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Decree Of 11 January 2007 Integration (Higher Education) - Mr. Magous (Richard)

Original Language Title: Décret du 11 janvier 2007 portant intégration (enseignements supérieurs) - M. Magous (Richard)

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JORF No. 11 of 13 January 2007
Text No. 59

Integration (Higher Education) Decree of 11 January 2007-M. Magous (Richard)

NOR: MENH0603198D ELI: Not available

By order of the President of the Republic dated 11 January 2007, Mr. Magous (Richard), research director of the National Centre for Scientific Research, previously seconded to the faculty of the universities (40th section: medicine sciences), is integrated, on his request, in this body as of 1st November 2006.

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