Key Benefits:
The Prime Minister,
On the Report of the Minister of Equipment, Transportation and Housing,
Due to the Public Procurement Code;
In light of Order No. 47-233 of 23 Amended January 1947 authorizing the ministers to delegate, by order, their signature;
In light of Decree No. 85-659 of 2 July 1985 on the organisation of the central administration of the Ministry of Urban Planning, Housing and Transport ;
In light of the decree of 2 June 1997 appointing the Prime Minister;
Having regard to the decree of 4 June 1997 on the composition of the Government;
In view of Decree No. 97-712 of 11 June 1997 on the powers of the Minister for Equipment, transportation and housing;
In light of the December 18, 2001 Order to organize the Personnel, Services and Modernization Branch;
In light of the December 21, 2001 Order in Council appointing a Director to The central administration of the Department of Equipment, Transportation and Housing;
In view of the December 21, 2001, Signing Delegation Order,
In the absence or prevention of Mr. Jean-Pierre Weiss, Director of Personnel, Services and Modernisation, the delegation referred to in Article 1 of the decree of 21 December 2001 above is vested, under the same conditions, with Mr Patrick Berg, a civil administrator outside the class, directly under the authority of Mr Jean-Pierre Weiss.
In case of absence or incapacity of Mr Jean-Pierre Weiss, Director of Personnel, Services and Modernisation, Delegation shall be given to Mr Luc Bégassat, civil administrator outside the class, within the limits of the duties of the sub-directorate of administrative and contractual staff, and to Mrs Agnès Desmarest-Parreil, non-class civil administrator, in the Limit the duties of the Sub-Directorate for Labour and Social Affairs to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Equipment, Transport and Housing, with the exception of orders, acts, orders and decisions and all contracts, Agreements, contracts, and endorsements.
The Minister of Equipment, Transportation and Housing is responsible for the execution of the This Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 15, 2002.
Lionel Jospin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of Equipment,
Transport and Housing,
Jean-Claude Gayssot