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Notice Of Renewal Of Registration Of Pharmaceuticals On The List Of Reimbursable Drugs To The Insured

Original Language Title: Avis relatif au renouvellement de l'inscription de spécialités pharmaceutiques sur la liste des médicaments remboursables aux assurés sociaux

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JORF No. 13 of 16 January 2002 Page 917
Text No. 101

Notice of renewal of pharmacy specialties on the list of reimbursable drugs for social insured persons

NOR: MESS0220053V ELI: Not available

Pursuant to Articles R. 163-2 to R. 163-7 of the Social Security Code, it Is noted that the renewal of the following specialties, on the list of reimbursable drugs for social insured persons, has been effective as of the following dates:

You can consult the following dates: Table in OJ
n ° 13 of 16/01/2002 page 917-918

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