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Internal Rules Of The Prison Authority Department Which Is Implemented In The Program Resocializācij On Mitigation

Original Language Title: Iekšējās kārtības noteikumi brīvības atņemšanas iestādes struktūrvienībā, kurā tiek īstenota resocializācijas programma atkarību mazināšanai

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Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 23 in Riga 2017 January 3 (pr. Nr. 1 13. §) internal rules for custodial authority Department which is implemented in the program resocializācij on mitigation Issued under the Penal Procedure Code of Latvia in the seventh paragraph of article 38.4 i. General questions 1. establish internal procedures the penitentiary institutions Department, which is implemented in the program resocializācij on mitigation (hereinafter referred to as dependency reduction program), convict, host selection and order, as well as the order in which the convict is excluded from dependency reduction program and the corresponding decision-making criteria. 2. To convicts involved in the addiction mitigation program, not subject to the General penitentiary institution's internal rules. 3. Dependency reduction program includes the selection, reception of convicted, in-depth evaluation and programme implementation stage. 4. subject to the implementation of the programme shall be in mitigation for the prison administration of the Olaine Prison (prison hospitals) depend on the Centre (hereinafter referred to as the Centre). Dependency reduction program manager depends on the Centre's boss. 5. Addiction reduction program during the implementation phase, to be implemented by the package of measures approved by the prison administration (Government) Chief. II. selection procedure involved convicted according to mitigation program 6. If convicted of the original or the annual risk and need assessment finds alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substances risk prison officer or employee (employee) shall mark the sentenced resocializācij plan and offer the convicted involved convicted on the mitigation measures in a custodial institution. 7. when the sentenced submissions that expressed a desire to get involved in reducing addiction, prison authorities within 10 working days of the Chief shall assess the need to involve convicted on mitigation program, taking account of the following criteria: 7.1 sentenced behavior during the execution of the fine; 7.2. participation of the sentenced resocializācij measures and the results achieved; 7.3. execution; 4.6. Security and crime prevention criteria; 7.5. the medical opinion of the convicted persons in the health status of compliance with the membership dependency reduction program. 8. on the basis of the provisions referred to in paragraph 7 of the evaluation results and having regard to the risks and needs of convicted the results of an assessment, the deprivation of liberty of the authority shall prepare and transmit to the Chief Administrative supervisor proposal on reducing the dependence of the convicted of involvement in or taken a decision on the refusal to prepare proposals for the dependence of the reduction in the involvement of the convicted. 9. infringement of the penal regime, what convict committed after that provision referred to in paragraph 7 to the application, cannot be the only basis for the refusal to prepare proposals for the dependence of the reduction in the involvement of the convicted. 10. Receive a custodial authority Chief's proposal for the involvement in the dependence of the convicted mitigation program, the Administration's Chief, subject to this provision 7. criteria and referred to a space on the mitigation program, 15 working days in one of the following decisions: 10.1. attract sentenced dependency reduction program; 10.2. to refuse to involve convicted addiction reduction program; 10.3. postpone sentenced involvement addiction mitigation program. III. movement and sentenced admission based on reduction in 11. If the Administration accepts these rules Chief 10.1. decision referred to convicted of custodial institutions moved to the prison administration Olaine Prison (Latvian prison hospital) (hereinafter referred to as the Olaine Prison). 12. After insertion of the Olaine Prison: 12.1 sentenced recorded indicating his/her name and surname, personal code (if the person is not the code, birth year, month, date, and place), as well as the sentence beginning and end; 12.2. the convict shall transfer to the prison in Olaine storage documents, precious metals, precious stones and their products, securities, money, as well as goods which are not goods and food products, which are allowed to keep convicted, or in excess of the allowed number of property (quantity) (annex 1). On the transferred goods and documents drawn up Act (annex 2), signed by the convict and employee, who accepts. The issue of a copy of the law convicted; 12.3. the money transferred by the convict, including convicted personal account administration of the funds deposited in the account of the Treasury; 12.4. the sentenced crawl and stuff. Screening is carried out for the same-sex employees; 12.5. the sentenced a medical examination and, if appropriate, sanitary processing; 12.6. sentenced introduces these rules, his rights and obligations depend on the Centre's agenda and fire regulations, and the convict is evidenced by his signature; 12.7. the convicted provides shall immediately notify the family or another person of his choice for the sentenced being in Olaine Prison and its address, sending the statement (annex 3), as well as inform the convicted for the opportunity to receive money transfers, shipments and contributions. Notice shall be sent within three working days of the Olaine Prison. If the underage person appointed in the manner laid down in the law guardian, a statement sent to the guardian and the family courts. A copy of the notification shall be accompanied by the sentenced person thing. IV. in-depth evaluation of the 13 convicted. Three days convicted inserts external evaluation of the centre section to perform in-depth risk and if convicted. Independent evaluation of the centre section of the convict for a maximum 30 day diet. 14. Within three working days after the sentenced insertion of external evaluation of the centre section and Olaine Prison convict boss conclude an agreement on involvement in the dependence of the convicted reduction program (annex 4). 15. If the sentenced and in-depth coverage of the evaluation result is found, a convicted match dependency reduction program, involving convicted this provision referred to in paragraph 5 as a whole according to the evaluation of measures in the the findings. Given the convicted presented the set of measures laid down for the internal rules of procedure and the agenda, and the convict is evidenced by the signature. V. agenda convicted 16. Convicted agenda dependent Center with the order determined by the Olaine Prison boss. 17. the agenda includes convicted resocializācij and mode measures convicted meals, daily walks, time to rest, the convicted, time, phone calls, as well as eight hours of continuous sleep. 18. the order of the day, not less than twice a day, morning and evening, but, if necessary, in another time, the officer conducting the verification number convicted, during which also sentenced appearance. 19. the inmates of the numeric position of the gate during the inspection officer in the specified location. Bed time convicted check sleeping quarters. 20. The sentenced his numerical test taken at the location where the convict: 20.1. received the Olaine Prison Chief's written authorization not to be in the specified location; 20.2. participates in the resocializācij event. Vi. rights and obligations of convicted 21. the Convicted have the right to: 21.1. to keep a living room for personal use requires that the rules set out in annex 1 of the assortment and quantity. The total weight of the goods that the convicted are allowed to keep the center of the living room may not exceed 15 kilograms. The total assets of convicted weight Olaine Prison must not exceed 30 kilograms; 21.2. refer to the Olaine Prison Chief with written submissions that expressed a request to allow to keep religious articles and literature; 21.3. the adoption of the order of the day at the employees on time. At the request of the convicted they can be accepted without the presence of other persons; 21.4. ask him to call upon the chaplain sentenced confession clergy; 21.5. refer to the Olaine prison warden with the application of this Regulation referred to in paragraph 14 of the agreement; 21.6. to smoke it in the space provided and time. 22. the Convicted are obliged to follow this rule: 22.1 14 referred to the agreement conditions; 22.2. to comply with the Centre's internal rules of procedure, agenda and fire regulations; 22.3. gently treat the Olaine Prison the State owned property;
22.4. to observe personal hygiene; 22.5. maintaining order in the territory of the Centre, living space, sharing space and jobs. The clean lines of inmates; 22.6. from lifting up to bed to keep her bed according to the Olaine Prison boss set a single specimen; 14.1. be polite when interacting with other people, to greet the staff and visitors and with the standing up with ' you '; 22.8. to stand and placed in the location specified by the employee; 14.2. to participate in resocializācij activities under the plan of the resocializācij and addictive set of mitigation measures for the internal rules of procedure, as well as to contribute to the risk and needs assessment; 22.10. to meet legal requirements of employees; 22.11. using medication immediately after receiving them, in the presence of the employee; 12/22 to submit to testing. in order to establish whether the convict was taking alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substances; 22.13. to submit to medical examination and medical activities in infectious disease control; 22.14. to submit to the searches; 22.15. to wear this rule 48, paragraph recognition sign, attached to the thoracic outerwear on the left; 22.16. to arrive at the employee's call; 22.17. to cover the losses caused by the convict, making intentional unlawful Olaine Prison owned State property or the other person's property damage or destruction; 22.18. at the request of the employee to provide written explanation of the penal regime of the irregularity or other cases. 23. the Convicted are banned: 23.1. arbitrarily located objects or rooms in which he does not work, do not learn, does not live or is not participating in the dependency reduction program activities; 23.2. store, buy, fabricate and use things not mentioned in annex 1 of these regulations, over the rules in annex 1 of the allowed number (quantity), as well as damaged electrical appliances and belongings, the use of which the sentenced and the threat to health and life; 23.3. the smoking place and time; 23.4. to dispose or put in other people use personal gear, products or substances, as well as to buy or borrow them from others; 14.6. to play gambling games or other games to gain or other material benefit; 14.7. tetovē yourself or another person; 14.7. without the prior written permission of the Chief of the Centre to deploy residential premises or sharing images; 14.8. hide your bunk and other sites which interfere with the piece prisoner surveillance; 14.9. Exchange sleeping quarters with another convicted and arbitrarily to change the placement of equipment in the room; 23.10. the physical effect upon or otherwise demean another person; 23.11. intentionally harm his or other people's health; 23.12. use of alcohol, narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances; 23.13. disturb the peace; 23.14. use custodial authority do not allow for ways and means of communication; 23.15. without the permission of the employee to contact the convicts stationed in another chapter; 23.16. using bad words; 23.17. store literature, brochures, booklets on fight sports, weapons, erotica and pornography. VII. rights of convicted temporarily leave the custodial authority 24. If convicted the results achieved correspond to its package plan, which convict involved, and the conditions of reduction programmes it provides, the Olaine Prison Chief convicted may authorise the temporary leave the Olaine Prison. 25. In deciding on the rules referred to in paragraph 24 of the authorisation, shall take into account the performance of regulatory criminal law criteria. 26. In the order for permission to temporarily leave the convicted Olaine Prison area: 26.1. convicted in first name, last name, and ID number (if the person is not the code, birth year, month, date, and location); 26.2. the Olaine Prison for leaving the territory and return time and date;
26.3. residence address or route and location; 26.4. it the employee's name and job title, who will accompany the convict. 27. the convicted presented the 26 of these regulations an order referred to in paragraph 1 and shall inform the membership of the criminal case, if the convict avoid penal, and the convict is evidenced by the signature. 28. the convict temporarily outside the territory of the Olaine Prison can be on the order of the day at the designated time. 29. temporarily outside the territory of the Olaine Prison sentenced the binding is all these rules such rights, prohibition and responsibilities, except for obligations referred to 22.15. as well as the need to respect the public policy rules and the accompanying instructions for the employee. 30. in order to allow convicted temporarily leave the Olaine Prison, not executed, if the convict placed in disciplinary penalty isolator or Olaine Prison boss taken a decision on disciplinary action – Insert a fine or disciplinary isolators-application. 31. Where authorisation to leave the territory of the Olaine prison time is not used for any valid reason, the Olaine Prison boss assessed the ability to give permission for the convicted to leave the penitentiary institution in another time. 32. Leaving the territory, Olaine Prison sentenced the Olaine Prison chiefs issued a signed personal certificate (annex 5). 33. Returning to the Olaine Prison, the convicted person shall be referred without delay to the temporary certificate. Such a certificate is added to the personal file. 34. the Olaine Prison Chief of State police territorial unit within the territory of which the convict intends to stay, on the convict shall contain the following information: 34.1. sentenced name, surname and personal code (if the person is not the code, year of birth, the date, the month and location); 21.3. the criminal law article, after which the person convicted; 21.3. the penalty at the beginning and the end; 21.4. address, route or place where convict staying; 34.5. Olaine Prison for leaving the territory and return time and date; 21.5. accompanying the employee name, and contact information. VIII. Encouragement and punishment application of 35. possible found convicted of allowing parole violation mode the employee presented a report (annex 6). 36. the convicted presented by this provision in paragraph 35 of the report and provides the opportunity to provide convicted explanation of the report specified. This provision in paragraph 35 of that report, together with an explanation for the employee submit convicted Olaine Prison boss. 37. The report notes the convicted sentence mode of the breach assess the Centre's boss and prepare a proposal for the Olaine Prison Chief recommended action. 38. the Olaine Prison boss taken a decision on the application or non-application of penalties (annex 7). 39. the convicted presented the Olaine Prison Chief's decision on the application or non-application of penalties and one working days shall issue a copy of the decision to him. They receive a convict is certified by the signature of the relevant section of the decision. 40. before inserting the sentence or sentenced in the disciplinary isolator treatment person sentenced and kept this provision in paragraph 38 that decision. 41. If the medical treatment person's record indicates that sentenced health condition into a fine or disciplinary isolator is not allowed, decision postponed until convicted in the State of health allows penal. 42. On inserting sentence or sentenced in the disciplinary isolator shall record the penalty or disciplinary isolator-convict placed the tracking log (indicates sentenced name and year of birth; date and time when the convict placed in punitive or disciplinary isolator; tailored a fine time; the date and time when a convict released from punishment or disciplinary isolator). 43. Convicted, which puts the penalty or disciplinary isolator, allowed to take personal hygiene accessories, three books, pen, pencil, paper and envelopes. Books can be exchanged once a week. 44. to stop infringement, Olaine Prison Chief's absence for 24-hour monitoring of the Olaine prison officer in charge of the sentenced penalty can be inserted or disciplinary isolation for a period not exceeding 64 hours. 45. If convicted, in a fine or the disciplinary isolator, inserts a medical institution, the execution of the penal regime breaches the limits of convicted. If from the date when the punishment for parole violation of delayed treatment, has been more than 30 days, the penalty is not met. 46. at the request of the sentenced prisoners or disciplinary penalty isolator, you can visit the clergy (with or without the presence of officials). 47. Encouragement to apply on the convicted Olaine Prison Chief's written decision, adopted on the basis of the Centre's Chief proposal. IX. The convicted person is material and household needs 48. Olaine Prison inmates wear the Olaine Prison served a seasonal clothing, footwear and headgear with a recognition sign. 49. Recognition sign contains convicted in first name, last name, year of birth and a photograph. Recognition sign restored as needed. 50. If convicted on the personal account of the funds want to buy these provisions in annex 8. foods and stuff, he says to the application (annex 9) at the Olaine Prison boss. Olaine Prison Chief supports purchased food and belongings into the convicted. 51. At least every seven days convicted provides shower, mazgāšano and change of bed linen. Convict clothing and underwear washing organized as necessary. 52. the punishment of Convicted or disciplinary isolator shall be issued only in the bedding to sleep on time. 53. The living room, a fine or the disciplinary isolator room must be natural and artificial lighting, and temperature must not be lower than 18 ∘ C. 54. The penalty or disciplinary isolator in place one convicted. 55. The living room is equipped with: 55.1. bed; 55.2. stool (bench); 55.3. table; 55.4. shelf; 55.5. insulate the sanitary node with a shower. 56. The penalty or disciplinary isolator equipped with this rule 55.1 55.2 55.3., and referred to items and sanitary knot without a shower. 57. the Convicted must be groomed, neat and must follow personal hygiene requirements. 58. Notiesātaj women are allowed to use this provision in annex 1 accessories hair strengthening and decorative cosmetics. 59. the Convicted men wears short hair and smooth shaves his beard and mustache. 60. the Olaine Prison medical permission are exceptions to this rule in paragraph 59, if convicted is the skull or facial trauma, which distort his appearance. 61. in accordance with the instructions of the person convicted of treatment men hair can get to shave them, notiesātaj women – to turn the short or get to shave them. X. training material and contributions to 62. If convicted in education, he and pienesumo messages can get study materials. 63. the contributions of the Olaine Prison equipment, making space in which the person convicted for carrying content (hereinafter referred to as the supplier of the site), you can freely enter the Olaine Prison set chiefs. This room is equipped with a table, chairs, stationery or benches. 64. the adoption of the Contribution space prominently placed statement of the laws to which certain pienesumo allowed the transfer of the property, the contribution of making arrangements, information about the person responsible for the unauthorized transfer of the subject matter, as well as an indication of the time of employees. 65. Contributions to the supplier together with the submission of contributions contributions (annex 10) in duplicate and shall produce identity documents. The application shall be referred to the Executive, which accepts contributions. 66. Official supplier in the presence of the contributions examine the contents of the contributions. After checking the contributions of one copy of the application to which the mark shall be made on the existing things, the contributions shall be issued to the supplier, the other copy of the application to the convict after a signature of receipt of contributions. 67. The property, other than those referred to in paragraph 62 of these regulations, or where storage is not received in the Olaine Prison boss permission, shall be returned to the contribution to the supplier. 68. If the response is placed in hidden in the center of the banned substances, products, articles, contributions are not accepted. If contributions are found in the narcotic, psychotropic, toxic, explosive substances, weapons, ammunition or communications equipment, but did not adopt its suppliers hold and be transferred to the national police. On these facts the officer informed of 24-hour surveillance of the Olaine Prison officials and fill out an administrative detention Protocol (annex 11). 69. the Convicted, who moved to a new penitentiary institution, the transfer of consignments of Olaine Prison. 70. If the convict is released, or dead, post marked "consignment to pass can not be" sent back to the sender. 71. If at the time of receipt of the consignment, convict or disciplinary penalties is located in the convicted, the post insulator served after his release from a punishment or disciplinary isolator. 72. If at the time of receipt of the consignment, convict moved to Latvia in the prison hospital, temporary detention places or prisons, investigation for up to 10 days, the transfer of convicted consignment upon his return from those authorities. If the convict is absent for more than 10 days, the transfer of convicted within three working days. 73. the shipment and transfer of the convicted contributions within three working days from the receipt of the Olaine prison or convicted in return from the other institutions. Open it and check the consignment in the presence of the convicted who post addressed. 74. the results of the inspection of the consignment specified in the Protocol (annex 12). 75. From the post removed things, other than those referred to in paragraph 62 of these rules, accepts the Olaine Prison in store when designing the warehouse Act (annex 13) and notifying the sender. If the sender three months these things from Olaine Prison warehouse is not removed, the present Act concerning their destruction (annex 14) and removed the destroyed. 76. If the shipment contains goods that are allowed to receive messages and store other penitentiary institutions, those possessions placed in Olaine Prison warehouse along with other belongings and issued the sentenced convicts by moving to a custodial institution or releasing. 77. If the consignment is removed from food products, three working days present on their destruction (annex 14), and these products are destroyed, notifying the sender. 78. On the money found in the present Act (annex 13) sentenced in the presence of that post addressed. Money management including the General account and use the utility and convicted domestic conditions. XI. the personal belongings of sentenced custody order 79. Convict stuff stored in a living room or a department store. On the shelf or belongings boxes indicate the first and last name of the sentenced. 80. The Centre's boss, if necessary, organise the service of goods or convicted transfer Department warehouse according to annex 1 of these rules. 81. the Olaine Prison warehouse for storage of belongings drawn up convicted by the Act (annex 2). The Act of signing the convicted and the employee who takes things. The Act is issued a copy of the convicted. 82. the Olaine Prison in inventory assets of convicted convict may request a grant to another person (other than the prisoner's person), submitting the application (annex 15) Olaine Prison boss. XI. attendance procedures 83 convicted By independent Centre Manager. on the proposal of the sentenced resocializācij plan and mitigation program for the achievement of the Olaine prison warden can allow convicted criminal enforcement of the regulatory framework the statutory personal visits, if required by the conditions of the package in which the convict involved. 84. The visits shall be determined by the Olaine Prison Chief sentenced pursuant to the agenda of the Centre. 85. before the tenth of each month, based on the submissions, which convicted matched with the Olaine prison warden, Chief of the Centre depends on preparing the visit schedule for next month. Schedule deploys the convicts. 86. the planned visit will not take place if the convict: 53.5. moved to the Prison Hospital of Latvia; 86.2. moved to the hospital outside the penitentiary authorities; 86.3. moved a procedural action; 86.4. moved to the custodial authority or enquiries in the prison; 86.5. inserted in the penal or disciplinary isolator. 87. If this provision in paragraph 86 above reasons can not visit ensure that the Olaine Prison boss allows the convicted announce the cancellation of visits to people who plan to visit the prisoners. 88. Attendance is given at a time when the convict is in Olaine prison admissions department or external Evaluation of the Centre. 89. The first visit after the convicted may allow the involvement on the mitigation measures, if provided for dependency reduction measures. 90. The quarantine, in the case of natural disasters or other exceptional circumstances, the visit may be terminated or transferred to exceptional circumstances relief or the end of the quarantine period. If the visit is postponed, the Olaine Prison boss gives you the opportunity to visit the convicted announce removal of persons who plan to visit the prisoners. 91. The sentenced visitors recorded attendance tracking card (annex 16). 92. During the visit, together with the convict can stay at not more than four persons. The persons convicted minors attending the legal representatives or authorized person in the presence of minors. 93. The visits organised in the room with the other convicts and their visitors. 94. The visit room allowed those convicted carry things only with the permission of the head of the independent centre. From the visit of the premises must take out the convict only those things which he had brought with him, arriving to visit. 95. during the visit, the visitors banned from putting convicts and convicts put visitors any prohibited items and substances. 96. before the visit, the visitor will show an identity document and signature that is familiar with the Centre's internal rules and regulations, which stipulated the prohibition of transferring those convicted of property, products and substances. These provisions place a publicly accessible location. 97. before the visit, take a visitor and his personal belongings or crawl rules 123, 124, 126, 125.. and in paragraph 127. 98. The visits are not allowed in the following cases: 98.1. visitor waives or crawl or refuses to put in storage for the specified employee's effects; 98.2. during boarding or removes objects or foods that visitors bring in prohibited; 98.3. the visitor is in the alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substances or refuse to submit to checks, the purpose of which is to detect alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substances; 98.4. the visitor declines to produce identity documents or represent that is familiar with this rule 94.95 and 96, paragraph rules. 99. Finding the Centre's internal regulations or other non-compliance with the laws and the time of the visit, the officials warn visitors about the convicted and the termination of the visit or visits stop, which immediately reported on the 24-hour monitoring of the Olaine Prison officials responsible and independent Center supervisor, or the person who replaces him. Stop the visits continue. 100. The visit to the room first, then entering visitors convicted. 101. After the visit from visit premises first convicted, then leave the visitors. XIII. the Convicted spiritual care 102. Olaine prison chaplain on the agenda within the time dependent Center organizes and coordinates religious activities of religious and other religious organizations. 103. Religious organizations religious activities are carried out, if the dependent Center received regulatory Chief. 104. Religious organizations religious activities, except for the confession, Olaine prison chaplain happens in the presence. 105. at the request of the convicted in application to be allowed to keep the religious subjects, Olaine prison warden can allow the convicted to store them. Convict religious items stored according to these rules. 106. the Olaine Prison boss, getting to this provision the application referred to in paragraph 105, assess the adequacy of criminal subject religious performance of regulatory legislation and the requirements of this regulation, as appropriate, individual circumstances and having regard to the opinion of the Olaine prison chaplain, shall adopt a decision on the religious subjects of the storage permit or refusal to issue it. 107. the Olaine prison chaplain that rule 106. opinion referred to in paragraph 1 shall specify: 107.1. the nationality of the sentenced individual religious denominations; 107.2 subject specific affiliation. religious denominations; 107.3. or object is required to convict can perform the rituals of religion; 107.4. these items or can be replaced with another subject in the Center and allowed items available. 108. If the religious object used in the penal regime for having committed an infringement by the Olaine Prison Chief's decision removes it and shall be deposited in the Olaine Prison warehouse at sentenced personal effects. 109. This provision in the decision referred to in paragraph 106 of the original kept in the personal file, but a copy of the decision shall be issued by the convicted. XIV. Security measures 110. Convicted, visitors, employees and their belongings, as well as the premises and territory of the Centre may be searched. Official crawl may use technical means and service dog. 111. The territory of the Centre, the building and the room may be searched at any time of day. Accommodation bed time searched only if there is reasonable suspicion that there is a risk to the safety or security of the Centre for life and health. 112. the living space crawling, convicted out of the living space to a single space, leaving the one convicted, which make the presence of the space. 113. Crawling out of the same sex. If the crawl time necessary to undress the person being screened to ensure privacy of the person being searched. 114. If the crawl time need to check the person's mouth, body, prostheses or medical appliances, crawl upon the medical person. 115. the convict and his belongings were searched: 115.1. the Olaine Prison convicts arriving in or leaving the Olaine Prison; 115.2. the arrival of external convicted Centre or leaving it; 115.3. convicted first time inserting the living room, putting a penalty or disciplinary isolator or removing from it; 115.4. If you suspect that the convict keep prohibited articles or substances; 115.5. and after visiting; 115.6. when the sentenced living space. 116. Sentenced searched by doing a full crawl (with searchable full undressing of the person) or a partial crawl (without the person being screened full undressing). 117. For the conduct of a complete crawl Crawl presented Protocol (annex 17). For a partial crawl of this Protocol shall be drawn up, if you find prohibited items or substances or if the convict requests it. 118. when the sentenced partial searches: 118.1. convicted the offer willingly put restricted articles and substances; 118.2. verifying the sentenced outerwear, gear, headgear, and footwear; convicted for pick up 118.3. makes hands up, turned to face the wall, leaning her arms on the wall, and place the feet shoulder width; 118.4. from behind screened clothing from top to bottom, with particular attention to places that may be hidden prohibited items or substances. 119. when the sentenced full crawl: 119.1. the convicted offers willingly put restricted articles and substances and then undressing; 119.2. searched the sentenced clothes and personal effects, headgear and footwear, if necessary, atārd the seams or other clothing and footwear component, which could be hidden prohibited items or substances; 119.3. checks the convicted body, prostheses and medical devices. 120. If the rules referred to in paragraph 118 crawling, reasonably suspects the presence of prohibited substances or items, you can initiate this provision, paragraph 119. 121. found during Searches of property, products and substances which are prohibited to store and which were not willingly transferred, seized and destroyed on their presentation of the Act (annex 14). 122. at the time of Boarding the found money seized and transferred to the General account administration utility and convicted domestic conditions. 123. Visitors, employees and his possessions shall be made in the following order: 123.1. inform about subjects of which prohibited to bring independent and responsibility, which argues for the introduction of prohibited articles custodial institution; 123.2. offers to transfer restricted articles and substances voluntarily; 123.3. check the headgear, clothing, footwear and belongings. 124. If a visitor, employee and his viewing of the property reasonably suspected banned items or substances being carried out searches in the following order: 124.1. Please lift arms up and placed her feet shoulder width; 124.2. searched the back of clothing from top to bottom, with particular attention to sites that might be hidden in the prohibited items; 124.3. If necessary, please undress and inspected the body, prostheses and medical devices. 125. For visitors and employees carrying out screening screening Protocol (annex 17) presented, where this provision is made to 124.3. actions referred to in the prohibited items are found or requested by a visitor or employee. 126. If a screening or viewing time to a visitor or employee is found in a custodial institution prohibited items or items that can be used in committing the crime, visitor or employee is not neglected in the Olaine Prison. 127. If a visitor or employee screening or viewing time on articles or substances for which the introduction of a custodial institution for administrative or criminal liability, or retention of employees and visitors to be transferred to the national police. On this fact informs about 24-hour monitoring of the Olaine Prison officials and fill out an administrative detention Protocol (annex 11). 128. The Center area, sharing rooms, as well as punitive or disciplinary isolator room take video surveillance to ensure the independent Centre, sentenced and another person's safety. 129. The individual evaluation of the circumstances, CCTV can make convicted accommodation. 130. Convicted involved dependency reduction program shall be prohibited to employ: 130.1. works associated with video equipment, radiotehnik, computer equipment and communications equipment; 130.2. the posts relating to material liability; 130.3. posts that under would be convicted. 131. If the convict is aggressive with your behavior endangers your or other people's life or health, the convict may for a period of up to two hours to isolate in a separate room. XV. the exclusion of convicted dependency reduction program, moving to the custodial authority and freeing convicted 132. Sentenced excluded from dependency reduction program: 132.1. end of the Penal Procedure Code of Latvia during the time dependence of the reduction program implementation; 132.2. convict has reached the required result resocializācij; 132.3. the convict those provisions. the application referred to in point 13.4; 132.4. the convict is released from parole. 133. Convicts may be excluded from the dependence on the mitigation programs by subject, on the proposal of the Chief of the Centre if: 133.1. convict has committed penal regime; 133.2. convict fails on mitigation program terms and conditions; 133.3. convicted for health reasons can not participate in dependency reduction program; 133.4. convicted and needs in-depth risk assessment found that the convict does not meet any of the set of measures to be implemented. 134. Sentenced excluded from dependency reduction program with the Olaine Prison Chief's decision. 135. at the proposal of the dependent on the Centre's Chief sentenced exclusion from dependency reduction program, Olaine Prison Chief decision within five working days. 136. If the Olaine prison warden shall decide on the exclusion of convicted dependency reduction program this provision and in 133 132.3. in the cases referred to in point, sentenced immediately inserted into the closed Chamber Olaine prison until their move to the custodial institution or Latvian prison hospital. 137. These rules referred to in paragraph 135 of the Olaine Prison Chief's decision, management Chief shall decide on the transfer of sentenced to a custodial institution or Latvian prison hospital. 138. moving to a custodial institution who convicted in accordance with resocializācij of the results required in the mastered dependency reduction program of their deployed separately from the convicts who are not trained in addiction reduction program. 139. Receiving information about the sentenced to custodial authority: 139.1. to enable the convicted prepare to take personal belongings; 139.2. when necessary, from warehouse items and items shall be issued upon presentation of the Act (annex 2). Meaning of receipt of convict in the Act of signature, and he issued a copy of the legislation. 140. the Convicted to deprivation of liberty shall be allowed to take only personal belongings that the convicted are allowed to keep a custodial institution. Personal items that are not allowed to keep convicted, sent to the custodial institution, to which the convict is moved. 141. Moving the convicted to deprivation of liberty, the sentenced person and those referred to in paragraph 140 of the rules of property transfer of the official in charge of the transfer of the sentenced, while designing the Act (annex 2). Looking for a copy of the Act against the signature puts the official in charge of the transfer of the sentenced, the second copy is kept according to the procedures laid down in the laws and dates. 142. the Convicted, which absolve from the custodial sentence, issued against the signature of his own stuff, designing the Act (annex 2), and also served within the sample certificate of release (annex 18). XVI. action in case of death sentenced 143. Olaine prison officer responsible for 24-hour surveillance and security, convicted death immediately by telephone reported to the Administration and management of the Olaine prison officer and administrative officer of the central apparatus, which is responsible for the investigation. 144. On the death of the Olaine Prison sentenced the Chief one day: 144.1. inform in writing the Administration's boss (convicted in death); 144.2. be informed in writing of the Prosecutor's Office; 144.3. the laws shall notify the registry office within the Department that the area is in the Olaine Prison, by sending a written notice of the fact of death sentenced; 144.4. writing as well by telephone, if possible, notify the dead convicted relatives and informed of the location of the deceased. 145. The dead man convicted of carrying a personal money card money, personal documents and possessions issued to his heirs. For the money, the issuing of documents and property presented (annex 2), which is added to a dead convicted person thing. 146. The dead convicted death certificates, and birth certificate, if it is in the possession of the Olaine Prison, his relatives may be issued if received substantiated application with a request to issue those documents. 147. The dead convicted foods destroyed three working days to design the Act (annex 14). 148. If the deceased is not the heir of the convicted or law within the prescribed period after the opening of the succession, they are not logged in or have their inheritance rights: 148.1. sentenced personal accounting card money one month is transferred to the State budget revenue; for the rest of the stuff, 148.2. draws up Act (annex 14) and property destroyed. Prime Minister Māris kučinskis amber Rasnač Minister of Justice annex 1 Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 and the foodstuffs that are allowed to keep convicted 1. living room that allowed Convicted of custodial institutions store purchased goods, except foodstuffs, as well as the following things: 1. the personal hygiene and household items needed: toilet and household soaps (two pieces), laundry detergent (one package) , shampoo, shower gel, face, body and hand creams, toothpaste (two pieces), the toothbrush (one), dental floss (one), washing sponge, plastic comb, SOAP dish, coat and shoe brush, thread, šujamadat, as well as: 1.1.1 women, cosmetics and decorative cosmetics that don't contain alcohol, personal hygiene accessories, hair styling, hair elastics, hair buckles and manicure accessories; 1.1.2. men-cosmetic products that do not contain alcohol, cassette, mechanical or electric razors for the machine (single), cuticle scissors (up to 10 cm in length, one), a cream for use before and after shaving; 1.2. not tinted optical glasses, contact lenses and care products, prostheses, technical AIDS, dietary supplements, vitamins and, in exceptional cases with the custodial authorities a doctor's permission, medical goods and medicines for emergency medical treatment; 1.3. writing paper, exercise books, pencils, pens, envelopes, stamps, newspapers, magazines, books, booklets, brochures, training books, exercise books and up to 15 photos (size up to 10 x 15 cm) intended for the album (size up to 12 x 17 x 1.5 cm) and letters; 1.4. the documents and notes relating to proceedings in his case, on the money deposited, belongings and valuables, receipt and personal correspondence; 1.5. wristwatch; 1.6. calling cards. 2. With the permission of the Olaine prison warden in the living room allowed to keep: 2.1. manufacture of hair care appliances: devices for drying or styling hair; 2.2. the religious subjects. 3. With the permission of the Olaine Prison Chief convicted in the warehouse of the Department allowed to keep hair cutting device, its accessories and batteries, if provided hair cutting device or convicted for being true to his watch (no more than one spare set of batteries for each device). 4. With the Olaine prison warden's permission Olaine Prison Administration designated premises shall be stored: 4.1 musical instruments; 4.2. materials and tools for works of applied art. 5. the Olaine Prison Administration soon put in place sharing space allowed to keep: 5.1. kitchen accessories-metal or plastic bowl in up to 25 cm diameter metal or plastic jug capacity up to 0.5 l (single), spoon (not more than two), forks (not more than two); 5.2. the custodial authorities store to purchase food products; 5.3. tobacco (200 cigarettes or smoking tobacco cigarettes in packages up to 150 g), gas lighters and matches. The Minister of Justice amber Rasnač annex 2 Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 possessions and document acceptance/transfer Act No. ____ ___ 20 ___. ___. ____ ____ ____ ____ Olaine Prison
(sentenced name, surname, identity code)
The personal file no ___ ___ ___ adopted/issued (not applicable) the following things: no p. k. Property/document name property characteristic or description, document No. Quantity/number notes * things adopted (date, title, signature, name, surname) agree with the statement (date, signature of the sentenced, first name, last name) Property shall be issued (date, title, signature, name, surname) list contains goods received (date, sentenced the signature, name, surname) Note. If convicted the issue part of things, specified in the Act on the check mark under "notes" and the signature of certain convicted belongings. The Minister of Justice amber Rasnač annex 3 Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 (recipient's name) (address), I notice I, Olaine Prison (first last) Street 10, Riga, Olaine, Olaine, LV-2114, loc. prison administration phone: 67962258, fax: 67966032, e-mail:
According to the Penal Procedure Code of Latvia and the Cabinet of Ministers of 3 January 2017 regulations No 23 "internal rules of the prison authority Department which is implemented in the resocializācij program to reduce dependency on the" I have a right to: 1) to receive and send letters (without limit); 2) on your or the recipient's features to make phone calls every day at this time:; (specify the time in accordance with the agenda) 3) receive mailings, contributions and money transfers without limit, as well as send money transfers to relatives, but with Olaine Prison Administration permission, others.   Properties: crediting the beneficiary registration No. account no Bank payment purpose codes (convicted persons name, surname, personal code, information about transfer) (place the text of the letter) Note. * According to resocializācij programs to reduce dependence on the conditions in the notice may specify other convicted. The Minister of Justice amber Rasnač in annex 4 of the Cabinet of Ministers of 3 January 2017 regulations No 23 agreement no _____ _____ for the involvement in the programme resocializācij convicted according to the mitigation in Olaine 20 ____ of ____. _____ ____ ____ the prisons administration Olaine Prison (Latvian prison hospital), Reg. No 90000027165, registered office post-89 Street, Riga, LV-1009, actual address _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, its superior ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ persons, who act in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers of 3 January 2017 rule No 23 "internal rules of the prison authority Department which is implemented in the resocializācij programme to reduce the dependence on" paragraphs 14, hereinafter referred to as the prison, on the one hand, and ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _, ID code (if not, year of birth, date, month) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, hereinafter referred to as the convict, who is involved in the resocializācij program to reduce dependence on where is the Centre of Olaine Prison, without false, and coercion error of concluding such an agreement (hereinafter Agreement): 1. the convict, by the signature, stating that he wishes to participate in the program resocializācij to reduce dependency and undertake to comply with the: 1.1. the Penal Procedure Code provisions relating to convicts involved in addiction resocializācij reduction; 1.2. the Cabinet of Ministers on 3 January 2017. Regulation No 23 "internal rules of the prison authority Department which is implemented in the program resocializācij on mitigation"; 1.3. the Centre's agenda and fire regulations. 2. by signing the agreement, the convict: 2.1 declares that he is familiar with the Latvian Penal Procedure Code provisions relating to convicts involved in the resocializācij program to reduce dependency, and Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 "internal rules of the prison authority Department which is implemented in the resocializācij program to reduce dependency on the" convicted rights and obligations and norms, rights and obligations are clearly understood him; 2.2. declares that he is aware of the fact that he has a disciplinary, civil and criminal responsibility for their illegal actions resulted in damage to the PRISON or other persons. 3. disputes between prison and sentenced to be solved by mutual agreement. If no agreement is reached, the dispute is a law. 4. the agreement shall enter into force at the moment of signing the mutual. 5. the agreement will be deemed terminated as of the date of: 5.1 convict moved to another prison; 5.2. the convict is sentenced to a fine or endured the Court has exempted from penal relatively early. 6. can unilaterally terminate the PRISON agreement with if convicted: 6.1 convict does not follow the agreement referred to in paragraph 2, the regulations or the Centre's internal rules; 6.2. the convict commits a new criminal offence; 6.3. There are other circumstances which prevent the sentenced being dependent on the future of the Centre; 6.4. the convict does not participate in dependency reduction program activities for more than two weeks. 7. the convict may terminate the agreement unilaterally, by submitting an application to the PRISON. 8. understanding design on one sheet in duplicate, one copy for the CONVICTED, the other PRISON. Two copies of the agreement have the same content and legal force.
The prisons administration Olaine Prison (a Prison Hospital of Latvia) boss convict (name, surname, signature) registration No. 9000027165 registered address: stabu Iela 89, Riga, LV-1009 (date) the actual address-Street 10, Riga, Olaine Olaine, LV-2114, nov.    
The Minister of Justice amber Rasnač annex 5 cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 of the certificate the Person note. Personal certificate, size is 6 x 9 cm. Amber Rasnač the Minister of Justice in the annex 6 Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 report on convicted the sentence mode of the breach _ 20. year ___. ___ ___ ___ ___ Olaine Prison (the employee's post, rank, name, surname) when designing this message that the convict (first name, last name, date of birth, date, time, location, description of the infringement, the infringement qualifications) Report Designer's signature sentenced explanation I, by reviewing this report, gives the following explanation: 20 __. year ___. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ signature information on convicted sentenced to appropriate penalties (formerly applied to the number of fines and penal nature of the infringement regime) 20 __. year ___. ___ ____ ___ (the employee's post, signature, name, surname) depend on the Centre's officials on the application of disciplinary measures, efficiency considerations, other marks, 20 __. year __. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (officials, signature, name, surname) depend on the proposal of the head of the Centre, other marks 20 ___. year __. _____ _____ (signature) the Minister of Justice amber Rasnač of annex 7 Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 of the decision on the imposition of penalties for convicted 20 ___. year ___. _____ _____ _____ Olaine Prison (convicted of name, surname, personal code) (penal regime violation) violation Yes documents and other evidence: decided: based on, convicted for (name) to apply/apply (cross out) in the following sentences: the Olaine Prison boss (signature, name, surname) decision to fulfill received 20 ___. year __. ____ _____ __ (post, signature, name, surname) decision got a copy of it and got 20 ___. year ___. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and am aware of the right to have the decision on the imposition of penalties in the month to challenge the prison administration chief.       (sentenced signature, name, surname)
Fill in, insert a sentence or sentenced in the disciplinary isolator treatment person's opinion 20 ___. year ___. _____ _____ _____ (signature, name, surname) convict (name) inserted in the sentence or disciplinary isolator 20 ___. year ___. _____ _____ _____ (post, signature, name, surname) released from punishment or disciplinary isolator 20 ___. year ___. ___ ____ ____ ___ (the post, signature, name, surname) by inserting a penalty or disciplinary isolator, convict toll keeping such items: (title, caption, name, surname) after the release of the penalty or the disciplinary isolator 20 ___. year ___. _____ _____ _____ received the following items: (convicted signature, name, surname) convict ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ under Cabinet 2017 January 3, of Regulation No 23 "internal rules of the prison authority Department which is implemented in the resocializācij programme to reduce the dependence on" paragraphs 20 and 44. year ___. ____ ____ ____ ____ 5. ___ _____ insert fine or disciplinary isolator to the concerned penitentiary institutions the Chief's decision.
Olaine prison warden's keep-Assistant (signature, name, surname) the Minister of Justice amber Rasnač of Annex 8 Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 and the foodstuffs that convict Olaine Prison can be purchased at shop 1. Bread, bread products without the cream filling. 2. Milk and milk products. 3. Dried and semi-dry meat, its preparations and ham, sauces and ketchup.
4. Salted and dried fish. 5. All types of milk, meat, fish, vegetable and fruit canned food plastic packaging. 6. sugar, sugar substitute, salt and spices. 7. Vegetables, fruits, purees, jams, jam, honey, nuts and seeds in plastic packaging. 8. Tea, coffee, cocoa, dry soup and other food concentrates, mineral water, juice and soft drinks in plastic packaging. 9. Stationery (writing paper, exercise books, pencils, pens, envelopes), training books, exercise books and postage. 10. Kitchen accessories-metal or plastic bowl in up to 25 cm diameter metal or plastic jug capacity up to 0.5 l, spoon, fork. 11. Tobacco products (cigarettes, cigarette smoking tobacco packages up to 150 g), gas lighters, matches and pīpēšan accessories. 12. The clothes and shoe brushes, thread, šujamadat, shampoo, SOAP, shower gel, dish and laundry detergents, toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, facial, body and hand creams, plastic Combs, SOAP dishes, washing sponges, Manicure Accessories, cassette, motor or electric razors, cream before and after shaving, personal hygiene supplies and other cosmetic products that do not contain alcohol. 13. Hair care equipment for drying and styling hair, hair, hair buckles a rubber notiesātaj women, cassette, mechanical or electric razors for men convicted of the apparatus. 14. Board Games. 15. Fixed prepaid cards. 16. Watches. 17. the nutritional supplements and vitamins. 18. Album photos (size up to 12 x 17 x 1.5 cm). 19. With the permission of the Olaine Prison Chief: 19.1. hair cutting device and its Accessories; 19.2. the batteries; 19.3. the materials and tools for works of applied art production. The Minister of Justice Amber 9. Rasnač attachment Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 sentenced the year of birth _____ ____ ____ personal account no. _____ _____ (_____ ____ unit _____ camera) (first name, last name) in the personal account is Euro € reserved accountant (signature, name, surname, date) Olaine Prison boss sentenced application permission personal needs Olaine Prison store to purchase the following items: no p. k. Mantas/pārtikas produkta nosaukums Cena (euro) Daudzums Summa (euro)                                                                                 Kopā  
20__. year ___. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Convicted in the signature (signature, name, surname) goods received and the euro (the amount in figures and words), expenditure on the purchase of goods, please cover from my personal account features.
20. _ year ___. _____ _____ (convicted signature, name, surname) Order was issued 20 __. year ___. _____ _____ (signature, name, surname) the Minister of Justice amber 10. Rasnač attachment Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 Olaine Prison boss (the contributions of the supplier's name, surname, personal code, address, telephone number) application for contribution please take the contributions of the convicted.   (name, surname, year of birth)  
Contribute content: no p. k. Training name number/quantity notes * note. * fill in if necessary.
Certify that the response does not contain the substances and items that are not allowed in a custodial institution. Responsibility for the transfer of the substances and items that are not allowed in a custodial institution, I have known (vendor signature contributions) contribution adopted (official position, name, surname, signature) 20 ___. year ___. ___ ___ ____ ____ the response received (convicted of name, surname, signature) 20 ___. year ___. _____ ____ ____ the response issued by the (Officer's position, name, surname, signature) 20 ___. year ___. _____ _____ _____ The Minister of Justice amber 11. Rasnač attachment Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 of the Protocol on administrative detention Olaine Prison _ 20. year ___. ____ _____ noon. ____ ___ (the design of the Protocol) (protocol design date, time) (position, rank, name, surname), subject to the Latvian administrative violations code 252.254.253., and the requirements of article 5.  (hold time)
A I Z U R I S T er J 1. name ID code 2 3. Year of birth 4. Place of birth 5. citizenship 6. Residence, phone Jobs, position 7., phone 8. Identity card (number, when and which failed) 9. Detention themes – the Latvian Code of administrative offences, art. 252, to design a Protocol on administrative violation, if the Protocol cannot be drawn up on the site and if design is mandatory. 10. the place of Detention of the Person arrested 11 suspects for the Latvian Code of administrative offences, art. 178 first, part of the administrative offence was committed on 12 Or detained person's property removal: yes/no hold official (signature, name, last name) (signature, name, surname) if proof of the officials detained person refuses to sign the Protocol: Executive Officer (signature, name, last name) (signature, name, surname) the Minister of Justice amber Rasnač 12, 2017 annex to Cabinet of Ministers 3. Regulation No. 23 of January consignment inspections Protocol No 20 _____ ___. g. ___. ____ ____ _____ noon. ___ ___ Olaine Prison (official title, rank, name, surname) carrying the convicted addressed (name, surname, personal code) consignment ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ reviews, found: no p. k. Property name, description, location, individual characteristics, the circumstances Which put the quantity received (payee name, date, signature) Note. * Box-put the convicted, released, transferred to the warehouse accounting – or other beneficiary indicated.
Check out the (signature) (name) check out (signature) (name) check out (signature) (name) got and agree the Protocol specified.   (sentenced signature)  
The Minister of Justice amber Rasnač 13. attachment Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 of Act No. ___ ___ on the belongings and documents removed from post 20 __. year ___. ___ ___ ___ ___ Olaine Prison for sentenced (name, surname, identity Code) property and/or removal of documents no p. k. Document name document No. When and where will the issued notes no p. k. The property name specified in the legislation of passed notes storage (post, signature, name, surname) agree with the statement (sentenced signature, name, surname) the Minister of Justice amber Rasnač annex 14. Cabinet 3 January 2017 regulations No 23 Property Disposal Act No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20. year ___. ___ ___ ___ ___ Olaine Prison (official title, rank, name, surname) confirms that in accordance with the Act/crawl (not applicable) no ____ ___ was destroyed (disposal) 1.     2.      3.     4.     5.    
The Chairman of the Commission (signature) (name) panelists: (signature) (name) (signature) (name) the Minister of Justice amber Rasnač 15. attachment Cabinet 2017 January 3, regulations No 23 Olaine Prison boss application for the issuance of another property in the convicted person (convicted of name, surname, personal code) Please put (the recipient's first name, last name, date of birth, address, telephone number) for the following goods: I own no p. k. Property name, description, number/quantity notes * note. * fill in if necessary.
Certify that the listed property belongs to me (sentenced signature) 20 ___. year ___. _____ _____ _____ officials proof of the specified property belonging to convicted (Officer position, name, surname, signature) 20 ___. year ___. _____ _____ _____ the goods issue (Olaine Prison boss) 20 ___. year ___. ____ _____ ____ list contains things got (signature, name, surname, date of birth, identity document No.)
The Minister of Justice amber Rasnač 16. attachment Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 personal photo of Olaine Prison Sentenced the attendance card name, ID code, sentence, the beginning of the term, expires.
Sentenced to a visitor the visitor name, surname, year of birth family (where kinship) degree residence 20 ___. the year ____. _____ _____ _____ (official title, signature) Note. the section record visitors that checked documented affinity or information system. Visits visits to date the visitor's first name, last name, year of birth, degree of relationship (where kinship) officials, name, surname, signature note. Attendance tracking card present A5 format. Amber Rasnač Minister of Justice 17. attachment Cabinet 2017 January 3, Regulation No 23 search and property inspections Protocol No 20 ____ __. g. ___. ___ _____ at _____ Olaine Prison (official title, rank, name, surname) was carried out in accordance with the sentenced/visitor/employee (name, surname, personal code) partial full crawl Crawl crawl the property inspection and/or property inspection found and removed: no p. k. Find the item name, description, location of the individual signs, conditions in the quantity Which passed (official name, signature, date) notes found during Crawling and withdrawn approval (signature of the person searched, first name, last name) of the person being screened comments on crawling Crawling by (signature) (name, surname) Searches by (signature) (name, surname) Searches by (signature) (name) the Minister of Justice amber Rasnač annex 18. Cabinet 3 January 2017 regulations No 23 prisons properties (Form) 20 __. the year ____. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ no _ _ _ statement of release (release basis) issued (name, surname) personal code (if not, date of birth, month, year) identity card (series, no, never released) (identity card is to be issued to the person against signature) that serve a custodial sentence imposed from one year (date) (month name) until (date) (month name) released (-a) the Olaine Prison boss (rank) (signature) (name) of the person Released on receipt of the certificate signed by the Minister of Justice Rasnač in amber