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Notice Of Granting Permissions To Parallel Importation Of Pharmaceuticals

Original Language Title: Avis relatif à l'octroi d'autorisations d'importation parallèle de spécialités pharmaceutiques

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2007 Page 829
Text N ° 114

Notice for l' Authorizations d' Parallel Importation of Pharmaceutical Specialties

NOR: SANM0625007V ELI: Not available

Granted in November 2006
Execution of the provisions of article R. 5121-123
of the Public Health Code

Specialty named ARIMIDEX 1 mg, pelliculated tablet, speciality identifier: 6 262 210 5:
Country of origin: United Kingdom.
Mediwin Limited.
Composition: Anastrozole 1.00 mg, for a tablet. -Presentation ID code: 490 004-8 (28 hot-formed tablets [PVC-aluminium]); this pharmaceutical specialty imported from the United Kingdom is allowed to be placed on the market in conjunction with the pharmaceutical specialty ARIMIDEX 1 mg, pelliculated tablet, having obtained market authorization in France (decision of 13 November 2006).
Speciality called TADENAN 50 mg, soft capsule, speciality identifier: 6 031 741 8:
Country of origin : Greece.
Pharma Lab.
Composition: African plum (extract) 50 mg, for a capsule. -Presentation ID code: 490 005-4 (60 caps on thermoformed platelets [PVC-aluminium]); this pharmaceutical specialty imported from Greece is allowed to be placed on the market in conjunction with the pharmaceutical specialty TADENAN 50 Mg, soft capsule, having obtained market authorization in France (Decision of 15 November 2006).

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