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Decree Of 17 December 2002 On Entry To A Promotion List (Decentralized Services)

Original Language Title: Decree of 17 December 2002 on entry to a promotion list (decentralized services)

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JORF No. 12 of 15 January 2003 Page 875
Text No. 48

Order of December 17, 2002 listing in table d' progress (deconcentrated services)

NOR: EQUP0201915A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Equipment, Transportation, Housing, Tourism and Of the sea as of 17 December 2002, the engineers of the public works of the State whose names follow are entered in the supplementary table for the year 2003 for the access to the grade of division engineer of the public works of State:
1 Fouchier (François);
2 Semblat (Jean-François);
3 Jaumard (Dominica);
4 Hameury (Ollivier);
5 Puyrazat (Michel);
6 Tanays (Eric);
7 Villessot (Daniel) (1);
8 Cot (Christine);
9 Michel (Martine);
10 Bauer (Jean-Luc);
11 Guillou (Jean-Pierre);
12 Choderlos de La Clos (Pierre);
13 Nicolas (Benoît);
14 Balaguer (Renaud);
15 Ferreira (Patrick);
16 Grégoire (Jean-Pierre);
17 Allaire (Sylvain);
18 Vassor (Eric);
19 Aubagnac (Christophe);
20 Bonigen (Jacques);
21 Devic (Jean-Philippe);
22 Tessier (Christian);
23 Prost (Thierry);
24 Othenin-Girard (Brigitte) (1)
25 Ung (Polyno);
26 Delattre (Eric);
27 Suchel (Christophe);
28 Defrance (Anne-Marie);
29 Siry (Joël);
30 Spieth (Pierre);
31 Plattner (Pascal);
32 Gobert (Hélène) (1);
33 Larroque (Dominica);
34 Sigalas (Eric);
35 Arnaud (Sylvie);
36 Berthellemy (Jacques);
37 Georgiou (Christophe);
38 Renier (Philippe);
39 Foucaud (Isabelle);
40 Reynaud (Chantal);
41 Josserand (Philippe);
42 Monot (Noël);
43 Touzet (Pascal);
44 Mandon-Adolehoume (Beatrice);
45 Petitet (Sylvain);
46 Bourgin (Anne);
47 Pastor (Marie-Josée);
48 Dauber (Bernard);
49 Bourcier (Patrick);
50 Abedrabou (Mohamed);
51 Gombart (Michel);
52 Billaux (Jean-François);
53 Commenge (Christophe);
54 Schmitt (Hervé);
55 Caron (Emmanuelle);
56 Domecq (Christine);
57 Mangnan (Hervé) (1)
58 Le Maréchal (Yves);
59 Lachat (Vincent);
60 Le Minh Triet (Marc-Antoine);
61 Gaber (Jean);
62 Weyd (Jérôme);
63 Foresti (Serge) ;
64 Prevost-Revol (Benoit);
65 Sedran (Thierry);
66 Taimiot (Bertrand);
67 Daly (Fabrice);
68 Dupouts (Philippe);
69 Ournac (Marc);
70 Dufour (Jean-Pierre);
71 Margail (Fabienne) (1);
72 Feltmann (Laurence) ;
73 Trivero (Marc);
74 Marquet (Thierry);
75 Maurin (John);
76 Debosscher (Michel);
77 Carré (Franck);
78 Charrier (Christophe);
79 Runser (Daniel);
80 Dieudonne (Christian);
81 Mazzoleni (Gérard);
82 Roquin (Beatrice);
83 Guiraud (Hervé);
84 Franco (Christian);
85 Delcasso (Jean-Paul);
86 Bourles (Eric);
87 Zingraff (Raymond);
88 Lambert (Roland) (2);
89 Hobe (Philippe) (2);
90 Zamouth (Olivier) (2);
91 Lemestre (Véronique) (2);
92 Boulanger (Sylvie) (2).

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