules, the candidate shall be deemed to stand papers.

ANTIGUA 8 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


nominated unless and until the Retuming Officer decides that
the nomination paper is invalid or proof is given to the satisfac-
tion of the Retuming Officer of the candidate's death, or the
candidate's withdrawal.

(2) The returning officer shall be entitled to hold a nomination
paper invalid only on the following grounds, that is to say -

(a) that the particulars of the candidate or the persons
subscribing the paper are not as required by law;

(b) that the paper is not subscribed as so required by

(3) The returning officer shall give his decision on any objec-
tion to a nomination paper as soon as practicable and in any
event not later than one hour after it is made.

(4) Where he decides that a nomination paper is invalid, he
shall forthwith endorse and sign on the paper the fact and the
reasons for his decision.

(5) The decision of the returning officer that a nomination
paper is valid or invalid shall not be questioned in any proceed-
ing whatsoever, other than by an election petition.

Withdrawal of 16. (1) A candidate may withdraw his candidature by notice
candidates. of withdrawal signed by him and attested by one witness and

delivered to the returning officer at the place for delivery of nomi-
nation papers.

(2) In the case of a candidate who is outside Antigua and
Barbuda, a notice of withdrawal signed by his proposer and ac-
companied by a written declaration also so signed of the
candidate's absence from Antigua and Barbuda shall be of the
same effect as a notice of withdrawal signed by the candidate:

Provided that where the candidate stands nominated by more
than one nomination paper a notice of withdrawal under this
paragraph shall be effective if, but only if,

(a) it and the accompanying declaration are signed by
all the proposers except any who is, and is stated in

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 9 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


the said declaration to be, outside Antigua and
Barbuda; or

(b) it is accompanied, in addition to the said declaration,
by a written statement signed by the candidate that
the proposer giving the notice is authorised to do so
on the candidate's behalf during his absence from
Antigua and Barbuda.

17. (1) The returning officer shall prepare and publish a state- Publication of
ment showing the persons who have been and stand nominated nomination.
and any other persons who have been nominated, and no longer
stand nominated along with the reason why they no longer stand

(2) The statement shall show the names, addresses, and de-
soriptions of the persons nominated as given in their nomination
papers, together with the names of the persons subscribing those

(3) The statement shall show the persons standing nominated
arranged alphabetically in the order of their surnames, and, if
there are two or more of them with the same surname, of their
other names.

18. (1) Where the proceedings for or in connection with nomi- Adjournment of
nation are on any day interrupted or obstructed by riot or open nomination
violence or by the occurrence of any earthquake, hurricane, flood, proceedings.
fire, outbreak of pestilence or other calamity the proceedings
shall be abandoned for that day, and the proceedings shall be
continued on the next day as if that were the day for the delivery
thereof, (subject however to any further application of this rule
in the event of interruption or obstruction on that day):

Provided that where proceedings are abandoned by virtue of
this rule nothing may be done after they are continued, if the time
for doing it had passed at the time of the abandonment, nor shall
anything done before the abandonment be invalidated by rea-
son thereof.

19. (1) If the statement of persons nominated shows more Method of
than one person standing nominated, a poll shall be taken in
accordance with Part I11 of these rules.

ANTIGUA 10 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(2) If the statement of persons nominated shows only one
person standing nominated, that person shall be declared to be
elected in accordance with Part IV of these rules.

Allotment of 20. (1) The Commission shall keep a list of approved symbols
symbols. on which it holds proprietary rights for allotment to political par-

ties or independent candidates contesting an election.

(2) The Commission may reserve a symbol for a political party
upon application therefor and a candidate put up to contest an
election by that party shall be allotted that symbol by the Com-

(3) An independent candidate contesting an election may
choose any symbol not already allotted to any political party or
independent candidate contesting that election from the approved
list kept by the Commission.

(4) The Commission shall consult political parties and other
entities when compiling the list of approved symbols and shall
publish the approved list in the Gazette. The list may be revised
as the Commission thlnks fit.

(5) If a reserved symbol for a political party is subsequently
claimed by different factions of that party, the Commission, in its
sole discretion, shall decide whether the reserved symbol shall
continue to be used by any of those factions.

(6 ) The symbol allotted to a candidate shall be printed on the
ballot paper opposite that candidate's name.

(7) In the event of any dispute arising regarding the allocation
of any symbol under these rules, the decision of the Commission
shall be final.

Part III


POII taken by 21. The votes at the poll shall be given by ballot and the result
ballot. shall be ascertained by counting the votes given to each candi-

date and the candidate to whom the majority of votes have been
given shall be declared to have been elected.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 1 1 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


22. (1) The ballot of every voter shall consist of a ballot paper, Ballot papers.
and the persons shown in the statement of persons nominated
as standing nominated, and no other shall be entitled to have
their names inserted in the ballot paper.

(2) Every ballot paper shall be in the Form 5 in the Appendix
hereto, and shall be printed in accordance with the directions
therein, and -

(a) shall contain the names, symbols and other particu-
lars of the candidates as shown in the statement of
persons nominated;

(b) shall be capable of being folded up;

(c) shall have a number printed on the back; and

(d) shall have attached a counterfoil with the same num-
ber printed on the face.

(3) The order of names in the ballot paper shall be as in the
statement of persons nominated.

23. (1) Every ballot paper shall be marked with an official mark, The official
which shall be either embossed or perforated. mark.

(2) The official mark shall be kept secret, and an interval of not
less than seven years shall intervene between the use of the
same official mark at elections for the same constituency.

24. No person who has voted at the election shall, in any legal Prohibition of
proceeding to question the election or return, be required to disclosure of vote.
state for whom he voted.

25. (1) The returning officer may use, free of charge, for the Use of schools &
purpose of taking the poll: public rooms.

(a) a room in a government school; and

(b) a room, in a public building the expense of maintain-
ing which is payable out of the Consolidated Fund.

(2) The Commission shall make good any damage done to,
and defray any expense incurred by the persons having control

ANTIGUA 12 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


over, any such room as aforesaid by reason of its being used for
the purpose of taking the poll.

Action To Be Taken Before The Poll

Notice of poll. 26. (1) The returning officer shall in the statement of persons
nominated include a notice of the poll stating the day on which
and hours during which the poll will be taken.

(2) The returning officer shall also give public notice (which
may be combined with the statement of persons nominated) of
the situation of each polling station and the description of voters
entitled to vote thereat and of the mode in which voters are to

Death of 27. (1) If after the publication of the statement of persons
candidate. nominated proof is given to the satisfaction of the returning

officer of the death of one of the persons shown as standing
nominated, the returning officer shall countermand notice of the
poll, and all proceedings with reference to the election shall be
commenced afresh in all respects as if the writ had been received
on the day on which proof was given to the returning officer of
the death:

Provided that no fresh nomination shall be necessary in the case
of a person shown in the statement as standing nominated.

(2) Where by reason of the death of a candidate proceedings
at an election are commenced afresh under this rule, then in the
case of a general election, or in the case of a by-election, the time
for delivery of nomination papers and the time for polling shall be
determined in accordance with rule I with the modification re-
quired by the foregoing sub-rule of any reference to the date on
which the writ is received.

(3) Where the poll is abandoned by reason of the death of a
candidate, the proceedings at or consequent on that poll shall be
interrupted, and the presiding officer at any polling station shall
take the like steps (so far as not already taken) for the delivery to
the returning officer of ballot boxes and of ballot papers and
other documents as he is required to take on the close of the poll
in due coarse, and the returning officer shall dispose of the ballot
papers and other documents in his possession as he is required
to do on the completion in due course of the counting of the
votes; but -

No. 1 1 of 2002. The Representation of the People 13 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(a) it shall not be necessary for any ballot paper ac-
count to be prepared or verified; and

(b) the returning officer, without taking any step or fur-
ther step for the counting of the ballot papers, or of
the votes, shall seal up all the ballot papers, whether
the votes on them have been counted or not, and it
shall not be necessary to seal up counted and re-
jected ballot papers in separate packets.

(4) The provisions as to the inspection, production, retention
and destruction of ballot papers and other documents relating to
a poll at an election shall apply to any such documents relating
to a poll abandoned by reason of the death of a candidate, with
the following modifications -

(a) ballot papers on which the votes were neither
counted nor rejected shall be treated as counted bal-
lot papers; and

(b) no order shall be made for the production or inspec-
tion of any ballot paper or for the opening of a sealed
packet of counterfoils or certificates as to employ-
ment on duty on the day of the poll unless the order
is made by a court with reference to a prosecution.

28. (1) The returning officer shall provide a sufficient number Polling stations.
of polling stations and, subject to the following provisions of
this rule, shall allot the electors to the polling stations in such a
manner as he thinks most convenient.

(2) One or more polling stations may be provided in the same

(3) The polling station allotted to electors from any polling
district shall be in the polling place for that district.

(4) The returning officer shall provide each polling station
with such number of compartments as may be necessary in which
the voters can mark their votes screened from observation.

29. (1) Every presiding officer shall manage the affairs of the Presiding officers
polling station to which he is assigned in an efficient and courte- & clerks.
ous manner. He shall act with fairness and impartiality in adrnin-

ANTIGUA 14 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


istering his tasks in accordance with the provisions of section 12
of the Act and consistent with rules 4 and 5 of these rules.

(2) Every presiding officer shall ensure that peace and good
order prevail at his polling station and that election officers, poll-
ing agents, observers (if any) and voters conduct themselves
properly in the polling station and within its environs.

(3) The clerks appointed to assist the presiding officer may do
any act, including the asking of questions, which the presiding
officer is required or authorised by these rules to do at a polling
station except order the arrest, exclusion or removal of any per-
son from the polling station.

(4) The returning officer may, if he thinks fit, preside at a poll-
ing station and the provisions of these rules relating to a presid-
ing officer shall apply to a returning officer so presiding with the
necessary modifications as to things to be done by the returning
officer or by the presiding officer to the returning officer.

Proxy list. 30. (1) The returning officer shall as soon as practicable, and
in any case not later than three days before any polling day,
prepare a list of proxies giving -

(i) the names and numbers on the register of electors
for whom proxies have been appointed; and

(ii) the names and addresses of the persons appointed,

and shall also place against the name of any elector on the regis-
ter for elections on behalf of whom a proxy has been appointed
to vote the letter "p" in any copy of the register or part thereof
provided for a polling station.

(2) Such list of proxies shall be used only for the purposes of
the election next following the preparation of the list.

Equipmentofpoll- 31. ( 1 ) The returning officer shall provide each
ing station. presiding officer with such number of ballot boxes and ballot

papers as in the opinion of the returning officer may be neces-

(2) Every ballot box shall be so constructed that the ballot
papers can be put therein, but cannot be withdrawn therefrom,
without the box being unlocked.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 15 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(3) The returning officer shall provide each polling station
with -

(a) materials to enable voters to mark the ballot papers;

(b) instruments for stamping thereon the official mark;

(c) copies of the register for elections or such part
thereof as contains the names of the electors allot-
ted to the station;

(d) the parts of any list of proxies prepared for the elec-
tion corresponding to the register for elections or
part thereof provided under the last foregoing sub-

(e) a blank poll book which shall be in Form 6, in the
Appendix hereto;

a copy of the Act and these rules;

(g) a sufficient supply of black and red electoral ink
whose specification conforms to good electoral prac-
tice; and

(h) such other things as may be necessary for conduct-
ing the election in the manner directed by the Act
and these rules.

(4) A notice in Form 7 in the Appendix hereto, giving direc-
tions for guidance of the voters in voting, shall be printed in
conspicuous characters and exhibited inside and outside every
polling station.

(5) In every compartment of every polling station there shall
be exhibited a notice as follows -

" The voter may vote for not more than one candidate."

32. (1) Each candidate may, before the commencement of the Polling and
poll, appoint polling agents to attend at polling stations for the agents.

purpose of detecting personation and counting agents to attend
at the counting of the votes:

ANTIGUA 16 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


Provided that the returning officer shall not permit more than one
polling agent of a candidate to be present at the polling station;

Provided further that the retuniing officer shall not permit more
than two counting agents of a candidate to be present at the
counting of the ballot.

(2) Notice in writing of the appointment, stating the names
and addresses of the persons appointed, shall be given by the
candidate to the returning officer and, in the case of counting
agents, shall be given at least two days, before the day of the
poll; provided that Sundays and Public Holidays shall not be

(3) if an agent dies, or becomes incapable of acting, the candi-
date may appoint another agent in his place, and shall forthwith
give to the returning officer notice in writing of the name and
address of the agent appointed.

(4) In the following provisions of these rules references to
polling and counting agents shall be taken as references to agents
whose appointments have been duly made and notified.

(5) Any notice required to be given to a counting agent by the
returning officer may be delivered by hand to the address stated
in the notice of appointment.

(6) A candidate may himself do any act or thing which any
polling or counting agent of his, if appointed, would have been
authorised to do.

(7) Where by these rules any act or thing is required or
authorised to be done in the presence of the polling or counting
agents, the non-attendance of any agent or agents at the time
and place appointed for the purpose, shall not, if the act or thing
is otherwise duly done, invalidate the act or thing done.

(8) The commission may make arrangements with candidates
for polling and counting agents to be appropriately identified as
agents on polling day.

Declaration of 33. (1) Before the opening of the poll a declaration of secrecy
secrecy. in the form in sub-rule (4) hereof, or in a form as near thereto as

circumstances admit, shall be made by -

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 17 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(a) the returning officer and the presiding officers;

(b) every officer or clerk authorised to attend at a poll-
ing station or the counting of the votes;

(c) every candidate attending at a polling station or at
the counting of the votes;

(d) every candidate's wife or husband attending at the
counting of the votes;

(e) every agent appointed under rule 32.

(2) Notwithstanding anything in sub-rule (1) hereof, the fol-
lowing persons attending at the counting of the votes, that is to

(a) any candidate;

(b) any candidate's wife, or husband attending by vir-
tue of the rule authorising candidates' wives or hus-
bands to attend as such; and

(c) any clerk making the declaration in order to attend at
the counting of the votes, need not make the decla-
ration before the opening of the poll but shall make it
before he or she is permitted to attend the counting,
and a polling or counting agent appointed after the
opening of the poll shall make the declaration before
acting as such agent.

(3) The returning officer shall make the declaration in the pres-
ence of a magistrate, and any other person shall make the decla-
ration in the presence of either a magistrate or of the returning
officer, and subsections (I), (2), (3) and (5) of section 42 shall be
read to the declarant by the person taking the declaration or shall
be read by the declarant in the presence of that person.

(4) The declaration shall be as follows -

"I solemnly promise and declare that I will not do anything
forbidden in sub-sections (1), (2), (3) and (4) of section 42
of the Representation of the People Act which have been
read toiby me".

ANTIGUA 18 The Representation of the People No. 1 1 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


Admission to 34. (1) The presiding officer shall regulate the number of vot-
polling ers to be admitted to a polling station at the same time, and shall

exclude all other persons except -

(a) the candidates;

(b) the polling agents appointed to attena at the polling

(c) the clerks appointed to attend at the polling station;

(d) the police officers on duty; and

(e) the companions of blind voters and physically chal-
lenged voters.

(2) Not more than one polling agent shall be admitted at the
same time to a polling station on behalf of the same candidate.

(3) The Commission may allow accredited international elec-
tion observers and any other persons, as the Commission sees
fit, to enter polling stations.

Order in station. 35. (1) Any person who misconducts himself in a polling sta-
tion, or fails to obey the lawful orders of 'the presiding officer,
may immediately, by order of the presiding officer, be removed
from the polling station by a police officer in or near the station or
by any other person authorised in writing by the returning of-
ficer to remove him, and the person so removed shall not, with-
out the permission of the presiding officer, again enter the poll-
ing station during the day.

(2) Any person so removed may, if charged with the commis-
sion in the polling station of an offence, be dealt with as a person
taken into custody by a police officer for an offence without a

(3) The powers conferred by this rule shall not be exercised so
as to prevent a voter who is otherwise entitled to vote at a polling
station from having an opportunity of voting at that station.

(4) During the hours that the poll is open upon polling day no
person shall, in any polling station or upon any public place
within one hundred yards of any polling station, remain or seek

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 19 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


to influence any elector to vote or refrain from voting for any
candidate or political party or to ascertain for whom any elector
intends to vote or has voted.

(5) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-rule
(4) conmlits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not
exceeding one thousand dollars and a term of imprisonment of
not more than two months.

36. Immediately before the commencement of the poll, the sealing of ballot
presiding officer shall show the ballot box empty to such per- box.
sons, if any, as are present in the polling station, so that they may
see that it is empty, and shall then lock it up and place his seal or,
it in such manner as to prevent its being opened without break-
ing the seal, and shall place it in his view for the receipt of ballot
papers, and keep it so locked and sealed.

37. (1) Every elector shall first produce his identification card Voters' identifica-
or special identification card, where the identification card is lost,
before requesting a ballot paper on polling day.

(2) The presiding officer may, and if required by a candidate or
his polling agent shall, put to any person applying for a ballot
paper at the time of his application, but not afterwards, the fol-
lowing questions, or either of them, that is to say -

(a) in the case of a person applying as an elector -

(i) "Are you the person registered in the register
for elections of this election as follows (read
the whole entry from the register)?"

(ii) "Have you already voted, here or elsewhere,
at this by-electiodgeneral election otherwise
than as proxy for some other person?" and

(b) in the case of a person applying as proxy -

(i) "Are you the person whose name is A.B in the
list of proxies for this election as entitled to
vote as proxy on behalf of C.D.?"

(ii) Have you already voted here or elsewhere at
this by-electiodgeneral election as proxy on
behalf of C.D?"

ANTIGUA 20 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(3) In the case of a person applying as proxy, the presiding
officer may, and if required as aforesaid shall, put the following
additional question: "Have you at this election already voted as
proxy on behalf of any other person?"

(4) A ballot paper shall not be delivered to any person re-
quired to answer the above questions or any of them unless he
has answered the question satisfacto~.ily.

(5) Save as by this rule authorised, no inquiry shall be pennit-
ted as to the right of any person to vote.

Challenge of 38. (1) If at the time a person applies for a ballot paper for the
voter. purpose of voiing in person, or after he has applied for a ballot

paper for that purpose and before he has left the polling station,
a candidate or his polling agent declares to the presiding officer
that he has reasonable cause to believe that the applicant has
committed an offence of personation and undertakes to substan-
tiate the charge in a court of law, the presiding officer may order
a police officer to arrest the applicant, and the order of.the presid-
ing officer shall be sufficient authority for the police so to do.

(2) A person against whom a declaration is made under this
rule shall not by reason thereof be prevented from voting.

(3) A person arrested under the provisions of this rule shall be
dealt with as a person taken into custody by a police officer for
an offence, without a warrant.

Transfer of 39. (1) Where any person whose name appears in the register
voting. for elections for any polling station is appointed as an election

officer or polling agent for some other polling station in the same
constituency, he may apply to the returning officer for a transfer
of his name to the list for the polling station to which he is as-
signed to work on polling day.

(2) Where any person whose name appears in the register for
elections for any polling station in a constituency is appointed
as an election officer or a polling agent in another constituency,
he may apply to the returning officer of the constituency in which
his name is on the register for a transfer of his name to the list for
the station to which he is assigned.

No. 1 1 of 2002. The Representation of the People 2 1 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. A N D


(3) An application for a transfer under sub-rules (1) or (2) shall
be in the prescribed form (Form 9) and signed and delivered
persenally to the returning officer not later than five days before
polling day.

(4) The returning officer may issue a transfer certificate in the
prescribed form (Form 10) entitling a person to vote at the polling
station indicated in the certificate to any election officer or poll-
ing agent whose name appears on the register for elections and
who satisfies him as to the assignment to the aforementioned
polling station on polling day.

(5) The returning officer shall give notice in the prescribed
form (Form 11) in writing to every candidate for the constituency
of any such transfer and to the presiding officer of the polling
station at which such person whose name is so transferred would
have been entitled to vote.

( 6 ) Every person whose name is transferred from any register
for elections to any other register for elections shall vote, if he
votes at all, in the polling station of which he is appointed an
election officer or polling agent, as the case may be.

(7) The returning officer who signed a transfer certificate,
which is directed to another constituency, shall forward, in time
for the poll, a ballot paper in an envelope marked "transfer ballot"
to the presiding officer for use by the holder of the certificate of

(8) Where the transfer certificate, issued pursuant to sub-rule
(2), is produced at the station to which it is directed and the
presiding officer is satisfied with the identity of the holder thereof
and the voting procedures have been followed, the holder of the
certificate shall place the ballot paper into an envelope and seal
the envelope and hand the envelope to the presiding officer.

(9) The presiding officer shall place the envelope with the
ballot paper in another envelope marked with the name of the
constituency where the vote belongs.

(10) The presiding officer shall make a list of the names trans-
ferred, referred to as "the transfer list", and shall keep the trans-
fer certificates of the persons so voted.

A N I IGI 1, 23 Tlie Rel)re~entation of the People No. 1 1 of 2002.
AND (A~nenrb~zetzt) Act 2002.


( I I 1 I.vcry ~ c ~ u r n i n g officer who receives any transfer vote
cnvelopes shall despatch each such envelope, together with the
transfer certificate, promptly at the commencement of the count-
ing of the votes, to the returning officer of the constituency

(12) Every presiding officer who issues to any person whose
name has been transferred from any register for elections to any
other register for elections any ballot paper at any polling station
other than the polling station to which that person's name has
been transferred, commits an offence and on conviction is liable
to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars and six months

Voting procedure. 40. (1) A ballot paper shall be delivered to a voter who applies
therefor, and immediately before delivery -

(a) the ballot paper shall be stamped with the official
mark, either embossed or perforated;

(b) the number, name and description of the elector as
stated in the copy of the register for elections shall
be called out;

(c) a mark shall be placed in the register for elections
against the number of the elector to denote that a
ballot paper has been received but without showing
the particular ballot paper which has been received;

(d) in the case of a person applying for a ballot paper as
proxy, a mark shall also be placed against his name in
the list of proxies.

(2) The voter, on receiving the ballot paper, shall forthwith
proceed into one of the compartments in the polling station and
there secretly mark his paper and fold it up so as to conceal his
vote, and shall then show to the presiding officer the back of the
paper, so as to disclose the official mark, and after the provisions
of rules 41,42,43 and rules 44 to 46, as the case may be, have
been complied with, put the ballot paper so folded up into the
ballot box in the presence of the presiding officer.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 23 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(3) The voter shall vote without undue delay, and shall leave
the polling station as soon as he has put his ballot paper into the
ballot box.

41. (1) Subject to the provisions of rule 45, the presiding of- Use of black
ficer shall. refuse to deliver any ballot paper to any elector unless electoral ink.
he is satisfied that there does not appear -

(a) upon the appropriate digit of such elector; or

(b) in the case of an elector who the presiding officer is
satisfied is suffering from an injury to the appropri-
ate digit, upon any of the digits of such elector;

any mark of black electoral ink.

(2) For the purpose of satisfying himself in the manner re-
quired by sub-rule (1) of this rule, the presiding officer shall in
the presence of the poll clerk and of the sworn agents of the
candidates or the candidates in the polling station, as the case
may be, inspect the appropriate digit of each elector or all of the
digits of each elector, as the case may require.

(3) Every presiding officer who refuses to deliver any ballot
paper to any elector under the provisions of this rule shall make
an entry in the poll book setting out the facts in relation to such

(4) Every person who applies as an elector for any ballot pa-
per at any time when there is upon any of his digits any mark of
black electoral ink shall be guilty of personation withm the mean-
ing of the Act.

42. (1) The presiding officer shall before permitting any elec- Immersion of
tor to put his folded ballot paper in the ballot box in accordance digit.
with rule 40((2), if the elector has an appropriate digit, satisfy
himself that there does not appear upon such digit any sub-
stance which in his opinion is likely to prevent the adhesion of
black electoral mk and cause the elector to immerse such digit in
the black electoral ink:

Provided that where the presiding officer is satisfied that the
elector is suffering from some injury to hls appropriate digit which
is of such nature as to render it undesirable for him to immerse

ANTIGUA 24 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


such digit in the black electoral mk the presiding officer may
require him to immerse in such black electoral ink any other digit
upon which the presiding officer is satisfied that there is no
substance which is llkely to prevent the adhesion of black elec-
toral mk.

(2) If any elector on being required so to do fails or refuses to
immerse his appropriate digit in black electoral ink the presiding
officer shall take possession of and destroy the ballot paper of
such an elector and make an entry in the poll book setting out the
particular in relation to the destruction of such ballot paper:

Provided that nothing in this rule shall prohibit an elector who
has failed or refuses to immerse his appropriate digit in black
electoral ink from returning to the polling station in order to vote
as an elector and to immerse his appropriate digit in black elec-
toral ink.

"Appropriate 43. (1) In rules 4 1 and42 "appropriate digit" means in the case
digit". of an elector -

(i) who has a right hand upon which there are any dig-
its that finger of the right hand which is nearest to
the right thumb, or if the elector has no right thumb
the right thumb socket, or if the elector has a right
thumb but has no fingers on the right hand, the right
thumb and upon which digit there does not appear
any sign of red electoral ink;

(ii) who has no right hand or who has a right hand but
has no digits upon s,uch hand, the finger on the left
hand which is nearest to the left thumb, or if the
elector has no left thumb to the left thumb socket, or
if he has a left thumb but no fingers upon his left
hand the left thumb and upon which digit there does
not appear any sign of red electoral ink;

"digit" includes both fingers and thumb;

"black electoral. ink" means the black ink
whether composite or consisting of two or more
separate solutions, whose specification and
properties make it suitable for use for election
purposes, supplied by the Commission for use
in accordance with these rules.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 25 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


44. (1) Subject to the provisions of rule 48, the presiding Proxy voting.
officer shall refuse to deliver any ballot paper to any person
voting as proxy for an elector unless he is satisfied that there
does not appear -

(a) upon the appropriate digit of such proxy; or

(b) in the case of a proxy who the presiding officer is
satisfied is suffering from an injury to the appropri-
ate digit, upon any of the digits of such proxy, any
mark of red ink.

(2) For the pulpose of satisfying himself in the manner re-
quired by sub-rule (I), the presiding officer shall, in the presence
of the poll clerk and of the sworn agents of the candidates or the
candidates in the polling station, as the case may be, inspect the
appropriate digit of each proxy or all of the digits of each proxy,
as the case may require.

(3) Every presiding officer who refuses to deliver any ballot
paper to any proxy under the provisions of this rule shall make an
entry in the poll book setting out the facts in relation to such

(4) Every person who applies as a proxy for any ballot paper at
any time when there is upon any of his digits any mark of red
electoral ink shall be guilty of personation within the meaning of
the Act.

45. (1) The presiding officer shall before permitting any per- Use of red
son as proxy to put his folded ballot paper in the ballot box in electoral ink.
accordance with rule 40(2) if the proxy has an appropriate digit,
satisfy himself that there does not appear upon such digit any
substance which in his opinion is likely to prevent the adhesion
of red electoral ink and cause the proxy to immerse such digit in
the red electoral ink:

Provided that where the presiding officer is satisfied that the
proxy is suffering from some injury to his appropriate digit which
is of such a nature as to render it undesirable for him to immerse
such digit in the red electoral ink the presiding officer may re-
quire him to immerse in such red electoral mk any other digit
upon which the presiding officer is satisfied that there is no
substance which is likely to prevent the adhesion of the red
electoral ink.




Penalty for
presiding officer.

26 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
(Amendment) Act 2002.

(2) If any proxy on being required so to do or refuses to im-
merse his appropriate digit in the red electoral ink the presiding
officer shall take possession of and destroy the ballot paper of
such a proxy and make an entry in the poll book setting out the
particulars in relation to the destruction of such ballot paper.

Provided that nothing in this rule shall prohibit a proxy who has
failed or refused to immerse his appropriate digit in the red elec-
toral mk from returning to the polling station in order to vote as a
proxy and to immerse his appropriate digit in red electoral ink.

46. In rules 44 and 45 "appropriate digit" means in the case of
a proxy -

(i) who has a left hand upon which there are any digits
that finger of the left hand which is the nearest to the
left thumb, or if the proxy has no left thumb to the left
thumb socket, or if the proxy has left thumb, but has
no fingers on the left hand, the left thumb and upon
which digit there does not appear any sign of black
electoral ink;

(ii) who has no left hand or who.has a left hand but has
no digits upon such hand, the finger on .the right
hand which is nearest to the right thumb, or if the
elector has no right thumb, to the right thumb socket,
or if he has a right thumb but no fingers upon his
right hand, the right thumb and upon which digit
there does not appear any sign of black electoral

"digit" includes both fingers and thumb;

"red electoral ink" means the red ink, whether
composite or consisting of two or more sepa-
rate solutions, whose specification and prop-
erties make it suitable for use for election pur-
poses, supplied by the Commission for use in
accordance with these rules.

47. Subject to the provisions of rule 48 of these rules, a pre-
siding officer who fails or neglects to perform any duty imposed
upon him by rule 41,42,44 or 45 of these rules commits an of-
fence against this rule and shall be liable on summary conviction

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 2
(Amendment) Act 2002.

to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars and to irnprison-
ment not exceeding six months.

48. The application of rules 4 1,42,44,45 and 47 of these rules
shall not apply in relation to any elector or proxy who has no
hands or who has only one digit, and is entitled to vote both as
an elector and as a proxy and who has already voted in one such

49. (1) The presiding officer, on the application of a voter who
is incapacitated by blindness or other physical cause from vot-
ing in the manner directed by these rules shall, in the presence of
the polling agents, cause the vote of the voter to be marked on a
ballot paper in the manner directed by the voter, and, the voter
having complied with the other provisions of these rules, the
ballot paper to be placed in the ballot box.

(2) The name and number on the register of electors of every
voter whose vote is marked in pursuance of this rule, and the
reason why it is so marked, shall be entered on a list (in these
rules called "the list of votes marked by the presiding officer").

In the case of a person voting as a proxy for an elector, the
number to be entered together with the name of the voter shall be
the name of the elector.

50. (1) If a voter makes an application to the presiding officer
to be allowed on the ground of blindness to vote with the assis-
tance of another person by whom he is accompanied, in these
rules referred to as " the companion", the presiding officer shall
require the voter to declare orally whether he is so incapacitated
by his blindness as to be unable to vote without assistance.

(2) If the presiding officer is satisfied that the voter is so
incapacitated and is also satisfied by a written declaration made
by the companion, in these rules referred to as "the declaration
made by the companion of a blind voter", that the companion is
a qualified person within the meaning of this rule and has not
previously assisted any other blind person to vote at the elec-
tion, the presiding officer shall grant the application, and there-
upon anything which is by these rules required to be done to or
by the said voter in connection with the giving of his vote may
be done to the voter, or with the assistance of, the companion.



of rules.

Votes marked by
presiding officer.

Voting by blind

ANTIGUA 28 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(3) For the purpose of this rule, a person shall be qualified to
assist a blind voter to vote, if that person is either -

(a) a person who is entitled to vote as an elector in that
constituency at the election; or

(b) the father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son
or daughter of the blind voter and has attained the
age of eighteen years.

(4) The name and number in the register of electors of every
voter whose vote is given in accordance with this rule and the
name and address of the companion shall be entered by the
presiding officer on a list in these rules referred to as "the list of
the blind voters assisted by companions."

In the case of a person voting as a proxy for an elector, the
number to be entered together with the name of the voter shall be
the number of the elector.

(5) The declaration made by companion -

(a) shall be in the Form 8 in the Appendix hereto;

(b) shall be made before the presiding officer at the time
when the voter applies to vote with the assistance of
a companion and shall forthwith be given to the pre-
siding officer who shall attest and retain it.

(6) No fee or other payment shall be charged in respect of the

Tendered ballot 51. (1) If a person, representing himself to be -

(a) a particular elector named on the register and not
named in the absent voters' list: or

(b) a particular person named in the list of proxies as
proxy for an elector, applies for a ballot paper after
another person has voted in person either as the
elector or his proxy, the applicant shall, on satjsfac-
torily answering the questions permitted by law to
be asked at the poll, be entitled, subject to the fol-
lowing provisions of this rule, to mark a ballot paper

No. 1 1 of 2002. The Representation of the People 29 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


in these rules referred to as "a tendered ballot paper"
in the same manner as any other voter.

(2) A tendered ballot paper shall -

(a) be of a colour differing from the other ballot papers;

(b) instead of being put into the ballot box, be given to
the presiding officer and endorsed by him with the
name of the voter and his number in the register of
electors, and set aside in a separate packet.

(3) The name of the voter and his number on the register of
electors shall be entered on a list in these rules referred to as the
"tendered votes list."

(4) In the case of a person voting as proxy for an elector, the
number to be endorsed or entered together with the name of the
voter shall be the number of that elector.

52. A voter who has inadvertently dealt with his ballot paper Spo~lt ballot
in such manner that it cannot be conveniently used as a ballot pVerS.
paper may, on delivering it to the presiding officer and proving to
his satisfaction the fact of the inadvertence, obtain another bal-
lot paper in the place of the ballot paper so delivered in these
rules referred to as "a spoilt ballot paper" and the spoilt ballot
paper shall be immediately cancelled.

53. (1) Where the proceedings at any polling station are in- Adjournment of
tempted or obstructed by riot or open violence, or by the oc- poll.
currence of any earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire, outbreak of
pestilence or other calamity, the presiding officer shall adjourn
the proceedings until the following day subject however to any
further application of this rule in the event of interruption or
obstruction on that day and shall forthwith give notice to the
returning officer.

(2) Where the poll is adjourned at any polling station -

(a) the hours of polling on polling day to which it is
adjourned shall be the same as for the original day;

(b) references in this Act to the close of the poll shall
be construed accordingly.

ANTIGUA 30 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(3) Where the poll is adjourned under sub- rules (1) and (2)
the presiding officer shall either -

(a) secure and seal the polling station, having first as-
certained that no persons remain upon the premises;

(b) having first sealed each ballot box with his own seal,
remove the ballot boxes and all other papers relating
to the poll to some other secure place and in such
latter event the polling agent of any candidate may
upon request accompany and remain with such pa-
pers at such secure place until the resumption of the

Close of poll. 54. (1) As soon as practicable after the close of the poll, the
presiding officer shall, in the presence of the polling agents,
make up into separate packets, sealed with his own seal and the
seal of such polling agents as desired to affix their seals -

(a) each ballot box in use at the station, sealed so as to
prevent the introduction of additional ballot papers
and unopened, but with the key attached;

(b) the unused and spoilt ballot papers placed together;

(c) the tendered ballot papers;

(d) the marked copies of the register for elections and of
the list of proxies;

(e) the counterfoils of used ballot papers and the certifi-
cates as to employment on duty on the day of the

fl the tendered votes list, the list of blind voters as-
sisted by companions, the list of voters marked by
the presiding officer, a statement of the number of
voters whose votes are so marked by the presiding
officer under the head "physical incapacity", the
declarations made by the companion of blind voters,
and the poll book, and shall, accompanied by two
police officers, deliver the packets personally to the
returning officer to be taken charge of by him:

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 3 1 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


Provided that a polling agent of each candidate may, upon re-
quest, nccompany the presiding officer from the polling station
until he delivers the packets to the returning officer.

(2) The marked copies of the register for elections and of the
list of proxies shall be in one packet but shall not be in the same
packet as the counterfoils of the used ballot papers and the cer-
tificates as to employment on duty on the day of the poll.

(3) The packet shall be accompanied by a statement (in these
rules referred to as "the ballot paper account") made by the pre-
siding officer showing the number of ballot papers entrusted to
him, and accounting for them under the heads of ballot papers
issued and not otherwise accounted for, unused, spoilt and ten-
dered ballot papers.

55. (1) The returning officer shall make arrangements for count- Attendance at
ing the votes in the presence of the counting agents as soon as counting of votes
practicable after the close of the poll, and shall give to the count-
ing agents notice in writing of the time and place at which he will
begin to count the votes, and shall designate a portion of such
place to be a reserved area, within which the actual counting of
votes will take place.

(2) No person other than -

(a) the returning officer and his clerks;

(b) the candidates and their spouses; and

(c) the counting agents,

may be present within the reserved area at the counting of the
votes, unless permitted by the returning officer to attend.

(3) The returning officer shall give the counting agents all
such reasonable facilities for overseeing the proceedings, and all
such information with respect thereto, as he can give them con-
sistent with the orderly conduct of the proceedings and the dis-
charge of his duties in connection therewith.

(4) In particular, where the votes are counted by sorting the
ballot papers according to the candidate for whom the vote is
given and then counting the number of ballot papers for each

ANTIGUA 32 The Representation of the People No. 1 1 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


candidate, the counting agents shall be entitled to satisfy them-
selves that the ballot papers are correctly sorted.

The count. 56. (1) The returning officer shall not count any tendered
ballot paper.

(2) The returning officer, while counting and recording the
number of ballot papers and counting the votes, shall keep the
ballot papers with their faces upwards and take all proper precau-
tions for preventing any person from seeing the numbers printed
on the back of the ballot papers.

(3) The returning officer shall verify each ballot paper account
by comparing it with the number of ballot papers recorded by
him, and the unused and spoilt ballot papers in his possession
and the tendered votes list opening and resealing the packets
containing the unused and spoilt ballot papers and the tendered
votes list and shall draw up a statement as to the result of the
verification, which any counting agent may copy.

(4) The returning officer shall so far as practicable, proceed
continuously with the counting of the votes.

(5) The returning officer shall open the transfer votes enve-
lopes and count the votes along with the votes of a polling
station chosen at random for the purposes of protecting the
secrecy of the vote.

Recount. 57. (1) A candidate, if present when the counting or any re-
count of the votes is completed, may require the returning officer
to have the votes re-counted.

(2) No step shall be taken on the completion of the counting
or any re-count of the votes until the candidates at the comple-
tion thereof have been given a reasonable opportunity to exer-
cise the right conferred by this rule.

Rejected ballot 58. (1) Any ballot paper -

(a) which does not bear the official mark;

(b) on which votes are given for more than one candi-

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 33 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(c) on which any thing is written or marked by which the
voter can be identified; or

(d) which is unmarked or void for uncertainty, shall, sub-
ject to the provisions of sub-rule (2) be void and not

(2) A ballot paper on which the vote is marked -

(a) elsewhere than in the proper place;

(b) otherwise than by means of a cross; or

(c) by more than one mark,

shall not by reason thereof be deemed to be void if an intention
that the vote shall be for one or other of the candidates clearly
appears, and the way the paper is marked does not of itself iden-
t ifyhe voter and it is not shown that he can be identified thereby.

(3) The returning officer shall endorse the word "rejected" on
any ballot paper which under this rule is not to be counted, and
shall add to the endorsement the words "rejection objected to" if
an objection is made by a counting agent to his decision.

(4) The returning officer shall draw up a statement showing
the nun~ber of ballot papers rejected under the several heads
of -

(a) want of official mark;

(b) voting for more than one candidate;

(c) writing or mark by which voter could be identified;

(d) unmarked or void for uncertainty, and any counting
agent may copy the statement.

59. The decision of the returning officer on any question Decls~on on ballot
arising in respect of a ballot paper shall be final, but shall be Papers
subject to review on an election petition.

60. (1) Where, after the counting of the votes, including any Equality of votes
recount, is completed, an equality of votes is found to exist be-



Voter education

Broadcast &

34 The Representation of the People No. 1 1 of 2002.
(Amendment) Act 2002.

tween any candidates and the addition of a vote would entitle
any of these candidates to be declared elected then the returning
officer shall forthwith make a declaration under rule 64 that an
equality of votes has been ascertained and that no candidate has
been elected and shall endorse the writ to that effect and deliver
the certified writ to the Supervisor of Elections.

(2) Upon receipt of the writ certified as in sub-rule (1) the
Supervisor shall declare that a fresh election for that constitu-
ency shall be held and all proceedings with reference to that
election shall be commenced afresh in all respects as if the writ
had been received on the day on which the Supervisor of Elec-
tions makes the declaration:

Provided that no fresh nomination shall be necessary in the case
of a person standing nominated and with an equality of vote.

61. (1) The Commission shall, pursuant to section 6 of the
Act, develop a programme of voter education and awareness
with respect to electoral matters in Antigua and Barbuda.

(2) The Commission shall ensure that its education programmes
are designed to meet the needs of Antigua and Barbuda and are
politically non-partisan in form, content and presentation. To the
extent possible, the materials for such programmes shall be local
or regional.

(3) Voter education programmes shall include awareness
programmes in respect of voter registration programmes. The
Commission shall consult with the local electronic and print me-
dia houses about their assistance and participation in such

(3) The Commission may work with non-governmental
organisations involved in electoral work locally or international.

62. (1) The Commission shall seek to foster fair and balanced
reporting on electoral matters by the electronic and print media,
particularly during periods of campaigning for elections.

(2) The Commission shall, in allocating free time and space
made available by the publicly owned media, take account of all
relevant factors.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 35 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(3) The Commission shall ensure that media organisations
acknowledge their obligation to provide equitable access and
opportunity to all political parties and independent candidates,
(where applicable) without discrimination, to purchase space in
newspapers and prime time on radio and television stations to
promote their respective views during an election campaign pe-

63. In its report to the Minister on section 83 of the Act in campaign
accordance with section 6 (5) (b) of the Act, the Commission financing.
shall comment on any incomplete report submitted under sub-
section 83(3) and on any penalty imposed under subsection 83(6).

Part IV


64. (1) In a contested election, when the result of the poll has Declaration of
been ascertained, the returning officer shall forthwith either - results.

(a) (i) declare to be elected the candidate to whom
the majority of votes has been given; and

(ii) return his name to the Chairman of the Com-
mission; or

(b) (i) declare that there has been an equality of votes
and that no candidate has been elected; and

(ii) return the fact that there has been an equality
of votes to the Chairman of the Commission,
and in either case give public notice of his
name or names and of the total number of votes
given for each candidate together with the
number of rejected ballot papers under head
shown in the statement of rejected ballot pa-

(2) In an uncontested election, the Statement of Persons Nomi-
nated, in addition to showing the person standing nominated,
shall also declare that person elected, and the returning officer
shall forthwith return his name to the Clerk to Parliament and the
Chairman of the Commission.

ANTIGUA 36 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


Return to writ 65. (1) The returning officer shall return the name of the mem-
ber elected by endorsing on the writ a certificate in Form I in the
Appendix hereto.

(2) Any provision of the Constitution, any rule or law or en-
actment as to the effect of, or manner of dealing with, the return
of a member to serve in the House of Representatives shall apply
to the certificate.

(3) The returning officer shall deliver the writ with the certifi-
cate endorsed thereon to the Supervisor of Elections.

Records of returns 66. (1) The Supervisor of Elections shall from the certificate
on each writ returned to him enter the name of the member in a
book to be kept by him at his office.

(2) The Supervisor of Elections shall also enter in the book
any declaration of equality of votes, any double return and any
alteration or amendment made by him in the certificate endorsed
on any writ.

(3) The book shall be open to public inspection at reasonable
times and any person may, on payment of a reasonable fee, take
copies from the book.

Return etc, of 67. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-rules (4) of this rule,
candidates' the deposit made under rule 12 shall either be returned to the
deposits. person making it or his personal representatives or be forfeited

to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.

(2) Except in the cases hereinafter mentioned in this rule, the
deposit shall be returned as soon as practicable after the result of
the election is declared.

(3) If a candidate is not shown as standing nominated in the
statement of persons nominated, or if the poll is countermanded
or abandoned by reason of his death, the deposit shall be re-
turned as soon as practicable after the publication of the state-
ment or after his death, as the case may be.

(4) Subject to the last foregoing sub-rule the deposit shall be
forfeited if a poll is taken and, after the counting of the votes by
the returning officer (including any re-count) is completed, the
candidate is found not to have polled more than one-eighth of
the total number of votes polled by all the candidates.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 37 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND




68. (1) On the completion of the counting at a contested elec- Ballot paper
tion the returning officer shall seal up in separate packets the
counted and rejected ballot papers.

(2) The returning officer shall then in the presence of the
counting agents verify each ballot paper account by comparing
it with the number of ballot papers recorded by him, and the
unused and spoilt ballot papers in his possession and the ten-
dered votes list (opening and resealing the packets containing
the unused and spoilt papers and the tendered votes list) and
shall draw up a statement as to the result of the verification,
which any counting agent may copy.

(3) The returning officer shall not open the sealed packets of
tendered ballot papers or of counterfoils and certificates as to
employment on duty on the day of the poll, or of marked copies
of the register of electors and lists of proxies.

69. (1) The returning officer shall then forward to the Commis- Delivery of
sion the following documents, that is to say - documents to


(a) the packets of ballot papers in his possession;

(b) the ballot paper accounts and the statements of re-
jected ballot papers and of the result of the verifica-
tion of the ballot papers accounts;

(c) the tendered votes lists, the lists of blind voters as-
sisted by companions, the lists of votes marked by
the presiding officer and the statements relating
thereto, and the declarations made by the compan-
ions of blind voters;

(d) the packets of counterfoils and certificates as to em-
ployment on duty on the day of the poll;

(e) the packets containing marked copies of registers
and of lists of proxies, endorsing on each packet a
description of its contents, the date of the election
to which they relate, and the name of the constitu-
ency for which the election was held.

ANTIGUA 38 Tlze Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(2) The returning officer shall forward the documents by de-
livering them personally to the Supervisar of Elections.

(3) The Supervisor of Elections shall, on receiving the docu-
ments give a receipt to the person delivering them, and shall
register them in the books of his office specifying the date and
time of receipt.

(4) Any receipt to be given for the docun~ents hall show the
date and time of receipt.

Production of 70. (1) An Order -

(a) for the inspection or production of any rejected bal-
lot papers in the custody of the Commission; or

(b) for the opening of a sealed packet of counterfoils
and certificates as to the employment on duty on the
poll or the inspection of any counted ballot papers
in his custody may be made by the High Court
(whether sitting as an election court or not) if satis-
fied by evidence on oath that the Order is required
for the purpose of instituting or maintaining a pros-
ecution for an offence in relation to ballot papers, or
for the purpose of an election petition.

(2) An order for the opening of a sealed packet of counterfoils
and certificates or for the inspection of any counted ballot pa-
pers in the said custody may be made by an election court.

(3) An Order made under this rule may be made subject to
such conditions as to persons, time, place and mode of inspec-
tion, production or opening as the court making the order may
think expedient:

Provided that in making and carrying into effect an order for the
opening of a packet of counterfoils and certificates or for the
inspection of counted ballot papers, care shall be taken that the
way in which the vote of any particular elector has been given
shall not be disclosed until it has been proved that his vote was
given and that the vote has been declared by a competent court
to be invalid.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 39 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(4) Any power given under this rule to the High Court may be
exerciszd by any judge of the Court otherwise than in open court,

(5) Where an order is made for the production by the Supervi-
sor of Elections of any document in his possession relating to
any specified election, the production by him or his agent of the
document ordered, in such a manner as may be directed by that
order shall be conclusive evidence that the document relates to
the specified election; and any endorsement on any packet of
ballot papers so produced shall beprima facie evidence that the
ballot papers are what they are stated to be by the endorsement.

(6) Save as by this rule provided, no person shall be allowed
to inspect any rejected or counted ballot papers in the posses-
sion of the Commission or to open any sealed packets of
counterfoils and certificates.

71. (1) The Commission shall retain for five years all docu- Rstention of docu-
ments relating to an election forwarded to the Supervisor of Elec- ments

tions in pursuance of these rules by a returning officer, and then,
unless otherwise directed by order of the High Court, shall cause
them to be destroyed.

(2) The said documents, except ballot papers, counterfoils

and certificates as to employment on duty on the day of the poll,
shall be open to public inspection at such time and subject to
such conditions as may be prescribed by the Commission.

(3) The Supervisor of Elections shall on request, supply cop-
ies of or extracts from the documents open to public inspection
on payment of such fees and subject to any conditions as may
be sanctioned by the Commission.

72. These rules may be cited as the Election Rules.



Note- The forms contained in this Appendix may be adapted
so far as circumstances require.

ANTIGUA 40 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


FORM No. 1

Form of Writ for Elections

Representation of the People Act, CAP. 379 (section 30)

Election Rules rules 6 and 7

Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of Antigua and Barbuda and of
Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, to the Returning
Officer for the Constituency,


Whereas by Section 61 (1) of the Constitution it is provided that a general elec-
tion of Members of the House of Representatives shall be held at such time within
three months after dissolution of Parliament as the Governor-General, acting in
accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister, shall appoint:

AND WHEREAS Parliament was dissolved on the ............. day of
.............................. 20. .....

AND WHEREAS the ......... day of .............................. 20 ...... has been appointed as
the date on which the said general election shall be held;

AND WHEREAS the ............. day of ,...... ................................ 2 0 . . has been ap-
pointed as the day for the nomination of candidates to contest the election;

AND WHEREAS the.. ........... day of ,..... ............................... 2 0 has been ap-
pointed as the day upon which, if necessary, the poll shall be taken;

AND WHEREAS the ............ day of , ..................................... 2 0 . . has been appointed
as the on which the writ shall be returned to me.

NOW THEREFORE I, .............................. Governor-Gene of Antigua and Barbuda
command you that, due notice being first given, you do cause election to be made
according to law of a Member to serve in the House of Representatives for the said
Constituency and that you do cause the name of such member when so elected,
whether he be present or absent, to be certified to me on the date above mentioned.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal this.. ....... day
of. ............................. andinthe .............................. YearofOurReign,
and in the Year ofour Lord20 ......


No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 41 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


Label or direction of writ

To the Returning Officer for the .............................. Constituency

A Writ of a new Election of a Member for the said Constituency


...... ................................................... Receive the within Writ on the ..... .day of... .... 20

(Signed) .................................................................
Returning OfJicer.

Certificate endorsed on writ

I hereby certify, that the Member elected for the Constituency in pursuance of the
w i b written writ is ....................................................... of. ................................................

(Signed) ................................................................
Returning Officer.

FORM No. 2

Form of notice of election

Representation of the People Act, CAP-379

Election Rules rule 8

........................ ELECTION FOR THE. CONSTITUENCY

1. An election is to be held of a Member to serve in the House of Representatives
for the said Constituency.

2. Nomination papers may be delivered by the candidate or his proposer or sec-
onder to the returning officer at ........................................... b e e t hours of
8 a.m. and6p.m. onthe ............... day of .......................................................... 20.........

3. Forms of nomination papers may be obtained at the times and place aforesaid.
The returning officer will at the request of any elector prepare for signature a
nomination paper.

4. If the election is contested, the poll will take place on the day of

(Signed) .............................................................
Returning Officer.

ANTIGUA 42 The Representation of the People No. 1 1 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


1. The attention of candidates and electors is draivn to the rules for filling up
nomination papers and other provisions relating to nomination contained in the
Election Rules in the First Schedule to the Representation of the People Act.

2. Every person guilty of a corrupt or illegal practice will, on conviction, be liable
to the penalties imposed by the Representation of the People Act.

3. Electors and their proxies should take note that applications to be treated as an
absent voter and other applications and notices about proxy voting must reach
the registration officer by the day of next, if they are to be effective for this

FORM No. 3.

Form of nomination for parliamentary election

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Election Rules rule 9

Election of a Member to serve in the House of Representatives for the
.............................................. Constituency

We, the undersigned, being electors for the said Constituency, do hereby nomi-
nate the under-mentioned person as a candidate at the said election, and we certify
that to the best of our belief he is qualified for election as a member of the House of



Other names
In full

John Edward



Home address
In fill

St. John's

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 43 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND



1. The attention of candidates and electors is drawn to the rules for filling up
nomination papers and other provisions relating to nomination contained the
Election Rules in the First Schedule to the Representation of the People Act.

2. A person's electoral number is his number in the register to be used at the
election except that before publication of the register his number (if any) in the
electoral lists for that register shall be used

3. An elector may not subscribe more than one nomination paper for the same

FORM No. 4

Consent to Nomination

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Election Rules rule 11

.................. I, .................. .............................. of. .............................. hereby consent to my
nomination as a candidate for election as a member of the House of Representatives

........................................ for the Constituency of

...... ......... ........................................ Witness my hand this day of 20

............................................................. ..................................................................
Signature of Witness. Signature of Candidate.

FORM No. 5

Form of Ballot Paper

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Election Rules rule 22

Form of Front of Ballot Paper

ANTIGUA 44 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.



(William David Jones, of

Form of Back of Ballot Paper


Election for the

Constituency on the ......... day of ........................................ 20 .........

Note: The number on the back of the ballot paper is to correspond with that on the

Directions as to printing the ballot paper

1. Nothing is to be printed on the ballot paper except in accordance with these

2. So far as practicable, the following arrangements shall be observed in the
printing of the ballot paper:

(a) no word shall be printed on the face except the particulars of the candi-

(b) no line shall be printed on the face except the horizontal lines separat-
ing the particulars of the candidates from one another and the vertical

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 45 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


lines separating those particulars from the numbers on the left-hand
side and the spaces on the right where the symbols are placed and
where the vote is to be marked:

(c) the whole space between the top and bottom of the paper shall be
equally divided between the candidates by the lines separating their

3. The surname of each candidate shall in all cases be printed itself in large capitals,
and his full particulars shall be set out below it and shall be printed in ordinary
type except that small capitals shall be used -

(a) if his surname is the same as another candidate's, for his other names;

(b) if his other names are also the same as the other candidate's, either for
his residence or for his description unless each of them is the same as
that of another candidate with the same surname and other names.

4. The specification of the paper used for the printing of the ballot paper shall be
consistent with good election practice.

5. A voters's registration number shall not be written on the counterfoil of the
ballot paper delivered to that voter.

FORM No. 6

Poll Book

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379
Election Rules rule 31 (3)

Particulars of voters

* When a ballot paper is put into the ballot box insert word "voted"

ANTIGUA 46 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


FORM No. 7.

Form of directions for guidance of voters in voting

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379.

Election Rules rule 31(4)

1. The voter should see that the ballot paper, before it is handed to him, is
stamped with the ofiicial mark.

2. The voter will go into one of the conlpartn~ents and, with the instrument
provided in the compartment, place a cross on the right-hand side of the ballot
paper, opposite the name of the candidate for whom he votes, thus "X".

3. The voter will then fold the ballot paper so as to show the official mark on the
back, and leaving the compartment will, without showing the front of the paper to
any person, show the official mark on the back to the presiding officer, and then, in
the presence of the presiding officer, having first immersed such digit as the presid-
ing officer shall direct in the appropriate electoral ink, put the paper into the ballot
box, and forthwith leave the polling station.

4. If the voter inadvertently spoils a ballot paper he can return it to the officer,
who will, if satisfied of such inadvertence, give him another paper.

5. If the voter votes for more than one candidate, or places any mark on the paper
by which he may afterwards be identified, his ballot paper will be void, and will not
be counted.

6 . If a voter fraudulently takes a ballot paper out of the station or fraudulently
puts into the ballot box any paper other than the one given to him by the officer, he
will conunit an offence and liable on conviction to the penalties laid down by law.

FORM No. 8

Form of declaration to be made by the companion of a blind voter at an

election Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Election Rules rule 50 (5) (a)

I A.B., of ........................................ having been requested to assist C.D. whose
number on the register is ........................ to record his vote at the election now being
held in this Constituency, hereby declare that (I am entitled to vote as an elector at

NO. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 47 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


the said election) (I am the ............................................. of the said voter and have
attained the age of eighteen years), and that I have not previously assisted any
blind person to vote at the said election.

(Signed) A.B. ......................................................... y of. ................................... 20.. .......

I, the undersigned, being the presiding officer for the polling station for the
Constituency, hereby certify that the above declaration, having been first read to
the above-named declarant, was signed by the declarant in my presence.

(Signed) G.H. .................................................... y of. ................................... ..20 .........

NOTE If the personmalung the above declaration knowingly and wilfully makes
therein a statement false in a material particular, he will be committing an offence.

Application for Transfer of Vote

Representation of the People Act, CAP. 379

Election Rules rule 39 (3)
Election in the


I, (Surname) ............................................................................................................................
(Block Letters)

...................................................................................................................... (Other Names)
(Block Letters)

am registered as an elector in the register for elections for (address in fill in block

ANTIGUA 48 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


................... I have been assigned as an election officer* (state particular task) 1
polling agent* at ......................... polling station in the constituency of. ........................ and
I am unlikely to be able to go to the polling station allotted to me.

I therefore hereby apply to the Returning Officer for the above-mentioned Con-
stituency for a transfer certificate to enable me to vote at the aforesaid polling
station to which I am assigned.

Signature of applicant .........................................................................................................

Date.. ............................................................. .20. ......

* Delete whichever is inapplicable.
Note: This application must be made in person no later than five days before polling.


Transfer Certificate

Representation of the People Act, CAP. 379

Election Rules rule 39(4)

Election in the


.............................................................................................................. I certify that (name)
who is numbered.. ......... .in the register for elections for the constituency named
above, has been assigned as an election officer* (state task).. ....................................... 1

................................................ polling agent* on polling day to polling station
in.. ................................................... .constibenc y .

................................................................................................. Signature
Returning Oficer.

......... ............................................................................................. Date 20

*Delete whichever is inapplicable.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 49 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


Notice to Presiding Officer and Candidates

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Election Rules rule 39(5)

Election in the


Notice is hereby given to:

.......................................................................................... Presiding Officer of polling
station; and to the Candidates contesting the election in this Constituency as
follgwing :. ...............................................................................................................................

that the under-mentioned person, whose name and number listed below, appears in
the register for elections has been issued with a certificate of transfer of his or her

vote to ..................................................................................................... polling station in

.......................................... C o n t i e n c y where he is assigned to work on polling day; .

Name.. .................................................................................................
(Block Letters)

Number.. ...............................................................................................
(In the register for elections)

Signature.. ...........................................................................................
Returning Oficer

ANTIGUA 50 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.



Oath for Election Officers

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379 (section 14)

Election Rules rule 4(1)

"I.. .......................................... of.. ................................................ swear by Ahghty God
that I will perform faithfully the duties imposed on me under the Representation of
the People Act without partiality, favour or affection."

Sworn at ...................................... t h ~ .................... day of .......................................... 2 0 . . ...

Before me,



Affirmation for Election Officers

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379 (section 14)

Election Rules rule 4(1)

"I .................................................. of.. ................................... solemnly and sincerely
declare and a f f m that I will perform faithfully the duties imposed on me under the
Representation of the People Act without partiality, favour or affection."

........ ............................................. ......... Affmed at ............................... thls.. d a y of 20

Before me,


No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 5 1 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND




Part I


1 . These regulations may be cited as the Registration Regula- Citation

2. (1). In these regulations, unless the context otherwise re- Interpretation

(a) "the Act" means the Representation of the People

(b) "proxy" means a person entitled to vote as proxy at
an election; and

(c) "the registration officer" means a registration officer
appointed for a particular constituency.

(2) A reference in these regulations to a regulation shall be
construed as a reference to a regulation contained in these regu-

(3) A reference in these regulations to the record and list of
absent voters and proxies shall be taken as referring to the records
and lists prepared for the elections.

Part I1

3. (1) The register shall be prepared in separate parts for each Registration unit
registration unit in the constituency.

(2) A registration unit shall be such portion or portions of the
constituency as the Commission has declared to be an electoral
district in each constituency.

(3) The Commission may increase or decrease the number of
registration units and may vary the boundaries of any registra-
tion unit.

ANTIGUA 52 The Representatiolz of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(4) The Commission shall establish a central register for
Antigua & Barbuda, which shall consist of the duplicates of the
registration record cards of all persons registered.

Separate letters 4. There shall be prepared a separate letter or letters in the
for registration. register for each registration unit and such letters or letter shall

be deemed to form part of an elector's number in the register.

Order of names. 5. (1) The names in each registration unit shall be arranged in
alphabetical order of surnames of electors and if more than one
elector has the same surname, the names shall be arranged in
alphabetical order of their other names.

(2) The names in the register shall be numbered so far as is
reasonably practicable consecutively; and there shall be a sepa-
rate series of numbers (beginning with the number one) for each
polling district.

(3) Eachname in the register shall be followed by the address,
occupation and gender of the person whose name appears.

Rules respecting 6. (1) The place where a person resides within Antigua and
residency. Barbuda at any material time or during any material period shall

be determined by reference to the facts of the case.

(2) For the purposes of the Act, a person can reside in one
place ordy.

(3) A person resides at the place where that person chooses
to make his home by reason of family or personal relations, or for
other domestic or personal reasons.

(4) kperson who is detained in any institution or hospital by
virtue of any enactment shall not, by reason only of that deten-
tion, be treated as residing there.

(5) The place where a person resides shall not change by
reason only of the fact that the person:

(a) is occasionally or temporarily absent from that place;

(b) is absent from that place for any period because of
his service; or

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 53 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(c) is absent from that place for any period because of
his occupation or employment or that of his spouse;

(d) is absent from that place for any period because he
or his spouse is a student, even if such absence
involves occasional or regular residence at another
place or other places.

( 6 ) A person who is registered in a constituency and moves to
reside in another constituency shall notify, using the prescribed
form, the chief registration officer of his new address and other
relevant information not less than one month after the change of

(7) On receipt of a notice under subsection ( 6 ) the Chief Reg-
istration Officer shall:

(a) Cause the names of the person to be included in the
register for the constituency in which he resides;

(b) Cause the names of the person to be removed from
the register of the constituency in which he was pre-
viously registered.

7. To indicate the manner in which an elector is entitled to Marking of
vote at an election, there shall be placed by such person and at
such time as may be prescribed by the Election Rules, against the
name of any elector on behalf of whom a proxy is entitled to vote
the letter "p" in any copy of the register, or part thereof, provided
for a polling station.

8. (1) . The electors' lists shall be prepared in separate parts for Form of electors'
each registration unit in the constituency. lists.

(2) The electors' lists for a registration unit shall consist of-
List A- a copy of the register in force for the unit; List B- a list of
new electors, that is to say, persons who have applied for regis-
tration as electors in respect of addresses for which they are not
registered in the register in force; and List C- a list to be prepared
by the registration officer of persons who have ceased to be
qualified as electors or whose qualifications have been altered,
that is to say, persons who being registered in 'the register in

ANTIGUA 54 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


force, have ceased to be qualified for registration in such regis-
tration unit:

Provided that in respect of the first list to be prepared with
respect to the re-registration of electors supervised by the Com-
mission after the coming into force of these regulations the fore-
going provisions of this sub-regulation shall not apply and there
shall be one list consisting of the names of electors who have
applied to be placed on the register in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Act:

And further provided that where the area of a registration unit
differs from the area of that unit as constituted for the purposes
of the register in force, the registration unit may be treated as
having the same area as it had for the purposes of the register in

(3) Any person whose name appears upon List A and whose
name does not appear upon List C shall be deemed to have made
due application for registration under the Act and these regula-

Appointment of 9. (1). Every political party that is represented in the House of
scrutineers. Representatives shall be entitled to nominate not more than two

scrutineers in connection with any registration exercise pursu-
ant to section 18 (1) of the Act in every registration unit in each

(2) Every independent member of the House of Representa-
tives shall be entitled to nominate not more than two serutineers
in connection with any registration exercise in every registration
unit in the constituency, which he represents.

(3) Each political party or independent member, as the case
may be, shall appoint its scrutineers and shall, within three days
after the appointment, inform the Chief Registration Officer in
writing of the names of the persons whom it has appointed.

(4) Each political party referred to in sub- regulation (1) and
each independent member in sub-regulation (2) may appoint not
more than two scrutineers to monitor registration of voters at
each place, where continuous registration is designated to take
place pursuant to regulation 28.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 55 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-regulations (I),
(2) and (4) hereof, only one scrutineer appointed by each party
or independent member shall be present when registration is
being undertaken.

10. (1) The duty of each scrutineer is to monitor the registra- Duties of
tion proceedings in the registration unit scrutineer
for which he is appointed.

(2) Every scruhneer appointed may accompany the registration
officer for the registration unit for whlch he is appointed as a
scrutineer during the course of any investigation being conducted
under section 12 (4) and may accompany any person authorized by
the registration officer to conduct such investigation.

(3) No scrutineer shall, when acconipanying any registration
officer, ask any question of or make any remark to any person
upon any premises entered by him with a view to ascertaining or
to influencing the political views of such person or any other
person upon those premises.

(4) Every scruheer who acts in contravention of the foregoing
provision commits an offence and on summary conviction before a
Magistrate is liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.

(5)The registration officer shall inform the scrutineers of the
time and place of commencement of registration each day. In the
event that the registration officer fails to notify the scrutineer
registration shall not proceed. The failure of any scrutineer to be
present at the appointed time shall not prevent the registration
exercise from proceeding.

( 6 ) The Commission shall pay scrutineers such fees as may
be prescribed by the Minister from time to time.

11. (1). The Commission shall, in appointing registration of- Reg~swation
ficers pursuant to section 20 of the Act, ensure that every person
takes an oath or affirmation, in the prescribed form (Forms N/O/OO
in the Annex hereto), to perform faithfully the duties imposed
under the Act without partiality, fear, favour or affection.

(2) The Commission shall not appoint any person who is a
political party official, a Minister of Government, Parliamentary
Secretary, a member of the House of Representatives, a Senator

ANTIGUA 56 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


or a former Parliamentarian who has ceased to be a Parliamentar-
ian for less than ten (10) years or a candidate for election to the
House of Representatives to be an election officer.

(3) The Commission shall not appoint to the office of registra-
tion officer any person who has not completed to the satisfac-
tion of the Commission a course of training in the duties of that

(4) A Political Party official means an executive member of a
political party.

Registration 12. (1). On or after the day fixed for the commencement of
Procedure. registration of electors, every person eligible for registration as

an elector may make an application for registration in the pre-
scribed form (Forms AIAA in the Annex) to the registration of-
ficer of his registration unit in his constituency.

(2) The applicant his signature and date on the
application and produce his birth or baptismal certificate or cer-
tificate of naturalization or passport or dnver's licence contain-
ing his photograph and such other evidentiary document as may
be required by the registration officer to authenticate the state-
ments in the application. Provided that where an applicant is
unable to place his signature on the application he shall place his
thumbprint only.

(3) The official photographer shall takk three copies of photo-
graph of every person at the same time as that person makes an
application for registration and shall attach the photographs to
the application after affixing the official stamp at the back of each
such photograph.

(4) The registration officer shall, subject to duections of the
Commission, conduct investigations and hold inquiries as he thinks
fit to satisfy himself as to the applicant's eligibility or otherwise to
be registered as an elector. For that purpose he may summon wit-
nesses or order the production of any document that he may deem
necessary and receive and record any evidence adduced.

(5 ) (a) Where the registration officer is not satisfied with
the applicant's claim to register as an elector, he shall
issue to that applicant a notice of disallowance in
the prescribed form (Forms BBBBBBB in the An-

No. I 1 of 2002. A e Representation of the People 57 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(b) Where the registration officer disallows an applica-
tion for registration he shall record his reasons for
the disallowance and a statement of his reasons shall
be setout in the notice of disallowance.

(6) (a) Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the
registration officer may within 7 days from the date
of the notice of disallowance deliver to the registra-
tion officer concerned a statement of appeal, to be
heard at the same time as objections made against
the registration of electors.

(b) The registration officer shall maintain a book show-
ing the names, addresses and other particulars of
every applicant whose application for registration
has been disallowed by him.

13. (1) Where the registration officer is satisfied that the ap- M,,,,, ,f
plicani is eligible to be registered he shall cause to be prepared, registion.
in respect of that person:

(a) a registration record card in duplicate in the pre-
scribed form (Form G in the Annex);

(b) an identification card in the prescribed form (Form H
in the Annex); and

(c) a certificate as to registration in triplicate in the pre-
scribed form (Foml I in the Annex).

(2) The registration officer shall prepare, in respect of every
person whose registration record card has been completed, a
certificate of registration in triplicate, of which the original shall
be in ink and the duplicate and triplicate by means of carbon
paper. The certificate shall state that the applicant's registration
record card has been completed and signed by him.

(3) The registration officer shall retain the original of the cer-
tificate attaching it to the photograph, and shall deliver the dupli-
cate of the certificate to the applicant.

(4) The registration officer shall, as soon as practicable, and in
any case withm seven days after the completion of the applicant's
registration card, forward to the Chief Registration Officer the

ANTIGUA 58 The Representation of the People
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


No. 11 of 2002.

registration record card, the certificate & to registration, and two
copies of the photograph. The Chief Registration Officer may
give instructions to the registration officer as to the manner in
which the documents shall be forwarded to him.

(5) Where a photograph of an applicant has been spoilt or
misplaced, the registration officer may require him to have his
photograph retaken as many times as may be necessary to ob-
tain a satisfactory photograph of that person.

(6) The Chief Registration Officer shall, on receipt of the reg-
istration record card, copies of the photograph and the certifi-
cate as to registration in respect of any person:

(a) cause copies of the photograph of the applicant to
be attached to the original and duplicate of the regis-
tration record card of that person;

(b) return the original of the registration record card to
the registration officer.

(7) The registration officer shall file the registration record cards
of electors in the registration units in a binder designed for that
purpose. The Commission may specify the manner in which the
registration record cards may be filed.

(8) The Chief Registration Officer shall place in an alphabetical
or numerical series or a combined alphabetical and numerical
series the duplicate of the registration record cards received by
him from the registration officers.

Publication of 14. (1). The registration officer shall publish the electors' lists
electoral lists by -

(a) making a copy thereof available for inspection at his
office and by posting it at a place in the constitu-
ency to which the public have access;

(b) as soon as practicable making copies of the part of
the electors' lists relating to each electoral district
available for inspection at such places to which the
public have access in or near that electoral district;

No. 1 1 of 2002. The Representation of the People 59 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(cj publishing a notice ( to be combined with the notice
of claims and objections referred to in regulation 15)
specifying the said place or places.

(2) The electors' lists shall be published on or before the 15th
day after the last day for applications for registration under the
provisions of subsections 18(1) of the Act, and shall be kept
published until the publication of the register prepared from those

(3) S~pplementa,~ lists shall be published pursuant to sub-
regulation 28(5) by the Commission under section 18(2) of the

15. The registration officer shall at the time of publishing the Notice of claims &
electors' lists publish a notice in the prescribed form (Forms EIEE objections
in the Annex) specifying the manner in which and the time within
which claims and objections in respect of electors' lists may be

16. A claim or objection in respect of the ele~iors' lists or Time for making
supplementary lists of electors, which is delivered to the regis- c i a i m p etc.
tration officer or the Chief Registration Officer, as the case may
be, after the 3 1 st day after the last day for application for registra-
tion under the provisions of subsections 18 (1) of the Act shall be
disregarded: Provided that an objection to a claim shall not be
disregarded if it is delivered to the registration officer within
three days after the claim has been entered in the list of claims

17. (1) A claim shall be in the prescribed form (Forms CICC in Form of claims and
the Annex) and may be made by a person on his own behalf or by objection.
any registered elector in that constituency on his behalf.

(2) An objection shall be in the prescribed form (Forms D/DD
in the Annex) and may be made by any person eligible to apply to
be registered for that constituency.

(3) Claims and objections shall be made available for puBlic
inspection in the registration officer's office until completion of
the hearing of clairns and objections.

18. (1) The registration officer shall keep separate lists of Disposal of claims
claims and objections and shall on receipt of a claim or objection, etC.
forthwith enter in the appropriate list the name and qualifying

ANTIGUA 60 The Representation of the People
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


No. 11 of 2002.

address and description of the claimant or the person in respect
of whom the objection is made.

(2) If the registration officer is of the opinion -

(a) that the particulars given in a claim or objection are
insufficient, he may ask for further information and
the claimant or objector as the case may be shall
provide the information within seven (7) days. If the
information is not provided within the time specified
the Registration Officer shall dismiss the claim;

(b) that a claim may be allowed without a hearing, he
may allow the claim, provided that no objection is
made thereto, and shall so inform the person making
the claim,

(c) that the objector is not entitled to object, he may
disallow the objection and shall so inform the objec-

(d) that a claim or objection cannot be allowed be-
cause -

(i) the matter has not been concluded by the de-
cision of a court, or

(hi) the particulars given ina claim or objection do
not entitle the claimant or objector to succeed,
he may send to the person making the claim or
objection a notice stating his opinion and the
grounds thereof and that he intends to disal-
low the claim or objection unless that person
gives him n~tice within three days from the
date of delivery of the first mentioned notice
that he wishes the claim or objection to be
heard and, if he receives no such notice within
the said time, he may disallow the claim or

(3) The registration officer, shall, unless he allows the claim or
disallows the objection under sub-regulation (2) hereof, send a
notice (Form F in the Annex), in the case of a claim, to the person
making the claim, and in the case of an objection, to the objector

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People b1 A N ~ ~ G U A
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


and the person objected to, stating the time and place at which
he proposes to hear the claim or objection; and the notice sent a
person objected to shall also state the name and address of the
objector and the grounds of the objection.

(4) The registration officer shall make available for inspection
at his office until completion of the hearing of claims and objec-
tions the lists of claims and objections.

19. The registration officer shall hear and determine all claims Hearing claims &
and objections and make the necessary alterations to the elec- objections.
tors' lists.

20. (1) The registration officer shall give notice in the Gazette Procedure at
of the time and place where claims and objections will be heard. hearings.
The notice shall be published in one or more of the newspapers
published or circulating in Antigua & Barbuda, and by posting it
on the outer doors of the Court House, Treasury, post offices
and police stations in Antigua & Barbuda, and such other places
within the constituency as he thinks best suited so that the no-
tice may be brought to the attention of the public.

(2) On the hearing of a claim, the person making the claim, on
the hearing of an objection, the objector and the person objected
to and, on the hearing of either, any person who appears to the
registration officer to be interested shall be entitled to appear
and be heard.

(3) The right to appear and be heard includes the right to
lodge with the registration officer any written representations
that he may wish.

(4) Any person entitled to appear and be heard may do so
either in person or by counsel or by any other person on his

(5) If the objector appears neither in person nor by counsel,
nor by some person duly authorized by him in that behalf the
objection shall be overruled, and the name of the person ob-
jected to shall be retained in the electors' list for that constitu-

(6) The Registration Officer on the hearing of a claim or objec-
tion may adjourn the same to such time and as often as may be

ANTIGUA 62 TIze Representation of the People No. 1 1 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(7) All hearings shall be held in public.

(8) Any alteration to the electors' lists which is required:

(a) to carry out the revising officer's decision with re-
spect to any claim or objection;

(b) to correct any clerical error; or

(c) to correct any misnomer or inaccurate description,
shall be made by the registration officer.

Appeals to corn- 21. (1) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the registra-
rnlsslon lion officer may appeal to the Commission for a determination of

the matter.

(2) An appeal under sub-rule (1) shall be lodged with the
registration officer within 5 days from the decision by him and he
shall notify the Commission and submit the case, along with a
summary of the evidence placed before him, within 7 days after
receiving the notice of appeal, to the Commission.

(3) The Commission shall, by notice to the appellant, set a
day, being 7 days, or such longer period as the Commission
thinks fit, from the date of the submission of the appeal to the
registration officer, for the hearing of the case.

(4) The appellant may appear before the Commission in per-
son or by counsel or by any other person on his behalf.

(5) The Colllmission shall notify the appellant of the deterrni-
nation of the appeal.

(6) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Commission
may appeal to a judge of the High Court in accordance with
regulation 22.

Appeals to High 22. (1) A person desiring to appeal against the decision of the
Court. Commission shall give notice of appeal to the Commission and to

the opposite party (if any) when the decision is given, or within
seven days thereafter, specifying the grounds of appeal.

(2) The Commission shall within twenty-one days file any
such notice in the High Court without fee or stamp duty together

No. 11 of 2002. i%e Representation of the People 63 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


in each case with a statement of the material facts which in the
view of the Qmmission have been established in the case and of
the Commission's decision upon the whole case and on any
point which may be specified as a ground of appeal.

(3) Where it appears to the Commission that any notices of
appeal given to the Commission are based on similar grounds,
the Commission shall inform the High Court of the fact for the
purposes of enabling the Court (if it thinks fit) to consolidate the
appeals or select a case as a test case.

(4) The hearing of such appea. shall be heard as nearly as
possible in the same manner as appeals from the Magistrate's
Court save that the matter shall be heard by a single judge.

23. (1) The Chairman of Commission shall, after the claims and Certification of
objections have been disposed of by the Commission and the register.
alterations have been made to the electors' lists of the polling
divisions of each constituency, sign and certify such lists and
cause them to be printed and bound separately -in respect of each

(2) The certified lists shall be deemed to be the Register of
Electors for the respective constituencies and shall remain in
force until the next lists of electors have been prepared and cer-
tified in accordance with the provisions of the Act and these

(3) The Commission shall keep a copy of the certified Register
of Electors of all the constituencies and shall transmit one certi-
fied copy to the returning officer for the constituency to which it

(4) If as a result of an appeal from a decision of the Commis-
sion, or for other sufficient cause, the insertion of any name in
the Register of Electors or the deletion of any name therefrom
shall be necessary, such insertion or deletion shall be made by
the Commission who shall number any name inserted with the
same number as the preceding name followed by a letter or let-

24. (1) The Commission shall make a copy of the register Publication of
available to each registration officer for publication at his office register.
and by making copies of the part of the register relating to each



Free copies of

Sale of register.


64 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
(Amendment) Act 2002.

electoral district available for inspection as soon as practicable
at the place at which copies of the part of the electors' lists
relating to that electoral district have been made available for

(2) The register shall be kept published until the coming into
force ofthe next register.

25. The registration officer shall on request supply without
fee -

(a) four copies of the register for the coiwthmq and
four copies of lists B and C of electors' lists thereof,
so long as the lists are kept published, to any person
whisatisfies the registration officer that he requires
them for use in connection with his own or some
other person's prospective cddatuFe at an elec-
tion for that constituency: Provided that not more
than one person in respect of the same c W t u r e
shall be so supplied, and

(b) two copies of the register for the comtituency to
each candidate at an e l d o n for that constituency
and two to the returning officer.

26. The registration officer shall supply to any person copies
of any part or parts of the register in force or of aay ekton' lists
there for so long as there are sufficient copies available after
allowing for the number which m ~ y be reqartcd for the purpcrses
of any election (including the puqxms of regulation 25) on pay-
ment of such fee per copy as may be determid by the Co~lrmis-

27. (1) An identification card bwuing €lm #saxat, tbtiedbirlh,
address, occupation, gender, photograph,
nature where the applicant made his dgsta&
pursuant to section 26 of the Act,
tion of his registration. Provided
able to place his signature on the application he sButfl p&~@
thumbprint only.

(2) The recipient ofthe i d e n t i f i h
cate registration certificate M place his
fore handing it to the perscm delivering the idcnfii3@im Qp& Zf

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 65 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


the prospective recipient refuses or otherwise fails to sign or
place his thumbprint on the duplicate registration'certificate, the
person delivering the identification card shall not deliver it to

(3) Any peason who loses his identification card or whose
identification card is rendered unusable, may apply, in t;he pre-
s c n i d form (Form J in the Annex), to the,kgistration Officer for
the constituency is which he resides, for a substitute document,
that is to say a special identification card, approved by the . .

(4) Wherc an application is made under sub- regulation 3 the
registration officer shall if satisfied that the identification card is
lost or has been rendered unusable issue a special identification
card to the applicant upon payment by the applicant of the fees
pre&ibed by the Commission.

(5) Any p m n who steals, defaces, destroys or mutilates an
identification card commits an offence and on con; iction is liable
to a fine not exceeding one thousand doll& or imprisonment for
two months.

(6) An identification card shl l be valid for ten years.

(7) On the expiration of an identification card an elector shall
apply to the Registration Officer for the constituency in which he
resides for a replacement.

28. (1) Continuous registration of electors who are qualified Continuous
under the Act &all take place in accordance with these regula- ~gis t ra t ion.
tim immediately after the publication of the register of electors
pursuant to subsection 18(1) of the Act with respect to the regis-
tration of electors for each constituency consequent on the re-
regismtion ofelectors supervised by the Commission.

(2) (a) Cantinuous regislration shall be undertaken at such
place or places and at the times fixed by the Commis-

(b) Scrutineers appointed by political parties or inde-
pendent members pursuant to sub- regulation 9(4)
shall not intervene in the registration proceedings in

ANTIGUA 66 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


a manner which disrupts the conduct of the continu-
ous registration at the premises of the Commission
or at any other place.

(3) Each applicant for registration under the continuous regis-
tration system shall appear in person with the documents, namely
birth or baptismal certificate, passport or driver's licence con-
taining his photograph or any other document required by the
registration officer to authenticate the statements in the applica-

(4) The Commission shall, .at the end of each month, make
available to every political party represented in the House of
Representatives and to every independent member of that House,
the name and address of each person registered during that

(5) The Commission shall publish the supplementary list of
electors registered under the continuous registration system
monthly and shall cause to be prepared and published as soon
as possible there after and in any case not later than the fifteenth
day of the following month a supplementary list of electors reg-
istered in accordance with the provisions of the Act and these

(6) The procedures applicable to claims and objections made
hereunder are subject to rules 17 to 22.

(7) As soon as claims and objections have been dealt with or
the period for making claims and objections has expired, the
supplementary list shall be included in the revised register.

29. (1) The Commission shall cause the register of electors to
Maintenance of be properly maintained at all times by the timely inclusion of

persons who have registered under the continuous registration

(2) The Commission shall establish procedures to ensure that
deaeased persons, persons who have changed address and per-
sons who have changed their names, through marriage or other-
wise, and persons who have become disqualified, by whatever
means, are removed from the register in a timely manner.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 67 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


30. The registration officer may require any householder or Householders in
person owning or occupying any premises within the area for area.
which he acts or the agent of any such person to give informa-
tion required for the purposes of his registration duties.

31. (1) Where the Commission makes any alterations of poll- Altered polling
ing districts, the Commission may also direct that - districts.

(a) the register in force be adapted to the alteration; and

(b) if the aiteration takes place between the publication
of any electors' lists and the coming into force of
the register prepared from those lists, the form of
that register shall be in accordance with the alter-

(2) Except as otherwise provided by this regulation an alter-
ation of polling districts shall not be effected until the corning
into force of the first register prepared from the electors' Lis$
published after the alteration is made.

32. (1) The registration officer shall, at the same time as he Cormpt etc. prac-
publishes the electors' lists, prepare and publish the corrupt and tices list
illegal practices list (if any) required by section 29K of the Act by
malung acopy thereof available for inspection at the same places
as he makes available copies of the electors' lists or any part

(2) A person named in the corrupt and illegal practices list
may claim to be omitted therefrom and any person may object to
the omission of any person from such list and the regulations
dealing with claims and objections shall apply in the same man-
ner as they apply to a claim or an objection in respect of the
electors' lists.

(3) A claim may be made by a person either on his own behalf
or by another elector in that constituency on his behalf and shall
give particulars of the grounds on which the person concerned
should be omitted, and objection to the omission of any person
shall give the name and address of the objector and the person in
respect of whom the objection is made and the grounds on wbich
such person should be entered in the corrupt and illegal prac-
tices list including particulars of the alleged report of any elec-
tion court.

ANTIGUA 68 The Representation of the People No. 1 1 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(4) The registration off~cer shall make such alterations to the
corrupt and illegal practices list as are required to cany out the
Commission's decision on any claims or objections or to correct
any clerical error, misnomer or inaccurate description.

(5) Where it appears that a person not named in the compt
and illegal practices list should be entered therein, he shall send
to that person a notice that he intends to enter him therein and
shall give him an opportunity within ten days from the date of
such notice of objecting and being heard in accordance with the
provisions of regulation 17,18, 19 and 20, and after the said ten
days he shall make such alteration as seems to him to be neces-

(6)'The registration officer shall publish the revised corrupt
'and illegal practices list (ifany) at the same time as he publishes
the register and in the same manner as he publishes each part of
the register.

(7) The corrupt and ille&,prai$ices list as fust published and
as revised shall be kept published for the same length of ti- as
the register of electors.

Absent voters. 33. ( 1 j ~ n application to be treated as an absent voter shall
be made in the prescribed form (Form K in the h e x ) and shall
be made in person before the returning officer.

(2) An application to be treated as an absent voter shall be
allowed by the returning officer ifthe application is accompanied
by a certificate in the prescribed form (Form L in the h e x )
signed by the Commissioner of Police, Commanding Officer of
Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force, or the Chairman of the
Commission, as the case may be, certifying that the applicant will
by virtue of his official duties be unable to vote in person on

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People ' 69 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


polling day and such certificates shall be retained by the return-
ing o&ex and forwardecl by him to the presiding officer in charge
of the polling station at which the proxy is entitled to vote.

(3) An application to be treated as an absent voter shall be
disregarded for the purposes of an election if it is received by the
returning officer after the third day before the day of the poll at
that election.

34. (1). Subject to the provisic; of this regulation, the record List of absent
and list of absent voters and of proxies appoitlted shall be in the
prescribed form (Form M in the Annex). The letter "p" shall be
p W opposite the naqe of the absent voter in the register of

(2) As soon as the absent voters and proxies list has been
prepared, the returning offlcer shall publish it by making a copy
of it available for inspection at his office.

(3) As soon as practicable after the preparation of the absent
voters' Pad proxies' list, the returning officer shall, on request
and without fee, supply to each candidate a copy of the absent
v o m ' list.

35. An appointment of a proxy shall be valid only for the Validity of proxies.
election immediately following the date on which the proxy is



36. The prescribed forms are such as shall be prescribed by F O ~ S .
regulation. Forms substantially to the like effect may be used for
the purposes stated therein with such variations as the circum-
stances may require.

37. (1) Any application, notice, claim or objection which is Sending notice.
required by these regulations to be made to the registration of-
ficer or returning offlcer or the Commission shall be in wiiting
and sent by post or delivered to his office or to the address
specified by him for the purpose.

ANTIGUA 70 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendmerit) Act 2002.


(2) Where the registration officer or returning officer or Com-
mission is required by these regulations to notify any person,
such notification shall be in writing and may be sent by post or
delivered to the address furnished by that person for the pur-
pose of such notification or of any record, or if there is no such
address, to the last known place of abode of that person or, to his
workplace, if this is known.

Publication of 38. (1) Any failure to publish a document in accordance with
documents. these regulations shall not invalidate the document, but this pro-

vision shall not relieve the appropriate officer fiom any penalty
for such failure.

(2) A document, which is made available for inspection in
pursuance of these regulations, shall be made available during
ordinary business hours.

(3) Where a document is made available for inspection, any
person may make a copy of, or take extracts from, such docu-

Misnomer. 39. No misnomer or inaccurate description of any person or
place in any notice, electors' list, list of claims or objections,
corrupt or illegal practices list, absent voters' and proxies' list,
special list or register shall prejudice the operation of that docu-
ment with respect to that person in any case where the descrip-
tion of the person or place is such as to be commonly under-

Penalties. 40. (1) If any person fails to comply with or gives false infor-
mation in pursuance of any such requirement of the registration
officer as mentioned in regulations 29 and 30 he shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dol-
lars and to imprisonment for three months.

(2) If any person without lawfil authority destroys, mutilates,
defaces or removes any notice published by the registration of-
ficer or Commission in connection with their duties or any copies
of a document which have been made available for inspection in
pursuance of those duties, he shall be liable on summary convic-
tion to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to imprison-
ment not exceeding two months.

No. 1 1 of 2002 Tke Representation of the People : 7 1 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND






Form of Application to be Registered asan Elector

Representation of the People Act

[section 18(1) and regulation 12(1)]

Constituency of

To the Registration Officer

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the following particulars are true and
correct in all respects, and I apply for the franchise to which such particulars make
me eligible:

(1) My full surname is .......................................................................................................
(2) My other names are .....................................................................................................

..................................................................................... (3) My full residential address is
(4) My occupation is. ........ .:. .................................................................................. ......,....

........................ (5) 1 am eighteen years of age or over and was born on the day of
............................................................... at.. .......... ..;.. ....................................................

(6) (a) I am a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda and resident in Antigua and Barbuda
at this date of my application for registration and have been residing in the
above mentioned constituency for one month or longer*.

(b) I am a Commonwealth citizen, other than a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda,
who for a period of three years immediately preceding this my application
for registration, have been resident in Antigua and Barbuda and have
been residing in the above mentioned constituency for one month or
(*Please strike out whichever is inapplicable.)

(7) I have not applied for registration in any other constituency.

Signature of Applicant ........................................................................


Date ......................................................................... 20..........

ANTIGUA 72 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


Form of Application to be Registered as an Elector

Representation of the People Act

[sectidn 18(2) and regulation 12(1)]

Constituency of ..................................................................................................................

To the Chief Registration Officer

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the following particulats are true and
correct in all respects, and I apply for the franchise to which such particulars make
me eligiile:

...................................................................................................... (1) My full surname is
................................................................................................... (2) My other names are..

.................................................................................... (3) My full residential address is.
........................................................................................................ (4) My occupation is

........................... (5) I am eighteen years of age or over and was born on the .day of
..................................................................... at .............................................................

(9 (a) I am a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda and resident in Antigua and Barbuda
at this the date of my application for registration and have been residing in
the abovementioned constituency for one inonth or longer*.

(b) I am a Commonwealth citizen, other than a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda,
who for a period of three years immediately preceding this my application
for registration, have been resident in Antigua and Barbuda and have
been residing in the abovementioned constituency for one month or

(*Please strike out whichever is inapplicable.)

(7) 1 have not applied for registration in any other constituency.

Signature of Applicant ................................................


Date .................................................... .20.. .....

No. 1 1 of 2002. The Representation of the People . 73 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND



Form of Receipt of Application to be Registered as an Elector

(For AdministrativeRequirements only)

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379 section 18(1)

Registration Regulations regulation 12

Constituency of ...................................................................................................................

I, the Registration OfficerIClerk for the above named constituency hereby cer-
tify that I have today received a form of application for registration from

............................. ............................... of in respect of the above-named Constituency.

......... Dated this ....... of ............................................. ..20

Registration OfficerIClerk for the
......................................... Constituency.




Form of Receipt to be Registered as an Elector

(For Administrative Requirements only)

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379 section 18(2).

Registration Regulations regulation 12

Constituency of .....................................................................................................................

I, the Chef Registration OfficerIRegistration QfficerIClerk for Antigua and
Barbuda, hereby cer@ that I have today received a form of application for the

.............................................................. ............................................... registration from of
in respect of the above-named Constituency.

Dated this.. ..... .day of.. ............................................. .20.. ......

Chief Registration oficer/Registration Oficer/Clerk

ANTIGUA 74 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.



Notice of Disallowance

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379.

Registration Regulations regulation 12(6)
Election in the



I, Registration Officer for the above-named Constituency, hereby give notice
............................................................... that I am not satisfied with the application of

....................................................... of (address of applicant) to register as an elector for
the following reasons:

(Give statement of reasons here)

You have the right to appeal this decision in accordance with the Registration
Regulations within seven days from the date of this Notice.

......................................................................... Signature..
Registration Ofleer.

Date.. .................................................................. .20.. .......



Notice of Disallowance

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 12(6)

.......................................................................................... I, hereby gve notice that I,
Chief Registration Officer for Antigua and Barbuda, Registration Officer for
the ........ , ........................................ Constiency am not satisfied with the application

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 7 5 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


(Address) ....................................................................................................................... for
registration as an elector for the following reasons:

(Statement of reasons for disallowance)

You have the right to appeal this decision in accordance with the Registration
Regulations by delivering a statement of appeal to the Commission within seven
days from the date of this notice.

Signature .............................................................................
Chief Registration OfJicer/Registration OfJicer.

Date ................................................................ 20 .........


Form of Claim to be Registered as an Elector

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations (17)

Constituency of
To the Registration Officer

Note: Any false declaration made by a person for the purpose of the claim will
render such person liable to a penalty.


..................................................................................................................... 1. Surname and
title (Mr. Mrs. etc.) (Block Letters)

.......................................................................................................................... Other names
(Block Letters)

2. Full residential address (in Block Letters) of claimant

ANTIGUA 76 The Representation of the People
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


No. 11 of 2002.

3. Give date of birth and place of blrth claimarit.. ...........................................................

4. Is the claimant domiciled in Antigua and Barbuda at the date of making the

(Yes or No). .....................................................................................................................

N.B: only persons born in Antigua and Barbuda need answer this question.

5. Is claimant resident at the said address at the date of making this claim?

(Yes or No). .....................................................................................................................

6. Has the claimant been resident in Antigua and Barbuda for a period of three
years immediately preceding the date of making this claim?

(Yes or No) ..........................................................................................................................

N.B: Only persons born outside Antigua and Barbuda need answer this ques-

7. Has the Claimant been resident at the said address for a period of one (1)
month preceding the date of making this application?

The particulars above are true and correct in all respect. The claimant is a Common-
wealth citizen; and he claims the franchise to which such particulars make him

Signaturelthurnbprint of claimant or person making claim on behalf of claimant:

Address of person making claim (if not the claimant):

Dated ............................................................... .20 .........

No. 1 1 of 2002. The Representation of the People 77 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND



(Continuous Registration)

Form of Claim to be Registered as an Elector

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations (17)

Constituency of ...............................................................................................................

To the Chief Registration Officer/Registration Oficer

Note: Any False declaration made by a person for the purpose of this claim will
render such person liable to a penalty.


surname. ..................................................................................................................................
(Title Mr. Mrs. etc.) (Block Letters)

Other names. ..........................................................................................................................
(Block Letters)

2. Full residential address (in Block Letters) of claimant

3. Give date and place of birth of claimant ......................................................................

4. Is claimant domiciled in Antigua and Barbuda at the date of making thts claim?

........................................................................................................................... (Yes or No)
N.B: Only persons born in Antigua need answer this question.

5. Is the claimant resident at the said address at the date of malung this claim?

(Yes or No) ............................................................................................................................

6. Has the claimant been resident in Antigua and Barbuda for a period of three years
immediately preceding the date of making this claim?

ANTIGUA 78 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


(Yes or No). .....................................................................................................................

N.B: Only persons born outside Antigua and Barbuda need answer this ques-

7. Has the Claimant been resident at h e said address for a period of one (1) month
preceding the date of making this application?

The particulars above are true and correct in all respects. The claimant is a Com-
monwealth citizen; and he claims the franchise to which such particulars make him

Signature of claimant or person making claim on behalf of claimant:

Address ofperson making claim (if not the claimant):


................................................................ ......... Dated 20

Form of Objection to an Entry in the Electors' Lists

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 17(2)

1. Form of objection

To the Registration Officer for the
Constituency of ....................................................................................................................

I hereby give you notice that I object
to the entry o r .....................................................................................................................

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 79 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


as elector ( in accordance with the claim made in that behalf) +

The grounds of my objection are

I am entered in the electors' lists an elector for the above Constituency as
follows + + :-

Signature.. .............................................................................................

Address.. ..............................................................................................

Date ............................................................................................. 200 .

*Here insert extract from printed electors' lists, stating registration unit and name and address
as given in claim.
+ Delete if inapplicable
++ Here insert extract from printed electors' I~sts, stating registration unit.



Form of Objection to an Entry in theElectors' Lists

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 17 (2)

Form of objection

To the Chief Registration Officer for Antigua and Barbuda

I hereby give you notice that I object to the entry of

ANTIGUA 80 The Representation of the People
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


No. 11 of 2002.

as an elector (in accordance with the claim made in that behalf) +

The grounds of my objection are

.......................................................................................................................................... " ..


I an1 entered in the electors' lists as an elector for the above Constituency as
follows + + :-

Signature ...................................................................................

..................................................................................... Address

Date. ................................................................... .20.. ....

* Here insert extract from printed electors' lists, stating registration unit. and name and
address as given in claim.

+ Delete if inapplicable
++ Here insert extract from printed electors' lists, stating registration unit.


Notice as to Making Claims and Objections

For the ................................................ Constituency

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 15

Notice is hereby given that claims and objections w~th respect to the electors'

lists published on .......... day of ..................... .. ............ 20 . . shall be made to the

Registration Officer for the constituency within the period commencing on .......... day

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 8 1 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


of ................................... 20 ......... b e e the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p. m. and ending on

...... ......... day of ........................................ 20

Notice is also given that on the hearing of a claim the person making the claim,
and on the hearing of an objection, the objector and the person objected to, and on
the hearing of either any other person who appears to the Registration Officer to be
interested, shall be entitled to appear and be heard either in person or by any other
person on his behalf or by counsel.

Notice is also given that the right to appear and be heard includes the right to
lodge with the Registration Officer any written representations that he may wish to

Registration Offlcer,
for the said Constituency

- -



Notice as to Making Claims and Objections

For the .................................... Constituency

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 15

Notice is hereby given that all claims and objections to the electors' lists pub-

................... ........ lished on ...... day of .. . . 2 0 h l l be made to the Chief Registra-
......... tion Officer for Antigua and Barbuda during the period commencing on day

of ..................................... .en the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

......... and ending on.. ....... of. ......................................... 20..

Notice is also given that on the hearing of a claim the person making the claim,
and on the hearing of an objectloi~, the objector and the person objected to and on
the hearing of either, any other person who appears to the Chief Registration Of-
ficer to be interested shall be ent~tled to appear and be heard either in person or by
any other person on his behalf or by counsel.

ANTIGUA 82 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


Notice is also given that the right to appear and be heard includes the right to
lodge with the Chief Registration Officer any written representations that he may
wish to make.

Chief Registration Oflcer
For Antigua and Barbuda/
Registration Oficer for the

................................. ...... Constituency

Form of Notice to Persons Objected to

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379
Registration Regulations regulation 18(3)

Constituency of. .................................................................................................................
Name.. ...............................................................................................................................
Address.. ..............................................................................................................................

You are hereby notified that an objection has been made by ........................................
to your name appearing on the Electoral Register for the above-named constituency.

The registration officer will hear this objection on ............................. the ..... .day of
....................................... .m

You should appear either in person or by counsel or by any other person on
your behalf if you intend to refute the objection.

Failure to appear may result in the registration officer allowing the objection.

......................................................................................................... Grounds of objection

A copy of this notice has been forwarded to the objector.

Registration Officer.

Constituency of

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 83 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


Registration Record Card

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 13(l)(a)

Constituency of ..................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................. Surname.

....................................................................................................................... Other names.

........................................................................................................................... Address

......................................................................................................................... Occupation..

......................................................................................................................... Date ofButh

.................................................................................................................................. Gender.

......................................................................................... Photograph.


............................................................................. .......... Date ...;. ...... .20.

ANTIGUA 84 The Rep~.csentntion of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (A~ize~~rirtzent) Act 2002.



Identification Card

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379, (section 26)

Registration Regulations regulations 13 (1) (b) & 27

................................................................................................................... Constituency of

.............................................................................................................................. Surname.

Other names ......................................................................................................................

Address.. ..............................................................................................................................

....................................................................................................................... Date of Blrth.

................................................................................................................................. Gender.

Occupation.. .........................................................................................................................

Photograph.. ........................................................................................


........................................................ Signature~Thumb Print of Voter.

Signature of Registration OfficerIChief Registration Officer*

* Strike out whichever is inapplicable.

NO. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 85 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND



Certificate of Registration

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 13 (i) (c)

Constituency of ................................................................................................................

I cerbfy that (name) .............................................................................................................

of (Address). ........................................................................................................................

has been registered as an elector in the register of electors in the above-named

Signature.. .............................................................................................................................
Registration Ofjcer/Chief Registration Oficer.

Date ........................................................................................... 20 .........


Special Identification Card

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 27(5)

Constituency of. ........................................................................................................................

.............................................................................. Special Identification Card issued to..

(Other names)

ANTIGUA 86 The Rept.esentation of the People
AND (Alizendnerzt) Act 2002


No. 1 1 of 2002.

Address ...............................................................................................................................

Date of Blrth ........................................................................................................................

Gender ..................................................................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................... Occupation

Photograph .......................... : ..........................................................

.................................................. Signature /Thumbprint of applicant

Signature of Registration OfficerIChief Registration Officer *

* Stnke out whichever is inapplicable.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 87 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


rnRM K

Application to be Treated as an Absent Voter

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379 (section 33)

Registration Regulations regulation 33(1)

I, (Surname) .........................................................................................................................
(Block Letters)

.... ................................................................................................................ Other Names.. :.
(Block Letters)

am registered as an elector for - (address in full in block letters)

and I hereby apply to be treated as an absent voter at the coming election in
the .............................. constituency on the. .......... day of. ..................................... .20 .........
because I am likely to be unable to go in person to the polling station allotted to me,
owing to my employment on polling day -

* (i) as a police officer;
* (ii) as a member of the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force; or
*(iii) by the Commission in connection with the election in

........................................ constituency and I hereby apply for (Name of Proxy)

(Address) of ...............................................................................................................

To be appointed proxy to vote for me at the election for the .............................

Constituency on the.. .............. .day of .......................................................... 20.. .......

Signature.. ...................................................................................................................

Date .............................................................................. 20 .........

* Dele~e whichever is inapplicable.
Note: This Application must be accompanied by the certificate of employment (Form H) duly

completed by the appropriate officer.

ANTIGUA 88 The Representation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
AND (Amendment) Act 2002.


Certificate of Employment

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 33(2)

Election in the


............................................................................................................. I cemfy that (name)

who is numbered ............................................... h the register for elections for the

constituency named above, is likely to be unable to go in person to vote as an

elector at the election on (date of poll) by reason of his employment on that date -

*(a) as a police officer;

*(b) as a member of the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force;

*(c) by the Commission for a purpose connected with the election.

Signature ...............................................................
*Returning Oflicer/Commissioner of

Police/Commanding Officer, Antigua
and Barbuda Defence Force.

Date .............................................................. 20 .........

*Delete whichever is inapplicable.

No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 89 ANTIGUA
(Anzenrinzent) Act 2002. A N D



List of absent Voters and Proxies

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379

Registration Regulations regulation 34(1)

............................................................... q...................................
Returning W c e r .

ANTIGUA 90 The Repre~oztation of the People No. 11 of 2002.
A N D (Anzei~(linent) Act 2002



Oath for Registration Officers

Representation of the People Act, Cap. 379 (section 14)

Registration Regulations regulation 1 l(1)

"I ................................... of ........................................ w e a r by Almighty God that I will
perform faithfully the duties imposed on me under the Representation of the People
Act without partiality, favour or affection."

Sworn at this ................... day of ....................................... 20 .........

Before me,


Affirmation for Registration Officers

Representation of the People Act, CAP. 379 (section 14)

Registration Regulations regulation 11 (1)

............................................... "I. ........................................... ..of. solemnly, sincerely, anc
truly declare and a f f m that I will perform faithfully the duties imposed on me undel
the Representation of the People Act without partiality, favour or affection."

Affirmed at.. ......................... , h s . ......... day of. ................................................... ..20.. ......

Before me,


No. 11 of 2002. The Representation of the People 91 ANTIGUA
(Amendment) Act 2002. AND


Passed the House of Representatives Passed the Senate this 15th day
this 19th day of July, 2002. of August, 2002.

B. Harris,

M. Percival,

S. Walker, S. Walker,
Clerk to the House of Representatives. Clerk to the Senate.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Donovan Southwell, Government Printer

-By Authority, 2002.
1000- 10.02 ( Price $33.75 ]