Key Benefits:
By order of the Minister of Youth, National Education and Research As of 17 December 2002, are appointed members of sections of the National Committee for Scientific Research under Article 1 (2 °) of Decree No. 91-178 of 18 February 1991 on the sections of the National Scientific Research Committee:
Section 3: Particles to kernels
Ms Bloch-Devaux (Brigitte), replacing Ms Ruhlmann-Kleider (Vanina).
Mme Iconomidou-Fayard (Lydia), replacing M. Lefrançois (Jacques).
Section 14: Solar System and the Far-World
M. Mignard (François), replacing M. Pelletier (Guy).
Section 15: Complex molecular systems
M. Tordo (Paul), replacing M. Tondre (Christian).
Section 17: Molecules: structures and interactions
Ms. Arnaud-Neu (Françoise), replacing M. Sartre (Alain).
Section 23: genomes: structures, functions, and regulations
M. Matic (Yvan), replacing Mr. Legrain (Pierre).
Section 38: Human unity and crop diversity
Ms. Despeux (Catherine), replacing Mr. Fabiani (Jean-Louis).
Section 40: Policy: Power, Organization
M. Groux (Guy), replacing M. Friedberg (Erhard).