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Motor Vehicles (Control of Hire) Act

Published: 1962

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Motor Vehicles (Control of Hire) (CAP. 286 1



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Permits to hire required.
4. Regulations.
5. Giving of false information.
6. Penalty.



(1st January, 1962.) 1611961.

1. This Act may be cited as the Motor Vehicles Short
(Control of Hire) Act.

2. In this Act- Interpretation.
< I motor car" means a motor vehicle, other than a motor

lorry the weight of which unladen exceeds three
thousand six hundred pounds;

I L motor lorry" means a motor vehicle constructed or
adapted for the use of and used primarily for the
conveyance or haulage of goods, merchandise or
other loads;


2 CAP. 286) Motor Vehicles (Control of Hire)

"motor vehicle" means any mechanically propelled
vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads;

"the Minister" means the Minister of Government for
the time being charged with the responsibility for
the subject of Public Utilities.

Permits to hire

3. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary con-
Cap. 460. tained in the Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, as amended,

or in any regulations made thereunder, no person shall-

(a) hire a motor car to any other person, or

( 6 ) permit his motor car to be hired to any other
person, or

(c) carry any other person in his motor car in con-
sideration of a sum of money or other reward, or for
the purpose of obtaining thereby some pecuniary benefit,

except under and in accordance with the terms of a permit
issued for the purpose by the Minister.

(2) Any person desiring to obtain the issue to him of
a permit as aforementioned shall make application, in
duplicate, to the Minister through the Commissioner of Police
who shall forward the original application to the Minister.
The Minister on receipt of the application may either refuse
to issue a permit, or may issue or cause to be issued on his
behalf a permit, subject to such conditions as may be pre-
scribed by regulations made under this Act, and to such
further conditions as he may deem fit and proper to have
endorsed thereon. Any person aggrieved, by the refusal of
the Minister to grant him a permit, or by any condition
endorsed on his permit, may, within fourteen days after he
is notified in writing of such refusal, appeal to the Cabinet,
and the decision of the Cabinet in the matter shall be final
and shall not be questioned in any legal proceeding.

(3) Every permit issued under the provisions of this Act
shall expire on the 3 1 st day of December of the year in which
it was issued.

(4) Until other forms are prescribed by regulations made
under the provisions of this Act, the form of application for
a permit shall be as set out in Form A of the Schedule, and


Motor Vehicles (Control of Hire) (CAP. 286 3

the form of permit shall be as set out in Form B of the

(5) Any person who, after the 15th day of January,

( a ) hires a motor car to another person, or

( b ) permits his motor car to be hired to another
person, or

(6) uses his motor car,
in contravention of the provisions of subsection ( 1 ) or in
contravention of any of the conditions of a permit issued
under this section shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.

4. (1) The Cabinet may make regulations pre- Replations.

(a ) the form of permits, or application for a permit,
to be used under this Act,

(6) the fees to be charged for the issue of such

(c) the conditions under and subject to which such
permits may be issued.

(2) Regulations made under this Act may provide for
the imposition of penalties, not exceeding one thousand
dollars, for any breach of the provisions of the said

5 . Any person who wilfully gives any false informa- Giving of false

tion in his application for a permit shall be guilty of an of-
fence against this Act.

6. Any person found guilty of an offence against this Penalty.
Act shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding three thousand dollars, and in addition thereto
in respect of a continuing offence to a fine not exceeding
two hundred and fifty dollars in respect of each day during
which such an offence is continued.


4 CAP. 286) Motor Vehicles (Control of Hire)


Application for permit to hire vehicle under the Motor Vehicles
(Control of Hire) Act

(To be made out in duplicate)


Full name of owner or
other person desiring
a permit for vehicle to
be hired. ................................................

Address ................................................

Registered letter and
identification mark
and number ................................................

Type of vehicle ................................................

Weight for licensing
purposes ................................................

Insured with ................................................

Address ................................................

Number of policy ................................................

Date policy expires ................................................


Signature of Owner


Signature of Person making application


Motor Vehicles (Control of Hire) (CAP. 286 5

Permit to hire vehicle under the Motor Vehicle (Control of Hire)


Name of person to whom
permit issued ................................................

Address ................................................

Date of issue of permit ................................................

Date of expiration of
permit ................................................

Description or type of
vehicle ................................................

Registered identification
mark and number ................................................

Number of vehicle plate ................................................

Weight for licensing
purposes ................................................

Insured with ................................................

Date of expiration of
insurance policy ................................................

The above named person is hereby granted permission under
section 3 of the above-mentioned Act to hire to other persons the
vehicles, particulars of which are herein-above set out.

Signature o f Minister 07 Authorized O f f e r

This permit shall be made out in duplicate. One copy to be
delivered to the person named thereon, the other to be forwarded
to the Commissioner of Police for record.

(To be completed if any fee is prescribed for the issue of the
permit above-mentioned.)

The sum of .................... dollars .................... cents
has been paid for this permit.

......................... Treasury receipt no.

Commissioner of Police
Date ......................