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Internal Regulations Of The Federal Electoral Institute

Original Language Title: Reglamento Interior del Instituto Federal Electoral

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Last reform published in the DOF on December 26, 2013.

Published in the DOF on August 11, 2008.

On the sidelines a seal with the National Shield, which reads: United Mexican States.-Federal Electoral Institute.-General Council.-CG323/2008.

General Council Agreement of the Federal Electoral Institute issued by the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure.


1. In an extraordinary session of the General Council dated November 30, 1999, the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure were approved by the CG/152/99 Agreement.

2. At the regular session of the General Council, dated February 29, 2000, by agreement of CGT36/2000, the Rules of Procedure of the Federal Electoral Institute were amended in compliance with the ruling SUP-RAP-034/99 handed down by the Electoral Tribunal. of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

3. In an extraordinary session of the General Council, dated 21 October 2002, by agreement of the CG197/2002, the opinion of the Committee on Regulations was adopted, with the agreement of the General Council on the reform of the Institute's Rules of Procedure. Federal Electoral.

4. In regular session of the General Council, dated February 28, 2003, by agreement CG152/2003, the Rules of Procedure of the Federal Electoral Institute were amended.

5. At the regular session of the General Council, dated 29 April 2005, by agreement of the CG36/2005 Agreement, the opinion of the Committee on Regulations on the initiative presented by the President-in-Office of the General Council was adopted. proposes the reform to various articles of the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure.

6. In an extraordinary session of the General Council, dated 18 August 2005, by agreement of CG167/2005, the opinion of the Commission of Regulations on the initiative of reforms to the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure was adopted in the matter of the structure of commissions.

7. On 13 November 2007, in the Official Journal of the Federation, the Decree amending Articles 6o, 41, 85, 99, 108, 116 and 122, in addition to Article 134 and repealing a paragraph to Article 97 of the Political Constitution of the Member States, was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. United Mexicans.

8. On 14 January 2008, the Decree for the Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures was published in the Official Journal of the Federation.

9. At its regular meeting on 29 February 2008, the General Council, by agreement of CGT34/2008, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on 25 March of the same year, approved the creation of the Commission of Regulations with a view to temporary.

10. In the same session, the General Council approved the CCG35/2008 Agreement, which issued the guidelines for organizing the reform or issuing of regulations and other normative instruments of the Institute derived from the reform. In terms of the Ninth Transitional article of the Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on March 24 of the same year.

11. In a session held on July 7, 2008, the Commission of Regulations issued the Draft General Council Agreement to issue the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure.


I. That Article 41, base V, first paragraph of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, states that the organization of the federal elections is a state function that is carried out through an autonomous public body called Federal Electoral Institute, with its own legal personality and its own patrimony, in whose integration the legislative branch of the Union, the national political parties and the citizens participate in the terms that the law orders. In the exercise of this state function, the certainty, legality, independence, impartiality and objectivity will be guiding principles.

II. That Article 106, numeral 1 of the Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures, establishes that the Federal Electoral Institute is an autonomous, permanent, independent public body in its decisions and functioning, with legal personality and own assets.

III. In accordance with the provisions of Article 108 of the Federal Code, the central organs of the Federal Electoral Institute are the General Council, the Presidency of the General Council, the Executive General Board, the Executive Secretariat and the Unit of Taxation of the Resources of Political Parties.

IV. Article 109 of the same Code states that the General Council is the top management body, responsible for monitoring compliance with constitutional and legal provisions in the electoral field, as well as for ensuring that principles of certainty, legality, independence, impartiality and objectivity guide all the activities of the Institute.

V. That Article 118, paragraph 1, point (a) of the standard by appointment, provides that the General Council has among its powers to approve and to issue the internal regulations necessary for the due exercise of the faculties of the Institute.

VI. According to the Ninth Transitional Article of the Decree of the Federal Electoral Code, the General Council has the power to make the necessary arrangements to make the provisions of that rule effective and to issue the regulations that are derived from it at the latest in 180 days from its entry into force.

VII. That, in accordance with the first and second points of the Agreement referred to in antecedent 9, the Committee on Regulations is of a temporary nature and has as its functions, to present to the General Council the proposals for reform to various instruments In order to adapt them to the new rules arising from the reform of the Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures, among which is the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure.

VIII. According to the provisions of the third paragraph of the C35/2008 Agreement, it is for the Commission to present to the General Council the proposals for the issue or reform, as the case may be, of four regulatory instruments, including finds the Rules of Procedure of the Federal Electoral Institute for which the opinion of the Executive General Board should be sought.

IX. That by trade number CR/054/08, dated July 25, 2008, Master Virgilio Andrade Martínez, Electoral Adviser and Chairman of the Commission of Regulations, referred by agreement of the Commission of Regulations the document called " Second Draft of the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure ", to the Executive General Board for the purpose of issuing the comments, suggestions and opinions that it considers relevant.

X. That by trade SE/787/08, dated July 2, 2008, the Executive Secretary, Mr. Edmundo Jacobo Molina, sent a simple copy of the trades and documents that contained the comments and opinions that some of the members of the Executive Committee the Executive General Board.

XI. That in the fifth point of the CGT34/2008 Agreement it was established that what was not foreseen in the agreement would be resolved by the General Council.

XII. That, according to the principle of normative unity and with the aim of providing integral coherence to the institutional system of decision-making, it is necessary to issue a new Rules of Procedure of the Federal Electoral Institute, with the aim of adapt it to the new structure and functioning of the federal organ.

XIII. That the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure with the recent electoral reform should include a series of attributions that will come out of the regulatory norms, whose elaboration and presentation to the General Council corresponds to other instances.

XIV. That by virtue of the fact that to date this maximum body of management has not concluded the modification and/or issue of the various normative instruments that are indispensable for the due integration of said Regulation, the Failure to terminate the Commission of Regulations in accordance with the terms set out in point 4 of the CGT34/2008 Agreement; therefore, it is necessary to extend its validity as long as it carries out the comprehensive review of the institutional normativity and, where appropriate, propose to the General Council the adjustments to the Rules of Procedure.

XV. That the regulatory adjustments resulting from the electoral reform should be issued within 180 days of the entry into force of the new comicual code, in view of which the draft reform of the aforementioned regulation is presented, for its timely discussion, analysis and eventual approval.

XVI. That in the discussion of the amendment of the aforementioned Regulation, it was sought to accommodate the plurality of opinions, so it was considered at all times the contributions of the members and participants of the Commission of Regulations, of the General Board Executive, as well as other institutions and bodies of the Institute that proposed changes to the aforementioned order.

Based on the background and considerations expressed, and on the basis of Articles 41, base V, first paragraph of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States; 106, numeral 1; 108; 109; 118, paragraph 1, point (a); and Ninth Transitional of the Decree issued by the Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures, the General Council issues the present:


First.-The Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure are issued, the text of which is as follows:

Federal Electoral Institute Interior Regulation

First Title

Preliminary Provisions

Chapter First

General Provisions

Article 1.

1. The purpose of this Regulation is to lay down the rules governing the operation of the Institute's organic structure, for the proper exercise of its constitutional and legal powers in compliance with its objectives.

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

Article 2.

1. This Regulation is of general observance for the staff and the various bodies of the Institute. The General Council shall monitor the unrestricted compliance with the provisions contained therein.

Article 3.


1. For the purposes of this Regulation:

a) Constitution: The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States;

b) Code: The Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures;

c) Regulation: The Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure;

(d) Staff Regulations: The Staff Regulations of the Electoral Professional Service and the Staff of the Federal Electoral Institute;

e) Institute: The Federal Electoral Institute;

f) Council: The General Council of the Federal Electoral Institute;

g) Counsellor President: The President of the General Council;

h) Comptroller: General Comptroller;

i) Commissions: The Commissions of the General Council;

j) Counselors: General Council Electoral Advisers;

k) Board: The Executive General Board;

l) Executive Secretary: The Executive Secretary of the Federal Electoral Institute;

m) Directors: The Executive Directors of the Federal Electoral Institute;

n) Head of Unit: The Head of Technical Units of the Federal Electoral Institute;

n) Juntas Premises: Executive Local Boards;

o) Juntas District: Executive District Boards;

p) Local Councilors: Local Councils ' Electoral Councilors;

q) District Councilors: District Councils ' Electoral Councilors;

r) Fiscalization Unit: Policy-Party Resource Fiscalization Unit; and

s) Committee: Radio and Television Committee.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

t) Digital media: External devices where information can be stored or distributed, such as CD, DVD, and USB memory;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

u) Medium Electronic: Services and/or Systems available through the IFE Network and/or the Internet, through which information can be distributed, stored or shared; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

v) Drive Editorial: Editorial Unit of the Federal Electoral Institute.

Chapter Two

From Your Structure

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

Article 4.


1. The Institute shall exercise its powers through its management, executive, technical, supervisory and control bodies provided for in this Article, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Code and this Regulation.

2. These are Management Bodies:

A) Central

a) The General Council; and

b) The Presidency of the Council;

B) Delegates

a) Local Councils;

C) Subdelegation

a) District Councils;

D) Sectionals

a) The Casilla Directives.

2. 1. Due to its deliberative and normative nature, as well as the binding effects with third parties that are generated with its determinations, the Radio and Television Committee will be considered a central organ of Management.

2.2. In view of its deliberative nature in the issuance of precautionary measures and the effects they produce on third parties, the Complaints and Complaints Commission will be considered a central management body.

3. They are executive organs:

A) Central

a) The Executive General Meeting;

b) The Executive Secretariat;

c) The Running Addresses;

I. Federal Register of Electors;

II. Political prerogatives and Parties;

III. Electoral Organization;

IV. Professional Electoral Service;

V. Electoral Training and Civic Education; and

VI. Administration.

B) Delegates:

a) Executive Local Boards; and

b) Local Executive Vocals.

C) Subdelegation

a) Executive District Boards;

b) The District Executive Vocals; and

c) Municipal Offices.

4. They are technical bodies:

A) Central

a) The Addresses or Technical Units:

I. The National Coordination of Social Communication;

II. The Coordination of International Affairs;

III. IT Services;

IV. The Legal Address;

V. The Secretariat Address;

VI. The Center for Democratic Development; and (sic)

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

VII. Technical Planning Unit; and


VIII. Technical Unit for Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 26 DECEMBER 2013)

IX. Other than determined by the General Council.

4. 1. The corresponding creation agreement shall determine the membership of the Technical Units, as appropriate.

a) The Unit for the Taxation of the Resources of Political Parties.

b) Special Technical Committees.

5. They are watchdogs:

A) Central

a) The National Surveillance Commission; and

(b) Other as determined by the Council.

B) Delegates

(a) Local monitoring commissions;

b) District surveillance commissions; and

c) Other than determined by the Board.

6. Bodies in the field of transparency.

A) The Garante Authority of Transparency and Access to Information;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

B) The Information Committee;


C) Electronic Management and Publishing Committee


D) The Technical Unit for Information and Documentation Services; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

E) The Link Unit.


7. Organ in the field of editorial policy

A) Editorial Unit.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

8. Control Body

A) The Comptroller General

Second Title

From Central Address Bodies

Chapter First

From The General Council

Article 5.

1. For the fulfilment of its powers it is for the Council:


a) Approve the Institute's Policies and General Programs annually, in the framework of the Integral Model of Institutional Planning, on a proposal from the Executive General Board;

(b) Address activities, monitor the timely integration and proper functioning of the other bodies of the Institute according to approved policies and programmes;

c) Dictate the relevant modalities for the optimal use of the Institute's resources;

d) Approve the structure, personnel and resources of the General Comptroller, as well as its modifications;

e) Approve, where appropriate, the subscription of conventions whose object is the organization of local electoral processes;


(f) Attract the Committee's business, which is of its importance, to the scope of its competence, which must be founded and motivated in accordance with the provisions of Article 76 (a) of the Code;

g) Approve the integral calendar of the federal electoral processes, on a proposal from the Board, as well as the model of the Credential to Vote with Photography, that of the electoral ballots, of the minutes of the election day and the formats of the other electoral documentation;

h) To know and approve the reports that the Fiscalization Unit gives; as well as to determine the maximum campaign and campaign spending ceilings that can be used in the elections of President of the United Mexican States, senators and Members;

i) Know the activities of the Institute's organs through the quarterly and annual reports that the Board gives through the Executive Secretary, the specific reports it deems necessary to request; as well as those in its Case, must be held by the Comptroller General;

j) Integrate the Permanent and Temporary Commissions;

k) Designate Local Council Electoral Advisers, in the terms of the Code;

l) Designate Unit Holders; and


m) Approve the adjustments to the draft budget of the Federal Electoral Institute, in accordance with the determinations that, if necessary, establish the Chamber of Deputies and in accordance with the institutional requirements; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) The others who trust the Code and other applicable provisions.


2. The Council shall adopt the preliminary draft budget of the Institute, provided that it has been drawn up in accordance with the constitutional, legal and other provisions of the Council, applying criteria of legality, honesty, efficiency, effectiveness, economy, rationality, austerity, transparency, control, accountability and gender equity, and in accordance with the Integral System of Planning, Monitoring and Institutional Evaluation.

First Section

From the Commissions of the General Council

Article 6.

1. For the performance of its privileges and based on Article 116, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Code, the General Council shall have the following commissions:

I. Permanent:

a) Electoral Training and Civic Education;

b) Electoral Organization;

c) Prerogatives and Political Parties;

d) Professional Electoral Service;

e) Federal Register of Electors; and

f) Complaints And Complaints.

II. Temporary: Those created by the Council when deemed necessary for the performance of their privileges.

Article 7.

1. The Commissions contribute to the performance of the Council's powers and exercise the powers conferred upon them by the Code and the agreements and resolutions issued by the Council itself.

2. For the exercise of the powers of the Commissions, the Secretary of the Council, the Directors, the Technical Secretaries of the Commissions and the Head of Unit shall have the obligation to provide to the Commissions the support they require. In their reports, the Commissions may make recommendations to the executive areas of the Institute. The Commissions may send to the Board, through its President, proposals for the elaboration of the Institute's Policies and General Programs.

Article 8.

1. The Permanent Commissions shall be required to submit to the Council for approval:

(a) An annual work programme in accordance with previously established programmes and policies, at the first session held by the Council in the year of the relevant year;

b) The report of activities in which the tasks developed are specified, their linkage with the programmed goals, a report of attendance at the sessions and other considerations that are considered suitable, which must be presented at the first Council session of the year following the year of the reporting; and

2. The Permanent and Temporary Commissions, for each subject assigned to them, shall submit a report, opinion or draft resolution, as appropriate, within a time limit to be determined by the Code or the Council.

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

Article 9.

1. The Commissions of Political Prerogatives and Parties; Electoral Organization; Professional Electoral Service; Electoral Training and Civic Education; Federal Registry of Electors; and, of Complaints and Complaints will be exclusively integrated by Electoral Advisers, with a maximum of three, appointed by the Council, who will be able to participate in two of them for a period of three years, one of the which will be its President and will operate on a permanent basis. The Presidency will be rotating annually among its members. The rotation procedure shall be determined in the Rules of Procedure of the Council.

2. In the Committee of the Electoral Professional Service, members will participate exclusively; in the others, they will be able to participate in a voice but without a vote the Legislative Branch and the representatives of the political parties.

Article 10.

1. The Council shall integrate the Temporary Commissions it deems necessary for the performance of its privileges, with the maximum number of three Directors and shall always be chaired by one of them.

Article 11.

1. All Permanent Commissions shall have a Technical Secretary appointed by their President from among the support staff assigned to their office.

2. Temporary Commissions may be designated as Technical Secretary to the Director or Head of Unit to be decided by the Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Governing Body.

3. In all the Commissions the Director or the Head of the Technical Unit concerned shall attend the sessions only with the right to speak.

Article 12.

1. To fulfill its tasks, the President, the Executive Secretary, the Board, the Executive Directorates, the Technical Units, the National Surveillance Commission and the delegational and subdelegation bodies, will collaborate with the Commissions and shall provide them with the information requested in the terms of the Code, the Staff Regulations, this Regulation and other provisions adopted by the Council.

2. The Commissions, through its President, may invite any person or official to their sessions to expose a matter or provide them with the information they deem necessary, in accordance with the relevant agenda.

3. In each electoral process, the Electoral Training and Civic Education Commissions, and the Electoral Organization, will be merged to integrate the Training and Electoral Organization Commission, for which in October of the year prior to of the election, the Council shall appoint its members and the Counsellor to chair it, in accordance with the rules laid down for the integration of the Permanent Commissions.

4. For this purpose, the Commissions that will be the subject of a merger will have to report before the Council, so that the Committee on Training and the Electoral Organization will be aware of the outstanding issues that will have to be addressed.

Article 13.

1. In the arrangements for the integration or creation of the Temporary Committees, the Council shall specify the specific object of the Temporary Commissions, its powers and the time limits and/or conditions to which it is subject.

2. The Temporary Committees shall take account of their activities within the time limits to be determined by the Council in the establishment agreements.

3. The Council shall, upon hearing the request of an organisation seeking registration as a national political party, integrate a review committee composed of three members, who shall verify compliance with the requirements for their procedure. constitution. The draft opinion shall be drawn up by the committee.


Section Second

From the General Council's Electoral Councilors

Article 14.

1. In order to contribute to the exercise of the powers that the Code confers on the Council and this Regulation to the Commissions, it is for the Directors:

a) Integrate the quorum of Council sessions and participate in their deliberations with the right to voice and vote;

b) Play their role with autonomy, probity and respect;

c) Submit to the Council's consideration draft agreements and resolutions, in the terms stated in the Rules of Procedure of the body itself;

d) To request the incorporation of matters on the agenda of the Council and the Commissions, in the terms of the Rules of Procedure of the body itself, the Rules of Procedure and this Regulation;

e) Substitute the President, upon appointment of the President, in his or her momentary absences from Council meetings;

(f) When the President of the Council does not attend or is absent in the final form of the Council session, upon appointment of the Council, he shall preside over the respective session;

g) Prior appointment of the Council, provisionally replace the President's Adviser in the event of a final absence;

h) In the event of an absolute lack of the President's Counsel, communicate to the Chamber of Deputies of the General Congress to proceed to elect the replacement who will conclude the vacancy period;

i) To request the President's Counsel to convene an extraordinary session of the Council, in the terms of Article 114, paragraph 1 of the Code;

j) Chair the Commissions to be determined by the Board;

k) Integrate the Commissions to be determined by the Council and participate with the right to voice and vote in its sessions;

l) Request the meetings of the Commissions to be a part;

(m) Driving the sessions of the Commissions that integrate with the momentary absence of its President, upon request of the President;

n) Attend with the right to speak to the sessions of the Commissions of which it is not a party;

n) Request, for the proper performance of their order, the collaboration and information of the organs of the Institute, in the terms of applicable regulations;

or) Designate, in accordance with the available budget and administrative rules, the staff assigned to your office;

p) Attend academic or institutional events in the name of the Institute before all kinds of authorities, entities, dependencies and natural and moral persons, upon appointment by the Council or, if appropriate, by the President of the Council by common agreement;

q) Participate in the events to which you are invited, in your capacity as Counsellor by academic, institutional and social organizations, national or foreign, seeking that such participation will be in the interests of the Institute;

r) To be called to the sessions of the Commissions to be a part and to receive with due opportunity the documents relating to the points to be dealt with in the order of the day;

s) Submit written proposals to the Commissions of which they are not a party; and


t) Participate in voice and vote in the Editorial Unit in terms of applicable regulations;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

u) Those that trust the Code and other applicable regulations.

2. They are the powers of the members who preside over a Commission:

a) Develop the order of the day;

b) Conduct calls for Commission sessions;

c) Driving the Commission sessions;

(d) Designate, in the event of a temporary absence, the Counselor who is required to fill in the Commission sessions;

e) Designate the Technical Secretary of the Commission in terms of the provisions of Article 116, paragraph 5 of the Code;

(f) Request on behalf of the Commission, without prejudice to its own right, the inclusion of the reports, opinions or draft resolutions adopted by it, on the agenda of the Council meetings;

g) To submit to the Council in time reports, opinions or draft resolutions, as the case may be, on the matters entrusted to the Commission which preside; and

(h) The others entrusted to them by the Code, the Rules of Procedure, this Regulation and the provisions issued by the Council.

Section Third

From the Legislative Branch and the Representatives of the Political Parties to the General Council

Article 15.

1. In order to fulfill the privileges that the Code confers, it is up to the Legislative Branch and the representatives of the political parties:

a) Submit to the consideration of the Council, draft agreements and resolutions;

b) To request the incorporation of matters on the agenda of the Council sessions, in the terms of the Rules of Session of the said collegiate body;

c) Participate in the Council Commissions, with the right to speak in their sessions, with the exception of the Professional Electoral Service;

(d) Request for the proper performance of their order, the collaboration and information of the organs of the Institute, in terms of the effect of this Regulation;

e) Designate, in accordance with the budgetary availabilities and the corresponding administrative rules, the staff assigned to his office;

f) To be called to the sessions of the Commissions and to receive with due opportunity the documents relating to the points to be dealt with in the order of the day;

g) Request to hold sessions of the Commissions in which they participate;

h) Request the incorporation of cases on the agenda of the Commissions sessions in terms of the respective Regulations;

i) Submit written proposals to the Commissions; and

j) Other than the Code and other applicable provisions.

Chapter Two

From the Presidency of the General Council

Article 16.

1. The Presidency of the Council is a central management body of the Institute of a single-person nature.

2. For the exercise of the powers conferred on the President of the Council by the Code, it shall be:

(a) Propose to the Council the appointment of the Head of Unit, in accordance with the provisions of Article 60 of this Regulation, as well as its removal;


b) Submit to the Council the preliminary draft budget for the following year for approval, and subsequently submit it to the holder of the Executive Branch within the time limits for determining the constitutional provisions. and legal corresponding;

(c) Designate as the office manager, in the absence of the Executive Secretary, the Executive Director who meets the requirements of the Code;

d) Designate the dispatch officer, in case of absence of the Directors or Unit holders;

e) Call and conduct Council and Board sessions in terms of the Code and Regulations issued by the Council itself;

f) Chair Council sessions;

g) Subscribe to the conventions that the Institute holds with the competent electoral authorities in the federal entities to assume the organization of local electoral processes;

h) Chair the Executive General Board and report to the Board on the work of the Board;

(i) Prior approval by the Council, to order the conduct of national surveys based on counting and counting of polling stations in order to know the trends of the results on the day of the election day. The results of such studies shall be disseminated by the President, after approval by the General Council, after twenty-two hours of the day of the election day;

j) Give the electoral statistics, by section, municipality, district, federal entity and plurinominal constituency, after the electoral process is completed;

k) Convening with the competent authorities the information and documents to be provided by the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors for local electoral processes;

l) Submit to the Council proposals for the creation of new directions or technical units for the best functioning of the Institute;


m) In compliance with the Council's order, instruct the Executive Secretary to publish in the Official Journal of the Federation, in the Gazette and in the Institute's Strings, the approved Agreements and Resolutions by the highest management body expressly determining it, as well as those which, as a general rule, are to be advertised in the abovementioned organs or media;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

n) The others to trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) Participate in the Electronic Management and Publication Committee through a representative.


Third Chapter

From Local Councils

Article 17.

1. The Local Councils are the governing bodies of management that are established in each of the federal entities and the Federal District, which are installed and sessionan during the electoral processes.

Article 18.

1. For the fulfilment of the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the Local Councils:

(a) To ensure compliance with the provisions of the Code and this Regulation and to take the measures necessary to ensure that political parties and candidates are given full exercise of their rights in the material;

b) Request and receive timely information from Local and District Boards, the necessary information for the proper fulfillment of their privileges;

c) Substantial the means of impeachment that compete with them in the terms of the General Law of the Media Systems of Impeachment;

(d) To issue to the Executive Directorate of Prerogatives And Political Parties certified copy of the register of representatives of political parties to the Local Council;

e) Provide the Executive Secretary with copies of the minutes of the sessions and other documents related to the federal electoral process;

f) Issue the resolution regarding the loss of representativeness of national political parties to the Local Council;

(g) Receive from the Council the determinations it has made on the registration of lists of candidates for deputies and senators for the principle of proportional representation and the supplementary registration of the formulas of candidates for Deputies and senators for the principle of relative majority;

h) Contar with the appropriate physical spaces for the exercise of their functions;

i) Create Commissions for the proper performance of their functions;

j) Create communication and liaison systems with District Councils Commissions;

k) Watch that the Vocals of Local and District Boards, comply with the Local Council's own agreements;

l) Monitor Local Boards ' Relations with State and Municipal Authorities;

m) Know the budget that the Local Council counts;


n) To monitor that District Councils are installed in the entity in the terms set out in the Code;


n) To designate in December of the year before the election, by an absolute majority, the electoral councilors who integrate the district councils referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 149 of the Code, based on the proposals that The president and the local electoral councilors will have the effect;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

or) Credit Mexican citizens, or the group they belong to, who have submitted their application to the President of the Local Council to participate as observers during the Electoral Process, according to the (c) paragraph 4 of Article 5 of the Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

p) Solve the means of impeachment that compete with them in terms of the law of the matter;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

q) Publish the integration of District Councils at least in one of the entity's largest circulation journals;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

(r) Register the appointments of the general representatives or representatives of the political parties to the polling stations in the case provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 250 of the Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

s) Register the formulas of candidates for senators by the principle of relative majority;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

t) Make the total computation and the declaration of validity of the choice of senators by the principle of relative majority, based on the results recorded in the minutes of district computes, make known the results corresponding and to take the original and certified copies of the file in the terms set out in Chapter 4 of Title IV of the Fifth Code of the Code; and (sic)

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

u) To perform the computation of the federal entity of the election of senators by the principle of proportional representation, based on the results recorded in the minutes of district computes, to make known the results corresponding and turnar the original and certified copies of the file in the terms set forth in Chapter 4 of Title IV of the Fifth Book of this Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

v) Designate, in the event of the secretary's absence, from among the members of the Professional Electoral Service, the person who will serve as secretary during the sessions;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

w) Monitor activities performed by executive local boards during the Electoral Process;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

x) Other than you trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

2. The Local Council will have to assess, at the last stage of the electoral process, the functioning of the local commissions.

3. The Local Councils with residence in the capitals designated as constituency headers, in addition to the attributions outlined in the preceding paragraphs, correspond to the following:

(a) To obtain from the District Councils in their respective constituency the district counts of the election of deputies by the principle of proportional representation;

b) Make the plurinominal constituency computes of the election of deputies by the principle of proportional representation; and

c) Turnar the original and copies of the plurinominal constituency computation file of the choice of deputies by the principle of proportional representation to the instances noted in the Code.

First Section

From Local Council President

Article 19.

1. For the purposes of the privileges that the Code confers, it is for the President of the Local Council:

a) Support Local Councillors to obtain corresponding work permits;

b) Submit to the approval of the Local Council the matters of its competence;

c) Request, in the field of their jurisdiction, that the district courts, courts of first instance, of the states and the municipalities, as well as the delegational agencies of the public ministry, public notaries and the offices that do their times, remain open during the day of the election;

d) Require, if necessary to ensure order and ensure the development of the election day, the support of the public security bodies of the Federation, the states and the municipalities;

e) To instruct the Secretary of the Local Council to disseminate the conclusion of any of the stages or acts of the federal electoral process;

(f) Inform the Local Council of the agreements and resolutions of the Council, in the immediate session following the date on which they were approved;

g) Order the Secretary of the Local Council to issue certifications requested by political parties, citizens and competent authorities;

h) Receive applications for registration of nominations to senator for the most relative principle, which are submitted by national political parties;

i) Account to the Executive Secretary of the computes of the election of senators for both principles and declarations of (sic) validity concerning the election of senators by the principle of relative majority, as well as of the media of the contested challenge, within five days of the respective choice;

j) To monitor the delivery to the District Councils, of the approved documentation, useful and necessary elements for the performance of their tasks;

k) Exorder the proof of majority and validity of the election to the formulas of candidates for senators who had obtained the majority of the votes as well as the constancy of assignment to the formula of the first minority according to the computation and statement of validity of the Local Council, and report to the Council;

l) Receive and take turns of the means of impeachment that stand against the acts or resolutions of the Local Council; and (sic)

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

m) The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

n) (REPEALED, D.O.F. AUGUST 6, 2010)

2. The President of the Local Council corresponding to the capital of a plurinominal constituency, in addition to the above privileges, shall:

a) Post to the outside of the offices the results obtained in the computes of the constituency; and

b) Integrate and refer to the Executive Secretary the constituency count file.

Section Second

From the Local Councils Commissions


Article 20.

1. The Local Councils may integrate or create the Commissions they deem necessary for the supervision and organization of the proper exercise of their powers, which shall exercise the powers and functions that the Code, this Regulation and other The applicable regulations shall be indicated to them, as well as in accordance with the provisions of the Council and the Local Council.

2. In the event that the Local Councils determine to create commissions, the provisions of Article 116, paragraph 3 of the Code shall be observed.

Article 21.

1. The Local Councils ' Commissions will be integrated by Local Councillors, one of which will be its President. The Commissions may invite representatives of the political parties accredited to participate in their work.

2. The representatives of the political parties shall have a voice, without the right to vote for the sessions held by the Committees of the Local Councils.

Article 22.

1. For the performance of their tasks, the President of the Local Council, the Secretary, the Local Board, the respective Executive Vocals, the Coordinations, the local and district committees of surveillance, will collaborate with the Commissions and provide the information requested to them under the terms of the Code, this Regulation and other provisions adopted by the Local Council.

Article 23.

1. The Commissions of the Local Councils shall have the obligation to present to the latter, for approval:

a) A work program;

b) The monthly activities report;

c) The final activity report; and

d) A draft opinion resolution in case of a specific Commission.

Article 24.

1. In the integration or creation agreements of the Local Councils ' Commissions, the Local Council itself may have different modalities to those set out in this Chapter, in accordance with the needs and nature of the matters which entrusts.

2. The Commissions of the Local Councils shall be applicable, as appropriate, to the provisions contained in the Rules of Procedure of the General Council of the Federal Electoral Institute.

Section Third

From Local Councillors

Article 25.

1. For compliance with the privileges that the Code confers on them, it is up to the Local Councillors:

a) Attend Local Council sessions with voice and vote rights;

b) Play their role with autonomy, probity and respect;

c) Submit to the Council's consideration Local draft agreements and resolutions;

d) Propose the creation of Local Advisory Committees, as well as the procedures guides necessary for the development of their privileges with the number of members that for each case agree;

e) Request the incorporation of issues on the agenda;

f) Substitute to the President of the Local Council, upon appointment of the Local Council, in their temporary absences from the sessions of the Local Council itself;

g) Chair the Commissions to be determined by the Local Council;

h) Integrate the Commissions to be determined by the Local Council and attend the sessions of the Local Council with the right to voice and vote;

i) Request the celebration of a session of the Commissions that you integrate;

(j) Driving the sessions of the Commissions, which includes the temporary absence of its President, upon request of the latter;

k) Attend with the right to speak to the sessions of the Local Council Commissions of which he is not a party;

l) Request, for the proper performance of their assignment, the collaboration and timely information of the Institute's organs, in the terms of this Regulation;

m) To request to the competent authorities and in accordance with the budgetary availability and the corresponding administrative rules, the designation of the collaborators assigned to his office;

n) Represent to the Local Council a designation made by common accord of the President of the Council or, where appropriate, by the Local Council itself;

n) Attend regular national and state election advisory meetings;

o) Be summoned to the sessions of the Commissions to be part and receive with due opportunity the documents relating to the points to be dealt with on the agenda;

p) Submit written proposals to the Local Council Commissions of which they are not a party;


q) Monitor the performance of field and cabinet verification tasks by District Councilors, with a view to achieving an appropriate location and integration of the cell-based tables; and


r) The others to trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

s) (REPEALED, D.O.F. OCTOBER 21, 2011)

t) (REPEALED, D.O.F. OCTOBER 21, 2011)

u) (REPEALED, D.O.F. OCTOBER 21, 2011)

v) (REPEALED, D.O.F. OCTOBER 21, 2011)

w) (REPEALED, D.O.F. OCTOBER 21, 2011)

x) (REPEALED, D.O.F. OCTOBER 21, 2011)

and) (REPEALED, D.O.F. OCTOBER 21, 2011)


2. Local councillors will be subject to the administrative responsibilities scheme provided for in the Code 7 of the Code and may be sanctioned by the Council for the violation of the principles governing the Code. electoral function established by the Constitution and applicable provisions, as well as by the Comptroller's Office for the acts or omissions in which they perform their duties.

Article 26.

1. Local Counselors will be entitled to receive their assistance diet in a timely manner that is determined for each electoral process.

2. Local councillors will be appointed to two ordinary electoral processes, who will be able to be re-elected for further process.

Article 27.

1. Alternate local councillors will be able to attend the training courses, receive information on the development of the activities of the electoral process and attend as guests to the Local Council sessions.

Section Fourth

From the representatives of the political parties to the Local Council

Article 28.

1. The representatives of the political parties are responsible for:

a) Attend Local Council sessions with the right to voice;

b) Integrate the Local Council and participate in its deliberations;

c) Request the incorporation of cases on the agenda of the Local Council sessions, in the terms of the respective sessions regulation;

d) Participate in the Commissions to be determined by the Local Council with the right to speak;

e) Request, for the proper performance of their order, the collaboration and information of the organs of the Institute, in terms that the effect of this Regulation will indicate;

f) Propose the creation of Local Council Commissions;

g) Attend, if invited by the Local Directors of the respective Commission, to the sessions of those of which they are not a party;

h) Submit written proposals to the Local Council Commissions;

i) Participate in the activities of the Local Councillors regarding the field and cabinet verification, by the District Councilors to achieve an adequate location and integration of the polling station tables; and

j) Other than the Code and other applicable provisions.

Chapter Fourth

From District Councils

Article 29.

1. The District Councils are the sub-delegated management bodies constituted in each of the constituencies, which are installed and sessioned during the electoral processes.

Article 30.

1. For the fulfilment of the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the District Council:

(a) Vellar for the observance of the provisions of the Code and of this Regulation;

b) Register the representatives of the political parties who are accredited to the District Council itself, no later than thirty days after the date of the installation session;

c) Oversee District Boards ' relationships with state, municipal, and delegate authorities;

d) Meeting the budget with which the District Council counts;

e) Create Commissions for the proper performance of their functions;

(f) Receive from the Council the determinations made by the Council for the registration of the lists of candidates by the principle of proportional representation, as well as by the principle of relative majority;

g) Monitor the steps of the procedure to integrate the box-box tables, as well as the insaculation, notification and training of cell officials;

h) Browse that the places proposed for the location of boxes meet the requirements set by the law;

i) Register the appointments of the representatives to the polling stations of the national political parties;

j) To monitor compliance with the progress and resolutions of the District Council itself;

k) Watch that attendees are trained in legal-electoralmatters;

l) Participate in the formation of the electoral agenda;

m) Carry out the counting of votes in the entire district of the district concerned, when any of the cases referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 295 of the Code are credited, in the terms of the provisions of the the Local and District Councils Sessions Regulation;

n) Determine the number and location of the boxes in accordance with the procedure referred to in Articles 239, 242 and 244 of the Code;

n) Insacral the polling officers in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 240 and monitor that the box office tables are installed in the terms of the Code;

o) Register the candidate formulas for deputies by the majority relative principle;

p) Register the appointments of the representatives that the political parties credit for the day of the election day;

(q) Credit Mexican citizens who have submitted their application, personally or through the organization to which they belong, to the President of the Council of their own to participate as observers during the process

5 (4) (c) of the Code of the Code;

r) To request, where appropriate, the identification of the representatives of the political parties within a maximum of forty-eight hours from their registration; in any case, ten days before the election day;

s) Make the district computes and the declaration of validity of the deputies ' elections by the principle of relative majority and the district computation of the election of deputies of proportional representation;

t) Make the district computes of the choice of senators by the principles of relative majority and proportional representation;

u) Conduct the district voting count for President of the United Mexican States;

v) Monitor the activities of the Executive District Boards during the electoral process;

w) Adopt the measures to be taken in order to assure political parties and candidates the full exercise of their rights in the matter;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

x) Other than you trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

and) (REPEALED, D.O.F. AUGUST 6, 2010)

First Section

From District Council President

Article 31.

1. For compliance with the privileges that the Code confers, it is for the President of the District Council:

a) Submit to the approval of the District Council the matters of its competence;

b) Return to the Representatives of the political parties accredited to the District Council, the duplicate forms of the appointments that correspond;

c) Receiving from the authorized staff of the Institute the ballots on the day, hour and place preset, and must be accompanied by the rest of the members of the District Council;

d) To safeguard under its responsibility the packages containing the box files and, to the effect, to have the access doors of the place where they were deposited in the presence of the representatives of the national political parties;

e) Making the preliminary results of district computations available through notices posted outside their offices;

f) Keep certified copy of all the records and documentation of each case of district computations in your certified power;

g) Provide the District Council with the necessary elements for the performance of its functions;

h) Deliver acknowledgements to citizens who participated as polling station officials on election day day;

i) Deliver acknowledgements to participants in children's days;

(j) Inform the District Council of the relevant Local Council agreements and resolutions and those dictated by the Council, in the immediate session following the date on which they were approved;

k) Inform the Executive Secretary immediately, in the event that the District Council has agreed to the total count of the votes, in accordance with the alleged content of Article 295, paragraph 1 (a) of the Code;

l) Report to the Executive Secretary, at the end of the computer session, the number of electoral packages that were opened to apply the alleged content in Article 295, paragraph 1, point (b) of the Code;

m) Order the creation of working groups for the completion of the total count of votes in respect of a given choice, in terms of the provisions of the Code and of paragraph XI of the Rules of Procedure of the Councils Local and District;

n) Receive applications for registration of nominations to deputies for the principle of relative majority;

n) Within six days of the computer session, account shall be taken of the Executive Secretary, the relevant computes, the conduct of the elections and the means of impeachment brought in;

o) Deliver the necessary documentation and useful documents to the presidents of the polling stations, as well as support them for the proper performance of their functions;

p) Exorder the majority and validity of the election to the formula of candidates for deputies who have obtained the majority of votes according to the computation and validity statement of the District Council;

q) Make known by means of notices placed on the outside of their offices, the results of the district computes;

r) Turnar the original and certified copies of the district computes file relating to the elections of deputies, senators and President of the United Mexican States in the terms set by the Third Chapter of the Title Fourth of the Fifth Code of the Code;

s) Custodian of the documentation of the elections of deputies by relative majority and proportional representation, of senators by relative majority and proportional representation and of the President of the United Mexican States, until concludes the corresponding electoral process;

t) Receive and take turns of the means of impeachment that stand against the acts or resolutions of the Council in the terms provided for in the law of the matter;

u) To monitor compliance with resolutions issued by the District Council itself and other competent authorities;

v) Receive the requests for accreditation presented by the Mexican citizens, or the groups they belong to, to participate as observers during the electoral process;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

w) The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

x) (REPEALED, D.O.F. AUGUST 6, 2010)

Section Second

From the Commissions of the District Councils

Article 32.


1. The District Councils may include committees necessary for the supervision and organization of the proper exercise of their powers, which shall exercise the powers and functions which the Code, this Regulation and other applicable regulations may require. point out, as well as in accordance with the orders of the Council and the District Council.

2. The commissions of the District Councils may be integrated by District Councilors and representatives of the political parties accredited to them and shall be chaired by a District Counselor.

3. In the event that the District Councils determine to create commissions, the provisions of Article 116, paragraph 3 of the Code shall be observed.

4. The representatives of the political parties will only have the right to speak in the committees.

5. At each regular session of the District Council, the Committee Chairs shall verbally submit a summary of the activities carried out by the committee they chair.

6. The commissions of the District Councils shall be applicable, as appropriate, to the provisions contained in the Rules of Procedure of the General Council of the Federal Electoral Institute.

Article 33.

1. For the performance of his duties, the President of the District Council, the Secretary, the District Board, the respective Executive Vocals, the Coordinations, the local and district committees of surveillance, will collaborate with the commissions district and provide them with the information requested in the terms of the Code, this Regulation and other provisions approved by the District Council.

Section Third

From District Councilors

Article 34.

1. For the fulfillment of the privileges that the Code confers, it is up to the District Councilors:

a) Integrate the quorum of Council sessions and participate in their deliberations with the right to voice and vote;

b) Play their role with autonomy, probity and respect;

c) Submit to the consideration of the District Council the draft agreements and resolutions;

d) Propose the creation of District Council committees, as well as the necessary procedural guidelines for the development of their privileges;

e) Request the incorporation of issues on the agenda;

f) Substitute to the President of the District Council, prior to the appointment of the Board of Directors of the District Council;

g) Chair commissions to be determined by the District Council;

h) Participate in commissions to be determined by the District Council;

i) Request the celebration of a session of the commissions that you integrate;

(j) Driving the sessions of the commissions which it includes in the absence of the temporary absence of its President, upon request of the latter;

k) Attend in voice to the sessions of the District Council committees of which he is not a party;

l) Request, for the proper performance of their assignment, the collaboration and timely information of the Institute's organs, in the terms of this Regulation;

m) To monitor and participate in the implementation of District Council attributions;

n) Attend to the national and state periodic meetings of Electoral Councilors;

n) To be called upon to the sessions of the commissions to be a part and to receive with due opportunity the documents relating to the points to be dealt with in the order of the day;

o) Submit written proposals to the District Council committees of which they are not a party;

p) Integrate the working groups determined by the President to carry out the total count of votes in respect of a given election, in accordance with the provisions of the Code and paragraph XI of the Rules of Procedure Local and District Councils;

q) Conduct field and cabinet verifications to achieve an appropriate location and integration of the cell-based tables, and report the results to their respective Councils and/or commissions; and

r) The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.


2. The District Councillors shall be subject to the administrative responsibilities laid down in the Seventh Code of the Code and may be punished by the Council for the violation in which they are committed to the guiding principles of the Code. electoral function established by the Constitution, and applicable provisions, as well as by the Comptroller for the acts or omissions in which they perform their duties.

Section Fourth

From the Representatives of the Political Parties to the District Council

Article 35.

1. The representatives of the political parties are responsible for:

a) Attend District Council sessions with a voice right;

b) Integrate the District Council and participate in its deliberations;

c) Request the incorporation of matters on the agenda of the District Council sessions, in the terms of the respective sessions regulation;

d) Integrate commissions to be determined by the District Council;

e) Request, for the proper performance of their order, the collaboration and information of the organs of the Institute, in terms that the effect of this Regulation will indicate;

f) Propose the creation of District Council commissions;

g) To be called upon to the sessions of the commissions to be a part and to receive with due opportunity the documents relating to the points to be dealt with in the order of the day;

h) Attend, if invited by the District Councilors, to the sessions of the District Council Commissions of which they are not a party;

i) Submit written proposals to District Council committees of which they are not a party;

j) Participate in field and cabinet verification activities aimed at achieving proper location and integration of cell-based tables;

k) Integrate the working groups determined by the Chairman of the District Council for the completion of the total count of votes in respect of a given election, in accordance with the provisions of the Code and paragraph XI of the Local and District Councils Sessions Regulations; and

l) The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

Chapter Fifth

Of The Casilla Directives

Article 36.

1. Corresponds to the cell-based tables:

a) Install and close the box in the terms of the Code;

b) Receive the vote;

c) Scrutiny and computation of the vote;

d) Stay in the box from your facility to its closure;

e) During election day, respect and enforce the free issuance and effectiveness of suffrage, ensure the secrecy of voting and ensure the authenticity of scrutiny and computation;

f) To be met with respect towards the voters and with strict adherence to the electoral normativity; and

g) The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

2. The political parties may accredit representatives to the polling stations in accordance with the provisions of the Code.

Title Third

Of Central Executive Bodies

Chapter First

From the Executive General Board

Article 37.

1. The Board is a central executive body of a collegiate nature, integrated in accordance with the provisions of Article 121, paragraph 1 of the Code.

2. The holder of the Control Unit and the Comptroller General may participate, at the request of the President, in the meetings of the Board.

3. The meetings of the Board shall be governed by the specific Regulation issued by the Council.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

4. The holders of the Technical Units will attend the meetings of the Board and they will have the right to speak to illustrate the discussion of some of the items of the agenda related to the area of their competence, to the call of the Counsellor President.

Article 38.

1. For the fulfilment of the privileges that the Code confers, it is up to the Board:

a) Meet and execute the Council agreements;

b) Coordinate and supervise the implementation of the Institute's General Policies and Programs;

c) Dictate the necessary agreements and guidelines for the proper implementation of the Council's agreements and resolutions;

d) Coordinate the activities of the Executive Addresses;


e) To know and, where appropriate, to modify the guidelines presented to you by the federal or local electoral authorities regarding the use of the time of the State that corresponds to them in radio and television;


f) Approve the guidelines for the allocation of the time of the State corresponding to the Institute, as well as the other electoral authorities in radio and television;


g) Submit to the Council's approval proposals for amendments to the Radio and Television Regulations;

h) Formulate the studies and, where appropriate, the draft agreements referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 118 of the Code;


i) Propose to the General Council the obligations and measures of rationality and budgetary discipline, in accordance with the criteria established by the corresponding constitutional and legal provisions;


j) Develop the necessary actions to ensure that the Monitoring, National, Local and District Commissions are integrated, sessionary and function in the terms provided for in the Code and in accordance with the regulations for the human, financial and material resources management are issued; and (sic)


k) Submit to the approval of the General Council the Institute's General Policies and Programs in accordance with the criteria established by the corresponding constitutional and legal provisions;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

l) Approve the Institutional Portfolio of Projects, for further integration into the Institute's preliminary draft budget;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

m) Approve the Guidelines relating to the editorial and publication policy of the Institute, and the procedures for the distribution of the materials produced, on a proposal from the Editorial Unit;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) The others to trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

Chapter Two

From the Executive Secretariat

Article 39.

1. The Executive Secretariat is the central organ of a single-personnel nature; it is responsible for coordinating the Board, conducting the administration and supervising the proper development of the activities of the executive and technical bodies of the Institute, compliance with the applicable provisions, the holder of which shall be the Executive Secretary.

2. For the fulfilment of the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the Executive Secretary:


(a) Act as the Secretary of the Council and the Board, respectively, as well as refer the necessary documents and annexes to the members of these collegiate bodies, through digital or electronic means of the Institute;

b) Run and supervise the proper implementation of the Council and Board agreements;

c) Agree with the President of the Council on the matters of their competence;


d) Coordinate the operation of the Integral System of Planning, Institutional Monitoring and Evaluation, as well as the necessary updates, to be submitted for approval by the Council;


e) To prepare annually the preliminary draft budget of the Institute in accordance with the regulations and criteria mentioned in paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Regulation, and in accordance with the Integral Planning System, and Institutional Assessment, to be subject to the consideration of the President's Counsel, and of the temporary committee that the General Council believes for this purpose;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

f) Propose to the President of the Council the appointment of the Head of Technical Units attached to the Executive Secretariat;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

g) To receive in ordinary agreement the Headlines of the Executive Directorates, Technical Units and Executive Vocals of the Local Boards, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation;


h) Collaborate with the Commissions as the Secretary of the Council and provide support in all those activities necessary or requested;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

i) Establish mechanisms for appropriate coordination of the actions of the Board, Executive Directorates and Technical Units, with Local and District Executive Boards;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

j) Dispose the conduct of relevant studies to establish municipal offices and present them to the Board;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

k) Prior agreement with the President of the Council, convene meetings of the Board;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

l) Organize national or regional meetings with the Executive Vocals of Local and District Boards, in accordance with Council agreements, and when required by the President of the Council, the Board or the Commissions;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

m) Where appropriate, coordinate and monitor the integration of the files of the sessions and agreements of the Temporary Commissions, in which the Technical Secretaries are the Executive Directors or Head of Unit;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

n) Act in the name and representation of the Board and the Board in the administrative and judicial proceedings in which they are a party;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

n) Coordinate and execute the necessary actions to meet the requirements of the Comptroller General as an intervener in the procedures that the Comptroller General agrees to monitor the resources and assets of the Institute and, in its case, in the procedures for the determination of responsibilities and imposition of sanctions on the servers of the Institute;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

o) to analyse and, where appropriate, approve the structure of the central bodies and delegations of the Institute, with the exception of those which fall within the exclusive competence of the Council, in accordance with the requirements of the service justifying the each body and the opinion of the budgetary resources to be drawn up by the Executive Management Board;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

p) Coordinate the development of the activities of the preliminary results program;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

q) Coordinate the necessary actions to integrate the Comprehensive Plan and Calendar of the ordinary electoral processes and, where appropriate, the Calendar of the extraordinary elections; as well as to have the necessary for their approval by the Council;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

r) Coordinate the research work carried out by the Board in terms of Article 118, paragraph 3 of the Code;


s) Participate with voice and vote in the Editorial Unit in terms of applicable regulations;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

t) Subscribe together with the President's Advisor, the conventions to be held to take on the organization of local electoral processes;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

u) As the Secretary of the Council, carry out the necessary actions to substantiate and formulate the draft resolutions of the ordinary and special sanctioning administrative procedures, in the terms of the Code and of the Regulation of the subject;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

v) Take the necessary measures to require the competent authorities to deliver evidence in their possession by establishing the information security measures;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

w) Receive the vote count notices in the entirety of the boxes in the Districts in which the legal assumptions provided for in Article 295, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Code are credited;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

x) Agreed on postal and telegraphic franchises, as well as discounts on the rates of the transports granted to the official offices of which electoral officials and representatives of the parties will enjoy duly accredited national politicians to the institutions of the Institute, in terms of the provisions of Article 168 of the Code;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

and) Request the support of the holders of the Executive Directorates and of the Technical Units attached to the Executive Secretariat, for the attention of matters and subscription of documents related to these, as long as the the nature of the same so permits and there is sufficient motivation and justification for this, without involving the delegation of powers;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

z) Chair and coordinate the Electronic Management and Publication Committee and monitor Content Manager activities; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

a) bis The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

Third Chapter

Of The Running Addresses

Article 40.

1. For compliance with the privileges that the Code confers on the Executive Directorates:


(a) comply with the Council and the Board Agreements, which are of their competence, making the notifications and dedrowning that correspond to them. If necessary, the Executive Directorates may request the advice of the Legal Directorate for the fulfilment of such attribution;

b) Plan, program, organize, manage, monitor, monitor and evaluate the development of internal programs and actions, as well as the dispatch of administrative and resource issues in the areas of the Directorate Executive;

c) Monitor that Local and District Vocals and Technical Units, in the field of their competence, adhere to the guidelines, programs and internal actions approved by the corresponding Executive Directorate;

d) Formulate opinions and opinions on matters of the Executive Board's own affairs, as requested by the Council, the President of the Council, the Board or the Executive Secretary;

e) To technically advise on the competition issues of the Executive Directorate to the various areas of the Institute;

f) Coordinate actions with the holders of the other Executive Directorates or Technical Units, for the best functioning of the Institute;


g) Form the preliminary draft budget of the Executive Director in accordance with the rules and criteria referred to in Article 5 (2) of this Regulation, and in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 5 (2) of this Regulation; administrative and planning measures to be established by the Executive Secretary through the Executive Management Directorate and the Technical Planning Unit, within the scope of their respective powers, and in accordance with the Integral System of Planning, Monitoring and Institutional Evaluation;

h) Formulate the anteprojects of organizational manuals, procedures and services of the Executive Directorate in their capacity, in accordance with the criteria of the Board and the Executive Management Board;

i) Coassist and advise the Commissions technically, at the request of the President of the Commissions;

j) Evaluate the authorized programs for the appropriate Executive Address periodically;

k) Integrate and consolidate the information requested by the Commissions, the President, the Board and the Executive Secretariat;

l) Propose and promote modernization, simplification and deconcentration programs, as well as measures to improve the organization and administration in the field of their competence;

m) Apply, with full respect for the autonomy of the Institute, the coordination mechanisms with the dependencies, entities or instances with whom the needs of the service and its specific programs require to be related;


n) To assist with the Executive Secretary in the fulfillment of the Agreements that, in the field of their competence, are approved by the Board or the Council, to elaborate the certifications and to send them for signature, as well as to carry out the Proceedings to be taken, before the appropriate courts, with the assistance of the Legal Directorate;

n) To issue the matters of its jurisdiction, after agreement with the holder of the Executive Secretariat when the nature or transcendence of the same so warrants;


o) Designate the public server, which in case of their absence in exceptional manner will supply it in matters that require urgent attention or deahogo;


(p) To assist in the implementation of the policies approved by the Council to guide activities related to civic education, to contribute to the development of democratic life and to ensure the authenticity of suffrage and to promote a culture of gender equity and non-discrimination;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

q) To collaborate in the field of their respective competencies for the proper development, operation and updating of the Integral System of Planning, Monitoring and Institutional Evaluation, as well as of the normative instruments of the derived;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

r) To respond to queries and requests that are made to them according to the scope of their competence, with the exception of those reserved by the Code to the General Council, the Commissions, and the Board, or to any other organ of the Institute;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

s) Other than trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

Article 41.

1. The Headlines of the Executive Directorates correspond to them:

a) Integrate the Board in the terms of the Code and attend its meetings with the right to voice and vote;

b) Attend the relevant Commission sessions only with the right to voice; as well as serve as technical secretaries in the Temporary Committees and in other collegiate bodies whose function is determined by other provisions regulations;

c) Participate in the relevant Commissions and comply with the information requirements that the respective Commission requests;

d) Submit to the Board's consideration the corresponding reports of the tasks performed by the Executive Director in charge of the Board;

e) Agree with the Executive Secretary on the issues of their competence;

f) Propose to the Executive Secretary the projects on the creation, modification, organization, merger or disappearance of the administrative units of the Executive Directorate in charge;

g) To receive in ordinary agreement the holders of the administrative units of the Executive Directorate in charge;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

h) Coassist with the Technical Planning Unit and provide it with the necessary inputs in the integration, development and operation of the Integral System of Planning, Monitoring and Institutional Evaluation;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

i) Coordinate actions, with the agreement of the Executive Secretary, in the field of the Executive Management's responsibilities, with the corresponding areas of Local and District Boards;

j) Other than the Code and other applicable provisions.

Article 42.


1. The heads of the Technical Secretariats of the Commissions are responsible for:

a) Attend to the Commission meetings that are responsible for them, with the right to speak;

b) Concerting with the President of the Commission and the Executive Director on the issues of their competence;

c) Support the President of the Commission and assist in the work of the Executive Director; and (sic)

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

d) Resist, organize, systematize and update the Commission's files according to the normativity of the subject; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

e) The others who entrust them with the Code, the Commissions Regulation and other applicable provisions.

Article 43.

1. For compliance with the privileges that the Code confers, it is for the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors:

a) Present to the Board the program of the Federal Register of Electors;

(b) To request the monitoring committees to study and to remove from the consultations on the matters that they deem appropriate within the sphere of their competence;

c) Coordinate the activities of IFETEL and present the corresponding reports;

d) Request and make the necessary steps to ensure that the Executive Secretary publishes in the Official Journal of the Federation the collaboration agreements and other instruments concluded between the Federal Electoral Institute and Federal entities, including the respective annexes, that determine the time limit for requesting the Credential to Vote; as well as those that are intended to support the conduct of the local electoral processes, in matters of electoral rolls the purpose of which is to issue the development of the registration and the purging of the electoral roll; and (sic)

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

e) Coassist with the Executive Directorate of Electoral Training and Civic Education in the design and implementation of institutional campaigns; and


(f) To tender and issue a duly substantiated and substantiated timely response to the opinions, requests and recommendation agreements that are submitted in writing by the Monitoring Committees;


g) To define jointly with the National Surveillance Commission, the techniques, criteria and procedures that will be applied, including the census in the entire country, in order to have a General Catalogue of Electors a comprehensive, authentic and reliable Godfather, in accordance with Article 177, number 1 of the Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 15 FEBRUARY 2011)

h) Issue the procedures for the implementation of the verifications to the Electoral Register and similar field operations;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 15 FEBRUARY 2011)

i) Issue the mechanisms and procedures for the registration of citizens to the Electoral Register and the nominal list of voters, as well as the updating of these instruments;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 15 FEBRUARY 2011)

j) Define the procedures for comprehensive purging of the Electoral Register,


k) Determine the operational planning of the Electoral Register update campaigns, in order to define the number, location, typology, coverage routes, distribution, dates and times of the citizens ' attention modules, in those who consider the recommendations of the Monitoring Committees;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 15 FEBRUARY 2011)

l) Issue the procedures for citizen attention provided through the national electoral consultation system, regarding the registration and updating procedures of the Electoral Register and the handing over of credentials to vote with photography;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 15 FEBRUARY 2011)

m) Issue procedures for the registration of citizens residing abroad and the drawing up of the corresponding nominal lists of voters;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 15 FEBRUARY 2011)

n) Inform the Commission of the Federal Register of Electors in every ordinary session on the attention given to the opinions, requests and agreements of recommendation that are submitted in writing by the Monitoring Committees; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 15 FEBRUARY 2011)

n) The others to trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

or) Define the rules and procedures to be followed for the elaboration of studies aimed at the formulation of the project of division of the national territory in the uninominal electoral districts and plurinominal constituencies that the constitution and the law provide for. The above shall be made of the knowledge of the National Surveillance Commission, in accordance with the provisions of Article 202, paragraph 2 of the Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

p) Modify, in the electoral instruments, the nomenclature of localities and municipalities, provided that the legal document through which the modification is made is received from the competent authority;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

q) Define the rules and procedures for the detection of inconsistencies in electoral cartography, as well as for the permanent updating of the electoral geographical framework. The above shall be made of the knowledge of the National Surveillance Commission, in accordance with the provisions of Article 202, paragraph 2 of the Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

r) To make the work of territorial demarcation, including redistricting, sectioning and sectional integration carried out by the Executive Directorate of the Registry, of the National Surveillance Commission. Federal of Electors, in accordance with the provisions of Article 202, paragraph 2 of the Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

s) Propose to the Council through the Commission of the Federal Register of Electors, for approval, the Projects of Agreement that aim to update the electoral cartography;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

t) The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

2. The IFETEL will be the body responsible for providing the citizenry with information in the possession of the Institute, through telephone consultations, as well as receiving inconformations, complaints, suggestions and acknowledgements on the development of the processes or the action by the electoral authorities; and shall be attached to the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors.

3. The IFETEL will de-drown the telephone consultations in terms of the provisions of the manual that the Technical Unit of Information and Documentation Services will issue to the effect, which will be available on the Institute's website.

4. The reference information of the IFETEL shall comprise at least:

a) The location of Credentials to Vote with Photography, district offices, and polling places to vote;

b) Requirements for processing or updating the Credential to Vote with Photography;

c) Information that in terms of the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Transparency and Access to Public Information should make public;

(d) The procedures for bringing the review facility for transparency;

e) The services offered by the National Library Network;

f) Information about electoral institutions and processes;

g) Political information-electoral;

h) Civico-electoraleducation programs; and

i) The rights and obligations of citizens.

Article 44.

1. In order to comply with the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the Executive Direction of Prerogatives and Political Parties:

a) Plan, direct and supervise the development of the programs of prerogatives and political parties;

b) Present to the Board the program of political prerogatives and parties;

c) Establish general policies, technical criteria, and guidelines to which the program of political prerogatives and parties will be subject;

d) Run the functions that, in radio and television, order the Code and the specific Regulation;

e) To assist with the Commission on Prerogatives And Political Parties in the knowledge of the modifications of the basic documents of the political parties, preparing the draft resolution to be submitted to the Council;


f) Carry out the actions leading to the substantiation of the Impugnations to the amendments to the Statutes of the National Political Parties, established in the Constitution and other applicable provisions;

g) To carry out the necessary procedures so that the Institute, the political parties, their representatives before the organs of the Institute can dispose of the postal and telegraphic franchises that correspond to them; as well as any dispute arising between the users of those franchises and the authorities responsible for granting them;


(h) Develop and submit to the Committee the guidelines for the allocation of time for political parties on radio and television, as well as to prepare and submit to the Board the guidelines for the allocation of time corresponding to the Institute and other electoral authorities on radio and television;


i) Through its conduit or with the assistance of the Executive Vocals, as appropriate, refer to the concessionaires and radio and television permits, the transmission guidelines that have been approved, as well as the materials and the transmission orders corresponding to the messages of the political parties, the Institute itself and the electoral authorities, through the system it deems appropriate, in order to initiate its transmission according to the timetables previously set;


j) Auxiliary the Executive Vocals in verifying compliance with the corresponding transmission guidelines, as well as applicable rules regarding election propaganda broadcast on radio and television;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

K) Monitor and verify compliance with the transmission patterns of messages from institutional campaigns;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

l) To give the Secretary of the Council a view in terms of the provisions of the applicable rules on radio and television in the field of elections, in order to initiate the sanctioning procedures in accordance with the provisions of the the Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

m) Collaborate with the Committee in the elaboration and updating of the coverage maps of all radio stations and television channels, as well as their effective scope, in accordance with the provisions of the Code and other regulations applicable;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) To assist with the Council in the review of merger agreements, fronts, coalitions and participation agreements to be presented to the Institute, as well as to develop the respective Resolution Project;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) Review the documentation presented by national political parties and groupings regarding the integration of their management bodies at national and state level, in order to determine compliance with their internal regulations;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

(o) To assist the Council in reviewing the applications submitted by the parties and coalitions regarding the registration and replacement of candidates for various popular election posts, as well as the drafting of the Draft Agreement in accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

p) To verify the attachment of the Regulations issued by the national political parties, to their statutory and statutory rules, and if necessary, to proceed to the registration in the corresponding registration book;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

q) To assist the Council in reviewing the documentation submitted by the national political parties for the registration of the Electoral Platform, drawing up the corresponding Draft Agreement, and proceeding with its registration in the corresponding log book;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

r) The others to trust the Code, the Radio and Television Regulations and other applicable provisions.

Article 45.

1. For compliance with the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the Executive Directorate of the Electoral Organization:


a) Support in the integration, installation and operation of Local Boards and District Boards;


b) Support the installation and operation of local and district councils;


c) Plan, direct and monitor the development of the electoral organization programs;


d) Monitor and coordinate through the Executive Vocals, the activities of the electoral organization in the delegations and sub-delegations of the Institute;


e) Authorizing the monitoring visits program to Local and District Boards;


f) Coassist with the Executive Secretary in the preparation of studies on the establishment of municipal offices of the Institute to put them to the consideration of the Board;


g) Monitor and coordinate through the Executive Vocal the activities in the field of electoral organization of the municipal offices to be established;


h) Evaluate the authorized programs for the Executive Management periodically;


i) Observe the compliance, in matters of electoral organization, of the Agreements and other provisions issued by the Council and the Board, as well as follow up their observance by the Local and District Boards;


j) Draw up a catalogue of the Agreements and other provisions issued by the Board and the Board, the enforcement of which corresponds to the Management;


k) Monitor, through the Executive Vocals, that the installation of cells be performed in accordance with established standards;


l) To collect, if appropriate, the municipal offices the documentation related to the Electoral Process;


m) Develop the calendarised program of activities and events related to the Federal Electoral Process;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) Design and operate the information program on election day development; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) The others to trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

Article 46.

1. For compliance with the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the Executive Directorate of the Professional Electoral Service:

(a) Submit to the Board the programs and projects that the Electoral Professional Service will formulate the Executive Direction;

b) Coordinate the participation of the various areas of the Institute as regards the Professional Electoral Service in accordance with the provisions of the Staff Regulations;

c) Organize, control and maintain permanently updated the file and the database concerning the staff of the Professional Electoral Service, as much as it corresponds to the staff in active and the one that at some time has formed part of the;

d) Propose to the Executive Secretary the participation of higher education institutions and professionals in the implementation of the training, development and professional updating programs;

e) Promote the coordination of activities and, where appropriate, the conclusion of technical cooperation agreements with national and international institutions, in order to support the institutional programs;

f) Coordinate the development of studies related to the operation and development of the Professional Electoral Service;

g) Integrate and update the Service Posts and Charges Catalog (sic) submit it for approval to the Board; and

h) Other than you trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

Article 47.

1. For the fulfillment of the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the Executive Directorate of Electoral Training and Civic Education:

a) Establish general policies, technical criteria, and guidelines for the subject of electoral training and civic education programs;

b) Plan, direct, and oversee the development of civic education and electoral training programs to be developed by Local and District Boards;

c) Present to the Board the programs of electoral training and civic education and monitor its implementation;

d) To periodically evaluate compliance with the programs authorized for management, both at the central level and at the delegational and subdelegation levels;

e) To assist in the process of insaculation of citizens for the selection of cell officials;

f) Lead and supervise the research, analysis and preparation of teaching materials that require electoral training and civic education programs;


g) Promote the conclusion of agreements with other institutions in order to encourage the development of democratic culture, strengthen civic education and promote the formation of citizen skills;

h) Coordinate research programs that are required in the field of civic education;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

i) Design and implement the institutional dissemination campaigns and, where appropriate, coordinate with the agencies that are responsible for the object or content of the campaign;


j) Collaborate with the Executive Management of Political Prerogatives and Parties, in the sending of audiovisual materials corresponding to the institutional campaign for its timely dissemination;

k) To assist with the Executive Management Administration, in the design and development of the mechanisms, instruments and guidelines for the selection and hiring of the auxiliary staff of the District Boards in the training election, during the electoral process, particularly at the polling station tables;


l) Plan, direct and supervise the programs of dissemination of democratic political culture and those concerning educational communication, in order to promote democratic culture;


m) Participate in the Electronic Management and Publication Committee, or through a representative;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) Fungir with the character of Technical Secretary in the integration of the Editorial Unit, with the right to voice, in terms of the applicable regulations;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

or) The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

2. For the correct compliance with the provisions of point (i) of the previous paragraph and Article 62 (1) (o) of this Regulation, the Executive Directorate of Electoral Training and Civic Education shall design and implement the dissemination campaigns related to the Federal Register of Electors in close coordination with the management of the branch.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

3. In respect of such coordination, the provisions of Article 8, paragraph 1, point (l) of the Rules of Procedure and the Functioning of the Surveillance Commissions of the Federal Register of Electors shall be taken into account.

Article 48.

1. For compliance with the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the Executive Direction of Administration:

a) Present the Executive Secretary for approval, general policies and standards for the exercise and control of the budget;

b) Establish and implement the general policies, technical criteria and guidelines to which the personnel management programs will be subject; material resources and general services; financial and organizational resources Institute;

c) Direct and supervise the development of the standard administrative documents necessary for the development of the Institute's functions, subject them to the approval of the Board;

d) Provide what is necessary for the proper functioning of the administrative branch of the staff at the Institute's service;

e) Organize and direct the administration of material, financial resources, as well as the administration of the staff of the Institute;


f) Lead and coordinate the preparation of the Institute's preliminary draft budget and submit it for review to the Executive Secretary;

g) Design and establish the necessary mechanisms to evaluate the results obtained in the programs of management of the material and financial resources, of organization and administration of the personnel;

h) Establish permanent and special training programs and procedures for the promotion and encouragement of administrative personnel by submitting them to Board consideration;

i) Define and implement, in agreement with the Executive Director of the Professional Electoral Service, the selection, training and promotion procedures that allow the staff of the administrative branch to aspire to their incorporation to the service;

j) To issue to the Executive Secretary an annual report on the Institute's budget year;

k) Where appropriate, inform the Temporary Committee of the matter of the exercise of the budget, as well as of the state it holds;

l) In accordance with the applicable provisions, issue the appointments of the public servants of the administrative branch, as well as the gaffes and identifications of all the servers of the Institute; and


m) Implement and operate computer technologies that assist in the performance of their functions;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) Develop the proposal of the obligations and measures of rationality, austerity and budgetary discipline in accordance with the applicable constitutional and legal provisions;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) Manage the operation and operation of the NormaiFE;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

o) Develop and direct programs, systems and mechanisms in the field of security and civil protection at the Institute, and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

p) The others to trust the Code and other applicable provisions.


Chapter Fourth

From Executive Local Boards

Article 49.

1. The Local Boards are the permanent collegiate executive bodies, composed of members of the Professional Electoral Service, who are responsible for implementing the programs and policies of the Institute in the territorial area of each of the Federal entities and in the Federal District.

Article 50.

1. The Local Boards shall govern the organization, attributions and functioning of the various areas that comprise them by the provisions of the Code, this Regulation and the other regulations, manuals and specific guidelines issued by the organs. Central to the Institute.

Article 51.

1. The Local Boards shall hold at least once a month, in the terms of the Code and the Rules of Local and District Boards issued by the Council.

Item 52.

1. Local Boards will have the following areas:

a) Executive Vocal;

b) Secretariat Vocalia;

c) Federal Register of Electors Vocalia;

d) Electoral Training and Civic Education Vocalia; and

e) Electoral Organization Vocalia.

2. In order to fulfill its responsibilities, when required and there is budgetary availability, the Executive Vocal, after approval of the Executive Secretary, will have the following areas: Particular Secretariat; Coordination of Social Communication; Coordination of Advisors; and Administrative Coordination.

3. For the fulfillment of its privileges, when required and there is budgetary availability, the Secretariat's Vocalia, after authorization from the Executive Secretary, will have the following areas: Legal Coordination and Department of Systems Operation.

4. The Local Boards, in the event of budgetary availability, will propose to the Executive Secretary the incorporation of coordination, departments, and support areas for the local electoral processes that they deem necessary for the fulfillment of its functions, informing the Council and the Local Council of the modifications to the structure.

Article 53.

1. For the fulfilment of the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the Local Boards:

a) Meet and execute the Council and Board agreements;

b) Support the activities of the Local Council and implement its agreements, where available;

c) Adopt guidelines and actions for the proper monitoring and evaluation of the activities of the Vocalians and district organs;

d) Dispose relevant actions to inform the Executive Secretary with opportunity about the development of their activities and those of the district organs;

e) Meet the Annual Activities Program;

f) Report to the Local Council on the progress and implementation of the activities inherent in the federal electoral process;

g) Make available to the Local Councils all the information, resources and equipment necessary for the proper development of their function;

h) Perform activities that are agreed with federal entities and the Federal District in local electoral processes;


i) Develop the preliminary draft budget in accordance with the regulations and criteria set out in paragraph 2 of Article 5 of this Regulation and in accordance with the Comprehensive Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System Institutional;


j) Monitor and evaluate the compliance of programs related to the Federal Register of Electors, Electoral Organization, Electoral Professional Service and Electoral Training and Civic Education; and


k) To collaborate in the field of their respective competencies for the proper development, operation and updating of the Integral System of Planning, Monitoring and Institutional Evaluation, as well as of the normative instruments of the derived;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

l) The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

Chapter Fifth

From Local Executive Vocals

Article 54.

1. Local Executive Vocals are the single-personal executive organs responsible for coordinating the work of Local Board Vocals and chairing the Local Council.

2. Local Executive Vowels should adhere to the guidelines, programs and internal actions approved by the Executive Directorates, in the field of their competence, without prejudice to maintaining their coordination at the local level.

Article 55.

1. For the fulfillment of the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the Local Executive Vocals:

a) Comply with Council agreements;

b) Integrate and preside over the Local Board and, where appropriate, the Local Council;

c) Report monthly to the Executive Secretary of the tasks performed by the Local Board;

d) Plan, program, organize, direct, control and evaluate the development of programs and internal actions of the vocalias that make up the Local Board;

e) Formulate opinions and opinions on the Local Board's own affairs requested by the Executive Secretary;

f) Propose to the Executive Secretary projects on the creation, modification, organization, merger or disappearance of the administrative units of the Local Board;

g) To technically advise on matters of the Local Board's competence, the Commissions, the Board and the various areas of the Institute;

h) Coordinate, with the agreement of the Executive Secretary with the Headlines of the Executive Directorates or the Technical Units, for the best functioning of the Local Board;

i) To assist with the Commissions, at the request of the Presidents of the Commissions, informing the President of the Board of the result;

j) Receive in ordinary agreement the holders of the Local Board Vocals and the District Executive Vocals;

k) Oversee the procedure and deahogo of the means of impeachment, which are presented at the Local Board;

l) Coordinate in the area of the Local Board's remit with the relevant areas of the District Boards, with the agreement of the Executive Secretary;

m) Provide the necessary support to the District Boards for the protection of the electoral packages from the conclusion of the electoral process until the procedure for its destruction is determined; and (sic)


n) Receiving, processing, and, where appropriate, substantiating the means of impeachment that are brought in line with the provisions of the law of the matter;


n) Run the programs in the field of electoral organization; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

or) Fungir as liaison between the Institute and the electoral authorities of the entity concerned; state representations of national political parties; local political parties and radio and radio operators television of the federative entity of its competence;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

p) To assist with the Executive Management within its field of competence, in the verification of compliance with the guidelines by the dealers and permissionaries of the appropriate federal entity;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

q) Fungir as auxiliary authorities, both of the Committee and of the Board and other competent bodies of the Institute, for the acts and proceedings that are instructed to them;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

r) The others that trust the Code, the Radio and Television Regulations and other applicable provisions.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

2. The Local Secretaries will have the powers outlined in the Complaints and Complaints Regulations, as well as those that are determined in their capacity as Secretary of Local Councils.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

3. The Local Executive Vocals will supervise the attention of the administrative and service needs of the Local Board, with the help of the Secretary. The Local Boards will have an Administrative Coordinator who will be responsible for addressing the requirements of personnel, financial resources, materials and general services, managing the corresponding supports and controlling the resources assigned, in order to provide them in a timely manner for the achievement of the goals of the work programmes in the field of their competence.

Chapter Sixth

From The Executive District Boards

Article 56.

1. The District Boards are the permanent collegiate executive organs, composed of members of the Professional Electoral Service, who are responsible for implementing the programs and policies of the Institute in the territorial area of each of the electoral districts.

2. For the fulfillment of the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the District Boards:

a) Train the citizens who will have to integrate the cell-based tables;


b) Develop the relationship of trained citizens in the first stage who meet legal requirements to be polling officers;

c) Develop the Memory of the Federal Electoral Process;

(d) Timely issue to the District Council, the information necessary for the proper exercise of its functions;


e) Evaluate the compliance of programs relating to the Federal Register of Electors, Electoral Organization, Electoral Training and Civic Education;


f) Trim sections of the relevant districts for the purpose of locating sites that meet the requirements set out in Article 241 of the Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

g) Propose to the relevant District Council the number and location of the boxes to be installed in each of the sections within its district in accordance with Article 242 of the Code;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

(h) Present to the District Council for approval, the proposals of those who will serve as election assistants on the day of the election day; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

i) The others that trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

Chapter Seventh

From District Executive Vocals

Article 57.

1. The District Executive Vocals are the one-person executive organs responsible for coordinating the vocalias to their office.

2. The District Executive Vocals shall adhere to the guidelines, programs and internal actions that the Executive Directorates approve and implement through the Local Vocals, in the field of their competence, without prejudice to maintaining their coordination at the district level.

Article 58.

1. For the fulfillment of the privileges that the Code confers, it corresponds to the District Executive Vocals of the District Boards:

a) Coordinate the work of the members of the District Board and distribute among them the issues of their competence;

b) Coordinate with the Executive Vocals of the District Boards of your Federal District or Federal District, for the best performance of their privileges;

c) Participate in the Subcommittees on Procurement, Leases and Services, of Local Board Furniture in the matters of their competence;

d) Participate in the elaboration of the preliminary draft budget of the District Board, according to the guidelines issued by the Executive Management Board, observing the parameters of Article 74 of the Constitution;

e) Implement the information programs of the election day in order to find out the Council in a timely manner;

f) To issue to the Executive of the Local Board and to the National Coordination of Social Communication of the Institute, the information that in the electoral field the local media disseminate, according to the guidelines that for the purpose of issuing such Coordination;

g) Participate in the compilation of statistics on federal elections;

(h) Subscribe to the agreements with the municipal and delegational authorities for the establishment of electoral propaganda in the places of common use;

i) Auxiliary the District Council in all that it requires for the proper oversight of the District Board's activities;

j) Resist the electoral packages from the conclusion of the electoral process until the procedure for its destruction is determined; and (sic)

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

k) Receive and take the means of impeachment to be dealt with in terms of what is established in the law of the matter;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

l) To instruct the Secretary to conduct the hearings of evidence and pleadings in accordance with the provisions of Article 72 of the Federal Electoral Institute's Complaints and Complaints Regulations;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

m) To order the Secretary to comply with the provisions of Article 236, paragraph 5 of the Code, to carry out the necessary steps of verification; and


n) Run the programs in the field of electoral organization; and


n) The others to trust the Code and other applicable provisions.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

2. In order to formalize the above mentioned in point (l), the corresponding Executive Vocal shall instruct the Secretary to the Office by trade, and the Secretary will have to establish in the corresponding minutes both the instruction and the key that identify the communication by which you are ordered to conduct the hearing of evidence and pleadings.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

3. The Executive Vocal may designate from among the officials assigned to the Executive Board or District Council that it chairs, for the purpose of notifying the agreements and measures dictated and ordered in the field of its competence.

Chapter Eighth

From Municipal Offices

Article 59.

1. The Institute may have municipal offices in the places where the Council determines its installation, according to the studies and the budgetary availability.

2. The structure, functions and temporality of the installation of municipal offices shall be established.

Title Fourth

Of The Technical Bodies

Chapter First

Of The Technical Units

Article 60.

1. The Unit Holders shall meet the following requirements:

(a) Being a Mexican citizen by birth without having acquired another nationality, in addition to being in full enjoyment and exercise of his civil and political rights;

b) Be enrolled in the Federal Register of Electors and have Credential to Vote;

c) Be more than thirty years of age per day of designation;

d) Poseer a day of designation, degree level professional degree;

e) Contar with the necessary knowledge to perform their duties, as well as with a minimum of five years of professional experience related to the activities inherent in the position;

f) A good reputation and have not been convicted of any crime, unless it has been unintentional or imprudent;

g) Haber resided in the country for the last two years, except in the case of absence in service of the Republic for a period of less than six months;

h) Not having been registered as a candidate in charge of a popular election in the last four years prior to the appointment;

i) Not to perform or have held a national or state leadership position in any political party in the last four years prior to the appointment; and

(j) Not to be Secretary of State, Attorney General of the Republic or Federal District, Deputy Secretary or Senior Officer in the Federal Public Administration, Head of Government of the Federal District, Governor or Secretary of Government, to less than to separate from his order four years in advance of his appointment.

Article 61.

1. For the exercise of the powers conferred on the Technical Units by the Council agreements, it is for the holders of the Technical Units:

(a) Participate, as Technical Secretaries in the Temporary Commissions to be integrated by the Council, in accordance with the provisions of the creation agreement;

(b) Submit to the consideration of the Council, through its President or the Executive Secretary, as appropriate in the terms of this Regulation, the quarterly and annual reports relating to the tasks performed by the Technical Unit in charge;

c) Plan, program, organize, direct, control and evaluate the development of programs and internal actions of the Technical Unit's administrative units in charge;

d) Form opinions and opinions on matters of the Technical Unit requested by the Council, the President, the relevant Commission and the Board;

e) Propose to the Executive Secretary projects on the creation, modification, organization, merger or disappearance of the administrative units of the Technical Unit in charge;

f) Advise technically in matters of the competence of the Technical Unit to the various areas of the Institute that request it;

g) Coordinate actions with the holders of the Executive Directorates or Technical Units, when required, for the best functioning of the Institute;


(h) Form the preliminary draft budget of the Technical Unit in accordance with the regulations and criteria referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 5 of this Regulation and in accordance with the Comprehensive System of Planning, Monitoring and Institutional Evaluation;

i) Formulate the anteprojects of the organization manuals, procedures and services of the Technical Unit in their capacity, in accordance with the criteria of the Board and the Executive Management Board;

j) Coassist and advise the Commissions technically, at the request of the Presidents of the Commissions;

k) Receive in ordinary agreement the holders of the administrative areas of the Technical Unit in charge;

l) Coordinate actions with the relevant areas of Local and District Boards, subject to the agreement of the President or the Executive Secretary, as appropriate in the terms of this Regulation;

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

m) The holders of the Technical Units of the Legal, Information and Documentation Services, IT, Planning and Secretariat Services shall agree with the Executive Secretary on the issue of their jurisdiction;

n) The Head of the Technical Unit for the Coordination of International Affairs, Social Communication and the Centre for Democratic Development shall agree with the President-in-Office on the issue of their competence;


n) To collaborate, in the field of their respective competencies, for the proper development, operation and updating of the Integral System of Planning, Monitoring and Institutional Evaluation, as well as of the normative instruments that the result;


o) Coassist with the Executive Directorate of Electoral Training and Civic Education in the implementation of policies approved by the Council to guide activities related to civic education, to contribute to development of democratic life, ensuring the authenticity of suffrage, and fostering a culture of gender equity and non-discrimination;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

p) Designate the public server, which in case of their absence will be exceptional in matters requiring urgent attention or deahlogue;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

q) The others entrusted to them by the Regulation and other applicable provisions.

2. The Technical Units shall depend on the central organ of the Institute which points to the corresponding creation agreement.

Article 62.


1. The National Coordination of Social Communication shall be attached to the Presidency of the Council and shall have the following powers:

a) Propose to the President of the Council the necessary social communication strategy, to disseminate the activities and functions that the Institute develops so that, once it is approved by it, it will be incorporated into the proposal of Policies and General Programmes of the Institute to be considered by the Board of the Board;

b) To assist with the other institutional bodies in the dissemination of the issues of their respective competencies;

c) Establish the Institute's information strategy and monitor its compliance;

d) Keep the Institute's senior management staff informed of the information generated by the various media, print and electronic media relating to the activities and functions developed by the Institute;

e) Maintain close communication with representatives and managers of mass media and foreign correspondents;

f) Plan, program, direct and monitor mechanisms that allow for a permanent flow of information and attention to journalists responsible for national media, foreign correspondents and opinion leaders in the public, private and academic fields;

g) Authorizing the publication of institutional informational content;

h) Coordinate with the authorities of the Institute the press conferences, conferences, forums and interviews necessary for the dissemination of institutional activities;

i) Monitoring the implementation of the Institute's Social Communication Program;

j) Monitor, evaluate and contract the different spaces in the media, of the various dissemination campaigns carried out by the institutional bodies in the field of their respective competences;

k) inform the President of the progress of the implementation of the work programme;

l) Support the social communication actions of Local and District Boards, in coordination with the Executive Secretariat;

m) Identify and establish the necessary links with institutions, public agencies, private bodies and companies that are susceptible to providing support to the Institute's actions in the field of social communication;

n) Agree with the President Counsellor on the issues of his/her competence;

n) Understanding the requests of the different institutional bodies in the matters of their competence, as well as providing support to the institutional bodies in the field of social communication whenever they are requested;

o) Coassist with the Executive Directorate of Electoral Training and Civic Education in the design of the strategy of institutional information campaigns;

p) Collect and analyze the information that the Institute has on the mass media, through the production of products such as the synthesis of the press and the monitoring of electronic media;

q) Evaluate the Institute's image through the mechanisms that, for this purpose, agree with the President's Advisor; and


r) Coordinate the update and review of the Institutional Directory;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

s) Participate in the Electronic Management and Publication Committee, or through a representative;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

t) Integrate the Editorial Unit in terms of applicable normativity; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

u) Other than you may be entrusted with this Regulation and other applicable provisions.

Article 63.


1. The Coordination of International Affairs shall be attached to the Presidency of the Council and shall have the following powers:

(a) Propose the President of the Council and implement the activities programmes related to the Institute's international linkage, information, cooperation and dissemination;

b) To promote to the international community, the knowledge and proper assessment of the organization of the federal electoral processes carried out in Mexico;

c) Promote the knowledge and accreditation of the federal electoral authority to national public, private and social sector bodies that by the nature of their functions have an impact on the international arena;

d) Propose and organize information exchange meetings of the Institute with the international community interested in the development of the electoral organization and the promotion of democracy;

e) Coordinate the information exchange, cooperation, advisory and technical assistance actions in which the Institute participates at the international level;

f) Participate in the activities promoted by the regional and continental organizations that bring together the depository agencies of the electoral authority of different countries;

g) To hold international seminars and conferences on political-electoral issues and to promote the participation of different institutional bodies;

h) Develop information products that tend to explain the organization of federal electoral processes to the international community;

i) Take a timely record of international activities involving Institute officials;

j) Establish and operate a system of permanent electoral information to the international community, in coordination with the competent institutional bodies;

k) Coordinate specialized research and analysis projects in comparative political-electoral matters;

l) Promote agreements and agreements for exchange and cooperation with international organizations and institutions interested in the promotion of democracy;

m) Giving compliance to agreements and cooperation projects with international organizations and institutions;

n) Represent the President internationally in the cases and missions entrusted to him by the President;

n) Inform the President's Advisor to advance the execution of the work program;

or) Agree with the President Counsellor on the matters of his/her competence;

p) Collaborate on the design and implementation of the criteria and guidelines set by the General Council for the registration and attention of foreign visitors interested in the development of the Federal Electoral Process;

q) Collaborate on information, promotion and dissemination activities related to the Mexican overseas voting program, in coordination with the Executive Directorate of Civic Education and Training, and the Coordination National of Social Communication; and


r) Integrate the Editorial Unit in terms of applicable normativity;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

s) Other than that provided by this Regulation and other applicable provisions.

Article 64.


1. The Technical Services Unit shall be attached to the Executive Secretariat and shall have the following powers:

a) Propose to the Executive Secretary the regulations and guidelines in the field of computer science and telecommunications for presentation to the Council and/or the Board, as appropriate;

b) To assist with the Executive Secretary in the definition and implementation of the General Policies and Programs approved by the Council, in the field of computer science and telecommunications;


c) Develop and propose to the Executive Secretary the strategic projects in the field of information technology that contribute to the development of the activities of the Institute, for presentation to the Information Technology Committee and Communications, the Board and/or the Board, as appropriate;

d) Administer the National Computer Network of the Institute, which interconnects the central, local and district management and executive organs for voice, data and video transmission;

e) Determine the policies and procedures in the field of computing and telecommunications for the rational use of the resources associated with this subject;


f) Establish and apply national and international best practices, standards, and standards to information technology-related processes at the institutional level;


g) Establish and implement policies and standards on computer security, as well as coordinate the application of audits;

h) Support the various areas of the Institute in optimizing their processes, through the development and/or implementation of computer and telecommunications systems and services;


j) Establish the policies and mechanisms necessary to ensure the reliability and continuity of institutional IT systems and services;

j) Establish the necessary mechanisms to ensure that institutional information is available at all times;

k) Provide technical advice and support in the field of information technology to the various areas of the Institute;


l) Propose and/or provide programs and training courses in the field of computer science, in coordination with the areas that have the responsibility to train the staff, the administrative branch and the professional electoral service;

m) Investigating and analyzing permanently, new technologies in the field of computer science and communications that can be applied in the tasks of the Institute;

n) Agree with the Executive Secretary on the issues of their competence;

n) To collaborate with the Executive Management of Political Prerogatives and Parties in the operation, modernization, updating and maintenance of the IT infrastructure for the administration of the State's time in radio and television, as well as the monitoring of media campaigns and campaigns;


or) Collaborate with the Executive Management of Prerogatives And Political Parties in establishing the criteria and technologies for updating and maintaining the IT infrastructure for the administration of time of the State on radio and television;


p) Collaborate with the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors in establishing the criteria and technologies for the updating and maintenance of the Computer Infrastructure of the Electoral Register;


q) Collaborate with the Executive Management Directorate in establishing the criteria and technologies for updating and maintaining the IT infrastructure necessary for the administration of resources human, material and financial;

r) Where appropriate, assist with the Council Commissions;

s) In the field of the Preliminary Electoral Results Program, it corresponds to:

I. Propose to the Executive Secretary the operating parameters of the Program for presentation to the Council;

II. Propose, implement and operate the necessary mechanisms and infrastructure to implement the Federal Preliminary Electoral Results Program;

III. Develop and operate the IT systems for the capture, validation, transmission, reception, consolidation and dissemination of preliminary election results;

IV. Establish the necessary security mechanisms to ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the Preliminary Electoral Results Program;

V. Carry out feasibility studies for the definition of the resources, equipment and computer systems required by the Programme, in accordance with the existing rules;

VI. Coordinate and monitor the installation and operation of the information capture, processing and dissemination centers;

VII. Train personnel in the use of systems and communication equipment related to the Preliminary Electoral Results Program; and


t) Participate in the Electronic Management and Publication Committee, or through a representative;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

u) The others to entrust you with this Regulation and other applicable provisions.

Article 65.


1. The Legal Direction shall be attached to the Executive Secretariat and shall have the following powers:

a) Coassist with the Executive Secretary in the exercise of legal representation of the Institute;

b) Provide services of general and electoral legal advice in particular to all the bodies and bodies of the Institute;

c) Collaborate with the Executive Secretary in matters arising from the regulation of the Statute;


(d) To tender and to resolve the consultations on the application of the Code, the Statute and other legal provisions, which will be formulated by the various bodies of the Institute in order to establish criteria for legal interpretation and, where appropriate, precedents to watch;

e) Preparing and/or reviewing internal regulations and other legal arrangements necessary for the proper functioning of the Institute;

f) Preparing or, where appropriate, reviewing the projects of the various agreements and guidelines to be issued by the Institute's bodies;

g) Lead, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the activities of normativity and consultation that are provided to the central, local and district organs of the Institute;

h) Provide legal services to the central, local and district organs of the Institute, as well as guidance and complaints to political parties, political groupings and the citizenry, participating in the necessary investigations on the subject;

i) To participate as an advisor in the Procurement, Leases and Services Committees of the Institute, Central Public Works and Furniture, and to carry out the administrative activities conducive to the Executive Management of Administration;


(j) Having access, by means of the personnel designated by the holder, to the Integral System of Information of the Federal Electoral Registry, in order to respond to the requirements made by a competent judge or the requests from the bodies of the Institute which are related to the substantiation of administrative sanctioning procedures, relating to data and reports of citizens provided to the said Registry in accordance with the provisions of the Article 171, paragraph 3 of the Code;


k) To assist with the Executive Secretary in the processing and substantiation of the means of impeachment that are of their competence;


l) In the event of the temporary absence of the Executive Secretary, the Executive Secretary may exercise the power granted in accordance with the provisions of Article 125 (1) (q) of the Code, and shall subscribe to the reports, resources and any other written to the judicial and administrative authorities for the purpose of safeguarding the actions and rights which correspond to the Institute, within the procedures to be dealt with in such instances; requirements formulated by them; in the absence of both officials, in a manner exceptional, the Area Directors of the Technical Unit shall exercise such power, in matters requiring urgent attention or deahlogue;


m) To assist the Executive Secretary in his/her character as the Secretary of the Council to carry out, within the time limits laid down in the applicable Regulation, the personal notifications resulting from the Agreements and Resolutions approved by the Executive Secretary they are related to their substantive activities, arising from the administrative sanctioning procedures and the processing and substantiation of the review resources;


n) Carry out the personal notifications arising from the Resolutions that are given in disciplinary proceedings against the career staff and the staff of the administrative branch, as well as in the resources of Non-compliance with these procedures. If necessary, the support of the unconcentrated organs may be requested to carry out such notifications;


n) Develop opinions for the appointment of the Executive Directors and holders of Technical Units of the Institute;


or) Review, and if necessary validate, the projects of the conventions that the Institute holds in the electoral field through the President's Counselor and/or the Executive Secretary;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

p) Implement the coordination mechanisms with the dependencies, entities or instances with which, for the needs of the service and its specific programs, they require to be related, prior to the Agreement of the Executive Secretary;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

q) Develop all implicit functions in the position;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

r) Agree with the Executive Secretary of the Institute on the issues of their competence; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

s) Other than that provided by this Regulation and other applicable provisions.


2. In order to enable the Legal Directorate to carry out the personal notifications referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the responsible bodies shall send all the documents and annexes which are are necessary, including certification duly signed by the holder of the Executive Secretariat.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

3. The Head of the Legal Directorate and the legal staff assigned to the Directorate of Complaints may be instructed by the Executive Secretary to assist in the conduct of the hearings referred to in Article 369, Paragraph 1 of the Code, it is necessary to formalize such instruction by trade and by settling the key with which it is identified in the minutes that are instructed in the hearing of evidence and pleadings.


4. On the instructions of the Executive Secretary, the holder of this Technical Unit may issue the Agreements and trades necessary to take the steps referred to in Article 67, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of the Complaints and Complaints Regulations. of the Federal Electoral Institute.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

5. Serve as a Technical Secretary in the integration of the Garante Transparency Authority.

Article 66.


1. The Secretariat shall be assigned to the Executive Secretariat and shall have the following powers:

a) Monitor and verify that the legal provisions, standards, policies, criteria, guidelines and methodology approved for the coordination, control and management of resources are met in the areas under their membership;

b) Submit to the Executive Secretary the proposal of policies and general programs of the Directorate, for incorporation into the proposal of the Institute's Policies and General Programs, which the Board must submit to the consideration of the Advice;

c) Support the Executive Secretary in the integration of the Institute's General Policies and Programs;


d) Coordinate the preparation and distribution of documentation in digital media or, at the request of any member of the Council or the Board in electronic means for the sessions of such collegiate bodies;


e) Coordinate and supervise technical and logistical support for the holding of Council and Board meetings; as well as events held at the Institute's premises and outside the (sic) itself;

f) Support the Executive Secretariat in monitoring compliance with the agreements and resolutions adopted at Council and Board meetings;

g) Coordinate the integration of information on the issues addressed by the Executive Secretary in the sessions and keep track of their compliance;


h) Support the Executive Secretary in the collaboration that this provides to the tasks of the Commissions, with respect to the elaboration of the stenographic versions, or of information related to the sessions of the Council and the Board;


i) Coordinate the elaboration of the stenographic versions and the minutes of the Board and the Board;

j) Coassist with the Executive Secretary in the preparation of the agenda of the meetings of the Board;

k) To assist in the integration and follow-up of the Comprehensive Calendar of the Federal Electoral Process;

l) Support the Executive Secretary in the integration of quarterly and annual reports that the Board gives to the Board;

m) Systematise the issues contained in the local and district organ reports and the integration of the respective report;

n) Elaborate the special works commissioned by the Executive Secretariat;

n) Support the Executive Secretary in the integration of the Board file and the Board file;

or) Agree with the Executive Secretary on the issues of their competence;


p) Auxiliary the Executive Secretary as Secretary of the Council to carry out the terms and deadlines set out in the applicable Regulation, referrals and notifications to the members of the Council, and to the organs central to the Institute, the Agreements and Resolutions approved by the Institute's highest management body, including those which have been the subject of the Council;

The Agreements and Resolutions should take them to the responsible institutional bodies for their due compliance;


q) To issue to the Technical Services Unit, the publication on the Internet and Intranet pages of the Institute, the Agreements and Resolutions approved by the Council in order to make them available to the local authorities and district of the Institute for its due compliance in the field of their respective attributions. Such dissemination under no circumstances shall have legal effects;


r) Assign to the Agreements and Resolutions issued by the Council, a control and identification key, formed with the corresponding progressive arabica number, followed by the year of its approval; and (sic)

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

s) Understanding requests for information from the Institute's central and deconcentrated bodies, as well as requests for information on Transparency and access to Public Information related to approved documentation by the Board and the Board;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

t) Support the Executive Secretary in the necessary steps for the publication of the Agreements and Resolutions approved by the Council and the Board in the Official Journal of the Federation; as well as documentation generated by other dependencies of the Institute with the exception of the General Comptroller;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

u) Participate in the Electronic Management and Publication Committee or through a representative;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

v) Other than you may be entrusted with this Regulation and other applicable provisions.

Article 67.


1. The Centre for Democratic Development shall be attached to the Presidency of the Council and shall have the following


(a) Propose to the President of the Council, through its Holder, the programmes, work strategies and budget of this Unit in accordance with the powers referred to in this Article and other provisions so that, once approved by the President himself, will be incorporated into the proposal for Policy and General Programs of the Institute that the Board should put to the Council's consideration, as well as the corresponding draft budget;


b) Develop analysis, studies, research, and databases that have the following purposes:

I. Provide information to the President and the Electoral Councilors for the best internal decision-making;

II. Assist in effectively fulfilling the functions, functions and purposes of the Institute and its organs.

c) Giving political parties and national political groupings academic assistance for the design of their training and training programs, when they so request;

d) Propose to the Executive Secretary the disclosure of the analyses, studies, investigations and databases that he or she carries out, either by itself or in collaboration with third parties, regarding democracy or electoral political issues; dissemination of information of an academic nature that contributes to strengthening general and specialised knowledge in these subjects;

(e) To assist in the design, implementation, delivery and evaluation of training and training courses for the staff of the Institute aimed at developing a minimum basis of work skills, based on requests made by the Executive Directorates of Administration and the Professional Electoral Service. Also, produce the relevant instructional materials and give the academic follow-up required to achieve the objectives that are approved;

f) Identify and establish mechanisms of academic collaboration with political institutes, civil organizations, academic and research institutions, as well as higher or specialized education, for the optimal performance of the functions of the Institute;

g) Designing and organizing meetings and academic forums that contribute to a better knowledge of democracy and the dissemination of electoral politics. If necessary, organize them in coordination with the Executive Directorate of Electoral Training and Civic Education, the Coordination of International Affairs and the National Coordination of Social Communication;

h) Provide academic assistance to the institutions of the Institute with the electoral bodies of the Federative Entities, in order to disseminate the general and specialized knowledge on democracy and the subject political-electoral;

i) To assist with the Technical Unit of Information and Documentation Services in the formation and development of a specialized and updated biblio-hemerographic acquis on democracy and electoral politics, in order to enrich the acquis of the Institute's national library network;

j) Maintain a systematised, public and up-to-date register of studies and research carried out or commissioned by the Institute, in accordance with the applicable regulations on transparency. To this end, the Centre shall disseminate the research policies approved by the Council and shall report regularly on its compliance. The areas of the Institute shall regularly inform the Centre of the studies and research they undertake;

k) To tender the requests for collaboration and information made by the Electoral Advisers in terms of the privileges conferred upon them by this Regulation and the other applicable provisions. The Centre shall inform the Council in good time about the attention of those applications, as well as those made by the President of the Council;

(l) Develop studies and analyses on national electoral law and compared with legal research institutions; where appropriate, depending on the subject matter with the support of the Coordination of International Affairs; and


m) Integrate the Editorial Unit, in terms of applicable normativity;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) The others entrusted to it by various ordinances, Regulations and Institutional Guidelines, as well as the specific ones that the General Council or its President assign to it in the field of their respective competencies.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

2. The appointment and removal of the head of the Center for Democratic Development is the responsibility of the General Council, on the proposal of its President.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

3. The head of the Centre is:

(a) Address the activities of the Center under the authorized budget and program, under the coordination of the President.

(b) Inform the President of the Executive Board to advance the implementation of the work programme and shall agree with that official on the matters of its competence.

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

Article 68.

1. The Planning Unit shall be attached to the Executive Secretariat and shall have the following powers:

(a) Submit to the Executive Secretary the proposal for policies, general programs and work strategies of the Unit, for the proper completion of their duties;

b) Agree with the Executive Secretary on the issues of their competence;

c) Propose the Executive Secretary for approval by the Executive General Board and the General Council, the Comprehensive Planning Model for the Federal Electoral Institute and the Comprehensive Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System Institutional, as well as promote the updates that correspond, according to the needs of the Federal Electoral Institute;


d) Establish a linkage mechanism to coordinate actions with the directives, executive and technical areas, as well as with the Institute's de-concentrated organs for the corresponding operation and updating of the System Comprehensive Planning, Monitoring, and Institutional Evaluation;

e) Coordinate construction in a participatory and inclusive manner of the Federal Electoral Institute's long-term strategic vision, as well as the activities inherent in or derived from the Integral System of Planning, Monitoring and Institutional Assessment;

f) Propose to the Executive General Board through the Executive Secretary, the methodological guidelines that guide the correct alignment of the Institute's planning instruments with its strategic direction;


g) Provide technical support and advice to Executive Directorates, Technical Units and Concentrated Organs, in the formulation of their policies, programs and projects, to make them congruent with the Integral System of Planning Institutional Monitoring and Evaluation;

h) Propose to Executive Directorates, Technical Units, and Deconcentrated organs, implementation of non-discrimination policies, programs and projects;

i) Manage information generated about compliance with institutional plans, programs, and projects;

j) Coassist with the Executive Management Directorate, in the design and implementation of methodological proposals applied to the formulation of the preliminary draft budget of the Institute and in the integration of the institutional portfolio of projects;

k) Support the Executive Management Directorate, in the process of planning and financial evaluation that provides elements on the strategic direction of the Institute and the feasibility of institutional projects;

l) Propose strategic initiatives that help the Institute to make its administrative and organizational processes more efficient, effective and transparent;

m) Support the Institute's Executive Directorates, Technical Units and Concentrated Organs when they so request, in training for the use of methodologies of administrative innovation and the development of best practices;

n) Propose and promote linkage strategies that favor the coordination of the organs disconcentrated with the central organs of the Institute;

n) Concerting in agreement with the Executive Secretary, collaboration agreements that contribute to the achievement of the programs and strategic projects of the Technical Unit of Planning within the processes of planning and improvement of the administration;

o) Coassist with General Council commissions; and


p) Formulate proposals for methodologies, tools, techniques and normative instruments for the effective and efficient elaboration of general policies and programs, as well as institutional plans and projects, continues to be in harmony with the applicable Constitution, legislation and regulations and in accordance with the Comprehensive System of Planning, Monitoring and Institutional Evaluation;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

q) The others to be entrusted with this Regulation and other applicable legal provisions.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 26 DECEMBER 2013)

Article 68 Bis.

1. The Technical Unit for Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination shall be attached to the Presidency of the General Council and shall have the following powers:

a) Design and coordinate, in collaboration with the Technical Planning Unit, the operation of a comprehensive system of planning, monitoring and evaluation in the field of Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination.

b) Propose to the Executive General Board the necessary measures to institutionalize and mainstreaming gender equality and non-discrimination in the programs and projects of the different areas of the Institute, for presentation to General Council.

c) Analyze the institutional processes and, where appropriate, propose the redesign of the processes, enabling the gender and non-discrimination perspective to be integrated into any action that plans programs or projects, in all areas and at all levels.

d) Manage the information generated about the development and implementation of institutional programs and projects in the field of gender equality and non-discrimination, through a database, to support the timely delivery of decisions and keep track of indicators up to date.

e) To integrate, under the supervision of the Presidency, the quarterly and annual reports, which shall be submitted to the Executive General Board and the General Council, respectively.

f) Advise the General Executive Board and the General Council for the incorporation of the perspective of gender equality and non-discrimination in their Resolutions and Agreements.

g) Once the protocol on prevention, care and punishment of sexual harassment and harassment has been approved, the Unit will be in charge of planning, implementing and evaluating its implementation, in coordination with the Directorate Executive Management and Executive Director of the Professional Electoral Service.

(h) Coordinate, under the supervision of the Presidency, the inter-institutional relationship in the governmental, social, national and international spheres, in the field of gender and non-discrimination by the Federal Electoral Institute, which is It requires both the strengthening of institutionalization and mainstreaming within the IFE, as well as the intervenance that the Mexican State has in this field.

i) Disclose information related to the gender and non-discrimination perspective within the Institute, in order to raise awareness among people about the enforceability of their rights.

(j) Other than that provided by this Regulation and other applicable provisions.

Chapter Two

From the Political Parties ' Resource Fiscalization Unit

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

Article 69.

1. The Control Unit is the technical organ of the General Council of the Federal Electoral Institute, which is responsible for receiving and reviewing the income and expenditure reports presented by political parties. national policies, the organisations to which election observers belong, and the organisations of citizens seeking to obtain registration as a political party, as well as the substantial administrative procedures (a) officialdom and complaints concerning the origin and application of the resources of the parties and policy groupings.

2. In the exercise of its powers, the Control Unit shall have administrative autonomy and its hierarchical level shall be equivalent to that of the Executive Directorate.

3. The Director-General of the Control Unit shall be appointed by the General Council, acting on a proposal from the President, and shall meet the requirements of Article 112, paragraph 1, in relation to the number 127, paragraph 1 of the Code, in addition to having an experience of at least five years in audit management tasks.

4. The administrative structure of the Control Unit shall be as determined by its Rules of Procedure, and the budgetary resources corresponding to it shall be approved by the Council.

5. In the performance of their faculties and attributions, the banking, fiscal or fiduciary secrets established by other laws will not be oponable to the Fiscalization Unit. The competent authorities are obliged to meet and resolve, within a maximum of 30 working days, the requirements of information provided to them by the Unit.

6. The Fiscalization Unit shall be the conduit for the competent authorities in matters of oversight of the political parties ' resources in the federal entities to overcome the limitations of the banking, fiduciary or fiscal secrets.

7. The Fiscalization Unit shall have the following privileges:

a) Regulatory Faculties:

I. Submit to the Council the draft regulation for the audit of the resources of the political parties, national political groupings, organizations belonging to election observers, and citizens ' organizations aim to obtain registration as a political party;

II. Propose to the Council the general accounting standards and agreements necessary to regulate the accounting record and the documentary evidence of the resources of the subjects referred to in the previous fraction; and (sic)

III. To present to the Council the draft Regulation for the de-ahologue of the official administrative procedures and complaints regarding the origin and application of the resources of the parties and political groupings.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

IV. To propose to the Council the rules regarding the procedures to be followed in respect of the liquidation of political parties which lose their registration.

b) Faculties of audit of the resources of the subjects required for the presentation of income and expenditure reports:


I. Receive and review the quarterly, annual, pre-campaign and campaign reports presented by the political parties; as well as the income and expenditure reports presented by the national political groupings; the organizations to which they belong election observers; and monthly reports to be delivered by citizens ' organizations seeking to obtain registration as a political party;

II. Notify any errors or omissions that have been detected in the review of these reports to political parties, national political groupings, organizations to which election observers belong, or citizen organizations which seek to obtain registration as a political party, in order to ensure at all times their right of hearing and within the time limits referred to in Article 84, paragraph 1 of the Code;

III. To draw up an opinion and a draft resolution to be submitted to the General Council for approval, with the appropriate penalties for irregularities which have not been remedied, within the time limits laid down in Article 84, Paragraph 1 of the Code. The above with the exception of quarterly reports which will be exclusively for information purposes;

IV. Order the practice of audits directly or through third parties, to the finances of political parties;

V. Order verification visits to the political parties in order to corroborate the fulfillment of their obligations and the veracity of their reports;


VII. Require additional information from political parties, national political groupings, organisations belonging to election observers, or organisations of citizens seeking registration as a political party, with respect to reports of revenue and expenditure or proof of documentation submitted.


c) Initiate administrative procedures of an informal nature by mandate of the General Council or by the same Fiscalization Unit;

I. Receive complaints about financing and spending by political parties against parties and political groupings arising from alleged violations of origin and application of resources;

II. Initiate administrative procedures of an informal nature by mandate of the General Council or the Executive Secretariat;

III. In order to be able to obtain evidence, the Office of the Prosecutor's Office may request information and documentation, either directly or through the Secretary of the Council, from natural and moral persons, public or private, to ensure that provide the information and documentation necessary for the investigation;

IV. In the event of the existence of sufficient evidence in relation to the commission of the irregularities investigated, the party or the group complained of, being transferred to the party with all the elements that integrate the file respective; and

V. Draft the respective draft resolution to be submitted to the General Council, as well as propose the sanctions that, if necessary, be determined by the commission of faults in matters of origin and application of the resources of the political parties.

d) Provide the necessary guidance, advice and training for the fulfilment of their obligations to political parties, national political groupings, organisations to which election observers belong; and Citizens ' organisations intending to obtain registration as a political party; and

e) Be responsible for the settlement procedures of political parties that lose their registration.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

f) To elaborate the circumstantial reports regarding the means of impeachment against the agreements and resolutions in matters of oversight. The respective report shall be sent to the Legal Directorate for the appropriate procedure.

Third Chapter

From the Radio and Television Committee

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

Item 70.

1. The Radio and Television Committee of the Federal Electoral Institute is the collegiate technical body, whose purpose is to assure the political parties of the prerogatives enshrined in Article 41, base III of the Constitution, and which is integrated by the three electoral members of the Institute of Prerogatives and Political Parties of the Institute, the Executive Director of Prerogatives and Political Parties, who will act as its technical secretary, and by a representative owner and a alternate, appointed by each national political party.

2. The Committee shall be chaired by the electoral adviser to the Commission on Political Prerogatives and Parties.

3. The Committee shall meet in an ordinary manner once a month and in an extraordinary manner when it is convened by the Electoral Adviser who is in receipt of it or at the request of the latter to present at least two political parties.


4. They are the privileges of the Federal Electoral Institute's Radio and Television Committee:


a) Know and approve the transmission guidelines for monthly and promotional programs of political parties for both ordinary and electoral periods, formulated by the Executive Directorate;


b) To know and, where appropriate, to modify the distribution models presented by the local electoral authorities, for the transmission of the promotional of the political parties on the occasion of the local electoral processes;

c) Know and approve other issues that in the field of access to radio and television directly concern political parties;


d) Approve the coverage maps of all radio stations and television channels, as well as their effective reach;


e) To order the holder of the Executive Directorate and/or the Executive Vocals to notify the respective dealers and permissionaries of the respective guidelines;

(f) Agree that messages which in one month correspond to the same party, are transmitted in advance to that provided for in the original schedule, in accordance with the provisions of Article 71, paragraph 4 of the Electoral Code;

g) To resolve the queries that are made to you regarding the application of the provisions of the Code and the Rules of Access to Radio and Television in the Matter of Electoral, in respect of matters that in the matter make directly to the political parties;

(h) To interpret, in the exercise of its powers, the provisions contained in the Code and the Regulations of Access to Radio and Television in the Field of Electoral Matters, in respect of matters which in the matter directly concern the political parties;


i) Propose to the Board reforms to the Radio and Television Regulations on Electoral Matter;

j) Define the mechanisms and units of measure for the distribution of times that, at the disposal of the Code or the Regulation of Access to Radio and Television in the Electoral Matter, correspond to the political parties, both in terms of time election as outside of them;

k) To request the Executive Secretary of the Federal Electoral Institute to report on matters that in the field of access to radio and television directly concern political parties;


l) Develop, approve and submit to the Council the catalogues of the radio and television stations that will participate in the coverage of each federal and local elections;

m) (REPEALED, D.O.F. OCTOBER 21, 2011)

n) Issue agreements and criteria on access to radio and television that directly concern political parties, and which will be binding upon being disseminated to the members of the Committee and published on the website corresponding electronics; and


n) Propose to the Council the methodology and the catalogue of newscasts for the monitoring of broadcasts on precampaigns and federal election campaigns on radio and television programs that spread news;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

o) Propose to the Council, with the support of the Executive Secretariat, the proposal for a suggestion of general guidelines applicable to the news regarding the information or dissemination of the campaign and campaign activities federal political parties, and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

p) The others to trust the Code, the Radio and Television Regulations in the Electoral Matter, the General Council and other applicable provisions.


Title V

Of The Surveillance Organs


Chapter First

From the Integration of the Monitoring, National, Local and District Commissions


Article 71.

1. The National Surveillance Commission shall be integrated by:

a) The Executive Director of the Federal Register of Electors, who will preside over it;

b) A representative owner and an alternate for each National Political Party;

(c) A Secretary designated by the President of the Commission from among the members of the Electoral Professional Service with functions in the registry area; and

d) A representative of the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics.

In case of temporary absence of the President, the President shall be replaced by the Secretary of the Commission.

2. The Local Surveillance Commission will be integrated by:

a) A President, who will be the Vocal of the Federal Register of Electors;

b) A representative owner and an alternate for each national political party; and

c) A secretary appointed by its President, from among the members of the Electoral Professional Service with functions in the registry area.

In case of temporary absence of the President, the President may be replaced by the Executive of the respective Local Board.

3. The District Surveillance Commission shall be integrated by:

a) A President, who will be the Vocal of the Federal Register of Electors;

b) A representative owner and an alternate for each national political party; and

c) A secretary appointed by its President from among the Electoral Professional Service members with functions in the registry area.

In case of temporary absence of the President, the President may be replaced by the Executive Branch of the respective District Board.

4. The political parties shall give their representatives to the National Surveillance Commission and to the Local and District Commissions in a timely manner, which may be replaced at all times.



Chapter Two

From the powers of the Monitoring Committees


Article 72.

1. For the development of the privileges of the National, Local and District Surveillance Commissions, the following definitions shall apply:

a) Coassist: Contribute, assist or assist the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors in the activities referred to in the following Articles;

b) Watch: Monitor, evaluate and review that the action of the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors in the activities that are indicated in the following articles, is carried out in the terms of the Code, the present Applicable regulations and regulations; and

c) To know and to comment: to obtain information, either for its surveillance activities, for requests or through the one provided by the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors, in respect of the activities that are indicated in the following Articles, and issue, in the field of their competence, observations and a written assessment of them.

2. For the fulfilment of the general powers conferred on them by the Code, it is up to the National, Local and District Surveillance Commissions:

(a) To request the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors or Local and District Boards, as appropriate, to submit to the Executive General Board the agreement for the application of the partial census technique, either in a section or constituency;

b) Know, review and monitor the field operations of the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors, including those for the application of census techniques;

c) Receive the relations of the names of the citizens whose requests for processing before the Federal Register of Electors have been cancelled because they have not collected the credential to vote with photography, for their knowledge and observations, as well as monitoring the removal, protection and subsequent destruction of such formats, taking into account the normativity of the matter to be emitted for such purposes;

d) Receive for their knowledge, the relations with the names of the citizens who have caused the lower of the Electoral Register and have been suspended or rehabilitated from their political rights by judicial resolution and that they will be excluded or reinstated to the Electoral Register;

e) To monitor the registration of citizens in the Electoral Register and the nominal lists of voters, as well as the updating of these instruments;

f) Watch that the Credentials to Vote with Photography are delivered in a timely manner to the citizens, taking into account the normativity of the matter that is issued for such purposes;

g) Request reports from the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors regarding the process of handing over the credentials to vote with photography and the registration and updating of citizens in the nominal lists of electors;

h) Receive from the political parties the observations they make to the nominal lists of voters;

i) Coassist in the campaign to update the Electoral Register, for which they will be able to know and have their opinion on the mechanisms that the Executive Directorate (sic) Federal of Electors for the registration of citizens will implement. in the Electoral Register and the nominal lists of voters, as well as the updating of these instruments, and the mechanisms of comprehensive debugging;

j) Conduct field operations to monitor the registration of citizens in the Electoral Register and the nominal lists of voters, and the updating of such instruments, including the citizens ' attention modules;

k) Contar in the Institute with computer terminals that will allow them to have access to the information of the Electoral Register and nominal lists of voters, according to the technical possibilities of the Institute and to the norms that for the effects are issued;

l) Know and review the planning and implementation activities of the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors, on the occasion of the annual update campaign, including the number and distribution of stations work, location and types of modules, coverage routes and citizen and directory schedules in the area of their territorial competence;

m) Knowing of the complaints filed by the citizenry that relate to the registration and updating of the Electoral Register and the handing over of the credentials to vote with photography;

n) Know the collaboration agreements to be concluded with the local electoral authorities, once they are formalized;

n) To know and review the changes in the procedures for citizen attention in relation to the registration of citizens in the Electoral Register and the updating of this instrument, as well as the delivery of the credential to vote with photography;

or) Issue recommendations relevant to the Executive Board of the Federal Register of Electors, the Executive General Board, and the General Council through the Federal Register of Electors ' Commission;

p) Conduct the studies and de-drown the consultations, which in the field of your competence, request the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors; and

q) The others that the Constitution, the Code, General Council Agreements and the Rules of Procedure confer upon them.

3. The National, Local and District Surveillance Committees may assist each other in the performance of their duties, within the framework of their powers.


Third Chapter

From the specific powers of the National Surveillance Commission


Article 73.

1. The National Surveillance Commission is the body responsible for contributing to the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors and to monitor the work related to the Electoral Register, in accordance with the provisions of the Code, the present Regulation and applicable regulations.

2. For its organization and operation it shall be subject to the provisions of the Code and the Regulations of Sessions and the Functioning of the Commissions of Surveillance which, for such purposes, the General Council may issue on a proposal of the General Board Executive.

3. For the exercise of its powers with Permanent Working Groups, the National Surveillance Commission will be able to create Temporary Working Groups. The purpose of the Working Groups shall be to provide the National Supervisory Commission with the necessary technical and operational elements for the taking of its agreements and resolutions.

I. Each Permanent or Temporary Working Group shall be integrated by:

(a) A group coordinator appointed by the Executive Director, preferably the area holder, and in the case of areas that do not have the level of Coordinator, the minimum level will be the Deputy Director, who will coordinate and convene the working meetings, as well as the actions to be resolved by the National Surveillance Commission;

b) A representative owner and an alternate from each political party, for each Working Group, accredited by the representative to the National Surveillance Commission, who must preferably have experience and technical qualification in the subject matter; and

c) A secretary appointed by the Coordinator of the Working Group, within the staff assigned to his/her area.

II. The Permanent Working Groups will be:

a) Update of the Electoral Register;

b) Electoral Geographical Framework;

c) Verification and Purge of the Electoral Register;

d) Citizens ' attention mechanisms; and

e) Follow up and support the activities of the Monitoring Committees and support and collaboration agreements in entities with local electoral processes.

III. Temporary Work Groups:

(a) They shall be set up by the National Supervisory Commission, on a proposal from its President, for the attention of matters relating to its powers and which are different from those of the Permanent Working Groups, specific period; and

(b) The proposal for the creation of the Temporary Working Groups to be formulated by the President of the Commission should justify the need for its creation.

IV. For its organisation and operation, it shall be subject to the provisions of the Rules of Procedure and the Functioning of the Supervisory Committees, which shall include the following bases:

(a) They shall meet every 15 days at the invitation of the Coordinator of the Working Group, and exceptionally to call the Executive Director;

b) The agenda will be proposed by the Coordinator of the Working Group; members will be able to request the inclusion of additional points; and

c) The products of the Working Groups will be taken to the National Surveillance Commission for the taking of definitive or resolvable agreements, including the positions of the members.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 15 FEBRUARY 2011)

Article 73a.

1. In order to comply with the specific tasks assigned to it by the Code, it is the responsibility of the National Surveillance Commission:

a) Determine the means and procedures for citizens to identify at the time of applying for their credential to vote with photography, in accordance with the provisions of Article 180 paragraph 2 of the Code;

b) Determine the procedures for citizens to identify when receiving their credential to vote with photography, in accordance with the provisions of Article 180 paragraph 4 of the Code;

(c) Establish procedures for discharge to citizens who have died, in cases where such a situation has not been established with the documentation of the competent authorities, in accordance with Article 199 (9) of the Code;

d) Determine the procedure for the destruction of the documentation relating to the movements made in the Electoral Register after the period of ten years of custody has elapsed pursuant to Article 199 paragraph 10 of the Code;

e) In the terms of Article 177 of the Code, define with the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors, the criteria for the application of the available techniques, including the census in the entire country, with the aim of to have a General Catalogue of Electors from which a comprehensive, authentic and reliable Godfather is derived;

(f) Receive the Report presented by the Executive Directorate, in respect of the examination of the observations made by the political parties to the Executive Directorate, on citizens included or unduly excluded from the lists nominal of the voters, indicating, where appropriate, the modifications made;

g) Receive the reports of the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors, regarding the observations of the political parties on the citizens registered in the Electoral Register who have obtained their credentials to vote with photography on February 15 and those who did not receive it;

h) To monitor the enrollment of citizens on the nominal list of citizens residing abroad;

i) Verify the nominal list of resident voters abroad;

j) Know about territorial demarcation work, including redistricting, resectioning and sectional integration carried out by the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors;

k) To know and review the strategies and actions of the National Electoral Consultation System in the registry;

l) Know and review the strategies and operations specific to the State Centers for Electoral Consultation and Citizen Orientation, in order to ensure the constant improvement of the services they provide in the area of registration; and (sic)

m) To know and review the issues that the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors is asking the Executive Directorate of Electoral Training and Civic Education for the update campaigns.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

n) Determine the scheme of supervision of the Local and District Surveillance Commissions, in the case of special projects of the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Electors, in accordance with the possibilities technical and budget.

Title Sixth

Organs in Matter of Transparency

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

Article 74.

1. The organisation and functioning of the authorities and bodies in the area of transparency and access to public information will be determined in the Rules of Procedure of the Institute on Transparency and Access to Public Information, in addition to the identified by this Regulation.

(ADDED, D. O. F. 6 AUGUST 2010)

Article 74a.

1. The Technical Unit for Information and Documentation Services shall be attached to the Executive Secretariat and shall have the following powers:

a) Establish mechanisms to strengthen the institutional policy of transparency and accountability and enhance the right of access to information;

b) Coassist through its holder with the Executive Secretary in the supervision of the Content Manager's work;

c) Forming part in the (sic) committees or committees, which the Council or the Institute's normativity entrusts;

d) Develop the Annual Activity Report, which the Information Committee will present to the General Council, with prior knowledge of the Garante Transparency and Access to Information Authority; and


e) Participate in the Information Committee as established by the Regulation of the Institute on Transparency and Access to Public Information;

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

f) Participate in the Electronic Management and Publication Committee as established by the Regulation of the Institute on Transparency and Access to Public Information; and

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

g) The others to be entrusted with the Code, the Regulation of the Institute on Transparency and Access to Public Information, and other applicable provisions.

Title Seventh

From The Control Body

Single Chapter

From the Comptroller General

Article 75.

1. The Comptroller General in accordance with the provisions of Articles 41 of the Constitution; and, 388 and 391 of the Code, is the body responsible for the control, supervision and supervision of the Institute's finances and resources. For the exercise of its powers it is endowed with technical and managerial autonomy to decide on its operation and resolutions and its holder is administratively attached to the Presidency of the Council and shall maintain technical coordination with the Higher audit entity of the Federation.

Article 76.

1. The Office of the Comptroller General is responsible for the following matters:

a) Submit to the approval of the Council its annual work programme;

b) Run your Annual Work Program and monitor your compliance;

c) Set the procedures, methods and systems necessary for the review and audit of the resources in charge of the Institute's areas and bodies;

d) Design, on the basis of the Annual Audit Program, the internal audit work programs that practice, establishing the extent to be determined in each case, as well as monitoring its compliance;

e) To issue advisory opinions on the Institute's draft budget and to establish the rules, procedures, methods and systems for the exercise and control of expenditure, with the participation of the competent areas of the Institute;

(f) Verify that the Institute's expenditure exercise is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations, approved programmes and approved amounts, as well as, in the case of discharges, from the corresponding items and with attachment to the relevant laws, regulations and administrative provisions;

g) Require third parties who have contracted goods or services with the Institute the information related to the respective supporting and proof documentation, in order to perform the necessary compulsas;

h) Formulate submissions of observations in administrative matters;

(i) to determine the damages affecting the Institute in its patrimony and to directly finance the compensation and the corresponding financial penalties;

j) Maintain the necessary technical coordination with the higher audit entity of the Federation referred to in Article 79 of the Constitution;

k) Follow up on the recommendations that, as a result of the audits, have been formulated to the Institute's administrative units;

l) Submit to the Council through the President's Counsel, reports of revisions and audits to verify the correct and legal application of the Institute's resources and assets;

m) Review that the budgetary operations carried out by the Institute are made in accordance with the applicable legal and administrative provisions, verifying their timely registration; the quality of administrative controls for protect the property, as well as verify that the works, goods acquired or leased and contracted services, to verify that the investments and authorized expenses have been applied, legally and efficiently, to the achievement of the objectives and goals of the approved programmes and, where appropriate, determine the deviations of the programmes and the causes which gave them origin;

n) Promote to the corresponding instances, the administrative and legal actions that result from the results of the audits;

n) Request and obtain the information necessary for the performance of their duties;

or) Investigate, in the field of their jurisdiction, acts or omissions involving any irregularities or unlawful conduct in the income, discharge, management, custody and application of funds and resources of the Institute;

p) Evaluate progress reports on financial management with respect to authorized programs and those relating to completed processes, using the methodology determined by the Comptroller's Office;

q) Evaluate the fulfillment of the objectives and goals set in the programs of an administrative nature contained in the budget of the Institute, using the methodology that it determines;

r) Receive, investigate, substantiate and resolve complaints and complaints that are filed against the public servants of the Institute, in order to comply with their obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Code, with exception of the members of the box-board tables;

s) Issue guidelines for instructing, de-drowning and resolving disciplinary administrative procedures for the alleged existence of acts or omissions of public servants of the Institute for non-compliance with obligations established in the Code;

(t) To instruct, to de-drown and to resolve disciplinary administrative procedures regarding complaints and complaints that are filed against public servants for the alleged existence of acts or omissions that imply a lack of to the obligations laid down in the Code and, where appropriate, to impose the appropriate penalties; with the exception of serious and systematic conduct attributable to the Counsellor President and Electoral Advisers in which case, the file shall be transmitted duly founded and motivated to the president of the Board of Directors of the Deputies to resolve responsibility.

In the case of the faults attributable to the Executive Secretary and the Directors, it will be the Council that resolves the origin of the sanction proposed by the Comptroller General;

(u) to give the appropriate provisions for the correction of the administrative irregularities detected on the occasion of the processing of complaints and complaints and in cases where the existence of the infringement is found to be complaint or complaint, dictate the measures for immediate correction or remedy;

v) Make visits to the physical venues of the areas and organs of the Institute to request the exhibition of the necessary books and papers for carrying out their research, subject to the respective formalities;

w) Receive, process and resolve the inconformities, procedures and administrative resources that are promoted in the terms of the Laws of Procurement, Leases and Services of the Public Sector, and of Public Works and Services Related to the Mismas, and their Regulations;

x) Integrate and keep up to date the registration of the Institute's public servants who have been sanctioned by the control body;

and) Participate in the delivery-receiving acts of the public servants of the Institute of mid and higher controls, in the terms of applicable regulations;

z) Participate in accordance with the provisions in force in the committees and subcommittees of which the internal control body is a party and to intervene in the acts arising therefrom;

aa) Carry out the registration, monitoring and evaluation of the heritage status of the public servants of the Institute from the level of head of department or counterparts to that of the President; likewise, issuing the procedures, formats, magnetic and electronic means, in accordance with which the declarations of patrimonial status shall be submitted, in accordance with the Code and the Third Title, Single Chapter of the Federal Law on Administrative Responsibilities of the Public Servers;

bb) Request through its holder, the National Banking and Securities Commission, as well as the public institutions, entities and institutions, the banking, tax, real estate or any other related information public servants, their spouses, concubines or concubinals and direct economic dependents, in order to ensure that the control body verifies the evolution of the assets of those servants;

cc) Request through its holder, to the Federation's Treasury, to proceed to the precautionary seizure of the goods when the alleged perpetrators disappear or there is an imminent risk of hiding, enjenen or dilapiden their assets;

dd) Integrate the registration of goods donated to public servants of the Institute under the terms of Article 45 of the Federal Law on Administrative Responsibilities of Public Servants, whose accumulated value for one year exceeds ten times the general minimum wage in force in the Federal District at the time of receipt;

ee) To process and resolve the resources that are promoted against the resolutions that you issue in exercise of your powers, in the terms established in the applicable laws and regulations;

ff) Conduct legal defense in judgments that are promoted against resolutions issued by the control body in the administrative procedures and resources that it substantiates, in terms of the applicable laws flag;

gg) Understanding the requests of the different institutions and bodies of the Institute in the matters of their competence;

hh) Establish guidance mechanisms and training courses that are necessary for the Institute's public servants to adequately meet their administrative responsibilities;

ii) Propose, through its holder, to the Council for approval, the projects to modify or update its organic structure, personnel and/or resources;


jj) Formulate through its preliminary draft budget of the Comptroller's Office, in accordance with the regulations and criteria referred to in Article 5, paragraph 2, of this Regulation, as well as in accordance with the measures administrative and planning to be established by the Executive Secretary through the Executive Management Directorate and the Technical Planning Unit, within the scope of their respective powers;

kk) Issue, through its holder, the agreements and guidelines it requires to make its technical and management autonomy effective, informing the Council of such an issue;

ll) Submit to the Council the prior and annual reports of results of its management, and come to the same Council when required by the President's Adviser;

mm) Present to the Board the reports regarding the files relating to administrative misconduct and, where appropriate, on the imposition of sanctions on the public servants of the Institute;

nn) To participate, through its holder, with a voice but without a vote in the meetings of the Board or the Council when, in the exercise of its powers, the President of the Council considers it necessary;

nn) To request the Executive Secretary to assist in the procedures that the Comptroller General agrees to monitor the resources and assets of this body and, where appropriate, in the procedures for determining responsibilities and imposition of sanctions on the public servants of the Institute; and

oo) The others to trust other orders.

2. When complaints or complaints are filed against the holder of the Comptroller's Office, at the request of the Council, the Chamber of Deputies shall decide on the application of the penalties that correspond, including the removal, for serious causes of administrative responsibility, and should ensure the right of the affected person to be heard.

3. The penalties imposed by the Comptroller's Office on the officials and public servants of the Institute under the terms of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be enforced, with the exception of the financial penalty, the execution of which is the Treasury of the Federation, as follows:

(a) The warning, public or private admonition, suspension or removal by the immediate boss; or

(b) The disqualification to perform a job, position or commission in the public service shall be executed in the terms of the judgment given.

4. In the event of the Comptroller-General's absence or legal impediment, the Deputy Controller of Legal Affairs of the control body itself shall be the one who may exercise the powers provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article, as well as the other Orders.

5. (REPEALED, D.O.F. 26 DECEMBER 2013)

(ADDED, D. O. F. 21 OF OCTOBER 2011)

6. The Comptroller General for the good office of the affairs he has entrusted, may be assisted by the Subcontralors and the Directors of Area that integrate the own control body, who will be able to exercise the privileges and functions inherent to the areas in his or her position as referred to in points (f) to (aa), (d) to (h) and (nn) of paragraph 1 of this numeral, without prejudice to their direct exercise by the holder.


Title Eighth

From Information Flows

Single Chapter

Information Flows, Internal, and External

Article 77.


1. Institutional information that is not disseminated on the Institute's website will be provided by the Institute's officials in accordance with the following rules:

(REFORMED, D. O. F. 16 JANUARY 2009)

(a) The Council or any of its members may require, directly, information from all central bodies.

In the event that the information is found in the Institute's delegational and sub-delegation bodies, they must request it through the Secretary of the Council, who will deal with it immediately;

(b) The Commissions may request information from all the central bodies of the Institute. In cases where the Commissions require, in order to carry out their duties, information that falls within the competence of the Institute's delegational and sub-delegation bodies, they shall request them through their Technical Secretaries;

c) The delegated and subdelegation management bodies, or any of its members, may request information from all executive and supervisory bodies corresponding to their territorial demarcation, as well as to the lower-range steering organs;

d) The Board may request, through the Executive Secretary, information from the executive, technical, and supervisory bodies, both at the central and delegated and subdelegation levels. It may also request information from delegated and sub-delegation management bodies;

e) Central executive bodies, other than the Board, may request information from the technical and supervisory bodies as well as lower-ranking executives in the field of their respective competencies;

f) The delegated and subdelegation executive bodies may request, in the field of their respective powers, information to the supervisory bodies corresponding to their territorial demarcation, and to the rank executives less;

g) Technical bodies may request, in the field of their respective powers, information to the supervisory bodies as well as to the executives in the delegations and sub-delegations; and

h) The supervisory bodies may, in the field of their powers, request information from the executive and technical bodies as well as from the lower-ranking surveillance authorities.

2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Liaison Unit or the Information Committee shall not apply, who may request directly from the owner or the lower immediate hierarchical position of the relevant organ or area, the data they require for the performance of their duties. The latter shall promptly give their response, regardless of their rank, within the time limits and terms laid down by applicable regulations.

Article 78.

1. The information requested by the Comptroller General to the organs, areas and public servants of the Institute, in use of the privileges conferred on it by the Code, must be subject to the rules that the aforementioned legal order establishes.

2. The organs of the Institute that require information from the General Comptroller shall request it from its owner, who shall, in a reasoned and reasoned manner, decide on the origin of the information, provided that the disclosure of such information does not alter the proper conduct of the investigations or proceedings which it carries out or which may have an impact on the outcome of the investigations or proceedings.

Article 79.

1. The flow of information, in the same range or from a lower to a higher range, shall be regulated according to the following provisions:

(a) The information required by the organs of the Institute shall be requested directly from the body concerned in the case of organs of the same rank and function;

b) Executive sub-delegation bodies that require information from the central and delegational bodies shall request the Executive Secretary, through the corresponding Executive Branch;

(c) Executive delegational bodies that require information from the central bodies shall request the Executive Secretary, through the corresponding Executive Branch;

(d) Executive central bodies, which require information from management bodies, shall request it through the Executive Secretary;

e) Technical bodies, which require information from executive or management bodies, shall request it, through the Executive Secretary; and

(f) Surveillance, delegational and sub-delegation bodies, which require information from higher level surveillance bodies, may apply directly to the higher bodies.

2. Where the information they require is from senior management, executive or technical bodies, they shall request the Executive Secretary through the relevant Executive Branch.

3. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the Liaison Unit or the Information Committee, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of the previous Article.

4. Where the central bodies or delegations require information from the Committee, they shall request it through their Technical Secretary, unless the latter is required by the Council or the Board in which case the request shall be addressed by its Chairman.

Item 80.

1. The information published by the Institute's organs shall be disseminated by the official written means and, in addition, by internal and external means.

2. The institutional information will be disseminated internally in the database of the National Computer Network of the Federal Electoral Institute or Intranet. The compilation of the format for the dissemination of institutional information shall be based on the parameters set by the Council.

3. The institutional information shall be disseminated externally on the Institute's website, in accordance with the Council's criteria, with the provisions of this Regulation and on the rules governing transparency and access to the public information. The information will only be confidential and temporarily reserved in those cases that mark the regulation of the matter.


Title Ninth

Supplementary Provisions

Chapter First

Constitutional Protest

Article 81.

1. The Executive Secretary, the Legislative Branch and the representatives of the political parties before the top management body and the Comptroller General will render the constitutional protest to the General Council.

2. The Directors, Unit Holders and the Presidents of the Local Councils will render the constitutional protest to the President and Executive Secretary of the Institute.

3. The District Executive Vowels will render the constitutional protest to the Local Executive Vocal or the respective Executive Secretary.

4. The Electoral Counselors and representatives of the political parties of the Local and District Councils will render the constitutional protest to the respective Council.

5. Citizens who integrate the polling station tables and other servers of the Institute will render the constitutional protest in writing.

6. In any constitutional protest, the corresponding record of which will be added to the personal file of the public servant, as well as the members and representatives of the political and political parties will be added. Legislative.

Chapter Two

From The Interpretation

Article 82.

1. The provisions of this Regulation shall be interpreted in accordance with the Constitution, the Code and the grammatical, systematic and functional criteria, taking into account the provisions of the last paragraph of Article 14 of the Constitution.

Article 83.

1. The interpretation of this Regulation corresponds to the Council, which may have the guidance and advice of a Temporary Committee which, for such purposes, believes or, where appropriate, of the Legal Directorate.

Third Chapter

From Reforms to the Regulation

Article 84.

1. The Council may reform the content of this Regulation where the structure and functioning of the Institute so require, or where reforms or additions to federal electoral law involving amendments to the present law are arising. regulatory instrument.

Article 85.

1. They may submit a reform proposal to the President:

a) The members of the Board;

b) The General Comptroller;

c) Commissions;

d) The Board;

e) The Executive Secretary;

f) The Running Addresses;

g) The Technical Units;

h) Local Councils;

i) Local Boards;

j) District Councils; and

k) District Boards.

Article 86.

1. For the reform of this Regulation, the Commission of Regulations shall be established in advance, which shall be responsible for drawing up and submitting to the Council the relevant draft.

Second.-The validity of the Commission of Regulations is extended, until such time as it reviews in a comprehensive manner the internal regulations of the Institute that is issued or modified in order to issue the Federal Code of Institutions and Electoral Procedures, and propose to the General Council, where appropriate, the adjustments to the Rules of Procedure.

Third.-Publish this Agreement in the Official Journal of the Federation and in the Gazette of the Federal Electoral Institute.

Fourth.-The Executive Secretary shall, as soon as possible, have the edition of the number of copies of this Regulation deemed necessary for its proper dissemination.


First.-This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Second.-Once this Regulation enters into force, the Federal Electoral Institute's Rules of Procedure, adopted in an extraordinary session of the General Council dated 30 November 1999, are hereby repealed by Agreement. CG/152/99, as well as those previously adopted provisions and agreements which contravene this Regulation.

Third.-The immediate adjustments required by this instrument will be evaluated and proposed to the Council by the Commission of Regulations before the beginning of the federal electoral process 2008-2009.

This Agreement was approved in an extraordinary session of the General Council held on July 10, two thousand eight.-The President of the General Council, Leonardo Valdés Zurita.-Heading.-The Secretary of the General Council, Edmundo Jacobo Molina.-Heading.