Key Benefits:
Decision of the Director General of the French Health Security Agency Food (National Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products)
In view of the fifth part, book Ier, of the Public Health Code, and in particular Articles L. 5141-6 and R. 5146-37;
Given the decision to authorise the placing on the market, granted on 22 July 1987, to the veterinary medicinal product known as Lobiacoli of the SOGEVAL laboratories;
Having regard to Regulation No EC/2377/90 of the European Council establishing a Community procedure for the setting of maximum residue limits for medicinal products Veterinarians in foods of animal origin;
As notified on 4 September 2003;
In view of the opinion, dated 7 October 2003, of the AMM Commission referred to in Article R. 5146-38 of the Public Health Code;
Whereas, in accordance with Regulation EC/2377/90, for use in animals whose flesh or products are intended for human consumption, only multidose vaccines may contain thiomersal;
Considering that the Lobiacoli is a chemical drug containing thiomersal,
The Director General of the French Food Safety Agency decides:
The marketing authorisation for the specialty Lobiacoli, from the SOGEVAL laboratories, is Deleted effective October 13, 2003.