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Order Of January 2, 2004, Establishing The Regime Of The State Police In The Territory Of The Communes Of Houdemont, Art-On-Meurthe, Pulnoy, Saulxures-Les-Nancy, Heillecourt, Nancy-Front-Fléville And Seichamps (Meurthe-Et-Moselle)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 2 janvier 2004 instaurant le régime de la police d'Etat sur le territoire des communes de Houdemont, Art-sur-Meurthe, Pulnoy, Saulxures-lès-Nancy, Heillecourt, Fléville-devant-Nancy et Seichamps (Meurthe-et-Moselle)

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JORF No. 13 of 16 January 2004 Page 1199
Text N ° 2

Decree of 2 January 2004 introducing the police regime d' State on the territory of the communes of Houdemont, Art-sur-Meurthe, Pulnoy, Saulxures-lès-Nancy, Heillecourt, Fléville-devant-Nancy and Seichamps (Meurthe-and-Moselle)

NOR: INTC0400008A ELI: Not available

The Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, the Minister of the Environment Minister Delegate for Budget and Budget Reform, the Minister for Local Freedoms and the Secretary of State for State Reform,
Given the general code of the Territorial authorities, and in particular Article L. 2214-1;
In view of the amended Act No. 95-73 of 21 January 1995 on security orientation and programming;
In view of Act No. 2002-1094 of 29 August 2002 Programme for internal security;
Having regard to Decree No 82-389 of 10 May 1982 concerning the powers of the prefects and the action of public services and bodies of the State in the departments, in particular Article 24-1
; Decree No. 96-827 of 19 September 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of Article L. 2214-1 of the General Code of Territorial Communities;
In view of the deliberation of the municipal council of the municipality of Houdemont on 24 March 2003;
Deliberation of the municipal council of the municipality of Art-sur-Meurthe as of March 31, 2003;
Seen the deliberation of the municipal council of the commune of Pulnoy as of March 31, 2003;
In view of the deliberation of the municipal council of the commune of Saulxures-lès-Nancy dated April 17, 2003;
Due to the deliberation of the municipal council of the municipality of Heillecourt dated May 6, 2003;
In view of the deliberation of the municipal council of the commune of Fléville-devant-Nancy as of May 26, 2003 ;
Due to the deliberation of the Town Council of the Municipality of Seichamps as of June 2, 2003,

Article 1

The State Police System is established on the territory of the communes of Houdemont, Art-sur-Meurthe, Pulnoy, Saulxides-lès-Nancy, Heillecourt, Fléville-devant-Nancy and Seichamps (Meurthe-et-Moselle) as of February 1, 2004.

Item 2

The Director General of the National Police, the Director General of the National Gendarmerie and the Prefect of Meurthe-et-Moselle are each responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, January 2, 2004.

The Minister of the Interior,

of Internal Security

and local freedoms,

Nicolas Sarkozy

The Minister of Defense,

Michèle Alliot-Marie

The Minister of the Economy,

Finance and Industry,

Francis Mer

The Minister of the Public Service,

of the reform of the

state and development Du territoire,

Jean-Paul Delevoye

Minister Delegate to Budget

and Budget Reform,

Alain Lambert

Associate Minister for Local Liberties,

Patrick Devedjian

Secretary State to state reform,

Henri Plagnol

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