Key Benefits:
1. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 2231/2004 in the Official Journal of the European Union n ° L 379 of 24 December 2004, the investigation opened by Regulation (EC) No 844/2004 (JORF of 8 May 2004) in order to determine whether imports of Certain ring binder mechanisms shipped from Thailand, whether or not they were declared originating in Thailand, falling within CN code ex 8305 10 00 (codes TARIC 8305 10 0012 and 8305 10 0022), circumvent the anti-dumping measures introduced by the Regulation (EC) No 119/1997 is closed.
2. Regulation (EC) No 844/2004 is repealed. The customs authorities shall be invited to lift the registration of imports referred to in paragraph 1 of this notice as of 25 December 2004.