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Cotton Growers Association Act

Published: 1936

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Cotton Growers Association (CAP. 109 1



Arrangement of Sections

1 . Short title.
2 . Interpretation.
3 . Incorporation of the Cotton Growers Association.
4. Property of the Association alone liable for its debts.
5. Powers of Association.
6 . Fines, etc., to be recovered in a summary manner.
7. Disputes to be decided as directed by the rules.
8. Saving rights of the Crown.


(1st October, 1 9 3 6 . ) 1611936.

S.I. 3911989.

1. This Act may be cited as the Cotton Growers Short title.
Association Act.

2. In this Act- Interpretation.

"Association" means the Antigua and Barbuda Cotton
Growers Association incorporated under this Act.

3. The present and all future members of the Associa- :r;s;,"F of
tion shall be and are hereby declared and adjudged to be G ~ ~ , , ~ ,
one body politic and corporate by the name of the Antigua
and Barbuda Cotton Growers Association and by that name


2 CAP. 109) Cotton Growers Association

may have perpetual succession, and shall and may sue and
be sued in all Courts and before all Magistrates, Justices
and others in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, matters
and causes whatsoever and shall and may have a Common
Seal and may alter and vary the same at their pleasure and
by the name aforesaid shall be in law and equity capable
of holding all estate and property real and personal as may
at any time be acquired by or come to the Association in
any manner whatsoever and of selling, mortgaging, charg-
ing or otherwise disposing of or dealing with such property
aforesaid from time to time for the benefit of the Association.

Property of the
Association alone

4. The funds, real estate and effects of the Associa-
liable for its tion shall alone be subject and liable to any charge and
debts. demand against the Association, and no subscriber to the

capital of the Association shall be liable for or charged with
the payment of any debt or demand due from or by the
Association beyond the extent of the aforesaid funds, pro-
perty and effects of the Association.

Powers of

5. The Association shall have fuli power and

(i) to make rules for and concerning the nomina-
tion, election, suspension, removal and
expulsion of members and officers, and the
management, collection and disposal of the
funds, moneys or estate, belonging to the said
Association, and for conducting and regulating
the business affairs and concerns of the
Association and relative to any other matter
or thing whatsoever which may in any way
concern the good government of the Associa-
tion, and from time to time to amend or repeal
the same as may seem proper:

Provided always that no such rules be in
any way repugnant or contrary to Her
Majesty's prerogative royal or to the laws of
Antigua and Barbuda, and the same shall not
in any manner affect any person or persons
other than those who are or may become
members of the Association;


Cotton Growers Association (CAP. 109 3

(ii) to fix and appoint all or any reasonable and
adequate penalties for the non-observance,
non-performance or breach of such rules and
to enforce the due observance thereof;

(iii) to support, contribute to, work in association
with or become a member of any other body
or bodies whether corporate or incorporate
which may be working towards similar objects:

Provided that all such rules made, varied or revoked
by the Association shall not come into operation until
approved by the Minister.

6. All fines, levies, forfeitures and penalties to be Fines? etc.9 to be
recovered in a

incurred by virtue of any order or rule to be made, ordained
and established as aforesaid and all sums of money to become manner.
due to the Association shall be sued for and recovered before
any Magistrate on the complaint of the secretary of the
Association, and every Magistrate is hereby authorized and
required to take cognizance thereof accordingly; and all
penalties incurred under any rule as aforesaid, shall be paid,
after deducting necessary charges, to the treasurer of the
Association for the time being for the use of the Association.

7. Every dispute between any member or members Disputes to be
decided as of the Association or any person claiming through or under directed by the

a member or under the rules of the Association shall be rules.
decided in a manner directed by the rules of the Association
and the decision so made shall be binding and conclusive
on all the parties without appeal.

8. Nothing in this Act declared or expressed shall affect of
the rights of Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs and suc-
cessors, or any body politic or corporate or any person or
persons except such as are mentioned in this Act and those
claiming by, from or under them.