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Decree Of 18 December 2003 Appointing The Board Of Directors Of The Center For Employment Studies

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 18 décembre 2003 portant nomination au conseil d'administration du centre d'études de l'emploi

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JORF No. 11 of 14 January 2004 Page 1056
Text No. 49

Order dated December 18, 2003 appointing the board of directors d' administration of centre d' studies

NOR: RECR0300117A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity, and The Minister responsible for research and new technologies as of December 18, 2003, are appointed as members of the Board of Directors of the Employment Studies Centre:

As selected personalities due to Their competence in the field of employment

Mr Jacques Bertherat, President of the Development and Employment Association.
Ms Martine Durand, Deputy Director of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Mr. Jean-Daniel Leroy, Director of the Office of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in France.
Mr. Yves Lichtenberger, President, University of Marne-la-Vallée.

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