No. 170f 2004. The Bills of Sale (Amendment) 1 ANTIGUA
Act, 2004. AND
[ L.S. ]
I Assent,
James B. Carlisle,
22ndOctober, 2004.
No. 17 of 2004
AN ACT to amend the Bills of Sale Act, Cap. 5 1.
[Published in the Official Gazette Vol. XXIV No. 79
dated the 4th'~ovember, 2004 ]
ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigue and Barbuda as
1. This Act may be cited as the Bills of Sale (Amendment) Short title.
Act, 2004.
2. The Bills of Sale Act, in this Act referred to as "the princi- Amendment of
pal Act," is amended by inserting after subsection 8(3) the fol- section 8.
lowing -
"(4) The Registrar shall within one month of its regis-
tration forward to the General Manager of the Transport
Board a certified copy of evev Bill of Sale and every Memo-
randum of Satisfaction registered under this Act in re-
spect of a motor vehicle for the purpose of entering on the
Transport Board's records the particulars of the Bill of
Sale and the subsequent Memorandum of Satisfaction in
respect of such motor vehicle."
ANTIGUA 2 The Bills of Sale (Amendment) No. 17 of 2004.
AND Act, 2004.
Section 13 3. Section 13 of the principal Act is repealed and substituted
and by the following-
"(1) The Registrar shall order a Memorandum of Satis-
faction to be filed and shall note the particulars thereof
upon every registered copy of a Bill of Sale;
"(2) Every Memorandum of Satisfaction shall be regis-
tered under this Act in the manner prescribed by the Reg-
istrar and a certified copy thereof shall be forwarded to
the General Manager of the Transport Board.
Amendment of 4. Section 14 of the principal Act is amended by deleting the
section 14. words "twenty-four cents" and substituting the words "ten dol-
Amendment of 5. Section 16 of the principal Act is repealed and the follow-
section 16. ing substituted -
"16. There shall be paid to the Registrar in stamps the
following fees -
(a) On filing a bill of sale $20.00
(5) On filing an affidavit of execution of
a bill of sale $10.00
(c) On filing a memorandum of
Satisfaction $10.00
(d) On filing an affidavit of execution
of a memorandum of Satisfaction $10.00
(e) On filing an aff~davit o effect
renewal of registration $10.00
No. 17 of 2004. The Bills of Sale (Amendment) 3 ANTIGUA
Act, 2004. AND
Passed the House of Representatives this Passed the Senate this 7th day
23rd day of September, 2004. of October, 2004.
D. Giselle Isaac-Arrindel,
Edmond A. Mansoor,
Y. Henry, Y. Henry,
Acting Clerk to the House of Representatives. Acting Clerk to the Senate.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Antigua and Barbuda
by Walter A. Massiah, Government Printer
-By Authority, 2004.
800-11.04 [Price $1.901