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On The Examination Of Self-Notification Acc Member M. Onceanu-Hadirca

Original Language Title: cu privire la examinarea autosesizării membrului CCA M. ONCEANU-HADÎRCĂ

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In accordance with Art. 37 para. (3) a) of the Broadcasting Code, the BCC member, M. ONCEANU-Hadirca, took action on journalistic material from the show "Военная тайна" broadcast station "Ren Moldova" on 01.02.2016.
Pursuant to Art. 37 para. (3) a) of the Broadcasting Code, the Directorate of the TV monitoring CCA monitored the program in question.
The monitoring results confirmed that the station "Ren Moldova" aired on January 30, 2016 (time: 13:01:25; rerun on 02/01/2016, time: 23:48:42) in the show "Военная тайна" material lasting 22 minutes. 08 sec. placed in the first position, dedicated to the political situation in Moldova.
TV presenter subject begins with the idea that Moldova currently living its own "maidan", similar to the one in Ukraine. He further emphasizes that people in Moldova burgeoning another time, as some say, now live the worst across Europe and to "correct historical injustices" the leaders of this state for 20 years, tried several methods: "Молдавские лидеры за двадцать лет, что только не пробовали: войну в Приднестровье, раз. Немало людей тогда погибло и, кстати, никто за это пока не ответил, русских выгоняли и язык запрещали, два, сдаться Румынии и войти в ее состав, три. Ничего не помогло. Только хуже становилось ". The presenter emphasize in conclusion that the culprit of this situation is the current government that led Moldova (which he calls "братская Молдавия" - "Moldova-sister") to Europe, and stole one billion lei from the state budget and compromise European integration - "провалила европейскую интеграцию".
The following are broadcast images of the recent protests in the Great National Assembly, accompanied by comments the reporter, who reported that in Moldova, for a week of revolutionary protests were attended by hundreds of thousands of people from all corners Moldova, as compared expert Maidan Ukraine. In voice-over longer claims that Moldova today, as Ukraine two years ago was divided into two camps, one is convinced that Moldova is Europe and those who want to maintain close ties with Russia. As argument are brought allegations member Council of the Military-Historical Russia, Armen Gasparean, which claims that Moldova for 15 years, is divided into 4 parts: Moldovan pro-European and pro-Romanian, Russian pro-European and Russians who seek close relations with Russia . It also draws a parallel between Gagauzia and Crimea: "Есть фактор Гагаузии. Ну, чтоб понятно было - это местный Крым такой, который с Молдавией вообще, принципиально, не хочет иметь ничего общего, и там всегда пророссийские настроения, примерно, в процентном отношении 99.8 ".

Another topic addressed in this material is about the language factor in Moldova: "В России это почти неизвестно, но в Молдавии, как и на Украине, последние 15 лет пышным цветом растет русофобия. Взгляните, вот так на прошлой неделе в Молдову не пустили операторов и корреспондентов нескольких крупных российских телеканалов. По словам экспертов с молдаванами происходит примерно тоже самое, что и с украинцами. Местные олигархи всеми силами пытаются затащить страну в Евросоюз. Ради ускорения процесса избавляются от всего, что может вызвать ностальгию по общему советскому прошлому. Так, например, в минувшем году запретили вещание российкого канала "Вести 24" якобы за пропаганду зато "местные каналы не устают повторять, что северный сосед - это оккупант и агрессор. Впрочем, такую ​​точку зрения транслируют не только СМИ ". In confirmation of the specified reference is made to a video sequence in which a teacher at an educational institution in Balti expose towards Russia: "Взгляните, вот как выглядит урок патриотизма по-молдавски. Его записали на телефон студенты профтехучилища №5 г. Бельцы. На видео - преподаватель русофоб Виктор Кравченко рассуждает о захватнических амбициях Москвы "(Although speaks Vocational School no. 5 of Balti image appears Chisinau Construction College).
Russian experts say that in Moldova, 15, as in Ukraine, is promoted anti-Russian campaign, and that the conditions under which, they say, most Moldovans are speaking Russian.
Also, the subject is emphasized that Moldova had suffered a lot economically in the Russian Federation after the ban of import of Moldovan agricultural products as a result of signing the Association Agreement with EU law the resulting thousands of farmers have suffered great losses, and the population has become poorer than it was ( "Но молдавских чиновников это не смущает. Они по-прежнему продолжают раздувать русофобию").

It further alleges that the Moldovan political leaders keep making every effort to make Moldova part of Europe, "Некоторые политологи отмечают, что ради достижения такой цели молдаван буквально насильно заставляют забыть о своей национальной идентичности". As a complement to the said statements are presented PSDM President Victor Selin: "В нашей стране принудительно происходит румынизация молдавского общества. Многие политологи, политики, журналисты приглашаются в посольство США, в миссии Европейского Союза, в миссии ОБСЕ, где им внушается о том, что никакой перспективы возврата на восток, восстановления дружеских отношений с Россией или вступления Молдовы в Таможенный Союз нет ". The reporter continues with the idea: "Румыния эти начинания как может поддерживает. Сейчас она является едва ли не единственным финансовым спонсором Кишинева. Footage visit follows Prime Minister Pavel Filip in Romania, the reporter yourself the following comment: "Взгляните, вот так молдавский премьер Павел Филип съездил в конце января в Бухарест, чтобы договориться о кредите в 150 миллионов долларов. Премьер-министр Румынии, Дачиан Чолаш, подтвердил, что в ближайшее время республика получит нужные средства, правда в обмен на реформы, которые позволят Молдове быстрее стать частью Европы ". In this context, the reporter said that according to experts, all the money Romania held many shares of unionist movement ( "По мнению экспертов, все эти демонстрации проводятся на деньги Бухареста") and unification of Moldova with Romania is prepared under the auspices of the US ( " В минувшем году, в молдавском селе Булбоака, что недалеко от Кишинева, прошли учения "Огневой щит 2015," в котором приняли участие около тысячи военнослужащих армий Молдовы, США и Румынии. Видимо так, в условиях строжайшей дисциплины и подчинения, страны готовятся к слиянию под присмотром американских инструкторов ").

Filmmakers emisunii invoking the participation of Moldovan soldiers at military parade in Romania National Day, the text is made and mounted so that viewing is confusion between Moldovan troops number and total number of participants in the parade, and the impression is that the parade was attended by over 2,500 soldiers: "В прошлом году дружба двух народов вообще вышла на другой уровень. Впервые румыны пригласили молдавских военных поучаствовать в параде посвященном дню независимости Румынии. Взгляните, сюжет одной из совместных репетиций военных был показан на одном из местных телеканалов. Солдаты и офицеры учились вместе маршировать на полигоне в Бухаресте. По подсчетам журналистов в итоге в параде приняли участие более 2500 солдат и сотни единиц оргтехники ". Text with this exhortation "watch" the information provided by a television station local is mounted on images of parades military face of a general and video from the news channel "Publika TV", so is the association between this TV as a source of information and text that "according to journalists at the parade was attended by over 2,500 soldiers", as previously talked about Moldovan soldiers, journalists are Moldovans, at a premiere, is this projection "in the parade were invited Moldovan military - repetition was shown a Moldovan TV station - according to journalists at the parade was attended by over 2,500 soldiers. It's a subtle trick of topical linguistic and inducing a false information. In fact, the event was attended by 31 December 1, 2015 troops from Moldova and soldiers from Bulgaria, Poland and the USA.
As a complement to the words of reporter Grigory Dobromelov, director of the Institute for Applied Political Research, states: "Процесс румынизации происходил в течение последних 15-20 лет и, конечно, Румыния приложила большие усилия и, в целом, Европейский Союз активно помогал этому процессу, продвижению Молдовы в сторону запада. Но при этом происходил и обратный процесс - фактически жесткий запрет на любую пророссийскую деятельность на территории Молдовы "). Further videos are broadcast on a polygon where Moldovan soldiers being trained, and the journalist comes with the following comment: "Как и на Украине, в Молдавии американские военные пропагандируют западные ценности. Вот так заокеанские офицеры учат молдавских солдат обращаться с оружием и привыкать к натовским стандартам. Официальный Кишинев уже подал заявку на вступление в Североатлантический альянс, ведь база НАТО на территории Молдавии могла бы принести немало денег в бюджет страны ".
Transnistria is presented as an area that has independence only because the industry there, all built during the Soviet period, are shown images Metallurgical Plant in Ribnita, exporting to the EU, US and Canada; Moldavskaya station GRAS ensure electricity during the Soviet era Romania, Bulgaria, and southern Ukraine, Moldova today half of the lamps lights up at this station; Cement plant in Ribnitsa materials here are sold in Romania, Ukraine and Moldova. Also in Transnistria it is developed light industry, agriculture, machinery, and chemical industries. Transnistria is presented as a thriving region, as opposed to Romania, presented as a country of poverty and injustice brought here by EU laws.

According to the authors, the factors that motivate Romania to want unification with Moldova as "По словам экспертов, Румыния мечтает объединиться с Молдавией не только потому, что у стран много общего, но и потому, что так она поправит свое финансовое положение. Ведь ни для кого не секрет, что сейчас Румыния является одной из самых бедных стран Европы. Об этом говорит хотя бы тот факт, что в месяц в 50 Румынии считается Evro нормальной зарплатой ... ". Moldova, according to the Moscow station, would help improve the deplorable situation in which Romania is by providing market outlets and, directly, through manufacturing activity located in Transnistria, such as metallurgical plant and cement factory in Ribnita. In this respect, it relies on the idea that Moldova with Transnistria represents no interest to its European partners (Этот регион становится лакомым кусочком для Румынии "По мнению экспертов, понятно, что полностью аграрная Молдавия, без Приднестровья, не представляет никакого интереса для европейских партнеров ").
With didactic tone of superiority and are commented demythisation all actions of Soviet history and in particular the establishment of the Soviet regime victims day and organize a museum of victims of communism history. Voice in the background accuse Moldovans that I am not grateful that Moscow helped them recover from the ruins after the war, are cited figures that should impress: Moscow would be allocated 500 million rubles for reconstruction, technical 20 enterprises, kolkhozes and agricultural companies would have received tens of thousands of head of livestock: cattle, horses, sheep, and in autumn 1945 to autumn sowing plan made 103%.
One expert says that in Moldova, literature on the Second World War is only in Romanian, and is dedicated to the "occupation Moldova to Romania" or "Soviet Moldova's liberation by the Soviet Army" but "all waste paper is about the guard's iron Antonescu with all the consequences deriving from it. Any other literature besides Romanian language publications signed by the famous "razvedcik" traitor Suvorov Rezun there will find they simply do not exist. " (По всей Второй Мировой войне существует только литература на румынском языке и она посвящена не оккупации румынами Молдавии, не освобождению Советской Молдавии в результате Ясско-Кишиневской опперации, а вся эта макулатура крутится вокруг железной гвардии Антонеску, со всеми вытекающими оттуда последствиями, никакой иной литературы кроме издания на румынском языке небезызвестного разведчика и предателя Суворова Резуна, вы там не найдете. Их просто нет.)
final emphasis is placed presenter: "Впрочем, уже в ближайшее время Молдавия может снова сменить курс и пойти на сближение с Россией . Ведь уже сейчас многие молдавские избиратели, несколько лет назад поддержавшие идею европеизации, горько разочаровались в ней. Правда, по мнению экспертов, на такое пробуждение могут понадобиться годы ".
Thus, analyzing the contents of this issue shows that it propagates with handling tools and techniques with methods condemned by the standards of journalism, with a single point of view on issues and topics of social and political life in Moldova. The material does not provide information about events, facts, phenomena and processes, but requires a single vision on their inducing the viewer erorare inoculated fear and hatred on grounds of ethnicity, language and political ideas.
The show is broadcast false information and disinformation more:

- Moldovan leaders are portrayed as solely responsible for the war in Transnistria and are accused of crimes ( "Молдавские лидеры, за двадцать лет, что только не пробовали: войну в Приднестровье, раз. Немало людей тогда погибло и, кстати, никто за это пока не ответил) charge is made in the form of irrefutable certainties, neglecting the reality of formal negotiations to resolve the conflict;
- Moldovans are ethnic and linguistic charged discirminare ( "русских выгоняли и язык запрещали," В России это почти неизвестно, но в Молдавии, как и на Украине, последние 15 лет пышным цветом растет русофобия "") as Arguments facts suspend business TV channel "Rossia 24" and denial of access to a team of Russian journalists in Moldova, without mentioning that more than 70% of postruile of existing TV market in Moldova broadcasts in Russian and Russian journalists both with others here are doing their job;
- It is said that European integration is accompanied by prohibiting any activities pro-Russian (Но при этом происходил и обратный процесс - фактически жесткий запрет на любую пророссийскую деятельность на территории Молдовы), these afimraţii besides being false, does not contribute strengthening interethnic relations, but are istigatoare hatred;
- Reference is made to a document (found) that Chisinau officials have already applied for membership in NATO (Официальный Кишинев уже подал заявку на вступление в североатлантический альянс. ") Is an obvious misinformation, the true purpose of which is known show only authors and broadcaster;
- Commenting on the forthcoming period of the Second World War, are cited figures on aid came from Moscow and prosperity due from Moldova Russian liberators ( "500 million rubles for reconstruction technique for 20 companies kolkhozes and agricultural companies would have received tens of thousands of head of livestock cattle, horses, sheep, and in the autumn of 1945 has implemented for autumn sowing 103% ") mounted on background images with pictures of Stalin cheerful and tired. He continued promoting this false after they were published and recognized figures organized famine, human suffering and hundreds of thousands of deaths, it is a challenge, a challenge and an insult to the memory and dignity of citizens of the Republic of Moldova;
- Afrimaţia expert about the lack of books in Russian history of the Second World War and existence only in Romanian literature that would provide only about Antonescu's Iron Guard ( "all waste paper is about the Iron Guard Antonescu with all the consequences deriving from it. no way other literature besides publications in Romanian signed by the famous "razvedcik" traitor Suvorov Rezun there will find they simply do not exist. "По всей Второй Мировой войне существует только литература на румынском языке и она посвящена не оккупации румынами Молдавии, не освобождению Советской Молдавии в результате Ясcко-Кишиневской опперации, а вся эта макулатура крутится вокруг железной гвардии Антонеску, со всеми вытекающими от туда последствиями, никакой иной литературы кроме издания на румынском языке небезызвестного разведчика и предателя Суворова Резуна, вы там не найдете. Их просто нет ") is misinformation which incite interethnic hatred.
During emisunii data and facts are interspersed with comments and are placed in false contexts, distorting reality and vice versa. So:

- Gagauzia is associated Crimea: "Есть фактор Гагаузии. Ну, чтоб понятно было - это местный Крым такой, который с Молдавией вообще, принципиально, не хочет иметь ничего общего и там всегда пророссийские настроения, примерно, в процентном отношении 99.8 ", so in the context of an unresolved conflict with Transnistria, in the context war in Ukraine, promotes the idea that a part of Moldovan territory has every right to not respect the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic of Moldova;
- Gagauz tendency to be with Russia is legitimate, and trends proromâneşti of Romanian speakers are illegal and treated as acts of treason, efforts to develop and promote Romanian language in all spheres of political, social and economic interpreted as "молдаван буквально насильно заставляют забыть о своей национальной идентичности" "Принудительно происходит румынизация молдавского общества" "Процесс румынизации происходил в течение последних 15-20 лет"
- Strategy for the integration of ethnic minorities by studying Romanian language is called "последние 15 лет пышным цветом растет русофобия" This claim is supported by a false argument, attributing this case broke in another context, if closing a Russian language class in a school in Chisinau, de facto occurred in the context of optimization of the education system resulting in the closing of several Romanian schools throughout the country; or if the teacher regrettable Balti, which was condemned by public opinion and was punished for his behavior, but this information is missing from the material;
- All actions and pro-European ideas are condemned by authors associated with the issuance and Russophobia, developing relations with Europe are classified as "раздувать русофобию". The authors show promotes the idea that the Russian Federation banned the import of Moldovan agricultural products as a result of signing the Association Agreement with the EU by the Republic of Moldova, thousands of farmers have suffered great losses, and the population has become poorer than it was. European integration process is presented biased "в условиях строжайшей дисциплины и подчинения, страна готовится к слиянию под присмотром американских инструкторов"
- Cooperation relations between Moldova and Romania and EU are interpreted in the financial interest they have European countries Moldova. According to the reporter, according to experts, the factors that motivate Romania to want unification with Moldova would be of a sphere: "По словам экспертов, Румыния мечтает объединиться с Молдавией не только потому, что у стран много общего, но и потому, что так она поправит свое финансовое положение. Ведь ни для кого не секрет, что сейчас Румыния является одной из самых бедных стран Европы. Об этом говорит хотя бы тот факт, что в месяц в 50 Румынии считается Evro нормальной зарплатой ... ". Moldova, according to Job Moscow, would help to improve the deplorable is located Romania by providing market outlets and, directly, through manufacturing activity located in Transnistria ( "Этот регион становится лакомым кусочком для Румынии" "По мнению экспертов, понятно, что полностью аграрная Молдавия, без Приднестровья, не представляет никакого интереса для европейских партнеров ").

- During the show, talking about Moldova as if part of the Soviet Union, "братская Молдавия" - "Moldova-sister", "освобождениe Советской Молдавии" and relations with Romania, the EU, with the US are described using the vocabulary of war situations "в условиях строжайшей дисциплины и подчинения, страна готовится к слиянию под присмотром американских инструкторов" "Оккупации румынами Молдавии" "сдаться Румынии".
The authors show not call into question social and political problems in Moldova, but the home postulates some ideas that you presented as certainties and absolute facts, promotes opinions of Soviet origin and current ideology of Russian officials, posed as facts and axioms that can not be questioned:
Soviet Moldova has always been;
Romania occupied the Republic of Moldova;
The Soviet army liberated Moldova;
Gagauzia has nothing in common with Moldova and Russia;
Moldovans by their leaders triggered the war in Transnistria and must be punished;
Moldovans are Russophobia;
Moldovans are compelled by force to speak Romanian;
Russians were expelled from Moldova and the Russian language was prohibited; Any activity over the European
pro-Russian in Moldova is prohibited;
Signing the agreement with the EU is betrayal of Russia and Moldova Russia imposed an embargo which has become poorer;
EU and the US interest in promoting pro-warlike tendencies here and hostile Russia;
Romania is poor;
Transnistria is rich and prosperous;
Romania wants Moldova to anneal to solve their economic situation;
Romania and the EU need Transnistria because it is rich;
In Moldova there is no other literature about the Second World War than the Legion.
In the debate, members of CCA found that the average product was developed with multiple deviations from normative standards: presenting opinions as facts, information dissemination truncated and taken out of context, promoting a single point of view on controversial and probeleme conflict, disinformation by asserting facts which were not produced by disseminating false information, inciting hatred and intolerance on grounds of ethnicity, language and political options.
As a result of those mentioned above, the station "Ren Moldova" committed violations of provisions:
• Art. 6 para. (1) of the Broadcasting Code "Broadcaster it is prohibited to broadcast programs that contain any incitement to hatred on grounds of race, religion, nationality, sex";
• Art. 7 paragraph. (4) a) of the Broadcasting Code "Information story shall be truthful";
• Art. 7 paragraph. (4) b) the Broadcasting Code: "To ensure within informative broadcasters' compliance with the principles of social and political balance, fairness and objectivity, they shall place each news so: not distorted sense of reality through editing tricks, comments, or titles ";
• Art. 7 paragraph. (4) c) the Broadcasting Code: "If stories covering conflict situations, to the principle of information from several sources";
• Art. 10 para. (1) of the Broadcasting Code: "In Moldova, the right to full, objective and truthful information, the right to free expression of opinions and the right to free communication of information through radio and television are guaranteed by law";
• Art. 10 para. (2) of the Broadcasting Code "consumer rights protection programs is provided by the Broadcasting Coordinating Council, which is tasked to coordinate the broadcasting activity and the courts";
• Art. 10 para. (5) of the Broadcasting Code "Broadcasters must ensure objectivity consumer information programs, favoring the free formation of opinions".
• Art. 1 of the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters adopted by Decision No CCA. 127 of 26.12.2007 ( "The broadcasters primordial duty to report the truth regardless of the consequences it could have on their obligation stemming from the constitutional right of the public to be informed fair, complete and appropriate. By virtue of that right broadcasters are obliged to communicate only fully verified facts ");

• Art. 2 of the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters adopted by Decision No CCA. 127 of 26.12.2007. ( "Broadcasters shall make a clear distinction between facts and opinions so they can not be mistaken. When stating facts and opinions journalists will act in good faith and will not present their opinions as facts").
• Art. 4 of Broadcasters Code of Conduct adopted by Decision No CCA. 127 of 26.12.2007 ( "Information on issues of public interest, political, economic, social and cultural, must seek to ensure impartiality, balance and the free formation of opinions by presenting the views of all stakeholders and, case of viewpoints in opposition).
• Art. 7 of Broadcasters Code of Conduct adopted by Decision No CCA. 127 of 26.12.2007. ( "Broadcaster intentionally distorting information, make baseless accusations, unauthorized use photos, video and other sources, or defames commits the most serious professional misconduct").
• Art. 9 of Broadcasters Code of Conduct adopted by Decision No CCA. 127 of 26.12.2007. ( "Broadcasters are obliged to respect the principle of presumption of innocence and will not allow charges to be brought without the accused the opportunity to express their views.")
It is worth mentioning that the Decision. 18/86 of 05.27.2015, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council imposed a fine of 5,400 lei "TELEPROIECT" LLC, holder of the license for the station "Ren Moldova" for derogations from repeated noncompliance with art. 6 para. (1), Art. 7 paragraph. (4) a), b) and c), Article. 10 para. (1), (2) and (5) and. 11 para. (3) of the Broadcasting Code, art. 29 para. (2) of the Broadcasting Code.
Pursuant to Art. 38 para. (7) of the Broadcasting Code, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council requested the position of the TV station "Ren Moldova" to broadcast the program "Военная тайна".
By letter no. 01 of 12 February 2016 "TELEPROIECT" LLC, holder of the license for the station "Ren Moldova", said CCA that show "Военная тайна" "reflects the view of political scientists Russians from the Moldovan public has formed the impression that in the days of Soviet domination, Moldova has achieved positive results in the development of industry and agriculture, but in the next theft committed by unscrupulous politicians, corruption and other negative phenomena seem to lead the country into an abyss that has no exit ". As a conclusion, "TELEPROIECT" Ltd. said that "Russian political analysts have expressed hope that the current government will overcome these difficulties and will lead Moldova about stability, prosperity and European integrity."
By letter no. 01 / 09.03.2016, "TELEPROIECT" LLC, holder of the license for the station "Ren Moldova", requested the postponement of the examination question on self-notification ACC member, M. ONCEANU-Hadirca, "about health", which is why will not be able to attend the meeting. In the public meeting on March 10, 2016, CCA members have complied with that request.
By letter no. 1 / 28.3.2016, the holder of the license for the station "Ren Moldova", requested the examination of self-notification ACC member, M. ONCEANU-Hadirca, failing representative "about health", therefore can not be present at meeting.
In accordance with the Broadcasting Code no. 260-XVI from 27.07.2006, the Statute of CCA, approved by Decision no. 433-XVI from 28.12.2006 Moldovan Parliament, and Decision No CCA. 127 of 26.12.2007, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council DECIDED

1. Contact act ex oficio member of CCA, M. ONCEANU-Hadirca from 2.2.2016 (PRO - (8) UNANIMOUSLY - D. hammer, Barbalić O. Iu. COLESNIC, A. COZMA, N. DAMASCHIN, C. Mitu ONCEANU-Hadirca M. and D. VICOL).

2. To withdraw the right to broadcast advertisements for a period of 72 hours "TELEPROIECT" LLC, founder of TV station "Ren Moldova", for transmission of program services in violation of section 3.1. Lit. a) AC series of broadcasting license no. 000006 of 12/07/12 (breach of Art. 6 para. (1), Art. 7 para. (4) (a), (b), (c), art. 10 para. (1), (2 ) and (5) of the broadcasting Code and breach of art. 1, art. 2, art. 4, art. 7 and 9 of the Code of conduct for broadcasters adopted by Decision CCA no. 127 of 26.12.2007), in accordance art. 38 para. (2) b), f) and para. (3) c) of the Broadcasting Code (PRO - (8) UNANIMOUSLY - D. hammer, Barbalić O. Iu. COLESNIC, A. COZMA, N. DAMASCHIN, C. bribery, M. and D. ONCEANU-Hadirca VICOL).
March. In accordance with Art. 38 para. (8) of the Broadcasting Code and Decision No. CCA. 96 of 17.10.2008, the date of notification (receipt by registered mail of the decision), the station "Ren Moldova" will implement this decision and will communicate to the public the reasons and subject to sanction in formula legislation. At the same time, "TELEPROIECT" SRL will inform about the Audiovisual Coordinating Council will be stopped during the broadcasting of advertising at the station "Ren Moldova".
4. Station "Ren Moldova" will, within 15 days from the time of notification of this decision, a report on measures taken to eliminate the breaches documented.
May. Station "Ren Moldova" will remove exemptions certified and would be legalized within 15 days from the time of notification of this decision.
June. Control over execution of this Decision exercised TV Monitoring Directorate.
July. This Decision will be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova on the website of the CCA.