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General Law Of Ecological Balance And Environmental Protection

Original Language Title: Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente

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General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment


Official Journal of the Federation on January 28, 1988

Last published reform DOF 09 January 2015

Effective Note: The reform to the second paragraph of Article 87 Bis 2, published in DOF 09-01-2015, will take effect on July 8, 2015.

On the sidelines a seal with the National Shield, which reads: United Mexican States.-Presidency of the Republic.

MIGUEL DE LA MADRID H., Constitutional President of the United Mexican States, to its inhabitants, known:

That the H. Congress of the Union has served to address the following


" The Congress of the United Mexican States, Decreta:



General Provisions


Preliminary Rules

ARTICLE 1o.- This Law is a regulation of the provisions of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States concerning the preservation and restoration of ecological balance, as well as the protection of the environment, in the national territory and the areas over which the nation exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction. Its provisions are of public order and social interest and aim to promote sustainable development and lay the foundations for:

I.- Ensuring the right of every person to live in a healthy environment for their development, health and well-being;

II.- Define the principles of environmental policy and instruments for their application;

III.- Preservation, restoration, and improvement of the environment;

IV.- The preservation and protection of biodiversity, as well as the establishment and administration of protected natural areas;

V.- Sustainable use, preservation and, where appropriate, restoration of soil, water and other natural resources, in such a way as to make it compatible to obtain economic benefits and the activities of society with the preservation of ecosystems;

VI.- The prevention and control of air, water and soil pollution;

VII.- Ensuring the co-responsible participation of individuals, individually or collectively, in the preservation and restoration of ecological balance and protection environment;

VIII.- The exercise of the powers that environmental matters correspond to the Federation, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, under the principle of concurrency provided for in Article 73 (XXIX)-G of the Constitution;

IX.- The establishment of mechanisms for coordination, induction and consultation between authorities, between them and the social and private sectors, as well as with people and groups social, in environmental matters, and

X.- The establishment of control and security measures to ensure compliance and enforcement of this Law and the provisions resulting from it, as well as for the the imposition of the appropriate administrative and criminal penalties.

In all that is not provided for in this Law, the provisions contained in other laws relating to the matters governing this order shall apply.

ARTICLE 2o.- They are considered to be public utility:

I. The ecological system of the national territory in the cases provided for by this and other applicable laws;

II.- The establishment, protection and preservation of protected natural areas and ecological restoration zones;

III.- The formulation and implementation of actions to protect and preserve the biodiversity of the national territory and the areas on which the nation exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction, as well as the use of genetic material;

IV.- The establishment of buffer zones, in the presence of activities considered as risky, and

V.- The formulation and implementation of mitigation actions and adaptation to climate change.

ARTICLE 3o.- For the purposes of this Act it is understood by:

I.-Environment: The set of natural and manmade or man-made elements that make possible the existence and development of human beings and other living organisms that interact in a given space and time;

II.-Natural protected areas: The areas of the national territory and those over which the nation exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction, where the original environments have not been significantly altered by the activity of the human being or which require preservation and restoration and are subject to the regime provided for in this Law;

III.-Sustainable Use: The use of natural resources in a way that respects the functional integrity and the capacity of the ecosystem to load they are part of those resources, for indefinite periods;

IV.-Biodiversity: The variability of living organisms from any source, including, among others, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and complexes The ecological aspects of those that are part of it, including the diversity within each species, between species and ecosystems;

V.-Biotechnology: Any technological application that uses biological resources, living organisms or their derivatives for the creation or modification of products or processes for uses specific;

V Bis.- Climate change: Climate change attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and adds to the natural variability of the climate observed during periods of comparable times.

VI.-Pollution: The presence in the environment of one or more pollutants or any combination of them causing ecological imbalance;

VII.-Contaminant: All matter or energy in any of its physical states and forms, which when incorporated or acting in the atmosphere, water, soil, flora, fauna or any element natural, alter or modify its composition and natural condition;

VIII.-Environmental Contingency: Risk situation, derived from human activities or natural phenomena, which may endanger the integrity of one or more ecosystems;

IX.-Control: Inspection, surveillance and enforcement of the necessary measures for compliance with the provisions laid down in this order;

X.-Ecological Criteria: The mandatory guidelines contained in this Law, to guide the actions of preservation and restoration of ecological balance, the sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the environment, which will have the character of environmental policy instruments;

XI.-Sustainable Development: The process is evaluable through criteria and indicators of the environmental, economic and social character that tends to improve the quality of life and productivity (a) to the extent to which it is based on appropriate measures for the preservation of ecological balance, protection of the environment and the use of natural resources, so as not to compromise the needs of the generations future;

XII.-Ecological imbalance: The alteration of the relationships of interdependence between the natural elements that make up the environment, which negatively affects the existence, transformation and development of man and other living beings;

XIII.-Ecosystem: The basic functional unit of interaction of living organisms with each other and with the environment, in a given space and time;

XIV.-Ecological Balance: The relationship of interdependence between the elements that make up the environment that makes possible the existence, transformation and development of man and others living beings;

XV.-Natural element: The physical, chemical and biological elements that are presented in a given time and space without the induction of man;

XVI.-Ecological Emergency: Situation derived from human activities or natural phenomena that, by severely affecting its elements, endangers one or more ecosystems;

XVII.- Issue: Release to the environment of any substance, in any of its physical states, or any type of energy, from a source.

XVIII.-Wild fauna: The animal species that remain subject to the processes of natural selection and that develop freely, including their smaller populations that are they are under the control of man, as well as domestic animals that he abandoned are wild and therefore susceptible to capture and appropriation;

XIX.-Wild Flora: Plant species as well as fungi, which remain subject to the processes of natural selection and which develop freely, including populations or specimens of these species that are under man's control;

XX.-Environmental impact: Modification of the environment caused by the action of man or nature;

XXI.-Environmental Impact Manifestation: The document through which the environmental, significant and potential impact of a work or project is made known, based on studies activity, as well as how to prevent or mitigate it in case it is negative;

XXII.-Genetic Material: All material of plant, animal, microbial or other origin, containing functional units of inheritance;

XXIII.-Dangerous material: Elements, substances, compounds, residues or mixtures thereof which, regardless of their physical state, represent a risk to the environment, or natural resources, due to their corrosive, reactive, explosive, toxic, flammable or biological-infectious characteristics;

XXIV.-Ecological Ordinance: The instrument of environmental policy whose object is to regulate or induce the use of soil and productive activities, in order to achieve protection the environment and the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources, based on the analysis of the trends of deterioration and the potential to exploit them;

XXV.-Preservation: The set of policies and measures to maintain the conditions conducive to the evolution and continuity of natural ecosystems and habitats, as well as to conserve viable populations of species in their natural environments and the components of biodiversity outside their natural habitats;

XXVI.-Prevention: The set of provisions and advance measures to prevent environmental deterioration;

XXVII.-Protection: The set of policies and measures to improve the environment and control its deterioration;

XXVIII.-Biological Resources: Genetic resources, organisms or parts thereof, populations, or any other biotic component of ecosystems with value or utility real or potential for human being;

XXIX.-Genetic Resources: All genetic material, with real or potential value originating from plant, animal, microbial, or any other type and which contain functional units of the heritage, existing in the national territory and in the areas where the nation exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction;

XXX.-Natural resource: The natural element that can be exploited for the benefit of man;

XXXI.-Ecological Region: The national territory unit that shares common ecological characteristics;

XXXII.-Residue: Any material generated in the processes of extraction, profit, transformation, production, consumption, use, control or treatment whose quality does not permit use it again in the process that generated it;

XXXIII.- Hazardous wastes: are those that possess some of the characteristics of corrosivity, reactivity, explosiveness, toxicity, flammability, or containing infectious agents which confer danger to it, as well as packaging, containers, packaging and soils which have been contaminated when transferred to another site and therefore represent a danger to ecological balance or the environment;

XXXIV.-Restoration: A set of activities aimed at restoring and restoring conditions that foster the evolution and continuity of natural processes;

XXXV. Secretary: The Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources.

XXXVI. Environmental services: the tangible and intangible benefits, generated by ecosystems, necessary for the survival of the natural system and biological as a whole, and to provide benefits to the human being;

XXXVII. Natural Vocation: Conditions that present an ecosystem to sustain one or more activities without ecological imbalances occurring, and

XXXVIII. Environmental Education: The process of training for the whole of society, both in school and after school, to facilitate the integrated perception of the environment in order to achieve more rational behaviors in favor of social development and the environment. Environmental education includes the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of values, the development of competencies and behaviors in order to guarantee the preservation of life.

XXXIX. Zoning: The technical instrument of planning that can be used in the establishment of protected natural areas, which allows to order its territory according to the degree of conservation and representativeness of its ecosystems, the natural vocation of the land, its current and potential use, in accordance with the objectives set out in the same declaratory. Also, there will be a subzoning, which consists of the technical and dynamic planning instrument, which will be established in the respective management program, and which is used in the management of the protected natural areas, in order to order in detail the core and buffer zones, previously established by the corresponding declaratory.


Distribution of Competencies and Coordination

ARTICLE 4.- The Federation, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities will exercise their powers in the area of preservation and restoration of ecological balance and protection of the environment, in accordance with the distribution of powers provided for in this Law and in other legal systems.

The distribution of competences in the area of regulation of sustainable use, protection and preservation of forest resources and soil, will be determined by the General Sustainable Forest Development Law.

ARTICLE 5o.- They are Federation faculties:

I.- The formulation and driving of national environmental policy;

II.- The implementation of the environmental policy instruments provided for in this Law, in the terms established therein, as well as the regulation of actions for the preservation and restoration of the ecological balance and protection of the environment in goods and areas of federal jurisdiction;

III.- The attention of matters affecting the ecological balance in the national territory or in areas subject to the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the nation, originating in the territory or areas subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of other States, or in areas beyond the jurisdiction of any State;

IV.- The attention of matters that, originating in the national territory or areas subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the nation affect the ecological balance of the territory or the zones subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of other States, or to areas beyond the jurisdiction of any State;

V.- The issuance of Mexican official standards and the monitoring of their compliance in the matters provided for in this Law;

VI.- The regulation and control of activities considered to be highly risky, and the generation, handling and final disposal of hazardous materials and wastes for the environment or the environment. ecosystems, as well as for the preservation of natural resources, in accordance with this Law, other applicable ordinances and their regulatory provisions;

VII.- Participation in the prevention and control of environmental emergencies and contingencies, in accordance with civil protection policies and programs that set;

VIII.- The establishment, regulation, administration and surveillance of protected natural areas of federal jurisdiction;

IX.- The formulation, implementation and evaluation of the programs of general ecological management of the territory and of the programs of marine ecological management to which the Article 19 BIS of this Act;

X.- The environmental impact assessment of the works or activities referred to in Article 28 of this Law and, where applicable, the issuance of the corresponding authorizations;

XI. The regulation of sustainable use, protection and preservation of national waters, biodiversity, fauna and other natural resources of their competence.

XII.- The regulation of air pollution, coming from all types of radio stations, as well as prevention and control in areas or in case of fixed and mobile sources of federal jurisdiction;

XIII.- The promotion of the application of technologies, equipment and processes that reduce emissions and pollutant discharges from any type of source, in coordination with the authorities of the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities; as well as the establishment of the provisions to be observed for the sustainable use of energy;

XIV.- The regulation of activities related to the exploration, exploitation and benefit of minerals, substances and other subsoil resources corresponding to the nation, as regards the effects that such activities may have on the ecological balance and the environment;

XV.- The regulation of the prevention of environmental pollution caused by noise, vibration, thermal energy, light, electromagnetic radiation and harmful odours the ecological balance and the environment;

XVI.- The promotion of the participation of society in environmental matters, in accordance with the provisions of this Law;

XVII.- The integration of the National System of Environmental and Natural Resources Information and its making available to the public in the terms of this Law;

XVIII.- The issuance of recommendations to Federal, State and Municipal authorities for the purpose of promoting compliance with environmental legislation;

XIX.- The surveillance and promotion, in the field of its competence, of the compliance with this Law and the other orders that result from it;

XX.- The attention of issues affecting the ecological balance of two or more federative entities;

XXI.- The formulation and implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions, and

XXII.- The others that this Law or other legal provisions attribute to the Federation.

ARTICLE 6o.- The privileges that this Law grants to the Federation, will be exercised by the Federal Executive Branch through the Secretariat and, if necessary, will be able to collaborate with this the Secretaries of National Defense and Navy when by the nature and gravity of the problem so determined, except those directly corresponding to the President of the Republic by express provision of the Law.

When, by reason of the matter and in accordance with the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration or other applicable legal provisions, the intervention of others is required dependencies, the Secretariat shall exercise its powers in coordination with them.

Dependencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration exercising powers conferred upon them by other orders whose provisions relate to the object of the present Law, they will adjust their exercise to the criteria to preserve the ecological balance, to sustainably take advantage of the natural resources and to protect the environment in it included, as well as to the provisions of the regulations, Mexican official norms, programmes of ecological order and other standards than of the itself is derived.

ARTICLE 7o.- Corresponding to States, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and local laws in the field, the following powers:

I.- The formulation, driving and evaluation of state environmental policy;

II.- The implementation of the environmental policy instruments provided for in local laws in the field, as well as the preservation and restoration of ecological balance and the protection of the environment held in goods and areas of state jurisdiction, in matters not expressly attributed to the Federation;

III.- The prevention and control of air pollution generated by fixed sources operating as industrial establishments, as well as by mobile sources, which according to the provisions of this Law are not of Federal competence;

IV.- The regulation of activities that are not considered highly risky for the environment, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149 of this Law;

V.- The establishment, regulation, administration and surveillance of protected natural areas provided for in local legislation, with the participation of governments municipal;

VI.- The regulation of collection, transportation, storage, management, treatment and final disposal systems for solid and industrial waste that are not considered as dangerous in accordance with the provisions of Article 137 of this Law;

VII.- The prevention and control of pollution generated by the emission of noise, vibrations, thermal energy, light, electromagnetic radiation and harmful odours ecological balance or the environment, originating from fixed sources operating as industrial establishments, as well as, where appropriate, mobile sources which, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, are not of Federal competence;

VIII.- The regulation of sustainable use and the prevention and control of the pollution of the waters of state jurisdiction; as well as of the national waters that have allocated;

IX.- The formulation, issuance and implementation of the ecological management programs of the territory referred to in Article 20 BIS 2 of this Law, with the participation of the respective municipalities;

X.- The prevention and control of pollution generated by the use of substances not reserved for the Federation, which constitute deposits of a similar nature to the components of the grounds, such as rocks or products of their decomposition which can only be used for the manufacture of construction materials or works ornament;

XI.- The attention of issues affecting the ecological balance or the environment of two or more municipalities;

XII.- Participation in environmental emergencies and contingencies, in accordance with civil protection policies and programs that will be established;

XIII.- The monitoring of compliance with the Mexican official rules issued by the Federation, in the matters and assumptions referred to in the fractions III, VI and VII of this Article;

XIV.- The conduct of the state environmental information and dissemination policy;

XV.- The promotion of the participation of society in environmental matters, in accordance with the provisions of this Law;

XVI.- The assessment of the environmental impact of the works or activities that are not expressly reserved for the Federation, by this Law and, where appropriate, the issue of the relevant authorisations, in accordance with the provisions of Article 35 BIS 2 of this Law;

XVII.- The exercise of the functions that in the matter of preservation of ecological balance and protection of the environment transfer the Federation, according to the provisions of the Article 11 of this order;

XVIII.- The formulation, execution and evaluation of the state environmental protection program;

XIX.- The issuing of recommendations to the competent environmental authorities, with the purpose of promoting compliance with environmental legislation;

XX.- Coordinated attention with the Federation of issues affecting the ecological balance of two or more Federative Entities, when they consider it The respective Federal Entities should be appropriate;

XXI.- The formulation and implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions, and

XXII.- The attention of other matters that in the preservation of ecological balance and protection of the environment grant them this Law or other ordinances in agreement with it and which are not expressly granted to the Federation.

ARTICLE 8.- Corresponding to the Municipalities, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the local laws in the field, the following powers:

I.- The formulation, driving and evaluation of municipal environmental policy;

II.- The implementation of the environmental policy instruments provided for in local laws in the field and the preservation and restoration of ecological balance and protection the environment in goods and areas of municipal jurisdiction, in matters not expressly attributed to the Federation or to the States;

III.- The application of the legal provisions on the prevention and control of air pollution generated by fixed sources operating as establishments commercial or service, as well as emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from mobile sources that are not considered of federal jurisdiction, with the participation that according to the state legislation corresponds to the government of the status;

IV.- The application of the legal provisions relating to the prevention and control of the effects on the environment caused by the generation, transport, storage, handling, processing and final disposal of solid and industrial waste which is not considered to be hazardous in accordance with the provisions of Article 137 of this Law;

V.- The creation and administration of ecological preservation zones of population centers, urban parks, public gardens and other similar areas provided for by legislation local;

VI.- The application of the legal provisions relating to the prevention and control of pollution by noise, vibration, thermal energy, electromagnetic radiation and light and odours harmful to the ecological balance and the environment, from fixed sources operating as commercial or service establishments, as well as the monitoring of compliance with the provisions which, if necessary, result applicable to mobile sources except those under this Law considered of federal jurisdiction;

VII.- The application of the legal provisions on the prevention and control of the pollution of the waters that are discarded in the drainage and sewage systems the population centres, as well as the national waters assigned to them, with the participation that according to local law in the field corresponds to the governments of the states;

VIII.- The formulation and issuance of the local ecological system programs of the territory referred to in Article 20 BIS 4 of this Law, in the terms provided for, as well as the control and monitoring of land use and change of land use, established in such programmes;

IX.- The preservation and restoration of ecological balance and protection of the environment in population centers, in relation to the effects of the services of sewage, cleaning, markets, supply plants, pantoons, traces, transit and local transport, provided that they are not granted to the Federation or to the States in this Law;

X.- Participation in addressing issues affecting the ecological balance of two or more municipalities and generating environmental effects in their territorial constituency;

XI.- Participation in environmental emergencies and contingencies in accordance with civil protection policies and programs to be established;

XII.- The monitoring of compliance with the Mexican official rules issued by the Federation, in the matters and assumptions referred to in the fractions III, IV, VI and VII of this article;

XIII.- The formulation and conduct of the municipal information and dissemination policy in environmental matters;

XIV.- Participation in the assessment of the environmental impact of works or activities of state competence, when they are carried out in the field of their constituency territorial;

XV.- The formulation, execution and evaluation of the municipal environmental protection program;

XVI.- The formulation and implementation of mitigation actions and adaptation to climate change, and

XVII.- The attention of other matters that in the matter of preservation of ecological balance and protection of the environment grant them this Law or other ordinances in accordance with it and which are not expressly granted to the Federation or to the States.

ARTICLE 9o.- Correspond to the Federal District Government, in the field of ecological balance preservation and environmental protection, in accordance with the legal provisions that The Legislative Assembly of the Federal District shall issue the powers referred to in Articles 7o. and 8o. of this Law.

ARTICLE 10.- The Congresses of the States, in accordance with their respective Constitutions and the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District, will issue the legal provisions that are necessary to regulate the matters of their competence provided for in this Law. The municipalities, on the other hand, will dictate the police and good government, the regulations, circulars and administrative provisions that correspond, so that in their respective constituencies, the forecasts of the present ordering.

In the exercise of their powers, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities shall observe the provisions of this Law and those of it.

ARTICLE 11. The Federation, through the Secretariat, may enter into agreements or coordination agreements with the purpose of the governments of the District Federal or States, with the participation, if any, of their Municipalities, assume the following powers, in the field of their territorial jurisdiction:

I. The administration and surveillance of the protected natural areas of competition of the Federation, as established in the respective management program and other provisions of this order;

II. The control of hazardous waste considered to be of low danger in accordance with the provisions of this order;

III. The assessment of the environmental impact of the works or activities referred to in Article 28 of this Law and, where appropriate, the issue of the corresponding authorisations, with the exception of the following works or activities:

a) Hydraulic works, as well as general communication pathways, pipelines, pipelines, pipelines, and polyducts,

b) Oil, petrochemical, cement, steel and electrical industry,

c) Exploration, exploitation and benefit of minerals and substances reserved for the Federation in the terms of the Mining and Regulatory Laws of Article 27 Constitutional on Nuclear Matter,

d) Facilities for the treatment, confinement or disposal of hazardous waste, as well as radioactive waste,

e) Forest use in tropical forests and species of difficult regeneration,

f) Changes in soil use of forest areas, as well as in jungles and arid areas,

g) Develop real estate that affects coastal ecosystems,

h) Works and activities in wetlands, mangroves, lagoons, rivers, lakes and estuaries connected to the sea, as well as in their littoral or federal areas, and

i) Works in natural protected areas of Federation competence and activities which by their nature may cause serious ecological imbalances; as well as activities that put the ecosystem at risk.

IV. The protection and preservation of soil, flora and fauna, land and forest resources;

V. The control of actions for the protection, preservation and restoration of ecological balance and protection of the environment in the federal land sea area, as well as in the federal area of water bodies considered to be national;

VI. The prevention and control of air pollution from fixed and mobile sources of federal jurisdiction and, where appropriate, the issue of the corresponding authorizations;

VII. The prevention and control of environmental pollution caused by noise, vibration, thermal energy, light, electromagnetic radiation and odours harmful to ecological balance and the environment, from fixed and mobile sources of federal jurisdiction and, where appropriate, the issue of the relevant authorisations;

VIII. The performance of operational actions to meet the intended purposes of this order, or

IX. The inspection and monitoring of compliance with this Law and other provisions resulting from it.

Such powers shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of this Law and other applicable federal provisions, as well as those arising therefrom.

Against acts issued by the governments of the Federal District or the States and, where appropriate, their Municipalities, in the exercise of the powers they assume of conformity with this precept with respect to the individuals, the resources and means of defense established in Chapter V of Title VI of this Law shall proceed.

ARTICLE 12. For the purposes of the previous article, the coordination agreements or agreements concluded by the Federation, through the Secretariat, with the governments of the Federal District or States, with the participation, if any, of their Municipalities, shall be subject to the following bases:

I. They will be held at the request of a Federative Entity, when it has the necessary means, the trained personnel, the material and financial resources, as well as the specific institutional structure for the development of the faculties that would assume and for such purposes requires the federal authority. These requirements will depend on the type of agreement or agreement to be signed and the capacities will be evaluated in conjunction with the Secretariat.

The requirements established by the Secretariat and the assessments made to determine the capabilities of the Federative Entity shall be published in the Official Journal of the Federation and in the official gazette or newspaper of the respective federal entity, in advance of the conclusion of the coordination agreements or agreements;

II. Establish precisely their object, as well as the subjects and faculties that will be assumed, and must be consistent with the objectives of the national development planning instruments and the national environmental policy;

III. Determine the participation and responsibility of each of the parties, as well as the assets and resources provided by them, specifying their destination and method of administration. They will also specify what kind of powers can be taken immediately to the signing of the agreement or agreement and which in the future.

IV. Establish the body or bodies that will carry out the actions resulting from the coordination agreements or agreements, including those for evaluation, as well as the timetable for the activities to be carried out;

V. Define the information mechanisms that are required, so that the subscribing parties can ensure the fulfillment of their object;

VI. They shall specify the validity of the instrument, its forms of modification and termination and, where appropriate, the number and duration of its carryovers;

VII. Contain, the technical attachments necessary to detail the commitments acquired;

VIII. The other stipulations that the parties consider necessary for the proper implementation of the coordination agreement or agreement;

IX. For the purposes of granting permits or authorizations for environmental impact that correspond to the Federal District, the States, or, where appropriate, the Municipalities, the same procedures as set out in Section V shall be followed. of this Law, in addition to the provisions of the relevant local laws and regulations;

X. For the purposes of the conventions relating to Environmental Impact Assessments, the procedures to be established by institutions shall be those laid down in the Regulation of this Regulation in respect of Impact Assessment. Environmental, and shall be authorized by the Secretariat and published in the Official Journal of the Federation and in the Gazette or official journal of the respective federal entity, in advance of the entry into force of the agreement or agreement of coordination.

It is up to the Secretariat to assess compliance with the commitments made in the coordination agreements or agreements referred to in this article.

The coordination agreements or agreements referred to in this Article, their modifications, as well as their termination agreement, shall be published in the Journal Official of the Federation and in the Gazette or official journal of the respective Federative Entity.

ARTICLE 13.- States will be able to subscribe to each other and to the Federal District Government, where appropriate, agreements or agreements for coordination and administrative collaboration, with the the purpose of dealing with and resolving common environmental problems and exercising their powers through the bodies that they determine, in accordance with the provisions of local laws that are applicable. The same powers may be exercised by the municipalities, even if they belong to different federative entities, in accordance with the provisions of the above mentioned laws.

ARTICLE 14.- The agencies and entities of the Public Administration will coordinate with the Secretariat for the conduct of the conducting actions, when there is a danger for the balance ecological in some area or region of the country, as a consequence of disasters produced by natural phenomena, or by chance or force majeure.

ARTICLE 14 BIS.- The environmental authorities of the Federation and of the Federative Entities will integrate an organ that will meet periodically for the purpose of coordinating their efforts in the field (a) to examine and exchange views on actions and programmes in the field, to evaluate and monitor them, and to agree on actions and to make appropriate recommendations, particularly as regards the the objectives and principles laid down in Articles 1 and 10 fifth of this Law.


Environmental Policy

ARTICLE 15.- For the formulation and conduct of environmental policy and the issuance of Mexican official standards and other instruments provided for in this Law, in the field of preservation and restoration the ecological balance and protection of the environment, the Federal Executive will observe the following principles:

I.- Ecosystems are the common heritage of society and their balance depends on the country's productive life and possibilities;

II.- Ecosystems and their elements must be harnessed in such a way as to ensure optimal and sustained productivity, compatible with their balance and integrity;

III.- Authorities and individuals must take responsibility for the protection of ecological balance;

IV.- Who performs works or activities that affect or may affect the environment, is obliged to prevent, minimize or repair the damage it causes, as well as to assume the costs that this involvement implies. It should also be encouraged to protect the environment, promote or carry out mitigation actions and adapt to the effects of climate change and sustainably take advantage of natural resources;

V.- The responsibility for ecological balance, includes both the present and the conditions that will determine the quality of life of future generations;

VI.- The prevention of causes that generate them is the most effective means to avoid ecological imbalances;

VII.- The use of renewable natural resources must be carried out in such a way as to ensure the maintenance of their diversity and renewal;

VIII.- Non-renewable natural resources should be used in such a way as to avoid the danger of their depletion and the generation of adverse ecological effects;

IX.- The coordination between the agencies and entities of the public administration and between the different levels of government and the consultation with the society, are indispensable for the effectiveness of ecological actions;

X.- The main subject of ecological concertation is not only individuals, but also social groups and organizations. The purpose of the consultation of ecological actions is to reorient the relationship between society and nature;

XI.- In the exercise of the powers conferred on the State by the laws, to regulate, promote, restrict, prohibit, orient and, in general, induce the actions of the In the economic and social fields, the criteria for preservation and restoration of ecological balance shall be considered;

XII.- Everyone has the right to enjoy a suitable environment for their development, health and well-being. The authorities in the terms of this and other laws shall take the measures to ensure that right;

XIII.- Ensuring the right of communities, including indigenous peoples, to the protection, preservation, use and sustainable use of natural resources and the safeguarding and using biodiversity, as determined by this Law and other applicable laws;

XIV.- Poverty eradication is necessary for sustainable development;

XV.- Women play an important role in the protection, preservation and sustainable use of natural resources and development. Their complete participation is essential to achieve sustainable development;

XVI.- The control and prevention of environmental pollution, the proper use of natural elements and the improvement of the natural environment in the settlements human, are fundamental elements to raise the quality of life of the population;

XVII.- It is the interest of the nation that the activities carried out within the national territory and in those areas where it exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction, do not affect the ecological balance of other countries or areas of international jurisdiction;

XVIII. The competent authorities on an equal footing with other nations shall promote the preservation and restoration of the balance of regional and global ecosystems;

XIX. Through the quantification of the cost of pollution of the environment and the depletion of natural resources caused by economic activities in a given year, the Net Ecological Product will be calculated. The National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics will integrate the Ecological Net Product into the National Accounts System, and

XX. Education is a means to value life through the prevention of environmental degradation, preservation, restoration and the sustainable use of ecosystems, thereby avoiding ecological imbalances and environmental damage.

ARTICLE 16.- Federative entities and municipalities within the scope of their competencies shall observe and apply the principles referred to in fractions I to XV of the previous article.


Environmental Policy Instruments


Environmental Planning

ARTICLE 17.- In national development planning, environmental policy and ecological management should be incorporated in accordance with this Law and other provisions in the matter.

In the planning and implementation of the actions in charge of the agencies and entities of the federal public administration, in accordance with their respective spheres of competence, as well as in the exercise of the The powers conferred on the Federal Government to regulate, promote, restrict, prohibit, orient and in general induce the actions of individuals in the economic and social fields will be observed in the environmental policy guidelines. establishing the National Development Plan and the corresponding programmes.

ARTICLE 17 BIS.- The Federal Public Administration, the Federal Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch of the Federation will issue the manual of management systems. The aim is to optimize the material resources used for the development of their activities, in order to reduce financial and environmental costs.

ARTICLE 17 TER.- The dependencies of the Federal Public Administration, the Federal Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch of the Federation will be installed in the The invention relates to a method for the use of said properties, a system for collecting rainwater, which must meet the requirements of the geographical area in which it is located, and the physical, technical and financial possibility for each case. This will be used in bathrooms, floor and window cleaning tasks, irrigation of gardens and ornate trees.

The installation of the rainwater collection system in those buildings in charge of the offices of the Federal Public Administration, the Legislative Branch Federal and the Judicial Branch of the Federation, declared artistic and historical monuments in terms of the provisions of the Federal Law of Monuments and Archaeological, Artistic and Historical Zones will be carried out under the rigorous supervision of Experts from the National Institute of Anthropology and History or the National Institute of Fine Arts, as appropriate, in order to avoid affections to such buildings.

For the purposes of the provisions of this article, rainwater means that which comes from rain, hail and snow.

ARTICLE 18.- The Federal Government will promote the participation of the various social groups in the elaboration of programs that aim to preserve and restore the ecological balance and the protection of the environment, as established in this Law and the other applicable.


Ecological Planning of the Territory

ARTICLE 19.- In the formulation of the ecological system the following criteria must be considered:

I.- The nature and characteristics of the existing ecosystems in the national territory and in the areas over which the nation exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction;

II. The vocation of each zone or region, according to its natural resources, the distribution of the population and the predominant economic activities;

III. The existing imbalances in ecosystems by human settlements, economic activities or other human activities or natural phenomena;

IV. The balance that must exist between human settlements and their environmental conditions;

V. The environmental impact of new human settlements, communication pathways and other works or activities, and

VI.- The modalities that in accordance with this Law, establish the decrees for which the protected natural areas are constituted, as well as the other provisions in the respective management programme, where appropriate.

ARTICLE 19 BIS.- The ecological system of the national territory and of the zones over which the nation exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction, will be carried out through the programs of ecological:

I.- Territory General;

II.- Regional;

III.- Local, and

IV.- Marinos.

ARTICLE 20.- The program of general ecological management of the territory will be formulated by the Secretariat, within the framework of the National System of Democratic Planning and will have the object to determine:

I.- The ecological regionalization of the national territory and the zones over which the nation exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction, based on the diagnosis of the characteristics, availability and demand of the natural resources, as well as the productive activities in which they are developed and, of the location and situation of the existing human settlements, and

II.- The ecological guidelines and strategies for the preservation, protection, restoration and sustainable use of natural resources, as well as for the location of activities and human settlements.

ARTICLE 20 BIS.- The formulation, expedition, execution and evaluation of the general ecological system of the territory will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Planning. The Secretariat shall also promote the participation of social and business groups and organizations, academic and research institutions, and other interested persons, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, as well as other provisions that are applicable.

ARTICLE 20 BIS 1.- The Secretariat shall technically support the formulation and implementation of regional and local ecological management programs, in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Federative entities and municipalities will be able to participate in the consultations and issue recommendations that they consider relevant for the formulation of the general ecological management programs of the territory and marine ecological management.

ARTICLE 20 BIS 2.- The Governments of the States and the Federal District, in the terms of the applicable local laws, may formulate and issue environmental management programs. regional, covering all or part of the territory of a federal entity.

When an ecological region is located in the territory of two or more federal entities, the Federal Government, that of the respective States and Municipalities, and in its case the District In the field of their powers, the Federal Government may formulate a regional ecological system. To this end, the Federation shall conclude the coordination agreements or agreements with the local governments involved.

Where a regional ecological system programme includes a protected natural area, competence of the Federation, or part thereof, the programme shall be drawn up and jointly approved by the Secretariat and the governments of the States, the Federal District and Municipalities in which it is located, as appropriate.

ARTICLE 20 BIS 3.- The regional ecological system programs referred to in Article 20 BIS 2 shall contain at least:

I.- The determination of the area or region to order, describing its physical, biotic and socioeconomic attributes, as well as the diagnosis of its environmental conditions and the technologies used by the inhabitants of the area;

II.- The determination of ecological regulatory criteria for the preservation, protection, restoration and sustainable use of natural resources that are located in the region concerned, as well as for the production of productive activities and the location of human settlements, and

III.- The guidelines for execution, evaluation, tracking, and modification.

ARTICLE 20 BIS 4.- Local ecological system programs will be issued by the municipal authorities, and in their case of the Federal District, in accordance with the law Local environmental issues, and will have as their object:

I.- Determine the different ecological areas that are located in the area or region concerned, describing their physical, biotic, and socioeconomic attributes, as well as the diagnosis of their environmental conditions, and of the technologies used by the inhabitants of the area concerned;

II.- Regular, outside of population centers, land uses for the purpose of protecting the environment and preserving, restoring and sustainably harnessing resources natural, primarily in the production of productive activities and the location of human settlements, and

III.- To establish ecological regulatory criteria for the protection, preservation, restoration and sustainable use of natural resources within the population, in order to be considered in the corresponding urban development plans or programmes.

ARTICLE 20 BIS 5.- The procedures under which local ecological management programs will be formulated, approved, issued, evaluated and modified will be determined. in the State or Federal District laws in the matter, according to the following bases:

I.- There will be congruence between the marine ecological management programs, in their case, and general of the territory and regional, with the local ecological management programs;

II.- Local ecological system programs will cover a geographical extent whose dimensions allow the use of soil to be regulated, in accordance with the provisions of this Law;

III.- The forecasts contained in the territory's local ecological system programs, through which the land uses are regulated, will refer only to the areas located outside the boundaries of the population centres. Where the extension of a population centre or the implementation of urban development projects is sought in those areas, it will be in line with the respective environmental management programme, which can only be modified by the the procedure laid down by local legislation in this field;

IV.- Local authorities will make the ecological system of the territory compatible and the management and regulation of human settlements, incorporating the corresponding to the local eco-management programmes, as well as to the applicable urban development plans or programmes.

In addition, local ecological management programs will provide for coordination mechanisms, among the various authorities involved, in the formulation and implementation of the programs;

V.- When a local ecological system program includes a protected natural area, the Federation's competence, or part of it, the program will be prepared and approved in a manner. jointly by the Secretariat and the Governments of the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, as appropriate;

VI.- Local ecological system programs will regulate land uses, including ejidos, communities, and small properties, expressing the motivations that justify;

VII.- For the elaboration of local ecological system programs, laws in the field will establish mechanisms that guarantee the participation of individuals, groups and social, business and other stakeholders. Such mechanisms shall include, at least, procedures for the dissemination and public consultation of the respective programmes.

Local laws in the field will establish the ways and procedures for individuals to participate in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ecological management programs. refers to this precept, and

VIII.- The Federal Government may participate in the consultation referred to in the above fraction and issue any recommendations it deems relevant.

ARTICLE 20 BIS 6.- The Secretariat may formulate, issue and execute, in coordination with the Competent Dependencies, marine ecological management programs. These programs will aim to establish the guidelines and forecasts to which the preservation, restoration, protection and sustainable use of existing natural resources in specific areas or areas should be subject to. located in Mexican marine areas, including adjacent federal areas.

ARTICLE 20 BIS 7.- Marine ecological system programs must contain at least:

I.- The precise delimitation of the area that will span the program;

II.- The determination of ecological zones based on the characteristics, availability and demand of the natural resources in them, as well as the type of productive activities that in they are developed, and

III.- The guidelines, strategies and other forecasts for the preservation, protection, restoration and sustainable use of natural resources, as well as the realization of activities production and other works or activities likely to affect the respective ecosystems.

In the determination of such forecasts, the criteria set out in this Law must be considered, the provisions of this Law, the international treaties of which Mexico is a party, and the other systems that regulate the matter.


Economic Instruments

ARTICLE 21.- The Federation, the States and the Federal District, within the scope of their respective competences, will design, develop and implement economic instruments that encourage compliance of the objectives of the environmental policy, and through which it will be sought:

I.- Promote a change in the conduct of persons engaged in industrial, commercial and service activities, in such a way that their interests are compatible with the collective interests of environmental protection and sustainable development;

II.- Encourage the incorporation of reliable and sufficient information about the consequences, benefits, and environmental costs of the economy's pricing system;

III.- Grant incentives to those who perform actions for the protection, preservation or restoration of ecological balance. They should also ensure that those who harm the environment, misuse natural resources or alter ecosystems, bear the respective costs;

IV.- Promote greater social equity in the distribution of costs and benefits associated with environmental policy goals, and

V.- Seek to use them together with other environmental policy instruments, especially when it comes to observing thresholds or limits on the use of ecosystems, so that ensure their integrity and balance, the health and well-being of the population.

ARTICLE 22.- Economic instruments are considered the regulatory and administrative mechanisms of fiscal, financial or market character, through which persons assume the benefits and environmental costs that generate their economic activities, encouraging them to carry out actions that favor the environment.

Economic instruments of a fiscal nature are considered, fiscal stimuli that encourage the fulfillment of environmental policy objectives. In no case shall these instruments be established for exclusively collection purposes.

Financial instruments are the credits, bonds, liability insurance, funds and trusts, when their objectives are addressed to the preservation, protection, restoration or sustainable use of natural resources and the environment, as well as the financing of programs, projects, studies, scientific research, technological development and innovation preservation of ecological balance and protection of the environment.

Market instruments are the concessions, authorizations, licenses and permits corresponding to pre-established volumes of emissions of pollutants in the air, water or soil, or establishing the limits of the use of natural resources, or of construction in protected natural areas or in areas whose preservation and protection is considered to be relevant from an environmental point of view.

The prerogatives derived from market economic instruments will be transferable, non-taxable and subject to the public interest and sustainable use of natural resources.

ARTICLE 22 Bis. They are considered to be a priority, for the purposes of granting fiscal stimulus to be established under the Law of Revenue of the Federation, activities related to:

I.- Scientific and technological research, incorporation, innovation or use of mechanisms, equipment and technologies that aim to avoid, reduce or control pollution or environmental deterioration, as well as the efficient use of resources natural and energy;

II.- Research and incorporation of energy saving systems and the use of less polluting energy sources;

III.- The saving and sustainable use and prevention of water pollution;

IV.- The location and relocation of industrial, commercial, and service facilities in environmentally sound areas;

V.- The establishment, management, and surveillance of protected natural areas, and

VI.- The processes, products and services which, in accordance with the applicable regulations, have been environmentally certified, and

VII.- In general, activities related to the preservation and restoration of ecological balance and environmental protection.


Environmental Regulation of Human Settlements

ARTICLE 23.- To contribute to the achievement of environmental policy objectives, urban development planning and housing, in addition to complying with the provisions of Article 27 of the Constitution in human settlement matter, will consider the following criteria:

I.- Urban development plans or programs should take into account the guidelines and strategies contained in the territory's ecological management programs;

II.- In the determination of land uses, it will be sought to achieve a diversity and efficiency of the same and avoid the development of segregated or unfunctional schemes, as well as the trends to extensive sub-urbanization;

III.- In determining the areas for population center growth, the mix of housing uses with productive ones that do not pose risks or damage to health will be encouraged. of the population and avoid affecting areas with high environmental value;

IV.- The establishment of collective transport systems and other high energy and environmental efficiency means must be privileged;

V.- Ecological conservation areas around human settlements will be established and managed as a priority;

VI.- The authorities of the Federation, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, in the sphere of their competence, will promote the use of economic instruments, fiscal and financial and environmental policy, to induce behaviors compatible with the protection and restoration of the environment and with sustainable urban development;

VII.- The use of water for urban uses must incorporate the costs of its treatment in an equitable manner, considering the impact on the quality of the resource and the quantity to be used;

VIII. In determining areas for highly risky activities, buffer zones will be established where uses will not be permitted. housing, commercial or other that put the population at risk;

IX. The ecological policy must seek to correct those imbalances that will deteriorate the quality of life of the population and, at the same time, anticipate trends growth of human settlement, to maintain a sufficient relationship between the resource base and the population, and to take care of ecological and environmental factors that are an integral part of the quality of life, and

X. The authorities of the Federation, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, in the sphere of their competence, must avoid human settlements in areas where populations are exposed to the risk of adverse impacts of climate change.

ARTICLE 24.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 25.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 26.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 27.- Repeals.


Environmental Impact Assessment

ARTICLE 28.- The environmental impact assessment is the procedure through which the Secretariat establishes the conditions for the implementation of the works and activities likely to cause ecological imbalance or to exceed the limits and conditions laid down in the applicable provisions to protect the environment and to preserve and restore ecosystems in order to prevent or minimise their negative effects on the environment. To this end, in cases where it determines the Regulation that the effect is issued, those who intend to carry out any of the following works or activities, will require prior environmental impact authorization from the Secretariat:

I.- Hydraulic works, general communication pathways, pipelines, pipelines, pipelines, and polyducts;

II.- Oil, petrochemical, chemical, steel, paper, sugar, cement, and electrical industries;

III.- Exploration, exploitation and benefit of minerals and substances reserved for the Federation in the terms of the Law Mining and Regulatory Law of Article 27 Constitutional in Nuclear Matter;

IV.- Facilities for the treatment, confinement or disposal of hazardous waste, as well as radioactive waste;

V.- Forest use in tropical forests and species of difficult regeneration;

VI. Repeals.

VII.- Land use changes from forest areas, as well as in jungles and arid areas;

VIII.- Industrial parks where highly risky activities are foreseen;

IX.- Real estate development affecting coastal ecosystems;

X.- Works and activities in wetlands, mangroves, lagoons, rivers, lakes and estuaries connected to the sea, as well as in their littoral or federal areas;

XI. Works and activities in natural protected areas of Federation competence;

XII.- Fishing, aquaculture or agricultural activities that could endanger the preservation of one or more species or cause damage to ecosystems, and

XIII.- Works or activities that correspond to matters of federal competence, which may cause serious and irreparable ecological imbalances, damages to public health or to the ecosystems, or to exceed the limits and conditions laid down in the legal provisions relating to the preservation of ecological balance and the protection of the environment.

The Regulation of this Law shall determine the works or activities referred to in this Article, which, by their location, dimensions, characteristics or scope, do not produce environmental impacts. significant, do not cause or may cause ecological imbalances, nor do they exceed the limits and conditions laid down in the legal provisions relating to the preservation of ecological balance and protection of the environment, and therefore not be subject to the environmental impact assessment procedure provided for in this order.

For the purposes referred to in paragraph XIII of this Article, the Secretariat shall notify the persons concerned of their determination to submit to the environmental impact assessment procedure the work or the activity concerned, explaining the reasons which justify it, for the purpose of the submission of the reports, opinions and considerations which it considers appropriate, within a period not exceeding 10 days. Once the documentation of the interested parties has been received, the Secretariat shall, within a period not exceeding thirty days, inform them whether or not the presentation of an environmental impact event is appropriate, as well as the modality and the time limit for doing so. After the deadline, without the Secretariat issuing the corresponding communication, it is understood that the presentation of an environmental impact event is not necessary.

ARTICLE 29.- The negative effects on the environment, natural resources, flora and fauna and other resources referred to in this Law, may cause the works or Federal competition activities which do not require to be subject to the environmental impact assessment procedure referred to in this Section shall be subject to the provisions of this Section, their regulations, the official rules Mexican environmental legislation, legislation on natural resources it is applicable, as well as through the permits, licenses, authorizations and concessions that are required in accordance with such regulations.

ARTICLE 30.- To obtain the authorization referred to in Article 28 of this Law, the interested parties must present to the Secretariat an environmental impact demonstration, the which shall contain at least a description of the possible effects on the ecosystem or ecosystems that may be affected by the work or activity concerned, considering all the elements that make up such ecosystems, as well as preventive, mitigation and other measures necessary to prevent and reduce the risk of the negative effects on the environment.

In the case of activities considered to be highly risky in the terms of this Law, the event shall include the relevant risk study.

If, after the presentation of an environmental impact event, modifications are made to the project of the respective work or activity, the interested parties must make them knowledge of the Secretariat, in order to ensure that the Secretariat, within a period of not more than 10 days, notifies them if additional information is required to assess the effects on the environment, which may result in such modifications, in terms of provided in this Law.

The contents of the preventive report, as well as the characteristics and modalities of the environmental impact manifestations and the risk studies will be established by the of this Law.

ARTICLE 31.- The performance of the works and activities referred to in Article 28, fractions I to XII, shall require the presentation of a preventive report and not a environmental impact manifestation, when:

I.- Exist official Mexican rules or other provisions regulating emissions, discharges, the use of natural resources and, in general, all impacts relevant environmental factors that may produce the works or activities;

II.- The works or activities in question are expressly provided for by a partial plan for urban development or ecological management that has been evaluated by the Secretariat in the terms of the following article, or

III.- Be facilities located in industrial parks authorized in the terms of this section.

In the above cases, the Secretariat, once the preventive report has been analyzed, will determine, within a period of not more than 20 days, whether a demonstration of the environmental impact in any of the modalities provided for in the regulation of this Law, or if it is in any of the alleged cases.

The Secretariat will publish in its Ecological Gazette the list of preventive reports presented to it in the terms of this article, which will be available to the public.

ARTICLE 32.- In the event that a plan or partial program of urban development or ecological management of the territory includes works or activities of the In accordance with Article 28 of this Law, the competent authorities of the States, the Federal District or the Municipalities shall submit such plans or programs to the Secretariat, with the purpose of issuing the authorization as the environmental impact corresponds to the set of works or activities which are provide for a specific area, as provided for in Article 31 of this Law.

ARTICLE 33.- In the case of works and activities referred to in Article 28, fractions IV, VIII, IX and XI, the Secretariat shall notify the State and Municipal Governments of the or the Federal District, as appropriate, which has received the respective environmental impact statement, in order to make these manifest what is at their right.

The authorization issued by the Secretariat shall not in any way oblige the local authorities to issue the authorizations corresponding to them in the field of their respective competencies.

ARTICLE 34.- Once the Secretariat receives an environmental impact statement and integrates the file referred to in Article 35, it shall be made available to the public, in order to be consulted by anyone.

The work or activity promoted may require that the information that has been integrated into the file be kept in reserve and that, if it is made public, it may affect the rights of the industrial property, and the confidentiality of the commercial information provided by the data subject.

The Secretariat, at the request of any person in the community concerned, may carry out a public consultation, in accordance with the following bases:

I.- The Secretariat will publish the application for environmental impact authorization in its Ecological Gazette. In addition, the applicant shall publish at its cost, an extract from the project of the work or activity in a newspaper of broad circulation in the federal entity concerned, within five days from the date on which it was established. present the environmental impact event to the Secretariat;

II.- Any citizen, within ten days of the publication of the project extract in the terms referred to above, may request the Secretariat make available to the public at the appropriate federal entity, the environmental impact event;

III.- In the case of works or activities that may lead to severe ecological imbalances or damage to public health or ecosystems, in accordance with what the The Secretariat, in coordination with the local authorities, may organise a public information meeting in which the sponsor will explain the environmental technical aspects of the work or activity concerned;

IV.- Any interested party, within the period of twenty days from which the Secretariat makes available to the public the manifestation of environmental impact in the terms of the fraction I, may propose the establishment of additional prevention and mitigation measures, as well as any observations it considers relevant, and

V.- The Secretariat shall add the observations made by the interested parties to the respective file and shall record, in the resolution it issues, the process of public consultation carried out and the results of the observations and proposals that have been formulated in writing.

ARTICLE 35.- Once the environmental impact event has been presented, the Secretariat will initiate the evaluation procedure, for which it will review the application for the formalities provided for in this Law, its applicable Mexican regulations and official rules, and shall integrate the respective file within a period not exceeding ten days.

For the authorization of the works and activities referred to in Article 28, the Secretariat shall be subject to the provisions laid down in the aforementioned orders, as well as the urban development and ecological management of the territory, the declaratory of protected natural areas and other applicable legal provisions.

Also, for the authorization referred to in this Article, the Secretariat shall evaluate the possible effects of such works or activities on the or the ecosystems concerned, considering the set of elements that make up them and not only the resources that, if any, would be subject to exploitation or affectation.

Once the environmental impact event has been evaluated, the Secretariat shall issue, duly founded and reasoned, the appropriate resolution in which it may:

I.- Authorize the completion of the work or activity in question, in the requested terms;

II.- Authorize in a conditioned manner the work or activity concerned, the modification of the project or the establishment of additional prevention and mitigation measures, Adverse environmental impacts that are likely to be produced in construction, normal operation and in the event of an accident are avoided, attenuated or compensated. In the case of conditional authorizations, the Secretariat shall indicate the requirements to be observed in the performance of the intended work or activity, or

III.- Negate the requested authorization, when:

a) It is contrary to the provisions of this Law, its regulations, the Mexican official rules and other applicable provisions;

b) The work or activity in question may lead to one or more species being declared as threatened or endangered or when one of those species is affected, or

c) Exist falsehood in the information provided by the promoting, regarding the environmental impacts of the work or activity in question.

The Secretariat may require the granting of insurance or guarantees regarding compliance with the conditions laid down in the authorization, in those cases expressly stated in the Regulation of this Law, where serious damage to ecosystems can occur during the construction of the works.

The resolution of the Secretariat shall only refer to the environmental aspects of the works and activities in question.

ARTICLE 35 BIS.- The Secretariat within a period of sixty days from the receipt of the environmental impact event shall issue the resolution corresponding.

The Secretariat may request clarifications, corrections or extensions to the content of the environmental impact event presented to it, suspending the term that will be restored. to complete the procedure. In no case shall the suspension exceed the period of sixty days, counted from the time it is declared by the Secretariat, and as long as the required information is given to it.

Exceptionally, when due to the complexity and dimensions of a work or activity the Secretariat requires a longer period for its evaluation, it may be extended for up to sixty days. additional, provided that it is justified in accordance with the provisions of the regulation of this Law.

ARTICLE 35 BIS 1.- People who provide environmental impact services, will be accountable to the Secretariat for preventive reports, environmental impact statements, and risk studies to be developed by those who will declare in protest of the truth that they incorporate the best existing techniques and methodologies, as well as the most effective information and prevention and mitigation measures.

Also, preventive reports, environmental impact manifestations and risk studies may be presented by stakeholders, research institutions, schools, or professional associations, in this case the responsibility for the content of the document will correspond to the one who subscribes it.

ARTICLE 35 BIS 2.- The environmental impact that may be caused by the works or activities not covered by Article 28 shall be evaluated by the authorities of the Federal District or States, with the participation of the respective municipalities, when by their location, dimensions or characteristics produce significant environmental impacts on the environment, and are expressly indicated in the environmental legislation state. In such cases, the environmental impact assessment may be carried out within the procedures for authorization of land use, construction, fractionation, or other procedures that establish the state laws and the provisions that result from it. Such orders will provide what is necessary in order to make environmental policy compatible with urban development and to avoid unnecessary duplication of administrative procedures in this area.

ARTICLE 35 BIS 3.- When the works or activities referred to in Article 28 of this Law require, in addition to the environmental impact authorization, a work start authorization; it shall be verified that the controller has the environmental impact authorisation issued in terms of the provisions of this order.

The Secretariat shall, at the request of the applicant, integrate the environmental impact authorization, the other permits, licenses and authorizations of its competence, which are required for the carrying out the works and activities referred to in this Article.


Mexican Official Rules on Environmental Matters

ARTICLE 36.- To ensure the sustainability of economic activities, the Secretariat will issue official Mexican environmental standards and the sustainable use of resources. natural, which have as their object:

I.- Set requirements, specifications, conditions, procedures, goals, parameters and permissible limits to be observed in regions, areas, basins or ecosystems, in the use of natural resources, in the development of economic activities, in the production, use and destination of goods, in inputs and in processes;

II.- Consider the conditions necessary for the well-being of the population and the preservation or restoration of natural resources and protection environment;

III.- Encourage or induce economic agents to reorient their processes and technologies to environmental protection and sustainable development;

IV.- Grant long-term certainty to investment and induce economic agents to bear the costs of environmental affectation that they cause, and

V.- Promoting productive activities in a framework of efficiency and sustainability.

The issuance and modification of the official Mexican environmental standards will be subject to the procedure laid down in the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation.

ARTICLE 37.- In the formulation of official Mexican environmental standards, compliance with their forecasts must be considered to be carried out in accordance with the characteristics of the each production process or activity subject to regulation, without involving the compulsory use of specific technologies.

When the official Mexican environmental standards establish the use of specific equipment, processes or technologies, the recipients of the same may propose to the Secretariat for approval, the alternative equipment, processes or technologies by which they shall comply with the relevant forecasts.

To this end, the interested parties will accompany their proposal to the justification in which it is sustained to meet the objectives and objectives set out in the Mexican official standard in question.

Once the proposal has been received, the Secretariat within a period that will not exceed thirty days will issue the respective resolution. In the event that such a decision is not issued within the time limit, it shall be deemed to be negative.

Where the decision is favourable, it shall be published in an official dissemination body and shall have effects for the benefit of the person who so requests, respecting, where appropriate, the rights acquired in respect of industrial property.

ARTICLE 37 BIS.- The Secretariat in coordination with the Secretariat of Economy will promote the identification of products, goods, supplies and services with less environmental impact based on environmental parameters and criteria throughout its life cycle through a flag or certificate whose use will be voluntary. These environmental parameters and criteria will be determined by the applicable Mexican official standards.

ARTICLE 37 TER.- The official Mexican environmental standards are mandatory in the national territory and will indicate their scope of validity, validity and graduality in your application.


Environmental Self-and Audits

ARTICLE 38.- Producers, companies or business organizations will be able to develop voluntary processes of environmental self-regulation, through which improve their environmental performance, respecting the law and regulations in force in this field and commit themselves to exceed or meet higher levels, goals or benefits in terms of environmental protection.

The Secretariat at the federal level will induce or agree:

I.- The development of production processes and the generation of services that are appropriate and compatible with the environment, as well as protection and restoration systems in the (a) agreed with chambers of industry, commerce and other productive activities, producer organisations, organisations representing an area or region, scientific and technological research institutions and other organisations interested;

II.- Compliance with voluntary standards or technical specifications in environmental matters that are more stringent than official Mexican standards or that are relate to aspects not provided for by them, which shall be established by common agreement with individuals or with associations or organisations representing them. To this end, the Secretariat may promote the establishment of Mexican standards as provided for in the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation;

III.- The establishment of process certification systems, products and services to induce patterns of consumption that are compatible or that preserve, improve, maintain or restore the environment, and, where appropriate, observe the applicable provisions of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation, and

IV.- Other actions that induce companies to achieve the environmental policy objectives higher than those provided for in environmental regulations set.

ARTICLE 38 BIS.- Those responsible for the operation of a company may voluntarily, through the environmental audit, carry out the methodological examination of their operations, with regard to the pollution and the risk they generate, as well as the degree of compliance with the environmental standards and the international parameters and good operating and engineering practices applicable, in order to define the measures preventive and corrective measures needed to protect the environment.

The Secretariat will develop a program aimed at encouraging environmental audits, and will be able to monitor its implementation. For this purpose:

I.- Will elaborate the terms of reference that establish the methodology for conducting environmental audits;

II.- It will establish a system of approval and accreditation of experts and environmental auditors, determining the procedures and requirements to be met by the interested parties. to be incorporated into that system, and, if necessary, to observe the provisions of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation.

To this end, it will integrate a technical committee made up of representatives of research institutions, professional associations and associations and organizations of the industrial sector;

III.- Develop training programs on environmental expertise and audits;

IV.- Instrumentara a system of acknowledgements and stimuli that will enable the identification of the industries that timely comply with the commitments acquired in the environmental audits;

V.- It will promote the creation of regional support centers for the medium and small industry, in order to facilitate the conduct of audits in these sectors, and

VI.- Convened or concertwith natural or moral persons, public or private, conducting environmental audits.

ARTICLE 38 BIS 1.- The Secretariat will put the preventive and corrective programs derived from environmental audits, as well as the basic diagnosis of which they derive, at the disposal of are or may be directly affected.

In any case, the legal provisions regarding the confidentiality of industrial and commercial information should be observed.

ARTICLE 38 BIS 2.- States and the Federal District may establish systems of self-regulation and environmental audits in the areas of their respective competencies.


Ecological Research and Education

ARTICLE 39. The competent authorities will promote the incorporation of ecological contents, knowledge, values and competences, in the various educational cycles, especially in the basic level, as well as in the cultural formation of children and youth.

Will also encourage the involvement of the mass media in strengthening ecological awareness, and the socialization of sustainable development.

The Secretariat, with the participation of the Secretariat of Public Education, will promote the institutions of higher education and the bodies dedicated to scientific research and In addition, it is necessary to develop plans and programmes for the training of specialists in the field throughout the national territory and for the investigation of the causes and effects of environmental phenomena.

The Secretariat through various actions will promote the generation of strategic knowledge about nature, the interaction between the elements of the ecosystems, including human beings, the evolution and transformation of ecosystems, in order to provide information for the development of programmes to promote the prevention, restoration, conservation and protection of the environment.

ARTICLE 40.- The Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare, will promote the development of training and training in and for work on environmental protection, and for the preservation and restoration of the ecological balance, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and in accordance with the systems, methods and procedures to prevent special legislation. It will also encourage the incorporation of ecological content into the joint safety and hygiene commission programmes.

ARTICLE 41.- The Federal Government, the Federal Authorities and the municipalities according to the local legislatures will encourage the investigation Scientific, technological development and innovation will also promote programs for the development of techniques and procedures to prevent, control and reduce pollution, promote the sustainable use of natural resources, preserving, protecting and restoring ecosystems for to prevent ecological imbalances and environmental damage, to determine vulnerability, as well as adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change. To this end, agreements may be concluded with higher education institutions, research centres, social and private sector institutions, researchers and subject matter specialists.


Information and Surveillance

ARTICLE 42.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 43.- Repeals.


Ecological Policy Instruments





Natural Protected Areas


General Provisions

ARTICLE 44.- The zones of the national territory and those over which the Nation exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction, in which the original environments have not been significantly altered by the activity of the human being, or that its ecosystems and integral functions need to be preserved and restored, will be subject to the regime provided for in this Law and the other applicable ordinances.

Owners, holders or holders of other land, water and forest rights within protected natural areas shall be subject to the modalities that are in accordance with this Regulation. Law, establish the decrees for which these areas are constituted, as well as the other forecasts contained in the management program and in the ecological management programs that correspond.

ARTICLE 45.- The establishment of protected natural areas, has as its object:

I.- Preserve the representative natural environments of the different biogeographical and ecological regions and the most fragile ecosystems, as well as their functions, to ensure the balance and continuity of evolutionary and ecological processes;

II.- To safeguard the genetic diversity of the wild species on which evolutionary continuity depends; as well as to ensure the preservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity of the national territory, in particular to preserve endangered species, endangered species, endemic species, rare and rare species, and those that are subject to special protection;

III.- Ensure the preservation and sustainable use of ecosystems, their elements, and their functions;

IV. Provide a conducive field for scientific research and the study of ecosystems and their balance;

V.- Generate, rescue and disseminate knowledge, practices and technologies, traditional or new that allow the preservation and sustainable use of the territory's biodiversity national;

VI. Protect towns, roads, industrial facilities and agricultural land use, through forest areas in mountains where torrents originate; the hydrological cycle in basins, as well as the others that tend to protect surrounding elements that are ecologically related to the area; and

VII.- Protecting the natural environments of archaeological, historical and artistic areas, monuments and vestiges, as well as tourist areas, and other areas of importance for recreation, culture and national identity and indigenous peoples.

ARTICLE 45 BIS. The competent authorities shall ensure the granting of fiscal stimulus and economic remuneration, with the application of the economic instruments referred to in this order, to owners, holders or holders of other financial instruments. land, water and forest rights within protected natural areas.


Types and Characteristics of Protected Natural Areas

ARTICLE 46.- They are considered protected natural areas:

I.- Biosphere Reserves;

II.- Repeals.

III.- National Parks;

IV.- Natural Monuments;

V.- Repeals.

VI.- Natural resource protection areas;

VII.- Areas of protection of flora and fauna;

VIII.- Santamér;

IX.- State Parks and Reserves, as well as other categories to establish local legislations;

X.- Municipal ecological conservation zones, as well as other categories establish local laws, and

XI.- Areas voluntarily intended for conservation.

For the purposes of this Chapter, the protected natural areas covered in fractions I to VIII and XI of competence of the Federation previously flagged.

The governments of the States and the Federal District, in terms of local legislation in this area, will be able to establish parks, state reserves and other management categories to be established by local legislation in the field, whether they meet any of the characteristics identified in fractions I to VIII and XI of this Article or have their own characteristics according to the particularities of each federative entity. Such protected natural areas may not be established in areas previously declared as protected natural areas of the federation, except in the case of those identified in section VI of this Article.

Likewise, it is up to the municipalities to establish the municipal ecological conservation zones as well as the other categories, as provided for in the legislation local.

In protected natural areas, the foundation of new population centres cannot be authorised.

In protected natural areas, the introduction of invasive alien species is prohibited.

ARTICLE 47.- In the establishment, administration and management of the protected natural areas referred to in the previous article, the Secretariat will promote the participation of its inhabitants, owners or owners, local governments, indigenous peoples, and other social, public and private organizations, in order to promote the integral development of the community and to ensure the protection and preservation of ecosystems and their biodiversity.

For this purpose, the Secretariat may subscribe to the stakeholders of the relevant concertation agreements or coordination agreements.

ARTICLE 47 BIS. For compliance with the provisions of this Law, in relation to the establishment of protected natural areas, a division and subdivision to identify and delimit the portions of the territory that make up the territory, according to its biological, physical and socioeconomic elements, which constitute an integral and dynamic scheme, so when it is carried out the territorial delimitation of the activities in the areas natural protected areas, this will be carried out through the following areas and their respective sub-areas, according to their management category:

I. The core areas will have as their main objective the preservation of ecosystems and their functionality in the medium and long term, where the activities of preservation of the ecosystems and their elements, of scientific research and collection, environmental education, and the limitation or prohibition of the use of the resources, can be authorized. ecosystems. These areas may be made up of the following sub-areas:

a) Protection: Those surfaces within the protected natural area, which have suffered very little alteration, as well as relevant or fragile ecosystems, or critical habitats, and natural phenomena, requiring special care to ensure their long-term conservation.

In the protection sub-areas only environmental monitoring, non-invasive scientific research activities will be allowed in the terms of the regulation which does not involve the removal or removal of specimens, nor the modification of the habitat.

b) Of restricted use: Those surfaces in good conservation status where the current conditions of the ecosystems are sought, and even improve them on the sites that are required, and where they will be able to perform exceptionally activities of exploitation that do not modify the ecosystems and that are subject to strict control measures.

In restricted use areas only non-invasive scientific research and monitoring of the environment, environmental education and tourism activities will be permitted of low environmental impact, which do not involve modifications of the original natural characteristics or conditions, and the construction of support facilities, exclusively for scientific research or environmental monitoring, and

II. The buffer zones will have as their main function to guide the activities of the use, which are carried out, to be carried out sustainable development, while creating the necessary conditions for the conservation of ecosystems in the long term, and may be basically made up of the following sub-areas:

a) Preservation: Those surfaces in good condition of conservation that contain relevant or fragile ecosystems, or relevant natural phenomena, in the that the development of activities requires specific management, in order to achieve its proper preservation.

In the preservation sub-areas only scientific research and monitoring of the environment, environmental education activities and activities will be allowed production of low environmental impact which do not involve substantial modifications of the original natural characteristics or conditions, promoted by the local communities or with their participation, and which are subject to constant monitoring of the possible negative impacts resulting from it, in accordance with the the provisions of the applicable legal and regulatory arrangements.

b) Traditional use: Those areas where natural resources have been used in a traditional and continuous manner, without causing any changes significant in the ecosystem. They are particularly related to the satisfaction of the socio-economic and cultural needs of the inhabitants of the protected area.

In those sub-areas, activities that threaten or disturb the natural structure of the populations and ecosystems or the mechanisms of their own shall not be carried out. recovery. Only scientific research, environmental education, and low environmental impact tourism activities can be carried out, as well as, where appropriate, artisanal fishing with low environmental impact arts; as well as the supporting infrastructure requires, using eco-technical and traditional building materials of the region, the use of natural resources for the satisfaction of the basic economic needs and self-consumption of the population, using methods traditional focus on sustainability, as foreseen in the applicable laws and regulations.

c) The sustainable use of natural resources: Those areas where natural resources can be exploited, and which, for reasons of use and conservation of their long-term ecosystems, it is necessary that all productive activities are carried out under sustainable use schemes.

In these sub-areas, the use and management of renewable natural resources will be exclusively allowed, provided these actions generate benefits preferably for local people, scientific research, environmental education and the development of low environmental impact tourism activities.

The sustainable use of wildlife can also be carried out as long as it is guaranteed to be controlled or maintained or increased the populations of the harvested species and the habitat on which they depend; and are supported by the relevant plans approved by the Secretariat, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

d) Sustainable use of ecosystems: Aquellas with current agricultural, fishing and livestock uses.

In those sub-areas, agricultural, fishing and low-intensity livestock activities may be carried out on premises, or areas which have fitness for this purpose, and in those in which such activities are carried out on a daily basis, and activities of artisanal fishing, agroforestry and silvopastoriles, as long as they are compatible with the conservation actions of the area, and that in their case will contribute to the control of erosion and prevent the degradation of the soils.

The implementation of agricultural, fisheries, livestock, agroforestry and silvopastorite practices that are not being carried out in a sustainable way should be oriented towards sustainability and the reduction of the use of agrochemicals and external inputs for their realization.

e) Special use: Those areas generally of reduced extent, with the presence of natural resources that are essential for development social, and that they must be exploited without impairing the ecosystem, modify the landscape in a substantial way, nor cause irreversible environmental impacts on the natural elements that conform.

In such sub-areas only public or private works may be carried out for the installation of infrastructure or exploitation of natural resources, which generate profits public, that they will be in harmony with the landscape, that they will not cause serious ecological imbalance and that they will be subject to strict regulations for the sustainable use of natural resources, with strict adherence to the management programs issued by the Secretariat.

f) For public use: Those surfaces that present natural attractions for the realization of recreation and recreation activities, where possible maintain concentrations of visitors, within the limits to be determined on the basis of the capacity of the ecosystems to load.

In these sub-areas, the construction of facilities for the development of tourism support services, research and development can be carried out exclusively. environmental monitoring, and environmental education, consistent with the purposes of protecting and managing each protected natural area.

g) Human settlements: On those surfaces where a substantial modification or disappearance of the original ecosystems has been carried out, due the development of human settlements, prior to the declaration of the protected area, and

h) Recovery: Those surfaces where natural resources have been severely altered or modified, and which will be the subject of recovery and rehabilitation, so they should not continue the activities that led to the alteration.

In these sub-areas only species which are compatible with the functioning and structure of the region may be used for rehabilitation, native species of the region or, where appropriate, the original ecosystems when it is scientifically established that the evolution and continuity of natural processes are not affected.

In the buffer zones must be taken into consideration the productive activities carried out by the communities that inhabit the moment of the expedition of the respective declaratory, based on the provisions of both the respective Management Program and the applicable Ecological Order Programs.

ARTICLE 47 BIS 1.- By declaring protected natural areas, one or more core and buffer zones may be established, depending on the case, which in turn, may be made up of one or more sub-zones, which shall be determined by the corresponding management program, according to the category of management assigned to them.

Where the declaratory concerned only provides for a general polygon, it may be subdivided into one or more sub-areas provided for in the damping, taking into account the appropriate management category.

In the biosphere reserves, in the areas of protection of natural resources and in the areas of protection of flora and fauna all the sub-areas can be established provided for in Article 47 Bis.

In national parks, sub-areas of protection and restricted use may be established in their core areas; and sub-areas of traditional use, public use and recovery in buffer zones.

In the case of national parks that are located in the Mexican marine areas, in addition to the sub-areas provided for in the previous paragraph, subareas of sustainable use of natural resources.

In the natural monuments and sanctuaries, sub-areas of protection and restricted use may be established within their core areas; and sub-areas of public use and recovery in buffer zones.

ARTICLE 48.- Biosphere reserves will be constituted in nationally relevant biogeographical areas, representative of one or more unaltered ecosystems significantly. by the action of the human being or that they need to be preserved and restored, in which they inhabit species representative of the national biodiversity, including those considered endemic, threatened or endangered.

In the core areas of the biosphere reserves, only the implementation of ecosystem preservation activities and their elements, and education, can be authorized. environmental, while it will prohibit the realization of exploitements that alter ecosystems.

For core areas that are located in marine areas, vessel traffic must be limited in accordance with the respective management program.

Also, non-extractive wildlife that must be of low impact must be regulated, and in accordance with Mexican official standards that for this purpose, issue the Secretariat.

For their part, in the buffer zones of the biosphere reserves, only productive activities can be carried out by the communities that are there. live at the time of issue of the respective declaratory or with their participation, which are strictly compatible with the objectives, criteria and programs of sustainable use, in the terms of the respective decree and the program of management that is formulated and issued, considering the forecasts of the environmental management programs that are applicable.

ARTICLE 49.- In the core areas of protected natural areas it will be expressly prohibited:

I. Verter or discharge contaminants into the soil, subsoil, and any kind of stream, vessel, or aquifer, as well as develop any polluting activity;

II. Interrupt, refill, desiccate, or divert hydraulic flows;

III. Carry out hunting activities or exploitation and exploitation of wild flora and fauna species and the extraction of land from the mountain and its cover plant;

IV. Introduce exotic wildlife specimens or populations, as well as genetically modified organisms, and

V. Execute actions that contravene the provisions of this Law, the respective declaratory and the other provisions derived therefrom.

ARTICLE 50.- National parks will be constituted, in the case of biogeographical representations, at the national level, of one or more ecosystems that are marked by their beauty stage, its scientific, educational, recreational value, its historical value, the existence of flora and fauna, its aptitude for the development of tourism, or for other similar reasons of general interest.

In national parks, only activities related to the protection of its natural resources, the increase of its flora and fauna and in general, with the preservation of ecosystems and their elements, as well as with research, recreation, tourism and ecological education.

ARTICLE 51.- For the purposes mentioned in this Chapter, as well as to protect and preserve marine ecosystems and regulate sustainable use of the aquatic flora and fauna, in the Mexican marine areas, which may include the contiguous land of the land sea, may be established natural protected areas of the types referred to in the fractions I, III, IV, VII and VIII of the article 46, taking into account the particular characteristics of each case.

In these areas they will be permitted and, where appropriate, restricted or prohibited activities or taking advantage of, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the General Law on Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, the General Wildlife Law, the Federal Law of the Sea, the international conventions of which Mexico is a party and the other applicable legal provisions.

The authorizations, concessions or permits for the exploitation of natural resources in these areas, as well as the transit of boats in the area or the construction or use of infrastructure within it, shall be subject to the provisions of the Management Programs and the corresponding declaratory.

For the establishment, administration and surveillance of protected natural areas established in Mexican marine areas, as well as for the preparation of their The Secretariat and the Secretariat of the Navy shall coordinate the management program. In all cases the introduction of invasive alien species is prohibited.

ARTICLE 52.- Natural monuments shall be established in areas that contain one or more natural elements, consisting of natural places or objects, which by their unique character or exceptional, aesthetic interest, historical or scientific value, it is resolved to incorporate an absolute protection regime. Such monuments do not have the variety of ecosystems or the surface necessary to be included in other management categories.

In natural monuments, only activities related to its preservation, scientific research, recreation and education can be permitted.

ARTICLE 53.- The areas of protection of natural resources, are those for the preservation and protection of the soil, the river basins, the waters and in general natural resources located on forest land of preferentially afforestation, provided that these areas are not included in another of the categories provided for in Article 46 of this Law.

Forest reserves and areas, the protection zones of rivers, lakes, lagoons, springs and other bodies considered national waters are considered to be within this category. particularly when these are intended for the supply of water for the service of populations.

In the areas of protection of natural resources, only activities related to the preservation, protection and sustainable use of natural resources can be carried out in These include, as well as research, recreation, tourism and ecological education, in accordance with the provisions of the decree establishing them, the respective management program and the other applicable legal provisions.

ARTICLE 54.- The areas of protection of flora and fauna shall be constituted in accordance with the provisions of this Law, of the General Law of Wildlife, the Law of Fisheries and other applicable law, in the places that contain the habitat of whose balance and preservation depend the existence, transformation and development of the species of wild flora and fauna.

In these areas, activities related to preservation, repopulation, propagation, acclimatisation, shelter, research and sustainable use of the species mentioned, as well as those related to education and dissemination in the field.

The use of natural resources may also be authorized for the communities where they live at the time of issue of the respective declaratory, or it is possible according to the studies to be carried out, which shall be subject to the official Mexican standards and land uses which are set out in the declaratory itself.

ARTICLE 55.- The sanctuaries are those areas that are established in zones characterized by a considerable wealth of flora or fauna, or by the presence of species, subspecies or Restricted distribution habitat. Such areas shall cover canades, vegas, relictos, grottoes, cavern, cenotes, caletas, or other topographical or geographical units that require preservation or protection.

In the sanctuaries only research, recreation and environmental education activities will be allowed, compatible with the nature and characteristics of the area.

Non-extractive activities are restricted to management programs, and Mexican official standards issued by the Secretariat.

ARTICLE 55 BIS.- The areas voluntarily intended for conservation are those that can present any of the biological characteristics and elements referred to in Articles 48 to 55 of this Law; to provide environmental services or to promote compliance with the objectives set out in Article 45 of this Law. For this purpose, the Secretariat shall issue a certificate in accordance with the terms of Section V of this Chapter.

Such prediums will be considered as productive areas dedicated to a function of public interest.

The establishment, administration, and management of areas voluntarily intended for conservation shall be subject to the provisions of Section V of this Chapter.

ARTICLE 56.- The authorities of the States and the Federal District, will be able to promote to the Federal Government, the recognition of protected natural areas that according to their legislation, in order to make the corresponding protection schemes compatible.

ARTICLE 56 BIS.- The Secretariat shall constitute a National Council of Protected Natural Areas, which shall be composed of representatives of the same, other agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, as well as academic institutions and research centres, groups of producers and employers, non-governmental organisations and other bodies of a social or private nature, as well as natural persons, with recognized prestige in the field.

The Council will serve as a consultative and support body for the Secretariat in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the policy for the establishment, management and monitoring of the protected natural areas of their competence.

The opinions and recommendations made by the Council should be considered by the Secretariat in the exercise of the powers that in the field of protected natural areas correspond to this and other applicable legal systems.

The Council may invite representatives of the governments of the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities to their sessions when dealing with matters related to natural areas. protected from federal competition within its territory. It may also invite representatives of ejidos, communities, owners, owners and in general to any person whose participation is necessary in accordance with the case in question.


Declaratory for the Establishment, Administration and Surveillance of Protected Natural Areas

ARTICLE 57.- The protected natural areas identified in Article 46 of this Law, fractions I to VIII, shall be established by means of a declaration issued by the Holder of the Federal Executive in accordance with the this and the other applicable laws.

ARTICLE 58.- Prior to the issuance of the declaratory for the establishment of the protected natural areas referred to in the previous article, the studies should be carried out justify, in the terms of this Chapter, which shall be made available to the public. The Secretariat shall also request the opinion of:

I.- Local governments in whose territorial constituencies the natural area in question is located;

II.- The dependencies of the Federal Public Administration that need to intervene, in accordance with their attributions;

III.- Public or private social organizations, indigenous peoples, and other interested natural or moral persons, and

IV.- Universities, research centres, institutions and bodies of the public, social and private sectors interested in the establishment, administration and monitoring of natural areas protected.

ARTICLE 59.- Indigenous peoples, social, public or private organizations, and other interested persons, may promote to the Secretariat the the establishment of protected natural areas on land owned or through a contract with third parties, in the case of areas for the preservation, protection and restoration of biodiversity. The Secretariat, if necessary, will promote to the Federal Executive the issue of the respective declaratory, by which the management of the area by the party will be established, with the participation of the Secretariat according to the attributions that in this Law is granted to you.

(Second paragraph is repealed)

ARTICLE 60.- The declaratory for the establishment of the protected natural areas identified in the fractions I to VIII of Article 46 of this Law shall contain, less, the following aspects:

I.- The precise delimitation of the area, pointing to the surface, location, unlinde and, if any, the corresponding zoning;

II.- The modalities to be subjected to within the area, the use or exploitation of natural resources in general or specifically those subject to protection;

III.- The description of activities that can be performed in the corresponding area, and the modes and limitations to which they will be fastened;

IV.- The cause of public utility that in its case is based on the expropriation of land, so that the nation acquires its domain, when establishing a protected natural area require such a resolution; in such cases, the provisions of the Expropriation, Agrarian And Other Applicable Laws shall be observed;

V.- The general guidelines for administration, the establishment of representative collegiate bodies, the creation of funds or trusts and the preparation of the handling of the area, and

VI.- The guidelines for the realization of the actions of preservation, restoration and sustainable use of natural resources within the natural areas protected, for administration and surveillance, as well as for the elaboration of the administrative rules to be subject to the activities within the respective area, in accordance with the provisions of this and other applicable laws;

The measures that the Federal Executive will be able to impose for the preservation and protection of protected natural areas, will be only those that are established, according to the respective areas, in this Law, the Forestry, National Water, Fishing, Federal Hunting, and other laws that are applicable.

The Secretariat will promote the ecological management of the territory within and in the areas of influence of protected natural areas, with the purpose of generating new patterns of regional development in accordance with sustainability objectives.

ARTICLE 61.- The declaratory shall be published in the Official Journal of the Federation and shall be notified in advance to the owners or holders of the affected premises, on a personal basis where their addresses are known; otherwise a second publication shall be made, which shall have the effect of notification. The declaratory shall be entered in the corresponding public records of the property.

ARTICLE 62.- Once a protected natural area has been established, only its extension, and where applicable, permitted land uses or any of its provisions, may be modified by the authority that has established, following the same formalities as provided for in this Law for the issue of the respective declaratory.

ARTICLE 63.- The protected natural areas established by the Federal Executive will be able to understand, in a partial or total manner, pregod subject to any property regime.

El Comercio] The Federal Executive Branch, through the competent agencies, will carry out the programs to regularize land tenure in the protected natural areas, in order to provide legal certainty to the owners and holders of the premises in which they are included.

The Secretariat shall promote the Federal, State, Municipal and Federal District authorities within the scope of its jurisdiction in terms of the applicable legal provisions. and, where appropriate, management programs, give priority to land tenure regularization programs in the protected natural areas of federal jurisdiction.

The national lands located within protected natural areas of federal jurisdiction will be made available to the Secretariat, who will allocate them for the purposes set out in the corresponding decree, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

ARTICLE 64.- In the granting or issuing of permits, licenses, concessions, or in general of authorizations to be subject to the exploration, exploitation or exploitation of resources in areas natural protected, shall be observed the provisions of this Law, of the laws in which the corresponding declarations of creation are based, as well as the prevention of the own declaratory and the programs of management.

The applicant shall in such cases demonstrate to the competent authority, its technical and economic capacity to carry out the exploration, exploitation or exploitation of the treat, without causing deterioration to ecological balance.

The Secretariat, as well as the Secretariats of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food and the Agrarian Reform, will give timely to ejido, community members and small owners of the technical advice necessary to comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, where they do not have sufficient financial resources to procure them.

The Secretariat, based on the technical and socioeconomic studies practiced, may request the competent authority, the cancellation or revocation of the permit, license, concession or corresponding authorisation, where the exploration, exploitation or use of resources causes or may cause deterioration in the ecological balance.

ARTICLE 64 BIS.- The Federal Executive, through the Secretariat in coordination with the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit, as well as the governments of the Federal and of the Municipalities, in the field of their respective competences:

I.- Promote public and private investments for the establishment and management of protected natural areas;

II.- They will establish or in their case promote the use of mechanisms to capture resources and finance or support the management of protected natural areas;

III.- They will establish economic incentives and fiscal stimulus for individuals, and social, public or private organizations, participating in administration and monitoring of protected natural areas, as well as for those who provide resources for such purposes or to use their premises for preservation actions in accordance with Article 59 of this Law, and

IV.- Promoveran to the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit, which in the Federal participations to States or Municipalities is considered as a criterion, the total area that each one of these aims at the preservation of ecosystems and their biodiversity, in terms of the provisions of Article 46 of this Law.

ARTICLE 64 BIS 1.- The Federation, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, within the scope of their respective competences, may grant the owners, holders, social, public or private organizations, indigenous peoples, and other interested persons, concessions, permits or authorizations for the construction of works or activities in the protected natural areas; in accordance with what is established Law, declaratory and corresponding management program.

Agrarian nuclei, indigenous peoples, and other owners or owners of the premises in which the works or activities mentioned above are intended to be developed, will have preference to obtain the respective permissions, concessions, and authorizations.

ARTICLE 65.- The Secretariat shall formulate, within a period of one year from the publication of the respective declaratory in the Official Journal of the Federation, the program of management of the protected natural area, giving participation to the inhabitants, owners and holders of the premises in it, to the other competent agencies, the state, municipal and district governments Federal, where appropriate, as well as social, public or private organizations, and other persons concerned.

Once a protected natural area of federal competence is established, the Secretariat shall designate the Director of the area concerned, who shall be responsible for coordinating the formulation, execution and evaluation of the corresponding management program, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the provisions of this Law.

ARTICLE 66.- The protected natural areas management program must contain at least the following:

I.- The description of the physical, biological, social and cultural characteristics of the protected natural area, in the national, regional and local context, as well as the analysis of the situation that keeps land tenure on the respective surface;

II.- The actions to be taken in the short, medium and long term, establishing their links with the National Development Plan, as well as with the corresponding sectoral programs. Such actions shall include, inter alia, environmental research and education, the protection and sustainable use of natural resources, flora and fauna, for the development of recreational activities, tourism, infrastructure works and other productive activities, financing for the administration of the area, prevention and control of contingencies, surveillance and other activities that due to the characteristics of the protected natural area require;

III.- The way in which the management of the area will be organized and the mechanisms of participation of the individuals and communities established in it, as well as of all those persons, institutions, groups and social organisations interested in their protection and sustainable use;

IV.- The specific objectives of the protected natural area;

V.- The reference to the official Mexican rules applicable to each and every activity to which the area is subject;

VI.- Existing and planned biological inventories, and

VII.- The administrative character rules to be attached to activities that are developed in the protected natural area in question.

The Secretariat must publish in the Official Journal of the Federation, a summary of the respective management program and the location plan of the area.

ARTICLE 67.- The Secretariat may, once the respective management program is available, grant the governments of the States, the Municipalities and the Federal District, as well as the as for ejidos, agricultural communities, indigenous peoples, social groups and organizations, and business and other natural or moral persons concerned, the administration of the protected natural areas referred to in fractions I to VIII of the Article 46 of this Law. To this end, the agreements or conventions to which the applicable legislation applies shall be concluded.

Those who, pursuant to the provisions of this Article, acquire the responsibility to administer the protected natural areas, shall be obliged to subject themselves to the provisions of this Law, regulations, Mexican official regulations to be issued in the field, as well as to comply with the decrees establishing these areas and the respective management programs.

The Secretariat should monitor and evaluate compliance with the agreements and conventions referred to in this provision. It shall also ensure that in the authorisations for the performance of activities in natural protected areas of its competence, the above forecasts are observed.

ARTICLE 68.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 69.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 70.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 71.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 72.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 73.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 74.- The Secretariat will integrate the National Registry of Protected Natural Areas, where the decrees by which they are declared must be registered. protected natural areas of federal interest, and instruments that modify them. Records of the registration of the respective decrees in the relevant public records of the property shall be entered in that Register. The registration of the certificates referred to in Article 77 BIS of this Law shall also be integrated.

Any person may consult the National Register of Protected Natural Areas, which must be integrated into the National Environmental and Environmental Information System. Natural Resources.

ARTICLE 75.- All acts, conventions and contracts relating to property, possession or any right relating to immovable property located in protected natural areas must contain a reference to the corresponding declaratory and its registration data in the Public Registry of the Property.

Notaries and any other public office holders may only authorize public writings, acts, agreements or contracts in which they intervene, when the provisions of the provisions of the in this Article.

ARTICLE 75 BIS.- The revenue that the Federation receives for the granting of permits, authorizations and licenses in the area of protected natural areas, as determined by the Applicable laws shall be used to carry out actions for the preservation and restoration of biodiversity within the areas in which such income is generated.


National System of Protected Natural Areas

ARTICLE 76.- The Secretariat will integrate the National System of Protected Natural Areas, with the purpose of including in the same areas as for its biodiversity and ecological characteristics. considered to be of particular relevance in the country.

The integration of protected natural areas from federal competition to the National System of Protected Natural Areas, by the Secretariat, will require the prior favorable opinion of the National Council of Protected Natural Areas.

ARTICLE 77.- The dependencies of the Federal Public Administration, the governments of the States, the Federal District and the municipalities, must consider in their programs and actions that affect the territory of a protected natural area of federal jurisdiction, as well as in the granting of permits, concessions and authorizations for works or activities carried out in those areas, the forecasts contained in this Law, regulations, Mexican official rules to be issued in the matter, in the decrees establishing the protected natural areas and the respective management programs.


Establishment, Administration, and Management of Voluntarily Intended Areas for Conservation

ARTICLE 77 BIS.- Indigenous peoples, social organizations, moral, public or private persons, and other persons interested in voluntarily allocating to The pre-god conservation of your property, shall establish, administer and handle such areas in accordance with the following:

I.- The areas voluntarily intended for conservation shall be established by certificate issued by the Secretariat, in which it recognizes them as areas natural protected. Those interested in obtaining such a certificate shall submit an application containing:

a) Owner name;

b) Legal document that accredits the property of the property;

c) Where appropriate, the resolution of the ejidal or communal assembly in which the will to allocate their pregod to conservation is manifested;

d) Name of authorized persons to perform administrative acts in the area;

e) Name, location, surface, and colindances of the area;

f) Description of the overall physical and biological characteristics of the area;

g) Management strategy that includes zoning for the area, and

h) Deadline for which you want to certify the area, which may not be less than fifteen years.

For the elaboration of the management strategy referred to in point (g) of this fraction, the Secretariat shall provide the necessary technical advice, at the request of the promote.

In the private and social areas voluntarily intended for the conservation of the Federation's competence, all the sub-areas provided for in the Article 47 BIS of this Law, as well as any other freely decided by the owners;

II.- The certificate issued by the Secretariat shall contain:

a) Owner name;

b) Denomination, location, surface, and colindances of the area;

c) General physical and biological characteristics and the status of predium conservation, which support the issuance of the certificate;

d) Management strategy;

e) Owner's Duties, and

f) A minimum of fifteen years.

III.- The Secretariat may establish different levels of certification according to the general physical and biological characteristics and the state of conservation of the premises, as well as the time limit for issuing the certificate and its management strategy, so that, on the basis of these levels, the authorities concerned define and determine access to the economic instruments that will have the owners of such premises. These levels shall also be considered by the competent agencies in the certification of products or services;

IV.- The areas voluntarily intended for conservation will be managed by their owner and will be handled according to the management strategy defined in the certificate. When such areas are located within the polygon of other protected natural areas previously declared as such by the Federation, the Federal District Government, the states and the municipalities, the management strategy will observe the provisions of the the declaratory and related management programs.

Also, when the Federal Executive, the governments of the States or the municipalities establish a protected natural area whose area includes totally or partially a or several areas voluntarily intended for conservation, shall take into consideration the management strategies identified in the certificates issued by the Secretariat;

V.- When the sustainable use of natural resources is made in the areas voluntarily intended for conservation, the products obtained may have a sustainability stamp issued by the Secretariat in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Regulation. This fraction does not apply for the use of forest resources whose products will be certified on the basis of the General Law on Sustainable Forest Development, and

VI.- The Regulation shall establish procedures relating to the modification of areas or management strategies, as well as transmission, extinction or extension of the certificates issued by the Secretariat.


Restore Zones

ARTICLE 78.- In those areas that present processes of degradation or desertification, or serious ecological imbalances, the Secretariat should formulate and implement ecological restoration programs, for the purpose of carrying out the necessary actions for the recovery and restoration of the conditions that would lead to the evolution and continuity of the natural processes in which they were developed.

In the formulation, implementation and monitoring of these programs, the Secretariat should promote the participation of owners, holders, social organizations, public or private, indigenous peoples, local governments, and other stakeholders.

ARTICLE 78 BIS.- In cases where accelerated processes of desertification or degradation are occurring that involve the loss of resources of very difficult regeneration, recovery or restoration, or irreversible effects on the ecosystems or its elements, the Secretariat, will promote to the Federal Executive the issuing of declaratory for the establishment of ecological restoration zones. For this purpose, it shall prepare the studies to justify them.

The declaratory must be published in the Official Journal of the Federation, and they will be entered in the Public Registry of the corresponding Property.

Declaratoria may comprise, in a partial or total manner, pregod subject to any property regime, and shall express:

I.- The delimitation of the area subject to ecological restoration, specifying surface, location, and deslinde;

II.- The actions necessary to regenerate, recover, or restore the natural conditions of the zone;

III.- The conditions under which the use of soil, the use of natural resources, flora and fauna, as well as the performance of any type of work, will be subjected within the area. activity;

IV.- The guidelines for the preparation and implementation of the corresponding ecological restoration program, as well as for the participation in these activities of owners, holders, social organizations, public or private, peoples indigenous, local governments and other stakeholders, and

V.- The deadlines for the implementation of the respective ecological restoration programme.

ARTICLE 78 BIS 1.- All acts and conventions relating to property, possession or any other right relating to immovable property located in the areas that are subject to the declaratory referred to in Article 78 BIS shall be subject to the application of the arrangements laid down in the declaratory itself.

Notaries and any other public fedarios shall record such a circumstance by authorizing public writings, acts, conventions or contracts in which they are involved.

Any act, convention or contract that contravene the provisions of the said declaratory shall be null and void.


Flora and Wildlife

ARTICLE 79.- For the preservation and sustainable use of wild flora and fauna, the following criteria will be considered:

I.- The preservation and conservation of biodiversity and the natural habitat of flora and fauna species found in the national territory and in the areas where the nation exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction;

II.- The continuity of the evolutionary processes of flora and fauna species and other biological resources, allocating representative areas of the country's ecological systems to actions of preservation and research;

III.- The preservation of endemic, threatened, endangered or special protection species;

IV.- Combating trafficking or illegal appropriation of species;

V.- The promotion and creation of biological rehabilitation and repopulation stations of wildlife species;

VI.- The participation of social, public or private organizations, and other stakeholders in the preservation of biodiversity;

VII.- The promotion and development of wildlife research, and of genetic materials, in order to know its scientific, environmental, economic and strategic value for the Nation;

VIII.- The promotion of the dignified and respectful treatment of animal species, with the purpose of avoiding cruelty against them;

IX.- The development of alternative productive activities for rural communities, and

X.- Traditional biological knowledge and community participation, as well as indigenous peoples in the development of biodiversity programs in the areas in which they live.

ARTICLE 80.- The criteria for the conservation and sustainable use of wild flora and fauna, as referred to in Article 79 of this Law, will be considered in:

I.- The granting of concessions, permits and, in general, of all kinds of authorizations for the use, possession, administration, conservation, repopulation, propagation and development of the wild flora and fauna;

II.- The establishment or modification of wild flora and fauna vedas;

III. The actions of plant health care;

IV.- The protection and conservation of the flora and fauna of the national territory, against the harmful action of invasive alien species, pests and diseases, or the contamination that may result from plant-animal activities;

V.- The establishment of a national system of information on biodiversity and certification of the sustainable use of its components developed by the National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity, as well as the regulation of the preservation and restoration of wild flora and fauna;

VI. The formulation of the annual programme of production, repopulation, cultivation, sowing and dissemination of species of aquatic flora and fauna;

VII. The creation of refuge areas to protect aquatic species that require them; and

VIII. The determination of the methods and measures applicable or indispensable for the conservation, cultivation and repopulation of the fishery resources.

ARTICLE 81.- The Secretariat shall establish the vedas of the wild flora and fauna, and its modification or uprising, based on the studies that for this purpose it has previously carried out.

The Vedas will aim to preserve, repopulation, spread, distribute, acclimatize or shelter specimens, mainly from those endemic, threatened, endangered species. extinction or subject to special protection.

The legal instruments by which the measures are to be established must specify their nature and temporality, the limits of the areas or areas closed and the species of flora or fauna covered by the in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

Such instruments must be published in the official distribution body of the State or States where the area is located, without prejudice to the provisions of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation and other applicable ordinances.

ARTICLE 82.- The provisions of this Law are applicable to the possession, administration, preservation, repopulation, propagation, import, export and development of the flora and wild fauna and genetic material, without prejudice to other legal systems.

ARTICLE 83.- The use of natural resources in areas that are the habitat of species of wild flora or fauna, especially those endemic, threatened or in the danger of extinction must be made in such a way that the conditions necessary for the subsistence, development and evolution of these species are not altered.

The Secretariat should promote and support the management of wild flora and fauna, based on traditional biological knowledge, technical, scientific and economic information, with the the purpose of making sustainable use of species.

ARTICLE 84.- The Secretariat will issue Mexican official standards for the preservation and sustainable use of wildlife and other biological resources.

ARTICLE 85. When this is required for the protection of species, habitats, ecosystems, economy or public health, the Secretariat will promote Secretariat of Economy the establishment of measures of regulation or restriction, in whole or in part, to the export or import of specimens of the native or exotic flora and fauna and will impose the necessary restrictions for the movement or transit through the national territory of flora species and wild fauna from and destined for abroad.

ARTICLE 86.- It is up to the Secretariat to apply the provisions on the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife species to establish this and other species. laws, and authorize their use in economic activities, without prejudice to the powers that correspond to other dependencies, in accordance with other laws.

ARTICLE 87.- The use of species of wild flora and fauna in economic activities may be authorized when individuals guarantee their controlled reproduction or development in captivity or semi-summer or when the rate of exploitation is less than that of natural renewal of the populations, in accordance with the official Mexican standards that the Secretariat has to the effect.

The use of natural populations of endangered or endangered species may not be permitted except in cases where controlled reproduction and the use of the species are guaranteed. development of populations of the species concerned.

The authorization for the sustainable use of endemic species will be granted in accordance with the Mexican official rules that the Secretariat will issue, provided that Use does not threaten or endanger the species.

The use of species of wild flora and fauna requires the express consent of the owner or legitimate holder of the property in which they are located. The Secretariat may also grant such owners or holders, when they ensure the controlled reproduction and development of wild fauna populations, the relevant legal permits.

The collection of species of wild flora and fauna, as well as other biological resources for scientific research purposes, requires authorization from the Secretariat and must be subject to the terms and formalities laid down in the official Mexican rules to be issued, as well as the other applicable laws. In any case, it must be ensured that the results of the investigation are made available to the public. These authorisations may not be used for the purposes of use in biotechnology, which shall be subject to the provisions of Article 87 BIS.

The use of non-timber and wood-burning forest resources for domestic uses shall be subject to the official Mexican rules issued by the Secretariat and other provisions applicable.

ARTICLE 87 BIS.- The use of species of wild flora and fauna, as well as other biological resources for use in biotechnology requires authorization of the Secretariat.

The authorization referred to in this article may be granted only if the prior, express and informed consent of the owner or legitimate holder of the property in which the biological resource is found.

Likewise, such owners or legitimate holders shall have the right to a fair distribution of the benefits arising from or arising from the use made of them this Article, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

The Secretariat and other competent agencies shall establish the mechanisms necessary to exchange information regarding authorisations or resolutions relating to the use of of biological resources for the purposes referred to in this precept.

ARTICLE 87 BIS 1.- The revenue that the Federation receives for the granting of permits, authorizations and licenses in the area of wild flora and fauna determine the applicable laws, will be used to carry out actions to preserve and restore biodiversity in the areas that constitute the habitat of the species of wild flora and fauna in respect of which they were granted the permissions, licenses, or corresponding authorizations.

ARTICLE 87 BIS 2.- The Federal Government, the governments of the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, within the scope of their respective powers, regulate the dignified and respectful treatment to be given to animals.

It is up to the Federal Government to issue the official Mexican norms that determine the basic principles of dignified and respectful treatment provided for by this Law, which include conditions of captivity, display, transportation, feeding, exploitation, , maintenance and slaughter of the animals, as well as monitoring their compliance.


Sustainable Use of Natural Elements


Sustainable Use of Water and Water Ecosystems

ARTICLE 88.- For sustainable use of water and aquatic ecosystems, the following criteria will be considered:

I. It is for the State and society to protect the aquatic ecosystems and the balance of the natural elements involved in the hydrological cycle;

II.- The sustainable use of natural resources comprising aquatic ecosystems must be carried out in such a way that their ecological balance is not affected;

III.- To maintain the integrity and balance of the natural elements involved in the hydrological cycle, the protection of soils and forest and jungle areas and the maintenance of basic flows of water streams, and the recharge capacity of aquifers, and

IV.- The preservation and sustainable use of water, as well as aquatic ecosystems, is the responsibility of its users, as well as those who carry out works or activities that affect those resources.

ARTICLE 89.- The criteria for sustainable use of water and aquatic ecosystems will be considered in:

I. The formulation and integration of the National Hydraulic Program;

II. The granting of concessions, permits, and in general all kinds of authorizations for the use of natural resources or the performance of activities that affect or may affect the hydrological cycle;

III. The granting of authorizations for the diversion, extraction or derivation of national-owned waters;

IV.- The establishment of regulated, closed, or reserve zones;

V.- The suspensions or revocations of permits, authorizations, concessions or allocations granted in accordance with the provisions of the Law of National Waters, in those cases of works or activities that damage national water resources or affect the ecological balance;

VI.- The operation and administration of drinking water and sewerage systems serving population centers and industries;

VII.- The forecasts contained in the Federal District's director for urban development program regarding water reuse policy;

VIII.- Policies and programs for the protection of aquatic species endemic, threatened, endangered or subject to special protection;

IX.- Concessions for the realization of aquaculture activities, in terms of the provisions of the Fisheries Law, and

X.- The creation and administration of areas or areas of fisheries protection.

XI.- All practices of different productive sectors that affect the quality of surface water and groundwater.

XII.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 90.- The Secretariat, in coordination with the Secretariat of Health, will issue the official Mexican rules for the establishment and management of river protection zones, springs, deposits, and in general, sources of water supply for the service of populations and industries, and will promote the establishment of water reserves for human consumption.

ARTICLE 91.- The granting of authorizations to affect the course or flow of water streams shall be subject to the ecological criteria contained in this Law.

ARTICLE 92.- For the purpose of ensuring the availability of water and reducing waste levels, the competent authorities will promote the saving and efficient use of water, the treatment of wastewater and its reuse.

ARTICLE 93.- The Secretariat will carry out the necessary actions to avoid, and in its case, control processes of eutrofication, salinization and any other process of contamination in the waters national.

ARTICLE 94.- The exploration, exploitation, exploitation and administration of living and non-living aquatic resources will be subject to what is established by this Law, the Law of Fisheries, the official rules mexican and the other applicable provisions.

ARTICLE 95.- The Secretariat must ask the interested parties, in the terms indicated in this Law, to carry out environmental impact studies prior to granting concessions, permits, and general, authorisations for the performance of fishing activities, where the use of the species jeopardises their preservation or may cause ecological imbalance.

ARTICLE 96.- The Secretariat will issue Mexican official standards for the protection of aquatic ecosystems and promote the coordination of actions to preserve and restore the aquatic ecosystems with productive sectors and communities.

ARTICLE 97.- The Secretariat will establish nurseries, breeding grounds and reserves of aquatic flora and fauna species.


Preservation and Sustainable Use of Soil and its Resources

ARTICLE 98.- For the preservation and sustainable use of soil, the following criteria are considered:

I. The use of soil must be compatible with its natural vocation and must not alter the equilibrium of ecosystems;

II. The use of soils should be done in such a way that they maintain their physical integrity and productive capacity;

III. The productive uses of soil should avoid practices that favor erosion, degradation or modification of topographical characteristics, with adverse ecological effects;

IV.- In the actions of preservation and sustainable use of the soil, the necessary measures must be considered to prevent or reduce its erosion, deterioration of the physical properties, chemical or biological soil and the lasting loss of natural vegetation;

V.- In areas affected by degradation or desertification, the necessary regeneration, recovery and rehabilitation actions must be carried out at the end of the restore them, and

VI.- The realization of public or private works that may cause severe deterioration of the soils themselves, must include equivalent actions of regeneration, recovery and reset your natural vocation.

ARTICLE 99.- The ecological criteria for sustainable soil preservation and use will be considered as:

I. The support to the agricultural activities that the Federal Government grants, directly or indirectly, to be of a credit, technical or investment nature, to promote the progressive incorporation of crops compatible with preservation the ecological balance and restoration of ecosystems;

II. The foundation of population centers and human settlement activity;

III.- The establishment of uses, reserves and destinations, in urban development plans, as well as in the improvement and conservation actions of population centers;

IV. The determination of uses, reserves and destinations in forest lands;

V.- Setting up forest zones and reserves;

VI. The determination or modification of the limits laid down in the agostadero coefficients;

VII.- The provisions, technical guidelines and programs for the protection and restoration of soils in agricultural, forestry and hydraulic activities;

VIII. The establishment of soil conservation districts;

IX. The forest management of the river basins of the national territory;

X. The granting and modification, suspension or revocation of forest use permits;

XI. The activities of extraction of subsoil materials; the exploration, exploitation, profit and exploitation of mineral substances; excavations and all actions that alter forest cover and soils; and

XII.- The formulation of the ecological ordering programs referred to in this Law.

ARTICLE 100.- The authorizations for the use of forest resources imply the obligation to make a sustainable use of this resource. Where forest activities seriously impair the ecological balance, affect the biodiversity of the area as well as the regeneration and productive capacity of the land, the competent authority shall revoke, amend or suspend the authorization in terms of the provisions of the General Law on Sustainable Forest Development.

ARTICLE 101.- In selvatic areas, the Federal Government will address as a matter of priority, in accordance with applicable provisions:

I.- The preservation and sustainable use of forest ecosystems, where agricultural activities are established;

II.- The progressive change of the practice of roza, grave and burning to others that do not imply deterioration of the ecosystems, or those that do not allow their natural regeneration or that alter the processes of ecological succession;

III.- The compliance, in the extraction of non-renewable resources, of the criteria established in this Law, as well as of the Mexican official norms that are issued to the effect;

IV.- The introduction of ecosystems that are compatible with ecosystems and that support their restoration when they have suffered deterioration;

V.- The ecological regulation of human settlements;

VI.- The prevention of erosion phenomena, deterioration of physical, chemical or biological properties of soil and lasting loss of natural vegetation, and

VII.- The regeneration, recovery and rehabilitation of areas affected by degradation or desertification, in order to restore them.

ARTICLE 101 BIS.- In the performance of activities in arid zones, the criteria that for the preservation and sustainable use of the soil are established in this Law and any other applicable provisions.

ARTICLE 102.- All authorizations that affect the use of soil in the jungle or arid zones, as well as the ecological balance of their ecosystems, are subject to the criteria and provisions establishing this Law and other applicable provisions.

ARTICLE 103.- Those who carry out agricultural and livestock activities must carry out the practices of preservation, sustainable use and restoration necessary to avoid Soil degradation and ecological imbalances and, where appropriate, their rehabilitation, in the terms of the provisions of this and other applicable laws.

ARTICLE 104.- The Secretariat shall promote to the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food and other agencies and entities the introduction and generalization of practices for the protection and restoration of soils in agricultural activities, as well as the carrying out of environmental impact studies to be carried out prior to the granting of authorizations to make changes to the use of the soil, where there are elements to provide for serious deterioration of the affected soils and the ecological balance of the area.

ARTICLE 105.- In fiscal stimuli that are granted to forestry activities, ecological criteria must be considered in such a way as to promote development and promotion. Forestry, the establishment and expansion of forest plantations and the works for the protection of forest soils, in the terms of this Law and the Forest Law.

ARTICLE 106.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 107.- Repeals.


From Exploration and Exploitation of Non-Renewable Resources in Ecological Balance

ARTICLE 108.- To prevent and control the effects generated in the exploration and exploitation of non-renewable resources in the ecological balance and integrity of ecosystems, the Secretariat issue the official Mexican rules that allow:

I.- The control of the quality of the waters and the protection of those used or the result of those activities, so that they may be the object of other uses;

II. The protection of soils and wild flora and fauna, so that the topographical alterations that generate these activities are timely and properly addressed; and

III. The proper location and forms of the demontes, tailings and slags of mines and mineral benefit establishments.

ARTICLE 109.- The Mexican official rules referred to in the previous article will be observed by the holders of concessions, authorizations and permits for the use, exploitation, exploration, exploitation and benefit of non-renewable natural resources.


Protection of the Environment


General Provisions

ARTICLE 109 BIS. The Secretariat, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, will have to integrate a record of emissions and transfer of pollutants to the air, water, soil and subsoil, materials and residues of its competence, as well as substances to be determined by the relevant authority. The registration information shall be integrated with the data and documents contained in the authorizations, cedulas, reports, reports, licenses, permits and concessions that are processed in environmental matters to the Secretariat, or competent authority of the Government of the Federal District, of the States, and, where appropriate, of the Municipalities.

The natural and moral persons responsible for polluting sources are required to provide the information, data and documents necessary for the integration of the registration. The registration information shall be integrated with data disaggregated by substance and by source, by annexing the name and address of the establishments subject to registration.

The information recorded will be public and will have declarative effects. The Secretariat shall allow access to such information in the terms of this Law and other applicable legal provisions and shall be pro-actively disseminated.

ARTICLE 109 BIS 1.- The Secretariat must establish the necessary mechanisms and procedures, with the purpose of having the stakeholders carry out a single procedure, in cases where for the operation and operation of industrial, commercial or service establishments requires obtaining various permits, licenses or authorizations to be granted by the dependency itself.


Prevention and Control of the Pollution of the Atmosphere

ARTICLE 110.- For the protection of the atmosphere the following criteria shall be considered:

I. Air quality must be satisfactory in all human settlements and regions of the country; and

II. The emissions of pollutants from the atmosphere, whether from artificial or natural sources, fixed or mobile, must be reduced and controlled, to ensure a satisfactory air quality for the well-being of the population and the ecological balance.

ARTICLE 111.- To control, reduce or prevent air pollution, the Secretariat will have the following powers:

I.- Exorder Mexican official standards that establish the environmental quality of the different areas, zones or regions of the national territory, based on the maximum concentration values permissible for the public health of pollutants in the environment, as determined by the Health Secretariat;

II.- Integrate and maintain the inventory of pollutant-emitting sources into the atmosphere of federal jurisdiction, and coordinate with local governments for the integration of the national inventory and corresponding regional inventory;

III.- Exorder the Mexican official standards that establish by pollutant and source of contamination, the maximum permissible levels of emission of odours, gases as well as solid particles and liquid to the atmosphere from fixed and mobile sources;

IV.- Formulate and implement programs for the emission reduction of pollutants into the atmosphere, based on the air quality that is determined for each area, zone or region of the national territory. Such programmes shall provide for the objectives to be achieved, the corresponding deadlines and the mechanisms for their implementation;

V.- Promote and technically support local governments in the formulation and implementation of air quality management programs, which aim to meet standards applicable;

VI.- Require those responsible for the operation of fixed sources of federal jurisdiction, compliance with the maximum permissible emission limits for contaminants, in accordance with the provisions of the provisions of the Article 37 of this Law, its regulations and the respective Mexican official rules;

VII.- Exorder Mexican official standards for the establishment and operation of air quality monitoring systems;

VIII.- Exorder Mexican official standards for certification by the competent authority, from the emission levels of pollutants to the atmosphere from determined sources;

IX. To request, in coordination with the Secretariat of the Economy, the Mexican official norms that establish the maximum permissible levels of pollutants into the atmosphere, coming from new automotive vehicles in the plant and from motor vehicles in circulation, considering the maximum permissible concentration values for the human being of pollutants in the environment, determined by the Secretariat of Health;

X.- Define maximum permissible levels of emission of pollutants into the atmosphere by sources, areas, zones or regions in such a way that the assimilation capacities of the basins are not exceeded. air quality and official Mexican standards are met;

XI.- Promote in coordination with the competent authorities, in accordance with applicable provisions, transferable emission rights systems pollutants to the atmosphere;

XII.- Approve the air quality management programs developed by local governments for compliance with the respective Mexican official standards;

XIII.- Promote to those responsible for the operation of polluting sources, the application of new technologies, with the purpose of reducing their emissions to the atmosphere, and

XIV.- Exorder Mexican official standards to establish the forecasts to which the operation of fixed sources that emit pollutants into the atmosphere should be subjected, in cases of Environmental contingencies and emergencies.

ARTICLE 111 BIS.- For the operation and operation of fixed sources of federal jurisdiction that emit or are able to emit solid or liquid odors, gases or particles to the atmosphere, the Secretariat shall be authorised to do so.

For the purposes referred to in this Law, it is considered fixed sources of federal jurisdiction, chemical, petroleum and petrochemical industries, paints and inks, automotive, Cellulose and paper, metallurgical, glass, electrical energy generation, asbestos, cement and heating and hazardous waste treatment.

The regulation to be issued will determine the specific subsectors belonging to each of the industrial sectors mentioned above, the establishments of which will be subject to the provisions of the federal legislation as regards the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere.

ARTICLE 112.- On the prevention and control of air pollution, the governments of the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, in accordance with the distribution of privileges as set out in Articles 7o, 8o. and 9o. of this Law, as well as with local legislation in the field:

I.- They will control air pollution in goods and areas of local jurisdiction, as well as fixed sources that function as industrial, commercial and commercial establishments. services, provided that they are not covered by Article 111 BIS of this Law;

II.- They will apply the general criteria for the protection of the atmosphere in the urban development plans of their competence, defining the areas in which the installation is permitted of polluting industries;

III.- Require those responsible for the operation of fixed sources of local jurisdiction, compliance with the maximum permissible emission limits for contaminants, in accordance with the provisions of the provisions of the in the regulations of this Law and in the respective Mexican official rules;

IV.- They will integrate and keep updated the inventory of sources of contamination;

V. They shall establish and operate vehicle emission verification systems in circulation;

VI.- They will establish and operate, with technical support, if any, from the Secretariat, air quality monitoring systems. Local governments will submit to the Secretariat the local reports of atmospheric monitoring, so that it will integrate them into the National Environmental Information System;

VII. Establish requirements and procedures for regulating emissions from public transport, except for the federal, and transit measures, and, where applicable, suspension of movement, in severe cases of contamination;

VIII. Take the necessary preventive measures to avoid environmental contingencies due to air pollution;

IX. Draw up the reports on the state of the environment in the relevant entity or municipality, which they agree with the Secretariat through the coordination arrangements to be concluded;

X.- They will impose sanctions and measures for violations of laws that will be issued by local legislatures, or on the police and good government camps and regulations issued by local councils. agreement with this Law;

XI.- Formuaran and apply, based on the Mexican official standards issued by the Federation to establish environmental quality in the national territory, air quality management programs, and

XII.- They shall exercise the other powers conferred upon them by applicable laws and regulations.

ARTICLE 113.- No contaminants must be emitted into the atmosphere that cause or may cause ecological imbalances or damage to the environment. In all emissions to the atmosphere, the provisions of this Law and of the regulatory provisions that emanate from it, as well as the official Mexican rules issued by the Secretariat, must be observed.

ARTICLE 114.- The competent authorities shall promote, in areas that have been determined as suitable for industrial use, close to residential areas, the installation of industries using technologies and fuels that generate less pollution.

ARTICLE 115.- The Secretariat will promote the determination of land uses that define the respective urban development programs, topographic, climatological and meteorological, to ensure adequate dispersion of contaminants.

ARTICLE 116.- For the granting of fiscal stimulus, competent authorities will consider who:

I. Acquire, install or operate equipment for the control of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere;

II. Fabriquen, install or provide maintenance to filtering, combustion, control, and in general, emissions treatment equipment that pollutes the atmosphere;

III. Realize scientific and technological research and innovation, whose application decreases the generation of pollutant emissions, and

IV. Locate or relocate your facilities to avoid polluting emissions in urban areas.


Prevention and Control of Water Pollution and Water Ecosystems

ARTICLE 117.- For the prevention and control of water pollution the following criteria will be considered:

I. The prevention and control of water pollution is essential to avoid reducing its availability and to protect the country's ecosystems;

II. It is for the State and society to prevent the contamination of rivers, basins, vessels, marine waters and other reservoirs and streams of water, including the waters of the subsoil;

III. The use of water in productive activities that can produce its contamination, carries responsibility for the treatment of discharges, in order to reintegrate it in suitable conditions for its use in other activities and for maintain the balance of ecosystems;

IV. Waste water of urban origin should be treated prior to discharge into rivers, basins, vessels, marine waters and other reservoirs or streams of water, including the waters of the subsoil; and

V. The participation and co-responsibility of society is an indispensable condition for the prevention of water pollution.

ARTICLE 118.- The criteria for the prevention and control of water pollution will be considered in:

I.- The issuance of Mexican official standards for the use, treatment and disposal of wastewater, to prevent risks and damage to public health;

II.- The formulation of the Mexican official norms that will have to satisfy the treatment of water for human use and consumption, as well as for the infiltration and discharge of waste water into bodies receivers considered to be national waters;

III. The agreements concluded by the Federal Executive for the delivery of block water to users ' systems or users, in particular as regards the determination of the waste water treatment systems to be installed;

IV.- The establishment of regulated, closed, or reserve zones in terms of the National Water Act;

V. The concessions, allowances, permits and, in general, authorizations to be obtained by the concessionaires, allocatarios or permissionaries, and in general the users of the waters owned by the nation, to infiltrate wastewater in the lands, or to be discarded in other receiving bodies other than the culverts of the populations; and

VI. The organization, direction and regulation of hydrology works in basins, channels and alvees of national, surface and underground waters.

VII.- The classification of waste water discharge receiving bodies, according to their capacity for assimilation or dilution and the pollutant load they may receive.

ARTICLE 119.- The Secretariat shall issue the official Mexican rules that are required to prevent and control the contamination of national waters, in accordance with the provisions of the this Act, in the National Waters Act, its Rules of Procedure and other applicable provisions.

Dealing with Mexican Official Standards that are required to prevent water contamination, the Secretariat will develop and issue a Mexican Standard around the biodegradability over detergents. In terms of the labelling of such products, it shall be observed that the standard or standards for products and services are observed in a timely manner; labelled and packaged for household products. The Secretariat will coordinate with the Secretary of the Navy.

ARTICLE 119 BIS.- In the field of prevention and control of water pollution, it is up to the governments of the States and the Municipalities, by themselves or through their agencies. public water, as well as that of the Federal District, in accordance with the distribution of competences established in this Law and as provided by its local laws in the field:

I.- The control of wastewater discharges to drainage and sewer systems;

II.- The surveillance of the corresponding Mexican official rules, as well as requiring those who generate downloads to those systems and do not comply with these, the installation of treatment systems;

III.- Determine the amount of the corresponding rights for the respective municipality or state authority to carry out the necessary treatment, and if necessary, proceed to the imposition of the penalties to be imposed, and

IV.- Take and update the registration of the discharges to the drainage and sewerage systems that they administer, which will be integrated into the national registry of discharges in charge of the Secretariat.

ARTICLE 120.- To avoid water contamination, federal or local regulation is subject to:

I. Industrial source downloads;

II. Municipal source downloads and their uncontrolled mix with other downloads;

III. Downloads derived from agricultural activities;

IV. Discharges of waste, substances or waste generated in non-renewable resource extraction activities;

V. The application of pesticides, fertilizers and toxic substances;

VI. Infiltrations that affect aquifer manta; and

VII.- The dumping of solid waste, hazardous materials and sludge from wastewater treatment, in bodies and streams of water.

ARTICLE 121.- They may not be unloaded or infiltrated into any body or stream of water or into the soil or subsoil, waste water containing contaminants, without prior treatment and the permission or authorisation of the federal authority, or of the local authority in the case of discharges into waters of local jurisdiction or to the drainage and sewerage systems of the population centres.

ARTICLE 122.- Wastewater from urban public uses and those of industrial or agricultural uses that are discarded in drainage and sewage systems. the populations or river basins, channels, vessels and other reservoirs or streams of water, as well as those which, by any means, are infiltrated into the subsoil, and in general, those which are spilled into the soil, must meet the necessary conditions for prevent;

I. Pollution of the receiving bodies;

II. Interference in water purification processes; and

III. Disorders, impediments or alterations in the correct use, or in the proper functioning of the systems, and in the hydraulic capacity in the basins, channels, vessels, aquifers and other national-owned tanks, as well as sewerage systems.

ARTICLE 123.- All discharges into the collecting networks, rivers, aquifers, basins, channels, vessels, marine waters and other reservoirs or streams of water and water spills Residual in soils or their infiltration into land, they must satisfy the official Mexican norms that for this purpose they are issued, and where appropriate, the particular conditions of discharge to be determined by the Secretariat or the local authorities. It will be up to those who generate such downloads, to perform the required prior treatment.

ARTICLE 124.- When the waste water affects or may affect water sources, the Secretariat shall inform the Health Secretariat and deny the permit or appropriate authorization, or revoke, and where appropriate, order the suspension of the supply.

ARTICLE 125.- Repeals.

ARTICLE 126.- The treatment equipment for urban waste water that is designed, operated or administered by municipalities, state authorities, or the Federal District, they must comply with the official Mexican rules that will be issued.

ARTICLE 127.- The Secretariat, in coordination with the Secretariat of Health, will issue an opinion, based on the studies of the basin and corresponding systems, for the programming and construction of works and installations for the purification of waste water from industrial origin.

ARTICLE 128.- Wastewater from urban drainage and sewage systems can be used in industry and in agriculture if they are subject to it is required, to the treatment that complies with the Mexican official standards issued by the Secretariat, and, where appropriate, by the Secretariat of Health.

In the existing use of wastewater in agriculture, actions will be promoted to improve the quality of the resource, the regulation of crops and the practices of irrigation.

ARTICLE 129.- The granting of allocations, authorizations, concessions or permits for the exploitation, use or exploitation of waters in economic activities susceptible to (a) to pollute such a resource, it shall be conditional on the necessary prior treatment of the waste water produced.

ARTICLE 130. The Secretariat shall authorize the discharge of waste water into marine waters, in accordance with the provisions of the National Water Act, its Regulation and the Mexican official rules that they issue in this regard. Where the origin of the discharges comes from mobile sources or fixed platforms in the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone, as well as from land installations whose discharge is the sea, the Secretariat shall coordinate with the Secretariat of Navy for the issue of the relevant authorisations.

ARTICLE 131.- For the protection of the marine environment, the Secretariat shall issue the official Mexican rules for the exploitation, preservation and administration of natural resources, living and abiotic, the bed and the subsoil of the sea and the suprayacent waters, as well as those to be observed for the performance of exploration and exploitation activities in the exclusive economic zone.

ARTICLE 132.- The Secretariat will coordinate with the Secretariats of the Navy, Energy, Health, Tourism and Communications and Transport, in order to of their respective attributions are involved in the prevention and control of the pollution of the marine environment, as well as in the preservation and restoration of the equilibrium of their ecosystems, according to the provisions of this Law, in the Law of Water National, the Federal Law of the Sea, the General Law of Tourism, international conventions to which Mexico is a party and the other applicable provisions.

ARTICLE 133.- The Secretariat, with the participation that in its case corresponds to the Secretariat of Health according to other legal systems, will carry out a systematic and permanent monitoring of the quality of the water, to detect the presence of pollutants or excess organic waste and to apply the measures. In cases of waters of local jurisdiction will be coordinated with the authorities of the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities.


Soil Pollution Prevention and Control

ARTICLE 134.- For the prevention and control of soil contamination, the following criteria shall be considered:

I. It is up to the state and society to prevent soil contamination;

II. Waste should be controlled as they are the main source of soil contamination;

III.- It is necessary to prevent and reduce the generation of solid, municipal and industrial waste; to incorporate techniques and procedures for their reuse and recycling, as well as to regulate their handling and efficient final disposal;

IV.- The use of pesticides, fertilizers and toxic substances must be compatible with the balance of ecosystems and consider their effects on human health in order to prevent damage that they might cause, and

V.- In soils contaminated by the presence of hazardous materials or waste, the necessary actions must be taken to recover or restore their conditions, in such a way that they can be used in any type of activity provided for by the applicable urban development or environmental management programme.

ARTICLE 135.- The criteria for preventing and controlling soil contamination are considered in the following cases:

I. The planning and regulation of urban development;

II. The operation of the clean and final disposal systems for municipal waste in landfills;

III.- The generation, handling and final disposal of solid, industrial and hazardous waste, as well as the authorizations and permits that are granted.

IV. The granting of all types of authorizations for the manufacture, import, use and in general the performance of activities related to pesticides, fertilizers and toxic substances.

ARTICLE 136.- Waste that accumulates or can accumulate and deposits or infiltrates soils must meet the conditions necessary to prevent or prevent:

I. Soil contamination;

II. Harmful alterations in the biological process of soils;

III.- Soil alterations that impair their use, use, or exploitation, and

IV. Risks and health problems.

ARTICLE 137.- It is subject to the authorization of the Municipalities or the Federal District, in accordance with their local laws in the matter and to the applicable Mexican official rules, the operation of collection, storage, transport, accommodation, reuse, treatment and final disposal systems for municipal solid waste.

The Secretariat shall issue the rules to which the sites, the design, construction and operation of the facilities for the final disposal of municipal solid waste shall be subject to.

ARTICLE 138.- The Secretariat will promote the conclusion of coordination and advisory agreements with state and municipal governments to:

I. The implementation and improvement of collection, treatment and final disposal systems for municipal solid waste; and

II. The identification of alternatives for reuse and final disposal of municipal solid waste, including the production of inventories of the same and its generating sources.

ARTICLE 139.- Any discharge, deposition or infiltration of polluting substances or materials in the soils will be subject to the provisions of this Law, the National Water Law, its provisions regulations and Mexican official rules to be issued by the Secretariat for this purpose.

ARTICLE 140. The generation, handling and final disposal of the slow degradation residues must be subject to what is established in the official rules The Mexican government will issue the Secretariat in coordination with the Secretariat of Economy.

ARTICLE 141. The Secretariat, in coordination with the Secretaries of Economy and Health, will issue official Mexican manufacturing and use of packaging and packaging for all types of products, the materials of which will reduce the generation of solid waste.

In addition, these Dependencies will be promoted to the respective national standards organizations, the issuance of Mexican standards in the matters referred to in this precept.

ARTICLE 142.- no case may the import of waste for its spill, deposit, confinement, storage, incineration or any treatment for its destruction or final disposal in the national territory or in the areas in which the nation exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction. Authorizations for the transit through the national territory of non-hazardous waste destined for another Nation may be granted only when there is prior consent of the latter.

ARTICLE 143. Pesticides, fertilizers, and other hazardous materials will be subject to the official Mexican rules that they issue in the field of their their respective responsibilities, the Secretariat and the Secretariats of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, Health and the Economy. Regulation of this Law will establish regulation, which within the same framework of coordination should be observed in activities related to such materials, including the final disposal of their waste, packaging and empty containers, measures for avoid adverse effects on ecosystems and procedures for the granting of the relevant authorisations.

ARTICLE 144. In accordance with the provisions of this Law, the Federal Plant Health Law and other applicable laws and regulations, the Secretariat shall coordinate with the Secretaries of Health, Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, and the Economy, to participate in the determination of tariff and non-tariff restrictions on imports and export of hazardous materials.

authorisations for the import of pesticides, fertilizers and other hazardous materials shall not be granted where their use is not permitted in the country in which they have been manufactured or manufactured.


Activities Considered as Highly Risky

ARTICLE 145.- The Secretariat will promote that in the determination of land uses, the areas in which the establishment of industries, shops or services considered to be risky because of the severity of the effects they may have on ecosystems or the environment, taking into account:

I.- The topographical, meteorological, climatological, geological, and seismic conditions of the zones;

II. Its proximity to population centers, foreseeing the expansion trends of the respective settlement and the creation of new settlements;

III. The impacts of a possible extraordinary event of the industry, trade or service concerned, on population centers and on natural resources;

IV. Compatibility with other zone activities;

V. The existing and necessary infrastructure for ecological emergency care; and

VI. The infrastructure for the provision of basic services.

ARTICLE 146. The Secretariat, after the opinion of the Secretaries of Energy, Economy, Health, Government and Labor and Social Security, as to the Regulation to be issued, it shall establish the classification of the activities to be regarded as highly risky by virtue of the corrosive, reactive, explosive, toxic, flammable or biological-infectious characteristics for the ecological balance or the environment, of the materials that are generate or operate in industrial, commercial or service establishments, in addition to the management volumes and location of the establishment.

ARTICLE 147.- The performance of industrial, commercial or highly risky services will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the regulatory provisions that of it emanated and the Mexican official norms referred to in the previous article.

Those carrying out highly risky activities, in the terms of the corresponding Regulation, must formulate and submit to the Secretariat an environmental risk study, as well as submit to the Secretariat The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, the programs for the prevention of accidents in the performance of such activities, which may cause serious ecological imbalances.

ARTICLE 147 BIS. Those who perform highly risky activities, in the terms of the corresponding Regulation, must have an environmental risk insurance. To this end, the Secretariat with the approval of the Secretariats of the Interior, Energy, Economy, Health, and Labor and Social Welfare will integrate a National System of Environmental Risk Insurance.

ARTICLE 148.- When to ensure the safety of the neighbors of an industry that carries out highly risky activities, it is necessary to establish a buffer zone, the The Federal Government may, by means of declaratory, establish restrictions on urban uses which may cause risks for the population. The Secretariat shall, before the competent local authorities, promote the establishment of urban development plans or programmes in such areas that housing, commercial or other uses which put the population at risk shall not be permitted.

ARTICLE 149.- States and the Federal District will regulate the performance of activities that are not considered highly risky, when they affect the balance of ecosystems or the environment. within the relevant territorial district, in accordance with the applicable Mexican official rules.

Local legislation will define the basis for the Federation, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities to coordinate their actions with respect to the activities referred to in this precept.


Hazardous Materials and Waste

ARTICLE 150.- The hazardous materials and waste must be handled in accordance with this Law, its Rules of Procedure and the Mexican official regulations issued by the Secretariat, upon the opinion of the Secretariats of Commerce and Industrial Development, Health, Energy, Communications and Transportation, Marine and Government. Regulation of the handling of these materials and waste shall include, as appropriate, their use, collection, storage, transportation, reuse, recycling, processing and final disposal.

The Mexican official rules and regulations referred to in the preceding paragraph shall contain the criteria and lists that identify and classify the materials and hazardous waste due to its degree of danger, considering its characteristics and volumes; in addition, it will have to differentiate those from high and low dangerousness. It is up to the Secretariat to regulate and control hazardous materials and waste.

The Secretariat shall also, in coordination with the agencies referred to in this Article, issue the official Mexican rules laying down the requirements for labelling and packaging of hazardous materials and waste, as well as risk assessment and information on contingencies and accidents that may be generated by their handling, particularly in the case of chemicals.

ARTICLE 151.- The responsibility for the handling and final disposal of hazardous waste is for the person who generates them. In the event that the handling and final disposal services of hazardous waste are contracted with companies authorized by the Secretariat and the waste is delivered to these companies, the responsibility for the operations will be regardless of the responsibility that, if any, has the gender.

Those who generate, reuse or recycle hazardous waste must do so in the knowledge of the Secretariat in the terms provided for in the Regulation of this Law.

In authorisations for the establishment of hazardous waste confinements, only waste that cannot be technically and economically subject to reuse shall be included, Thermal or chemical recycling or destruction, and the containment of hazardous waste in liquid state shall not be permitted.

ARTICLE 151 BIS.- Requires prior authorization from the Secretariat:

I.- The provision of services to third parties for the purpose of the operation of systems for the collection, storage, transportation, reuse, processing, recycling, incineration and final disposal of hazardous waste;

II.- The installation and operation of systems for the treatment or final disposal of hazardous waste, or for recycling when it is intended to recover energy, by its incineration, and

III.- The installation and operation, by the hazardous waste generator, of systems for reuse, recycling and final disposal, outside of the facility where generated such waste.

ARTICLE 152.- The Secretariat will promote programs to prevent and reduce the generation of hazardous waste, as well as to stimulate reuse and recycling.

In those cases where hazardous waste can be used in a process other than that of the genus, the Regulation of this Law and the official Mexican norms that They shall establish the mechanisms and procedures that enable their efficient management from an environmental and economic point of view.

Hazardous waste that is used, treated or recycled in a process other than that generated by the genus, within the same predium, will be subject to internal control by the company in accordance with the formalities laid down in the Rules of Procedure of this Law.

In the event that the waste referred to in the preceding paragraph is transported to a predium other than that in which it was generated, the applicable regulations shall be in accordance with the applicable regulations. the land transport of hazardous waste.

ARTICLE 152 BIS.- When the generation, handling, or final disposal of hazardous materials or waste, produces soil contamination, those responsible for such operations must carry out the necessary actions to recover and restore the conditions of the same, with the aim that the latter may be assigned to one of the activities provided for in the urban development or ecological management programme that is applicable, for the respective area or area.

ARTICLE 153.- The import or export of hazardous materials or waste will be subject to restrictions established by the Federal Executive, in accordance with the provisions of the The Foreign Trade Law. In any case, the following provisions should be observed:

I. It shall be for the Secretariat to monitor and monitor the environmental protection of imported hazardous materials or waste or to export, applying the appropriate security measures, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law. Customs;

II.- Only the import of hazardous materials or waste for their treatment, recycling or reuse may be authorized when their use is in accordance with the laws, regulations, Mexican official rules and other provisions in force;

III.- The importation of hazardous materials or waste, the sole object of which is its final disposal or simple deposit, storage or confinement, may not be authorized. national territory or in areas where the nation exercises its sovereignty and jurisdiction, or where its use or manufacture is not permitted in the country in which it was drawn up;

IV.- The transit through national territory of hazardous materials that do not satisfy the specifications of use or consumption according to which they were manufactured, may not be authorized. the manufacture, use or consumption of which is prohibited or restricted in the country to which they are intended; nor may the transit of such hazardous materials or waste be authorised, where they come from abroad for the purpose of a third country;

V.- The granting of authorizations for the export of hazardous materials or waste shall be subject to the express consent of the receiving country;

VI. The hazardous materials and waste generated in the processes of production, processing, processing or repair in which raw material has been used introduced into the country under the temporary importation procedure, including those regulated in Article 85 of the Customs Law must be returned to the country of origin within the time limit for determining the Secretariat;

VII. The granting of authorizations by the Secretariat for the import or export of hazardous materials or waste shall be subject to the proper guarantee of compliance with the provisions of this Law and the other applicable provisions, as well as the repair of damages which may be caused both on the national territory and abroad; and

Also, the export of hazardous waste should be denied when its re-importation into the national territory is contemplated: there is no express consent of the receiving country; the country of destination requires reciprocity; or implies a breach of the commitments made by Mexico in the Treaties and International Conventions in the field, and

VIII. In addition to any other applicable provisions, the authorisations granted for the import or export of hazardous materials and waste may be revoked, without prejudice to the imposition of the sanction or appropriate penalties, in the following cases:

a) Where, for supervenient reasons, it is found that the authorised hazardous materials or waste constitute a higher risk for the ecological balance than was taken into account for the granting of the relevant authorisation;

b) When the import or export operation does not meet the requirements set out in the ecological guide issued by the Secretariat;

c) When hazardous materials or waste no longer possess the attributes or characteristics according to which they were authorized; and

d) Where it is determined that the authorisation was transferred to a person other than the person who applied for the authorisation, or where the relevant application contains false data, or submitted in such a way as to conceal information necessary for the authorisation. correct assessment of the request.


Nuclear Power

ARTICLE 154.- The Energy Secretariat and the National Nuclear Safety and Safeguards Commission, with the participation that, if appropriate, the Secretariat of Health, will take care of exploration, exploitation and benefit of radioactive minerals, the use of nuclear fuels, the uses of nuclear energy and, in general, the activities related thereto, are carried out in accordance with official standards mexican on nuclear, radiological and physical security of nuclear installations or radioactive, so that risks to human health are avoided and the preservation of ecological balance and protection of the environment is ensured, corresponding to the Secretariat to carry out the environmental impact assessment.


Noise, Vibrations, Thermal and Luminous Energy, Loves, and Visual Pollution

ARTICLE 155.- The emissions of noise, vibration, thermal and light energy and the generation of visual pollution are prohibited as far as the maximum limits laid down in the rules are exceeded. Mexican officials, for this purpose, to issue the Secretariat, considering the maximum permissible concentration values for the human being of contaminants in the environment determined by the Health Secretariat. The federal or local authorities, depending on their sphere of competence, shall take the measures to prevent such limits from being transgressed and, where appropriate, apply the appropriate penalties.

In the construction of works or installations that generate thermal or light energy, noise or vibrations, as well as in the operation or operation of the existing ones, preventive actions must be carried out and corrective to avoid the harmful effects of such contaminants on ecological balance and the environment.

ARTICLE 156.- The official Mexican rules in matters covered by this Chapter shall establish procedures to prevent and control noise, vibration, energy pollution thermal, light, electromagnetic radiation and odours, and set the respective emission limits.

The Health Secretariat shall carry out the necessary analyses, studies, investigations and surveillance in order to locate the origin or provenance, nature, degree, magnitude and frequency emissions to determine when damage to health occurs.

The Secretariat, in coordination with national or international public or private bodies, will integrate information related to this type of pollution, as well as methods and control technology and treatment of the same.


Social Participation and Environmental Information


Social Participation

ARTICLE 157.- The Federal Government should promote the joint participation of society in the planning, execution, evaluation and monitoring of environmental and natural resources policy.

ARTICLE 158.- For the purposes of the previous article, the Secretariat:

I.- Convocation, in the field of the National Democratic Planning System, to the labor, business, peasant and agricultural, fishing and forestry organizations, communities agricultural, indigenous peoples, educational institutions, non-profit social and private organizations and other interested persons to express their opinion and proposals;

II.- It will celebrate agreements of consultation with workers ' organizations and social groups for the protection of the environment in workplaces and housing units; with indigenous peoples, agricultural communities and other peasant organizations for the establishment, administration and management of protected natural areas, and to provide them with ecological advice in activities related to the sustainable use of resources natural; with business organisations, in the cases provided for in this Law for the protection of the environment; with educational and academic institutions, for the conduct of studies and research in the field; with civil organizations and private non-profit institutions, to undertake ecological actions together with social representations and with individuals interested in preserving and restoring the ecological balance for environmental protection;

III.- It will celebrate agreements with the mass media for the dissemination, information and promotion of actions to preserve ecological balance and environmental protection;

IV. Promote the establishment of recognition to the most outstanding efforts of society to preserve and restore ecological balance and protect the environment; and

V.- It will encourage the strengthening of ecological awareness, through the realization of joint actions with the community for the preservation and improvement of the environment, the use of the rational use of natural resources and the correct handling of waste. To this end, the Secretariat may, in a coordinated manner with the corresponding States and Municipalities, conclude agreements on consultation with urban and rural communities, as well as with various social organizations, and

VI.- Concertara actions and investments with the social and private sectors and with academic institutions, social groups and organizations, indigenous peoples and other natural and moral people For the preservation and restoration of ecological balance and protection of the environment.

ARTICLE 159.- The Secretariat will integrate consultation bodies involving entities and agencies of the public administration, academic institutions, and social and business organizations. Such bodies shall have advisory, evaluation and monitoring functions in the field of environmental policy and may issue the opinions and observations they consider relevant. Its organisation and operation shall be subject to the arrangements to be issued by the Secretariat for the purpose.

When the Secretariat has to resolve a matter on which the organs referred to in the preceding paragraph have issued an opinion, the same shall express the causes of acceptance or rejection of such an opinion. opinion.


Right to Environmental Information

ARTICLE 159 BIS.- The Secretariat will develop a National System of Environmental and Natural Resources Information to record, organize, update and disseminate information National environment, which will be available for consultation and which will be coordinated and complemented with the National Accounts System by the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics.

In this System, the Secretariat will have to integrate, among other aspects, information regarding the inventories of natural resources existing in the national territory, the mechanisms and results obtained monitoring of air, water and soil quality, ecological management of the territory, as well as the information referred to in Article 109 BIS and corresponding to the records, programs and actions to be carried out for the preservation of the soil. of ecological balance and protection of the environment.

The Secretariat will gather relevant reports and documents resulting from scientific, academic, technical or other environmental and resource preservation activities. natural or moral, national or foreign, which will be referred to the National System of Environmental and Natural Resources Information.

The States, the Municipalities and the Federal District will participate with the Secretariat in the integration of the National Environmental and Natural Resources Information System.

ARTICLE 159 BIS 1.- The Secretariat shall prepare and publish a detailed report of the general situation in the country in the field of ecological balance and protection. environment.

ARTICLE 159 BIS 2.- The Secretariat will edit a Gazette in which the legal provisions, Mexican official rules, decrees, regulations, agreements and other acts will be published administrative, as well as information of general interest in environmental matters, published by the Federal Government or local governments, or international environmental documents of interest to Mexico, regardless of their publication in the Official Journal of the Federation or other organs of dissemination. Also in this Gazette will be published official information related to protected natural areas and the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources.

ARTICLE 159 BIS 3.- Everyone will have the right to have the environmental information available to the Secretariat, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities. request, in the terms provided for by this Law. Where appropriate, the costs incurred shall be borne by the applicant.

For the purposes of the provisions of this order, environmental information, any written, visual or data-based information available to them is considered. environmental authorities in the field of water, air, soil, flora, fauna and natural resources in general, as well as activities or measures affecting or affecting them.

Any request for environmental information must be submitted in writing, clearly specifying the information requested and the reasons for the request. Applicants must be identified by indicating their name or social reason and address.

ARTICLE 159 BIS 4.- The authorities referred to in the previous article will deny the delivery of information when:

I.- It is considered by legal provision that the information is confidential or that by its nature its dissemination affects national security;

II.- It is information regarding matters of judicial or inspection and surveillance procedures, pending resolution;

III.- This is information provided by third parties when they are not legally required to provide it, or

IV.- This is information about inventories and inputs and process technologies, including the description of the process.

ARTICLE 159 BIS 5.- The environmental authority must respond in writing to the applicants for environmental information within 20 days of receipt of the request. respective request. Should the authority respond negatively to the request, it shall state the reasons for its determination.

If the time limit set in the previous paragraph has elapsed, the environmental authority does not issue its written response, the request shall be deemed to be negative for the applicant.

The environmental authority, within ten days of the request for information, must notify the generator or owner of the request receipt of the request.

Those affected by acts of the Secretariat regulated in this Chapter may be challenged by the interposition of the review facility, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure.

ARTICLE 159 BIS 6.- Who receives environmental information from the competent authorities, in the terms of this Chapter, shall be responsible for its proper use and shall be responsible for the damages and damage caused by improper handling.


Control and Security and Sanctions Measures


General Provisions

ARTICLE 160.- The provisions of this Title shall apply in the performance of acts of inspection and surveillance, enforcement of security measures, determination of violations administrative and commission of offences and their penalties, and administrative procedures and resources, in the case of matters of federal jurisdiction governed by this Law, unless other laws specifically regulate such matters, in relationship to the matters in which this is dealt with.

In the above mentioned subjects, the provisions of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure and on Metrology and Standardisation will be applied in an additional way.

Dealing with matters referred to in this Law which are governed by special laws, this order will be of application for the purposes of the inspection and surveillance procedures.


Inspection and Surveillance

ARTICLE 161.- The Secretariat shall carry out the acts of inspection and monitoring of compliance with the provisions contained in this order, as well as those of the same are derived.

In the Mexican marine areas, the Secretariat, by itself or through the Secretariat of the Navy, will carry out the acts of inspection, surveillance, and, where appropriate, the imposition of sanctions for violations of the provisions of this Law.

ARTICLE 162.- The competent authorities may, through duly authorized personnel, carry out inspection visits, without prejudice to other measures provided for in the laws that they can carry out to verify compliance with this order.

Such personnel, when carrying out the inspection visits, must have the official document that accredits them or authorizes them to practice the inspection or verification, as well as a duly substantiated and reasoned written order issued by a competent authority, specifying the place or area to be inspected and the purpose of the diligence.

ARTICLE 163. The authorized personnel, upon initiation of the inspection, shall be duly identified with the person with whom the diligence is understood, exhibiting, for such purposes. the valid credential effect with photography, issued by competent authority that accredits it to carry out inspection visits in the field, and will show the respective order, giving it a copy of the same with autograph signature, requiring it to the act designates two witnesses.

In the event of a refusal or of the appointees not accepting to serve as witnesses, the authorized personnel may appoint them, indicating this situation in the administrative act which the The effect of the inspection is not to be invoked.

In cases where it was not possible to find at the place of the visit person who could be designated as a witness, the acting personnel must be (a) in the administrative act which the effect is lifted, without affecting the validity of the administrative act.

ARTICLE 164.- On any inspection visit, the minutes shall be drawn up, in which the facts or omissions that had been presented during the inspection shall be recorded in a circumstantial manner. diligence, as well as provided for in Article 67 of the Federal Administrative Procedure Act.

The inspection will be completed, the person with whom the diligence was understood will be given an opportunity to make observations in the same act regarding the facts or omissions settled in the respective act, and to provide evidence which it considers appropriate or makes use of that right within five days of the date on which the due diligence has been carried out.

The minutes will then be signed by the person with whom the diligence was understood, by the witnesses and by the authorized personnel, who will submit a copy of the minutes to the interested.

If the person with whom the diligence or witnesses were understood, refused to sign the minutes, or the person concerned refused to accept a copy of the act, those circumstances would settle in (i), without affecting its validity and evidentiary value.

ARTICLE 165.- The person with whom the diligence is understood shall be obliged to allow the authorized personnel access to the place or places subject to inspection in the terms provided for in the written order referred to in Article 162 of this Law, as well as to provide any kind of information leading to the verification of compliance with this Law and other applicable provisions, with the exception of on industrial property rights which are confidential in accordance with the Law. The information must be maintained by the authority in absolute reserve, if requested by the person concerned, except in the case of a judicial injunction.

ARTICLE 166.- The competent authority may request the assistance of the public force to carry out the inspection visit, when some or some persons impede or to put in place the practice of diligence, irrespective of the penalties to be applied.

ARTICLE 167. Received the inspection report by the ordering authority, it shall require the person concerned, where appropriate, by personal or by mail notification certificate with acknowledgement of receipt, to immediately take corrective or urgent measures which, if necessary, are necessary to comply with the applicable legal provisions, as well as with the permits, licenses, respective authorisations or concessions, indicating the appropriate time limit for their compliance, founding and motivating the requirement. It must also be pointed out to the person concerned that he has a 15-day term in which he may give his right and, where appropriate, provide the evidence he considers to be relevant to the performance of the Secretariat.

Admitted and de-drowned the evidence offered by the person concerned, or after the period referred to in the preceding paragraph, without having made use of that right, shall be put to his provision of the proceedings, so that within three working days, it shall submit in writing its pleadings.

ARTICLE 167 Bis.- The notifications of the administrative acts dictated by the application of this Law shall be made:

I. Personally or by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, in the case of final administrative sites and resolutions, without prejudice to the notification of such acts may be effected in the offices of the competent Administrative Units of the Secretariat, if the persons to whom the notification is required are presented. In the latter case, the corresponding reason will be settled;

II. By kneecap, placed in the strates of the competent Administrative Unit, when the person to whom the notification is required cannot be located after the start the powers of inspection, surveillance or verification referred to in this Title, or where there is no address in the population where the seat of the authorising authority is located;

III. By edict, any notification when the address of the person concerned is not known or where the person to whom the person is to be notified has disappeared. ignore your home address or you are abroad without leaving a legal or authorized representative for such purposes.

Dealing with acts other than those mentioned in part I of this article, notifications may be made by ordinary mail, courier, telegram or, prior to a written request by the person concerned, by means of fax, electronic means of communication or other similar or in the offices of the Administrative Units of the Secretariat, if the persons to receive them are presented at the latest within the the following five working days from the day on which the dictate the acts to be notified. This is without prejudice to the fact that the authorising authority does so for the purpose of rolling out, within the term of ten working days from the day on which the acts to be notified are issued, which shall be fixed in the visible place of the offices of the Administrative Units of the Secretariat.

If the persons concerned, their legal representatives or the persons authorized by them, do not occur in the offices of the Administrative Units of the Secretariat, be notified within the term referred to in the preceding paragraph, the notifications shall be made and shall have their effect on the working day following the date of the fixing of the roll.

From all notification by kneecap it will be added, to the file, a bit of that, settling the corresponding reason, and

IV. By instructional, only in the case referred to in the third paragraph of article 167 Bis 1 of this Law.

ARTICLE 167 Bis 1.- Personal notifications will be made at the address of the person concerned or at the last address that the person to be notified of indicated in the population where the headquarters of the Administrative Units of the Secretariat is located, or, personally, in the official premises of the Secretariat, when they voluntarily appear to receive them in the first two cases, the notifier must ensure that this is the address of the person concerned or of the designated person for those effects and shall deliver the original of the act which is notified and a copy of the respective notice of notification, as well as the date and time when the notification is made, seeking the name and signature of the person with whom the notification is made diligence. If this is denied, it shall be recorded in the notification act, without affecting its validity.

Personal notifications, will be understood with the person to be notified or their legal representative; in the absence of both, the notifier will leave the summons with any the person who is in the domicile, so that the person concerned waits at a fixed time on the following working day. If the address is closed, the summons shall be left in a visible place of the seat, or with the nearest neighbor.

If the person to whom the notice is to be notified does not comply with the summons, the notification shall be understood with any person who is at the address of the person to whom the notification is made. (a) the right to receive the right of residence or to the nearest neighbour, which shall be recorded in the notification act, without the right to receive it or, if it is refused, to receive it or, where the address is closed, the address of the person concerned; it affects its validity.

Of the steps on which the notification is made, the notifier will take a written reason.

ARTICLE 167 Bis 2.- Edicts notifications will be made by making publications that will contain a summary of the acts to be reported. Such publications shall be carried out for two consecutive days in the Official Journal of the Federation or in the Official Gazette or Journal of the Federal Entity in which the Administrative Unit is based, which is aware of the matter and in one of the daily newspapers of greater circulation in the corresponding Federative Entity.

ARTICLE 167 Bis 3.- Personal notifications will have their effects on the day they have been made. The time-limits shall begin to run from the working day following the day on which the notification has been made.

The date of notification by registered mail will be the one on the acknowledgement of receipt.

In notifications by edicts, the date of notification of the last publication in the Official Journal of the Federation or in the Official Journal or Journal shall be the date of notification. of the Federative Entity in which the Administrative Unit of the Secretariat which ordered the publication and in one of the daily newspapers of greater circulation in the corresponding Federative Entity is based.

Rotulon notifications shall have their effects on the business day following the date of their fixation.

ARTICLE 167 Bis 4.- Any notification shall be made within a maximum period of 15 working days, counted from the issuance of the resolution or act which is notify, and shall contain, the full text of the act, as well as the legal basis on which it is supported by the indication whether or not it is final on the administrative route, and where appropriate, the expression of the administrative appeal against it, the body to which it is to be presented and the time limit for its interposition.

ARTICLE 168.- Once the pleadings have been received or the term has elapsed to present them, the Secretariat will proceed, within the next twenty days, to dictate in writing the the respective resolution, which shall be notified to the person concerned, either personally or by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.

During the procedure, and before the administrative decision is made, the person concerned and the Federal Office of the Environment Protection, at the request of the first, actions for the repair and compensation of damage caused to the environment may be agreed.

In the administrative conventions referred to in the preceding paragraph, those who are party to the judicial procedure provided for in the Federal Law of Environmental liability, provided that it is the same violation, facts and damages.

In the formulation and execution of the agreements, the provisions of Article 169 of this Law will be observed, as well as the provisions of the Federal Law on Liability. Environmental protection may also be agreed upon in the conduct of the methodological examination of the operations of the data subject referred to in Article 38 Bis, as well as the mitigation and commutation of the fines resulting from them. In any event, compliance with the obligations of the infringer shall be ensured in any of the forms provided for in the Tax Code of the Federation.

The conclusion of the agreement shall suspend the administrative procedure and the term for the expiry, from the submission of the application to the authority, and until for a period of forty-five working days.

ARTICLE 169.- The administrative procedure resolution will contain:

I.     The penalties to which the person responsible has become creditor;

II.   The measures that the person responsible must take to correct the deficiencies, violations or irregularities observed;

III. The recognition of the terms and obligations arising from the agreement provided for in the previous article, and the measures to be carried out by the person responsible for compliance. In this case, the resolution of the procedure will be public, and

IV.   The time limits for compliance with the obligations of the infringer resulting from the resolution.

The offender shall inform the authorising authority in writing in detail and within five days of the expiry of the relevant time limit, on the fulfilment of the obligations referred to in this Article.

The procuratorate may carry out inspections to verify compliance with the obligations of the infringer. If the act which is lifted has not been complied with, it may be imposed in addition to the penalties provided for in Article 171 of this Law, an additional fine not exceeding the amount provided for in that provision.

In cases where the infringer makes the corrective or urgent enforcement action, remedy the detected irregularities, or comply with the resulting obligations of the agreement provided for in Article 168, within the time limits ordered or agreed by the Federal Office of the Protection of the Environment, provided that the infringer is not a repeat offender, it may revoke or modify the sanction or penalties imposed.

Where appropriate, the Federal Authority shall make the knowledge of the Public Ministry responsible for the conduct of acts or omissions found in the exercise of its powers. faculties that might set up one or more offenses.


Security Measures

ARTICLE 170.- Where there is an imminent risk of ecological imbalance, or serious damage or deterioration to natural resources, cases of pollution with dangerous repercussions for the ecosystems, their components or for public health, the Secretariat, founded and motivated, may order some or some of the following security measures:

I.- The temporary, partial or total closure of polluting sources, as well as facilities in which specimens, products or byproducts of species of species are handled or stored. flora or wild fauna, forest resources, or activities that result in the assumptions referred to in the first paragraph of this article;

II.- The precautionary assurance of hazardous materials and wastes, as well as specimens, products or byproducts of flora or wildlife species or their material genetic resources, forest resources, as well as goods, vehicles, utensils and instruments directly related to the conduct that results in the imposition of the security measure; or

III.- Neutralization or any analogous action that prevents hazardous materials or waste from generating the effects provided for in the first paragraph of this article.

The Secretariat may also promote to the competent authority the implementation of some or some of the security measures to be established in other systems.

ARTICLE 170 BIS.- When the Secretariat orders any of the security measures provided for in this Law, it shall indicate to the data subject, where appropriate, the actions to be carried out. to remedy the irregularities which led to the imposition of those measures, as well as the time limits for their implementation, in order to ensure that, once they have been fulfilled, the withdrawal of the security measure imposed is ordered.


Administrative Sanctions

ARTICLE 171.- The violations of the provisions of this Law, its regulations and the provisions of it shall be administratively sanctioned by the Secretariat, with one or more more of the following sanctions:

I.       Fine for the equivalent of thirty to fifty thousand days of general minimum wage in force in the Federal District at the time of the imposition of the penalty;

II.- Temporary or definitive closure, total or partial, when:

a) The infringer has not complied with the deadlines and conditions imposed by the authority, with the corrective or urgent measures ordered;

b) In cases of recidivism when the violations generate negative effects on the environment, or

c) It is repeated disobedience, on three or more occasions, to the fulfillment of some or some corrective or urgent enforcement measures imposed by the authority.

III.    Administrative arrest for up to 36 hours.

IV.- Confiscation of instruments, specimens, products or by-products directly related to forest resource violations, species of wild flora and fauna or genetic resources, as provided for in this Law, and

V.- The suspension or revocation of the corresponding concessions, licenses, permissions, or authorizations.

If, after the expiry of the period granted by the authority to remedy the offence or infringements committed, the infringement or infringements still remain, fines may be imposed for each day which passes without obeying the mandate, without the total fines exceeding the maximum amount allowed, according to the fraction I of this article.

In the case of recidivism, the amount of the fine may be up to three times the amount originally imposed, as well as the final closure.

The offender who incurs more than once in conduct involving breaches of the same precept, within a period of two years, is deemed to be a repeat offender from the date of The minutes of the first infringement shall be lifted, provided that the infringement has not been distorted.

ARTICLE 172.- When the seriousness of the infringement warrants it, the authority shall request the person who has granted it, the suspension, revocation or cancellation of the concession, permit, license and in general of all authorization granted for the performance of commercial, industrial or service activities, or for the use of natural resources that has given rise to the infringement.

ARTICLE 173.- For the imposition of penalties for violations of this Law, it will be taken into account:

I. The seriousness of the infringement, considering mainly the following criteria: the damage that would have occurred or could occur in public health; the generation of ecological imbalances; the affectation of natural resources or the biodiversity and, where appropriate, the levels in which the limits established in the applicable Mexican official standard would have been exceeded;

II. The economic conditions of the offender, and

III.- The recidivism, if any;

IV.- The intentional or negligent character of the action or constitutive omission of the infringement, and

V.- The benefit directly obtained by the offender for the acts that motivate the sanction.

In the event that the infringer carries out the corrective or urgent measures or remedies the irregularities in which it has incurred, prior to the Secretariat imposing a sanction, such authority shall consider such a situation as mitigating the offence committed.

The appropriate authority may, on its own or at the request of the infringer, grant the offender the option to pay the fine or to make equivalent investments in the acquisition and installation of equipment to prevent contamination or the protection, preservation or restoration of the environment and natural resources, provided that the obligations of the infringer are guaranteed, not in any of the cases provided for in the Article 170 of this Law, and the authority fully justifies its decision.

ARTICLE 174.- Where the seizure or temporary or final closure, total or partial, is punishable, the personnel commissioned to implement it shall carry out detailed minutes of the diligence, observing the provisions applicable to the carrying out of inspections.

In cases where the temporary closure is imposed as a sanction, the Secretariat must indicate to the offender the corrective measures and actions to be taken to remedy the irregularities that led to the sanction, as well as the time limits for its implementation.

ARTICLE 174 BIS.- The Secretariat will give the seized goods any of the following destinations:

I. Sale through invitation to at least three buyers, in those cases where the value of the seized does not exceed 5,000 thousand times the general minimum wage in force in the Federal District at the time of the imposition of the penalty. If such guests do not appear on the day indicated for sale or their prices are not accepted, the authority may proceed to their direct sale;

II.- Remate in public auction when the value of the seized exceeds 5,000 times the general minimum daily wage in force in the Federal District at the time of the imposition of the sanction;

III.- Donation to public bodies and scientific institutions or higher education or public beneficence, according to the nature of the well seized and according to the functions and activities performed by the donor, as long as they are not lucrative. In the case of species and subspecies of wild flora and fauna, these may be donated to public zoos provided that adequate conditions for their development are ensured, or

IV.- Destruction in the case of products or by-products, of wild flora and fauna, of forest products that have been plagued or have any disease that prevents their use, as well as fishing and hunting gear prohibited by the applicable legal provisions.

ARTICLE 174 BIS 1.- For the purposes of the provisions of Sections I and II of the foregoing Article, only such assumptions shall be made where the seized goods are susceptible to appropriation in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

In determining the value of the goods subject to sale or sale, the Secretariat shall consider the price of such goods to be placed on the market at the time of the operation.

In any event, those responsible for the infringement that would have given rise to the confiscation may participate or benefit from the acts referred to in Article 174 BIS of this Law, by means of which the the disposal of the seized goods.

ARTICLE 175.- The Secretariat may promote to the competent federal or local authorities, based on the studies it does for this purpose, the limitation or suspension of the installation or operation of industries, shops, services, urban developments, tourism or any activity affecting or affecting the environment, natural resources, or causing ecological imbalance or loss of biodiversity.

ARTICLE 175 BIS.- The revenue from the fines for violations of the provisions of this Law, its regulations and other provisions derived from it, as well as those obtained from the In the case of a public auction or the direct sale of the seized goods, it shall be used for the integration of funds for the development of programmes linked to the inspection and surveillance of the materials referred to in this Law.


Review Resource

ARTICLE 176.- The final decisions given in the administrative procedures for the application of this Law, its regulations and provisions that emanate from it, may be challenged by the persons concerned, by means of review, within 15 working days of the date of their notification, or before the competent courts.

The review appeal shall be brought directly to the authority which issued the contested decision, who shall, where appropriate, agree to its admission, and the granting or refusal of the suspension of the act. used, turning the resource to its hierarchical superior for definitive resolution.

The decision of the administrative procedure and the one that falls to the administrative review, may be held in the courts of the district on administrative matters. Where the decision of the administrative appeal is contested, it shall be understood that the administrative decision under appeal in the part which continues to affect it may be contested simultaneously, and may be valid for the purposes of the contested decision. resource.

ARTICLE 177.- When with the interposition of the review facility, the applicant requests the suspension of the confiscation, the authority may order the return of the respective goods to the person concerned, as long as:

I. Be the resource, and

II. A guarantee shall be displayed for the amount of the value of the seized, which shall be determined by the Secretariat, in accordance with the price at the market, at the time it is to be granted warranty.

Where the above requirements are not met, the Secretariat shall determine the final destination of the perishable products and live wild flora and fauna species, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. provided in this Law and any other applicable law.

With regard to the goods other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, they shall be kept in storage and shall not be available until such time as the corresponding resolution has been caused.

ARTICLE 178.- The forfeiture shall not be suspended, in the following cases:

I. In the case of species of wild flora and fauna that lack the corresponding concession, permit or authorization;

II. In the case of species of wild flora and fauna extracted or captured in time, zone or place not covered by the respective concession, permit or authorisation, as well as in volumes higher than those established;

III. In the case of species of wild flora and fauna declared in closed or considered rare, endangered, endangered or subject to special protection under this Law or other applicable legal provisions;

IV. When it comes to species of wild flora and fauna seized from foreigners, or in foreign vessels or transports;

V. In the case of products or by-products of wild flora and fauna, hunting weapons, fishing gear and other objects or utensils prohibited by applicable regulations, and

VI. In the case of timber and non-timber forest raw materials from the use of the use for which there is no authorisation.

ARTICLE 179.- With regard to the other formalities relating to the substantiation of the review appeal referred to in Article 176 of this order, the provisions of this Article shall be Federal Law of Administrative Procedure.

ARTICLE 180.- Dealing with works or activities that contravene the provisions of this Law and those to which it applies in an extra way, as well as of the official Mexican regulations and standards derived from them, the programs of ecological management, the declaratory of protected natural areas or the regulations and official Mexican regulations derived from it, the natural persons and Those who have a legitimate interest shall have the right to challenge the corresponding administrative acts, and to require that the necessary actions be taken to ensure that the applicable legal provisions are observed, provided that they demonstrate in the procedure that such works or activities originate or can cause damage to the environment, natural resources, wildlife or public health.

For this purpose, they may, in an optional manner, bring the administrative review referred to in this Chapter, or go to the Federal Court of Justice and Administrative.

For the purposes of this Article, the natural or moral persons of the communities possibly affected by such works shall have legitimate interest. activities.

ARTICLE 181.- In the event that licenses, permits, authorizations or concessions are issued in violation of this Law, they will be null and void and will not have any legal effect The public authorities will be punished in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Such nullity may be required by means of the appeal referred to in the preceding Article.


Federal Order Offences

ARTICLE 182.- In those cases where, as a result of the exercise of their privileges, the Secretariat is aware of acts or omissions that may constitute crimes as provided for in the applicable legislation, the relevant complaint shall be made to the Federal Public Ministry.

Any person may directly file criminal complaints that correspond to the environmental crimes provided for in the applicable legislation.

The Secretariat will provide, in the areas of its competence, the technical or expert opinions requested by the Public Ministry or the judicial authorities, on the occasion of the complaints filed by the environmental crimes commission.

The Secretariat will be the intervener of the Federal Public Ministry, in the terms of the Federal Code of Criminal Procedures. The above, without prejudice to the intervenance that the victim may make or the direct offence of the illicit, by himself or through his legal representative.

ARTICLE 183.- (Repeals).

ARTICLE 184.- (Repeals).

ARTICLE 185.- (Repeals).

ARTICLE 186.- (Repeals).

ARTICLE 187.- (Repeals).

ARTICLE 188.- The laws of the federal entities shall establish criminal and administrative penalties for violations in the environmental field of the local order.


Popular Denunciation

ARTICLE 189.- Every person, social groups, non-governmental organizations, associations and societies may report to the Federal Office of Environmental Protection or to other authorities any act, act or omission which produces or may cause ecological imbalance or damage to the environment or natural resources, or contravene the provisions of this Law and the other laws governing matters related to the protection of the environment and the preservation and restoration of the ecological balance.

If there is no representation of the Federal Office of Environmental Protection in the locality, the complaint may be filed with the municipal authority or, at the request of the complainant, to the nearest offices of such representation.

If the complaint is filed with the municipal authority and results from the federal order, it must be forwarded to the Federal Office for Environmental Protection.

ARTICLE 190.- The popular complaint may be exercised by any person, suffice it to be written and contain:

I.- The name or social reason, address, phone if you have it, the whistleblower and, if any, your legal representative;

II.- The acts, facts, or omissions reported;

III.- Data to identify the alleged offender or locate the source of the pollutant, and

IV.- The evidence that the complainant offers in its case.

The complaint may also be made by telephone, in which case the public servant receiving it, will raise the circumstantial act, and the complainant must ratify it in writing, complying with the requirements laid down in this Article, within three working days following the formulation of the complaint, without prejudice to the fact that the Federal Office for the Protection of the Environment is investigating the facts of its own motion constitutive of the complaint.

There will be no known or unfounded complaints, those in which bad faith is warned, lack of foundation or non-existence of petition, which will be notified to the Complainant.

If the complainant requests the Federal Office for Protection of the Environment to keep secret about his or her identity, for reasons of security and particular interest, the latter will carry out the monitoring of the complaint in accordance with the powers conferred on it by this Law and other applicable legal provisions.

ARTICLE 191.- The Federal Attorney General's Office, once the complaint has been received, will acknowledge receipt of its receipt, assign it a file number and register it.

In case of receipt of two or more complaints for the same facts, acts or omissions, the accumulation in a single file will be agreed upon, the complainants being notified of the agreement respective.

Once the complaint is registered, the Federal Office of the Protection of the Environment within 10 days after its submission, will notify the complainant of the qualification agreement corresponding, pointing to the processing that has been given to it.

If the complaint filed outside the jurisdiction of another authority, the Federal Attorney General's Office will charge the complainant with receipt but will not admit the instance and take it to the competent authority for its processing and resolution, notifying the complainant of such a fact, by means of an informed and reasoned agreement.

ARTICLE 192.- Once the instance has been admitted, the Federal Attorney General's Office will carry out the identification of the complainant, and will make the complaint known to the person or persons, or the authorities to whom the facts have been reported or to whom the result of the action taken may be affected, in order to present the documents and evidence which, within a maximum period of 15 days, may be appropriate for them business, as of the respective notification.

The Federal Attorney General's Office will carry out the necessary steps to determine the existence of acts, acts or omissions of the denunciation.

Furthermore, in the cases provided for in this Law, it may initiate the inspection and surveillance procedures that will be obtained, in which case the respective provisions of the Title.

ARTICLE 193.- The complainant will be able to assist with the Federal Office of Protection of the Environment, providing the evidence, documentation and information it deems relevant. Such a dependency shall state the considerations taken with regard to the information provided by the complainant, at the time of the termination of the complaint.

ARTICLE 194.- The Federal Office for Environmental Protection may apply to academic institutions, research centers and public, social and public sector bodies. private, the development of studies, opinions or opinions on issues raised in the complaints submitted to it.

ARTICLE 195.- If the result of the investigation carried out by the Federal Office of Protection of the Environment, it is clear that these are acts, acts or omissions in which Federal, state or municipal authorities shall issue the necessary recommendations to promote the execution of the actions.

The recommendations issued by the Federal Office for Environmental Protection will be public, autonomous and non-binding.

ARTICLE 196.- When a popular complaint does not involve violations of environmental regulations, nor does it affect public order and social interest issues, the Federal Attorney General's Office Protection of the environment may be subject to a conciliation procedure. In any case, the parties involved should be heard.

ARTICLE 197.- In the event that the acts, acts or omissions that are reported produce or can produce ecological imbalance or damage to the environment or resources, it is not proven that natural or contravene the provisions of this Law, the Federal Office of Protection of the Environment will do so of the knowledge of the complainant, to the effect that it will issue the observations that it deems appropriate.

ARTICLE 198.- The formulation of the popular complaint, as well as the agreements, resolutions and recommendations issued by the Federal Attorney General's Office, will not affect the exercise of other rights or means of defence which may correspond to those affected in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, shall not suspend or interrupt their preclusive, prescription or expiry time. This should be the case for those interested in the application's admission agreement.

ARTICLE 199.- The popular complaint files that have been opened may be terminated for the following reasons:

I.- For incompetence of the Federal Office of Environmental Protection to learn about the popular complaint raised;

II.- Because the corresponding recommendation was dictated;

III.- When there are no violations of environmental normativity;

IV.- For lack of interest from the complainant in the terms of this Chapter;

V.- For a case backlog agreement was previously dictated;

VI.- The popular complaint has been resolved through reconciliation between the parties;

VII.- By issuing a resolution derived from the inspection procedure, or

VIII.- By withdrawal of the complainant.

ARTICLE 200.- The laws of the federative entities shall establish the procedure for the attention of the popular denunciation in the case of acts, acts or omissions that they produce or can produce ecological imbalances or damage to the environment, due to violations of local environmental legislation.

ARTICLE 201.- The authorities and public servants involved in matters within the jurisdiction of the Federal Office for Environmental Protection, or who, by reason of their duties or activities may provide relevant information, they shall comply with the requests made by the latter in such a way.

Authorities and public servants who are asked to provide information or documentation that is deemed to be reserved, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law, shall inform the Federal Office for Environmental Protection. In this case, this dependency should handle the information provided under the strictest confidentiality.

ARTICLE 202. The Federal Prosecutor's Office for the Protection of the Environment, in the field of its powers, is empowered to initiate the actions that proceed, to the competent authorities, where it is aware of acts, acts or omissions which constitute violations of administrative or criminal law.

When acts, acts or omissions that violate the rights and interests of a community, the Federal Ministry of Protection of the Environment, as well as any other legitimated as referred to in Article 585 of the Federal Code of Civil Procedure, may exercise collective action in accordance with the provisions of the Fifth Book of the Code.

The above will also apply to those acts, acts or omissions that violate the environmental legislation of the federal entities.

ARTICLE 203.- Without prejudice to the criminal or administrative sanctions that proceed, any person who continues to contaminate or deteriorate the environment or affects natural resources or biodiversity will be responsible and shall be required to repair the damage caused, in accordance with applicable civil law.

The term to demand environmental liability shall be five years from the time the act is produced, or the corresponding act or omission.

ARTICLE 204.- When for infringement of the provisions of this Law damages or damages have been caused, the interested parties may request the Secretariat, the formulation of a technical opinion to the in respect of which it shall have the value of proof, if presented in judgment.


FIRST.- This Law will enter into force on the first day of March of a thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight.

SECOND.- The Federal Law of Protection of the Environment, of thirty December of one thousand nine hundred and eighty one, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 11, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two, is repealed and the others are repealed. legal provisions in respect of those of this Law.

Until as long as the local legislatures dictate the laws, and the councils, the ordinances, regulations and police and good government, to regulate the matters that according to the provisions of this order are of competence of states and municipalities, it will be up to the Federation to apply this Law at the local level, coordinating for it with the state authorities and, with its participation, with the municipalities that corresponds, as the case may be.

THIRD.- While the regulatory provisions of this Law are being issued, the ones that have governed so far will remain in force, in what is not the contravening. The legal or regulatory references to the Federal Environmental Protection Law, are understood as applicable to this Law.

FOURTH.- All administrative procedures and resources related to the matters of this Law, which have been initiated under the Federal Law for the Protection of the Environment, will be dealt with and resolved in accordance with the provisions of this Law. that is opened.

Mexico, D. F., December 22, 1987.-Dip. David Jimenez Gonzalez, President.-Sen. Armando Trasvina Taylor, President.-Dip. Patricia Villanueva Abrajam, Secretary.-Sen. Guadalupe Gomez Maganda de Anaya, Secretary.-Rubicas.

In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for its proper publication and observance, I hereby express my request for the Decree at the residence of the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the twenty-three days of the month of December of a thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven.- Miguel de la Madrid H.-Heading.-The Secretary of Government, Manuel Bartlett D.-Heading.


DECREE to reform, add and repeals various articles of the Criminal Code for the Federal District in the matter of the Common Fuero, and for the entire Republic in the matter of Federal Fuero.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on December 13, 1996


ARTICLE FIRST.- This Decree shall enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

ARTICLE SECOND.- Articles 183 to 187 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection are repealed; Article 58 of the Forestry Law; and Articles 30 and 31 of the Federal Law of Hunting.

Mexico, D.F., on October 30, 1996.-Dip. Carlos Humberto Aceves del Olmo, President.-Sen. Melchor de los Santos Ordonez, President.-Dip. Severiano Pérez Vázquez, Secretary.-Sen. Rosendo Villarreal Davila, Secretary.-Rubicas.

In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree at the residence of the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, ten days in the month of December of a thousand nine hundred and ninety-six.- Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León.-Heading.-The Secretary of Governor, Emilio Chuayffet Chemor.-Heading.

DECREE that reform, add and repel various provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on December 13, 1996

ONLY ARTICLE.- Items are reformed , 2o. Fractions II and III, 3o., the name of Chapter II of Title 1 of 4. 14, the name of Chapter III of Title 1, 15, 16, the name of Chapter 4 and Section I of Title 1, 17, the name of Section II of Chapter 4 of Title First, 19 first paragraph and fractions I and V, 20, the name of Section III of Chapter IV of Title First, 21, 22, the denomination of Section IV of Chapter IV of Title First, 23, 28 to 35, the denomination of Section VI of Chapter IV of Title First, 36, 37, name of Section VII of Chapter III of Title 1, 38, the name of the Title II, as well as Chapter I and Section I, 44, 45, first paragraph and fractions II, III, V and VII, the name of Section II of Chapter I of Title II, 46, 47, 48 first and third paragraphs, 49 to 59, 60, 62, 63, 64 first and third paragraphs, 65, 66, 67, 74, 76, 77, the name of Chapter II of Title II, 78, the name of Chapter III of Title II, 79, 80 first paragraph and fractions I, II and V, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, the name of Chapter I of the Title Third, 88 first paragraph and fractions II and III, 89 first paragraph and fractions IV to X, 90, 92 to 97, the title of Chapter II of Title III, 98 first paragraph and fractions IV and V, 99 first paragraph and fractions III, V, VII and XII, 100, 101 fractions I to V, 102 to 105, the name of the Third Title of Title Third, 108 first paragraph, and Part I, 109, the name of Chapters I and II of Title IV, 111, 112 first paragraph and fractions I to IV, VI, X and XI, 113, the name of Chapter III of Title IV, 118 fractions I, II and IV, 119, 120 fraction VII, 122 first paragraph, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128 first paragraph, 130 to 133, the name of Chapter IV of the Title Fourth, 134 fractions III and IV, 135 fraction III, 136 fraction III, 137, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, title of Chapter V of Title IV, 145 fraction I, 146 to 149, title of Chapter VI of Title IV, 150, 151, 152, 153 first Subparagraph (d) and (II) (d), the name of Chapter VII of Title IV, 154, the name of Chapter VIII of Title IV, 155, 156, first paragraph, the name of Title V and its Chapter 1, 157, 158 Fractions I to III and V, 159, the name of Chapter I of Title VI, the 160 second paragraph, 161, 162 second paragraph, 163 first paragraph, 164 first and second paragraphs, 167, 168, 169 third and fourth paragraphs, 170, 171 first paragraph and fraction II, 173 fractions I and III, 174 first paragraph, 175, the name of Chapter V of Title VI, 176 First paragraph, 177 to 194; 14 BIS, 19A, 20A to 20 BIs 7, 22A, 35A, 35A, 35A, 35A, 35A, 37A, 38A, 38A, 38A, 38A, 38A, 38A 2, 56A, Section III of Chapter I of Title II, 64 BIS, 64 BIS 1 are added. 75 BIS, Section IV of Chapter I of Title II, 78 BIS, 78 BIS 1, 83 last paragraph, 87 BIS, 87A 1, 87A 2, 88 fraction IV, 98 fraction VI, 101 fraction VI and VII, 101 BIS, 1010A, 1010A 1, 111 BIs, 112 fraction XII, 118 fraction VII, 119 BIS, 134 fraction V, 151 BIS, 152 BIS, 153 a second paragraph at fraction VII, 158 fraction VI, Chapter II of the Title V, 159 a paragraph, 159 BIS to 159 BIS 6, 160 third paragraph, 169 with a fifth paragraph, 170 BIS, 171 last paragraph and fractions IV and V, 173 last two paragraphs and fractions IV and V, 174 BIS, 1717A 1, 1717A, 195 to 204; and Articles 24, 25, 26, 27, Chapter V of Title First, 42, 43, third paragraph of 48, 68 to 73, 89, fractions XI and XII, 106, 107, 125, to remain as follows:



ARTICLE FIRST.- This Decree shall enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

ARTICLE SECOND.- The Law on the Exclusive Fishing Zone of the Nation, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 20, 1967, the Law of Conservation of Soil and Water, is repealed. published in that body on 6 July 1946, as well as all the legal provisions which are contrary to the provisions of this Decree.

ARTICLE THIRD.- The governments of the Federative Entities, as well as the Councils, must adapt their laws, regulations, ordinances, police camps and good governance and other provisions. applicable, as set out in this Decree.

ARTICLE FOURTH.- The administrative procedures and resources related to the matters of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, initiated prior to the The entry into force of this Decree shall be processed and resolved in accordance with the provisions in force at that time, and the other provisions applicable in the matter in question.

ARTICLE QUINTO.- The Federation, in coordination with the authorities of the Federative and Municipal Entities, as appropriate, will apply the provisions of this Decree at the local level, in those matters whose jurisdiction did not correspond to those government orders prior to the entry into force of this Decree, until such time as the orders referred to in the TRANSITIONAL THIRD ARTICLE are issued and amended.

ARTICLE SIXTH.- The authorizations, permits, licenses and concessions granted before the date of entry into force of this Decree, shall remain in force; their extension shall be subject to the provisions of this Decree.

ARTICLE SEVENTH.- The Secretariat, by agreement to be published in the Official Journal of the Federation, shall determine the category of protected natural area which, in accordance with the provisions of the This Decree shall correspond to the areas or areas which have been established prior to the entry into force of the Decree, in order to comply with some or some of the purposes set out in Article 45 of the General Law of Balance Ecological and Environmental Protection, or whose characterization is analogous or similar a description of any of the natural protected areas of federal jurisdiction provided for in Article 46 of that order.

ARTICLE EIGHTH.- Dealing with forest reserves, national forest reserves, forest protection zones, forest restoration and propagation zones, and river protection zones, sources, deposits and in general, sources for the supply of water for the service of the populations, the Secretariat must carry out the studies and analyses that are necessary to determine if the conditions that gave rise to its have not been modified and if the intended purposes of the instrument by which its constitution was declared, corresponds to the objectives and characteristics outlined in Articles 45 and 53 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment.

If, in accordance with the studies and analyses carried out, it is necessary to modify the decrees by which the areas and areas mentioned above are declared, the Secretariat must to promote to the Federal Executive the issue of the corresponding decree, after favorable opinion of the National Council of Protected Natural Areas.

The Secretariat should also make available to local governments, owners, holders, groups and social, public or private organizations, research and higher education institutions and other interested persons, the studies or analyses carried out for the purposes referred to in this Article, for the purpose of presenting them with the opinions and proposals they consider to be coming. The Secretariat shall incorporate in such studies and analyses the considerations it considers relevant to the opinions and proposals submitted to it, in order to make them aware of the National Council of Natural Areas. Protected, prior to issuing its recommendation, regarding the origin of the modification of the corresponding decree.

ARTICLE NINTH.- In the case of the areas and zones referred to in the previous article, only the environmental impact authorization referred to in Article 28 of the Law shall be required. General of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, when the work or activity in question falls within any of the assumptions provided for in fractions I to X or XII and XIII of the prescribed precept. Such authorization shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of the law itself and the provisions thereof.

ARTICLE DECIMAL.- As long as the regulatory provisions resulting from this Decree are issued, those that have governed so far, in which they do not contravene it, will remain in force.

Mexico, D. F., as at 30 October 1996.-Dip. Carlos Humberto Aceves del Olmo, President.-Sen. Melchor de los Santos Ordonez, President.-Dip. Sabino González Alba, Secretary.-Sen. Rosendo Villarreal Davila, Secretary.-Rubicas. "

In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree at the residence of the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, ten days in the month of December of a thousand nine hundred and ninety-six.- Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León.-Heading.-The Secretary of Governor, Emilio Chuayffet Chemor.-Heading.

DECREE that a fraction XXXVI is added to Article 3o., the XX fraction to Article 15 and reform of Article 39 of the General Law of the Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 7, 2000

ONLY. An XXXVI fraction is added to Article 3o., a fraction XX to article 15 and article 39 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection is reformed, to remain as follows:



ONLY. This decree will take effect the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., at 10 December 1999.-Dip. Francisco José Paoli Bolio, President.-Sen. Luis Guzmán Mejia, Acting Vice President.-Dip. Francisco J. Loyo Ramos, Secretary.-Sen. Porfirio Camarena Castro, Secretary.-Rubicas".

In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree at the residence of the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the three days of January of the year two thousand.- Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León.-Heading.-The Secretary of Government, Diodoro Carrasco Altamirano.-Heading.

DECREE to reform the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on December 31, 2001

UNICO ARTICLE.- Articles 11, 12, 109 BIS, 130, 150 second paragraph, 162 second paragraph, 163 first paragraph, 167 first paragraph, 171 fraction I, 173 Part I and last paragraph, and 174 BIS fraction I. An article 45 BIS, a second paragraph to Article 119, an article 147 BIS, a fourth paragraph to 159 BIS, a second paragraph to 161, a third paragraph to 163, a second paragraph to 168, and a Fourth paragraph to 182, of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to stay as follows:



FIRST. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

SECOND. The administrative procedures and resources that the current Decree's entry into force will be pending will be substantiated as to the provisions in force at the time they were initiated.

THIRD. For the signature and entry into force of any agreement or agreement referred to in Article 11 of this Law, the Federative Entities or Municipalities participating in them, they will have to have their own regional, particular or marine regional planning programme as appropriate.

FOURTH. Environmental risk insurance will be subject to a Regulation of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection for the Establishment. Insurance and Primas for Environmental Risk. For this purpose, the Secretariat shall publish this regulatory framework no later than one year after the entry into force of this Decree.

Mexico, D.F., at December 15, 2001.-Dip. Beatriz Elena Paredes Rangel, President. -Sen. Diego Fernandez de Cevallos Ramos, President.-Dip. Adrian Rivera Perez, Secretary.-Sen. Maria Lucero Saldana Perez, Secretary.-Rubicas".

In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the twenty-eight days of December of two thousand one.- Vicente Fox Quesada.-Rubrias.-The Secretary of the Interior, Santiago Creel Miranda.-Heading.

DECREE issuing the General Law on Sustainable Forest Development and reform and adding to the General Law of Ecological Balance and the Protection of the Environment, the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration and the Law of Prizes, Stimulus and Civil Rewards.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on February 25, 2003


FIRST.- ..........

SECOND.- This Law will take effect on the ninety days of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.


ARTICLE SECOND.- Articles 5 fraction XI, 100 and 104 are reformed; section VI of Article 28 is repealed; and a second paragraph is added to Article 4 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



UNICO ARTICLE. The present reforms will take effect on the same day as the entry into force of the General Law on Sustainable Forest Development.

Mexico, D.F., on December 13, 2002.-Sen. Enrique Jackson Ramirez, President.-Dip. Beatriz Elena Paredes Rangel, President.-Sen. Lydia Madero Garcia, Secretary.-Dip. Adela Cerezo Bautista, Secretary.-Rubicas".

In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at twenty-one day of the month of February of two thousand three.- Vicente Fox Quesada.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, Santiago Creel Miranda.-Heading.

DECREE adding an article 17 Bis to the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection; Article 27 of the The Law on Procurement, Leases and Services of the Public Sector; and Article 28 of the Law on Public Works and Services Related to Mismas.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on June 13, 2003

ARTICLE FIRST.- An article 17 BIS is added to the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



ARTICLE ONLY.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., on April 29, 2003.-Sen. Enrique Jackson Ramirez, President.-Dip. Armando Salinas Torre, President.-Sen. Lydia Madero Garcia, Secretary.-Dip. Rodolfo Dorador Pérez Gavilan, Secretary.-Rubicas".

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, ten days in the month of June, two thousand three.- Vicente Fox Quesada.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, Santiago Creel Miranda.-Heading.

DECREE by which Articles 28 and 48 are reformed, and a fraction XXXVII is added to Article 3o. and on the other hand, Articles 47 BIS and 47 BIS 1 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on February 23, 2005

ARTICLE ONLY.- Articles 28 and 48 are reformed, and a fraction XXXVII is added to Article 3o. and on the other hand, Articles 47 BIS and 47 BIS 1 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



First: This Decree will take effect within 180 days of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Second: With the entry into force of this Decree, the Federal Executive Branch shall review and amend the Regulations of the General Law of the Balance Ecological and Environmental Protection in the field of Protected Natural Areas, and in the area of Environmental Impact Assessment, in relation to the articles that regulate the modified legal provisions, in a term that does not exceed 60 days Once the present initiative comes into force.

Third: National parks and natural monuments that have been established prior to the issuance of this decree may use zones alternatives, in addition to those required in Article 47 Bis 1 of this Law, that allow the conservation objectives of the protected natural area to be compatible with the activities that have been developed up to that time.

Mexico, D.F., on December 14, 2004. -Dip. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.-Sen. Diego Fernandez de Cevallos Ramos, President.-Dip. Marcos Morales Torres, Secretary.-Sen. Sara I. Castellanos Cortes, Secretariat.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for its proper publication and I hereby express my request to the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Mexico City, to the twenty-one day of the month of February, two thousand . Santiago Creel Miranda.-Heading.

DECREE adding Articles 167 A, 167 Bis 1, 167 Bis 2, 167 Bis 3 and 167 Bis 4 to the General Law of Ecological Balance and the Protection of the Environment.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on December 7, 2005

ONLY ARTICLE. Articles 167 BIS, 167 BIS 1, 167 BIS 2, 167 BIS 3 and 167 BIS 4 are added to the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection to the Environment, to stay as follows:



Unique.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., on September 29, 2005. -Dip. Heliodoro Diaz Escarraga, President.-Sen. Enrique Jackson Ramírez, President.-Dip. Patricia Garduno Morales, Secretary.-Sen. Sara I. Castellanos Cortés, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree at the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the thirty days of November of two thousand five.- Vicente Fox Quesada.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, Carlos Maria Abascal Carranza.-Heading.

DECREE amending Article 6o. of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 23, 2006

UNICO ARTICLE.- Article 6 of the General Law on Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection is reformed to remain as follows:



Unique.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., to April 19, 2006.-Sen. Enrique Jackson Ramirez, President.-Dip. Marcela González Salas P., President.-Sen. Sara I. Castellanos Cortes, Secretary.-Dip. Patricia Garduno Morales, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the eighteen days of May of two thousand six.- Vicente Fox Quesada.-Heading.-The Secretary of Government, Carlos Maria Abascal Carranza.-Heading.

DECREE adding a fraction VI to Article 19; a third paragraph to Article 20 BIS 2; and amending Article 51 of the General Law of the Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on February 12, 2007

Article First.- A fraction VI is added to Article 19 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, to remain as follows:


Article Segundo.- A third paragraph is added to Article 20 BIS 2, of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:


Article Third.- The text of Article 51 of the General Law on Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment is reformed to remain as follows:



Unique.- This Decree shall enter into force on the 180 days following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., at December 21, 2006.-Sen. Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, Vice President.-Dip. Jorge Zermeno Infante, President.-Sen. Ludivina Menchaca Castellanos, Secretary.-Dip. José Gildardo Guerrero Torres, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, eight days in the month of February, two thousand seven.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrias.-The Secretary of the Interior, Francisco Javier Ramirez Acuna.-Heading.

DECREE adding and reforming the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on June 19, 2007

UNICO ARTICLE.- An XI fraction is added to Article 89; and the second paragraph of Article 119 is reformed, both of the General Law of Ecological Balance and the Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



FIRST.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

SECOND.- The Secretariat, within 6 months of the entry into force of this Decree, must issue the Mexican Official Standard that is necessary to give compliance with the reformed provisions.

Mexico, D.F., April 26, 2007.-Sen. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.-Dip. Jorge Zermeno Infante, President.-Sen. Renan Cleominio Zoreda Novelo, Secretary.-Dip. Maria Eugenia Jiménez Valenzuela, Secretariat.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the twelve days of June of two thousand seven.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Heading.-The Secretary of Government, Francisco Javier Ramirez Acuna.-Heading.

DECREE to reform and add various provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on July 5, 2007

ARTICLE FIRST.- The fraction III is reformed and a new fraction IV is added, while the current fraction IV is remembered for the number V of article 49.

ARTICLE SECOND. The VI fraction of Article 22 Bis is reformed by the following: fractions I and III of article 38; fraction IX of the first the third paragraph of Article 46; and the first paragraph of Article 54; and Article 202, to remain as follows:



First.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Second.- The provisions that are opposed to this Decree are repealed.

Mexico, D.F., April 26, 2007.-Sen. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.-Dip. Jorge Zermeno Infante, President.-Sen. Renan Cleominio Zoreda Novelo, Secretary.-Dip. Antonio Xavier Lopez Adame, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to three July, two thousand seven.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Francisco Javier Ramirez Acuna.-Heading.

DECREE to reform and add to various provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, to strengthen voluntary certification of premises.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 16, 2008

ARTICLE ONLY.-The , third and fourth paragraphs of Article 46; the first paragraph of Article 74; the second paragraph of Article 74; Article 46; Article 55 BIS; a Section V entitled "Establishment, Administration and Management of Voluntarily Intended Areas for Conservation", Chapter I "Protected Natural Areas", of Title II "Biodiversity", with Article 77 BIS, and the second paragraph of Article 59 of the Law is repealed General of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, to remain as follows:



ARTICLE FIRST.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

ARTICLE SECOND.- The Holder of the Federal Executive Branch, within a period of not more than three hundred days, shall publish in the Official Journal of the Federation necessary reforms to the Regulation of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment in the field of Protected Natural Areas, so that the corresponding provisions are in accordance with this Decree.

ARTICLE THIRD.- While the regulatory provisions of this Decree are issued, those that have governed to date will remain in force, in which the contravavengan.

ARTICLE FOURTH.- The certificates of pre-god intended for conservation, issued prior to the entry into force of this Decree, shall be valid for the purposes of recognition as a protected natural area, in accordance with the provisions of Article 77 BIS (I) of this Decree.

They shall also retain their registration number and date, but their renewal shall comply with the provisions of this Decree.

ARTICLE QUINTO.- The procedures for certification of pre-god intended for conservation that would have been initiated prior to entry into This Decree shall be determined in accordance with the provisions in force at the time of submission of the corresponding application, but its renewal shall comply with the provisions of this Decree.

Mexico, D.F., on March 26, 2008.-Sen. Santiago Creel Miranda, President.-Dip. Ruth Zavaleta Salgado, President.-Sen. Gabino Cue Monteagudo, Secretary.-Dip. Olga Patricia Chozas and Chozas, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to twelve of May, two thousand eight.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Camilo Mourino Terrazo.-Heading.

DECREE amending the XXVIII fraction of article 3o. of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on April 1, 2010

UNICO ARTICLE.-Reformation Article 3o fraction XXVIII. of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



ONLY.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., on February 23, 2010.-Sen. Carlos Navarrete Ruiz, President.-Dip. Francisco Javier Ramírez Acuna, President.-Sen. Martha Leticia Sosa Govea, Secretary.-Dip. Jaime Arturo Vázquez Aguilar, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at twenty-nine in March of two thousand ten.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Heading.-The secretary of government, Lic. Fernando Francisco Gomez Mont Urueta.-Heading.

DECREE that is re-forming and adding various provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection to the Environment, and the General Wildlife Law.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on April 6, 2010

ARTICLE FIRST.- Article 79 (I) is reformed; section IV of Article 80 is reformed, and Article 85, all of the General Law of the Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



ARTICLE ONLY. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D. F., on February 16, 2010.-Sen. Carlos Navarrete Ruiz, President.-Dip. Francisco Javier Ramírez Acuna, President.-Sen. Martha Leticia Sosa Govea, Secretary.-Dip. Jaime Arturo Vázquez Aguilar, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, thirty-one in March, two thousand ten.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrio.-The Secretary of the Interior, Lic. Fernando Francisco Gomez Mont Urueta.-Heading.

DECREE amending and adding to Article 180 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, and reforming the Part I of Article 8. of the Federal Law of Administrative Accounting Procedure.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 28, 2011

Article First.- The first paragraph is reformed and a second and third paragraphs are added to Article 180 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and the Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



Article Unique.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., at December 14, 2010.-Sen. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.-Dip. Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marin, President.-Sen. Renan Cleominio Zoreda Novelo, Secretary.-Dip. Maria Guadalupe García Almanza, Secretariat.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at twenty-four January of two thousand eleven.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, José Francisco Blake Mora.-Heading.

DECREE adding a fraction of the XVII to Article 3o. of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 28, 2011

Article Unique.- A fraction of the XVII is added, in its order the subsequent to Article 3o of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection to the Environment, to remain as follows:



Unique-This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., at December 13, 2010.-Dip. Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marin, President. -Sen. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.-Dip. Maria de Jesus Aguirre Maldonado, Secretary.-Sen. Martha Leticia Sosa Govea, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at twenty-four January of two thousand eleven.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, José Francisco Blake Mora.-Heading.

DECREE to reform and add various provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 28, 2011

Article 1.- Reformation of Article 41; and added, a fraction V to Article 2; a fraction V Bis to Article 3; a twenty-first fraction of Article 5o, A twenty-first fraction of the subsequent order; a fraction of the twenty-first in his order; a fraction XVI to Article 8o., the subsequent ones being recalled in his order of the General Law of the Ecological Balance and the Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



Article First. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Article Second. They shall be repealed and, where appropriate, all provisions which are contrary to this Decree shall be repealed.

Mexico, D.F., at December 14, 2010.-Dip. Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marin, President.-Sen. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.-Dip. Cora Cecilia Pinedo Alonso, Secretary.-Sen. Martha Leticia Sosa Govea, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at twenty-four January of two thousand eleven.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, José Francisco Blake Mora.-Heading.

DECREE that the Federal Code of Civil Procedures, the Federal Civil Code, the Federal Law of Competition, are reformed and added Economic, the Federal Consumer Protection Act, the Organic Law of the Judiciary of the Federation, the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment and the Law of Protection and Defense to the User of Financial Services.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on August 30, 2011

ARTICLE SIXTH.- The second and third paragraphs of Article 202 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment are added to be as follows:



FIRST.- This Decree shall enter into force within six months of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

SECOND.- All provisions that are contrary to the provisions of this Decree will be repealed.

THIRD.- The Chamber of Deputies will approve the necessary budgetary modifications to achieve the effective implementation of this Decree.

FOURTH.- The Federal Judicature Council, in the field of the privileges conferred upon it, will dictate the measures necessary to achieve the effective compliance with this Decree.

FIFTH.- The Federal Judicature Council shall create the Register within ninety days of the entry into force of this decree. The requirement laid down in Article 620 (II) of the Federal Code of Civil Procedure shall not apply until after the first year of entry into force of this Decree.

SIXTH.- The Federal Judicature Council shall establish the Fund referred to in Chapter XI of the Single Title of the Fifth Book of the Federal Code of Civil proceedings within ninety days of the entry into force of this decree. As long as the Fund is not created, the resources derived from the collective proceedings shall be deposited in a banking institution and shall be directly controlled by the judge of the cause.

Mexico, D. F., at April 28, 2011.-Sen. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.-Dip. Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marin, President.-Sen. Martha Leticia Sosa Govea, Secretary.-Dip. Cora Cecilia Pinedo Alonso, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at twenty-nine in August of two thousand eleven.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, José Francisco Blake Mora.-Heading.

DECREE reforming various Federal Laws, in order to update all those articles that refer to the Secretariats of State whose denomination was modified and the Federal District Government in the pipeline; as well as remove the mention of administrative departments that are no longer in effect.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on April 9, 2012

ARTICLE SIXTY SECOND. Articles 3., fraction XXXV; 64, third paragraph; 85; 111, fraction IX; 140; 141, first paragraph; 143; 144, first paragraph; and 146 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, to remain as follows:



First. This decree shall enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Second. As of the date this Decree enters into force, the provisions that contravene or oppose it are left without effect.

Mexico, D.F., on February 21, 2012.-Dip. Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, President.-Sen. José González Morfin, President.-Dip. Laura Arizmendi Campos, Secretary.-Sen. Renan Cleominio Zoreda Novelo, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at thirty March of two thousand twelve.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, Alejandro Alfonso Poire Romero.-Heading.

DECREE amending the fourth section of article 15 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on April 24, 2012

Article Unique.- Reformation of section IV of article 15 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, to remain as follows:



Unique. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., on March 13, 2012.-Sen. José González Morfin, President.-Dip. Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, President.-Sen. Renan Cleominio Zoreda Novelo, Secretary.-Dip. Gloria Romero Leon, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at nineteen April of two thousand twelve.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Alejandro Alfonso Poire Romero.-Heading.

DECREE adding a fraction X to Article 23 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 29, 2012

Article Unique. An X fraction is added to Article 23 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, to remain as follows:



First. This decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Second. The holder of the Federal Executive Branch within a period not greater than 180 days after the entry into force of this decree, shall publish the Atlas National of Vulnerability to Climate Change, in order for the authorities of the Federation, States, Federal District and Municipalities, in the sphere of their competence to take into account in the elaboration, updating and implementation of their ecological management programs.

Mexico, D.F., on April 17, 2012.-Dip. Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, President.-Sen. José González Morfin, President.-Dip. Gloria Romero Leon, Secretary.-Sen. Ludivina Menchaca Castellanos, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for the present Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to twenty-five May of two thousand twelve.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Alejandro Alfonso Poire Romero.-Heading.

DECREE reforming articles 22, 22 Bis, 41 and 116 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 29, 2012

Article Unique: Articles 22, third paragraph; 22 BIS, fraction I; 41, and 116, fraction III of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection are reformed. to the Environment, to remain as follows:



Unique. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., on April 17, 2012.-Dip. Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, President.-Sen. José González Morfin, President.-Dip. Mariano Quihuis Fragoso, Secretary.-Sen. Ludivina Menchaca Castellanos, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for the present Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to twenty-five May of two thousand twelve.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Alejandro Alfonso Poire Romero.-Heading.

DECREE amending Article 171 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on June 1, 2012

Article Unique.- Reformation the fraction I and the third paragraph of Article 171 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, for remain as follows:



First.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Second.- All provisions which are contrary to this Decree shall be repealed and abrogated.

Mexico, D.F., on April 19, 2012.-Dip. Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, President.-Sen. José González Morfin, President.-Dip. Gloria Romero Leon, Secretary.-Sen. Martha Leticia Sosa Govea, Secretary.-Rubrics."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, thirty-one in May of two thousand twelve.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrias.-The Secretary of the Interior, Alejandro Alfonso Poire Romero.-Heading.

DECREE on which various provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment and the Law are being amended and added Sustainable Forest Development General.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on June 4, 2012

Article First.- The XXXVI fraction is added to Article 3, as the subsequent ones, of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection to the Environment, to stay as follows:



FIRST. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

SECOND. The Federal Executive Branch, no longer than three years after the entry into force of this Decree, will implement a system national monitoring, registration and verification, in order to evaluate and systematize the reduction of emissions derived from actions of prevention and combat of deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems (REDD +), to which it is made reference in Article 45 (IX) of this Decree.

Mexico, D.F., on April 24, 2012.-Dip. Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, President.-Sen. José González Morfin, President.-Dip. Guadalupe Pérez Domínguez, Secretary.-Sen. Ludivina Menchaca Castellanos, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the beginning of June of two thousand twelve.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, Alejandro Alfonso Poire Romero.-Heading.

DECREE adding an article 17 SRT to the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 15, 2013

UNICO ARTICLE.- An article 17 SRT is added to the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



ARTICLE FIRST.- This Decree shall enter into force in the following fiscal year corresponding to its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation, The relevant bodies shall include the forecasts in their preliminary draft budget.

ARTICLE SECOND.- The dependencies of the Federal Public Administration, the Federal Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch of the Federation will have no time limit. greater than three hundred and sixty calendar days to carry out the installation of the rainwater catchment system referred to in Article 17b of this Law.

Mexico, D. F., 3 April 2013.-Sen. Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, President.-Dip. Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, President.-Sen. Rosa Adriana Díaz Lizama, Secretary.-Dip. Xavier Azuara Zuniga, Secretary.-headings."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, on 13 May, two thousand thirteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.- Heading.

DECREE amending Article 132 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 20, 2013

Article Unique.- Article 132 of the General Law on Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment is reformed to remain as follows:



Unique.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D. F., 3 April 2013.-Sen. Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, President.-Dip. Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, President.-Sen. Rosa Adriana Díaz Lizama, Secretary.-Dip. Fernando Bribiesca Sahagun, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to sixteen of May two thousand thirteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Rubrias.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.-Heading.

DECREE reforming various provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment and the General Law of Sustainable Forest Development.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 20, 2013

Article First.- Articles 32 and 104 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection are reformed to remain as follows:



Article First. This Decree shall enter into force from the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Article Second. Within a period of no more than 180 working days after the entry into force of this Decree, the holder of the Federal Executive Branch shall make appropriate adjustments to the Regulation of the General Law on Sustainable Forest Development.

Mexico, D. F., April 3, 2013.-Sen. Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, President.-Dip. Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, President.-Sen. Rosa Adriana Díaz Lizama, Secretary.-Dip. Tanya Rellstab Carreto, Secretariat.-Rubics."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to sixteen of May two thousand thirteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Rubrias.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.-Heading.

DECREE amending Article 47 Bis of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 21, 2013

Article Unique.- The second paragraph of point (h), part II of Article 47 Bis, of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection is reformed. Environment, to stay as follows:



First.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Second.- The Federal Executive Branch, within a period not exceeding 90 calendar days after the entry into force of this Decree, shall publish in the Official Journal of the Federation, the Decree by which Article 61 of the Regulation of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment in the field of Protected Natural Areas is reformed, in order to adjust to what is foreseen in the This Decree.

Mexico, D. F., April 3, 2013.-Sen. Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, President.-Dip. Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, President.-Sen. Rosa Adriana Díaz Lizama, Secretary.-Dip. Fernando Bribiesca Sahagun, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at seventeen in May of two thousand thirteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.-Heading.

DECREE that Articles 36, 37 BIS and 37 SRT of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection are being amended and added Environment.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 24, 2013

UNICO ARTICLE.- Article 36 (I) is reformed and an article 37 BIS is added, and the current Article 37 BIS becomes Article 37 TER of the Law General of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, to remain as follows:



Unique.- This Decree shall enter into force on the following day of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D. F., April 16, 2013.-Sen. Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, President.-Dip. Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, President.-Sen. Lilia Guadalupe Merodio Reza, Secretary.-Dip. Xavier Azuara Zuniga, Secretary.-headings."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at seventeen in May of two thousand thirteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.-Heading.

DECREE by which various provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, in the field of marine protected areas.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 24, 2013

Article Unique.- The first paragraph of Article 44; fractions I and III of Article 45; the first paragraph, the first and second paragraphs of the paragraph (a) and, the second subparagraph of subparagraph (b) of section I; the second subparagraph of point (a), the second subparagraph of point (b), the first subparagraph of point (c), the first, second and third paragraphs of point (d), the second paragraph of point (e), and the First subparagraph of point (h) of Article 47 BIS (II); the second subparagraph of Article 48; the second and fourth paragraphs of Article 51; and a final paragraph is added to Article 46; the third and fourth paragraphs, in the order of the subsequent order of Article 48; and the third paragraph of Article 55 of the General Law Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, to remain as follows:



Unique.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D.F., as of April 18, 2013.-Sen. Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, President.-Dip. Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, President.-Sen. Lilia Guadalupe Merodio Reza, Secretary.-Dip. Tanya Rellstab Carreto, Secretariat.-Rubics."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at seventeen in May of two thousand thirteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.-Heading.

DECREE issuing the Federal Law on Environmental Responsibility and reforming, adding and repealing various provisions of the General Law of the Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, the General Law of Wildlife, the General Law for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste, the General Law on Sustainable Forest Development, the Law of National Waters, the Code of Law, Federal Criminal Law, of the Law of Shipping and Trade and of the General Law of National Goods.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on June 7, 2013

Article Second. The second paragraph of Article 168 and Article 169 are amended; and three paragraphs are added to Article 168 and one last paragraph to the article. 176 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, to remain as follows:



FIRST.- This Decree shall enter into force within thirty days of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

SECOND.- The Environmental Responsibility Fund should be constituted and its bases and rules of operation, elaborated and approved within one hundred and eighty days following the entry into force of this Decree.

THIRD.- The District Courts specialized in environmental matters shall be established within a maximum of two years from the entry into This Decree shall apply. The Jurisdiction specialized in environmental matters may be awarded to the District Courts in functions in each judicial circuit or according to what the Council of the Federal Judicature has, without this implying the creation of new The staff of each of these District Courts will receive specialized training in the field of environmental regulations.

Mexico, D. F., at April 25, 2013.-Sen. Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, President.-Dip. Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, President.-Sen. Rosa Adriana Díaz Lizama, Secretary.-Dip. Javier Orozco Gomez, Secretary.-rubrics."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to five June of two thousand thirteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.- Heading.

DECREE that Article 1 is reformed. of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection and Article 1 of the General Law for the Prevention and Comprehensive Management of Waste.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on November 5, 2013

Article First.- Reformation of section I of article 1o. of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



Unique.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D. F., 2 October 2013.-Sen. Raul Cervantes Andrade, President.-Dip. Ricardo Anaya Cortes, President.-Sen. Lilia Guadalupe Merodio Reza, Secretary.-Dip. Merilyn Gomez Wells, Secretary.-Headings."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree at the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to twenty-nine of October of two thousand thirteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.-Heading.

DECREE adding a second paragraph to Article 87 Bis 2 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, and add the fractions X, XXVI and XLVII, with the subsequent cuts, to Article 3o. of the General Wildlife Law.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on November 5, 2013

Article First.- A second paragraph is added to Article 87 Bis 2 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



First. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Second. The Secretariat shall issue the corresponding Mexican official rules within eighteen months following the entry into This Law shall apply.

Mexico, D. F., as of October 3, 2013.-Sen. Raul Cervantes Andrade, President.-Dip. Ricardo Anaya Cortes, President.-Sen. Maria Elena Barrera Tapia, Secretary.-Dip. Javier Orozco Gomez, Secretary.-rubrics."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the first of November of two thousand thirteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Rubrias.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.-Heading.

DECREE amending Article 3o. of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 16, 2014

ONLY ARTICLE. The XXXIII fraction of article 3o is reformed. of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, to remain as follows:



ONLY. This decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Mexico, D. F., as at 3 December 2013.-Dip. Ricardo Anaya Cortes, President.-Sen. Raul Cervantes Andrade, President.-Dip. Javier Orozco Gómez, Secretary.-Sen. Rosa Adriana Díaz Lizama, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to ten January of two thousand fourteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.- Heading.

DECREE on which various provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment and the Law are being amended and added General Wildlife.

Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 9, 2015

Article First.- The second paragraph of Article 87 Bis 2 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment is reformed to remain as follows:



First. This Decree shall enter into force on the one hundred and eighty calendar days after its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Second. The circuses shall immediately submit to the Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources a database containing the number and characteristics of the wildlife specimens they possess. These databases will be made available to the country's zoos so that they are able to select the specimens that may be integrated into their collections.

Wildlife specimens included in the databases referred to in the previous paragraph that are not selected by the zoos may be submitted by their holders to the Centers for Conservation and Research of Wildlife belonging to the Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources with the aim of not involving expenditure for the maintenance of animals that can no longer be used in their workplace.

Third. The Legislatures of States and the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District, in the field of their respective competences, shall adapt their legislation to comply with this Decree within a period not exceeding one hundred and eighty days natural subsequent to the publication of the same in the Official Journal of the Federation.

Fourth. All those provisions that contravene this Decree shall be repealed.

Mexico, D.F., on December 11, 2014.-Sen. Miguel Barbosa Huerta, President.-Dip. Silvano Aureoles Rabbit, President.-Sen. Lucero Saldana Perez, Secretary.-Dip. Fernando Bribiesca Sahagun, Secretary.-Rubicas."

In compliance with the provisions of Section 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, on eight January of two thousand fifteen.- Enrique Peña Nieto.-Rubrias.-The Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.- Heading.