Hugh Burrowes (Pension) (CAP. 206 1
Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.
2. Power to grant pension and gratuity to
HUGH BURROWES and basis of computation
(23rd February, 1967.) 1811967.
1. This Act may be cited as the HUGH BURROWES short title.
(Pension) Act.
2. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law Power to grant
pension and
relating to the granting of pensions or to the basis to be taken to
for the purpose of computing the amount of an officer's pen- HUGH
BURROWES and sion, there may be granted to HUGH BURROWES, a bas;, of
Magistrate, in respect of his service as Magistrate a grat- computation
thereof. uity and pension under the Pensions Act and it is hereby
declared that for the purpose of computing the amount
of any gratuity, pension or allowance payable hereunder,
HUGH BURROWES shall be deemed at the time of his
retirement to have been the holder of the office of Magistrate
from the commencement of his employment as Magistrate
for a period of ten years and to have been in receipt of the
full pensionable emoluments in respect of that office.
(2) Subject hereto the provisions of the Pensions Act
shall apply to a pension granted hereunder.