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Decree Of 17 December 2002 Appointing Sections Of The National Committee Of Scientific Research

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 17 décembre 2002 portant nomination à des sections du Comité national de la recherche scientifique

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JORF No. 13 of 16 January 2003 Page 929
Text No. 29

Order of December 17, 2002, Appointment to Sections of the National Scientific Research Committee

NOR: RECR0200372A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Youth, National Education and Research As of 17 December 2002, are appointed members of sections of the National Committee for Scientific Research under Article 1 (2 °) of Decree No. 91-178 of 18 February 1991 on the sections of the National Scientific Research Committee:

Section 3: Particles to kernels

Ms Bloch-Devaux (Brigitte), replacing Ms Ruhlmann-Kleider (Vanina).
Mme Iconomidou-Fayard (Lydia), replacing M. Lefrançois (Jacques).

Section 14: Solar System and the Far-World

M. Mignard (François), replacing M. Pelletier (Guy).

Section 15: Complex molecular systems

M. Tordo (Paul), replacing M. Tondre (Christian).

Section 17: Molecules: structures and interactions

Ms. Arnaud-Neu (Françoise), replacing M. Sartre (Alain).

Section 23: genomes: structures, functions, and regulations

M. Matic (Yvan), replacing Mr. Legrain (Pierre).

Section 38: Human unity and crop diversity

Ms. Despeux (Catherine), replacing Mr. Fabiani (Jean-Louis).

Section 40: Policy: Power, Organization

M. Groux (Guy), replacing M. Friedberg (Erhard).

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