Law Library (CAP. 243 1
Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.
2. Establishment of library.
3 . Supreme Court Library taken over.
4. Management.
5. Committee.
6. Committee meetings.
7. Quorum.
8. Chairman.
9. Questions to be decided by a majority of votes.
10. Committee may make regulations.
(5 th December, 1910.) 12/1910.
1. This Act may be cited as the Law Library Act. Short tit'e.
2 . There shall be established a law library to be called &+-,",~~~hment Of
The Antigua and Barbuda Law Library.
3. All the volumes, pamphlets, publications, E!fir"y',:~'ft
documents, and property of all kinds whatsoever which, prior over.
to the passing of Leeward Islands Act No. 6 of 1910, con-
situated "The Supreme Court Library" in the Court House
of St. John's, shall constitute and become "The Antigua and
Barbuda Law Library".
2 CAP. 243) L a w Library
Management. 4. The general management, regulation, and control
of "The Antigua and Barbuda Law Library" shall be vested
in, and exercised by, a Committee of six persons, who shall,
from time to time, from such funds as may be at their disposal
for the purpose, provide for the said Library such text books,
works of reference, reports and legal publications of all kinds
as they may think fit.
Committee. 5. The Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, and the
Registrar, or the persons acting in such offices, shall be ex
oJicio members of the said Committee, and the three remain-
ing members shall be appointed by the Governor-General
for a period of two years.
Committee 6. The Committee shall meet at least once in every
meetings. quarter and at such other times as they think fit.
Quorum. 7. At any Committee meeting three shall form a
Chairman. 8. The Chief Justice shall be Chairman of the Com-
mittee, and, in his absence, the Attorney-General.
Questions to be
decided by a
9. All questions arising at any meeting of the Com-
of mittee shall be decided by a majority of votes, and the Chair-
votes. man shall have an original vote on all questions and a casting
vote, if the votes be equal.
Committee may 10. (1) The Committee may, from time to time,
make regulations. make regulations for the general management, upkeep, and
control of "The Antigua and Barbuda Law Library" as they
may deem fit.
(2) Every regulation made under this section shall be
subject to the approval of the Governor-General who is hereby
given authority to confirm or disallow any such regulation.
(3) Every regulation made under this section shall be
published in the Gazette, and, when so published, shall have
effect as if enacted by this Act.