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Of City Electric Transport

Original Language Title: Про міський електричний транспорт

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Urban Electric Transport
(Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VR), 2004, N 51, pp. 548)
{With changes under the Laws
N 2856-VI ( 2856-17 ) from 23.12.2010, VR, 2011, N 29, pp. 272
N 3158-VI ( 3158-17 ) of 17.03.2011, BBR, 2011, N 39, pp. 398
N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) from 20.11.2012, VR, 2014, N 8, pp. 88
N 552-VIII ( 552-19 ) from 30.06.2015, VR, 2015, N 32, pp. 318}

{In the text of the Law of the Word "central executive branch"
in the field of transport " in all differences replaced by the words
" the central executive body that provides
shaping and implementing state policy in the field of
"Transport" in the relevant case under the Law
N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}

This Act defines legal, organizational and
Social and economic principles of the functioning of the city's electric
Public use of the transport services market and
aimed at creating favorable conditions for its development,
satisfaction the needs of citizens in accessible, quality and safe
Section I
Article 1. Defining basic terms
1. In this Act, the terms below are used in such a
in the field of urban electric transport-
Implementation of complex work and activities related to preparation,
Organizing and providing transportation services;
transport services customers (customers)-Local authorities
Executive Power, Local Government and/or
authorized by them legal persons who order the transport
route (line)-tram direction, trolley (train)
metropolitan, high-speed tram) on an established schedule between
-designated and equipped with items on stops;
The city's electric transport is part of a single
transport system, intended for the transport of citizens
trams, trolleybuses, Metro trains
(lines) According to the requirements of the habitability of localities;
Urban electric transport facilities-rolling stock,
Contact networks, traction stations, trams and
The Metro, as well as the structures designed to provide
Provision of transportation services;
passenger-the physical person who uses the transport
A vehicle in it, but is not involved in the control of it;
unit of transport-a space of one unit of moving
the composition of urban electric transport with passengers to distance in
one kilometre (weight/kilometre or trolley-kilometre);
The carrier is a person in the institution
Legislation provides transport services, carrying out
Exploitation and maintenance of facilities of urban electricity
rolling stock-tram cars, trolleybuses, wagons
tariff-value paid for the one-time travel of one
passenger or carriage of one place luggage by a city electric
Transport within established distance (zones) or line;
transport services-transport of passengers and their luggage
in urban electrical transport, as well as providing other services,
-Related to such transportation.
Article 2. Scope of the Act
1. This Act regulates relations related to activities in
the field of urban electric transport of common use, in
what are the customers of transportation services, the carriers and the
Article 3. Urban Electric Transport Legislation
1. Urban Electric Transport Legislation
is composed of this Act, the laws of Ukraine "On transport"
( 232 /94-PL ), "On road traffic" ( 3353-12 ) Other
Regulations governing relations in this field.
Chapter II
Article 4. Order of transport services
1. Transport services are provided with the following requirements:
(Reliability) traffic on routes (lines)
anticipate prevention of unplanned traffic breaks and recovery
Transport in the event of their occurrence;
taking over the number of passengers while determining the number of
rolling stock running on routes (lines), and assembly lines.
A timeline of traffic at the appropriate time of day;
setting the speed of travel on routes (lines) from
considering the technical and operational characteristics of the moving
Composition, as well as traffic safety requirements;
matching the technical state of the rolling stock running on
Routes (lines) defined by legislation;
2. Transport services are provided on contractual services between
The carrier and the customer with regard to the following:
Regulations for maintenance of urban electrical
the quality of transportation services.
3. Payment of transport services is conducted directly
passengers and customer. Right to use of vehicles
services provides an purchased one-time ticket, built by the
Loan ticket, long-term travel ticket,
card, ID or reference that gives the right to preferential passage
According to the law. {Part of the third article 4 with the changes made under the Act
N 552-VIII ( 552-19 ) From 30.06.2015}
4. Funding for the transport of the citizens ' preferential
In accordance with the law.
5. The Transformer is not right to refuse the preferential
Other than the cases reported by the law.
6. Passenger travel in a city electric vehicle does not yield
Baggage claim.
7. Rules for providing services to urban electric vehicles
( 386-97-p , 1735-2004-p ) Approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of
Article 5. Journeys (Line)
1. The main form of transport of the population is
transport of trams and trolleybuses by route,
A metro, a high-speed tram-behind lines, according to
approved in the manner in which the bridge is installed
2. Beyond the transport of routes (lines)
are divided into urban, suburban (substitutes) and intercity.
3. The reconciliation of routes (lines) is carried out by the customer on
Basis of the General Plan of the Human Settlements and Planning Scheme
suitable region with demand for urban, suburban areas
(...) (...)
4. Routes (lines) are equipped with control stations,
the means of movement control, pavilions (stations) for passengers,
as well as a necessary sanitary-hygienic possession.
5. Time schedule for established routes (lines)
is approved by default carrier by customer
Transportation services.
6. List of routes (lines) and changes to them
It is known from the local media.
7. Directions with significant passengers, as well as on
Resorts, in rest areas, dense residential building, and more
increased level of pollution
Creation of routes (lines) of urban electric transport.
Article 6. Rights and duties of passengers
1. Rights and duties of passengers, order of travel and its
Terms of payment are determined by the Government
Transport which is approved by the central executive body
power, which provides the formation and implements state policy in
the area of transport and which should guarantee passengers the right to
Obsession: {Abzac of the first part of first article 6 with changes
In accordance with the Act N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
quality and secure transport services according to this
Timely and reliable information regarding transport
compensation in accordance with the legislation of the
Use of the urban electric vehicle of harm.
Chapter III
Article 7. Principles and ways to implement public policy in
International Council for Urban Electric Transport
1. State policy in urban electric transport
On the basis of the following:
The availability of transport services for all populations of the population;
the prioritization of urban electric transport in
cities with an increased level of pollution and resort
creating favorable conditions for the production of domestic
Rolling stock and its improvement;
No damage done.
2. Realization of public policy in urban
Electrical transport is carried out by:
Formation of the regulatory and legal framework of its functioning;
Exercise of State Control for its Technical Status and
Ensuring the safety of traffic;
promote the implementation of investment and innovative projects in
This area;
support for domestic manufacturers of rolling stock and
to protect the rights of consumers of transport services.
Article 8. Public regulation of urban activities
Transport and Development
1. General regulation of urban development activities
Electric Transport and its Development
Ministers of Ukraine, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea,
regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city administrations
within their limits.
2. Ensuring public policy implementation
Urban electric transport operates a central body
the executive branch, which provides the formation and implementation of
Policy in the field of transport {Part of the second article 8 with the changes made under the Act
N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
3. Places of executive authority, local authorities
Self-government provides the implementation of public policy in the field of
Urban Electric Transport, and Regional
and local programs of its development and ensure their performance,
set the fare tariffs, organize the transport of passengers
and control over it, establish the order of the
Pay for the passage, inform the population of the changes relating to
providing transport services, provide coordination of work,
associated with the functioning of urban electric transport and
other types of urban transport, creating proper road conditions
for carrying, implementing development measures,
Improving and equipping a route network, perform other
functions to create safe conditions of activity in urban areas
Transport by law.
Article 9. Functions of the Commissioners
of the United States of America
1. The Central Executive Body providing
the formation and implementation of public policy in the field of transport,
commits: {Abzac first part of first Article 9 in the edition of the Law
N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
preparation of proposals and implementation of public
scientific and economic policy in urban
{Paragraph 3 of the third part of first article 9 is excluded from the
Law N 5502-VI 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
{The fourth part of the first article 9 is excluded from the
Act N 5502-VI 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
{Paragraph 5 of the fifth part of the first article 9 is excluded from the
Law N 5502-VI 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
organizing within their own powers of work with
Standardization, Metrology and compliance confirmation
-Urban electric transport and the provision of operations;
approval of the order of travel tariffs; {Abzac
the seventh part of the first article 9 of the changes made in accordance with
Act N 5502-VI 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
Standardization of facilities
Urban Electric Transport, determining priority areas
scientific and technical research in urban electric
transport, implementation of latest technologies, execution of functions
The official government of the relevant scientific and technical works;
{The paragraph of the ninth part of the first article 9 is excluded
Act N 5502-VI 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
{The tenth part of the first article 9 is excluded from the
Law N 5502-VI 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
2. The Central Executive Body providing
implementation of public policy on ground security
controlling the retention of requirements of legislation, norms and
standards in urban electrical transport and training
Suggestions for improvement;
development of public security programs on the city
Electrical transport and implementation;
State of State for the Technical Status of Urban
Electrical transport and safety of its movement;
Accounting and analysis of the causes of disasters, accidents,
Road accidents on urban electric transport;
Disaster prevention,
accidents, road accidents at the city electric
Transport and control of their implementation;
Conduct a fire on the urban electric vehicle;
preparation of proposals for the appointment of an evaluation body
matching to perform acknowledgement
the area of urban electric transport, participation in development
Technical regulations and other legal instruments
of technical regulation in this field,
Preparation and promotion of qualifications of confirmation specialists
other powers defined by laws and relying on it
President of Ukraine. {Article 9 is supplemented by part two according to Law N 5502-VI.
( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
Article 10. State care and control in urban areas
Electric Vehicles
1. The main task of public control in urban areas
Electric vehicles are secure
Transportation Services and the United States of America
Urban electric transport.
2. State control of the technical status of city facilities
(other than the metro) exercise a central
the executive branch, which provides the implementation of the State
security policy on ground transport, as well as other
Organs of control under the law. {First part paragraph
Article 10 of the changes made under Act N 5502-VI
( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
Central Executive Body for Implementation
Public policy on land transport:
{Paragraph second of second article 10 in the edition of the Law
N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
controls the holding of checks on the requirements of the
Road traffic and urban electric transport;
Conduct registration and accounting for tram cars and
Supervise the technical status of city facilities
Traffic Safety and Safety
Wagons and trolleybuses;
is involved in conducting technical expertise of new samples
tram cars and trolleybuses, equipment and equipment
Urban electric transport, as well as nodes and aggregates, which
Directly affect the safety of the movement;
executes other functions defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Officials and authorized workers of the central body
the executive branch, which provides the implementation of public policy with
Safety issues on ground transport are entitled: {Abzac
The eighth part of the second article 10 of the changes made according to
Act N 5502-VI 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
Conduct in the prescribed order of verification of the conditions of maintenance and
exploiting the rolling stock, equipment and equipment of the urban
unhindered visiting the objects of urban electric
Transport for the purpose of verifying the requirements of the legal
Urban Electric Transport Acts, to be met with
documents relating to the technical status of objects, receiving
From the carrier of the information required to perform its tasks;
forbid the use of urban electric
Urban electric vehicles.
Officials and authorized workers of the central body
the executive branch, which provides the implementation of public policy with
The security issues on the ground transport are also of other rights,
Established legislation. {Paragraph number of the twelfth part of the
Article 10 of the changes made under Act N 5502-VI
( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
3. State control of the technical state of the metro
In accordance with the law.
4. During validation of the requirements of the legislation on the
The city's electrical transport is required to provide all
the necessary documents and create proper conditions for its conduct.
Chapter IV
Article 11. Treaty for the Organization of Transport
1. Customer relations with carriers are regulated according to
by the Law of the United States of America
Transportation services.
2. Treaty on the organization of the provision of transport services
are determined by the volumes and quality of transport services by route
(lines) according to the schedule of traffic, the cost of transporting passengers,
duties and rights, order and line of conduct
calculations, other conditions of providing transportation services.
A typical contract for the organization of transport services
( 1045-2012-p ) are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
{Part of the second article 11 is supplemented by paragraph others according to
Act N 3158-VI ( 3158-17 ) From 17.03.2011}
3. Preparation of a contract for the organization of the
Transport services are an order for passenger services
The vehicle shall be in the form of an electric vehicle
Public social standards for transport services, as well as
the ability of the carrier to ensure their desired volume.
4. Treaty on the organization of transport services
concluded with the default contract not later than the quarter
before the start of his action on the lines for at least a year. {Part of Article 11 in the edition of Law N 3158-VI
( 3158-17 ) From 17.03.2011}
Article 12. Duties and rights of the customer of transport services
1. Transport services broadcasters are obliged to:
Represent and protect the interests of consumers of such services;
determine the volumes of transport work, routes and indicators
the regularity of the movement, setting up tariffs and order
Pay help;
to conclude a contract with a carrier to organize the
Transportation services and controlling its execution;
provide coordination of the work of facilities of the city
Transport and other types of transport;
create the necessary conditions to provide transportation
(appropriate state of roads, stopping points, etc.);
to exercise full and timely payment in actual
the carrier of transport services according to the
Organization of their delivery;
Comply with other requirements established by legislation.
2. The speaker shall have the right to:
control the quality of the provision of transport services and
Routes on routes (lines);
To survey passenger traffic on routes (lines);
Make suggestions for changes in the terms of the organization
Provision of transportation services.
3. For failing to comply with the treaty of
organizing the provision of transport services, the customer carries
the responsibility under the law and the treaty.
Article 13. Duties and rights of the carrier
1. The list is obliged to:
Provide adequate transport level
Passengers and their safety, the quality of transport services;
retain rolling stock and other city facilities
electric transport in proper condition, creating conditions for
Conducting their state technical review;
Provide the necessary level of professional qualifications
The workers and the requirements of the legislation;
Pay for the passage;
informing passengers about the organization of the transport
Maintenance and Rules of Use of the City Electric
create proper work conditions and rest of staff,
Provide control of the work and health of drivers;
Comply with the Convention on the Granting of
Transport services, other requirements established by legislation;
provide customer information about the results of the work
Rolling stock.
2. The Transformer has the right to:
make suggestions to create new and make changes to
existing routes (lines) as well as updating the volumes of the transport
Work and timetable
Conduct monitoring of the passengers of the Regulation
Use of the urban electrical transport, including
Payment of travel and the presence of documents given to the
stop passenger traffic on routes (lines) or
Temporarily change the flow schedule in case of the threat of its
safety, changes in passenger flows, as well as for other reasons, not
Dependent on the carrier, and immediately inform about this customer;
require a loss of loss for temporary closure or
the hindrance of moving, other than the cases provided by Article 19 of this
The law.
3. The Transformer is responsible for:
Carrying passengers ' commitment to
Legislation and the Treaty on the Organization for the Granting of Vehicles
Reimbursement of damages, occupants and men's passengers,
as well as the environment, according to the legislation;
provide information on the actual volumes of transport services.
Article 14. Tariff policy and transportation services
1. Tariff policies in urban electric transport
based on the principles of ensuring the availability of transport
services and creating conditions for the exercise of sustainable and safe
2. The installation of transport tariffs is carried out with
The need to ensure the unprofitable work
carriers and ensure the protection of low-income citizens. In
The cost of the tariff level, which does not cover the costs,
of passengers, loss of carrier
are compensated by the authorized body, which are approved by tariffs,
For the funds of the relevant budgets.
3. Payment by customer for delivery of transportation services
is carried out in accordance with the city's
Electric Vehicles ( 386-97-p ).
4. Calculation of travel tariffs shall be carried out in accordance with
Order of tariff on services of urban electric
Transport ( z0906-07 ) which is approved by the central authority
the executive branch, which provides the formation and implementation of
Policy in the field of transport {Part of Article 14 of the changes made in accordance with the
Act N 5502-VI 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
Section V
Article 15. Urban Electric Transport Store
1. Prior to urban electric transport
enterprises providing transport services, urban areas
Electric Transport, Power and Communications Systems,
Buildings and offices.
2. Help for technical status, maintenance, repair
facilities of urban electric transport and their protection
are established by the central body of the executive, providing
Development and implementation of public policy in the field of transport. {Part of the second article 15 in the edition of Act N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 )
{Part of third article 15 is excluded based on the Law of the
N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
Article 16. The Land of Electric Transport
1. The application of the inspection lands is carried out
According to the Land Code of Ukraine ( 2768-14 ), Tax
Code of Ukraine 2755-17 The Law of Ukraine "On Transport"
( 232 /94-PL ) and other regulations. {Part of the first Article 16 in the edition of Act N 2856-VI ( 2856-17 )
Article 17. Maintenance and updating of rolling stock and others
Urban Electric Vehicles facilities
1. Technical and sanitary status of the rolling stock that works
on routes (lines), and other facilities of urban electric power.
transport must meet the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulation
( 1306-2001-P ), Regulations for operation of trams and trolley buses
( z0066-97 ), for the technical operation of the metro, as well as
Norms and standards in this area.
2. Rules of operation of tram and trolleybus, Regulations
The technical operation of the metro is approved by the central
the executive body that provides the formation and implementation of
State policy in the field of transport. {Part of the second article 17 in the edition of Act N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 )
3. Updating of rolling stock as well as other urban
electrical transport is conducted at the expense of state and
Local budgets and other sources.
4. Financing the updating of rolling stock from the state
the budget is carried out on the provision of appropriate funds from
Local budgets.
Article 18. Electric power supply
1. For three years after this Act was taken into force
for urban electric transport apply tariffs on
The electrical power set for the population.
2. Revolving the outage of facilities of urban electric
Transport from electricity during passenger traffic,
with the exception of eliminating the effects of accidents in systems
Power supply.
Article 19. Labour relations and social protection
Carrier workers
1. Labor relations of carrier workers are regulated
Labour law and the rules of the internal labour force
2. Working time and rest time of drivers
( z1181-14 ) approve the central executive body that the
provides formation and implementation of state policy in the field of
Transport. {Part of the second article 19 of the changes made under the Act
N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
3. The carrier's guide is accepted by contract.
The acceptance and dismissal of the head of office is consistent with
the central body of executive power, which provides the formation and
implements state policy in the sphere of transport within their
Authority. {Part of the third article 19 with the changes made under the Act
N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
4. Collective labour disputes involving carrier workers
In accordance with the law.
5. The carrier workers are entitled to an unarmed passage
According to the tram, the trolley, the metro. Expenses
The carrier, associated with the free pass of the listed persons, is not
included in their gross costs and are not subject to
-I'm sorry about the budget.
{Part of the sixth article 19 is excluded based on the Law of the
N 5502-VI ( 5502-17 ) 20.11.2012}
7. Social protection and retirement of workers
The carrier shall be carried out in accordance with the legislation.
Article 20. Termination or limit of delivery
Services. Organization of emergency work
1. Temporary termination or restriction of transport
services may be applicable in cases provided by the Regulations
road traffic 1306-2001-P ), Rules of operation of the tram and
Trolley bus z0066-97 ) and Rules of Technical Operation
The Metro.
2. In the conditions of emergency or martial law
Transport services may be limited or stopped and the network
The city of electricity is shrinking.
3. In case of extraordinary situations, natural disasters
(flood, fire, notice, etc.), crashes and disasters that have led
to the violation of urban electric transport, carriers
Take precautions to eliminate their consequences.
4. Local authorities and local authorities
self-government within their authority to serve the carriers
Assistance for the eradication of natural disasters, accidents and
The disaster, in rebuilding the work of urban electric transport.
Chapter VI
1. This Act will take effect from the day of its publication.
2. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for three months from
The Act:
bring their legal and legal acts into compliance with this
By law;
Provide guidance to ministries and other central
the executive branch of their legal and legal acts in the
A compliance with this Act.

President of Ukraine
Um ... Kiev, 29 June 2004
N 1914-IV