Key Benefits:
By Order of the Seals Guard, Minister of Justice, dated January 6, 2004 :
Mme Chasserat (Laure, Simone, Sylvie), wife Cazade, is appointed notary associate, member of the professional civil society Philippe Gokelaere and François Fleischel, notaries associated, holder of a notary office at the residence of Claye-Souilly (Seine-et-Marne).
The withdrawal of Mr Gokelaere (Philippe, Albert, Marie), associate notary, member of the professional civil society Philippe Gokelaere and François Fleischel, associate notaries is accepted.
The social reason for the Professional civil society Philippe Gokelaere and François Fleischel, associate notaries, is thus amended: " François Fleischel and Laure Cazade, notaries, partners of a professional civil society with a notarial office ".