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Royal Decree-Law 10/2013, Of 26 July, By Which Extraordinary Credits Are Granted In The Budgets Of The Ministries Of Industry, Energy And Tourism And Defense And Credit Supplements To Meet Public Service Obligations D ...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto-ley 10/2013, de 26 de julio, por el que se conceden créditos extraordinarios en los presupuestos de los Ministerios de Industria, Energía y Turismo y de Defensa y suplementos de crédito para atender obligaciones del Servicio Público d...

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The present Royal Decree-Law has for the first purpose to proceed to the granting of an extraordinary credit in the budget of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, to finance the Institute for the Diversification and Energy Savings (IDAE) the Efficient Vehicle Incentives Program (PIVE-3 Plan) in the amount of 70,000,000 euros.

The Government believes it is necessary to continue with the Efficient Vehicle Incentives Program (PIVE Program), given the favorable results that are being obtained in terms of improving the balance of trade, generation of economic activity in the automotive and ancillary industries and in others linked to it (marketing, insurance or financing of equipment) and, therefore, in terms of the creation or maintenance of employment levels.

The impacts of the first and second convocation of the Program (PIVE-1 and PIVE-2) are also very important in environmental terms, by reducing CO2 emissions and pollutants. Both are covered by the energy efficiency improvement policies to which the Spanish State is obliged under Directive 2006 /32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2006 on the efficiency of the final use of energy. energy and energy services, and, more recently, Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, repealing the previous Directive and requiring Member States to provide for energy efficiency Member States to assume targets for improving energy efficiency on the horizon of 2020.

In the framework of this Directive, the Spanish State has already achieved energy savings as a result of the fleet renewal programmes equivalent to 21.5 ktep of final energy, 23.3 ktep of primary energy and avoided CO2 emissions equivalent to 61.3 thousand tonnes in 2012.

The basis of the second call for assistance from the Efficient Vehicle Incentives Program (PIVE-2) in the framework of the Plan of Action 2008-2012 of the Energy Savings and Efficiency Strategy in Spain 2004-2012 (E4), were approved by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE) of 30 January 2013, published by Resolution of 31 January 2013 of the Secretariat of State of Energy ("BOE" of 1 The following February), and amended by a Resolution of the Management Board of 20 March 2013, published by the Resolution of the Secretary of State of Energy of 20 March 2013 ("BOE" of 19 April 2013). Section Tercero.1 of these bases allocates a budget of EUR 150,000,000 for the Programme, and paragraph 7 establishes that the Programme shall have effect from the day following the date of publication of the bases in the "BOE" (which occurred on 1 February 2013) and shall end 12 months after that date, or, if it occurs before, when the above available budget is exhausted.

Moreover, paragraph 3 of the bases, in the new wording given by the Resolution of the Board of Directors of 20 March 2013, provides that, in any event, the available budget shall be deemed to be exhausted. enabled for the implementation of the Programme when the last budget reserve is made to total the amount of EUR 150,000,000.

The good reception of the Programme has made the allocation of EUR 150,000,000 enabled by the IDAE not sufficient to maintain the validity of the programme for the 12 months initially planned, as on 16 July 2013 has been the last budget reserve, which implies that the program has ended.

However, the removal of the PIVE programmes would have a negative effect on the car market which is deemed necessary to avoid. Therefore, the Government has chosen to establish a third call for the PIVE Programme (PIVE-3) which would be included in the Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2011-2020. The basis of this PIVE-3 Programme, in accordance with the established procedure, shall be established by the IDAE Board of Directors.

As regards the financing of these aid, since at the time of adoption of the measure insufficient and adequate credit is available in the present State General Budget, it is necessary to enable them to the granting of extraordinary credit.

No delay in the payment of aid to achieve continuity in the benefits explained in the programme are the reasons for extraordinary and urgent need to justify the granting of the special credit. by Royal Decree-law.

Additionally, through this Royal Decree-law, an extraordinary credit is granted in the budget of the Ministry of Defense to pay for the payment of obligations corresponding to special weapons programs. and material.

The special programs are those that, both because of their economic volume and because of the industrial and technological complexity that they pose, represent the most important acquisitions of weapons systems that the Ministry of Defense is carrying out. Implementation is determined by a combination of political, economic, industrial and technological needs. While they are essential for the modernization of the Armed Forces, they are also of enormous importance for the Spanish industrial fabric and require a lot of financial resources.

The special programs aim to meet the needs of the Spanish Armed Forces, providing them with the best weapons systems, equipment and support infrastructures for the fulfillment of their missions.

The special programmes have a financing system based on advances from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism for the development and subsequent payment of the units purchased from the Ministry's budget. Defense, when the manufacturer returns the advances to the Public Treasury.

The slowdown in the world economy and particularly the Spanish economy has led to a reduction in the financial resources of the different sections of the State Budget. The levels of commitment of payments made in the agreements for the accession or contracting of the programmes, or both, have exceeded the financial capacity budgeted by the Ministry for these concepts. This has led to successive reprogramming in order to adapt the forecasts, retaking the credits towards those items with the highest priority, and seeking to ensure the maintenance of the minimum levels guaranteed by the The operation of the units will give greater attention to the forces displaced in conflict scenarios and to the support of the means that guarantee and even improve their security.

The consequence is the need for additional funding to match budget allocations to contractual financial commitments. In this regard, by Royal Decree-Law 26/2012, of 7 September, an extraordinary credit was approved that allowed to address the outstanding obligations of payment of the years 2010, 2011 and 2012.

The extraordinary credit covers the financing needs of the programmes in 2013 and the amounts that the companies have agreed with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism to return to the Treasury for the financing early in the program.

The Administration is obliged to pay for contractual obligations; and, together with this, the need not to delay its payment in order not to cause harm to third parties, are reasons of extraordinary and urgent need justify the granting of the extraordinary credit by Royal Decree-Law.

Finally, the purpose of this Royal Decree-law is to grant credit supplements for the coverage of the public service obligations of the State Employment Service, corresponding to the costs of benefits. unemployment and bonuses in social security contributions for employment contracts, as well as to compensate for the reduction in the collection of unemployment contributions and vocational training for employment.

The aforementioned spending needs are a consequence of the fact that the economic variables with an impact on employment have shown in 2013 a less favourable development than initially envisaged.

In April 2013, the forecasts for the decrease in the occupied population and real GDP have been updated, which will be 3.40 percent and 1.30 percent respectively, while the unemployment rate will be 27.10 percent.

These circumstances imply that in 2013, on the one hand, there will be EUR 4,409,936,441.04 of higher expenditure on the initially planned to deal with the different types of unemployment benefits and on the other hand. EUR 804,707,160,40 is collected less than the estimated amounts in the revenue budget of the State Employment Public Service. This amount should be added to EUR 232,319,147.90 in order to finance the bonuses in social security contributions for employment contracts, with a more adjusted assessment of the effect of the measures included in the Royal Decree-Law No 20/2012 of 13 July 2012 on measures to ensure budgetary stability and the promotion of competitiveness.

In addition, account should be taken of the existence of expenditure to be charged to the budget in the amount of EUR 403,610,650,63 from the years 2011 and 2012, which were already included in the calculation of the deficit of those mentioned above. exercises.

The reasons for extraordinary and urgent need are justified by the requirement to pay for the obligations that must be met by the Administration without any delay, thus avoiding harm to third parties. affected.

For all this, a credit supplement is required in the budget of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security for the amount of 5,850,573,399,97 euros for the State Employment Public Service. The costs covered by the credit supplements provided for are payable by the administration, although the amount of the charges does not allow them to be financed from the Implementation Contingency Fund. Budget. Therefore, the application of the provisions of Articles 50.1 and 55.1 of Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget, is excepted, with the financing of the credit supplement in the State Budget with Public Debt.

In its virtue, making use of the authorization contained in article 86 of the Spanish Constitution, on the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, according to the State Council and prior deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 26 July 2013,


Article 1. Grant of an extraordinary credit in the Budget of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism to the Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDEA).

1. An extraordinary appropriation is granted in the budget of Section 20 "Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism", Service 18 "Secretary of State for Energy", Programme 425A "Legislation and energy development", Concept 747 " Al IDAE for the Programme Incentives to the Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-3) ", amounting to 70,000,000 euros.

2. The extraordinary credit will be financed with Public Debt.

Article 2. Concession of extraordinary credit in the Ministry of Defense Budget.

1. An extraordinary appropriation is authorised for the budget in force of Section 14 "Ministry of Defence", Service 03 "Secretary of State for Defence", Programme 122B "Special Modernisation Programmes", Chapter 6 "Royal Investments", Article 65 "Military investments in infrastructure and other goods", Concept 659 "To pay for the payment of obligations corresponding to special arms and material programmes", for an amount of EUR 877,334,595.95, with the following details subconcepts:







F-100 Fragata



Avion EF-2000



Carro c. LEOPARD



Avion A-400M

46.602.795, 60


Bulque LLX


Tiger Helicopter


BAC Buque


Obus 155/52






F-105 Fragata



Buque BAM-1



34.580.062, 43


NH-90 Helicopter





EC-135 Helicopter




2. This extraordinary credit that is granted in the Ministry of Defense's budget will be financed with Public Debt.

Article 3. Granting of a credit supplement in the Ministry of Employment and Social Security Budget.

1. To cover the payment of unemployment benefits and to compensate for the loss of collection of contributions for the year 2013, as well as for the coverage of the financing of the bonuses in social security contributions received from the promotion of employment by employment and to regularise the payment of obligations for previous years a credit supplement to the budget of Section 19 "Ministry of Employment and Social Security", Service 03 " State of Employment ", Programme 000X" Internal Transfers ", Chapter 4" Current Transfers ", Concept 412 "To finance the budget of the State Employment Public Service", for an amount of EUR 5,850,573,399,97.

2. The credit supplement that is granted in the State Budget will be financed with Public Debt, without the provisions of Articles 50.1 and 55.1 of Law 47/2003, of November 26, General, being applied to these effects. Budget.

3. The pace of implementation of this appropriation will be in line with the financial needs of the State employment service as well as those arising from the implementation of the State budget, for which the favourable report of the Ministry will be required. of Finance and Public Administrations for each bookseller.

Article 4. Granting of credit supplements in the State Employment Public Service Budget.

1. The credit supplement granted in the previous article will cause the following variations in the Income Budget of the Autonomous Body 19.101 Public Service of State Employment.

Revenue Budget

Budgetary Application





Unemployment Fee

-733.182.264, 13

Professional Training


To fund the State Employment Public Service budget




2. The following credit supplements are authorised for the total amount of EUR 5,045,866,239.57 in the Expenditure Budget of the Autonomous Body 19.101 State Employment Public Service:

Expense Budget

Budgetary Application






Financing the bonuses in the quotes for the Social security covered by employment promotion measures for employment

530.234.067, 62


Contributives, even previous exercise obligations



Unemployment allowance, even exercise obligations previous



Unemployment Allowance for SEASS eventual, even previous exercise obligations

24.369.995, 15


Quota of recipients of contributory unemployment benefits, even previous exercise obligations



Unemployment benefit recipients quotas, even previous exercise obligations

154.248.911, 47


Quota of recipients of unemployment allowance for eventual SEASS, even previous exercise obligations



Active insert income, even previous exercise obligations


Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This royal decree-law will enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, July 26, 2013.


The President of the Government,