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Notice Concerning Approval And Annulment Of Standards

Original Language Title: Avis relatif à l'homologation et à l'annulation de normes

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JORF No. 13 of 16 January 2004 Page 1279
Text No. 98

Notice with respect to registration and cancellation of standards

NOR: INDI0310128V ELI: Not available

Pursuant to Order No. 84-74 dated January 26, 1984, as amended, in the absence of Opposition from the interdepartmental delegate to standards, the board of directors of the Association française de normalisation, by decision n ° 2003-97 of 20 December 2003, pronounced:
A. -The approval, to take effect from 20 January 2004, of the following ninety-nine French standards:


NF EN 14148. -Food products. -Determination of vitamin K1 by HPLC (classification index: V03-129).
NF EN ISO 6887-3. -Microbiology of foods. -Preparation of samples, parent suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination. -Part 3: specific rules for the preparation of fishery products (classification index: V08-010-3).
NF EN ISO 6887-4. -Microbiology of foods. -Preparation of samples, parent suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination. -Part 4: specific rules for the preparation of products other than dairy products, meat products and fishery products (classification index: V08-010-4).
NF V08-057-1. -Microbiology of foods. -Routine method for enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci by colony counting at 37 ° C. -Part 1: technique with colony confirmation (classification index: V08-057-1).
NF V08-057-2. -Microbiology of foods. -Routine method for enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci by colony counting at 37 ° C. -Part 2: technique without confirmation of colonies (classification index: V08-057-2).


NF C01-393. -Electrotechnical vocabulary. -Part 393: nuclear instrumentation. -Physical phenomena and fundamental concepts (classification index: C01-393).
NF EN 60375. -Conventions concerning electric and magnetic circuits (classification index: C03-005).
NF EN 50191. -Installation and operation of electrical test equipment (classification index: C18-191).
NF EN 60664-5. -Coordination of the isolation of devices in low voltage systems (networks). -Part 5: Detailed method for determining isolation distances in air and flight lines less than or equal to 2 millimeters (classification index: C20-040-5).
NF EN 60264-3-1/A1. -Packaging of winding wires. -Part 3-1: coils of conical shape delivery. -Basic dimensions (classification index: C31-093-1/A1).
NF EN 60264-5-1/A1. -Packaging of winding wires. -Part 5-1: coils of delivery to drum of cylindrical shape with conical cheeks. -Basic dimensions (classification index: C31-095-1/A1).
NF EN 60534-2-5. -Control valves for industrial processes. -Part 2-5: Flow capacity. -Sizing equations for fluid flow in multi-stage regulatory valves with recovery between stages (classification index: C46-507).
NF EN 62133. -Alkaline accumulators and other non-acidic electrolyte accumulators. -Safety requirements for portable portable accumulators, and for batteries formed, for use in portable applications (classification index: C58-633).
NF EN 62094-1/A11. -Light LED for household and similar stationary electrical installations. -Part 1: general requirements (classification index: C61-311/A11).
NF EN 60061-1/A32. -Towers of lamps and sockets as well as calibres for the control of interchangeability and security. -Part 1: lamp butts (classification index: C61-501/A32).
NF EN 60061-2/A29. -Towers of lamps and sockets as well as calibres for the control of interchangeability and safety. -Part 2: sockets (classification index: C61-502/A29).
NF EN 60061-3/A31. -Towers of lamps and sockets as well as calibres for the control of interchangeability and safety. -Part 3: calibres (classification index: C61-503/A31).
NF EN 60598-2-10. -Luminaires. -Part 2-10: special rules. -Portable Luminaires for children (classification index: C71-010).
NF EN 62148-6. -Component and devices active in optical fibres. -Enclosure and interface standard. -Part 6: PON-ATM transceiver (classification index: C93-883-6).
NF EN 50124-1/A1. -Rail applications. -Coordination of isolation. -Part 1: basic requirements. -Isolation distances in air and leakage lines for all electrical and electronic equipment (classification index: F07-124-1/A1).
NF EN 50355. -Rail applications. -Fire behaviour cables specified for railway rolling stock. -Thin isolation and normal thickness. -Guide d' emploi (classification index: F63-355).


NF EN 13373. -Test methods for natural stones. -Determination of dimensions and other geometric characteristics (classification index: B10-627).
NF EN 1471/A1. -Textile floor coverings. -Evaluation of aspect changes (classification index: G35-049/A1).
NF EN 13639. -Determination of total organic carbon in limestone (classification index: P18-453).
NF EN 12618-1. -Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. -Test methods. -Part 1: capacity of adhesion and elongation of limited ductility injection products (classification index: P18-962-1).
NF EN 649/A1. -Resilient soil clothing. -Homogeneous and heterogeneous floor coverings based on polyvinyl chloride. -Specifications (classification index: P62-300/A1).
NF EN 651/A1. -Resilient soil clothing. -Floor coverings based on polyvinyl chloride on foam. -Specifications (classification index: P62-302/A1).
NF EN 654/A1. -Resilient soil clothing. -Semi-flexible polyvinyl chloride-based Dalles. -Specifications (classification index: P62-305/A1).
NF EN 13499. -Thermal insulation products for buildings. -Composite thermal insulation composite systems with expanded polystyrene (ETICS). -Specification (classification index: P75-425).
NF EN 13500. -Thermal insulation products for buildings. -Composite thermal insulation composite systems (IATT) based on mineral wool. -Specification (classification index: P75-426).
NF EN 13286-1. -treated mixtures and mixtures not treated with hydraulic binders. -Part 1: the laboratory test method for the reference density and the water content. -Introduction and general requirements (classification index: P98-846-1).
NF EN 13286-3. -treated mixtures and mixtures not treated with hydraulic binders. -Part 3: laboratory test methods for reference density and water content. -Vibrocompression controlled parameters (classification index: P98-846-3).
NF S61-950. -Fire detection equipment. -Linear and multipoint smoke detectors and intermediate bodies (classification index: S61-950).
NF EN 14260. -Products derived from the pyrolysis of coal. -Livers based on tar and pitch from coal and related products: road tar. -Characteristics and test methods (classification index: T65-260).
NF EN 14261. -Products derived from the pyrolysis of coal. -Livers based on tar and pitch from coal and related products: refractory binders. -Characteristics and test methods (classification index: T65-261).
NF EN 14262. -Products derived from the pyrolysis of coal. -Liants based on tar and pitch from coal and related products: pitch half hard of agglomeration. -Characteristics and test methods (classification index: T65-262).
NF EN 13991. -Products derived from the pyrolysis of coal. -Coal tar oils: creosotes. -Specifications and test methods (classification index: T65-991).


NF EN 3005. -Aerospace series. -Ecrous, internal braking, hot-resistant alloy with nickel NI-P101HT (Waspaloy). -Classification: 1 210 MPa/730 ° C. -Technical specification (classification index: L24-011).
NF EN 3752. -Aerospace series. -Ecrous, internal braking, MJ thread, hot-resistant steel FE-PA92HT (A286), coated with MoS2. -Classification: 1 100 MPa (at room temperature) /425 ° C. -Technical specification (classification index: L24-016).
NF EN 4048. -Aerospace series. -Ecrous, internal braking, MJ thread, nickel-based hot-resistant alloy NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718), coated with MoS2. -Classification: 1 550 MPa (at room temperature) /425 ° C. -Technical specification (classification index: L24-018).
NF EN 3831. -Aerospace series. -Wired, reinforced wall, internal braking, hot-resistant steel FE-PM3801 (17-4PH), bearing MoS2 (classification index: L24-019).
NF EN 3899. -Aerospace series. -Threaded bore, reinforced wall, internal braking, MJ thread, hot-resistant steel FE-PM3801 (17-4PH). -Technical specification (classification index: L24-020).
NF EN 4014. -Aerospace series. -Threaded bore, reinforced wall, with internal braking. -Design standard (classification index: L24-021).
NF EN 4015. -Aerospace series. -Threaded bore, reinforced wall, with internal braking. -Installation and extraction procedure (classification index: L24-022).
NF EN 4116. -Aerospace series. -hexagonal nuts, internal braking, hot-resistant steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver on thread. -Classification: 1 100 MPa (at room temperature) /425 ° C (classification index: L24-506).
NF EN 4118. -Aerospace series. -Bihexagonal nuts, internal braking, hot-resistant steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver on thread. -Classification: 1 100 MPa (at room temperature) /650 ° C (classification index: L24-558).
NF EN 4119. -Aerospace series. -Bihexagonal nuts, internal braking, hot-resistant steel chamber FE-PA92HT (A286), threaded silver. -Classification: 1 100 MPa (at room temperature) /650 ° C (classification index: L24-559).
NF EN 4012. -Aerospace series. -Bihexagonal nuts, internal braking, of nickel-based hot-resistant alloy NI-PH100HT (Inconel 718), bearing MoS2. -Classification: 1 550 MPa (at room temperature) /425 ° C (classification index: L24-667).
NF EN 4585. -Aerospace series. -Lyre necklaces. -Technical specification (classification index: L46-615).
NF ISO 3929. -Road vehicles. -Methods for measuring gaseous emissions during inspections or maintenance (classification index: R10-018).
NF X50-809. -Motorways. -Quality of service of customer reception areas. -Service Commitments (classification index: X50-809).


NF ISO 13091-2. -Mechanical vibration. -Vibrotactile perception thresholds for the evaluation of neurological disorders. -Part 2: analysis and interpretation of finger pulp measurements (classification index: E90-406-2).


NF EN ISO 1107. -Fishing nets. -Net traps. -Basic terms and definitions (classification index: G36-101).
NF EN ISO 3380. -Leather. -Physical and mechanical testing. -Determination of shrinkage temperature up to 100 ° C (classification index: G52-012).
NF EN ISO 17227. -Leather. -Physical and mechanical testing. -Determination of the resistance of leather to dry heat (classification index: G52-224).
NF EN ISO 18513. -Tourist services. -Hotels and other types of accommodation. -Terminology (classification index: X50-739).


NF EN 33. -Cuvettes of w. - c. On direct hunting and holding tank. -Connecting dimensions (classification index: D12-105).
NF EN 12255-12. -Wastewater treatment plants. -Part 12: regulation and automation (classification index: P16-700-12).
NF T54-972. -Plastic pipe systems for the distribution of gaseous fuels. -Polyethylene (PE). -Robinets. -Angular range and additional dimensional specifications (classification index: T54-972).
NF T54-973. -Plastic pipe systems for the distribution of gaseous fuels. -Polyethylene (PE). -Robinets. -Extension and extension of taps (classification index: T54-973).
NF T54-975. -Plastic pipe systems for the distribution of gaseous fuels, drinking water supply, non-potable water, irrigation water and industrial applications. -Polyethylene (PE). -Method for automatic recognition of an electrosoudage using the bar codes (classification index: T54-975).
NF EN 12260. -Water quality. -Determination of nitrogen. -Determination of bound nitrogen (TN sub b), after oxidation to nitrogen oxides (classification index: T90-060).
NF EN 974. -Chemicals used in the treatment of water for human consumption. -Phosphoric acid (classification index: T94-201).


NF ISO 11262. -Soil quality. -Cyanide determination (classification index: X31-407).


NF EN 62289. -Video recording. -Helical scanning recording format for digital video cassette using 12.65 mm magnetic tape with MPEG-2 compression system. -D-10 format (classification index: C97-182).
NF ISO 11799. -Information and documentation. -Requirements for the storage of archival and library materials (classification index: Z40-300).


NF EN 1860-3. -Apparatus, solid fuels and allume-barbecue for barbecue cooking. -Part 3: ignite for ignition of solid fuels in barbecue cooking appliances. -Test requirements and methods (classification index: D37-101-3).
NF EN ISO 4263-2. -Oil and related products. -Determination of the aging behaviour of inhibited fluids and oils. -TOST test. -Part 2: method for hydraulic fluids of category HFC (classification index: T60-150-2).
NF EN ISO 4404-2. -Oil and related products. -Determination of resistance to corrosion of flame-retardant hydraulic fluids. -Part 2: non-aqueous fluids (classification index: T60-160-2).


NF EN 10296-1. -Round steel welded tubes for use in general mechanics and mechanical construction. -Technical conditions of delivery. -Part 1: non-alloy and alloy steel tubes (classification index: A49-344-1).
NF EN ISO 12224-3. -Yarn of soldering, full and incorporated flow. -Specifications and test methods. -Part 3: test methods for the wetting balance of the efficiency of incorporated-flow yarns (classification index A81-373-3).
NF EN ISO 14329. -Welding by resistance. -Destructive testing of welds. -Types of rupture and geometric dimensions for welded joints by points, molette and brossages (classification index A89-566).
NF EN ISO 14324. -Welding by resistance. -Destructive testing of welds. -Method for fatigue testing on point welded joints (classification index: A89-571).
NF EN 1159-2. -Advanced technical ceramics. -Composite ceramics. -Thermophysical properties. -Part 2: Determination of thermal diffusivity (classification index: B43-208).
NF ISO 16902-1. -Hydraulic systems. -Test code for the determination of the sound power levels with the aid of the techniques of intensification: method of expertise. -Part 1: pumps (classification index: E48-394-1).
NF ISO 16873. -Hydraulic systems. -Pressostats. -Plating plans (classification index: E48-427).
NF ISO 866. -Forets to center for centers without chamfering of protection. -Type A (classification index: E66-053).
NF ISO 2540. -Forets to center for centers with chamfering protection. -Type B (classification index: E66-054).
NF ISO 2541. -Booklets to center for curvilinline profile centers. -Type R (classification index: E66-055).
NF ISO 3439. -Cylindrical spindles for cylindrical tail holes (classification index: E66-077).
NF ISO 3438. -Morse cone-tail forests for front-holes of thread (classification index: E66-078).
NF ISO 2940-1. -Strawberries with surfacer and surfacer and draw, with direct mounting on the nose of conicity 7/24. -Dimensions of interchangeability. -Part 1: centring mandrels (classification index: E66-248-1).
NF ISO 2940-2. -Strawberries with surfacer and surfacer and draw, with direct mounting on conicity spindle 7/24. -Part 2: removable strawberries (classification index: E66-248-2).
NF ISO 2924. -Circular saws to truncate cold metals, monoblocs and segments reported. -Dimensions of interoperability of training. -Range of saws diameters, 224 to 2,240 millimeters (classification index: E73-050).
NF EN 13891. -Cherry Leaves. -Guide for the selection and use of banding strapping (classification index: H02-010).
NF EN ISO 2758. -Paper. -Determination of resistance to bursting (classification index: Q03-113).
NF EN ISO 2759. -Carton. -Determination of resistance to bursting (classification index: Q03-114).
NF EN ISO 10548. -Carbon fibre. -Determination of the rate of ensimage (classification index: T25-104).
NF EN 924. -Adhesives. -Solvent-based adhesive and solvent-free adhesives. -Determination of flash point (classification index: T76-093).
B.-The cancellation, effective as of January 20, 2004, of the following thirty French standards:


NF C01-393 (January 1998). -Electrotechnical vocabulary. -Chapter 393: nuclear instrumentation: physical phenomena and fundamental concepts (registered December 20, 1997) (classification index: C01-393).
NF C01-393/A1 (February 2001). -Electrotechnical vocabulary. -Chapter 393: nuclear instrumentation: physical phenomena and fundamental concepts (certified on January 20, 2001) (classification index: C01-393/A1).
NF EN 61809 (September 2001). -Alkaline accumulators and other non-acidic electrolyte accumulators. -Safety requirements for watertight alkaline accumulators (approved on 20 August 2001) (classification index: C58-609).
NF EN 60947-2/A11 (December 1997). -Low voltage apparatus. -Part 2: circuit breakers (registered November 5, 1997) (classification index: C63-120/A11).
NF EN 60947-6-2/A11 (December 1997). -Low voltage apparatus. -Part 6-2: Multi-purpose equipment. -Apparatus (or equipment) for connection control and protection (ACP) (registered on 20 November 1997) (classification index: C63-161/A11).
NF EN 60598-2-10 (June 1991). -Luminaires. -Part two: special rules. -Section 10: portable light fixtures for children (registered on 13 May 1991) (classification index: C71-010).
NF EN 60598-2-10/A1 (June 1992). -Luminaires. -Part two: special rules. -Section 10: portable light fixtures for children (approved on June 20, 1992) (classification index: C71-010/A1).
NF EN 60598-2-10/A2 (May 1996). -Luminaires. -Part two: special rules. -Section 10: portable light fixtures for children (approved on April 20, 1996) (classification index: C71-010/A2).
NF C71-815 (May 1987). -Stand-alone safety lighting boxes (CAAPES) (certified on April 5, 1987) (classification index: C71-815).
NF C71-815/A1 (April 1988). -Stand-alone safety lighting boxes (CAAPES) (registered March 5, 1988) (classification index: C71-815/A1).


NF B10-401 (March 1981). -Limestone stones. -Geometric characteristics (certified on February 6, 1981) (classification index: B10-401).
NF B10-402 (March 1981). -Marineous Roches. -Geometric characteristics (certified on February 6, 1981) (classification index: B10-402).
NF P98-231-3 (December 1992). -Testing of pavements. -Determination of the compaction behaviour of non-treated bed materials for hydrocarbon binders. -Part 3: Determination of the maximum reference density and the difficulty of compaction by controlled parameter vibrocompression tests (VCPC) (approved on November 20, 1992) (classification index: P98-231-3).
NF S61-950 (February 2000). -Fire detection equipment. -Sensors and intermediate organs (certified on January 5, 2000) (classification index: S61-950).


NF R10-018 (October 1996). -Road vehicles. -Procedure for the measurement of gaseous emissions during inspections or maintenance checks (approved on 20 September 1996) (classification index: R10-018).


NF G52-012 (July 1976). -Leather and hides. -Determination of the temperature of retraction of leather (approved on June 29, 1976) (classification index: G52-012).


NF EN 33 (October 1999). -Cuvettes of w. - c. On direct hunting and holding tank. -Connecting dimensions (certified on September 5, 1999) (classification index: D12-105).
NF EN 974 (November 1997). -Chemicals used in the treatment of water for human consumption. -Phosphoric acid (approved on October 5, 1997) (classification index: T94-201).


NF A49-341 (November 1975). -Steel tubes. -Precision welded tubes for mechanical use. -Dimensions. -Technical conditions of delivery (recorded on 31 October 1975) (classification index: A49-341).
NF A49-343 (December 1980). -Steel tubes. -Tubes welded longitudinally D less than or equal to 168.3 mm for mechanical purposes. -Dimensions. -Technical conditions of delivery (recorded on 3 November 1980) (classification index: A49-343).
NF E60-051 (June 1983). -Centre nuts. -Types A, B and R.-Dimensions (registered May 5, 1983) (classification index: E60-051).
NF E62-536 (August 1973). -Centreurs for mounting strawberries on conicity pins 7/24 (certified on July 30, 1973) (classification index: E62-536).
NF E66-051 (June 1983). -Forets to focus. -Types A, B and R (approved May 5, 1983) (classification index: E66-051).
NF E66-077 (April 1975). -Cylindrical spindles for cylindrical tail holes (certified on April 3, 1975) (classification index: E66-077).
NF E66-078 (April 1975). -Tailed stands with walrus cone for pre-holes of thread (approved April 3, 1975) (classification index: E66-078).
NF E66-241 (June 1979). -Surfacer strawberries, and surfacer and direct mounting on pins 7/24. -Removable blades (registered June 1, 1979) (classification index: E66-241).
NF E66-248 (August 1979). -Surfacer strawberries, and surfacer and direct mounting on pins 7/24. -Dimensions of the interchangeability of fixation (approved on August 1, 1979) (classification index: E66-248).
NF E73-050 (November 1973). -Circular saws to truncate cold metals, monoblocs and segments reported. -Dimensions of interchangeability of training. -A range of diameters from 224 to 2,240 mm (approved on October 29, 1973) (classification index: E73-050).
NF EN ISO 10548 (May 1996). -Carbon fibre. -Determination of the rate of ensimage (approved on April 5, 1996) (classification index: T25-104).
NF EN 924 (January 1995). -Adhesives. -Solvent and solvent-free adhesives. -Determination of flash point (approved on December 20, 1994) (classification index: T76-093).

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