Key Benefits:
Corrigendum to the Official Journal of December 30, 2004, paper edition, page 22358, 2nd Column, and electronic text edition No. 70, after the signatories, add:
" A N N E X E 1
General Management Agreement of March 29, 1989, between the National Association for the Management of Pensions (ANGR) and EPIC: Charbonnages de France (CdF), Houillères du bassin du Nord-Pas-de-Calais (HBNPC), Houillères du bassin de Lorraine (HBL), Houillères de bassin du Centre et du Midi (HBCM)
Houillères du bassin du Nord-Pas-de-Calais (HBNPC) of 29 March 1989 and avenant n ° 2 to the special management convention of the Houillères du bassin du Nord-Pas-de-Calais (HBNPC) and the National Association for the Management of Pensions (ANGR) of 9 July 1992 between NALMA and HBNPC.
Special Convention for the Management of the Centre and the Midi Houillers (HBCM) of March 29, 1989 between HAZR and HBCMs.
Financial Organization and Management Agreement Administration of the intervention of the National Association for the Management of Pensions (ANGR) on behalf of the National Institute of Industrial Environment and Risk (INERIS), as well as the impact of the charges on INERIS of 15 June 1992 between INERIS, Charbonnages de France and the ANGR.
Financial Convention of 15 February 1995 to the Management Convention of 15 June 1992 between INERIS and ANGR.
Convention for the Management of Early Retirement of Workers and ETAM of the Société des mines et produits chimiques de Salsigns of 22 February 1993 between the National Association for the Management of Pensions and the Ministry of Industry and Foreign
. SMSO of 17 June 1994 between the Fédération des chambres unions des ores et des metals non ferrous and l' Association nationale pour la gestion des pensions.
Convention on the Management of Early Retirement of Workers and ETAM Des Mines de Noailhac-Saint-Salvy of 12 August 1994 between the National Association for the Management of Pensions (ANGR), the Ministry of Industry, Posts and Telecommunications and Foreign Trade.
Coal Pact of 20 October 1994 between Charbonnages de France, the Houillères de bassin and the representative trade unions, memorandum of understanding of 7 April 1995 on measures of age laid down by the Coal Pact, Protocol of 7 April 1995 on the course of a career, Protocol of 7 April 1995 on geographical and occupational mobility, Agreement of 7 April 1995 on continuing vocational training.
Management Convention concerning SMSO benefits due to nationals of Mines and Potash of Alsace (MDPA) of 30 June 1995 between the National Association for the Management of Pensions and MDPA.
Management Agreement concerning the bridging benefits payable to nationals of the Potash Mines of Alsace (MDPA) On 19 July 1996 between the National Association for the Management of Pensions and MDPA.
Agreement on the future of the staff of the Mines de Potasse d' Alsace of 22 May 1997 between the Mines de Potasse d' Alsace and the trade union organisations, endorsements 1 To 11 and annexes to this agreement.
Management Agreement concerning the bridging benefits payable to nationals of the Mines de Mines de Potasse d' Alsace (MDPA) of 24 September 1997 between the National Association for the Management of Pensions and the MDPA.
Management Convention concerning benefits in kind due to the nationals of the Mines de Potasse d' Alsace (MDPA) and the Société commerciale des potasses et de l' Nitrogen (SCPA) of 24 September 1997 between the Association National pension management, MDPA and SCPA.
Financial provisions applicable to benefit management agreements due to the nationals of the Potash Mines of Alsace (MDPA) and the Potash Trading Company; and Of nitrogen (SCPA) of 24 September 1997 between the Mining and Chemical Company (EMC), the National Association for the Management of Pensions, MDPA and the SCPA.
Management Convention for SMSO benefits due to nationals of mines Of April 11, 1996, between the National Association for the Management of Pensions (ANGR) and the Iron Mines.
Special Management Convention of June 30, 1997, between the Houillers of the Centre et du Midi (HBCM) and the National Association For the management of pensions (ANGR).
Special Management Convention adopted pursuant to the General Management Convention of 29 March 1989 " Medals of honour of the work of 9 May 2000 between the National Association for the Management of Pensions (ANGR) and the Houillères du bassin du Centre et du Midi (HBCM).
Convention on the Transfer of Management for the Houillers du bassin du Centre et du Midi (HBCM) to the National Association for the Management of Pensions (ANGR) of the loans to the Staff of 17 October 2000 between HBCM and ANGR.
Letter from the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, from the Secretary of State to Industry and from the Secretary of State to the Budget of 27 April 2001 to the trade unions Representative of minors.
Special Management Agreement between the National Association for the Management of Pensions (ANGR) and the Lorraine Basin Houillers (HBL) and avenant n ° 1 of 29 March 2002
Mining mining regimes of 22 June 2001 between the Federation of Trade Union Chambers of the ores, industrial minerals and non-ferrous metals, the Union of Pension and Benefit Plans in the event of invalidity and sickness of the Electrical and related mechanical metallurgical industries (URRPIMMEC) and the National Association for the Management of Pensions (ANGR).
Agreement on the reception of mutual members of 24 October 2002 between the National Association for the Pension management (ANGR) and the National Mutual Life of Industrial and Trade Personnel (MICOM).
Protocol of 11 February 2003 on measures to accompany the end of the activity of Charbonnages de France and of Basin Houillers, between CFO, HB and trade union organizations.
Convention des Mines d' Or de Salsigne du 16 avril 2004 entre le ministère chargé des mines (directorate des ressources energetic et minerals [DIREM]) and l' Association nationale pour le The management of pensions and the gold mines of Salsign. "