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Business Licence Act 1994

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No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 1 ANTIGUA


I Assent,

James B. Carlisle,
Governor General.

10th November, 1994.


No. 17 of 1994

AN ACT to provide for the holding of a business licence; to make
provision for regulating the carrying on of businesses licensed
under the Act and for other matters incidental thereto.

[ 24th November, 1994 ]

ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as
follows -

1. (1) This Act maybe cited as theBusinessLicence Act, 1994. short title and

(2) This Act comes into force on a date appointed by the
Minister by an Order published in the Gazette.

2. In this Act - Interpretation.

"Antiguan and Barbudan" means -

fa) a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda,

(b) a company registared under the Companies Act
in which wethirds of the shares are beneficially
owned by Antiguans and Barbudans;



No. 23 of 1976.

No. 23 of 1982.

Requirement for
annual business

2 The Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.

"business" includes calling, professional practice, voca-
tion, occupation, trade, industry, serviceenterprises, manu-
facture, commercial activity or undertaking of any kind
whatever, an adventure or concern in the nature of trade, but
does not include an office of employment;

"Citizen" means an Antiguan and Barbudan;

"Commissianer" means the Commissioner appointed under
section 2 of the Inland Revenue Administration Act, 1976 or
any person duly authorised in writing to act on his hem,

"licence" means the annual business licence referred to in
section 3(1);

"Minister" means the Minister responsible for Finance;

"practises or carries on" in relation to particular profession,
calling, vocation, or occupation includes the rendering of
services or the holding out of oneself as qualifiedor willing
to render services, peculiar to that profession, calling,
vocation or occupation;

"presaibed" means prescribed by regulation;

"profession" has the meaning assigned to it in the Profes-
sion Licensing Act;

"Registrar" means the person appointed under section 10 as

3. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, no person
shall after the coming into force of this Act, engage in any business
without first having obtained an annual licence for that purpose.

(2) Any person who immediately prior to the coming into force
of this Act is engaged in any business under a licence granted
under any law in force in Antigua and Barbuda or under a contract
of Agreement with the Government, shall within ninety days of
the coming into force of this Act submit to the Registrar on a
prescribed form an application for the grant of annud licence.

(3) Subject to section 4, the Minister may, upon receipt of an
application under subsection (2) in respect of a business carried

No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 3 ANTIGUA


on immediately prior to the coming into force of this Act, and
upon payment of the fee prescribed in the Schedule in relation to
that busiiess cause an annual licence to be issued in the prescribed
form to the applicant in respect of such business.

(4) Any licence issued under this section shall expire on the
31st of December of the year in which it was issued.

(5) For the purposes of this section a person is deemed to be
engaged in any business immediately prior to the coming into
force of this Act if his business is carried on under any of the
following laws -

(a) the Trade Licence Act; Cap. 273.

(b) the Business Registration Act; NO. 9 of 1981.

(c) the Licensing (Intoxicating Liquor) Act; Cap. 268.

(d) the Telecommunication Act; cap. 218.

(e) the dent Restriction Act; Cap. 327

fl the Profession Licensing Act. NO. 23 of 1982

4. (1) Where application is made under this Act by - Procedure

(a) an individual who is Antiguan and Barbudan, the
applicant shall complete and submit to the Minister
the prescribed application form.

(b) an individual who is not Antiguan and Barbudan, the
applicant shall furnish the Minister with statement of
particulars in writing in such form as may be pre-
scribed concerning the identity, business record or
any conviction of any offence (whether felony or
misdemeanour) naming the jurisdiction where the
offence was committed, andany other pertinent facts
that the Minister may reasonably require;

(c) a fm or body corporate, the applicant shall desig-
nate every partner of &at fm and every director of
that body corporate and each officer or employee
who will exercise the powers to be conferred lay Ehe
licence upon such fm or W y corporate and the
Minister may require any such partner, shareholders,

ANTIGUA 4 The Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.


director, officer or employee, as the case may be, to
furnish him with the information required of appli-
cants under paragraphs (a) and (b) .

(2) Where the holder of a licence is a firm or body corporate
then if at anytime a change occurs in the persons who are partners
or directors of that firm or body corporate as the case may be, the
licensee shall within thirty days of such change serve on the
Minister a notice giving particulars of the change.

(3) Every application for -

(a) a licence under section 3(2); or

(b) a licence under any other enactment where the
obtaining of a licence is a condition for the carrying
on of any activity specified in that enactment; or

(c) the renewal of such licence;

shall be accompanied by the following-

(i) acertificateissuedby the Directorof the Social
Security Board that the business in respect of
which application is made is acontributor with
a record of good standing with the Social
Security Board;

(ii) a certificate issued by the Superintendent of
the Medical Benefits Scheme that the business
in respect of which application is made is a
contributor with arecord of goodstanding with
the Medical Benefit Scheme;

(iii) where any managing director or officer or
person in charge of business is required by law
to collect moneys on behalf of the Govern-
ment, a certificate, issued by the Cornmis-
sioner that all moneys collected prior to the
application for renewal has been paid to the
Government in accordance with the law.

No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 5 ANTIGUA


5. (1) After the coming into force of this Act, any person who Registration of
intends in any year to start a new business shall, prior to such r2;fered
commencement, make application in the prescribed form to business.
the Minister for annual business licence in respect thereof.

(2) Any person who after the coming into force of this Act
is engaged in a business which is not registered under any law
in force in Antigua and Barbuda or under a contract of
Agreement with the Government shall, not later than ninety
days of the coming into force of this Act, apply to the Minister
in the prescribed form for an annual business licence.

(3) Where the carrying on of such business as referred to in
subsections (1) and (2) is subject to the grant of a licence under
any other law, the application for a licence under that other law
shall not be entertained unless it is accompanied by a certified
copy of the licence granted under this Act.

(4) Where an application is made under this section by an
applicant who is an Antiguan and Barbudan the Minister shall
cause a licence to be issued to the applicant if the Minister is
satisfied that -

(a) the business is beneficially owned by an Antiguan
and Barbudan (proof whereof shall lie upon the
applicant); and

(b) the requirement if any of any other law regulating the
carrying on of that business has been complied with.

(5) For the purposes of subsection (4) no share shall be deemed
to be beneficially owned by an Antiguan and Barbudan if -

(a) that Antiguan and Barbudan is in any way under any
obligation to or otherwise may exercise any right
attaching to that share at the instance of, or for the
benefit of, any person who is not an Antiguan and

(b) that the share is held jointly or severally with any
person who is not an Antiguan and Barbudan.

(6) Notwithstanding subsection (3 , a share shall be deemed to
be beneficially owned by an Antiguan and Barbudan if -

ANTIGUA 6 m e Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.


(a) it is owned by an Antiguan and Barbudan as trustee
and every person having beneficial interest in the
trust is an Antiguan and Barbudan;

(b) it is owned by an Antiguan and Barbudan as a nominee
for another who is also an Antiguan and Bdudan and
no one is in any way under any obligation to or otherwise
may exercise any right attachmg to that share at the
instance of or for the benefit of, any person who is not an
Antiguan and Barbudan.

(7) The Cabinet may, having regard to the performance of
the economy and the public interest, approve the issue of
licence in respect of any of the businesses specified in the
Schedule to a person who is not a citizen of Antigua and
Barbuda; provided that -

(a) the applicant is in possession of a valid work permit; and

(b) produces proof of financial ability including, anota-
rked statement from a bank satisfactory to the
Cabinet that the applicant has sufficient funds to
engage in the type of business appked for;

(c) such other conditions as the Minister considers ap-

(8) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any such law
as mentioned in subsection (3), it shall be deemed one of the
conditions of any licence issued under that other law in respect of
a business that such licence is of no effect if the licensee is not the
holder of a licence issued under this Act.

(9) Where any business name under which the business of any
person is or is to be carried on contains the word Antigua and
Barbuda or any derivation thereof or any other word which in the
opinion of the Minister is calculated to lead to the belief that the
business is under Antiguan or Barbudan or Antiguan andBarbudan
ownership or control, and the Minister is satisfied that the
nationality of the persons by whom the business is wholly or
mainly owned or controlled is at any tlme such that the name 1s
misleading he shall refuse to licence such business in that name,
or as the case may be, remove such business name from the

No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 7 ANTIGUA


(10) The fee payable for a licence under this section in respect
of a new or unregistered business for which no fee is specfied in
Schedule I shall be as determined by the Minister by order
published in the Gazette.

6. (1) The fee for every licence issued under this Act shall be Fees for licences.
as specified in Schedule I or in the case of a licence, not specified
in that Schedule as may be determined by the Minister by order
published in the Gazette.

(2) Where several businesses in respect of which licences are
required under sections 3 and 5 are carried on in the same
premises, the licence fee payable in respect of each business shall
be the licence fee for each business as specified in the Schedule
or where the licence for such business is not specified, as may be
determined by the Minister.

(3) In respect of a licence issued after the 31st March in any
year, to anew business the licensee shall pay the proportionate
amount of the ankal fee for the remaining quarters of the year,
and for the purpose of computing the proportionate amount
every portion of a quarter of the year shall be computed as full

7. (1) Any person who holds a licence under this Act may, if Privileges and
qualified under any law or under any agreement with the Govern- conditions attached
ment, apply to the appropriate authority- to a I~cence.

(a) for the grant of any concession or exemption pro-
vided under any other law for the operation of that
type of business;

(b) for the approval to purchase or to deal in any foreign
currency transaction in respect of that business.

(2) Any person who fails to renew his licence or whose licence
is for any reason cancelled shall cease forthwith to be entitled to
the privileges specified in subsection (1).

(3) The licensing of a business in any name shall not be
construed as authorising the use of that name if apart from such
licence the user thereof could be prohibited under any law.

ANTIGUA 8 The Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.


Business to keep 8. (1) Every person who carries on business shall keep proper
poper records and books of accounts.
books etc.

(2) The Commissioner may request every person who carries
on business to prepare a statement of account of his business in
such form and manner as he may from time to time direct.

Furnishing of 9. (1) The Ministeror any otherperson authorisedby himmay,
W i c u l a and by notice in writing, require any person to whom this Act or any
disability of
persons in default. provision of this Act applies to furnish him within a specified time

with any particulars in writing relating to the a


nistration or
enforcement of this Act.

(2) Every person who carries on a business under this Act shall
pennit the Commissioner or any person authorised by him in
writing to enter any premises occupied for the purpose of the
business and in so far as is necessary for the purpose of section 8
to inspect and take copies of any books, accounts or other
documents kept there in relation to the business.

Appointment and 10.(1) The Cabinet shall appoint a person with requisite
duties of the experience in management or administration to be the Registrar
Registrar. of business.

(2) TheRegistrar shall, subjectto the provisions of this Act and the
general direction of the Minister be responsible for the processing of
all applications submitted to the Minister for a grant of a licence.

(3) The Registrar shall maintain a register of all businesses to
which this Act applies and shall record therein in relation to each
such business -

(a) the name and address of the business;

(b) the name of the owner, partners or the directors of the
business and the nationality of the owner, each
shareholder partner or director.

(c) the place or places at which the business is to be
carried on; and

(d) the nature of the business;

(e) the licence number allocated to the business;

No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 9 ANTIGUA


Cf) any conditions attached to the licence.

(4) The Registrar shall, not later than the 31st March in each
year, publish by nolice in the Gazette, the names, type of business
and the number of the licence of every such business licensed
under this Act.

(5) Every licence shall be valid in respect of the year in which
it is granted and shall expire on the 31st December of that year
unless sooner revoked by the Minister by reason of the breach of
any condition to which the licence is subject, but a business in
respect of which a licence has expired as aforesaid shall not be
considered for the purpose of this Act by reason only of such
expiration as unlicensed during the succe


ng period ending
with the 31st March next following that expiration.

(6) The holder of a licence which expires in accordance with
subsection (5)may apply to theMinister forthe renewalofhislicence.

(7) Subject to section4 (3) and upon payment of the fee prescribed
in the Schedule the Minister may cause the licence to be renewed.

11. The Minister or any officer authorised by him may require Production of
any person whom he has reason to believe is carrying on business licence for
to produce for inspection by him or the officer so authorised the inspection.

licence issued under this Act and any person who refuses, or fails
orneglects without lawful excuse to produce such licence is guilty
of an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of five thousand
dollars or to imprisonment for two years.

12. (1) The holder of a licence shall - Display of licence

(a) display the licence in a conspicuous place on any
premises occupied by him for the carrying on of the
business; and

(b) produce the licence for inspection when reasonably
requested to do so by the Minister, Commissioner or
by any person authorised by him or by any police

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) licence includes any
copy issued pursuant to section 18.

ANTIGUA 10 The Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.


(3) Any person who fails to comply with subsection (1) is
guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine
of two thousand five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for one
year and in addition to the fine, a sum of one hundred dollars for
every day that the offence continues subsequent to the date to
which the conviction relates.

Display of the 13. (1) Any person, to whom a licence has been issued under
name of business
or the name of a

this Act shall in accordance with prescribed regulations; cause to
Iicensee bedisplayed in aconspicuous place in front of the premises where

the business is carried on, the name of the licensee or the name
of the business and the number of the licence.

(2) Any person who fails to comply with this section is guilty
of an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of two thousand
five hundreddollars or to imprisonment for a term of one year, and
in addition shall pay to the Court convicting him the sum of one
hundred dollars for every day that the offence continues.

Application of Act 14. (1) Subject to section 4 (3) -
to banks. oersons
licensed under the
Professions (a) any bank or trust company licensed under the Bank-
LicensingAct etc. ing Act; 0r
No. 17 of 1991.

(b) any non-banking financial institution licensed under
any law in force in Antigua and Barbuda which
requires the payment of a licence fee as a prior
condition for its operation; or

(b) any business operating under any law which requires
the payment of a licence fee as a prior condition for
its operation in any year; or

(c) any business in respect of which there exists a
contract between it and the Government for the
payment of an annual licence as a prior condition for
its operation in any year; or

shall not be required to pay a fee for a licence in accordance with
section 6 if such bank, business partnership or person satisfies the
Minister that it has paid the requisite fee under the Act or the
agreement under which it operates.

No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 11 ANTIGUA


15. (1) Subject to section 14, this Act applies to - Application and

(a) any bank or trust company licensed under the Bank- NO. 17 of 1991
ing Act, 1991;

(6) any non-banking or financial institution operating
under any law in force;

(c) any person, partnership or body corporate licensed
under the Professions Licensing Act, 1982; NO. 23 of 1982

and any such Act or law shall be construed with such modifica-
tions as may be necessary to give effect to this Act.

(2) This Act does not apply -

(a) to any ecclesiastical organization incorprated under an
Act of Parliament;

(b) to any charitable, cultural or any non-profit making
organization or club registered under any law in force in
Antigua and Barbuda,

(c) toEmbassies or Consulatesof any foreign stateor missions
of international organkat~ons operating under a s@
agreement with theGovemmentof AntiguaandBasbuda;

(d) to any person who practises in the course of his being
wholly employed in the service of another whose
undertaking or business does not comprise the ren-
dering of services of the nature of such practice;

(e) to any person in the carrying on of his vocation as a
Minister ofareligious organization which is incorpo-
rated under an Act of Parliament.

(3) For the purposes of this Act -

(a) a fair organised to raise funds for chitable purposes
is not deemed to be a business;

(b) charges for admission to witness or to participate in
sporting or charitable events or for the provision of
refreshment to patrons who witness hose events
shall not be deemed to be a business.

ANTIGUA 12 The Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.


Removal of a name 16. (1) Where any licence holder under this Act ceases to carry
from the register. on business, it shall be the duty of the person managing the

business at the time when he ceases to carry on business or if he
is dead, his personal representative, to deliver to the Registrar
within three months after he has ceased to carry on business a
notice in such form as the Minister may prescribe, and if the
person whose duty it is to give such notice fails to do so within the
time specified herein, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable
on summary conviction to a fine of two thousand dollars.

(2) On receipt of a notice under subsection (1) the Registrar
may remove the name of such business from the register.

(3) When the Registrar has reason to believe that any person
holding a license under this Act is not carrying on business he may
send to the business address by registered post anotice that, unless an
answer is received to such notice within M y days from the date of
thenotice thename of the busiiessmay beremovedfromtheregister.

(4) If the Registrar receives an answer from the person
managing h e business or from his personal representative to the
effect that Lhe licensee is not carrying on business or does not
within thirty days after sendmg the notice receive an answer, he
may remove the name of the business from the register.

proof of issue of 17. In any proceeding in a court, the fact that -

(a) a licence has been issued to a person may be estab-
lished by the production of an extract, certified by the
Registrar or any officer of the entry recording of the
issue of the licence and proof that that person and the
person named in the entry are one and the same;

(b) there was not in force at a specified time a licence in
respect of the carrying on of a business whether by a
particular person or not may be established by the
production of statement to that effect signed by the
Registrar or any officer duly authorised by him.

Issue of licences 18. (1) Where a business is carried on at more than one
and replacement of

premises any licence to be issued in respect of that business shall
be issued in the prescribed form together with such additional
number of copies thereof as there are number of premises in
excess of one.

No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 13 ANTIGUA


(2) On proof to the satisfaction of the Minister that a licence has
been lost, mudated or destroyed the Minister mji authorise the issue
of a replacement copy thereof on payment of a fee of twenty five

19. (1)Subject to subsection (3) every person having official secrecy
duty under this Actor being employed in the administration of this
Act shall preserve and aidin preserving secrecy with regard to any
matter relating to the affairs of any person coming to his
knowledge in the course of the performance of his duties as such
under this Act.

(2) No person to whom subsection (I) applies shall be required to
produce in any court any book or document in his custody by reason
of his duties under this Act or to divulge or communicate to any court
any matter mentionedin subsection (I) except in proceedingsrelating
to the carrying out, or enforcement, of the provisions of this Act

(3) Every person required under subsection (1) to deal with any
matter mentioned therein as confidential who at any time cornmu-
nicates or attempts to communicate information relating to such
matter to any person otherwise than for the carrying out, or
enforcement of the provisions of this Act is guilty of an offence
and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of five thousand
dollars or to imprisonment for two years or to both such fine and

20. (1) Every person who -

(a) carries on a business in respect of which there is no
licence in force in any year;

(b) fails without reasonable excuse to furnish any par-
ticulars or information within the time specdied by
the Minister or by regulations made under this Act;

(c) submits in areturn, information or partxulars furnished
under thls Act makes a statement which he knows to be
false in a material particular or recklessly makes a
statement which is false in a ma ted particular,

Offences and

(d) in compliance with any requirement under this Act forges
any d c a t e , receipt or other document with a view to
obtain or assist in obtaining a licence under this Act;

ANTIGUA 14 The Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.


(e) in relation to any business knowingly keeps or pre-
serves, any book, record or account which is false in
any material particular, or makes or causes to be
made in any book, record, account or return any entry
which is false in any material particular;

Cf3 obstructs the Minister or any person authorised by
him in the performance of his functions under this
Act; or

(g) is knowingly concerned in, or in the taking of steps
with a view to the fraudulent evasion by him or any
other person of any fee payable under this Act,

is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a
fine of one hundred thousand dollars or to imprisonment for five

(2) The Magistrate -

(i) may, in addition to any fine or imprisonment
imposed on any person convicted of an offence
under subsection (1) (a), order the closure of
the business of that person until he obtains a
licence in relation to the business;

(ii) shall in addition to any fine or imprisonment
imposed onany person convicted of an offence
under subsection (l)(g) order that person to
pay to thecommissioner five times theamount
of any sum shown to the court that would have
been payable as a licence fee but for the
Commission of the offence.

(iii) may, in addition to any fine or imprisonment
imposed on any person convicted of an offence
under subsection (1) (a), order seizure of goods,
machinery and equipment used in connection
with the business to which the conviction
related and sell them by public auction to
satisfy any outstandmg fine or penalty im-
posed under this section.

Permitting use of
licence by another. 21- (1) Any person who -

No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 15

(a) permits his licence to be used by another;

(b) makes use of, trades, or acts in any way with, under,
or by colour of a licence granted to another, or of a
licence which has been revoked,

is guilty of an offence and on summary conviction is liable to a
fine of fifty thousand dollars or to imprisonment for one year and
in addition each licence shall be forfeited and become null and
void except that anyone who is a bona fide employee of the holder
of a licence may, lawfully make use of, trade and act with or under
that licence for the exclusive benefit of the holder.

(2) Where in any proceedings under this section it is found that
aperson who was not the holder of a licence made use of a licence
of another, it shall be presumed until the contrary is proved that
such was done without the knowledge and consent of the latter.

22. (1) The Minister may make regulations for the better
carrying out of the provisions of this Act.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1)
regulations may be made -

(a) prescribing the manner and the form in which appli-
cations for a licence may be made and the form in
which licences may be issued;

(b) prescribing, the conditions underwhich alicencemay be
held by any person or by a particular class of persons;

(c) prescribing anything which is required by this Act to
be prescribed.

23. (1) The Trade Licences Act is repealed.

(2) Part I1 of the Schedule to the Profession Licensing Act is

(3) The Business Registration Act is repealed.




Repeals. Cap. 273
No. 23 of 1982

(4) Notwithstanding the repeal of the Trade Licences Act, any
regulation, order or other instruments made under the repealed
Acts shall continue in force until revoked.

ANTIGUA 16 The Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.




Section 6

Description of business
Fees per annum

Cir izen Non-citizen


Insurance Broker
Commission Agents


Accounting & Book-Keeping

Advertising Agency
Agricultural Suppliers
Baggage, Cargo, Mail handling
Blasting & Demolition Service
Boat RenclalMire
Boat Repair
Book Store
Business Management IConsullancy Firms
Cable Television and Antenna Service
Carpet Laying & Rental Service
Commercial Art ServiceIArt Studio
Commercial School
Computer Schools
Commercial Warehousing
Cruise Boats for Pleasure Trips
Dnving School
Drug Store
Dry Cleaning & Commercial Laundry1


No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 17 ANTIGUA


Description of business Fees Per Annum

Citizen Non-citizen

Employment Agency
Garage & Repair shop
Garbage Removal Service
Gasoline Bulk Storage
Hardware S hoplS tore
Horticulture & Maintenance ServiceISupplies
Hospital, Clinics and Medical Consulting
Insurance Companies
Interior Decorating
Itinerant VendorIPedlar

" (OECS)

Janitorial Service & Supply
Landscaping Consultant
Machine Shop
Marine Salvage and related Under Water Service
Modelling Agency
Motor Vehicle Dealer (New and Used)
Newspaper & Magazine Publishers
Optical Shops
Photographic Studios
Real Estate Agent, Broker and Manager
Rental & Lease of Equipment - Office,

Garden etc.
Rental & Lease of Heavy Equipment
Retail S hop/S tore
Sailing School
Salvage & sale of Used Parts, Wreck Shop
Secretarial Service
Telegraph Office
Upholster Shop
Welding Service
Wholesale of Goods
Yacht Brokerage & Sales
Yacht Rovisioning


$ 100
$ 100
$ loo
$ 100
$ 100
$ 1250
$ 100
$ 100
$ 100
$ 100
$ 1000


$ 500
$ 1000
$ 5000
$ 2500
$ 1000
$ 100
$ 100
$ 1000
$ 5000
$ 1000
$ loo
$ 500
$ 5000

ANTIGUA 18 The Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.


Description of business Fees Per Annurn

Citizen Non-citizen


Discotheque $ 500 $1000
Motion Picture Theatre $ 1000 $2000
Video Cassette Clubs $ 100 $ 1000
Transient Amusement Parks $ 500 $ 1000
Amusement Parks $ 250 $ 5000


Apartment Rentals $ 500 $1000
Bars $ 500 $ 1000
Coffee Shops & Icecream Parlour $ 100 $ 1000
Vacation Home Rental $ 500 $ 1000


Blenders & Bottlers of Alcoholic Beverages $ 100
Manufacturing & Repair of Fiberglass Boats etc. $ 100
Manufacturing of Furniture & Household

Appliances $ 100
Manufacturing of Building Materials $ 100
Prime Distillers of Liquor and Breweries $ 500



Fitness ClinicsIClubs
Holistic Practitioners
Masseurs and Spas


Construction/Contractor - Individual $ 100
- Firm $ 500

No. 17 of 1994. The Business Licence Act, 1994. 19 ANTIGUA


Description of business Fees Per Annum

Citizen Non-citizen


Answering Services $ 100
Automobile Towing Service $ 100
Bakiig $ 100
Barber $ 100
Beauty Salons $ 100
Bicycle Rental $ 100
Bus and Taxi Services $ 100
Car Rental Services $ 100
Distributorship $ 1250
Dressmaking $ 100
Funeral Parlour $ 100
Gasoline Station $ 100
Grocery Store $ 100
Guest HousesMotel (up to to 30 rooms)
excluding CAIUCOMJOECS $ 250
Handicraft $ 100
Hadressing $ 100
Ice $ 100
Ice cream production $ 100
Internal Ground Transportation $ 100
Jams/Jellies $ 100
Mobile Food Service and Refreshment Stand $ 100
Motor Mechanics $ 250
Printing $ 100
Radio and Television Stations $1000
Repair of electrical and other Appliances $ 100
Restaurant and Bar $ 250
Retailing $ 100
Scooter and Motor Cycle Rental $ 100
Scuba Diving School and Rental Service $ 100
Security Guard Service $ l o 0 0
Shoe repairs $ 100
Superette $ 100
Wholesaling $ lo0
Watersports $ 250
Other $ 100

ANTIGUA 20 The Business Licence Act, 1994. No. 17 of 1994.


Passed the House of Representatives this Passed the Senate this 10th day
25th day of August, 1994. of October, 1994.

B. Harris,

M. Percival,

S. Walker, S. Walker,
Acting Clerk to the House of Representatives. Acting Clerk to the Senate.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda,
by Rupert Charity, Government Printer

-By Authority,1994.
1000--11.94 [Price $7.851