No. 7 of 19%. East Caribbean Baptist Mission 1 ANTIGUA
(Incorporation) Act 19%. AND
[ L.S. ]
I Assent,
James B. Carlisle,
29th January, 1997.
No. 7 of 1996
AN ACT for the Incorporation of the East Caribbean Baptist
Mission, to vest certain lands therein and matters incidental
[ 13th February, 1997 ]
WHEREAS there has been constituted a Mission known as
the East Caribbean Baptist Mission consisting of the Central
Baptist Church and all churches hereafter founded by the East
Caribbean Baptist Mission connected in religious fellowship;
AND WHEREAS real property has from time to time been
acquired by and on behalf of the Mission or its constituents and
is now used and occupied by the ministers and agents of the East
Caribbean Baptist Mission for churches, chapels, schools and
mission houses;
Short title.
Execution of
leases, d e n ,
Contracts by
Vesting of property
in Mission.
East Caribbean Baptist Mission No. 7 of 1996.
(Incorporation) Act 19%.
AND WHEREAS lands and hereditaments have been at
different times conveyed in trust for the purposes of the said
Mission or its constituents, or are now beneficially held, used,
occupied or enjoyed for such purposes by the same, or the
officials or members thereof;
AND WHEREAS it is desirable and expedient that the East
Caribbean Baptist Mission shall have the right to acquire, hold,
deal with and dispose of moveable and immovable property in
Antigua and Barbuda for the purposes of the Mission:
ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as
follows -
1. This Act may be cited as the East Caribbean Baptist Mission
(Incorporation) Act 1996.
2. The East Caribbean Baptist Mission is hereby constituted a
body corporate under the name and title of "The East Caribbean
Baptist Mission" with perpetual succession and acommon seal and
with power andauthority by thatname to sueandbe sued, toacquire
and to hold real and personal property for all purposes connected
with the administration of the affairs of the East Caribbean Baptist
Mission in Antigua and Barbudaand with power to sell, mortgage,
&enate, lease, exchange or otherwise dlspose of the said property.
3. All deeds of conveyance or reconveyance, dcxuments by
mortgages, charges, assignments or other deeds and documents
whatsoever and all powers of attorney and all notarial instruments
required to be executed by the said East Caribbean Baptist Mission
shall be deemed sufficien tly executed if sealed with its common seal
and subscribed by the Executive Director or Chairman of the Board
of hectors of the East Caribbean Baptist Mission for the time
being and such execution shall be valid and effectual at law.
4. All real and personal property in Antigua and Barbuda now
held by or vested in any person on behalf of the Centrcd Baptist
Church or the East Caribbean Mission in Antiguaand Barbuda are
hereby aansfmed to and vested in the &t Caibbean Baptist
Mission and its successors for the same estates and interests and to
the extent to which the same were respectively at the time of the
passing of this Act held or vested as aforesaid, subject to the rights,
No. 7 of 1996. East Caribbean Baptist Mission 3 ANTIGUA
(Incorporation) Act 19%. AND
reservations and charges if any, now affecting the same and the
trusts upon which the same are now held, without conveyance,
transfer or assignment.
5. Nothing herein contained shall affect or be deemed to affect Saving.
the rights of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors or any body
politic or corporate or of any other persons except such as are
mentioned in this Act and those claiming by, from or under them.
Passed the House of Representatives Passed the Senate this 19th day of
this 19th day of November, 1996. December, 1996.
B. Harris,
S. Walker,
Clerk to the House of Representatives.
M. Percival,
S. Walker,
Clerk to the Senate.
Printed at the Government Mnting Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Rupert Charity, Government Printer
-By Authority, 1997.
805-2.97 [ Price$l.55 ]