Key Benefits:
The National Assembly and the Senate have adopted,
The President of the Republic enacts the following:
Approval of the Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of The Republic of South Africa relating to cooperation in the field of defence, signed in Cape Town on 28 May 1998, and whose text is annexed to this Law (2).
This Law shall be enforced as the law of the State.
Done at Paris, January 14, 2004.
Jacques Chirac
By the President of the Republic:
The Prime Minister,
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
Foreign Minister,
Dominique de Villepin
(1) Preparatory work: Act No. 2004-53.
National Assembly:
Bill 185;
Report by Philippe Cochet, on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, No. 979;
Discussion and adoption (simplified examination procedure) on 9 October 2003.
Bill No. 13 (2003-2004);
Report by Jacqueline Gourault, on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, No. 125 (2003-2004) ;
Discussion and adoption on January 6, 2004.
(2) The text will be published later in the Official Journal of the French Republic.