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Amending the Order of 29 December 1998 laying down the accounts for the designation of secondary authorising officers of the budget of the Ministry of Justice and their delegates
NOR: JUSG0460003A The custody of the Seals, Minister of Justice, and the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, Having regard to Decree No. 62-1587 of 29 December 1962 amending the General Regulation on Public Accounts, and in particular Articles 64, 86, 104 and 226 thereof; Having regard to Decree No. 64-754 of 25 July 1964 on the organisation of the Ministry of Justice; Having regard to Decree No. 82-389 of 10 May 1982 concerning the powers of the prefects and the action of public services and bodies of the State in The departments, in particular Articles 15 and 17 thereof; Having regard to Decree No. 82-390 of 10 May 1982 concerning the powers of regional prefects, the action of public services and bodies of the State in the region and the decisions of the State in Public investment matters, in particular Articles 14 and 16 thereof; Having regard to Decree No. 97-34 of 15 January 1997 concerning the deconcentration of individual administrative decisions; Having regard to the Order of 29 December 1998 concerning the regulation of Accounting for the designation of secondary authorising officers in the budget of the Ministry of Justice and their delegates, as amended by the Order of 10 October 2000 and subsequently by the Order of 21 December 2001, Stop: 1 The Order of 29 December 1998, above, is thus amended: 6 ° of the I of Article 1 is repealed. At 2 ° II of Article 1, the words: " And 6 ° " Are deleted. 6 ° of the I of section 2 is repealed. 2 In Article 2-II, paragraph 2, of the said Decree of 29 December 1998, after the words: Overseas prisons (Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Reunion) "are added the words:" , to directors of Overseas penal integration and probation services (Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion) ". 3 In Article 3 of the said Decree of 29 December 1998, the words: Or prison services for insertion and probation with regard to current operating appropriations and intervention credits " Are inserted between the words: " Their service " And the words: " Or establishment with an accounting autonomy (...) referred to above. 4 Annex E to the decree of 29 December 1998 is thus completed
PREFET DE REGIONAL SIÈGEde la directionrégionale DÉPARTEMENTSAffected
Ile-de-France Paris Paris, Seine-et-Marne, Hauts-de- Seine, Val-de-Marne. 5 The Director of General Administration and Equipment, the Director of the Judicial Protection of Youth, the Director of the Prison Service at the Ministry of Justice and the Director General of Public Accounts in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Order, which shall take effect from 1 January 2004 and shall be published In the Official Gazette of the French Republic. Done at Paris, 6 January 2004. Minister of Justice, Minister of Justice, For the Minister and by Delegation: By preventing the Director of General Administration and Equipment: Deputy Director, Mr. Laquieze The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, For the Minister and by Delegation: By the prevention of the Director General of Public Accounts: The Deputy Director, B. Soulié
JORF No. 11 of 14 January 2004 Page 1042
Text #3
Decree of 6 January 2004 amending the Accounting Regulations of 29 December 1998 for the designation of secondary authorising officers of the budget of the Ministry of Justice and their delegates NOR: JUSG0460003A ELI: Not available
The Seals Guard, Minister of Justice, and the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry,
In light of Decree No. 62-1587 of 29 December 1962 amending General Regulation on Public accounting, and in particular Articles 64, 86, 104 and 226;
In view of Decree No. 64-754 of 25 July 1964 on the organisation of the Ministry of Justice;
In light of the amended Decree No. 82-389 of 10 May 1982 relating to powers The prefects and the action of public services and bodies of the State in the departments, in particular Articles 15 and 17;
Having regard to Decree No. 82-390 of 10 May 1982 concerning the powers of the regional prefects, the action of the services and the Public bodies of the state in the region and state decisions on public investment, in particular Articles 14 and 16;
Given Decree No. 97-34 of 15 January 1997 on the deconcentration of administrative decisions Individual;
In view of the Decree of 29 December 1998 on the accounting for the designation of secondary authorising officers in the budget of the Ministry of Justice and their delegates, as amended by the order of 10 October 2000 and subsequently by the December 21, 2001,
Item 1
The Order of December 29, 1998, is thus amended:
The 6 ° of the I of section 1 is repealed.
At 2 ° du II of Article 1, the words: And 6 ° " Are deleted.
Item 2 6 ° of I is repealed.
Item 2
A l' article 2-II, Paragraph 2, of the said Decree of 29 December 1998, after the words: Overseas prisons (Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Reunion) "are added the words:" , to the directors of the prison services for insertion and Overseas probation (Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion) ".
Article 3
Article 3 of the Order of 29 December 1998 Above, the words: " Or prison services for insertion and probation with regard to current operating appropriations and intervention credits " Are inserted between the words: " Their service " And the words: " Or of Establishment with an accounting autonomy (...) referred to above ".
Article 4
Annex E to the abovementioned decree of 29 December 1998 is thus Completed:
You can view the table in OJ
n ° 11, 14/01/2004 page 1042 to 1042
Item 5
The Director of General Administration and Equipment, the Director of the Judicial Protection of Youth, the Director of the Prison Service at the Ministry of Justice and the Director General of Public Accounts, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Order, which shall take effect on 1 January 2004, and shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 6, 2004.
The Seals Guard, Minister of Justice,
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the
Director from General administration and equipment:
The Deputy Director,
M. Laquieze
Minister of Economy,
Finance and Industry,
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the Public accounting
general manager:
The subdirector,
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