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Order Of December 17, 2004 Write-In Status Boards (Decentralized Services)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 17 décembre 2004 portant inscription à des tableaux d'avancement (services déconcentrés)

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JORF No. 11 of 14 January 2005
Text No. 37

Order of December 17, 2004 listing in tables d' progress (deconcentrated services)

NOR: DEFP0401483A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Defence dated December 17, 2004, the The following administrative services are listed in the progress chart for the accession to the rank of Chief Administrative Officer of the 2nd class of Deconcentrated Services of the Ministry of Defence for the year 2004:

Mouton (Henri).
Mm e
Male (Martine), wife Sibade.
Mm e
Bidault (Evelyne), wife Saintoyant.
Moret (Christophe).
Mm e
Candas (Sylvie).
Mm e
Kusmierek (Nathalie), wife Ponroy.
Chevalier (Vincent).
Mm e
Said (Eve), wife Monnier.
Dargent (Jean-Philippe).

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