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Parliament Act No. 4 Of 19 May 2010 On Specific Measures To Combat Terrorism

Original Language Title: Inatsisartutlov nr. 4 af 19. maj 2010 om specifikke foranstaltninger til bekæmpelse af terrorisme

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Parliament Act no. 4 of 19 May 2010 on specific measures to combat terrorism

Modified repeals, hovedlov replaces information

Scope etc.

§ 1. The Parliament Act applies to companies and individuals subject to the then-current Parliament Act on prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

§ 2. It is prohibited without permission from the Money Laundering Secretariat to allow access to funds and financial assets or economic resources of persons and entities listed in the in Denmark from time to time terror list, be taken into account in connection Denmark's implementation of sanctions under the United Nations Security Council no. 1373 of 28 september 2001.
Subsection. 2. If it is found that a transaction or inquiry is or has been associated with persons or entities listed in the first paragraph. 1 said lists shall immediately be notified to the Secretariat.
Subsection. 3. Money Laundering Secretariat decide as soon as possible and by the end of the banking day following receipt of notification, whether the license can be granted in accordance with paragraph. 1, or whether there should be seized.

Sanctions Determination

§ 3 Violation of § 2. 1 and 2, involves action pursuant to § 26 of the Criminal Code for Greenland.

Entry into force

§ 4. This Act comes into force on 1 June 2010.

Greenland, May 19, 2010

Ove Karl Berthelsen