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Fugitive Offenders Act

Published: 1971

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Fugitive Offenders (CAP. 185 1



Arrangement of Sections


1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.



3 . Persons liable to be returned.
4. Designated Commonwealth countries and United

Kingdom dependencies.
5. Relevant offences.
6. General restrictions on return.


Authority to proceed.
Arrest for purposes of committal.
Proceedings for committal.
Application for habeas corpus etc.
Order for return to requesting country.
Discharge in case of delay in returning.
Form of warrants and orders.


2 CAP. 185) Fugitive Offenders



16. Restriction upon proceedings for other offences.
17. Return of persons not tried or acquitted.


18. Repeals and transitional provisions.


Fugitive Offenders (CAP. 185 3



1. This Act may be cited as the Fugitive Offenders short title.

2. (1) In this Act the following expressions have the Intevretation.
meanings hereby assigned to them, that is to say-

" country" includes any territory;

"dealt with" means tried or returned or surrendered
to any country or detained with a view to trial or
with a view to such return or surrender;

"designated Commonwealth country" and "United
Kingdom dependency" have the meanings assigned
by section 4 of this Act;

"Governor" in relation to any country other than
Antigua and Barbuda or a country mentioned in
subsection ( 2 ) of this section, means the person or
persons administering the government of that

" imprisonment" includes detention of any description;

" race" includes tribe;

"United Kingdom" includes the Channel Islands and
the Isle of Man.

(2) In this Act references to the Governor shall be

(a) in relation to Brunei as references to the
Government of Brunei;


4 CAP. 185) Fugitive Offenders

( 6 ) in relation to the New Hebrides as references
to Her Majesty's High Commissioner for the Western
Pacific and to the extent that authority to perform func-
tions under any law of that country corresponding with
this Act may be assigned by the High Commissioner
to the Resident Commissioner for the New Hebrides,
to the Resident Commissioner;

(c) In relation to Tonga as references to the Premier
of Tonga.

(3) For the purposes of this Act a person convicted of
an offence in his absence shall be treated as a person accused
of that offence.



Persons liable to
be returned.

3. Subject to the provisions of this Act, a person found
in Antigua and Barbuda who is accused of a relevant offence
in any other country being-

(a) the United Kingdom; or

(6) a Commonwealth country designated for the
purposes of this section under section 4(1) of this Act,
or the Republic of Ireland; or

(c) a United Kingdom dependency as defined by
section 4 (2) of this Act,

or who is alleged to be unlawfully at large after conviction
of such an offence in any such country, may be arrested and
returned to that country as provided by this Act.


4. (1) The Governor-General may by Order designate
countries and for the purposes of section 3 of this Act any country for the
united Kingdom time being mentioned in section 1 (3) of the British Nationali-
U.K. 1948 c. 56. ty Act 1948 (countries having separate citizenship) or any

other country within the Commonwealth; and any country
so designated is in this Act referred to as a designated Com-
monwealth country.

(2) In this Act the expression "United Kingdom
dependency7 means-


Fugitive Offenders (CAP. 185

(a) any colony (not being a colony for whose ex-
ternal relations a country other than the United
Kingdom is responsible); and

(6) any country outside Her Majesty's dominions
(being a country in which Her Majesty has jurisdiction,
or over which She extends protection, in right of Her
Government in the United Kingdom) to which the
Governor-General may by Order apply this subsection,

not being in any case a country which is or forms part of
a country which is a designated Commonwealth country for
the purposes of section 3 of this Act.

(3) The Governor-General may by Order direct that
this Act shall have effect in relation to the return of persons
to, or in relation to persons returned from the United
Kingdom, any designated Commonwealth country, the
Republic of Ireland or United Kingdom dependency sub-
ject to such exceptions, adaptations or modifications as may
be specified in the Order.

(4) For the purposes of any Order under subsection (1)
of this section, any territory for the external relations of which
a Commonwealth country is responsible may be treated as
part of that country or, if the Government of that country
so requests, as a separate country.

5 . (1) For the purposes of this Act an offence of which :;::::
,a person is accused or has been convicted in the United
Kingdom or a designated Commonwealth country or the
Republic of Ireland or a United Kingdom dependency is
a relevant offence if-

(a) in the case of an offence against the law of a
designated Commonwealth country or the Republic of
Ireland, it is an offence which, however described in
that law, falls within any of the descriptions set out in
Part I of the Schedule to this Act, and is punishable
under that law with imprisonment for a term of twelve
months or any greater punishment;

(6) in the case of an offence against the law of the
United Kingdom or a United Kingdom dependency,
it is punishable under that law, on conviction by or


6 CAP. 185) Fugitive Offenders

before a superior court, with imprisonment for a term
of twelve months or any greater punishment; and

(6) in any case, the act or ommission constituting
the offence, or the equivalent act or omission, would
constitute an offence against the law of Antigua and Bar-
buda if it took place within Antigua and Barbuda, or
in the case of an extra-territorial offence, in correspon-
ding circumstances outside Antigua and Barbuda.

(2) In determining for the purposes of this section
whether an offence against the law of a designated Com-
monwealth country or the Republic of Ireland falls within
a description set out in Part I of the Schedule to this Act,
any special intent or state of mind or special circumstances
of aggravation which may be necessary to constitute that
offence under the law shall be disregarded.

(3) The description set out in Part I of the Schedule
to this Act includes in each case offences of attempting or
conspiring to commit, of assisting, counselling or procuring
the commission of or being accessory before or after the fact
to the offences therein described, and of impeding the ap-
prehension or prosecution of persons guilty of those offences.

(4) References in this section to the law of any country
include references to the law of any part of that country.

General 6. (1) A person shall not be returned under this Act
restrictions on
return. to a designated Commonwealth country or the Republic of

Ireland, or committed to or kept in custody for the purposes
of such return, if it appears to the Governor-General to the
court of committal or to the High Court on an application
for habeas corpus-

(a) that the offence of which that person is accused
or was convicted is an offence of a political character;

( b ) that the request for his return (though purpor-
ting to be made on account of a relevant offence) is in
fact made for the purpose of prosecuting or punishing
him on account of his race, religion, nationality or
political opinions; or

(c) that he might, if returned, be prejudiced at his
trial or punished, detained or restricted in his personal


Fugitiue Offenders (CAP. 185 7

liberty by reason of his race, religion nationality or
political opinions.

(2) A person accused of an offence shall not be return-
ed under this Act to any country, or committed to or kept
in custody for the purposes of such return, if it appears as
aforesaid that if charged with that offence in Antigua and
Barbuda he would be entitled to be discharged under any
rule of law relating to previous acquittal or conviction.

(3) A person shall not be returned under this Act to
any country, or committed to or kept in custody for the pur-
poses of such return, unless the provision is made by the
law of that country, or by an arrangement made with that
country, for securing that he will not, unless he has first been
restored or had an opportunity of returning to Antigua and
Barbuda, be dealt with in that country for or in respect of
any offence committed before his return under this Act other

(a) the offence in respect of which his return under
this Act is requested;

(6) any lesser offence proved by the facts proved
before the court of committal; or

( 6 ) any other offence being a relevant offence in
respect of which the Governor-General may consent to
his being so dealt with.

(4) Any such arrangement as is mentioned in subsec-
tion (3) of this section may be an arrangement made for the
particular case or an arrangement of a more general nature;
and for the purposes of that subsection a certificate issued
by or under the authority of the Governor-General confirm-
ing the existence of an arrangement with any country and
stating its terms shall be conclusive evidence of the matters
contained in the certificate.

(5) The reference in this section to an offence of a
political character does not include an offence against the
life or person of the Head of the Commonwealth or any
related offence described in section 5 (3) of this Act.


8 CAP. 185) Fuxitive Offenders


Authority to

7. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act relating
to provisional warrants, a person shall not be dealt with
thereunder except in pursuance of an order of the Governor-
General (in this Act referred to as an authority to proceed),
issued in pursuance of a request made to the Governor-
General by or on behalf of the Government of the United
Kingdom or of the Republic of Ireland or a designated Com-
monwealth country, or the Governor of the United Kingdom
dependency, in which the person to be returned is accused
or was convicted.

(2) There shall be furnished with any request made for
the purposes of this section on behalf of any country-

(a) in the case of a person accused of an offence,
a warrant for his arrest issued in that country;

(6) in the case of a person unlawfully at large after
conviction of an offence, a certificate of the conviction
and sentence in that country, and a statement of the
amount if any of that sentence which has been served,

together (in each case) with particulars of the person whose
return is requested and of the facts upon which and the law
under which he is accused or was convicted, and evidence
sufficient to justify the issue of a warrant for his arrest under
section 8 of this Act.

(3) O n receipt of such a request the Governor-General
may issue an authority to proceed unless it appears to him
that an order for the return of the person concerned could
not lawfully be made, or would not in fact be made, in
accordance with the provisions of this Act.

Arrest for
purposes of

8. (1) A warrant for the arrest of a person accused
committal. of a relevant offence, or alleged to be unlawfully at large

after conviction of such an offence may be issued-

(a) on the receipt of an authority to proceed, by
a District Magistrate in any part of Antigua and

(b) without such an authority, by a District
Magistrate in any part of Antigua and Barbuda upon


Fugitive Offenders (CAP. 185 9

information that the said person is or is believed to be
in or on his way to Antigua and Barbuda,

and any warrant issued by virtue of paragraph (6) above
is in this Act referred to as a provisional warrant.

(2) A warrant of arrest under this section may be issued
upon such evidence as would, in the opinion of the District
Magistrate, authorise the issue of a warrant for the arrest
of a person accused of committing a corresponding offence,
or, as the case may be, of a person alleged to be unlawfully
at large after conviction of an offence, within the jurisdic-
tion of the District Magistrate.

(3) Where a provisional warrant is issued under this
section, the authority by whom it is issued shall forthwith
give notice to the Governor-General and transmit to him
the information and evidence, or certified copies of the
information and evidence, upon which it was issued; and
the Governor-General may in any case, and shall if he decides
not to issue an authority to proceed in respect of the person
to whom the warrant relates, by order cancel the warrant
and, if that person has been arrested thereunder, discharge
him from custody.

(4) A warrant of arrest issued under this section may
be executed in any part of Antigua and Barbuda and may
be so executed by any person to whom it is directed or by
any member of the Royal Antigua Police Force.

(5) Where a warrant is issued under this section for the
arrest of a person accused of an offence of stealing or receiv-
ing stolen property or any other offence in respect of property,
a District Magistrate in any part of Antigua and Barbuda
shall have the like power to issue a warrant to search for
the property as if the offence had been committed within
the jurisdiction of the District Magistrate.

9. (1) A person arrested in pursuance of a warrant Proceedings for
under section 8 of this Act shall (unless previously discharged committd.
under subsection (3) of that section) be brought as soon as
practicable before a court (in this Act referred to as the court
of committal) consisting of a District Magistrate.


10 CAP. 185) Fugitive Offenders

(2) For the purposes of proceedings under this section
a court of committal consisting of a District Magistrate shall
have the like jurisdiction and powers, as nearly as may be,
including power to remand in custody or on bail, as a
magistrate's court acting at a preliminary inquiry.

(3) Where the person arrested is in custody by virtue
of a provisional warrant and no authority to proceed has
been received in respect of him, the court of committal may
fix a reasonable period (of which the court shall give notice
to the Governor-General) after which he will be discharged
from custody unless such an authority has been received.

(4) Where an authority to proceed has been issued in
respect of the person arrested and the court of committal
is satisfied, after hearing any evidence tendered in support
of the request for the return of that person or on behalf of
that person, that the offence to which the authority relates
is a relevant offence and is further satisfied-

(a) where that person is accused of the offence, that
the evidence would be sufficient to warrant his trial for
that offence if it had been committed within the jurisdic-
tion of the court;

( b ) where that person is alleged to be unlawfully
at large after conviction of the offence, that he has been
so convicted and appears to be so at large,

the court shall, unless his committal is prohibited by any
other provision of this Act, commit him to custody to await
his return thereunder; but if the court is not so satisfied or
if the committal of that person is so prohibited, the court
shall discharge him from custody.

Application for
habeas corpus,

10. (1) Where a person is committed to custody under
etc. section 9 of this Act, the court shall inform him in ordinary

language of his right to make an application for habeas corpus
and shall forthwith give notice of the committal to the

(2) A person committed to custody under the said sec-
tion 9 shall not be returned under this Act-


Fugitive Offenders (CAP. 185 11

( a ) in any case, until the expiration of the period
of fifteen days beginning with the day on which the order
for his committal is made;

( b ) if an application for habeas corpus is made in his
case, so long as proceedings on that application are

( 3 ) O n any such application the High Court may,
without prejudice to any other jurisdiction of the court, order
the person committed to be discharged from custody if it
appears to the court that-

( a ) by reason of the trivial nature of the offence
of which he is accused or was convicted; or

( 6 ) by reason of the passage of time since he is
alleged to have committed it or to have become unlaw-
fully at large, as the case may be; or

(c) because the accusation against him is not made
in good faith in the interests of justice,

it would, having regard to all the circumstances, be unjust
or oppressive to return him.

(4) On any such application the High Court may receive
additional evidence relevant to the exercise of the jurisdic-
tion of that Court under section 6 of this Act or under subsec-
tion ( 3 ) of this section.

(5) For the purposes of this section proceedings on an
application for habeas corpus shall be treated as pending until
any appeal in those proceedings to the Court of Appeal is
disposed of; and an appeal shall be treated as disposed of
at the expiration of the time within which the appeal may
be brought or, where leave to appeal is required, within which
the application for leave may be made, if the appeal is not
brought or the application made within that time.

1 . (1) Where a person is committed to await his Etz;:';tgT
return and is not discharged by order of the High Court, ,,,,try.
the Governor-General may by warrant order him to be
returned to the country by which the request for his return
was made unless the return of that person is prohibited, or
prohibited for the time being, by section 6 of this Act or


CAP. 185) Fugitive Offenders

this section, or the Governor-General decides under this sec-
tion to make no such order in his case.

(2) An order shall not be made under this section in
the case of a person who is serving a sentence of imprison-
ment or detention, or is charged with an offence, in Antigua
and Barbuda-

(a) in the case of a person serving such a sentence,
until the sentence has been served;

(6) in the case of a person charged with an offence,
until the charge is disposed of or withdrawn and, if it
results in a sentence of imprisonment (not being a
suspended sentence), until the sentence has been served.

(3) The Governor-General shall not make an order
under this section in the case of any person if it appears to
the Governor-General, on the grounds mentioned in section
10 (3) of this Act, that it would be unjust or oppressive to
return that person, and may decide to make no order under
this section in the case of a person accused or convicted of
an offence in the United Kingdom or a United Kingdom
dependency if he considers, on any such grounds as are men-
tioned in paragraphs (a) to (c ) of section 6 (1) of this Act,
that the order ought not to be made.

(4) The Governor-General may decide to make no order
under this section in the case of a person accused or con-
victed of a relevant offence not punishable with death in
Antigua and Barbuda if that person could be or has been
sentenced to death for that offence in the country by which
the request for his return is made.

(5) The Governor-General may decide to make no order
under this section for the return of a Derson committed in
consequence of a request made on behalf of any country if
another request for his return under this Act or a requisi-

U.K. 1870 c. 52. tion for his surrender under the Extradition Act 1870, has
been made on behalf of another country and it appears to
the Governor-General having regard to all the circumstances
of the case and in particular-

(a) the relative seriousness of the offences in


Fugitive Offenders (CAP. 185 13

(b) the date on which each such request or requisi-
tion was made; and

(c) the nationality or citizenship of the person con-
cerned and his ordinary residence,

that preference should be given to the other request or

(6) Notice of the issue of a warrant under this section
shall forthwith be given to the person to be returned

12. (1) If any person committed to await his return Discharge in case
of delay in

is in custody in Antigua and Barbuda under this Act after .,turning.
the expiration of the following period, that is to say-

(a) in any case, the period of two months beginn-
ing with the first day on which, having regard to sec-
tion 10 (2) of this Act, he could have been returned;

(6) where a warrant for his return has been issued
under section 11 of this Act, the period of one month
beginning with the day on which that warrant was

he may apply to the High Court for his discharge.

(2) If upon any such application the court is satisfied
that reasonable notice of the proposed application has been
given to the Governor-General the court may, unless suffi-
cient cause is shown to the contrary, by order direct the
applicant to be discharged from custody and, if a warrant
for his return has been issued under the said section 1 1, quash
that warrant.

13. ( 1 ) In any proceedings under this Act, including Evidence,
proceedings on an application for habeas corpus in respect of
a person in custody thereunder-

(a) a document duly authenticated, which purports
to set out evidence given on oath in the United Kingdom
or a designated Commonwealth country or the Republic
of Ireland or a United Kingdom dependency shall be
admissible as evidence of the matters stated therein;

(b) a document, duly authenticated, which purports
to have been received in evidence, or to be a copy of



CAP. 185) Fugitive Offenders

a document so received, in any proceeding in any such
country or dependency shall be admissible in evidence;

(c) a document, duly authenticated, which certifies
that a person was convicted on a date specified in the
document of an offence against the law of, or of a part
of, any such country or dependency shall be admissible
as evidence of the fact and date of the conviction.

(2) A document shall be deemed to be duly authen-
ticated for the purposes of this section-

(a) in the case of a document purporting to set out
evidence given as aforesaid, if the document purports
to be certified by a judge, or magistrate or officer in
or of the country or dependency in question to be the
original document containing or recording that evidence
or a true copy of such a document;

( 6 ) in the case of a document which purports to
have been received in evidence as aforesaid or to be a
copy of a document so received, if the document pur-
ports to be certified as aforesaid to have been, or to be
a true copy of a document which has been so received;

(c) in the case of a document which certifies that
a person was convicted as aforesaid, if the document
purports to be certified as aforesaid,

and in any such case the document is authenticated either
by the oath of a witness or by the official seal of one of Her
Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State or of a Minister, of
the designated Commonwealth country or of the Republic
of Ireland or of the Governor or a Minister, Secretary or
other officer administering a department of the Government
of the dependency, as the case may be.

(3) In this section "oath" includes affirmation or
declaration; and nothing in this section shall prejudice the
admission in evidence of any document which is admissible
in evidence apart from this section.

14. (1) Any person remanded or committed to
custody under section 9 of this Act shall be committed to
the like institution as a person charged with an offence before
the court of committal.


Fugitive Offenders (CAP. 185 15

(2) If any person who is in custody by virtue of a warrant
under this Act escapes out of custody, he may be retaken
in any part of Antigua and Barbuda in like manner as a
person escaping from custody under a warrant for his arrest
issued in that part in respect of an offence committed therein.

(3) Where a person, being in custody in any part of
Antigua and Barbuda whether under this Act or otherwise,
is required to be removed in custody under this Act to another
part of Antigua and Barbuda and is so removed by sea or
by air, he shall be deemed to continue in legal custody until
he reaches the place to which he is required to be removed.

(4) A warrant under section 11 of this Act for the return
of any person to any country shall be sufficient authority
for all persons to whom it is directed and all members of
the Royal Antigua Police Force to receive that person, keep
him in custody and convey him into the jurisdiction of that

15. (1) Any warrant or order to be issued or made Form of warrants
and orders.

by the Governor-General under any of the foregoing provi-
sions of this Act shall be given under the hand of the
Governor-General or the Secretary to the Cabinet.

(2) The Governor-General may by Order prescribe the
form of any warrant or order to be issued or made under
the foregoing provisions of this Act.



16. (1) This section applies to any person accused Restriction upon proceedings for
or convicted of an offence under the law of Antigua and other offences.
Barbuda who is returned to Antigua and Barbuda-

( a ) from the United Kingdom, under the Fugitive
Offenders Act 1967; U.K. 1967 C. 68.

(6 ) from any designated Commonwealth country
or from the Republic of Ireland under any law of that
country corresponding with this Act;


16 CAP. 185) Fugitive Offenders

(c) from any United Kingdom dependency, under
U.K. 1967 C. 68. the Fugitive Offenders Act 1967 as extended to that

dependency or under any other law of that dependency
corresponding with this Act.

( 2 ) A person to whom this section applies shall not, dur-
ing the period described in subsection ( 3 ) of this section be
dealt with in Antigua and Barbuda for or in respect of any
offence committed before he was returned to Antigua and
Barbuda other than-

(a) the offence in respect of which he was returned;

( b ) any lesser offence proved by the facts proved
for the purposes of securing his return; or

(c) any other offence in respect of which the
Government of the country or Governor of the
dependency from which he was returned may consent
to his being dealt with.

( 3 ) The period referred to in subsection ( 2 ) of this sec-
tion in relation to a person to whom this section applies is
the period beginning with the day of his arrival in Antigua
and Barbuda on his return as mentioned in subsection ( 1 )
of this section and ending forty-five days after the first subse-
quent day on which he has the opportunity to leave Antigua
and Barbuda.

Return of 17. ( 1 ) This section applies to any person accused
persons not tried
or acquitted. of an offence under the law of Antigua and Barbuda who

is returned to Antigua and Barbuda as mentioned in section
16 (1) of this Act.

(2) If in the case of a person to whom this section
applies, either-

( a ) proceedings against him for the offence for
which he was returned are not begun within the period
of six months beginning with the day of his arrival in
Antigua and Barbuda on being returned; or

Cap. 345.
(b ) on his trial for that offence, he is acquitted or

discharged under section 2 of the Probation of Offenders


Fugitive Offenders (CAP. 185 17

the Governor-General may, if he thinks fit, on the request
of that person, arrange for him to be sent back free of charge
and with as little delay as possible to the country from which
he was returned.


18. (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Repeals and
transitional enactments described in Part I1 of the Schedule to this Act provisions.

are hereby- repealed as respects Antigua and Barbuda to the
extent specified in the third column of that Part.

(2) The repeals effected by subsection (1) of this sec-
tion shall not affect the operation of the Fugitive Offenders 1881 c. 69.
Act 1881 in any case where, before the date on which that
subsection comes into force, a warrant endorsed under sec-
tion 3 of that Act, or a provisional warrant issued under
section 4 of that Act, has been executed in Antigua and

Provided that for the purposes of proceedings under that

(i) in respect of a fugitive from a designated
Commonwealth country or from the Republic
of Ireland, section 6(1) of this Act shall apply
as if-

(a) for the reference to this Act there were
substituted a reference to that Act; and

(6) for references to the court of committal and the
order of committal there were substituted references to
the magistrate before whom that person is brought under
section 5 of that Act and the order of that magistrate;

(ii) in respect of a fugitive from the United
Kingdom or a United Kingdom dependency
the Governor shall have the same discretion
to make no order for return if he considers,
on any such grounds as are mentioned in
paragraphs (a) to (c) of subsection (1) of sec-
tion 6 of this Act that the order ought not to
be made, as he would have under section 11
(3) of this Act in proceedings under this Act.


18 CAP. 185) Fugitive Offenders

(3) Without prejudice to subsection (2) of this section,
this Act applies to offences committed before as well as after
the coming into force of this Act.

SCHEDULE Section 5.


Description of Relevant Offences in Designated
Commonwealth Countries or The Republic

of Ireland

1. Murder of any degree.

2. Manslaughter or culpable homicide.

3. An offence against the law relating to abortion.

4. Maliciously or wilfully wounding or inflicting grievous bodi-
ly harm.

5. Assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

6. Rape.

7. Unlawful sexual intercourse with a female.

8. Indecent assault

9. Procuring or trafficking in, women or young persons for im-
moral purposes.

10. Bigamy.

11. Kidnapping, abduction or false imprisonment, or dealing in

12. Stealing, abandoning, exposing or unlawfully detaining a child.

13. Bribery.

14. Perjury or subornation of perjury or conspiring to defeat the
course of justice.

15. Arson or fire-raising.

16. An offence concerning counterfeit currency.

17. An offence against the law relating to forgery.

18. Stealing, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, fraudulent false
accounting, obtaining property or credit by false


Fupitiue Offenders (CAP. 185 19

pretences, receiving stolen property o r any other offence
in respect of property involving fraud.

19. Burglary, housebreaking or any similar offence.

20. Robbery.

21. Blackmail o r extortion by means of threats o r by abuse of

22. An offence against bankruptcy law or company law.

23. Malicious or wilful damage to property.

24. Acts done with the intention of endangering vehicles, vessels
o r aircraft.

25. An offence against the law relating to dangerous drugs or

26. Piracy

27. Revolt against the authority of the master of a ship or the
commander of an aircraft.

28. Contravention of import o r export prohibitions relating to
precious stones, gold and other precious metals.

29. Genocide, any attempt or conspiracy to commit genocide and
any direct or public incitement to commit genocide.

30. An offence under the H i jacking Act and any attempt to com-
mit such a n offence.


Enactments Repealed as Respects Antigua and Barbuda

Chapter Short Title Extent of Repeal

1881 c. 69 The Fugitive Offenders The whole Act except sec-
Act, 1881. tion 25. In section 25 the

words from and including
"and the provisions of this
Act" down to the end of the

1890 c. 37 The Foreign Jurisdiction In Schedule 1 the entry
Act, 1890. relating to the Fugitive

Offenders Act, 1881.

1915 c. 39 The Fugitive Offenders The whole Act.
(Protected States)
Act, 1915.