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Arrested On 30 December 2002 With Opening A Contest Organized In Application Of Law No. 2001 - 2 Of 3 January 2001 Relating To The Absorption Of Precarious Employment And Modernization Of Recruitment In The Public Service Has...

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 30 décembre 2002 portant ouverture d'un concours réservé organisé en application de la loi n° 2001-2 du 3 janvier 2001 relative à la résorption de l'emploi précaire et à la modernisation du recrutement dans la fonction publique a...

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JORF No. 11 of 14 January 2003 Page 801
Text No. 30

Decree of 30 December 2002 on the opening of a closed competition pursuant to Act No. 2001-2 of 3 January 2001 on the elimination of precarious employment and the modernisation of recruitment In the Public Service as well as working time in the territorial civil service for recruitment within the framework of territorial attachés, specialties management of the health and social sector, analyst and animation (2003 session)

NOR: FPPT0300001A ELI: Not available

By order of the Aquitaine Regional Delegate of the National Function Center Territorial public as of 30 December 2002, a competition reserved for recruitment in the framework of employment of territorial attachés, specialities management of the health and social sector, analyst and animation, pursuant to Law No. 2001-2 of 3 January 2001 on the reduction of precarious employment and the modernisation of recruitment in the civil service, as well as working time in the territorial civil service, is organised by the regional delegation of Aquitaine of the Centre The
of this competition will take place, in accordance with the decree of 12 November 2002, taken by the President of the National Centre for Territorial Civil Service, effective Monday, 30 June 2003.
Applications for registration must be made on the forms of the National Centre for Territorial Public Service.
Withdrawal of applications, scheduled between Monday, February 17 and Friday, March 7 2003, either directly to one of the regional delegations or the CNF-P/T headquarters, or by mail addressed to one of them.
These records must be either filed before 5 p.m., or mailed before midnight to The address of the regional organizing delegation mentioned below, no later than the closing date of the entries, on Friday, March 14, 2003 (the postmark being the postmark).
Registration files may also be downloaded On the CNFPT website (, Monday, February 17 to Friday, March 7, 2003, at midnight.
These records must be either filed before 5 p.m., or mailed to the address of one of the mentioned organizing regional delegation. Below, no later than Friday, March 14, 2003, the closing date of the entries (the postmark), accompanied by a stamped envelope at the applicable letter rate.
The list of regional delegations in which they may be Removed the files is established as follows:
Aquitaine, 7 A, terrace Front-du-Médoc, building Le Guyenne, 33075 Bordeaux Cedex;
Midi-Pyrénées, 9, rue Alex-Coutet, BP 1012, 31023 Toulouse Cedex 1;
Poitou-Charentes, 13, rue Saint-Hilaire, BP 384, 86010 Poitiers Cedex;
Limousin, 55, rue de l' Ancienne-Ecole-Normale-d ' Instituteurs, Chéops 87, BP 339, 87009 Limoges Cedex.
Application files must be submitted to the Aquitaine regional delegation above
The number of posts opened in the competition reserved for the recruitment of territorial attachés, specialties management of the health and social sector, analyst and animation (2003 session), is as follows:
Number of posts opened by Speciality:
Health and social sector management: 10;
Analyst speciality: 10;
Animation speciality: 20;
Total open positions: 40.
All additional information, and in particular the conditions of May be submitted on request to the regional delegations of the National Centre for Territorial Civil Service.

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