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Resolution On December 31, 1981, Of The General Technical Secretariat, On The Implementation Of Article 32 Of The Decree 801/1972, Concerning The Management Of The Activity Of The Administration Of The State In Respect Of International Treaties.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 31 de diciembre de 1981, de la Secretaría General Técnica, sobre la aplicación del artículo 32 del Decreto 801/1972, relativo a la ordenación de la actividad de la Administración del Estado en materia de Tratados Internacionales.

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In accordance with the provisions of Article 32 of Decree 801/1972 of 24 March on the management of the activity of the State Administration in the field of International Treaties.

This Technical General Secretariat has provided the publication, for general knowledge, of all communications relating to International Treaties in which Spain is a party, received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs between on 1 September and 31 December 1981 and which affect treaties which were already published in the Official Journal of the State at the time of receipt of such communications.


Constitution of the World Health Organization. New York, July 22, 1946. * Dominica, August 13, 1981 acceptance. * "Official State Gazette" of 15 May 1973. *

Constitution of the World Health Organization. Amendments to Articles 24 and 25. Geneva, 23 May 1987. * Burundi, July 21, 1981, acceptance. * "Official State Gazette" of 10 November 1975. *

* France, July 22, 1981, acceptance. * *

Statutes of the World Tourism Organization (WTO). Mexico, 27 September 1970. * By Resolution 85 (IV) of the Fourth General Assembly of the Organization, held in Rome from 14 to 25 September 1981 the following new Members are admitted: * "Official State Gazette" of 3 December 1974 and 14 April 1981. *

* Lesotho, September 17, 1981, effective member. * *

* Maldives, September 17, 1981, effective member. * *

* Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 17 September 1981, effective member. * *

* Zimbabwe, September 17, 1981 effective member. * *

* Macau, September 17, 1981, associate member. * *

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Vienna, 18 April 1961. * Sudan, 13 April 1981, accession, with the following reservations and interpretation: * "Official State Gazette" of 24 January 1968. *


* The Government of the Democratic Republic of Sudan reserves its right to interpret Article 38 in the sense that it does not confer on a diplomatic agent who is a national or permanent resident of Sudan immunity from jurisdiction and inviolability, even where the acts complained of are official acts carried out by that diplomatic agent in the performance of his duties. * *

* The Government of the Democratic Republic of Sudan understands that its ratification of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations does not imply in any way the recognition of Israel or that it will maintain the relations governed by that Convention. > * *

* Bulgaria, June 23, 1981, objections to reservations made by Saudi Arabia at the time of its accession: * *


* In the view of the Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, this reservation is in breach of paragraph 4 of Article 27 of the 1981 Convention on Diplomatic Relations. > * *

* Israel, August 14, 1981, objection to the interpretation made by Sudan at the time of its accession: * *

* The Government of Israel has taken note of the political character of the statement made by the Government of Sudan regarding Israel. In the view of the Government of Israel, this Convention is not the right place to formulate such political pronouncements. Furthermore, such a declaration cannot in any way affect any obligations which are binding on the Sudan under the general international law or on specific conventions. As far as the substance of the matter is concerned, the Government of Israel will adopt a fully reciprocated attitude towards the Government of the Sudan. > * *

Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Vienna, 24 April 1983. * Bhutan, July 28, 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 6 March 1970. *

Convention on the Status of Refugees. Geneva, 28 July 1951. * Philippines, July 22, 1981, accession with the declaration that the mention "events occurring before 1 January 1951" means "events occurring in Europe or another place before 1 January 1951". * *

Protocol on the Status of Refugees. New York, 31 January 1987. * Chad, August 19, 1981, accession with the same declaration as the one made by the Philippines. * "Official State Gazette" of 21 October 1978. *

* Egypt, May 22, 1981, accession with the same declaration as the one made by the Philippines. * *

* Angola, June 23, 1981, accession with equal declaration as that made by the Philippines and the following: * *

* The Government of the People's Republic of Angola hereby declares that the provisions of the Convention shall apply in Angola provided that they are not contrary to or incompatible with the constitutional and legal provisions in force in Angola. the People's Republic of Angola in particular as regards Articles 7, 13, 15, 18 and 24 of the Convention. These provisions will not be interpreted in the sense that any category of foreign nationals residing in Angola should be granted more extensive rights than those enjoyed by Angolan citizens. * *

* The Government of the People's Republic of Angola also considers that provisions 8 and 9 of the Convention cannot be interpreted as limiting their right to adopt in respect of a refugee or group of refugees. measures which it considers necessary to safeguard national interests and to ensure that their sovereignty is respected where circumstances so require. * *

* Also, Angola expressed the following reservations: * *

* Article 17: The Government of the People's Republic of Angola accepts the obligations set out in Article 17 provided that: * *

* (a) Paragraph 1 of that Article shall not be interpreted as meaning that the refugees shall enjoy the same privileges as may be granted to nationals of countries with which the People's Republic of Angola has signed special cooperation agreements: * *

* b) Paragraph 2 of that article is interpreted as a recommendation and not an obligation. * *

* Article 26: The Government of the Republic of Angola reserves its right to prescribe, transfer or circumscribe the place of residence of certain refugees or groups of refugees and to restrict their freedom of movement when so (i) advice and considerations of national or international nature. * *

* In its instrument of accession the Government of the People's Republic of Angola declared, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article VII, that it was not considered bound by Article IV of the Protocol on the dispute resolution on the interpretation of the Protocol. > * *

* Sierra Leone May 22, 1981, accession, with the same declaration as that made by the Philippines and the following: * *


* In addition, with respect to Article 17 as a whole, the Government of Sierra Leone wishes to state that it considers the article to be a recommendation and not a binding obligation. * *

* The Government of Sierra Leone wishes to declare that it is not considered bound by the provisions of Article 29 and reserves its right to impose special taxes on foreigners in the form laid down by the Constitution. > * *

* Zimbabwe, August 25, 1981, accession with the same declaration as the one made by the Philippines. * *

* The adhesion instrument also contains the following reservations: * *

* < 1. The Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe declares that it is not bound by any of the reservations to the Convention on the Status of Refugees, the application of which was extended by the Government of the United Kingdom to its territory before it reached the independence. * *

* 2. The Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe wishes to declare in respect of paragraph 2 of Article 17, that it is not considered to be obliged to grant a refugee who meets any of the conditions set out in paragraphs (a) to (c) the automatic exemption from the obligation to obtain a work permit. Furthermore, with regard to Article 17 as a whole, the Republic of Zimbabwe does not undertake to grant refugees paid employment rights more favourable than those granted to foreigners in general. * *

* 3. The Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe wishes to state that it considers that Article 22 (1) is only a recommendation and not an obligation to grant refugees the same treatment as it does to nationals in respect of elementary education. * *

* 4. The Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe considers that Articles 23 and 24 are only recommendations. * *

* 5. The Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe wishes to declare in respect of Article 26 that it reserves its right to designate a place or places of residence for refugees. > * *

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. New York, 19 December 1966. * Mexico, 23 March 1981, accession with the following interpretative declaration: * "Official State Gazette" of 30 April 1977. *

* * *

* Korea, September 19, 1981, accession. * *

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. New York, December 19, 1966 * Mexico, March 28, 1981, accession with the following interpretative declaration and reservations: * "Official State Gazette" of 30 April 1977. *


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* Federal Republic of Germany, 28 March 1981, upon expiry of its declaration on this date, recognizing the competence of the Human Rights Committee under Article 41 of the Convention, states the following: * *

* * *

* In a communication accompanying the declaration, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany indicated that it wished to draw attention to the reservations made at the time of ratification in respect of Articles 19, 21 and 22 in conjunction with Articles 2 (1), 14 (3), 14 (5) and 15 (1) of the said Pact, and the reservation of the related rights and responsibilities contained in the declaration, also made at the time of ratification, on the implementation of the West Berlin. * *

European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Rome. 4 November 1950. * United Kingdom, 19 August 1981, renewal of acceptance-in respect of the territories for whose external relations it is concerned-of the competence of the Commission and the European Court of Human Rights for a period of five years between 14 January 1981 and 13 January 1986. * "Official State Gazette" of 10 October 1979. *

* United Kingdom, 30 September 1981, notification in the sense that from 21 September 1981 it has ceased to secure international relations for the territory of Belize. * *

Supplementary convention on the abolition of slavery, the slave trade, and slavery-like institutions and practices. Geneva, 7 September 1956. * Solomon Islands. September 3, 1981, succession. * "Official State Gazette" of 23 December 1967. *

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. New York, 7 March 1966. * Uganda, November 21, 1980, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 17 May 1969. *

* Iceland, August 10, 1981, the following statement: * *

* In accordance with Article 14 of the International Convention which was opened for signature in New York on 7 March 1966, Iceland recognises the competence of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for receive and examine communications from individuals or groups of individuals within the jurisdiction of Iceland who claim to have been victims of a violation by Iceland of any of the rights established in the Convention, subject to the reservation that the Committee shall not examine any communication of an individual or group of individuals unless the Committee has been satisfied that the same issue is not being examined or has not been examined in accordance with another international investigation or settlement procedure. > * *

* Colombia, September 2, 1981, ratification. * *

Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. New York, 9 December 1948. * Vietnam, June 9, 1981, accession with the following declaration: * "Official State Gazette" of 8 February 1969. *


* 2. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam does not accept Article XII of the Convention and considers that all provisions of the Convention should also apply to non-autonomous territories including territories under administration. fiat. * *

* 3. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam considers that Article XI is discriminatory in that it refuses certain States the opportunity to be parties to the Convention and maintains that the Convention should be open to the accession of all States. > * *

Convention for the repression of human trafficking and the exploitation of prostitution. Lake Succes, New York, March 21, 1950. * Ethiopia, 10 September 1981, accession, with the declaration that it is not considered bound by Article 22 of the Convention. * "Official State Gazette" of 25 September 1962. *

* Central African Republic, 29 September 1981, accession. * *


Protocol to the Treaty on the permanent neutrality and functioning of the Panama Canal. Washington, 7 September 1977. * Costa Rica, September 18, 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 26 May 1981. *

Convention on the Protection of Civil Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949. * Solomon Islands, July 6, 1981, succession. * "Official State Gazette" of 2 September 1952. *

* Saint Lucia, September 18, 1981, succession. * *

* Dominica, September 28, 1981, succession. * *

International Agreement for the establishment of the University for Peace and Charter of the University for Peace. New York, 5 December 1980. * Sri Lanka, August 10, 1981, signing. * "Official State Gazette" of 26 June 1981. *

* Guatemala, September 14, 1981, signed. * *


the Vienna Convention on the Law of the Treaties. Vienna, 23 May 1969. * Germany, Federal Republic of 21 July 1981, designation as conciliators of the Professors Thomas Opperman and Günther Jaenicke. * "Official State Gazette" of 13 June 1980. *

* Japan, July 2, 1981, accession with the following statement: * *

* 1. The Government of Japan raises objections to any reservations aimed at excluding the application, in whole or in part, of the provisions of Article 66 and of the Annex relating to the compulsory procedures for the settlement of disputes and not considers that Japan is in treaty relations with any State that has formulated or formulated such a reservation, concerning the provisions of Part V of the Convention, concerning the application of the aforementioned mandatory procedures which are excluded as a result of that reservation. Accordingly, the relations of treaty between Japan and the Syrian Arab Republic shall not include those provisions of Part V of the Convention to which the conciliation procedure laid down in the Annex and the Treaty relations between them applies. Japan and Tunisia shall not include Articles 53 and 64 of the Convention. * *

* 2. The Government of Japan does not accept the interpretation of Article 52 as set out by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, since that interpretation does not correctly reflect the conclusions reached at the Conference of Vienna on the question of coercion. * *

* Chile, April 2, 1981, ratification, with the following reservation and objection: * *

* 1. The Republic of Chile declares its adherence to the general principle of the immutability of treaties without prejudice to the right of States to stipulate, in particular, rules to amend this principle, and for this reason it makes a reservation in respect of provisions of paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 62 of the Convention, which it considers to be inapplicable to Chile. * *

* 2. The Republic of Chile makes an objection to the reservations that have been made or could be made in the future with respect to paragraph 2 of Article 62 of the Convention. * *

* Mexico, 28 July 1981, designation as conciliators of the Professors Antonio Gomez Robledo and Cesar Sepulveda. * *

Nice Agreement on the international classification of goods and services for the purposes of trademark registration. Revised in Stockholm on 14 July 1967 and in Geneva on 13 May 1977. * Suriname, July 24, 1981, accession to the 1977 Geneva Act. * "Official State Gazette" of 16 March 1879. *

* Germany, Federal Republic, 28 September 1981, ratification of the Geneva Act with the declaration that it will also apply to West Berlin. * *

Convention abolishing the requirement for the legalization of foreign public documents. The Hague, 5 October 1981. * United States, 24 December 1980, accession, with the following declaration: * "Official State Gazette" of 24 September and 17 October 1978 and 19 January 1979. *


* Section 319 precept the following: " Section 319. Test in extra view. The depositions, commandments and other instruments or copies thereof, presented as evidence in the case of extra-supplementary cases, shall be received and shall be accepted as evidence in that view to all the effects of the case itself and legitimately of such The Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union resident in that country shall be proof that the same so presented are authenticated in the required form. " * *

* The requirement of section 319 is fulfilled by certification-issued by the principal diplomatic or consular official of the United States residing in the State of extradition-that the documents they are in such a way as to be admissible in the courts of that State. Apostille certification in accordance with the said Convention of 1961 does not meet the express requirement, since it only certifies the signature, the quality of the signatory and the stamp placed on the documents. I do not certify the admissibility of the documents. The United States therefore considers that the requirement of Section 319 is not revoked by the Ministry of Article 8 of the 1961 Convention. * *

* However, it is to be noted that the certification issued by the principal diplomatic or consular officer of the United States referred to in section 319 also serves to legalize such documents and continue to serve as such without any need for legalization by U.S. officials, or by apostille certification under the 1961 Convention. * *

* According to the above, it is recommended that the States Parties to the 1961 Convention continue to protect, as hitherto, with the special certificate prevented in section 319, the supporting documents for extradition requests The United States. The fact that the extra documents may not be covered by the extra documents could unfortunately result in a decision by the Judge or Magistrate of the United States who is aware of the extra request. resolution, we say, that the documents do not meet the requirements of section 319 and, as a result, are not enabled to be received and admitted as evidence. In turn, such a resolution could come to a halt in the irrevocable refusal of the extradition request. > * *

* United States, October 9, 1981, notice of modification in the designation of the authorities for Alaska as regards the jurisdiction provided for in Article 3, paragraph 1. * *

Convention on the waiver of the legalization of certain documents. Athens, 15 September 1977. * Luxembourg, 12 July 1981, ratification. * "Official State Gazette" of 11 May 18, June and 16 July 1981. *

Convention on Civil Procedure. The Hague, 1 March 1959. * Arab Republic of Egypt, February 4, 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 13 December 1961. *

European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism. Strasbourg, 27 January 1977. * Luxembourg, 11 September 1981, ratification. * "Official State Gazette" of 8 October 1980. *


Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization. Stockholm, 14 July 1967. * Zimbabwe, 29 September 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 30 January 1974. *

Universal Convention on Copyright, revised in Paris on 24 July 1971, and Protocols 1 and 2. Paris, 24 July 1971. * Revolutionary People's Republic of Guinea, August 13, 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 15 January 1975. *

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883, revised in Stockholm on 14 July 1967. * Zimbabwe September 29, 1981, accession. In order to determine its contribution to the Union Budget of Paris, Zimbabwe has been classified in category VII. * "Official State Gazette" of 1 February 1974. *

Revolutionary People's Republic of Guinea, 30 October 1981, Accession. In order to determine its contribution to the budget of the Union of Paris, the Revolutionary People's Republic of Guinea has been classified in category VII. * *

Act Paris of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Paris 24 July 1971. * Zimbabwe, 29 September 1981, accession, not applicable to Articles 1 to 21 or to the Annex. * "Official State Gazette" of 4 April and 30 October 1974. *

Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Revised in Rome on 2 June 1928. * Zimbabwe. September 29, 1981, succession. * of April 25, 1935. *

Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from the Sea by Dumping Of Wastes and Other Materials. London, Mexico, Moscow and Washington. 29 December 1972. * Greece, 10 August 1981, Ratification (London), with the following reservations: * * Official State Gazette of 10 November 1975. *

* 1. Article VII, 1 c, should be interpreted in connection with the provisions of Article XIII. * *

* 2. The real meaning of Article XIII is that any coastal state is recognized as no right in the control of discharges, beyond what is foreseen in the existing International Law. * *

Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution. Barcelona, 16 February 1976 * Algeria, 18 February 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 21 February 1978. *

* Cyprus, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Cyprus 19 November 1979, ratification. * *

* Spain, February 16, 1975, signed. * *

* Spain, December 17, 1976, ratification. * *

* France, February 18, 1976, signed. * *

* France March 11, 1978, approval, with the following reservation: * *

* * *

* Greece, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Greece, 3 January 1979, ratification. * *

* Israel, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Israel, March 3, 1978 ratification, with the following statement: * *

* The Government of Israel has taken note of the political character of the declaration made by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic upon joining the Convention. In the view of the Government of Israel this Convention is not the right place to make such political statements. In addition, the said declaration cannot, in any way, affect any of the obligations imposed on the Syrian Arab Republic by the general international law or by the particular Conventions. The Government of Israel, as far as the substance of the matter is concerned, will adopt an attitude of total reciprocity in respect of the Syrian Arab Republic. > * *

* Italy, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Italy, February 3, 1979, ratification. * *

* Lebanon, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Lebanon, November 8, 1977, accession. * *

* Libya, January 31, 1977, signed. * *

* Libya, January 31, 1979, accession. * *

* Malta, February 18, 1978, signing. * *

* Malta, December 30, 1977, ratification. * *

* Morocco, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Morocco, January 15, 1980, ratification. * *

* Monaco, February 18, 1978, signing. * *

* Monaco, September 20, 1977, ratification. * *

* Arab Republic of Egypt, February 18, 1976, signed. * *

* Arab Republic of Egypt, August 24, 1978 approval. * *

* Syrian Arab Republic, December 28, 1978, accession with the following reservation: * *

* The accession of the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Barcelona Convention of 1978 for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution would not, at all, mean any recognition by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to Israel and does not, under any circumstances, commit to any form of collaboration or exchange of information with it, both at the bilateral level and at the multilateral level. > * *

* Tunisia, May 25, 1976, signed. * *

* Tunisia, July 30, 1977, ratification. * *

* Turkey, February 16, 1978, signed. * *

* Turkey, April 8, 1981, ratification. * *

* Yugoslavia, September 15, 1978, signed. * *

* Yugoslavia January 13, 1978, ratification. * *

* EEC, September 18, 1978, signed. * *

* EEC, March 18, 1978, approval. * *

Protocol on cooperation to combat in emergency situations the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea caused by hydrocarbons and other harmful substances. Barcelona, 18 February 1976. * Algeria, 18 March 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 21 February 1978. *

* Cyprus, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Cyprus, 19 November 1979, ratification. * *

* France, February 16, 1978, signing. * *

* France 11 March 1978 approval, with the same reservation made when approving the February 1976 Convention. * *

* Greece, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Greece, January 3, 1979, ratification. * *

* Israel, February 18, 1976, signed. * *

* Israel, March 3, 1978, Ratification. * *

* Italy, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Italy, February 3, 1979, ratification. * *

* Lebanon, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Lebanon, November 8, 1977, accession. * *

* Libya, January 31, 1977, signed. * *

* Libya, January 31, 1979, ratification. * *

* Malta, February 16, 1976, signing. * *

* Malta, December 30, 1977, ratification. * *

* Morocco, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Morocco, January 15, 1980, ratification. * *

* Monaco, February 18, 1978, signing. * *

* Monaco, September 20, 1977, ratification. * *

* Arab Republic of Egypt, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Arab Republic of Egypt, August 24, 1978, approval. * *

* Syrian Arab Republic, December 28, 1978, accession. * *

* Tunisia, May 25, 1978, signed. * *

* Tunisia, July 30, 1977, ratification. * *

* Turkey, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Yugoslavia, September 15, 1978, signed. * *

* Yugoslavia January 13, 1978, ratification. * *

* EEC, September 13, 1978, signed. * *

* EEC, August 12, 1981, approval. * *

* Spain, February 18, 1976, signed. * *

* Spain, December 17, 1976, ratification. * *

Protocol on the prevention of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea caused by discharges from ships and aircraft. Barcelona, 18 February 1976. * Algeria, 16 March 1981, accession. * Official Journal of the State of 21 February 1978. *

* Cyprus, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Cyprus, 19 November 1979, ratification. * *

* Spain, February 18, 1978, signed. * *

* Spain, December 17, 1978, ratification. * *

* France 16 February 1976, signature. * *

* France, March 11, 1978, approval, with the same reservation made in approving the Convention of 16 February 1976. * *

* Greece, February 11, 1977, firm. * *

* Greece, January 3, 1979, ratification. * *

* Israel, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Italy, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Italy, February 3, 1979, ratification. * *

* Lebanon. February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Lebanon, November 8, 1977 accession. * *

* Libya, January 31, 1977, signed. * *

* Libya, January 31, 1979, ratification. * *

* Malta, February 16, 1976, signing. * *

* Malta, December 30, 1977, ratification. * *

* Morocco, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Morocco, January 15, 1980, ratification. * *

* Monaco, February 16, 1976, signing. * *

* Monaco, September 20, 1977, ratification. * *

* Arab Republic of Egypt, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Arab Republic of Egypt, August 24, 1978, approval. * *

* Syrian Arab Republic, December 26, 1978, accession. * *

* Tunisia, May 25, 1976, signed. * *

* Tunisia, July 30, 1977, ratification. * *

* Turkey, February 16, 1976, signed. * *

* Yugoslavia, September 15, 1976, signed. * *

* Yugoslavia, January 13, 1978, ratification. * *

* EEC, September 13, 1976, signed. * *

* EEC, March 16, 1978, approval. * *



Convention for the Suppression of Illicit Trafficking in Harmful Drugs signed in Geneva on 26 June 1936, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Succes, New York, on 11 December 1946. * Rwanda, July 15, 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 29 September 1970. *

Convention on psychotropic substances. Vienna, 21 February 1971. * Rwanda, July 15, 1981, ratification. * "Official State Gazette" of 10 September 1976. *


International Convention on the limitation of the liability of ship owners sailing on the high seas and the signature protocol. Brussels, 10 October 1957. * Solomon Islands, September 17, 1981, succession. * "Official State Gazette" of 21 July 1970. *

International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Concerning Criminal Competition in the Field of Boarding and Other Navigation Events. Brussels, 10 May 1952. * Solomon Islands, September 17, 1981, succession * of 4 January 1954. *

International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules on Civil Competition in the Field of Boarding. Brussels, May 10, 1952 * Solomon Islands, September 17, 1981, succession * of 3 January 1954. *

International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Preventative Embargo of Ships of Maritime Navigation. Brussels, 10 May 1952. * Solomon Islands, September 17, 1981, succession. * "Official State Gazette" of 5 January 1954. *

International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Boarding Knowledge. Amended by Protocol of 1968. Brussels, 23 February 1968. * Solomon Islands, September 17, 1981, succession. * of July 31, 1930. *

Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules on Maritime Assistance and Rescue. Followed by a Signature Protocol. Brussels, 23 September 1910. * Solomon Islands, September 17, 1981, succession. * of December 13, 1923. *

International Civil Aviation Convention. Chicago, December 7, 1944. * Granada, 31 August 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 24 February 1947. *

Protocol on the authentic trilingual text of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944). Buenos Aires, 24 September 1968. * Granada, 31 August 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 29 December 1969. *

Convention for the Suppression of Illicit Aircraft Seizure. The Hague 16 December 1970. * Qatar, 26 August 1981, accession with reservation to Article 12. * "Official State Gazette" of 15 January 1973. *

Convention for the Suppression of Illicit Acts against the Security of Civil Aviation. Montreal, 23 September 1971. * Qatar, 26 August 1981, accession, with a reservation to Article 14. * "Official State Gazette" of 14 January 1974. *

Treaty on the principles that should govern the activities of States in the exploration and use of outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies. London, Moscow and Washington, January 27, 1967. * Chile, October 8, 1981, ratification (Washington). * "Official State Gazette" of 4 February 1969. *

Convention on the recording of objects thrown into outer space. New York, 12 November 1974. * Chile, 17 September 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 29 January 1979. *

Constitution of the Universal Postal Union. Vienna, 10 July 1964. * Costa Rica, September 10, 1981, ratification. * "Official State Gazette" of 27 December 1966. *

Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union. Tokyo, November 14, 1969. * Costa Rica, September 10, 1981, ratification. * "Official State Gazette" from 6 to 9 May 1974. *

Minutes of the Universal Postal Union. Second Protocol. Lausanne, 5 July 1974. * Equatorial Guinea, September 21, 1981, accession * 21, 22, 23, 25 and 26 August 1980. *

* Costa Rica, September 10, 1981, ratification. * *

Protocol on the privileges, exemptions and immunities of . Washington, May 19, 1978. * Zambia, May 28, 1981, ratification. * "Official State Gazette" of 4 April 1981. *

* Japan, August 17, 1981, Accession, with the following statement: * *

* * *

* Italy, July 7, 1981, ratification. * *

Convention on the International Hydrographic Organization. Monaco, 3 May 1967. * Uruguay, 22 September 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 19 November 1975. *


Geneva Protocol (1979) annexed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Geneva, 30 June 1979. Additional Protocol to the Geneva Protocol (1979). Geneva, 22 November 1979. * Zaire, 11 November 1981, ratification of the Additional Protocol. * "Official State Gazette" of 25 and 26 November 1981. *

Agreement on the implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Geneva, 12 April 1979. * Poland, June 3, 1981, acceptance. * "Official State Gazette" of 18 November 1981 *

Agreement on the implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the annexed Protocol (Geneva, 1 November 1979). Geneva, 12 April 1979. * United Kingdom, 17 September 1981, acceptance of the annexed Protocol, on behalf of the territories it represents internationally, with the exception of Antigua, Bermuda, Brunei, the Canary Islands, Monserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis and British bases of Cyprus. * "Official State Gazette" of 19 November 1981. *

* It will also apply to Hong Kong. * *

Agreement on technical barriers to trade. Geneva, 12 April 1979. * United Kingdom, February 19, 1980, approval. * "Official State Gazette" of 17 November 1981. *

* Yugoslavia, September 16, 1980, acceptance. * *

Convention on the Customs Value of Goods and Annexed. Brussels, 15 December 1950. * Germany, Federal Republic, 12 June 1981. Communication that the notification of denunciation made on 30 June 1979 also refers to Berlin, where the Convention has ceased to have effect on 30 June 1980. * "Official State Gazette" of 4 June 1971. *

Convention on customs formalities for the temporary importation of private vehicles. New York, June 4, 1954. * Solomon Islands, September 3, 1981, succession. * "Official State Gazette" of 8 December 1958. *

Additional Protocol to the Convention on Customs Facilities for Tourism, concerning the import of documents and tourist propaganda material. New York, June 4, 1954. * Solomon Islands, September 3, 1981, succession. * "Official State Gazette" of 16 December 1958. *

Agreement for the import of educational, scientific and cultural objects and the annexed protocol. Lake Succes, New York, November 22, 1959. * Solomon Islands, September 3, 1981, succession. * "Official State Gazette" of 9 March 1956. *

Customs Convention on temporary importation for private use of recreational craft and aircraft, with annexes and signature protocol. Geneva, May 18, 1956. * Solomon Islands, September 3, 1981, succession. * "Official State Gazette" of 26 January 1959. *

Customs Convention on containers, with annexes and signature protocols. Geneva, May 18, 1956. * Solomon Islands, September 3, 1981, succession. * "Official State Gazette" of 19 April 1960. *

International Convention for the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Regimes and Anejos E. 3 and E. 5. Kyoto, May 18, 1973. * Pakistan, 25 September 1981, acceptance of Annex 3, with the following reservations: * "Official State Gazette" of 13 May, 30 June and 19 September 1980 *

* 1. Recommended Practice 9: * *

* A guarantee in the form of a payment commitment is required for goods in a customs warehouse. * *

* 2. Recommended Practice 11: * *

* The import or admission to customs warehouse of the goods submitted

prohibitions or restrictions will not be authorized more than if these goods are covered by an import permit or license. * *

* 3. Recommended Practice 11: * *

* The exemption and reimbursement of export duties under current legislation will not be possible more than when the goods have actually been exported. * *

* 4. Recommended Practice 15: * *

* The reimbursement of import duties and taxes, the settlement of the temporary admission procedure and the exemption or reimbursement of the internal duties and taxes shall not be permitted more than when the goods have been have been effectively exported. * *

Agreement establishing the International Monetary Fund. Washington, December 27, 1945. * Afghanistan, July 14, 1955, signing and acceptance. * "Official State Gazette" of 13 September 1958. *

* Germany, Federal Republic, August 14, 1952, signing and acceptance. * *

* High Volta, May 2, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Saudi Arabia, August 16, 1957, signing and acceptance. * *

* Algeria, 26 September 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Argentina, September 20, 1956, signing and acceptance. * *

* Australia, August 5, 1947, signing and acceptance. * *

* Austria, August 27, 1948, signature and acceptance. * *

* Bahamas, August 21, 1973, signature and acceptance. * *

* Bahrain, September 7, 1972, signing and acceptance. * *

* Bangladesh, August 17, 1972, signing and acceptance. * *

* Barbados, December 29, 1970, signing and acceptance. * *

* Belgium, December 27, 1945, signature and acceptance. * *

* Benin, July 10, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Burma, January 3, 1952, signature and acceptance. * *

* Bolivia, December 27, 1945, signing and acceptance. * *

* Botswana, July 24, 1968, signature and acceptance. * *

* Brazil, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Brazil, January 14, 1946, acceptance. * *

* Burundi, September 28, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Bhutan, September 28, 1981, signing and acceptance. * *

* Cape Verde, November 20, 1978, signature and acceptance. * *

* Cameroon, July 10, 1963, signing and acceptance. * *

* Canada, December 27, 1945, signing and acceptance. * *

* Colombia, December 27, 1945, signing and acceptance. * *

* Comoros, September 21, 1976, signature and acceptance. * *

* Ivory Coast, March 11, 1963, signing and acceptance. * *

* Costa Rica, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Costa Rica, January 8, 1946, acceptance. * *

* Chad, July 10, 1963, signing and acceptance. * *

* Chile, December 31, 1945, signing and acceptance. * *

* China, April 17, 1980, acceptance. * *

* Cyprus, December 21, 1961, signature and acceptance. * *

* Djibouti, December 28, 1978, signature and acceptance. * *

* Dominica, December 12, 1978, signature and acceptance. * *

* Denmark, March 30, 1946, signing and acceptance. * *

* Ecuador, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Ecuador, December 28, 1945, acceptance. * *

* El Salvador, March 14, 1946, signing and acceptance. * *

* United States, December 27, 1945, signature and acceptance. * *

* Ethiopia, December 12, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Ethiopia, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Federation of Arab Emirates, September 22, 1972, signing and acceptance. * *

* Fidji, May 28, 1971, signing and acceptance. * *

* Philippines, December 21, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Philippines, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Finland, January 14, 1948, signature and acceptance. * *

* France, December 27, 1945, signature and acceptance. * *

* Gabon, September 10, 1963, signing and acceptance. * *

* Gambia, September 21, 1967, signature and acceptance. * *

* Ghana, September 20, 1957, signature and acceptance. * *

* Granada, August 27, 1975, signing and acceptance. * *

* Greece, December 26, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Greece, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Guatemala, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Guatemala, December 28, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Guyana, September 26, 1966, signature and acceptance. * *

* Guinea, September 28, 1963, signed. * *

* Guinea, December 28, 1963, acceptance. * *

* Guinea Bissau, 24 March 1977, signature and acceptance. * *

* Equatorial Guinea, December 22, 1969, signing and acceptance. * *

* Haiti, September 8, 1953, signature and acceptance. * *

* Honduras, December 26, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Honduras, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* India, December 27, 1945, signature and acceptance. * *

* Indonesia, April 15, 1954, signing and acceptance. * *

* Indonesia, 17 August 1965, withdrawn with effect from 17 August 1965. * *

* Indonesia, February 21, 1967, signing and acceptance again. * *

* Iraq, December 26, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Iraq, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Iran, December 28, 1945, signed. * *

* Iran, December 29, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Ireland, August 8, 1957, signature and acceptance. * *

* Iceland, December 27, 1945, signature and acceptance. * *

* Solomon Islands, September 22, 1978, signature and acceptance. * *

* Israel, July 12, 1954, signing and acceptance. * *

* Italy, March 27, 1947, signing and acceptance. * *

* Jamaica, February 21, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Japan, August 13, 1952, signing and acceptance. * *

* Jordan, August 29, 1952, signing and acceptance. * *

* Democratic Kampuchea, December 31, 1969, signing and acceptance. * *

* Kenya, February 3, 1964, signing and acceptance. * *

* Kuwait, September 13, 1962, signature and acceptance. * *

* Laos, July 5, 1961, signature and acceptance. * *

* Lesotho, July 25, 1968, signing and acceptance. * *

* Lebanon, April 14, 1947, signing and acceptance. * *

* Liberia, March 28, 1962, signature and acceptance. * *

* Libya, September 17, 1958, signing and acceptance. * *

* Luxembourg, December 26, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Luxembourg, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Malaysia, March 7, 1958, signing and acceptance. * *

* Malawi, July 19, 1965, signature and acceptance. * *

* Maldives, January 13, 1978, signature and acceptance. * *

* Mali, September 27, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Malta, September 11, 1968, signature and acceptance. * *

* Morocco, April 25, 1958, signing and acceptance. * *

* Mauritius, September 23, 1968, signature and acceptance. * *

* Mauritania, September 10, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Mexico, December 31, 1945, signature and acceptance. * *

* Nepal, September 6, 1961, signing and acceptance. * *

* Nicaragua, March 14, 1946, signing and acceptance. * *

* Niger, April 24, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Nigeria, March 30, 1961, signing and acceptance. * *

* Norway, December 27, 1945, signing and acceptance. * *

* New Zealand, August 31, 1961, signing and acceptance. * * * Oman, December 23, 1971, signing and acceptance. * *

* Netherlands, December 26, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Netherlands, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Panama, March 14, 1946, signing and acceptance. * *

* Papua and New Guinea, October 9, 1975, signature and acceptance. * *

* Pakistan, July 11, 1950, signing and acceptance. * *

* Paraguay, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Paraguay, December 28, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Peru, December 31, 1945, signing and acceptance. * *

* Portugal, March 29, 1961, signing and acceptance. * *

* Qatar, September 8, 1972, signing and acceptance. * *

* United Kingdom, December 27, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Arab Republic of Egypt, December 26, 1945. acceptance. * *

* Arab Republic of Egypt, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Syrian Arab Republic, 10 April 1947, signature and acceptance. * *

* Yemenita Arab Republic, May 22, 1970, signature and acceptance. * *

* Central African Republic, July 10, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Republic of South Korea, August 26, 1955, signing and acceptance. * *

* People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, September 29, 1969, signing and acceptance. * *

* Dominican Republic, December 28, 1945, signature and acceptance (withdrawal with effect from December 1, 1960). It accepts again on 18 September 1961. * *

* Malgache Republic, September 25, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Republic of Congo, 10 July 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* South African Republic, December 26, 1945, acceptance. * *

* South African Republic, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* United Republic of Tanzania, September 10, 1962, signature and acceptance. * *

* Rwanda, September 30, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Romania, December 15, 1972, signature and acceptance. * *

* Western Samoa, December 28, 1971, signing and acceptance. * *

* St. Vincent and the Grenadines, December 28, 1979, signature and acceptance. * *

* Saint Lucia, November 15, 1979, signature and acceptance. * *

* São Tomé and Príncipe, 30 September 1977, signature and acceptance. * *

* Senegal, August 31, 1982, signing and acceptance. * *

* Seychelles, June 30, 1977, signature and acceptance. * *

* Somalia, August 31, 1962, signature and acceptance. * *

* Sri Lanka, August 29, 1950, signing and acceptance. * *

* Sudan, September 5, 1957, signature and acceptance. * *

* Sweden, August 31, 1951, signature and acceptance. * *

* Switzerland, September 22, 1969, signing and acceptance. * *

* Suriname, April 27, 1978, signature and acceptance. * *

* Thailand, May 3, 1949, signature and acceptance. * *

* Togo, August 1, 1962, signing and acceptance. * *

* Trinidad and Tobago, September 16, 1963, signing and acceptance. * *

* Tunisia, April 14, 1958, signing and acceptance. * *

* Turkey, March 11, 1947, signing and accepting. * *

* Uganda, September 27, 1963, signing and acceptance. * * * Uruguay, December 27, 1945, signing and acceptance. * *

* Vanuatu, September 28, 1981, signature and acceptance. * *

* Venezuela, December 30, 1946, signing and acceptance. * *

* Vietnam, July 2, 1976, acceptance. * *

* Yugoslavia, December 26, 1945, acceptance. * *

* Yugoslavia, December 27, 1945, signed. * *

* Zaire, September 28, 1963, signature and acceptance. * *

* Zambia, September 23, 1965, signing and acceptance. * *


Convention establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 13 June 1976. * Equatorial Guinea, July 29, 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 14 February 1979. *

Protocol for the first extension of the Food Aid Convention 1980. London, 6 March 1981. * Germany, Federal Republic, July 30, 1981, ratification with the declaration that the Protocol will also be applied to West Berlin. * "Official State Gazette" of 14 August 1981. *

Protocol for the sixth extension of the Convention on Trade in Wheat 1971. London, 6 March 1981. * El Salvador, 10 July 1981, provisional application declaration. * "Official State Gazette" of 14 August 1981. *

* El Salvador, July 29, 1981, accession. * *

* Malta, July 7, 1981, accession. * *

* Barbados, July 24, 1981, accession. * *

* Kenya, July 8, 1981, ratification. * *

* Egypt, July 27, 1981, ratification. * *

* Germany, Federal Republic, July 30, 1981, Ratification, with the following statements: * *

* * *

* * *

* * *

* Nigeria, September 29, 1981, provisional application declaration. * *

* Peru, August 18, 1981, ratification. * *

* Iraq, September 8, 1981, ratification. * *

* Tunisia, October 20, 1981, ratification. * *

International Convention for the Regulation of Whale Fishing. Washington, December 2, 1946. * Kenya, December 2, 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 22 August 1980 and 23 April 1981. *

International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas. Rio de Janeiro, 2 to 14 May 1966. * Angola, July 29, 1976, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 22 April 1969. *

* Benin, December 26, 1977, accession. * *

* Brazil, April 1, 1969, ratification. * *

* Canada, August 20, 1968, accession. * *

* Cuba, January 15, 1975, accession. * *

* Cape Verde, November 11, 1979, accession. * *

* Ivory Coast, December 6, 1972, accession. * *

* United States, May 18, 1967, Ratification. * *

* France, November 7, 1968, accession. * *

* Ghana, April 17, 1968, accession. * *

* Japan, August 24, 1967, ratification. * *

* Morocco, September 26, 1969, accession. * *

* Portugal, September 3, 1969, accession. * *

* Republic of Korea, August 28, 1970, ratification. * *

* Republic of South Africa, 17 October 1967, accession. * *

* Senegal, August 25, 1971, accession. * *

* USSR, January 7, 1977, accession with the following statement: * *

* * *

Convention on the conservation of the living resources of the South East Atlantic. Rome, 23 October 1969. * Germany, Federal Republic, October 23, 1969, firm. * "Official State Gazette" of 17 February 1972. *

* Germany, Federal Republic, November 17, 1976, Ratification with the following statement: * *

* < ... will also apply to West Berlin, with effect from the date of its entry into force for the Federal Republic of Germany. > * *

* Angola, October 4, 1976, accession. * *

* Belgium, July 23, 1970, signed. * *

* Bulgaria, April 24, 1972. accession. * *

* Cuba, October 23, 1969, signed. * *

* Cuba, January 15, 1975, ratification. * *

* France, October 4, 1972, accession. * *

* Iraq, June 4, 1981, accession. * *

* Israel, January 5, 1976, accession. * *

* Italy, October 23, 1969, signed. * *

* Italy, December 22, 1975, ratification, with the following statement: * *

* * *

* Japan, February 9, 1970, signed. * *

* Japan, June 22, 1970, acceptance. * *

* Poland, March 2, 1972, accession. * *

* Portugal, October 23, 1969, signed. * *

* Portugal, January 22, 1971, ratification. * *

* German Democratic Republic, June 19, 1974, accession, with the following statement: * *

* * *

* Republic of South Africa, October 23, 1969, signing. * *

* Republic of South Africa, October 2, 1970, ratification. * *

* Romania, August 18, 1977, accession. * *

* Republic of Korea, January 19, 1981, accession. * *

* USSR, December 23, 1970, signed. * *

* USSR, September 24, 1971, approval. * *

* * *

* USSR, 3 June 1977, declaration notified to the Organization: * *

* * *

International Coffee Agreement 1976. London, 3 December 1975. * Thailand, July 7, 1981, accession. * "Official State Gazette" of 23 February 1977. *

* Singapore, August 28, 1981, accession. * *

* New Zealand, August 20, 1981, application notification to the Caicos Islands. * *

Madrid, December 31, 1981.-Technical Secretary General José Cuenca Anaya.