Key Benefits:
Notification of error in legislation
Act No. 93 of 1958
Date-birth: 1958-10-13 History-Hjri:
Published as: 1958-10-13
Section: A law.
The first book.
Section I. Associations in general
Chapter I. General provisions
Article 1: An association in the application of this law shall be considered by each group with a continuous organization for a specific or non-certain period consisting of natural or legal persons for the purpose other than obtaining a material profit.
Article 2: Every association that arises for a reason or for unlawful purpose or violation of laws or morals or whose purpose is to undermine the integrity of the Republic or the form of the Republican government shall be null and void without effect.
Article 3: The establishment of the Assembly is required to have a system written and signed by the founders and must not be co-founded or acceded to by any of the persons deprived of the exercise of political rights.
The system must include the following data:
a. The name, purpose and management centres of the Assembly shall be in the Syrian Arab Republic.
b. Name, title, age, nationality, profession and home of all founding members.
c. Resources of the Assembly and how to exploit and dispose of them.
d. The bodies representing the Assembly and the terms of reference of each of them, the appointment of the members who consist of them and the ways to isolate them.
e. Members' rights and duties.
f. Financial control methods.
g. How to modify the Assembly's system and how to integrate it, divide it or create branches.
h. The rules of dissolution of the Assembly and the entity to which its funds are vested.
"The executive statute contains a model system that associations may follow in preparing their systems."
Article 4: It shall not stipulate in the Assembly system that its funds shall be transferred upon dissolution to the members, their heirs or their families. This provision shall not apply to the money allocated to the Mutual Subsidies Fund or to the Pension Fund and shall not apply to cooperative societies.
Article 5: Any member who has not pledged to remain in the Assembly for a certain period of time may withdraw from it at any time and not to the withdrawing member and to the dismissed member any right to the funds of the Assembly except in the cases provided for in this Law.
Article 6: The Association may have property rights or other rights over real estate only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was established, and this provision does not apply to charities and cultural associations. It is also prohibited for the Assembly to maintain a cash balance of more than three times the annual expenses of the Department except with the authorization of the competent administrative entity.
Article 7: The legal personality of the Assembly shall be established only if the month of its regime is in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 8: The Drawing of the Month (50) specifies a Syrian pound and does not respond in any circumstances and excludes from the month the amendments that must be made to the regulations at the request of the competent administrative authority or based on a legal text issued after the month of these regulations (this article has been amended by the Legislative Decree). 24. No. 24. 21-9-1969).
Article 9: The month of the Society's system shall be as soon as it is recorded in the prepared record, and the summary of the restriction shall be published in the official gazette free of charge, and the executive regulation shall indicate the conditions and conditions of this record. The procedures and conditions of the restriction.
Article 10: The competent administrative authority shall conduct the month within sixty days of the date of its application. If the 60 days are passed without completing it, the month shall be considered a de jure reality. At the request of the relevant persons, the registration and publication of the register shall be carried out in the Official Journal.
Article 11: It is for the relevant administrative authorities to complain to the competent administrative body against the decision of refusing to hold the month within 60 days of the date of notification of the decision of rejection, and the decision on such petition must be made within 60 days from the date of arrival to the competent administrative body, otherwise it is considered a decision. Rejection as if not.
Article 12: Everyone has the right to have access to the records and documents of the General Assembly, and to obtain an image from them certified by their conformity with the asset after the performance of the planned fee.
Article 13: The advanced provisions apply to each amendment in the assembly system and the amendment is considered as if it was not a month ago.
Article 14: The Assembly shall:
1. To maintain in its management centres documents, offices and records. These records shall be issued and shall be issued by the competent administrative body.
2. To restrict in a special register the name of each member, its age, nationality, profession, address and date of accession to the Assembly, as well as every change in such data.
3. Records of meetings of the Plenary, the Governing Council and its resolutions, as well as decisions issued by the Director with the authorization of the Governing Council and for each member, shall be without records prepared for this purpose.
4. Discharge its accounts in the books detailing expenses and revenue, including voluntary contributions and their sources.
The competent administrative authorities shall have access to these records and documents.
Article 15: Each assembly must have an annual budget. If the annual budget exceeds 10,000 Syrian pounds, the closing account must be presented to an accountant accepted by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, along with supporting documents for examination prior to the assembly at its annual meeting in at least one month. The budget and reports of the Board of Directors and the Accountant are presented at least eight days prior to the Assembly's headquarters, and remain so until they have been ratified. Each member may have access to them.
Article 16: The Assembly shall not exceed in its activity the purpose for which it was established.
Article 17: The General Assembly shall deposit its cash on behalf of a bank, or on the other hand authorized by the competent administrative authority. The Assembly shall notify the competent administrative body when the name of the bank in which it is deposited is changed within one week of its acquisition.
Article 18: The Assembly shall spend its funds for the purpose of its purposes. It has to exploit its excess income to ensure a stable supplier of guaranteed work, which does not affect its activity. The Executive Regulation regulates the conditions and conditions under which such funds must be used.
Article 19: The Society shall not enter into financial speculation.
Article 20: The name, month and activity of the association must be mentioned in all its books, records, editors and publications, and no association may take a name calling for confusion between it and another association with which it participates in its sphere of activity.
Article 21: No association may join, affiliate or subscribe to any association, association, body or club based outside the Syrian Arab Republic prior to reporting to the competent administrative body, and 30 days later than the date of communication without objection. Also, no association may receive or receive funds or sums from a person, association, body or club outside the Syrian Arab Republic, nor send anything that has been referred to persons or organizations abroad except with the permission of the competent administrative authority, except for the amounts of the books. Scientific and technical journals.
Article 22: Donations from the public shall be collected only through associations in circumstances and in situations established by the executive regulation. The competent administrative authority may add other conditions for each case, if circumstances so require.
Article 23: Each meeting of the General Authority shall be communicated to the competent administrative body at least fifteen days before it and the issues on the agenda. The administrative body may be assigned to attend the meeting. The administrative body must also be informed of photographs from the minutes of the meeting of the Assembly within fifteen days of the meeting's date.
Article 24: Associations must be federations between them and their legal personality and personality are retained. Such unions shall have legal persons in accordance with the conditions and conditions established for associations. The executive regulation regulates federations and shows their relationship with the public.
b. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour is the right to integrate similar associations into the Goals if they are to do so, and integration is issued with a reasoned decision indicating how to integrate and its effects. (Paragraph/b was added to Legislative Decree No. 24/21-9-1969).
Article 25: The Assembly shall have branches. Such branches may be held and may then have an independent legal personality so that the Branch may not amend its rules of procedure with respect to obligations prior to the original assembly, as well as with regard to policy and guidance, except with the approval of the original Assembly.
Chapter II
Governing Council
Article 26: 1. The Assembly shall be administered by a Board elected by the plenary from among its members and the Assembly's system shall reflect the competence and duration of the Board and the procedures for the election of its members and how their membership will expire.
2. The competent administrative body may, by decision, appoint one or more members of the governing body of the Assembly and shall determine its terms of reference and compensation in the decision of appointment to be the designated member of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour.
3. The competent administrative body may, by decision, determine the minimum and upper limit of the number of members of the Governing Council and the maximum period during which the member of the Governing Council may renew its membership. (This article was amended by Legislative Decree No. 24/21-9-1969).
Article 27: A member of the Governing Council is required to have his or her civil and political rights, and the student association of education institutes is excluded from that. The Executive Regulation sets out the other requirements for the members of the Board of Directors of some associations to upgrade their management by the purpose for which they were established.
Article 28: The Governing Council shall have the affairs of the Assembly and shall therefore carry out any work other than that which provides for the approval of the General Assembly prior to the conduct of the Assembly. The convening of the Governing Council shall be at least once every two months for the consideration of the affairs of the Assembly.
Article 29: The Governing Council may appoint a director from its members or non-members delegated to act in any of the matters within its jurisdiction.
Article 30: The Director shall have the internal executive acts of the Assembly, such as the proposal for the appointment of staff, the signing of disciplinary sanctions, the adoption of exchange authorizations and the supervision of the implementation of the decisions of the General Authority and the Governing Council, which shall not otherwise provide a text in the Assembly's system otherwise.
Chapter III
General Assembly
Article 31: The public body shall consist of all active members who have fulfilled their obligations imposed upon them in accordance with the regulations of the Assembly and have passed their membership for at least one year, and the members of the Student Assembly at the institutes of education shall be exempted from the requirement of the year. However, the decisions of the plenary are valid only if they are issued on the matters set out in the agenda that must be included in the declaration of invitation. Decisions of the plenary shall be taken by the proportional majority of members present and unless in the Assembly's system the text of the Assembly is contrary to this provision. Decisions shall be made by an absolute majority of the members of the Assembly in respect of amending the Regulations and by a two-thirds majority of the Assembly with respect to the report of the dissolution of the Assembly or an amendment in its system concerning the purpose of the Assembly or the removal of members of the Governing Council, as well as with respect to, or integration of, the Assembly of the Assembly This is not a text that requires a majority more than that. The member may report to him to write another member representing him in the presence of the Assembly. (The term of the General Assembly has been replaced by the term of the public body wherever it is contained in this Law by Legislative Decree No. 24/21-9-1969).
Article 32: The plenary shall be invited once a year during the three months following the end of the financial year of the Assembly for the consideration of the budget, the final account and the report of the Governing Council on the work of the year, as well as the report of the auditor. She may be invited to extraordinary meetings whenever the interest of the Assembly so requires. Meetings of the plenary are invited by the Governing Council. Ten members who have the right to attend the plenary or two hundred may request the Governing Council to write its invitation to a statement of purpose. If the Council does not respond to this request within fifteen days, the Council may invite them directly to the members of the Assembly.
Article 33: A member of the Assembly shall not participate in the vote if the subject of the present resolution is to conclude an agreement with him or to file a claim against him or her or to terminate an action between him and the Assembly, as well as whenever he or she has a personal interest in the resolution put forward except for the election of the bodies of the Assembly.
Article 34: Every decision of the General Body, the Governing Council or the Director shall be contrary to the law or order of the Assembly, which may be annulled by virtue of the Civil Start Court, which is located in the Chamber of the Assembly, and requires that the action of nullity be filed by a member or by another person of interest or prosecution General within six months of the date of the decision. A claim of nullity may not be made before an unbona fide person who has won rights on the basis of that decision.
Article 35: The competent administrative body shall, in the case of urgency, discontinue any decision made by the governing body of the Assembly, its general assembly or its director if it considers it to be in violation of the law, the system or the literature. The suspension is considered as if it was not if the nullity was not filed within the next 30 days of the decision, which was submitted in the preceding article or by the competent administrative body that issued the moratorium.
Chapter IV
In solving the Assembly
Article 36: A decision may be made by the Minister of Social Affairs and Labour to dissolve the Assembly in one of the following cases:
1. The Assembly's departure from the objectives set out in its system.
2. If the Governing Council does not meet within six months or its Plenary has not met for two consecutive years.
3. The practice of the Assembly is a communal, racial or political activity that affects the integrity of the State.
4. The practice of the Assembly affects ethics and morals.
5. If the Assembly repeated the irregularities despite its warning by the Ministry.
6. The inability of the Assembly to achieve its purposes and to fulfil its obligations or to allocate its funds for purposes other than those for which it was established.
7. If the Ministry sees no need for the services of the Assembly.
Associations may be dissolved in cases 1-2-5-5.6/only after being warned by the Ministry and the warning period has passed without the Assembly responding to it not to say the alarm for fifteen days.
b. The decision to dissolve the Assembly shall be considered to be a decision that does not accept any method of review.
c. In all cases, the resolution must be based on formal investigations by the competent services of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour. (This article was amended by Decree No. 24/21-9-1969).
Article 37: Members of the dissolved assembly are banned and their employees and employees are prohibited from continuing their activity and every person who is aware of the solution is prohibited from participating in the continuation of their activity.
Article 38: If the Assembly has dissolved one or more designated sources, it shall be made by the entity that has issued the resolution.
Article 39: After the completion of the liquidation, the liquidation shall distribute the remaining funds in accordance with the provisions set out in the Assembly system. If there is no provision in the system of the Assembly or found, but the manner of distribution provided is not possible, the entity that issued the resolution must decide once and for all to decide to direct the dissolved Assembly's funds to the Assembly or the institution whose purpose is closest to the purpose of the Assembly.
Article 40: The Civil Elementary Court, which is located in its circle, shall be the centre of the Assembly and shall be competent, without any other, to adjudicate every civil proceeding that is removed from the Mustafa or the case.
Part two.
In associations of general benefit
Article 41: A general interest association is considered to be a public interest (issued by the President of the Republic as such), and a decision may be made by the President of the Republic to withdraw the general benefit of the Assembly.
Article 42: The association with general benefit is excluded from the eligibility restrictions for property and property ownership.
Article 43: The President of the Republic shall be appointed by a decision of the President of the General Assembly for the general benefit of the public authority, such as the absence of a reservation to all or some of its funds, as well as the inadmissibility of such funds in the period of time and the permissibility of the competent administrative entity for the expropriation of the public benefit that it is entitled to. It's done by the association.
Article 44: Associations of public benefit shall be subject to the control of the competent administrative authority, and this control shall deal with the examination of the work of the Assembly and its conformity with the laws and regulations of the Assembly and the decisions of the public body. Such oversight shall be carried out by inspectors appointed by the competent minister, and reports to the body. Competent Administrative.
Article 45: The competent administrative entity shall be established in any area of a union that coordinates the activity of associations of public benefit if their purposes are the same or close in that area and shall consolidate and distribute the sources of such funds to the activity and consist of the representatives of associations in the region. The region and representatives of the branches of the competent administrative authorities and other persons designated by a ministerial decision.
Article 46: The competent administrative body may decide to incorporate more than one general benefit association that it seeks to achieve a common purpose, to unify its management or to modify its purposes according to the needs of the environment for the harmonization of the services it performs or for other reasons that it considers to be in good order. The purpose for which it was established shall take into account, to the extent possible, the wishes of the founders, the purpose of the Assembly and the type of service. The decision for inclusion is made in a reasoned decision setting out how to integrate, and the representatives of the merged Assembly to give the Assembly all the funds and documents for which they are involved.
Article 47: The competent administrative entity may be excluded from associations of public benefit from the view that it is excluded from the candidates for the election of its executive bodies. It may also mourn the person attending the elections to verify that according to the Assembly's regime, the election is cancelled by a reasoned decision within fifteen days of the procedure if it is found to be contrary to that order or law and if the membership of the board of directors is made by appointment, a party must be informed. The department mentioned 30 days ago the names of the candidates for membership and for this party the exclusion of those who see it excluded from them.
Article 48: The competent administrative authority has to appoint a director or interim board of directors of the General General for the benefit of the competent authority in the rules of procedure of its governing body if it is committed against the offences that require this procedure. The administrative body did not see its dissolution. Or if the number of board members is not enough to be held properly. If the plenary cannot be convened because the members are not integrated twice, two consecutive years without an excuse to be accepted by the competent administrative authority, all after the notification of the Assembly for the removal of the reasons for the breach and the expiration of fifteen days of the date of the warning without being removed. (The decision to this effect is published in the Official Journal.) The competent court of first instance may make a judgement in this proceeding at the request of any member of the Assembly or any person of interest.
Article 49: Members of the Board of the Assembly and the staff working in the Assembly shall submit to the provisional Council once all the funds, records, books and documents of the Assembly have been established. This extradition is without prejudice to the responsibility of their discharge in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Article 50: The Director or the Interim Administration Board shall invite the General Board within the time specified by a decision to be appointed and to provide it with a detailed report on its status. The new governing body shall be elected by the plenary at the same meeting after the procedures for the nomination of members of the Governing Council shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of this Law. The decisions of the Director or the Provisional Council during the period appointed in the decision to constitute it shall be binding on the Assembly to the extent set out in the present resolution or to the limits established in the Assembly's system.
Article 51: The competent administrative body may decide to deprive the members of the old board of directors of irregularities that have called for the appointment of a temporary director or board of directors to be nominated for membership of the new board for a maximum term of three years.
Section III
In special provisions for some associations.
Article 52: The charity of each association consists of one or more purposes of the purpose of, or social welfare, the benefit to its members or not to them, and if a non-charitable association has started for purposes of land or care through its internal bodies, these bodies shall be subject to the provisions of the Assembly. Charitable. The membership of the Board of Directors and the work of the Assembly shall not be combined with remuneration.
Article 53: The Governing Council of the charity shall report annually on its work and activity and submit to the competent administrative body the budget and final account of the Assembly with supporting documents when requested to be submitted and also to submit any other information or data required by the entity These.
Article 54: A cultural association is an association whose composition shall be the purpose of the promotion of science, the arts or the arts.
Article 55: The Governing Council of the Cultural Society shall report to the competent administrative body annually on its activity. As well as documents and data provided for by other associations.
Article 56: The election boards of clubs that participate in the membership of the Syrian Arab Republic and foreigners must take into account the ratio of the number of members who hold the nationality of the Syrian Arab Republic to the governing bodies at least to the total membership Participants.
Book two.
Private institutions
Article 57: The Foundation shall be established by allocating a non-certain amount of money for work of a humanitarian, religious, scientific or artistic capacity or for any other work from land, social welfare or public benefit without intent to a material profit.
Article 58: Establishment of an institution shall be official or guardian. The authority or guardian shall be regarded as the constitution of the institution and shall include the following data:
a. The name and status of the institution shall be in the Syrian Arab Republic.
b. The purpose for which the Foundation was established.
c. A precise statement of the funds allocated to this work.
d. Organization of the organization's management, including the name of its director.
It must also include other statements made on the basis of which it is issued by the competent administrative body.
Article 59: The establishment of the institution for the establishment and heirs of the originator is a gift or a will. If the institution has established damage to their rights, they may initiate proceedings instituted by the law in such a case for donations and commandments.
Article 60: When the establishment of the institution on official basis may be established by the establishment of the institution, it shall be amended by another official basis until it is established.
Article 61: The legal person of the institution shall not be established until the month of its order in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 62: The month of the institution shall be made at the request of its originator, the first manager or the administrative entity competent to supervise the institution in accordance with the provisions established for the month of association.
Article 63: The competent administrative entity has an objection to the establishment and control of institutions and the modification of their systems for the purpose of establishing them. The executive regulation regulates the circumstances of the objection and the control provisions.
Article 64: The director of the institution shall administer and represent her and her rights and duties.
Article 65: The Director of the Enterprise shall submit to the competent administrative entity the budget of the institution and its annual account with the supporting documents. It shall also provide any other information, data or documents required by this entity.
Article 66: The institution may accept commandments and donations only with the permission of the competent administrative body.
Article 67: The competent administrative authority has the removal of directors found to be negligent in their administration, the failure to implement the imposition of the law or the basis of the institution or those who use the institution's funds, in conformity with its purposes, the intent of its originator, or those who commit another grave error, or for national considerations and appointment Who would replace them in their administration? It shall also mitigate or cancel all or some of the obligations and conditions established in the basis of its establishment if it is necessary to preserve the funds of the enterprise for the purpose of its establishment.
Article 68: The competent administrative entity has the avoidance of acts performed by the director of the institution contrary to the law or public order, or to the extent of its competence provided for in the enterprise system. The annulment must be within two years of the date of work to be annulled and does not entail any harm to the unbona fide third parties who have won rights on the basis of such acts.
Article 69: It applies to institutions of their types in terms of their integration, division, establishment of branches and appointment of a temporary director for their administration, dissolution and liquidation, and that they may be converted into an institution with a general benefit to the associations in this regard, as applicable to the prohibition provided for in article 1/of this article. The law for associations.
Article 70: The provisions of the institutions contained in this Act shall not apply to what has been established by a moratorium.
Book three.
In sanctions.
Article 71: A term of imprisonment of not more than three months and a fine of no more than a thousand Syrian pounds or one of these penalties shall be punished:
1. Any person who has written or maintained an editor or record of what the law requires him to submit or hold shall include false statements as he or she knows, and any person who knowingly gives a statement to a person who is not competent or to conceal a statement required by law to prove it shall be established.
2. Everyone who initiated an activity of the Assembly or the institution prior to its month shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
3. Any person who has entered into an activity of the Assembly or institution shall exceed the purpose for which it was established or spent its funds for the purpose of which it does not achieve this purpose or has entered into its funds in financial speculation.
4. All those who have been allowed to participate in the records of the General Assembly have been allowed to participate in their records or in the deliberations of the plenary.
5. Everyone who has contributed to the continuation of the activity of a dissolved association or institution with knowledge of the solution. The flag is considered to be a constant in the right of the kaf once the decision or sentence has been published in the official gazette.
6. Each liquor shall be distributed to the members or other assets of the Assembly or institution other than those required by the present law, resolution or judgement.
7. Collect voluntary contributions to the account of an association or institution other than the provisions of this Act and may be sentenced to forfeit the collection of funds collected by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour for allocation in the face of land.
Article 72: Any other contravention of the provisions of this Law, its implementing regulations or decisions issued in respect of the penalty of a fine not exceeding 200 Syrian pounds.
Article 73: Members of the Board of Directors and the Director of the Assembly or of the institution shall be appointed, elected or assigned to the same penalties and shall be punished with the same penalties. If they prove that due to absence or impossibility of observation, they cannot prevent the crime from being restricted to the penalty. Fine.
Article 74: The judge may rule by closing the premises of the association or institution and its branches or one for a specified duration and also for the confiscation of objects used in the offence. The Public Prosecutor's Office may apply to the penal judge by requesting the closure of the headquarters of the Assembly or the institution and its branches or one of its branches, such as the holding of a reservation pending the final dismissal of the case without prejudice to the criminal trial.
Article 75: 1. Funds of associations, associations and private foundations shall be considered public funds in the application of the Economic Penal Code of Legislative Decree No. 37/Date 16-5-1966 and its amendments.
2. The application of the advanced provisions is without prejudice to the signing of any more severe penalties prescribed by the Penal Code or any other law. (This article was amended by Legislative Decree No. 24/21-9-1969).
President's decision
No. 1330/of 1958
to the Executive Regulation of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions Applicable to Decision No. 93/No. 93, 1958
Section I
Month of associations
Article 1: The founders of the Assembly are the individuals who participate in its establishment, sign the contract of its establishment and prepare its system and are responsible for the expenses and obligations of the General Assembly. If the Assembly system is to respond to them, the expenses decided by the General Authority shall be reimbursed.
Article 2: The provisions of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions and in this Regulation shall be taken into account by the founders in preparing the Assembly system.
Article 3: The request for the month of the Assembly shall be submitted to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour if the Assembly headquarters in Damascus or its Governor and the Directorate of Social Affairs and Labour are in the same relationship if they are based in this governorate.
Article 4: At the request of the month, the seat of the Assembly shall be mentioned and attached to the following documents:
a. Decision to appoint a representative of the Assembly to complete the month's proceedings
b. Election record of the First Governing Council.
c. Delivery by payment of the month fee.
D-Four copies of each of its founding contract and its system signed by all founders.
Article 5: The month's requests shall be recorded in a register of serial numbers as per the date of their receipt and the competent staff member shall sign on to each submission accompanied by the date of signature and receipt of receipt.
Article 6: The Directorate of Social Affairs and Employment (the Department of Associations and Clubs) in the central administration of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Department of Social Affairs and Labour shall examine the application immediately after receiving it and by conducting an investigation of the founders through the Public Security Service. It also studies the rules of procedure in legal terms and in terms of the significance of the Assembly's objectives and the region's needs for its services.
Article 7: The Department of Social Affairs and Labour in the Governorate shall submit to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour the request of the month with its reading on it and the result of the investigation of the founders within ten days of the date of the registration of the application.
Article 8: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour shall examine the applications of the month submitted to it directly or through its departments in the governorates and will decide within 60 days of the date of registration of the application to meet the legal requirements, and within fifteen days of the date of submission of the application, to explore before deciding on the application. As a result of the month of the Assembly's system, the opinion of the Ministry of the Interior and the opinion of the official authorities and bodies, which consider that they are related to the objectives of the Assembly, and those interests and bodies are entitled to object to the month within fifteen days of the date of the arrival of the opinion poll, and the Ministry of Social Affairs will decide and work on this. Objection. In all cases, the month is considered to be a 60-day rule on his or her request if he or she has not decided to accept or reject it.
Article 9: Applications accepted in a special register shall be recorded, and the summary of the restriction shall be published in the official gazette free of charge and the Directorate of Social Affairs (the Department of Associations and Clubs) shall keep one of the copies after the visa to the benefit of the registration, its number, date, number and the date of the number of the official gazette in which it was signed. Dissemination. A copy of it shall be transmitted to the relevant Assembly and another copy shall be sent to the Department of Social Affairs and work in the competent prefecture.
Article 10: The rejected applications shall be recorded in a record showing the reasons for refusal. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour shall issue a decision rejecting the request and shall inform the authors of the relationship at the headquarters of the Assembly in a written book prior to the expiration of the 60-day period referred to.
Article 11: Requests for complaints against the rejection of the month shall be submitted to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and issued with procedures for the registration, examination and decision of the Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, and such requests must be decided by a reasoned decision informing the owners of the relationship at the headquarters of the Assembly before 60 One day from the date of his arrival at the Ministry.
Article 12: Request for the month of amendment of the Assembly system shall be submitted by the President of the Governing Council or from it to the entity referred to in article III (to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour if the Assembly is based in the city of Damascus or its Governor and the Department of Social Affairs and Employment in the prefecture. Relationship if it is based in this governorate) and shall be attached to the following documents:
1. Four copies of the required amendments approved by the plenary have been signed by or on behalf of the President of the Assembly and the Secretary of the Assembly.
2. Minutes of the meeting of the plenary body that considered the amendment, including the names of the members present and the majority that approved the amendment.
3. A statement of the number of members of the Assembly who have the right to attend the public body signed by or on behalf of the President and the Secretary-General.
4. Statement of the reasons for the amendment.
5. Delivery of the fee for the amendment.
(The provisions relating to the month of the Assembly are amended to the month of amendment).
Article 13: The month's fee is set at 50 Syrian pounds, which excludes student associations and education institutes, each of which sets a monthly fee of ten Syrian pounds.
Part two.
Month Records
Article 14: The pages of the month records referred to in this Regulation shall be numbered in serial numbers, and each page shall be stamped by the Ministry ring and each register shall be prepared in a statement containing it. The records shall not be itchy and every correction shall be in red ink and shall be signed by the staff member entrusted to the register and the head of the Chamber of Associations and Clubs.
Article 15: The staff member entrusted with the registry is responsible for the record and the data in which it is without.
Section III
Conditions and conditions for the exploitation of the Assembly
Article 16: The Assembly may exploit the excess of its income in a guaranteed work, which does not affect its activity and requires that the environment in which the Assembly operates is in need of projects that are compatible with the purposes of the Assembly in accordance with the policy established by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and must be carried out. Exploitation shall observe the following conditions and conditions:
1. The excess of its income to be used shall be increased to an average of three years depending on the latest budget.
2. The exploitation of surplus income of the Assembly shall be in government bonds and securities of the bodies in which the Government and securities contribute to other bodies approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour.
3. The surplus income of associations in real estate or any other property rights shall not be exploited except for charities and associations of public benefit.
4. Associations may, where appropriate, exploit their surplus income in productive projects to achieve the purposes for which they are established to be consistent with such purposes and require the approval of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour.
Section IV
Collection of funds from the public
Article 17: The collection of money from the public is considered to be a public response to the public donation in any means that may have been collected by the public only through associations and famous associations and after obtaining prior authorization from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, which excludes the houses of worship that have been collected from the public. Route boxes or dishes on religious occasions to spend on the same role. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour shall decide on the application for authorization within thirty days of the date of receipt and shall add to it the conditions it deems necessary for the granting of the licence and must obtain the approval of the Ministry for each amendment in the purpose of raising the money or means of spending it.
Article 18: The Assembly shall inform the Ministry of Social Affairs and work on the total sum of money within one month at the most after the expiration of the period authorized by the collection.
Article 19: The Minister of Social Affairs and Labour may limit the licence to collect money on an association that meets the necessary conditions. The sum of money shall be allocated to the associations set out in the licence and the granting of such authorization shall be in accordance with the rules of decision of the Minister of Affairs. Social and labour, in accordance with their respective efforts, taking into account their social activity.
Article 20: The collection of money from the public is subject to the control of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, including the development of systems to regulate the means of raising, spending and matching money for the purposes for which the licence is granted and to inspect the accounts of the contributions and to determine the proportion of administrative expenses spent in Gather the money.
Section V
Article 21: No association may call itself the name (the Union) unless it is a problem of a number of associations that are challenged or determined to be union in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Article 22: The establishment of the Union and its month shall be governed by the provisions applicable to associations and provided for in this Regulation.
Article 23: The mission of the federations:
a. To supervise, guide and guide the common interests of associations joining the Federation in order to achieve their common objectives.
b. To coordinate the efforts of the associations and work to improve their level of services and to establish new associations in the areas that require such associations;
c. Put public policies for the common services of its constituent associations.
d. Development of technical, financial and cultural assistance to associations.
e. To settle any dispute between associations.
f. Information on the documents of associations to submit a report to the public body.
g. Unions should be the link between associations and government bodies with regard to policy and funding.
Article 24: Associations are required by the directives of the federations and public policy that they develop and the associations contribute to their potential in joint projects, which the Federation decides to do to achieve common purposes.
Section VI
Conditions to be provided by members of the Governing Council
Article 25: In addition to the conditions laid down in article 7 of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour may require the members of the governing bodies to provide the following conditions or one of the following conditions:
a. To have a degree of education, culture or experience determined by the decision of the Ministry.
b. Be a resident of the Assembly's business area or have a serious interest in this area.
Section VII
Institutional challenge conditions
and the provisions of its control and the amendment of its system
Article 26: When the institution is established, it must obtain written permission from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and attach the request for permission to request the month of the enterprise when it is submitted.
Article 27: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor may refuse to give permission to establish the institution if it turns out that it seeks purposes that do not fall within the scope of the most needed care for its area of work.
Article 28: Institutions are subject to the control of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour in general and in general, to:
a. Examine the work of the institutions and the decisions of their directors and verify their conformity with the law and the basis for which they are established, and shall be carried out by inspectors assigned by the Minister of Social Affairs and Labour.
(b) To appoint one or more representatives of the Ministry to the boards of institutions that arise with all or some of the public.
Article 29: Institutions shall inform decisions made in the following matters to the Ministry within two weeks of the date of their issuance:
a. Ratification of annual accounts, draft budget, reports of directors and observers.
(b) Election, replacement or dismissal of directors.
c. Filter of accounts.
d. Abolition of the institution or amendment of its system.
e. Corporate integration or union with another institution or division.
Such decisions shall be in force only after approval by the Ministry, or thirty days after the date of communication of the Ministry without objecting to it.
Section VIII
General provisions
Article 30: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour is entrusted with the development of the models of the following registers and regulations referred to in this Regulation:
1. The rules of procedure of associations are established.
2. Register of associations.
3. Register of the Register of the Month of Associations.
4. Associations have been rejected.
Article 31: Staff attending outside times of time shall be accorded the meetings of the public body of an association pursuant to Article 3 of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions, or who represent the Ministry on the boards of private institutions based on the provisions of this Regulation. by decision of the Minister of Social Affairs and Labour.
Article 32: The Minister of Social Affairs and Labour shall implement this decision and act upon it from the date of its promulgation.
published on 13 October 1958.
Decision No. 1206 /
The Minister of Social Affairs and Labour:
Based on the provisions of article 6 of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions applicable to Act No. 93/No. 93 of 1952 and amended by Legislative Decree No. 24/21-9-1969.
Article 1: The minimum number of members of the Assembly shall be established by five members and the upper limit of eleven members.
Article 2: The maximum term in which a member of the Board may renew his or her membership shall be limited to four years.
Article 3: This decision shall be published and shall be communicated to the necessary for the implementation of its provisions.
Damascus, 23-12-1969
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Resolution No. 478 /
The Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Based on the provisions of Article 6 of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions applicable to Act No. 93 /93 of 1958, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 224 of 21-9-1969, the following shall be decided:
Article 1: Amend article II of resolution No. /16206/Date 23-12-1969 and become as follows:
"A member of the Board of Directors of the Assembly and the Federation of Associations may renew his membership for a term not exceeding six consecutive years and shall be eligible for re-election to the Governing Council after a complete break of not less than one year."
Article 2: This decision shall be published and shall be communicated to be necessary for implementation.
Damascus 24-5-1973
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
To the directorates of social affairs and working in the governorates
Further to our resolution 4/78/24-5-1973, containing the amendment to article II of resolution No. /16206 of 23-12-1969, the following are the special instructions in the application of the present resolution.
1. The resolution has no retroactive effect and has been in force since 27-6-1973, which is published in the Official Gazette and the ongoing elections before its entry into force are subject to the provisions of Decision No. /1206/1969 because decision No. /478 does not confer legitimacy upon the invalid elections that took place prior to its entry into force Members were allowed to re-run in the event of a new election.
2. The six-year period provided for in resolution 478/above shall commence from the expiration date of the Governing Council, which existed on 14-1 1970, the date of the entry into force of decision No. /1206 of 1969, and does not enter the duration of the session of the Board at the expense of six years.
3. A member of the Board of Directors of the Assembly that is interrupted by the Governing Council shall be entitled to the term of the session specified in the system of the Assembly for the re-election of the Governing Council.
4. All instructions in violation of the above shall be cancelled.
Damascus, 31-7-1973
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Instructions for holding meetings of public bodies of associations
1. The Governing Council of each Assembly shall hold a special meeting to discuss the meeting of the General Assembly of the Assembly at least one month before the date specified for the holding of the plenary body or for the expiration of the term of the Governing Council.
2. The Governing Council shall approve the final account for the financial year ending and the draft budget next year and shall report on its work during the period ending. The date of the first and second plenary meetings shall be taking into account the provisions of the Regulations, in particular with respect to the specified period between First and second meetings.
3. The Governing Council shall send a written invitation to the meeting and send it to all members, the Directorate of Social Affairs and the competent work and the police leadership to approve the meeting and to indicate in the invitation the meeting agenda and to paste the copy of the invitation at the headquarters of the Assembly immediately after issuance, and in each Conditions must be issued fifteen days before the meeting date.
4. The Governing Council shall establish a regulation on the names of the members of the plenary body who have fulfilled their obligations and who are entitled to attend the meeting. It also establishes a list of those who have not paid their obligations and informs them that their obligations must be paid at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Any person who has not paid a subscription prior to this date is denied the right to attend the meeting.
5. If the agenda includes the election of a board of directors of the Assembly, members shall be notified so that their nominations must be submitted to the Governing Council within one hour before the start of the meeting.
6. An absent member may be nominated to the Governing Council only if he or she is entrusted with the nomination in a written written book declaring his or her mandate to nominate himself or to send a written nomination book.
7. The General Authority may consider only the subjects included in the declaration of invitation.
8. If the meeting is specific to the election of the Governing Council only, this must be made clear in the declaration with the reasons.
9. The competent directorate shall designate one of its staff members to attend the meeting and the designated official to be present at the headquarters of the Assembly prior to the start of the meeting in full hour with the members of the Governing Council.
10. The representative of the Directorate shall ascertain the integrity of the action taken by informing him of the Register of Members and other necessary records.
11. The delegate shall decide on the agencies promptly and shall attend the meeting to the end of the meeting, and in the event of any incident that may hinder the meeting or the election, he shall immediately contact the Director of Social Affairs and work, who shall immediately attend the meeting venue, and the Director may make use of the meeting. When necessary, police officers shall organize and report to the Ministry and send a copy of it to the governorate.
12. A committee shall be formed to supervise the elections prior to the commencement of the elections by the Governing Council, with the delegate of the Directorate to be one of the members of the Committee, and the number of its members shall be no less than three in any case.
13. The Committee shall ensure that the Fund is free of paper, as well as the screening of papers during the meeting and with the presence of all members and the announcement of the results immediately prior to the completion of the screening work.
14. A list of the members present is organized and each of them will be signed by their name before the meeting and everyone who refuses to sign is prohibited from attending the meeting and the agent will sign next to his client's name after an acceptable written agency emerges from the representative of the directorate. The name of the agent will be mentioned, along with his signature, and the delegate of the directorate will implement this. The list is submitted to the Directorate for a reservation in the Assembly's press in order to refer to it when needed.
16. The minutes of the meeting must include all matters and contingencies that occur during the meeting, and all the topics discussed with the statement of valid and rejected agencies.
17. In contravention of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 14, the meeting should be invalidate. The offences under the other paragraphs trigger the Assembly's warning of avoidance and avoidance shall be made at repetition.
18. All dissenting instructions and communications shall be cancelled as of the date of their issuance.
Damascus, 26-7-1971
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
To the directorates of social affairs and work in the governorates
In implementation of the decision of Mr. Minister of Local Administration No. /306 of 297-1973, containing the distribution of competences transferred from this Ministry to the local administration bodies, we wish you to follow the following to implement the said decision.
I. Terms of reference of the Executive Office
1. The Assembly, which has excess funds willing to invest in a secured business, submits a request to the Directorate for approval to invest surplus funds with the investment statement in detail and the extent to which it is successful and the Directorate considers the request in the light of article 18/of the Law on Associations and Institutions Special, and Article 16/of the Executive Regulation of this Law and raise the request to the Executive Office with its reading on the availability of the required legal requirements, and a copy of the reading shall be submitted to the Ministry, and the Ministry informs a copy of the decision of the Executive Office in this regard.
2. The Assembly, which wishes to establish an unshared branch, shall submit a request to the Directorate with the names of the persons to whom it will be entrusted to manage the branch. The Executive Directorate will submit the request to the Executive Office with reading on it in the light of the activity and responsiveness of the Directorate to the Directorate and its compliance with laws and regulations The procedure, as well as the Directorate, provided us with a copy of the Bureau's decision in that regard.
3. General-beneficial associations shall submit to the Directorate the names of candidates for membership of the Board 30 days prior to the date of the election, and the Directorate will consider the names in the light of their previous activity in the Assembly, in particular the financial inspection reports, and in case there is a justification for the exclusion of a candidate to be removed. Directorate A book to the Executive Office requesting exclusion with a statement of justifiable reasons for this exclusion.
4. The application of article 51/of the Associations Act is subject to the appointment of an interim administrator or an interim board of directors and the fact that candidates for membership of the Board are responsible for the irregularities that have called for the appointment of the Director or the Interim Administration Board and in this case the Executive Directorate requests the Executive Office Work to exclude these candidates with the statement of errors made by each of them.
II. Terms of reference of the Chief Executive Officers
1. The Assembly wishing to obtain a permit for the collection of voluntary contributions from the Governorate shall submit a request to the Directorate in accordance with the provisions of the Fundraising Act, and the Directorate shall examine the request in the light of its system and instructions and submit it to the President of the Executive Office with reading on it, and in the event of approval, the Directorate prepares a draft Licence in accordance with established templates and is submitted for signature by the President of the Executive Office. If the Assembly is not informed of the reasons for refusal in the future, if the Assembly does not wish to collect from outside the governorate, the request will be submitted to the Ministry with the opinion of Mr. President of the Executive Office About it.
2. The Directorate considers the positions of associations under its supervision periodically and proposes the necessary solutions to raise the level of activity of such associations in the light of the State's plan and the society's need for such services, especially in terms of the integration of similar associations in the Goals. The Executive Directorate presents the proposal to the President of the Executive Office. He shall, in turn, submit to the Ministry in conjunction with his consent and instruct the Directorate to review it in the light of the guidance of Mr. President of the Executive Office.
3. If one of the general benefit associations commits the offences referred to in article 48/of the Associations and Special Institutions Act, the Directorate shall conduct a comprehensive study of the status of the Assembly and the possibility of appointing a temporary director or board of directors to the Assembly and raising the study to the Head of the General Committee The executive who decides to approve the appointment or to reconsider the matter and if the ministry is to approve the proposal with a statement of the names of the persons proposed for appointment and adequate information on them to be able to make the necessary decision by appointment.
III. Terms of reference
In accordance with resolution 6/306/297-1973, the Directorate granted broad powers in the area of community social activity and supervision of the activities of associations, so that the Directorate must exercise these tasks sufficiently in a sense of full responsibility in this regard and that the Ministry will work on Monitor the proper execution of these tasks and the competent staff will ask for their proper supervision of these functions in order to supervise the work of associations in the application of the provisions, laws and regulations in force, particularly in the following:
1. The extent to which associations comply with the provisions of resolutions /809 and/(1000) /1962/include the organization of records, financial and administrative procedures for associations and officials who visit associations to ascertain this and the preparation and ratification of the financial and accounting system and shall have to follow the Assembly in a manner Continued and effective implementation of what is required in this regard and in the event of a failure to alert the Assembly to a solution and to raise a copy of the alarm to the Ministry and a subsequent statement of the fate of the alert in response.
2. To assign officials to meetings of public bodies of associations and to facilitate this and staff prior to attending the meeting to examine the Assembly system, in particular with regard to meeting materials and to ascertain the legality of the meeting and the lawfulness of the decisions made thereon, and the staff member shall prepare a full report for the meeting Without any discussion, the agenda of the meeting and the materials discussed, and the ministry's coffins with a copy of the transcript with the version of all the materials discussed at the meeting, shall be annexed to the minutes.
3. To request the annulment of decisions that violate the law or order of the Assembly:
The Directorate considers the decisions of associations received and verifies their conformity with the laws and regulations, and in the case of irregularities requiring the annulment of the association, and requests it to be reviewed within one month if the decision is not considered as a matter of urgency, and if the Assembly does not respond to the request. The Directorate requests the rescission of the decision from the competent civil court, through the public prosecutor's office. If there is a sense of urgency and the need to stop the decision, the Directorate must raise the decision to the ministry, with the reasons for stopping the decision, so that the ministry can make a decision. Moratorium in time.
4. Ensure that members of the governing bodies of charities are not engaged in gainful employment for the benefit of the Assembly (the content of article 52/of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions) in the light of the jurisprudence and instructions issued in this regard.
5. To study reports and concluding accounts and to balance the associations submitted to them in the light of the Assembly's system, the permits granted to them, the net proceeds and the subsidies provided by the State or any other person, and the status of observations and suggestions in this regard and their removal to the Ministry.
6. Follow-up to associations to remove violations that arise from the inspection or visit of the association by a staff member of the Ministry, the Directorate or the result of subsequent censorship so that all violations are removed and the Ministry is informed, and in the case of irregularities requiring referral to the judiciary The Directorate implements the necessary persecution, referred it to the competent court by the public prosecutor's office or the administration of government cases, and opened a special case for such cases and followed up on them to get to the end result and the ministry collualize with a copy of the case.
7. To monitor the collection of donations and to ensure that they are carried out in accordance with the authorizations given to them and in accordance with instructions and communications issued by this Ministry or other competent authorities, in particular with regard to the voluntary maintenance of the donation, the failure to annoyance the citizens and their exposure to the donation of the donation, To audit the outcome of the collection and the preparation of the necessary record, and to submit to the Ministry within the specified time, the necessary steps should be taken to liquidate the licenses on time and to implement the entire collection system, even if this resulted in the failure of the association to obtain new licences. Gather donations.
8. The sale and purchase of real estate for associations shall be approved in accordance with instructions issued in this regard.
9. Follow-up to the liquidation of dissolved associations, whether the dissolution by the public body or by the Ministry, in order to accomplish the liquidation in a timely manner, and to provide us with liquidation reports with your observations on them, as well as after the liquidation and closure of the liquidation, as the Directorate must ascertain the good implementation of the liquidation. The directives issued by the Ministry in this regard, in accordance with the provisions of the system of liquidation and instructions issued, are responsible for the expeditious completion of the liquidation and follow-up to the liquident for this purpose. It also has to indicate its opinion on the proposed receipt of the dissolved Assembly's funds and suggests that it be proposed. The appropriate compensation for the lamp in light of the activity carried out and the assets of the dissolved Assembly, as well as the proposal to change In case she feels that he is not doing his job on the whole face.
10. Statistics: Statistics are an important element of coordination and planning, and therefore the Ministry relies entirely on statistics on associations and institutions affiliated with them and will pay more attention, especially as the key element of the Ministry's distribution Subsidies on associations so that the directorates should pay full attention to the required statistics and ensure their accuracy before raising them to the ministry and following up the associations to obtain statistics during the month of January every year, and if associations are late to submit them at this time, Social Services staff Via the Directorate to conduct quick rounds on associations to obtain the statistics required by Previous information and communications, especially with regard to the number of members of the Assembly, the number of new members of the Assembly, the number of beneficiaries of its services, the total income and expenditure for the past year, and the unloading of such data in a consolidated form to be submitted to the Ministry during the first week of February with observations Directorate about it.
Damascus, 1-12-1973
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Number (9/d/62)
Date 8-8-1974
Based on the provisions of the Associations and Private Institutions Act of Act No. 3/1958, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 24 of 1969 and its implementing regulations promulgated in resolution 1330/of 1958.
In accordance with the Local Administration Act No. 15 /15 of 1971, amended and its Executive Regulation (No. /2297) of 1971, the Prime Minister's Cabinet Directive No. 493/1 of 1971-1974 dated 18-2-1974.
It is approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour in its book No. 2/No. 2, 3041, of 29-4-1974.
We wish you to adhere to the following when advertising the systems of private associations and institutions:
1. The order of the month of the Assembly or institution shall be submitted (and shall enter into the judgement of the Assembly, cultural and artistic links within the meaning of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions) to the Directorate of Social Affairs and the competent work attached to the following documents:
a. Request for the month of the Assembly.
b. Decision to appoint a representative of the Assembly to complete the month's proceedings
c. Four copies of the record of the election of the First Governing Council of the Assembly.
d. Four copies of the list containing the names, nationality, age, occupation, place of residence and clear addresses of the founders, with the name of the father, mother and date of birth.
e Four copies of the founding contract of the Assembly.
f-Four copies of the assembly system signed by the founders.
g. Delivery by payment of fees for the month.
2. The Directorate of Social Affairs and Labour shall examine the application and conduct a complete social study on the Society, its founders and the extent to which the society needs its services according to the accompanying form.
3. The Directorate of Social Affairs and Labour shall send a list of the founders' names to the security services for verification, as well as send a copy of the documents described in the paragraphs: d-to the Ministry of the Interior and send the answer immediately to the Executive Office or the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour. Immediately.
4. In the event that the activity of the Society includes only the prefecture, the press is sent to the Executive Office with the opinion of the Directorate about its month in the light of the study it prepared for this purpose within ten days of its registration.
5. The Executive Office shall issue its decision to approve or reject the month of order within thirty days of its registration with the Executive Office, which sends a copy of the decision with the persecution to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour in case of approval of the month.
6. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour registers the Assembly in the general register of the month of association and sends an image of the decision to the Official Gazette for publication in the absence of legal irregularities or objection from the security services of the month or against the grounds set out in paragraph 14/of these instructions or a plan. Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour in this field.
In the event of such violations or objections, the Ministry returns to the Executive Office to review its decision in the light of its observations and may request that certain provisions of the Regulations be amended to align it with the laws in force and the founders are bound to comply with it.
7. In the event that the Executive Board does not agree to the month, a decision shall be rejected and communicated to the founders within thirty days of the date of registration of the application with the Executive Office, and the founders are entitled to appeal against the decision of rejection to the Bureau through the Directorate within sixty days of the date of the decision of the refusal.
8. The Directorate shall send the request for complaint to the Executive Office, with an opinion on the request, and the office shall decide whether to apply or reject a reasoned decision within 30 days.
9. The Executive Board shall send an image of the decision to accept a request for petition to the Ministry with persecution in order to carry out the actions set out in paragraph 6 above.
10. In the event that the activity of the Assembly exceeds the limits of the governorate, the Executive Office is limited to expressing an opinion in the month of the Assembly or rejecting it, and the Directorate sends a copy of the documents to the Executive Office, where it is examining the application and its statement of opinion, and sends the answer to the Directorate which lifts it up to the Executive Directorate. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor where it studies the application and above the legal assets in force.
11. After the publication of the decision of the month in the Official Journal, the Ministry sends a certified copy of the Assembly's system to the Executive Office, the competent Directorate and the founders of the Assembly, and the Assembly may not be active before the founders receive the certified copy of the system.
12. The provisions in force for the month of amendment of the regulations of the Assembly are applicable and the Executive Directorate needs to request the Executive Office's opinion on the amendments required to the Assembly system and sends the opinion of the Executive Directorate with the view of the Executive Office to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour within 20 days
From the request record date to the competent directorate.
13. Within the governorate, the regulations of local federations are applicable to the month of the governorate of associations, while the quality federations at the country level have nothing to do with the executive offices, which are the exclusive competence of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour.
14. Executive offices shall adhere to the following when deciding on the order of the month of association:
1. Rejection of the request for the month of association of associations, associations and clubs with similar objectives with the objectives of grassroots organizations.
2. No monthly women's associations pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 12/121 of 1970.
3. Limit the month of mainland associations (assistance) so that such associations should be stationed in the light of the Ministry's plan and the need for the region.
4. Promote the creation of scientific, cultural and rural associations.
Adib Melhem Moussa
Minister of Local Administration
Examination Form for the Month of Associations
1. Name of the Assembly:
2. Location: District: Area: Governorate:
3. Work area of the Assembly:
a. Population:
b. Number and types of associations in which they are:
c. Social situation in the region or neighbourhood:
d. Economic situation in the region or neighbourhood:
e. Number of social centres and extension units if rural society:
-Sports clubs:
(g) Peasant associations:
h. Number of women's units:
4. The founders of the Assembly:
Place and date of birth
Family status
Cultural rehabilitation
Economic situation
Residence Address in detail
5. Purposes of the Assembly:
6. The need for the region for these purposes:
7. The services are expected to be effectively performed by the Assembly:
8. The Assembly is expected to have differences in the region:
9. Sources of funding:
-c -
10. Difficulties in the activity of the Assembly:
11. The opinion of the Administrative Officer for the Area in the month of the Assembly (Chief of Precinct, District Manager, Area Manager).
12. The opinion of the chosen one and not the inhabitants of the place:
13. Form reading:
14. Reading by the Director of Social Affairs and Labour:
Director of Social Affairs and Labour
Form and signature of form:
Form Date:
S/ 2/727
To the directorates of social affairs and work in the governorates
Later, to circulate us No. 2/No. 4263, dated 5-9-1970, based on the book of Ministry of Finance No. 15024.20.1, dated 19.08-1970, which provides for the liquidation of officials of associations and private institutions for the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 167 and its amendments.
We report that it was issued by the State Council Opinion No. 15 /15 of 1972, which provides that:
The compensation of officials of associations and private institutions for the liquidation of such associations and private institutions shall not be subject to the limits of the compensation limits set out in the amended Legislative Decree No. 167/1963, according to which the said bodies are not within a counter The bodies referred to in article 1 of the said Legislative Decree.
For the attention and consideration of our past circulation and the baptism of the abscess on it by virtue of the abolished rule.
Damascus 20-2-1972
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
To the directorates of social affairs and work in the governorates
The Public Authority of the State Council of 18-6-1972 issued the Opinion No. 55, which includes the following:
First, the amounts paid to employees in the provisions of the Legislative Decree No. 167 of 1963, to be personally assigned to work that are not related to their work or employment, are not subject to the maximum limits of the compensation prescribed in the Legislative Decree referred to.
Second: The compensation received by public officials from the funds of associations and private institutions for the liquidation of such associations or institutions or their assistance in the preparation and implementation of their projects is not subject to the maximum limits set out in the Legislative Decree of the number. 167. For the year 1963, as long as they were assigned to work, they were not by virtue of their functions and within their scope, and so does not subject to such limits the compensation of expertise, arbitration fees and what is worth meeting a personal pledge of work or result in an open contest for all citizens, not eight literature and studies. Awards and other amounts awarded for invention, invention or any work of art or intellectual work by the staff member out of time Specific to perform and not relate to functional work.
Damascus 8-10-1972
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Subject matter: Interpretation of article by the Associations Act
To the Directorate of Social Affairs and Labor in Aleppo
A reference to your book No. 398/sh of date 18-1-1968 on the basis of the statement of intent to spend a year on the membership of the member of the Assembly provided for in article 31/of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions.
We indicate that the intention is to spend a year on the membership of the Assembly beginning on the date of acceptance of the request for its affiliation with the Assembly and not from the date of submission of this request unless otherwise provided by the rules of procedure.
To get acquainted with that.
Damascus 13-2-1968
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Opinion of the Directorate of Legislation and Studies on the Authority of Boards
Associations to sell Assembly real estate
There is a difference between the administration and the act of law, as the asset in the board of directors of the associations is concerned with the administrative work that the system stipulated, that is, the board of directors does not have the right to dispose of the property of the association unless there is a special provision in its system that authorizes it to do so because it is the public body. The owner of the ownership of the property tanker.
In light of this, the board does not have the right to sell the association's real estate unless there is a text in the system that allows it to do so and in case the system is free of such a text, the right of sale remains restricted to the public body.
No. 5 Date 15-1-1968
To the Directorate of Social Services
With reference to your book of 30-30 date 6-1 1968, containing the statement of opinion regarding the possibility of the return of Mr. Khalil Nasser, former member of the board of directors of the Technical Club to his post at the club mentioned after his return from the service, we return to you the treatment and benefit from the following:
As it emerged from the attached treatment that Mr. Khalil Naser was the original elected member of the public body and that he also found out or the mandate of the board was not yet over and there was nothing to feel that the original member had resigned from the membership of the Board of Directors or what was in that judgement, his absence. Working because of his call to serve science does not originally mean the demise of membership.
Also, the Governing Council's decision to replace it on the basis of these facts does not extend the mandate to the end of the term, despite the demise of the reasons.
Therefore, we share your view of the return of Momma to the membership of the Governing Council, and we believe that Mr. Ramadan, whose place has been replaced by a decision of the Governing Council, ends his mission in the club's office with the return of the original member because he originally appointed a temporary appointment to carry out Mr. Nasser's mission in the absence of such a response. In your book above, while the original member of the flag service had returned before the plenary and made any new decision or held a fundamentalist election on the dictation of the vacancy, it would end the assignment of Mr. Ramadan with the board of directors and that the original member would return and complete his term in the Council.
The Director of Legislation and Studies
Opinion of the Directorate of Legislation and Studies
Article 52/of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions about Inadmissibility
A combination of the board of directors and the work of the paid assembly
1. The principle of the inadmissibility of a combination of the membership of the Board of Directors and the work of the Assembly is based on the following concept:
a. The idea of working in the Assembly is intended: the work of the Governing Council under the provisions of law and order that would achieve the objectives of the administration of the Assembly, such as administrative work, attendance at meetings and oversight by the Board member of the distribution or collection of the Assembly's funds For example, etc. Such acts, for which the member of the Assembly is a vow to prevent the law, should be paid by the law, and to say otherwise would leave the association's member's work out of the concept of donation and, in turn, it would be contrary to the provisions of the Associations Act. Therefore, the absence of a combination of the membership of the Board of Directors and the work of the Association shall find its scope in application according to the concept referred to.
As for acts outside the scope and terms of reference of the Board of Directors, it is not subject to the aforementioned principle. In addition, to the point that, by virtue of article 7 of the Assembly's system, the Governing Council is represented by the Assembly and the judiciary in its rights and duties, and the collection of the rights of the Assembly is the same as that of the Assembly. The Council's jurisdiction.
Such provisions do not contradict the aforementioned interpretation, and therefore it can be questioned whether the lawyer member, the engineer, the doctor and the owner of any profession would need to donate all their work to the Assembly if the latter needed to hire a lawyer or to assign an engineer or A patient clinic on her side? The answer to that is that such a commitment is not possible.
2. In any case, it is clear from the summons to the treatment that the author of the relationship was assigned under a fundamentalist agency to institute the proceedings and that this commission of an agreement was therefore paid to Mal Gal after this agreement to say that he was not entitled to pay from this suit.
The Director of Legislation and Studies
Opinion of the Directorate of Legislation and Studies on Branch
Associations of public benefit
To the Directorate of Social Services:
A reference to your book, Annex I, No. 2-1226, dated 205-1969, containing the request for a statement of opinion in the possibility of the general benefit of the branches of associations with the benefit of the general benefit, in the following:
From reference to article /41/ of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions, we believe that the Assembly has defined the general benefit of every association intended to achieve a public interest, which is issued by the President of the Republic as such.
So there are the conditions for issuing a decision by the President of the Republic to consider the Assembly to be of general use or not.
It was stated in article 25 of the Act that the Assembly-an association-would establish a subsidiary and added that such branches may be established and that they would then have an independent legal personality.
This means that the branch of the famous association has its legal personality and its independence and is treated as an independent association in what is not provided by law in relation to its obligations prior to the original assembly.
Accordingly, we believe that it is only if the conditions set forth in article 1/referred to above are to be considered as beneficial to the General Assembly's branch of public benefit.
Including a decision by the President of the Republic as well.
The Director of Legislation and Studies
Fouad Rizk
Opinion of the competent Committee of the State Council No. 91 /No. 91 of 1972
Property owned by associations and private institutions does not benefit from the provisions of Law No. 106 of 1958, which include the designation of property investment contracts of the State, municipalities and public institutions established to serve as a service for which the public benefit has licences issued by administrative bodies and not Under the provisions of the Window Lease Act.
Opinion of the competent Committee No. 40
Date 1-3-1973
The lack of a combination of the membership of the Board of Directors and the work of the Society with remuneration in charities is limited to the administrative work of the members of the Board of Directors and not the work that is outside the obligations of the original members such as teaching in the institutions of the Assembly.
Opinion of the Public Authority of the State Council No. 5 /5 of 1972
The arrested, recommended or talented real estate for holding religious services or for charity or for being exempted from all fees, including real estate fees, in particular the relocation fee established by Legislative Decree No. 101 of 1952.
Sv. No. 98 of 1965:
Article 1 provides that:
It is imposed in the municipal system "in exchange for speculation" on the built or unbuilt real estate and the surfaces with independent ownership and lands that are subject to improvement due to the works of public utility, and each municipality within its administrative domain will collect this exchange and be a resource of its own resources.
Article 15: a. The following real estate is exempt from improvement:
1. Mosques. 2. Churches and monasteries.
3. Unstudied cemeteries.
4. Estate owned by state departments and public institutions if they are not ripe for investment.
5. Real estate of charities dedicated to the aims of these associations and non-investors.
b. These properties are subject to improvement when they are not allocated for the purposes listed five years prior to the completion of the work resulting from the improvement.
Decision No. 809
The Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, based on the provisions of article 14 of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions, decides:
Article 1: The financial records that associations shall hold shall consist of:
1. Registry of the Fund and banks.
2. Register of contributions.
3. Journal record.
4. Register of furniture and tools.
5. Registry log.
6. Register of exchange orders.
(The following notebooks were added, depending on the instructions and corresponding decisions).
7. Subsidies of subsidies
8. Register of contributions Ministerial resolution
9. Real estate registry
10. Car Registry Ministerial Decision)
Article 2: The records mentioned in article 1/of the present resolution shall be regulated and maintained in accordance with the following rules:
First: The Fund and the banks:
1. The Fund and banks shall be governed by template 1/Annex to this resolution and shall be maintained by the Treasurer.
2. All payments and disbursements shall be recorded in the box in their historical sequence and based on the receipts and duly issued exchange orders and without the figures of the exchange orders and receipts and their abstracts in the fields assigned to them.
3. The amounts received and paid in cash by the Secretary of the Fund are recorded in the field of payments or cash receipts, and receipts and current payments are recorded through bank-based banks on the debtor side of the bank and the creditor as immediately.
4. The amounts received and paid are collected at the end of each month and added to the total amount received from the previous month and then the Fund's account balance (the payment of amounts paid from the amounts received and the previous month's balance), which represents the balance of the role For the current month, the balance can be made daily or monthly depending on the exigencies of the work. The same method applies to receipts and payments to banks so that the bank balance of banks constitutes the bank's bank deposits balance and the combined balance of the accounts is represented by the Assembly.
5. Upon approval by the Assembly of more than one bank for the deposit of its funds, all operations of the banks shall be recorded in the field allocated to them in the Fund's book and banks, and an assistance card shall be allocated to each bank in private in order to trace the bank account to these banks. In this case, the bank balance of the bank balance sheet must be equal to the total balances extracted from such assistance cards.
6. Demonstrated entries in the Fund's book and banks must be met monthly with accounting constraints to verify that they are identical.
II. Record of contributions:
1. The Register of Member Contributions shall be organized in accordance with model No. 2/annexed to the present resolution and shall be held by the Secretary of the Fund.
2. The register shall contain the names of all members, the amount of their monthly or annual subscription and the receipt of their monthly or annual contributions by limitation of the receipt number in the field of the month or months for which contributions have been carried out under that receipt.
3. The total subscription to this register shall always correspond to the total open account in accounting on behalf of monthly contributions.
III. The ledger:
1. The ledger is organized in accordance with model 3/Annex 3 and is maintained by the accountant.
2. All financial operations of the Assembly are shown in this ledger.
3. Operations in the fields assigned to them under the registration documents in the historical sequence in two opposing parties (creditors and debtors) are not based on the double method of accounting.
4. The city and creditor aspects of each field are collected at the end of each month and the sum of these fields constitutes the monthly balance of audit. The total city aspects of the accounts must be equal to the total creditor side.
IV. Furniture and tools book:
1. Accounting shall be maintained for the furniture and tools required by the Assembly in the form of a simple and simple ledger.
2. Prove in this book the furniture and instruments acquired by their historical sequence (each type of furniture has a page or special pages. The arithmetic sum must match the constraints of this book with the calculation of the furniture and the total tools in the ledger.)
3. This register is also used in order to match the annual inventory with accounting constraints.
V: Repository book:
1. The repository is governed by model 4/attached to the present resolution.
2. This register shall be maintained by the Accountant, in which the assets of the warehouse are recorded under the documents of the items purchased, consumed and remaining, and a special card shall be assigned to each article.
VI: Register of exchange orders:
1. The record of the exchange orders is maintained by accounting and all of the exchange orders issued are recorded.
2. This ledger must include serial exchange orders, their organization date, the name of the applicant, the name of the door, item or paragraph from which the amount is to be disbursed and a field of notes.
Article 3: The pages of each of the records shown in the preceding article must be numbered with the conclusion of the Directorate of Social Affairs and Labour in the competent governorate, and the number of pages, first and last, on the last page of each of these records, and the signature must be given. So in the department of social affairs and work in the competent county.
Article 4: The Assembly must regulate the financial records set forth in article 2 of the present resolution by date, with no blank, no vacuum, no transfer, no clearing, and no resolution between the lines.
Article 5: The holding of the books of the General Assembly may be used when necessary to use the books of a regular small master and an aid card for the accounts that require it, and the sum or balances of the assistance cards must be identical to the total and balance of the total account.
Article 6: The Assembly must retain its financial records after the conclusion of ten years.
Article 7: This decision shall be published and shall be communicated to the necessary for the implementation of its provisions.
Damascus in 10-9-1962.
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Resolution No. 1000
The Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Based on Article 14/from the Law on Associations and Private Institutions.
Article 1: Administrative records that associations shall hold shall consist of:
1. Register of members.
2. Records of meetings of the Governing Council.
3. Minutes of the plenary meetings of the Board.
4. Record received.
5. Record issued.
Article 2: The records mentioned in article 1/of the present resolution shall be regulated and maintained in accordance with the following rules:
I. Member registry:
1. The Register of Members shall be organized in accordance with model 1/Facilities for this resolution and shall be held by the Secretary of the Assembly.
2. The name of each member of the Assembly, title, nationality, nationality, title, title, date of affiliation and type of membership shall be recorded in the member register, and in the field of observations, each change in such data shall be made in the field assigned to the solar image of the member.
3. The members mentioned in the present register shall be restricted by the date of their affiliation with the Assembly.
II. Registry of meetings of the Governing Council:
1. The record of meetings of the Governing Council shall be organized in accordance with model No. 2, annexed to the present resolution, and shall be held by the Secretary of the Assembly.
2. The present record, the date and the date of the meeting, and the opening of the meeting, are present. In addition, the names of those members who have been absent without an excuse and without an excuse are included in the summary of the agenda, the facts and the decisions taken and the signing of the meeting by the members of the Governing Council at the end of the record.
III. Records of the plenary meetings of the Board:
1. The record of the minutes of the plenary meetings is organized and held by the Secretary of the Assembly.
2. The records of the meetings, as well as those of the meeting type (ordinary or extraordinary meeting, number, date, date and record of the meeting, the number of members present in particular, the number of agencies and absentee members), shall be reflected in the present record, and the agenda for which it is reached shall be reflected in the present report. Members shall be invited to meet and shall then record the facts of this meeting and the decisions taken and signed by the President and the Secretary of the Assembly.
IV. Register of papers received:
1. The record of papers set forth in template 3/Annex shall be governed by this resolution and shall be held by the Secretary of the Assembly.
2. All papers received shall be recorded in the present record at the date of their receipt and the corresponding serial number shall be reached in that record.
3. The number, date, type, source and abstracts of the Register, which is referred to as the Society's answers to the answers issued by the Assembly with the statement of occurrence and date, shall be given to the Register.
V: Record of issued papers:
1. The record of papers issued in accordance with model 4/4 shall be regulated by this resolution and shall be held by the Secretary of the Assembly.
2. All papers issued by the Assembly, its type, the addressee and other copies of such papers shall be recorded in the present register, as well as in the private field. A summary of the topics of such papers shall be issued, and the answers to these papers, their number, date and number shall be referred to in the private field. The original constraint is in the incoming record.
Article 3: Before the use of the organ register and record of the minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and records of meetings of the plenary body set out in article 1 of this resolution, the pages of each of these three records and their dowry shall be numbered in the ring of the Directorate of Social Affairs and Labour in the competent governorate, as must be done. To date the number of pages, first and last of them on the last page of the record referred to and signed by the Director of Social Affairs and Labour in the governorate.
Article 4: The Assembly must preserve its administrative records after the conclusion of ten years.
Article 5: This decision shall be published and shall be communicated to the necessary for the implementation of its provisions.
Damascus 8-11-1972
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Fundraising system
Outissued by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour in decision No. 1347
Date 30-12-1971
The Minister of Social Affairs and Labour is based on the provisions of Articles 17 and 20 of the Executive Regulation of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions.
And on the minister's proposal.
Article 1: The fund-raising system associated with this decision shall be adopted.
Article 2: An end to the system adopted by Resolution No. 707 of 15-4-1968 and the amended resolutions.
Article 3: This decision shall be published and shall be communicated to be required for implementation.
Damascus, 30-12-1971
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Fundraising system
Chapter I
Definitions and provisions
Article 1: The expressions set out below shall mean what is shown next to each of them:
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour
Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour
Directorate of Social Affairs and Labour
The competent administrative entity is the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour or its directorates in the governorates.
The organization, the association of associations or the general union of women and its branches.
Article 2: A donation collection by means of donation shall be considered as a donation to the public by any means, such as the establishment of charity markets, the collection of donations by means of receipts, through the collection of donations through the sale of calendars by the organization-in kind donations.
Article 3: The right to collect donations is limited to associations and federations in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions applicable to the decision in Law No. 93 /93 of 1958, the General Women's Union and its organizations, and excludes houses of worship collected through boxes or dishes on occasions. Religious to spend it on the same role that the collection takes place within this role.
Chapter II
Collection License
Article 4: The collection of voluntary contributions is subject to prior authorization by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and has the authority to delegate social affairs and to work with some of these powers.
Article 5: 1. A permit application must be submitted at least one week before the start date of the collection and the Directorate must decide whether to accept or reject the application within five days of its submission.
2. If the authorization includes more than one governorate, the application must be submitted at least a month prior to the start of the collection so that the Ministry can obtain the opinion of the conservative masters.
Article 6: The request shall include the following information:
a. Name of the organization wishing to collect.
b. Duration of collection.
c. Start and finish date.
d. The area in which the collection will be conducted.
e. Collection method.
and-the number of receipts or printed cards if the collection is by means of receipts or cards.
g. The Committee that oversees the collection shall have a minimum of three members and is required to be members of the Governing Council.
Article 7: The licence shall include the data contained in the application set forth in Article 6/Previous Article and other provisions which the competent administrative entity considers necessary for the organization of the collection.
Article 8: seal cards or receipts with the stamp of the organization and the ring of who has been granted the licence.
Article 9: The collection shall be for the achievement of the objectives of the organization and shall not be the purpose of raising money for the purposes of an organization whose activity is limited to its members (taking into account the provisions of article 17/of the Executive Regulation of the Law on Associations and Special Institutions of Presidential Decision No. 1330) 1958.
Article 10: A record of the collection of voluntary contributions shall be organized by a committee consisting of a representative of the Organization and a representative of the entity that issued the licence within thirty days of the expiration of the term of the licence and shall indicate in the present report the following:
a. Number and value of printed cards.
b. Number and value of cards sold.
c. Number and value of surplus cards.
d. Amount of expenditure.
e. Rent of fundraising.
The excess cards are destroyed by the knowledge of this committee.
b. The Organization may not be granted a new licence of the same kind unless the previous licence proceeds have been liquidated.
Article 11: The granting of a permit shall be limited to the collection of the activity area of the organization except in exceptional cases approved by the Ministry.
Article 12: The bodies specified in article 2/of this system shall not be granted more than one license in a year, except for the sale of calendars and parties offered by art associations, closed funds and charitable markets.
The duration of the licence may not exceed one more than three months and the licence may be extended for another three months if the extension request is required to be submitted at least one week before the expiry of the licence.
Article 13: The competent administrative entity issued the licence to send staff for inspection at the expense of the contributions and to report as a result.
Chapter III
Means of collection
Article 14: Voluntary contributions are collected through the following means:
a. Charitable markets.
b. Substantive parties.
c. Fundraising through receipts.
d. Collection through closed funds.
e-Sell calendars.
f. Fundraising in kind.
Any other means approved by the Ministry.
Section I
Charity markets
Article 15: Charitable markets, however, are considered to be the means of collection, which must be licensed for their residence and indicate in the license application the location, dates and sales items and the value of the sales, as indicated in the sale of the sale, as well as the number of free and equal access cards. Value with a statement of value.
b. The determination of the proportion of expenses to be issued to the licensee to be issued shall not exceed 75 % of the total imports.
Section II
Article 16: The request for the establishment of the party shall be submitted to the Directorate of Social Affairs and Labour in the governorate in which the organization is located, taking into account the provisions of article V of this system and indicating the type, place, date, number and value of the party and the value of the Directorate must be taken to the value of the Directorate The cards and classes before preparing them for sale.
Article 17: Subject to article 10 of the present Regulations, the authorized organization must submit a statement of expected expenditure prior to its authorization, as the determination of the application depends on the excess of the Organization's Fund, and administrative expenses, including the cost, shall not exceed 75 % of the Total imports.
Section III
Fundraising through receipts
Article 18: Taking into account the provisions of articles 6, 7 and 10, the collection method is not allowed to be combined, and the collection is limited to the method of receipts, and receipts are in books and serial numbers that are rum and stamped with the ring of the organization. This is if the value is limited, but if the value is not limited, the receipts are numbered and composed of an asset and a carbon sheet.
Article 19: Administrative expenses, including cost, may not exceed 25 % of the proceeds of donations.
Section IV
Plural-box collection
Article 20: Collection by closed funds shall be subject to the licence provided for in Article 4/of this Regulations.
Article 21: The number of funds, the location and the duration of the licence shall be determined in the licence.
Article 22: The funds shall be opened whenever the need arises in the presence of the JISC, and the funds are limited and a record is organized and a copy of which is deposited by the competent Directorate, and the Directorate may designate one of its officers to supervise the process.
Article 23: Funds are closed each time with the Committee's knowledge.
Article 24: The name and month number of the organization is written in a prominent place of the Fund.
Section V
Selling calendars
Article 25: The sale of calendars by the organizations is subject to the licence provided for in Article 4/of this Regulation.
Article 26: The sale takes place under fixed-value, duly sealed receipts.
Article 27: After the organization of the record provided for in article 10 of this regime, the receipts are destroyed. Calendars are sold for commercial purposes if possible, otherwise they will be destroyed and are stated in a subsequent record.
Article 28: The license specifies the types of calendars and the authorized number of each type.
Article 29: Administrative expenses, including cost, may not exceed 75 % of the total imports.
Section VI
Contributions in kind
Article 30: The collection of contributions in kind is subject to the licence provided for in article 4/of this system.
Article 31: The collection is carried out by receipts on two versions, including a carbon sheet and a reminder in each receipt of the type, quantity and estimated value of the contributions collected and the name of the donor if possible.
Article 32: The estimated value, estimated value and sale value of the collection shall be stated in the record provided for in article 10/quantity and sale of the collection. Cost and expenses shall not exceed 35 % of the collection value.
Chapter IV
Different provisions
Article 33: Group amounts may be spent only for the purpose for which they were collected.
Article 34: The organization that brings together a statement of collection expenditures in favour of the necessary documents and any maintenance that is not accompanied by an exchange document, shall be asked by the Supervisory Committee for collection only if maintenance is fixed and identified by the administrative authorities.
Article 35: The provisions of Article 71/of the Law on Associations and Private Institutions shall be taken into account for the application of penalties to offenders.
Article 36: Only with prior authorization from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs be removed prior to authorization shall be obtained from outside the country. The organization that permits it to collect from outside the Syrian Arab Republic is given a document that feels legally a month and sets out its objectives.
Article 37: The organization that collects donations from abroad shall submit a statement of the collection proceeds within thirty days of the expiration of the period of collection certified by the Syrian diplomatic mission in that country, if any.
Article 38: The competent administrative authority may deprive the organization of the licence for a maximum of one year if it violates the conditions specified in the licence granted to it or one of the provisions of this system.
Article 39: Licence shall be waived by the procuring entity upon the request of the relevant organization or if it is deemed necessary by that entity.
President of the Republic
Based on the Constitution.
and as adopted by the People's Assembly at its meeting held on 31-3-1974.
The following are issued:
Article 1: Syrian Charity Associations and Associations shall be tired in all of their transactions from:
a. Stamp duty.
b. Fees, financial, real estate and municipal taxes of different types.
c. Judicial fees and copy fees.
Article 2: This Law is published in the Official Journal.
Damascus 28-3-1394 and 20-4-1974
Hafez al-Assad
Head of State
Based on the provisions of the Interim Constitution.
Decision No. 52 of the Council of Ministers dated 19-1-1970.
paints the following:
Article 1: The application of the provisions of the Law on Social Insurance is deferred by Law No. 93 /93 of 1959 and its amendments to employees and workers of associations of public benefit until the first year of 1969.
Article 2: With failure to breach the acquired rights, the rights and obligations of employers and workers referred to from the prior period of 1969 are described in accordance with the rules set by a regulatory decision issued by the Minister of Social Affairs and Labour on the proposal of the board of directors of the Social Insurance Institution.
Article 3: This Legislative Decree is published in the Official Journal.
Damascus 15-11-1389 and 22-1-1970
Head of State
Dr. Nour Eldin Al-Atassi
No. 64/B. 8/30
Instructions for drawing floor number 18/70
The Legislative Decree No. 165 of 23.7-1970, incorporating the addition of three new paragraphs to article X of the Legislative Decree No. 3 of 1933, contains a financial floor fee system and, through its provisions, provides you with the following:
First: Paragraph (52) bis:
Contracts, arrival, and all paperwork related to the ongoing reinsurance operations between insurance companies and reinsurance companies ... are exempt.
It is clear from the above text that all papers of any kind and relating to reinsurance operations are exempt from financial stamp fees.
II. Paragraph (57)
The correspondence of public sector institutions and companies, associations, unions and data submitted by them to public departments and institutions is exempted.
Under this text, statements and books have generally been exempted from all correspondence submitted to ministries and public institutions from the public sector, associations and trade unions.
III. Paragraph (88) bis
Contracts conducted by departments, public institutions and public sector companies with abroad if they are by correspondence or export-related ... are exempted.
It is clear from this text that the exemption established under the paragraph above is specific to two types of contracts:
a. Type I: Correspondence contracts concluded with the outside. An exemption for these contracts is required to provide the following conditions:
1. A State department, public institution or public sector company shall be a party to the contract required to be exempted.
2. That the contract shall be in progress by correspondence with a natural or legal person outside the Syrian territory "i.e. the positive or acceptance of the contract shall be made from outside the Syrian territory".
It draws attention to the fact that if the contract in Syria is issued positively and accepted together in the Syrian territories, the contract is not considered to be concluded with the foreign correspondent, even if the second party is foreign.
b. Type II:
Export contracts:
In order to encourage export operations, the export contracts conducted by a State department, public institutions or public sector companies have also been exempted from the design of the stamp. An exemption in such contracts is required to be export-related and ongoing by one of the parties specified above as one of the parties to the contract, as clearly illustrated by the reasons for which the legislative decree has been established.
IV. The provisions of the present communication shall apply to all papers and contracts referred to above, which have not yet been completed. A picture of the Legislative Decree (165 of 1970).
Damascus 5-8-1970
Minister of Finance
Legislative Decree No. 165
Head of State.
Based on the provisions of the Interim Constitution.
The Cabinet Decision No. 165 dated 22-7-1970.
paints the following:
Article 1: Add the following paragraphs to article X of Legislative Decree No. 3 of 1933:
a. Paragraph 52 bis: Contracts, arrival and all papers related to the ongoing reinsurance operations between insurance companies and reinsurance companies ....
b. Paragraph 57 bis: The correspondence of institutions and companies of the public sector, associations, trade unions and statements submitted by them to public administrations and institutions ... is exempt.
c. Paragraph 88 bis: contracts conducted by public administrations, public institutions and public sector companies with the outside if they are either correspondence or export-related ... exempted.
Article 2: The first article of this Legislative Decree shall apply to all papers and instruments in which they are not met with the date of issuance and the amounts paid are not reimbursed.
Article 3: This Legislative Decree is published in the Official Gazette and operates on the date of its promulgation.
Damascus 19-5-1390 and 23-7-1970.
Head of State
Dr. Nour Eldin Al-Atassi
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A cartoon. |
The activities of the Council |
var dA = new Array (); var x = 0; // first 8 characters in ccyyyy format for single date events // first 8 characters in 0000mmdd format for event year events [x + +] = " 20160417 Statement of the People's Assembly on the seventieth anniversary of independence "; |