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Dogs Registration and Control Act 2006

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Dogs (CAP. 140 1



Arrangement of Sections


1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.


3. Provision as to dangerous dogs.
4. Furious dogs.
5. Evidence.
6. Application of penalties.


7. Muzzling order.
8. Penalty for permitting unmuzzled dog to be at large
9. Unmuzzled dog may be destroyed.

10. Where owners claim unmuzzled dogs.
11. Permitting dangerous or rabid dog to go at large.
12. Power to make regulations.


Dogs (CAP. 140 3


(29th June, 1896.)




S.I. 3911989.


1. This Act may be cited as the Dogs Act. short title.

2. In this Act- Interpretation.

"dangerous" means savage, vicious or likely to spread
rabies, distemper or any kind of disease.


3. Any Magistrate may take cognizance of a complaint Provision as to
dangerous dogs. that a dog is dangerous or not kept under proper control,

and, if it appear to him that any dog, the subject of any
such complaint made to him, is dangerous or not kept under
proper control, may make an order in a summary way
directing that the dog be kept under proper control by its
owner, or, if dangerous, destroyed; and every person fail-
ing to comply with any such order shall be liable, on summary
conviction, to a penalty of one hundred dollars for every
day during which the default shall have lasted and in default
of such payment to imprisonment for three months.

4. If any dog, either at large in any ~ubl ic road, street, Furious dogs.
alley, thoroughfare, open space or other place, or in charge
of any persons, shall attack, worry or put in fear any person
or any horse or other animal, the owner of such dog shall
be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine of five hundred
dollars or to imprisonment for three months, and the con-
victing Magistrate may, if he think fit, make an order in
a summary way directing that the dog be kept under proper
control by its owner, or, in the case of a second or any sub-
sequent complaint in respect of the same dog, destroyed.


4 CAP. 140) Dogs

~ " i d e n c e . 5 . Every person in whose custody, charge or posses-
sion or in or upon whose house or premises any dog shall
be found or seen shall be deemed for the purposes of this
Part of this Act to keep such dog, unless the contrary be

Applic.ation of 6. (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, every penalties. sum paid by way of penalty under this Act shall be paid
into the Treasury for the use of Antigua and Barbuda.

(2) The Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, order a moiety
of any penalty recovered under this Part of this Act to be
paid to the person by whom the information is laid.


muzzling order. 7. (1) The Minister may, by order published in the
Gazette, direct that all dogs being in or upon any place other
than private premises shall be muzzled.

(2) Such order may relate either to Antigua and
Barbuda or to any part or parts thereof therein named.

penalty for

8. Any person who, in a district in which an order
unmuzzled dog under section 7 is in operation, permits any dog to go at
to be at large. large without being muzzled in the prescribed manner shall

be liable on summary conviction to a fine of five hundred
dollars or to imprisonment for three months.

unmuzzled dog 9. Any dog found in or upon any place other than
may be
destroyed- private premises without being muzzled in the prescribed

manner may be destroyed by any constable or person
authorised in writing by the Commissioner of Police in such
manner and by such means as may be prescribed, after being
kept for not less than three days in a prescribed place of
detention, unless in the opinion of a Veterinary Surgeon it
be in such condition that it ought to be destroyed forthwith.

Where owners
claim unmuzzled

10. (1) Where any dog found at large without being
dogs- muzzled is claimed by the owner, such dog unless it has been

destroyed as hereinbefore provided shall be restored to the
owner upon payment by him of the costs and expenses
attendant on the detention and delivery of such dog to its


Dogs (CAP. 140 5

owner, together with a further sum of one hundred dollars
by way of penalty.

(2) If the owner shall refuse or neglect to pay such costs,
expenses and penalties, such dog may be destroyed forthwith.

1 . (1) Any person who being the owner thereof, Permitting
dangerous or

suffers or permits any savage or vicious dog, which is known rabid dog to go
by him to be such, to go at large without being properly at large-
muzzled, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
of one thousand dollars or to imprisonment for six months.

(2) Any person who, being the owner thereof, suffers
or permits any dog which is known by him to be in a rabid
state to go at large, shall be liable on summary conviction
to a fine of two thousand dollars or to imprisonment for twelve

12. (1) The Minister may make regulations providing Power to make
regulations. for-

(a) the placing of restrictions on dogs during such
period as he may think expedient;

(6 ) the muzzling of dogs;

(c) the detention of dogs in prescribed places, and
the length of the period of such detention;

(6) the manner of conveying dogs to such places,
and the charges to be made for such conveyance;

( e ) the amount to be paid for the keeping of dogs
and for any medicines supplied for their use during

V) the manner and conditions of removing dogs
from places of detention;

(g) the proper supervision of places of detention
and the appointment of persons to see that the provi-
sions of this Act are carried into effect therein;

(h) the manner in which dogs are to be kept in
places of detention;

(9 the conditions under which dogs confined in
places of detention may be killed;


6 CAP. 140) Dogs

Q all other matters and things whatsoever,
including the payment of the expenses which may be
deemed necessary for the better carrying into effect of
the provisions of this Act,

and may attach to the breach of any such regulation a fine
of five hundred dollars or imprisonment for six months.

(2) All regulations made under this section shall be
published in the Gazette and local newspapers,. if any, and
when so published shall have the force and effect of law.

(3) All penalties for the breach of regulations made
under this Act shall be recoverable on summary conviction.