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Decree Of 11 January 2007 On The Appointment Of A Female Deputy Academy Inspector - Ms. Benoit-Marry (Catherine)

Original Language Title: Décret du 11 janvier 2007 portant nomination d'une inspectrice d'académie adjointe - Mme Benoit-Mervant (Catherine)

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JORF No. 11 of 13 January 2007
Text No. 67

Decree of 11 January 2007 appointing an Assistant Academy-Ms. Benoit-Mervant (Catherine)

NOR: MEND0603202D ELI: Not available

By order of the President of the Republic dated 11 January 2007, Mrs. Benoit-Mervant (Catherine), Inspector of Regional Pedagogical Inspector (AVS), was appointed Assistant Academy Inspector as of January 8, 2007, in the Department of the North, replacing Mr. Durand (Michel), who was admitted to the Retirement.

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