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Civil Service Act

Published: 1985

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Civil Service (CAP. 87 1



Arrangement of Sections



1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.


Establishment and Structure of the Civil Service

3. Establishment of Civil Service.
4. Orders.
5. Increments.

Terms and conditions of employment

6. Tenure of office.
7. Terms of appointment.
8. Resignation.
9. Civil servants and voting.

10. Civil servants and political activities.
11. Civil servants to take oaths.


Termination and summary dismissal

12. Modes of leaving service.
13. Summary dismissal.


2 CAP. 87) Ciuil Service

The Establishment Department

14. Establishment Department.
15. Powers and duties.
16. Consultation with appropriate recognised association.
17. Where no agreement reached on proposals of

18. Department to submit proposals to association for

19. Agreement reached with Department.
20. Disputes to be referred to Special Tribunal.

Special Tribunal

2 1. Special Tribunal established.
22. Awards to be binding on parties for fixed period.


Representation of Civil Servants

23. Definitions.
24. Representation of civil servants.
25. Regulations governing recognition.
26. Civil servant to represent Establishment Department.
27. Association to make rules.



28. Regulations for Civil Service.
29. Procedure for amendment to Second Schedule.
30. Existing Officers.
31. Savings.
32. Penalties.



Civil Service (CAP. 87 3


AN ACT to provide for the establishment and classifica-
tion of the Civil Service, the establishment of procedure for
negotiation and consultation between the Government and
members of the Civil Service, for the settlement of disputes,
for other matters concerning the relationship between the
Government and the Civil Service, and for other matters
connected therewith.

(1st January, 1985.) 2411984.
S.I. 6311986.

S.I. 311989.
S.I. 2111990.

1. This Act may be cited as the Civil Service Act. Short



2. In this Act-
L L allowance" means compensation payable-

(i) in respect of a grade, or in respect of some
office in a grade, by reason of duties of a special
nature, or

(ii) for duties that a civil servant is required to
perform in addition to the duties of his office;

L L appropriate recognised association" means an associa-
tion recognised by the Minister under section 24
as the bargaining body for any class or classes of
civil servants;

"Civil Service" means the Civil Service established
under section 3;

"classification7' means the assignment of an office to
a grade in the Civil Service;


"Commission" means the Public Service Commission
established and constituted under section 99 of the Cap. 23-


4 CAP. 87) Civil Service

"dispute" means any matter respecting civil servants
upon which agreement has not been reached
between the Establishment Department and the
appropriate recognised association and which is
deemed to be a dispute under section 17 or section

"pay" means the rate of pay assigned to an office in
a grade by a Remuneration Order;

' ' remuneration" means pay and allowances;

"Remuneration Order" means an Order made under
section 4;

"Special Tribunal" means the Special Tribunal
established under section 2 1.

Establishment and Struture of the Civil Service
Establishment of
Civil Service. 3. (1) The several public offices in the public service
First Schedule. from time to time set out in the First Schedule are deemed

to constitute the Civil Service of Antigua and Barbuda which
is hereby established for the purposes of this Act.

(2) A public officer who holds a public office in the
public service that by subsection (1) is deemed to be an office
in the Civil Service shall be referred to as a Civil Servant.

(3) The Minister may, from time to time, by order
published in the Gazette, add to, vary or amend the classifica-

First Schedule. tion of offices in the Civil Service set out in the First Schedule.

(4) The classification of offices in the Civil Service set
First Schedule. out in the First Schedule, shall be the basis hereafter for any

Classification Order made under this section.

(5) The classification titles of the offices set out in the
First Schedule. classification of offices in the Civil Service in the First

Schedule shall be observed in all records and communica-
tions of the Commission, the Audit Department, and the
Ministry of Finance and in all departmental estimates and
parliamentary returns and appropriations.


Civil Service (CAP. 87 5

4. (1) The Minister may by Order- Orders.
(a) determine the rates of pay of any office in the Schedule.

Civil Service classified in the First Schedule;

(b) establish the allowances that may be paid in
addition to pay;

(c) give effect to any agreement entered into
between the Chief Establishment Officer on behalf of
the Minister and the appropriate recognised association;

(6) give effect to an award made by the special

(2) Any order made in respect of the matters specified
in paragraphs (a) and ( b ) of subsection (1) is referred to as
a Remuneration Order.

5 . Except where the contrary is otherwise provided Increments.
in a Remuneration Order, increases of pay that may be
granted in respect of any office or any class in accordance
with the Remuneration Order shall be annual but no increase


of pay shall be made in respect of any office in a grade in
which the civil servant performing the duties of such office
has not completed a period of twelve months continuous duty
in such office.

Terms and Conditions of Employment
6. A civil servant shall hold office subject to the pro- Tenure of office.

visions of the Constitution, this Act or any other written law
and, unless some other period of employment is specified,
for an indeterminate period.

7. A person who is appointed to an office in the Civil T;;zn;ient.
Service for a specified period shall cease to be a civil servant
at the expiration of that period.

8. A civil servant who intends to resign his office in Resignation.
the Civil Service shall give such period of notice as may be
prescribed by regulations.


6 CAP. 87) Civil Service

Civil Servants
and voting.

9. A civil servant shall not be debarred from voting
at any election if, under the laws governing that election,
he has the right to vote.

Civil servants
and political

10. (1) A civil servant is disqualified for membership
activities. of the Senate or the House of Representatives, or any local

government body.

( 2 ) A civil servant may not-

( a ) in any public place or in any document or any
other medium of communication whether within
Antigua and Barbuda or not, publish any information
or expressions of opinion on matters of national or
international political controversy;

Cap. 379.
( b ) be a polling agent or counting agent under the

Representation of the People Act or an election agent
or an assistant to an election agent of a Parliamentary
or local government candidate.

(3) The provisions of subsection ( 2 ) ( a ) do not apply-

( a ) where a civil servant is acting in the execution
of his official duties; or

( b ) where the information or opinion is published
in the course of a lecture or address, the subject matter
of which is approved by the Minister to whose Ministry
the civil servant is attached. made or civen at an
educational institution in the bonafide pursuyt of the pro-
fessional or vocational activities of the civil servant; or

( c ) where the information or opinion is expressed
in an article or other literary contribution, the subject
matter of which is approved by the Minister to whose
Ministry the civil servant is attached, to an approved
journal or other periodical or document prepared in pur-
suit of the professional or vocational activities of the civil

(4) In this section "publish" means to communicate
the information or opinion to any other person whether by
word or in writing and includes the broadcasting of word
and pictures by wireless telegraphy, and in relation to any


Civil Service (CAP. 87 7

writing means exhibiting in public or causing to be read or
seen or showing or delivering or causing to be shown or
delivered in order that the writing may be read or seen by
any person.

1 . (1) Every civil servant who is appointed to an Civil servants to
take oaths. office after the commencement of this Act shall take and Third Schedule.

subscribe the oath or affirmation of allegiance set out in the
Third Schedule.

(2) A civil servant who is-

(a) the holder of an office specified in the Second Second Schedule.
Schedule or the secretary to the holder of an office
specified in the Second Schedule;

(b) a member of the staff of the Cabinet Secretariat;

(c) the secretary to a Minister; or

(6) a member of the staff of a service commission
established by the Constitution;

shall take and subscribe the oath or affirmation of office and
of secrecy set out in the Third Schedule. Third Schedule.


Termination and Summary Dismissal

12. The modes by which a civil servant may leave Modes of leaving service.
the Civil Service are as follows-

(a) on dismissal or removal in consequence of
disciplinary proceedings;

(b) on compulsory retirement;

(c) on voluntary retirement;

(6) on retirement for medical reasons;

(e) on resignation;

Cf) on the expiry or other termination of an ap-
pointment for a specified period;

('g) on the abolition of office;


8 CAP. 87) Civil Service


(h) in the case of a civil servant on probation, on
the termination of appointment;

(2) on retirement in the public interest.

13. A civil servant may be summarily dismissed if-
(a) he is absent from Antigua and Barbuda without


(6) he has been adjudged bankrupt;

(c) he has been convicted by a Court of a crime
involving dishonesty or any other crime which, in the
opinion of the Commission, is likely to bring the Civil
Service into disrepute; but the civil servant shall not
be dismissed under the provisions of this paragraph until
the time within which he may be entitled to lodge an
appeal against his conviction has expired and he has
failed to lodge any such appeal.

The Establishment Department

Department. 14. (1) There is hereby established for the purposes

of this Act a department to be called the Establishment
Department, which shall be under the direction and control
of the Minister.

(2) The staff of the Establishment Department shall
comprise of-

(a) the Chief Establishment Officer who shall be
the Head of the Establishment Department; and

(b) such number of civil servants as may be assign-
ed to the Establishment Department.

Powers and

15. (1) The Department shall carry out such duties
as are imposed on it by this Act and in addition shall have
the following duties-

(a) to maintain the classification of the offices in
the Civil Service;

(b) to keep under review the remuneration payable
to civil servants;


Civil Service (CAP. 87 9

(c) to administer any regulations respecting the
Civil Service;

(6) to provide for and establish procedures for con-
sultation and negotiation between the Establishment
Department and an appropriate recognised association
in respect of-

(i) the classification of officers;

(ii) any grievances;

(iii) remuneration; and

(iv) the terms and conditions of employment.

(2) The Minister may from time to time make recom-
mendations with regard to remuneration to be paid to civil

(3) The Minister shall, before making recommendations
for remuneration- under subsection (2)-

(a) consider the requirements of the Civil Service;

( b ) take into account the rates of pay and other
terms and conditions of employment prevailing in
Antigua and Barbuda for similar work outside the civil
service and the relationship of the duties of the various
classes and grades within the civil service.

(4) Prior to formulating any recommendations under
subsection (2), the Minister may require the Establishment
Department to consult with representatives of the appropriate
recognised association with respect to the matters specified
in subsection (l)(c).

16. The Establishment Department shall, from time r;zsz with
to time, consult wth representatives of the appropriate recognised
recognised association with respect to the matters specified association.
in section 15 at the request of such representatives or
whenever in the opinion of the Minister such consultation
is necessary or desirable.

17. Where the Establishment Department consults ~~~~~t
and negotiates with representatives of the appropriate reachedon
recognised association with respect to matters specified in :fS",$z!!zf


10 CAP. 87) Civil Service

section 15 at the request of such representatives, and the
Establishment Department and the appropriate recognised
association are, within twenty-one days of the commence-
ment of such consultation and negotiations, or within such
further period as may be agreed upon, unable to reach agree-
ment on any matters, the Establishment Department or the
appropriate recognised association shall report the matter
on which no agreement has been reached to the Minister;
and on such report being made a dispute shall be deemed
to exist as to such matter.

Department to
submit proposals

18. (1) Where the Establishment Department before
to association for making proposals with respect to matters specified in sec-
approval. tion 15 does not consult with representatives of the ap-

propriate recognised association, the Establishment Depart-
ment shall submit the proposals to the appropriate recognis-
ed association for consideration and agreement.

(2) Where the Establishment Department and the ap-
propriate recognised association are, within twenty-one days
of the submission of the proposals referred to in subsection
(1) or within such further period as may be agreed upon,
unable to reach agreement on any of the matters, the
Establishment Department or the appropriate recognised
association shall report the matter on which no agreement
has been reached to the Minister; and on such report being
made a dispute shall be deemed to exist as to such matter.

reached with

19. (1) Where the Establishment Department and the
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ t . appropriate recognised association reach agreement on any

of the matters specified in section 15 after consultation and
negotiation in accordance wth section 17 or section 18, the
agreement shall be recorded in writing and, with the ap-
proval of the Minister, shall be signed by the Chief Establish-
ment Officer on behalf of the Minister and by a person
designated by the appropriate recognised association on behalf
of the association.

(2) Any agreement recorded and signed in accordance
with subsection (1) shall be binding upon the Government
and the civil servants to whom the agreement relates.


Civi l Service (CAP. 87 1 1

20. ( 1 ) Where a dispute is deemed to exist under sec- Disputes to be
referred to tion 17 or section 1 8 , the Minister shall refer the dispute special Tribunal.

for settlement to the Special Tribunal within twenty-one days
from the date on which the dispute was reported to him.

( 2 ) Where the Minister fails to refer the dispute to the
Special Tribunal within the time specified in subsection ( 1 )
the appropriate recognised association that is a party to the
dispute shall do so within twenty-one days from the date
of the expiration of the time specified in subsection ( 1 ) .

(3) For the purpose of this Act the parties to a dispute
are the Chief Establishment Officer and the appropriate
recognised association of civil servants.


Special Tribunal

2 1. (1) There is established a Special Tribunal which ~ g , i ; ~ ~ ~ ~ l
consists of-

( a ) the President of the Industrial Court who shall
be the Chairman;

(b) a person selected by the Governor-General from
a list of persons supplied by the Chief Establishment
Officer; and

( c ) a person selected by the Governor-General from
a list of persons whose names were at the Governor-
General's request, submitted to him by the appropriate
recognised association.

( 2 ) The Governor-General shall appoint the members
of the Special Tribunal.

(3) The Special Tribunal shall hear and determine any
dispute referred to it under section 20 and shall make an
award on the dispute.

(4) An award made by the Special Tribunal shall be


12 CAP. 87) Civil Service

(5) The Special Tribunal may provide its own procedure
for the hearing and determination of any dispute referred
to it.

(6) All matters brought before the Special Tribunal shall
be determined by a majority of the members thereof.

(7) Every award of the Special Tribunal shall be sign-
ed by the members; and the Chairman shall transmit it to
the Minister for implementation.

(8) In this section, "Industrial Court" means the
Industrial Court established under section 4 of the Industrial

Cap 214. Court Act.

Awards to be
binding on

22. (1) An award made by the Special Tribunal
parties for fixed under section 21 shall be binding on the parties to the dispute
period. and on all civil servants to whom the award relates and shall

continue to be so binding for a period to be specified in the
award, not being more than three years from the date upon
which the award takes effect.

(2) The Special Tribunal may at the request of any of
the parties to an award review such award at any time after
the expiry of the second year from the making of the award.



Representation of Civil Servants
23. In this Part and in section 2-
"class" means the division into which an office is assign-

ed by regulations made by the Minister under sec-
tion 28, and includes any category or categories
of offices assigned to a division;

< < existing association" means the Public Service Associa-
tion and any other trade union recognised as the
bargaining body for any class or classes of public
officers immediately before the commencement of
this Act.

Representation of 24. (1) Subject to any other written law to the con-
civil servants. trary, every existing association may continue to represent

any class or classes of public officers who are civil servants


Civil Service (CAP. 87

and, subject to the provisions of this Act, shall be recog-
nised by the Minister as the appropriate association for the
purpose of consultation and negotiation in respect of any
of the matters specified in section 15 and any other matters
concerning civil servants, other than civil servants who are
holders of offices specified in the Second Schedule.

(2) Civil Servants may form associations, and such
associations shall, subject to this Act and the regulations,
be recognised by the Minister as appropriate associations
for consultation and negotiation in respect of any of the
matters specified in section 15 and any other matters con-
cerning civil servants.

(3) For the purposes of recognition by the Minister, an
association formed pursuant to subsection (2) or, subject to
subsection (I), an existing association, may be representative
of any class or classes of civil servants, but may not be
representatives of any class or classes of civil servants, already
represented by an appropriate recognised association; and
an association formed pursuant to subsection (2) or an
existing association may not admit to its membership a civil
servant who is a member of an appropriate recognised

(4) The Minister shall withdraw recognition from an
appropriate recognised association that fails to comply with
any of the requirements of subsection (3).

(5) An association formed pursuant to subsection (2)
may not be registered as a trade union.

25. The Minister may make regulations setting out
the conditions to be satisfied and the procedure to be adopted
for the recognition by the Minister of existing associations
and of associations formed pursuant to section 24.

26. A civil servant who holds an office specified in
the Second Schedule shall, when so required by this Act or
any regulations or administrative directions, represent the
Establishment Department in any consultation and negotia-
tions with his own recognised association of civil servants
in respect of the matters specified in section 15.

Second Schedule.


Civil servant to
Second Schedule.


14 CAP. 87) Ciuil Service

Association to
make rules.

27. ( 1 ) Every association formed pursuant to section
24(2) and every existing association shall make rules pro-
viding for the good government of the association and for
carrying out the objects of the association, and with respect
to such rules, the following shall have effect:

(a) the rules shall contain provisions in respect of
Fourth Schedule. the several matters mentioned in the Fourth Schedule;

( b ) a copy of the rules and every amendment
thereto shall be delivered by the associaiton to every
civil servant who is a member of that association on
demand or payment of the prescribed sum.

( 2 ) The rules of the association shall be filed with the

(3) Amendments to rules of an association shall be filed
with the Registrar-General and shall have effect from that
date unless some later date is specified from which they shall
have effect.



Regulations for
Civil Service.

28. ( 1 ) The Minister may make regulations prescrib-
ing all matters which are required or permitted to be pre-
scribed, or which are necessary or convenient to be prescrib-
ed, for carrying out or giving effect to this Act, and in par-
ticular for the following namely-

(a) for prescribing the terms and conditions of
employment in the Civil Service;

( b ) for prescribing allowances not being allowances
that may be established by Order under section 4;

(c ) for regulating the hours of attendance of civil
servants and the keeping and signing of records of at-
tendance or for prescribing other methods of recording

(4 for regulating the granting of leave to civil

(e) for regulating the duties and the conduct of civil


Civil Service (CAP. 87 15

(f) for prescribing arrangements and procedures for
providing, assisting in or co-ordinating staff develop-
ment programmes;

e) for regulating generally the terms and condi-
tions of temporary employment;

(h) for prescribing the probationary period on first
appointment and for the reduction of such period in
appropriate cases.

29. The Minister may from time to time by Order ~ ' ~ ; ~ ~ n ~ o
add to, vary or amend the offices specified in the Second second Schedule.

30. A public officer who, immediately before the com- Existing Officers.
ing into operation of this Act, holds or is acting in a public
office that by section 3 is deemed to be an office in the Civil
Service shall continue to hold or act in the like office in the
Civil Service.

3 1. For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared Savings.
that nothing in this Act shall be construed as applying in
relation to any matter for which specific provision is made
in the Constitution in respect of any public officer.

32. (1) Any civil servant who acts, or any person who Penalties.
procures a civil servant to act, in contravention of section
10 is guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary
conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars and
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

(2) A prosecution for the contravention of any provi-
sion of this Act shall not be instituted save by or with the
consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions.


16 C A P . 87) Civil Service

- - - -

FIRST SCHEDULE Sections 3 and 4


Special Grade
Chief Parliamentary Counsel
Director International Business Corporations
Director of Public Prosecutions
Director of Social Security
Medical Adviser to Government
Project Implementation Officer

Grade A1
Chief Establishment Officer
Director of Audit
Industrial and Development Adviser
Permanent Secretary
Secretary to the Cabinet

Grade 4 2
Deputy Financial Secretary
Medical Superintendent of Holberton Hospital

Grade A3
Co-ordinating Officer
Director of Prices and Consumer Affairs
Principal of State College
Senior Research and Industry Officer

Grade A4
Chief Protocol Officer
Deputy Chief Education Officer
Deputy Chief Establishment Offlcer
Deputy Director of Audit
Superintendent of Aerodromes

Grade A5
Co-ordinator of Mathematics Teaching
Curriculum Development Officer
Senior Casualty Officer
Senior Education Officer
Co-ordinator of Science Teaching

Grade A6
Education Planning Officer


Civil Service (CAP. 87 17

House Officer
Medical Officer, (Casualty Department of Holberton Hospital)
Principal Nursing Officer
Training Officer

Grade A7

Grade A8
Administrative Secretary of Health Institutions
Co-ordinator of Agricultural Projects
Headmaster/Headmistress of Secondary School
Inspector of Insurance
Vice-Principal of State College

Grade A9
Clerk to Parliament
Dental Surgeon (with private practice)
Deputy Accountant-General
Deputy Comptroller of Customs
Deputy Commissioner of Inland Revenue
Deputy Labour Commissioner
Director of Sports
District Medical Officer (with private practice)
Establishment Officer
Extension Officer
Hospital Administrator
Manager of Operations (Public Information Department)
Manager of Tourist Department
Matron of Holberton Hospital
Medical Officer for Institutions
Medical Officer (with private practice) Medical Division
Principal Assistant Secretary
Operations Officer
senior Statistician
Superintendent of Medical Benefits Scheme
Superintendent of Public Health Nurses
Veterinary Officer (with private practice)

Grade A10
Head of Department of State College
Personal Aide to Prime Minister
Principal Health Educator
Supervisor of Schools Library Service

Grade A l l
Accountant (Treasury)
Aide-de-camp to the Governor-General


18 CAP. 87) Civil Service

Chief Community Development Officer
Chief Health Inspector
Deputy Director of Social Security
Director of Pharmaceutical Services
Education Officer
Examinations Officer (Education)
Field Auditor
Principal Administrative Officer
~eg i s t ra r of Insurance
Senior Air Traffic Controller
Senior Assistant Secretary
Senior Forecaster
Supervisor of Family Life Education
Superintendent of Prison
Systems Analyst

Grade A12
Principal Tutor, School of Nursing

Grade A13
Chief Officer (Prisons)
Chief of Orderlies and Security Guards
Cultural Development Officer
Deputy Postmaster-General
Specialist Supervisor (Education)

Grade A14
Air Traffic Controller I
Assistant Chief Valuation Officer
Assistant Commissioner of Inland Revenue
Assistant Research and Industry Officer
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Training Officer
Chief Librarian (Public Library)
Registrar of State College

Grade A15
Agricultural Engineer
Agricultural Officer (Plant Protection)
Agricultural Officer (Research)
Assistant Auditor
Assistant Extension Officer
Assistant Government Chemist
Chemical Analyst
Co-ordinator, Industrial Development
Cotton Officer


Civil Service (CAP. 87

Fisheries Officer
Foreign Service Officer (Graduate)
Graduate Assistant (Agriculture)
Lands Officer
Librarian (Graduate)
Livestock Officer
Protocol Research Officer (Graduate)
Research Officer
Scientific Officer
Senior Accounting Officer
Senior Welfare Officer (Graduate)
Standardization Co-ordinator
Superintendent of Mental Hospital
Trade and Industrialization Officer

Grade A16
Chief Medical Laboratory Technologist
Lecturer at State College
Secondary School Assistant (Graduate)

Grade A17
Deputy Matron of Holberton Hospital
Deputy Superintendent of Public Health Nurses
Matron (Charge Nurse) at Mental Hospital
Senior Tutor at State College

Grade A18
Administrative Cadet (Graduate)
Assistant Postmaster
Head Teacher
Housing Executive Officer
Inspector of Customs

Grade A19
Agricultural Assistant I
Assistant Fisheries Officer
Departmental Sister
Dietician at Holberton Hospital
Family Nurse Practitioner
Matron (Charge Nurse) at Fiennes Institute
Night Supervisor (Holberton Hospital)
Nurse Anaesthetist
Nurse Epidemiologist
Pharmaceutical Accounting Officer
Protocol Officer
Registrar of Co-operatives


Civil Service

Senior Price Control Officer
Sister Tutor (Holberton Hospital)

Grade A20
Handicraft Organiser
Liquid Waste and Complaints Officer
Meat and Other Foods Inspector
Port Health Inspector
Principal of Boy's Training School
Slaughterhouse Supervisor
Specialist Teacher
Teacher in Charge (School of the Deaf)
Teacher in Charge (Adele School)
Tutor at State College

Grade A21
Senior Employment Officer, (Labour Division)
Senior Labour Inspections Officer
Senior Labour Relations Officer
Senior Labour Statistical Officer

Grade A22
Health Educator
Principal Prison Officer
School Dental Auxilary

Grade A23
Accounting Officer I
Air Traffic Controller I1
Assistant Lands Officer
Community Development Officer
Examiner of Accounts I
Hospital Steward
Medical Records Supervisor (Holberton Hospital)
Meteorological Officer I
Property Valuation Officer
Senior Chemistry and Food Laboratory Technologist
Senior Executive Officer
Senior Medical Laboratory Technologist
Senior Pharmacist
Senior Preventive Officer (Customs)
Senior Revenue Officer
Senior Sports Assistant
Statistical Officer I
Tutor (Training Division)

Grade A24
Community Nutrition Officer


Civil Service (CAP. 87 2 1

Community Psychiatric Nurse
Deputy Matron (Mental Hospital)
Public Health Nurse

Grade A25
Agricultural Assistant I1
Assistant Superintendent (Mental Hospital)
Postal Inspector

Grade A26
Head Bailiff
Home Sister (Warden)
Matron (Leper Home)
Price Control Officer
Senior Public Health Inspector
Vector Control Officer
Ward Sister

Grade A27
Assistant Principal Boys' Training School
Assistant Teacher
Instructor at State College

Grade A28
Clinic Nurse I
District NurselMidwife I
Relieving OfficerIMaster, Fiennes Institute
Staff Nurse I
Sorting Officer Inspector

Grade A29
Accounting Officer I1
Broadcasting Officer
Collections Officer I
Examiner of Accounts I1
Executive Officer
Food Service Supervisor
Housekeeper at Holberton Hospital
Master (Leper Home)
Maintenance Officer, Prison
Personnel Officer (C .B.H.)
Preventive Officer (Customs)
Registrar of Industrial Court
Revenue Officer
Senior Prison Officer
Statistical Officer I1


2 2 CAP. 87) Civil Service

Grade A30
Agricultural Assistant I11
Animal Health Assistant
Chemistry and Food Laboratory Technologist
Community Development Field Officer
Field Officer (Central Board of Health)
Medical Laboratory Technologist
Public Health Inspector I
Senior Price Control Inspector
Sports Assistant
Stores and Transport Officer (Central Board of Health)

Grade A31
Air Traffic Controller I11

Grade A32
Meteorological Officer I1

Grade A33
Accommodations Officer
Clinic Nurse I1
District NurseIMidwife I1
Postal Sorter
Supervisor of Orderlies
Staff Nurse I1
Supervisor of Stores

Grade A34
Employment Officer (Labour Division)
Labour Inspections Officer
Labour Relations Officer
Labour Statistical Officer
Matron (State College)

Grade A35
Dental Hygenist
Matron (Prison)
Prison Corporal

Grade A36
Accounts Clerk I
Chief Bailiff
Chief Nursing Attendant (Mental Hospital)
Chief Petty Officer
Library Technician
Market Supervisor
Medical Secretary


Civil Service (CAP. 87 2 3

Medical Stores Assistant
Nursing Assistant
Senior Clerk
Senior Customs Officer
Sports Coach
Supervisor, Central Sterile and Supply Unit

Grade A37

Grade A38
Senior Bailiff

Grade A39
Laboratory Assistant

Grade A40
Broadcasting Assistant
Fisheries Cadet
Processing Assistant (Chemistry and Food Technology


Grade A41
ProbationaryIUncertificated Teacher I

Grade A42
Assistant Supervisor of Orderlies
Collecting Officer
Research Assistant

Grade A43
Collections Officer I1
Public Health Inspector I1
Statistical Officer I11
Statistical Trainee

Grade A44
Health Inspector (Barbuda)
Prison Officer
Storekeeper I

Grade A45
Senior Customs Guard

Grade A46
Air Traffic Control Assistant
Trainee Medical Laboratory Technologist
Trainee Radiographer


24 CAP. 87) Civi l Service

Grade A47
Caretaker of Clarence House
Leprosy Inspector
Meteorological Officer 111
Mortuary Attendant
Nursing Aide I
Nursing Attendant I (Mental Hospital)
Petty Offlcer Class I
Sewerage Plant Operator
Timekeeper (Central Board of Health)
Transport Officer
Records Officer

Grade A48
Admitting Officer
Customs Officer
Junior Clerk
Lands Inspectors
Medical Records Clerk
Public Health Inspector I11
Statistical Officer IV

Grade A49
Pharmaceutical Assistant
Agricultural Assistant IV

Grade A50
Customs Guard
Postman I

Grade A51
Junior Bailiff

Grade A52
Community Health Aide
Darkroom Assistant
Foreman (Privy System)
Nursing Aide I1
Nursing Attendant I1 (Mental Hospital)
Petty Officer Class I1
Postman I1
ProbationaryIUncertificated Teacher 11
Security Guard (Public Library)
Ward Attendant (Holberton Hospital)

Grade A53
Clerical Assistant


Civil Service (CAP. 87 2 5

Grade A54
Storekeeper I1

Grade A55
Telephone Operator

Grade A56
Laboratory Attendant
Nursing Aide 111
Nursing Attendant I11 (Mental Hospital)

Grade A57
Office Attendant (Fisheries)
Petty Officer Class I11
Street Supervisor

Grade A58
Domestic Aide


Grade B1
Chief Medical Officer
Director of Economic Planning
Director of Public Works
Financial Secretary

Grade B2
Budget Director
Chief Architect
Chief Chemist
Chief Education Officer
Chief Magistrate
Comptroller of Customs
Commissioner of Inland Revenue
Crown Solicitor
Director of Agriculture
Industrialization Commissioner
Inspector of Banks
Parliamentary Counsel
Senior Crown Counsel
Trade Commissioner

Grade B3
Anaesthetist Consultant I
Chief Statistician
Chief Veterinary Officer (with private practice)


2 6 C A P . 87) Civ i l Service

Crown Counsel I
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Consultant I
Opthalmologist Consultant I
Paediatrician Consultant I
Pathologist Consultant I
Physician Consultant I
Psychiatrist Consultant I
Radiologist Consultant I
Registrar and Provost Marshal
Surgeon Specialist

Grade B4
Assistant Registrar
Crown Counsel I1
Engineer I
Income Tax & Inland Revenue Adviser
Labour Commissioner
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Consultant I1
Physician Consultant I1
Superintendent of International Insurance Corporations
Supervisor of International Banks and Trust Corporations

Grade B5
Anaesthetist (with private practice)
Director of Meteorological Services

Grade B6
Senior Economist

Grade B7
Chief Surveyor
Chief Valuation Officer

Grade B8
Director of Vocational Education

Grade B9
Engineer I1
Quantity Surveyor


Grade C1
Architectural Technologist


Civil Service (CAP. 87 2 7

Assistant Chief Surveyor
Superintendent of Printing Office
Superintendent of Works

Grade C2
Architectural Technician
Electronics Technician I
Senior Radiographer
Senior Surveyor

Grade C3
Assistant Superintendent (Printing Office)
Court Recorder (Stenographer)
Draughtsman I
Electrical Technician I
Engineer I11
Workshop Supervisor

Grade C4
Electrical Inspector
Electronics Technician 11

Grade C5
Electrical Technician I1
Inspector of Works
Quarry Superintendent
Stenographer I
Technician I (Printing Office)

Grade C6
Assistant Surveyor I
Draughtsman I1
Orthopaedic Technician
Senior Mechanic
Senior Engineering Assistant

Grade C7
Stenographer I1

Grade C8
Assistant Surveyor I1
Draughtsman I11
Engineering Cadet
Field Officer (Design & Control)


2 8 CAP. 87) Civil Service

Foreman of Works
Key Punch Operator I
Labour Foreman
Technician I1 (Printing Office)
Typist I

Grade C9
Draughtsman IV

Grade C10
Assistant Blaster
Stenographer I11
Trainee Electronics Technician
Trainee Orthopaedic Technician
Wheelwright Carpenter

Grade C11
Key Punch Operator I1
Technician I11 (Printing Office)
Typist I1

Grade C12
Cook I
Laundry Foreman

Grade C13
Cook I1

Grade C l 4
Typist I11


Civil Service (CAP. 87 29

SECOND SCHEDULE Sections 11, 24,
26, 29

Assistant Secretary
Chief Establishment Officer
Chief Technical Officer
Comptroller of Customs
Commissioner of Inland Revenue
Deputy Chief Technical Officer
Deputy Heads of Departments
Heads of Departments
Chief Statistician
Permanent Secretary
Principal Assistant Secretary
Senior Assistant Secretary



I ........................................... do swear (or solemnly
affirm and declare) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance
to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and
Successors, according to Law.

So help me God! (to be omitted in affirmation)


I, (A.B.) solemnly and sincerely swear (or affirm and declare)
that I will faithhlly and honestly fulfil the duties that devolve upon
me by reason of my employment in the Civil Service and that
I will not, without due authority in that behalf, in any manner
whatsoever publish or communicate any facts or information be-
ing facts or expressions of opinion based on such facts that come
to my knowledge by reason of such employment.

So help me God! (to be omitted in affirmation.)


30 CAP. 87) Civil Service




1. The name of the Association and the place of meeting
for its business.

2. The whole of the objects for which the Association is
to be established, the purposes for which its funds shall be
applicable, and the conditions under which any member may
become entitled to any benefit assured thereby, and the fines and
forfeitures to be imposed on any member of the Association.

3. The manner of making, altering, amending, and rescin-
ding rules.

4. A provision for the appointment and removal of a general
committee of management, of a trustee, treasurer, and other

5 . A provision for the investment of the funds, and for an
annual or periodical audit of accounts.

6. The inspection of the books and names of members of
the Association by every person having an interest in its funds.

7. The manner of dissolution.

8. The protection of voting rights of members of the Associa-
tion and the general conduct of elections.

9. The powers, duties and functions of the Executive Com-
mittee of the Association.

10. Disputes between members of the Association and the
Executive Committee thereof.

1 . A prohibition against admission of membership with
respect to a civil servant who is a member of an appropriate
recognised association.