Parliament Act no. 10 of 8 June 2014 amending the Greenland Parliament Act on tax on halibut in the ocean fishing
(charge mackerel)
Modified repeals, hovedlov replaces information
Parliament Act no. 11 of 3 December 2012 on the charge of halibut in the ocean fishing
§ 1
In Greenland Parliament Act no. 11 of 3 December 2012 on the charge of Greenland halibut in the
deep-sea fishing, as amended by the Greenland Parliament Act no. 9 of 29 November 2013
amended as follows:
First Title of the Act reads as follows:
"Parliament Act on tax on halibut and mackerel in ocean fishing."
Second § 1 piece. 1 is replaced by:
"The provisions of this Act corresponds companies and individuals who have
quotas for deep-sea fishing for halibut respectively mackerel, a charge for
Treasury of the part of the catch which is not under fisheries legislation
be landed at the one indhandlings- or production in Greenland. "
third After § 2 heading is replaced
"charge halibut"
fourth § 3 pieces. 1 is replaced by:
"The charge is 2.50 kr. Per kilo halibut, see. However paragraph. 2. "
fifth § 3 pieces. 2, first sentence as follows:
"The tax on halibut adjusted quarterly on the basis of the tax rate it
preceding quarter and proportional to the relative price developments of
halibut in relation to oil prices in Danish kroner."
6th After § 3, a new heading:
"Tax on mackerel"
7th After the new title is added:
"§ 3a. The charge is 0.95 kroner per. kilos of mackerel fished using
vessel registered based in Greenland.
Subsection. 2. The fee is 0.95 kroner per. kilos of mackerel fished using
vessel registered office in Denmark, the Faroe Islands or abroad. "
8.§ 7 reads as follows:
"§ 7. The Government can meet the request for exemption from
charge of halibut when permission has been granted for exploratory who
essential biological or business purposes, and the economic impact
a derogation in however limited. "
§ 2
Act comes into force on 1 May 2014 and effective for mackerel caught
May 1, 2014 or later. At the same time repealed the provision in the text annotation
no. 1 to the main account 24/11/26 in the Budget for 2014.
Greenland, June 8, 2014
Ms Hammond