No. 1 of 1998. Law Revision (Miscellaneous) 1 ANTIGUA
(Amendments) Act 1998. AND
[ L.S. ]
I Assent,
James B. Carlisle,
16th March, 1998.
No. 1 of 1998
AN ACT to amend the provisions of certain Acts of Parliament.
[ 19th March, 1998 ]
ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as fol-
lows -
1. This Act may be cited as the Law Revision (Miscellaneous) shoa title.
(Amendments) Act 1998.
2. The Medical Benefits Act is amended as follows - Amendment of the
Medical Benefits
Act, Cap. 271.
(i) by the deletion of section 3 (1) thereof and the
substitution therefor of the following -
(1) There is hereby established ascheme to be called
the Medical Benefits Scheme (hereinafter called
"the Scheme") under which arrangements shall
be made by the Board for the provision of
financial or other assistance towards -
ANTIGUA 2 Law Revision (Miscellaneous) No. 1 of 1998.
AND (Amendments) Act 1998.
(a) the cost of medical benefits to such class
orclassesofpersonsin suchcircumstances
and subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed by regulation;
(b) the construction and maintenance of
hospitals and other medical and health
care facilities approved by the Cabinet;
(c) the supply to hospitals and other medical
and health care clinics and centres of
medical, surgical and dental supplies and
laboratory equipment and apparatus;
(d) the management and administration of
hospitals and health care facilities.
(ii) by the insertion after section 10(4) of the following new
subsection -
"(5) The Board shall, at the request of the
Minister, open such other accounts with a bank
approved by the Minister into wsch funds shall be
placed from the general account for any of the
purposes specikd in section 3 (I)."
(iii) by renumbering of subsection (5) as subsection (6).
Amendment of the 3. The Professions Licensing Act is amended by the insertion
Professions after Part I of the Schedule the following -
Licensing Act Cap
Annual Licence Fee
Where the licence in respect of a person who has been in private
pract~ce for -
(a) 5 years or less
No. 1 of 1998. Law Revision (Miscellaneous) 3 ANTIGUA
(Amendments) Act 1998. AND
(b + Over 5 years but less than 10 years $3,500
(c) 10 years and over $5,000
4. The 3 tamp Act is amended in section 9 as follows - Amendment of the
Stamp Act Cap.
(a) by deleting the proviso thereof;
(b) by inserting the following as subsection (2) -
"(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) and the
Schedule, the Cabinet may, if it considers it in the
public interest so to do, remit in part or in whole the
duties payable under this Act;"
(c, by repealing subsection (3) and substituting the
following -
"(3) The Secretary to the Cabiiet shall, by
Order, publish in the Gazette any remissiongranted
under subsection (2) and upon such publication in
the Gazette the Order shall come into force."
(d) by repealing subsection (4) and the schedule
immediately after subsection (4) and substituting the
following -
"(4) Any remission of stamp duty granted by the
Cabinet before the coming into force of this Act is
hereby declared to be valid for all intents and
(e) by renumbering subsection (2) as subsection (5).
5. The Board of Education Act is amended by the repeal of Amendment of
section 13 and the substitution of the following - Board of Education
Act 1994 (No. 11 of
"13. There shall be charged, levied and collected on the
income of every person to whom this Act applies alev y at the
rate specified in section 14."
ANTIGUA 4 Law Revision (Miscellaneous) No. 1 of 1998.
AND (Amendments) Act 1998.
Amendment of 6. The Customs Duties Act 1993 is amended by the repeal of
customs Duties Act section 8A (1) and the substitution of the following -
1993 (No. 27 of
"(1) For the purposes of regulating solid waste and for
providing effective wastemanagement system, there shall be
levied and collected on ta'%!Aes and aluminum cans of
aerated beverage, ale, malt, beer and stout imported into
Antigua and Barbuda, a waste management &posit levy of
fifty cents (50$) per bottle or can."
Passed the House of Representatives this Passed the Senate this 23rd day of
12th day of February, 1998. February, 1998.
B. Harris,
M. Percival,
S. Walker, S. Walker,
Clerk to the House of Representatives. Clerk to the Senate.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Rupert Charity, Government Printer
-By Authority, 1998.
800 - 3.98 [ Price$2.25 1