No. 12 of 1997. The Appropriation (Development 1 ANTIGUA
Fund) Act, 1997. AND
[L. S. ]
James B. Carlisle,
No. 12 of 1997
AN ACT to provide Develapment Fund for tbe year ending on
31st day of December, 1997.
[ la May, 1997 ]
ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as
1. This Act my be cited as tbe Appropriation (Development shut title.
Rmd) Act, 1997.
2. Tbt issue from tbe Development Fund of the sum of two
hrmdrsd rrd thirty-eight million, three huMited md fifty-seven
~ D j D C h ~ d ~ ~ - t w o Q u l r r s ( $ 2 3 & 3 5 7 , ~ 2 . 0 0 )
is aahmbd far meeting expenditure for Antigua and Barbuda
in respect of calendar year ending on tht thirty-fmt day of
December, 1997, under the Heads of Expenditure specified in
the Scbubk, and the sums specified in the Scbedule apposite
to a Head is appropriated out of the sum of two hundred and
thirtyeight million, three hundnd and fifty-seven thousan&
ninc hundred and ninety-two dollars ($238,357,992.00) for the
pgpose specif~d in relation to that Head in t . Development
E?stimatcs fat tbe year 1997.
Iuue d two
hlndred md thirty -
eight nillion, three
hadnd UKI fifty-
seven hmumd,
nine bud and
ninety-two dollars
ANTIGUA 2 2 7 ~ Appropridh (Development No. 12 of 1997.
AND F w d ) Act, 1997.
h-t-how 3. Tbe AccouaUlPt Gclrenl is authorized and required from
arde time to time, upoa t b e e o r mnart of tbe Minister of Finance
d Social hcmity, to pay tbe sum rppopriatad ia the Schedule
t o c h e ~ d d e v ~ ~ i c e a a a d ~ ~ ~ ~ s m e n t i o a e d o u t
of rbe Devc-t Fwd witbout fwthu order or formality.
-.t. 4. 'TBir Act is d e u d to have come into operation on the first
dry of J r a u y , 1997.
A. A&ninismtive Sector
B. !3ocidsector
C. EcoMRnicStctor
D. Miscelliamus Sector
PPMed the Harae of Rcpcwntrtives this Passed the Senate this 22nd
1% dry of April, 1997. day of April, 1997.
M. Percival,
S. Waker, S. Walker,
Clerk to rhc House of Represe~tzativrs. Clerk to the Senate.
Printed at the Govcmmcat Printing Of&, Antigua and Barbuda,
by h v m Southwell, Acting Government Printer
-By A u M t y , 1997.
800-5.97 I Price $1.29 1