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Prison (Extramural Sentences) Act

Published: 1950

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Prison (Extramural Sentences) (CAP. 342 1



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Persons sentenced to short term may opTfor non-

residential labour in lieu of imprisonment.


(20th December, 1950.) 711950.
S.R.O. 2211956.

1. This Act may be cited as the Prison (Extramural Short title.
Sentences) Act.

2. In this Act- Interpretation. . -
"Court" means the High Court or a Magistrate's I

Court, as the case may be;

"Extramural Prison Officer" means a person appointed
as such by the Governor-General and in default
of such appointment means the Superintendent of
the Prison to which the persons mentioned in . paragraphs (a), (6) and (c) of section 3 would be
liable to be committed by the Court.


2 CAP. 342) Prison (Extramural Sentences)

sentenced to 3. (1) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary any
short term may of the following persons, namely-
opt for non-
residential labour ( a ) any person sentenced by the Court to imprison-
in lieu of
imprisonment. ment for a term not exceeding six months;

( 6 ) any woman convicted of an offence which, in
the opinion of the Court, is not a grave offence;

( c ) any person liable to be committed to prison for
non-payment of a fine or of a sum of money ordered
to be paid in respect of any maintenance, affiliation or
civil proceedings,

may, on the recommendation of the Court, in the discretion
of the Extramural Prison Officer and with the consent of
such person, in lieu of imprisonment, be employed on public
work outside the prison under the supervision and control
of a public authority subject as is hereinafter provided.

In this subsection "public authority" means any
authority having municipal or administrative jurisdiction in
any city, town or village and includes the Public Works

(2) Every such person shall be employed on a daily task
which shall be such as can normally be completed in the
usual working day and at the usual working hours as the
Extramural Prison Officer shall direct and while not so
employed shall not be subject to any prison rules.

(3) Every person employed on such labour as aforesaid
shall be required to report daily during the term of his
sentence to the Extramural Prison Officer or to such person
as the Extramural Prison Officer shall nominate and at such
time and place as he shall direct.

(4) If any such person fails, without reasonable cause
to the satisfaction of the Extramural Prison Officer, to pre-
sent himself at the appointed time and place or absents himself
from his task without permission or works or conducts himself
in a manner which the Extramural Prison Officer shall con-
sider unsatisfactory the Extramural Prison Officer may, after
due warning, order that such person shall undergo the con-
finement to which he is liable, subject nevertheless to a deduc-


Prison (Extramural Sentences) (CAP. 342 3

tion of the number of days on which he has completed his
daily task and he shall thereupon be committed to prison