Key Benefits:
A job of sub-director is likely to be vacant for administration Ministry of Transport, Equipment, Tourism and the Sea. The incumbent of the position will be the Deputy Director of Road Transport for the Directorate of Marine, Road and Inland Transport (DTMRF).
Major Missions
Subdirectorate Road transport:
-ensures the regulation of the road haulage sector in legal and economic terms;
-monitors the economic conditions of the sector;
-animates relations with the profession and ensures The supervision of the National Road Committee;
-manages the European files concerning the sector (preparation of the regulatory texts, transpositions of these texts, enlargement of the EU, bilateral cooperation);
-prepares and implements Implements international actions such as bilateral cooperation and international agreements;
-defines and implements the policy of control and sanctions;
-the action of the decentralised services (ERD);
- Initiates reflection and foresight actions on the sector.
Issues, Responsibilities
The Deputy Director is responsible for defining the work program of the Branch, ensuring its Application, to coordinate the activities of the various offices and to ensure the piloting of the main files and compliance with deadlines. It ensures good communication between the sub-directorate's offices on related issues, including those involving a link between regulation and the economy, and between regulation and its control
The quality of relations and dialogue with professional organizations in the sector.
In the direction of ongoing relations with other units in charge of matters relating to the transport of goods: Under-direction of labour and social affairs and the mission of intermodal freight transport.
It maintains a working relationship with the main external interlocutors of the sub-directorate: Ministry concerned by road transport, inspection of transport work, services of other ministries responsible for control, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Environment Professional
The branch consists of 32 agents in three offices:
-the office of the road transport organization;
-the office of the road transport economy;
-the office of The organization and animation of controls.
Search candidate profile
Desirable training:
Good legal knowledge (including criminal law and contract law), Elements of economic culture and a very great negotiating capacity are necessary. The previous practice of monitoring professional sectors is highly desirable. Proficiency in English is necessary, knowledge of one or more other main EU languages is useful.
Expected competencies in the position (know-how and behaviour):
-sense of team facilitation; taste for Project management;
-a sense of diplomacy and dialogue, ability to listen and compromise proposals on multiple-expectations files;
-the ability to analyze files that are often complex and sensitive Identify synthetic elements.
Mr. Pierre-Alain Roche, Director of Marine, Road and River Transportation (Telephone: 01-40-81-72-10);
Mr. Philippe Maler, Assistant Director (Telephone: 01-40-81-16-28).
In accordance with the provisions of the amended Decree No. 55-1226 of 19 September on the conditions for appointment and advancement in the positions of Chief of Service, Deputy Director and Deputy Director Applications, accompanied by a curriculum vitae, must be addressed, by the hierarchical means, within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Journal, to the services of the first Minister, General Secretariat of the Government, 57 rue de Varenne, 75700 Paris, to the Ministry of Public Service, Directorate-General for Administration and the Public Service, 32, rue de Babylon, Paris (7th), and to the Directorate-General for Personnel and administration of the Ministry of Transport, Equipment, Tourism and the Sea, Pascal B Tower, 92055 La Défense Cedex 04.