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Order Of January 8, 2004 Write-In Status Boards (Bridges And Roads)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 8 janvier 2004 portant inscription à des tableaux d'avancement (ponts et chaussées)

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JORF No. 13 of 16 January 2004 Page 1218
Text No. 43

Order dated January 8, 2004 for listing in tables d' progress (bridges and pavements)

NOR: EQUP0301806A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Equipment, Transportation, Housing, Tourism and Of the sea as of 8 January 2004, the table of promotion to the grade of general engineer of the bridges and pavements for the year 2004 is fixed as follows:
Simonnet (Didier).
Larrouturou (Bernard).
Jacquot-Guimbal (Hélène).
Arnaud (Serge).
Apvrille (Denis).
Serre (Roger).
Renvoise (François).
Iches (Michel).
Tirole (Jean, Marcel).
Narring (Pierre).
Velluti (Max).
Caude (Geoffroy).
Michaux (Pierre).
Louis (Thierry).
Allet (Claude).
Bissauge (Pierre-Yves).
Lacave (Jean-Marc).
Bursaux (Daniel).
Massoni (Michel).
Gazeau (Jean-Claude).
Roques (Michel).
Deygout (Françoise).
Baroux (Robert).
Jacq (Alain).
Le Bloas (Michel).
Bouchard (François).
Nguyen (Kim Trung).
Boiret (Philippe).
Casal (François).
Bornand (Georges).
Faad (Christian).
Rioult (Christian).
Malerba (Jean-Michel).
Dufay (Jean-Pierre).
Roche (Pierre-Alain).
Vergobbi (Bruno).
Assailly (Christian).
Montagard (Jacques).
Rattier (Philippe).
Raust (Gilbert).
Journeault (Alain).
Langumier (Philippe).
Merlet (Mauritius).
Massa (Aldo).
Petelot (Jean-Marie).
Leblanc (Gilles).
Scherrer (Paul).
Bomont (Gérard).
Barbacanne (Edmond).
Lelarge (Pascal).
Crombe (Jacques).
Rebuffel (Jean).
Zulberty (Michel).
Camelin (Jean-Pierre).
Boulesteix (Pierre).
Menager (Thierry).
Orizet (François).
Dubois (Pierre, Fernand).
Huet (Pascal).
Defresne (Jean-Pierre).
Peyronnet (Philippe)
Pietri (Jean-Marcel).
Legendre (Henri).
Strauss (Bernard).
Stammler (Dominica).
Helary (Jean-Louis).
Pipien (Gilles).

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