Key Benefits:
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries,
In light of Decree No. 81-605 of 18 May 1981, taken for the purposes of the Act of 1 August 1905 on the suppression of fraud, Concerning the trade in seeds and plants, as last amended by Decree No. 2000-1165 of 27 November 2000;
In view of Decree No. 93-46 of 14 January 1993 on the reorganization of the Standing Technical Committee on Plant Breeding Cultivated and amending Decree No. 81-605 of 18 May 1981;
In the light of the decree of 30 August 1994 creating a list of varieties for industrial use reserved;
Seen the orders of 22 January 1998, 13 December 2000 and 10 September 2001 Modification of the Official Catalogue of species and varieties of crops grown in France (straw cereal seed);
On the proposal of the Standing Technical Committee on the Selection of Cultivated Plants (Straw Grains Section),
Arrête :
The official catalogue of species and varieties of crops grown in France, including seeds May be marketed in France (list A), for a period of ten years, the varieties listed below:
You can consult the table in OJ
No 12 of 15/01/2002 page 835 to 838
The Official Catalogue of species and varieties of crops grown in France, including seed May be multiplied in France for export (list B), for a period of ten years, the varieties listed below:
You can consult the table in OJ
No 12 of 15/01/2002 page 835 at 838
List of hybrid variety components in the Catalogue Official of the species and varieties of plants grown in France for a period of ten years, the following lines:
You can consult the table in OJ
No 12 of 15/01/2002 page 835 to 838
Extended, for a period of five years from January 1, 2002, the Catalog entry Official of the species and varieties of plants grown in France, the seeds of which can be marketed in France (list A), of the varieties listed below:
You can consult the table in the OJ
No 12 of the 15/01/2002 page 835 to 838
East extended, for a period of five years from 1 January 2002, the entry in the Official Catalogue of species and varieties of crops grown in France, the seeds of which can be multiplied in France for export (list B), of the varieties listed below:
You can view the table in OJ
No. 12, 15/01/2002, page 835 to 838
Are Radiated from the Official Catalogue of species and varieties of crops grown in France, the seeds of which can be marketed in France (list A), due on 31 December 2001, the varieties listed below:
You Can view the table in OJ
n ° o 12 of 15/01/2002 page 835 to 838
Radiated The Official Catalogue of species and varieties of plants grown in France, the seeds of which can be marketed in France (list A), at the request of the breeder, the varieties listed below:
You can See table in OJ
n ° o 12 of 15/01/2002 page 835 to 838
Radiated from Official catalogue of species and varieties of plants grown in France, the seeds of which can be multiplied in France for export (list B) at the end of December 31, 2001, the varieties listed below:
You can view the table in OJ
No. 12, 15/01/2002 page 835 to 838
Radiated from the Official Catalogue of species and varieties of crops grown in France whose seeds can be multiplied in France for export (list B), at the request of the breeder, the designated varieties Below:
You can view the table in OJ
No. 12, 15/01/2002, page 835 to 838
The following shall be deleted from the Official Catalogue of species and varieties of plants grown in France, the seeds of which may be multiplied and supplied in France for the varieties listed below in application of The August 30, 1994 Order:
You can view the table in OJ
No 12, 15/01/2002 page 835 to 838
Transfer, up to the registration deadline, of list A (varieties for which seeds can be marketed in France) to List B (varieties including seeds May be multiplied in France for export) of the Official Catalogue of the species and varieties of crops grown in France, of the following variety:
You can consult the table in the OJ
n ° o 12, 15/01/2002 page 835 to 838
Transfer, up to The registration deadline, the list of varieties whose seeds can be multiplied in France for export (list B) to the list of varieties whose seeds can be marketed in France (list A) of the Official Catalogue Varieties of plants grown in France, of the variety listed below:
You can consult the table in OJ
No 12, 15/01/2002 page 835 to 838
In the Order of January 22, 1998, above, in item 1, for the Atoll winter soft wheat variety, in the column " Responsible for maintaining the variety in conservative selection " :
Instead of: " Hybritech Europe SNC (FR) ", read: Monsanto Agrar Deutschland GmbH (DE) ".
In the Order of 13 December 2000 referred to in Article 1, for the variety of two-row winter barley Menhir, in the column " Responsible for maintaining the variety in selection Conservative " :
Instead of: " André Blondeau Semences (FR) ", read:" Engelen Saatzucht (DE) ".
This Will be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 11, 2001.
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the Director of
Economic and International Policy:
The Chief Agronomy Engineer,