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Produce Protection Act

Published: 1922

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Produce Protection (CAP. 346 1



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. Interpretation. -.
3 . Growers of produce to be licensed.
4. Application for and grant of grower's licence.
5. Growers' Register.
6. Grower's licence to be produced for inspection of Police.
7. Sellers of produce to be licensed.
8. Application for and grant of seller's licence.
9. Sellers' Register.

10. Inspection of seller's licence.
11. Person found upon or coming from land.
12. Questions to be put to person found on land. Power

to apprehend.
13. Penalty.
14. Definition of "produce" may be extended.



(25th September, 1922.) 2011922. 16/ 9
S.I. 3911989.

1. This Act may be cited as the Produce Protection Short title.


2. In this Act- Interpretation.


2 CAP. 346) Produce Protection

"produce" means cacao, maize, coconuts, limes and
wood the growth produce or manufacture of
Antigua and Barbuda.

6 ' cacao" includes growing cacao plants, the growing tree
or any part thereof, cacao pods and cacao beans;

"charcoal" means the residual product obtained by the
dry distillation of stems, branches or roots of trees
under partial exclusion of the air in pits, kilns and

6 6 coconuts" includes growing coconut plants, coconut
trees, or any part thereof, coconuts husked, or
otherwise, coconut oil, copra, coir, or any prepara-
tion or product manufactured therefrom;

"limes" includes limes, the extracted juice of limes and
lime pulp and any preparation or manufactured
product thereof, and any oil or essence derived or
extracted therefrom;

"maize" includes growing maize, or any part thereof
and maize ears husked, or otherwise, maize cobs,
shelled maize, crushed maize, maize meal, and any
preparation or product manufactured therefrom;

( ' onions" includes onion seed, onion slips or sets of the
growing plant in any stage and the bulb whether
mature or otherwise;

t L pineapples" includes growing pineapple plants or any

part thereof (pineapple ratoons, slips, suckers,
crown slips and crown) and the fruit whether
mature or otherwise;

"wood7' means wood of every description the growth
of Antigua and Barbuda.

Growers of 3. Any person who grows any produce in Antigua
produce to be
licensed. and Barbuda without being licensed under the provisions

of this Act so to do, shall be guilty of an offence.


Produce Protection ( C A P . 346 3

4. ( 1 ) Any person who is desirous of obtaining a t:JgJh;;f~r
licence to grow produce shall fill in and sign an application grower's licence.
for such a licence in accordance with Form A in the Schedule
and shall deliver the same to the Officer in charge of the
Police Station of the District wherein the land in respect of
which the application is made is situate.

( 2 ) Such Officer shall upon any such application
transmit the same to an Assistant Superintendent of Police
who shall grant a licence without charge therefor in accord-
ance with Form B in the Schedule.

( 3 ) Such licence shall remain in force for a p e r i d of
twelve months.

5 . The Officer in charge of the Police Station of the Growers'

District wherein the land in respect of which the licence is
granted is situate, shall enter in a Book or Growers'

(a) the situation, description and extent of the land,

( 6 ) the nature of the produce to be grown,

( c ) the name and address of the person to whom
the licence is granted and the date of the grant thereof.

6. Every grower of produce shall on demand produce Grower's licence
to be produced

his grower's licence for the inspection of any member of the for ;,spection of
Police Force or any Local Constable. Police.

7. Any person who sells any produce in Antigua and :;lf:ee.;;f,~;duce
Barbuda, without being licensed under the provisions of this
Act so to do, shall be guilty of an offence.

8. ( 1 ) Any person who is desirous of obtaining a ~ 4 ~ ~ l ~ ~ ; ; f 0 r
licence to sell produce shall fill in and sign an application licence.
for such a licence in accordance with Form C in the Schedule
and shall deliver the same to the Officer in charge of the
Police Station of the District wherein such person resides.

( 2 ) Such Officer shall upon any such application
transmit the same to an Assistant Superintendent of Police
who\ shall grant a licence in accordance with Form D in the


Sellers' Register.

Inspection of
seller's licence.

Person found
upon or coming
from land.

Questions to be
put to person
found on land.
Power to

CAP. 346) Produce Protection

(3) Such licence shall remain in force for a period of
twelve months.

9. The Officer in charge of the Police Station of the
District wherein the person to whom a seller's licence is
granted resides shall enter in a Book or Sellers' Register-

(a) the nature of produce to be sold,

(b) the situation of the place where the produce is
to be sold, or if such is the case, that the seller is an
itinerant vendor,

(6 ) the name and address of the person to whom
the licence is granted.

10. Every seller of produce shall on demand produce
his seller's licence for the inspection of any member of the
Police Force or any Local Constable.

1 . Where any person shall be found upon, or coming
from, any land upon which produce is grown and shall then
and there have in his possession any produce, it shall be
lawful for any person having the right of gathering the same
upon such land, or the occupier of such land or for the servant
of either of them, or for any person acting by the order and
in aid of the said several persons, to demand from the person
so found such produce in his possession, and in case such
person shall not immediately deliver up the same, to take
the same from him for the use of the person entitled to the
produce upon such land.

12. Where any person shall be found on any land
upon which produce is cultivated, it shall be lawful for any
person having the right to such produce upon such land,
or for the occupier of the land, or for any servant of either
of them, or for any person authorized by either of them,
to require the person so found forthwith to quit the land
and also to tell his name and address, and in case such per-
son shall refuse to, or shall give a false name or address,
he shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and may be
detained or apprehended for the purpose of being charged
before a Magistrate.


Produce Protection (CAP. 346 5

13. Any person who is guilty of an offence or who Penalty.
contravenes any of the provisions of this Act shall be liable
on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding two
hundred and fifty dollars for the first offence and to a penalty
not exceeding one thousand dollars on the second or any
subsequent conviction and in either case the Magistrate in
his discretion shall have power to revoke or suspend any
licence granted under this Act.

14. The Minister may at any time add the produce ~~,"d$,";,o~,,
of any industry to the definitions given in section 2, and be extended.
the provisions of this Act shall thereupon apply to t b a m e
as if they had been originally mentioned in this Act.




I hereby apply for the grant to me of a licence to grow produce,
that is to say ....................................................... (fill
in with description of produce to be grown).

The land in respect of which this application is made is com-
prised of ........... acres and is situate at ..........................

Dated the .................... day of .................... 19 .....



6 CAP. 346) Produce Protection


Licence is hereby granted to .....................................
of .................................... to grow produce, that is to say
............................................... (fill in with description of

................ produce to be grown) on acres of land situate at

This licence remains in force until the ........................
day of ...................... 19.. .....

.................... .................... ..... Dated the day of 19

Assistant Superintendent of Police.


I hereby apply for the grant to me of a licence to sell pro- . .
duce, that is to say ....................................... (fill In with
description of produce to be sold) at ................................
(fill in with description of place at which produce is to be sold
or where, if such is the case, state "as an Itinerant Vendor").

Dated the .................... day of .................... 19.. ...



Produce Protection (CAP. 346 7

Licence is hereby granted to .....................................

of ...................................... to sell produce, that is to say
................................... (fill in with description of produce
to be sold) at ............................. . ...... ... . (fill in with
description of place where produce is to be sold, or where, if such
is the case, state "as an Itinerant Vendor").

This licence remains in force until the ........................
day of ........................ 19 .....

Dated the .................... day of .................... 19 ..... --

Assistant Superintendent of Police.