No. 12 of 2002. The Methodist Church (Amendment) 1 ANTIGUA
Act, 2002. AM)
[ L.S. ]
I Assent,
James B. Carlisle,
loth September, 2002.
No. 12 of 2002
AN ACT to amend the Methodist Church Act, Cap. 280.
[ 1 7th October, 2002 ]
ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as
follows -
1. This Act may be cited as the Methodist Church (Amend- Short title.
ment) Act, 2002.
2. The Methodist Church Act, in this Act referred to as the Amendment of
principal Act, is amended in section 2 by the repeal of para- section 2 -
graph (u) and the substitution of the following - Interpretation.
"(u) "local bodies" in relation to the Church or the Par-
ent Church means districts, circuits and societies,
congregations or local churches, or such other lo-
cal bodies as the work of the Church or the Parent
Church may be ordered in for the time being, and
the synods, meetings and other governing bodies
t h a e o y
ANTIGUA 2 l%e Methodist Chumh (Alpensnent) No. 12 of 2002.
AND Act, 200.2.
Amendment of 3. Section 9 of the principal Act is amended as follows -
section 9 -
Contents of Deed
of church Order. (a) by the repeal of paragraphs (i) and (ii) of subsec-
tion (d) and the substiah of the following -
"(d) (i) (in all cases) a resolution gassed by the
Representative Session by the votes of not
less than three-fourths of the members of
that Session present and entitled to vote;
(d) (ii) (in the case of a revocation, alteration or
addition which affects the continuance of
the Nlinisierial Session as a separate body
or the respective powers of the Represen-
tative and Ministerial Sessions) a resolu-
tion passed by the Ministerial Session
meeting separately by the votes of not less
than h - f o u r t h s of the members of that
Session present and entitled to vote."
(b) by the repeal of paragraphs (i) and (ii) of subsec-
tion (Q) and the substitution of the following -
"(e) (i) That so long as the Conference or other
governing assembly of the church consists
sf both a Representative Session and a
Miaisterial Session as described in sub-
section (b)(i) of &as section the power to
unite with any other such church or
organisation shall not be exercisable un-
less the terms and conditions of the pro-
posed union have been approved by such
resolutions and majorities in accordance
in all respects with such formalities as are
presaiboa by paragraphs (i) and (ii) of sub-
section (d) of this section, notwithstand-
ing thrt the provisions of the Deed of
Church Order comsponding to the said
paraga& may have betn revoked or al-
(ii) lJmt so long as thc Conf- or other
~ ~ ~ ~ d t b ~ d o e s n o t
Wdmch buicms as rfoEssaid such
No. 12 of 2002. The Methodist Church (Amendmenl) 3 A T G U A
Act, 2002. AM)
power shall not be exercisable unless the
terms and conditions of the proposed union
have been approved by a resolution of the
Conference or such other governing as-
sembly passed by the votes sfnot less than
three-fourths of the members thereof
present and entitled to vote."
4. Section 24 of the principal Act is amended by the repcd AAnrsndment of
of subsections (a) and (b) and the substitution sfthe foliow- (4 a d
ing - (b) Model Trust.
"(a) It sh l l be lawful for the Foundation Conference,
by resolution in that behalf, or for the Conference,
by resolution in such manner as may for the
time being be required for the alteration of the Deed
of Church Order, to settle and adopt a form of model
trusts (being the Model Trusts) capable of applica-
tion to any lands held or to be held in connection
with the Church or any of its local or ancillary bod-
ies for the purposes of a church, chapel, vestry,
minister's or other dwelling-house, day or Sunday
school, schoolroom, lecture hall, mission hall, or
other building or burial ground.
(b) It shall be lawhl for the Conference, by resolution
passed as aforesaid from time to time to revoke,
alter or add to any of the provisions of the Model
Trusts other than any such provisions embodying
the Doctrinal Standards."
5. The Sixth Schedule of the principal Act is amended by Amendment of
the addition of the following parcels of land - Sixth Schedule.
Lands vested in the Corporation
Short Description of Property Purpose for which property
and Location now used
Land at Hodges Bay Site for Ministers Residence
St. John's Parish
Land at Cassada Gardens Site of Church and
St. John's surrounding lands
ANTIGUA 4 The Methodist Church (Amendment) No. 12 of 2002.
AND Act, 2002.
Passed the House of Representatives Passed the Senate this 15th day
this 29th day of July, 2002. of August, 2002.
B. Harris,
M. Percival,
S. Walker, 9. Walker,
Clerk to the House of Representatives. Clerk to the Senate.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Donovan Southwell, Government Printer
-By Authority, 2002.
80G-10.02 [ Price$2.25 ]