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Decree Of 10 January 2006 Fixing In Respect Of 2006 The Breakdown By Sections And Options Of Places Made Contests Of Access To Pay Scales Associate Professors, Certified Teachers, Professors Educ...

Original Language Title: Decree of 10 January 2006 fixing in respect of 2006 the breakdown by sections and options of places made contests of access to pay scales associate professors, certified teachers, professors educ ...

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JORF No. 12 of 14 January 2006
Text No. 15

Order of 10 January 2006 fixing for the year 2006 the distribution by sections and options of places placed in the competitions for access to the scales of remuneration of the aggregated teachers, of the teachers Certified, physical and sports teachers, and professional high school teachers

NOR: MENF0600031A ELI:

By order of the Minister of National Education, Education Of 10 January 2006, the number of posts offered in the year 2006 to competitions for access to the pay scales of the masters of private institutions under contract of the second degree is fixed at 150 for the internal competition for access to the scale of remuneration of the aggregated teachers, to 1,399 for the closed competition for access to the scale of remuneration of the certified teachers (general education), to 92 for the closed competition for access to The scale of remuneration of certified teachers (technical education), 90 for the internal competition for access to the remuneration scale for teachers of physical education and sport and 219 for the internal competition for access to the scale of Remuneration of professional high school teachers.
The number of positions offered in competitions for access to the salary ranges of the Masters of private educational institutions under contract is divided among the sections and options of the Contest as specified in the tables appended to this Order.

Item Schedule

Distribution of contracts offered to the winners of the CAER aggregation (2006 session)

You can consult the table in OJ
No 12 of 14/01/2006 text number 15

Distribution of contracts Offered to CAER-CAPES laureates (2006 session)

You can consult the table in OJ
No 12, 14/01/2006 text number 15

Distribution of contracts offered to CAER-CAPET laureates (2006 session)

You can view the table in OJ
No 12, 14/01/2006 text number 15

Distribution of contracts offered to CAER-PLP winners (2006 session)

You can view the table in OJ
No 12, 14/01/2006 text number 15

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