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Decree Of December 12, 2001, Relative To A Board Of Advances

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 12 décembre 2001 relatif à une régie d'avances

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JORF No. 13 of 16 January 2002 Page 881
Text No. 26

Order of December 12, 2001, on imprest authority

NOR: INTF0100774A ELI:

By order of the Minister of Economy, Finance, and The Industry and the Minister of the Interior as of December 12, 2001, the Order of April 14, 1994, as amended establishing a imprest account with the Office of the National Police Branch, is amended as follows:
Article 1:
The amount of " 10,000 F " Is replaced by " 1500 EUR " ;
In item 2:
The amount of " 10,000 F " Is replaced by " 1500 EUR " ;
In item 3:
The amount of " 7 000 000 F " Is replaced by a Amount of " EUR 1 067 000 ".

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