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Notice Of Competition For Recruitment To The Title Of 2006 To Trainees Attached To The National Institute Of Statistics And Economic Studies

Original Language Title: Avis de concours pour le recrutement au titre de l'année 2006 d'attachés stagiaires de l'Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2006
Text N ° 90

Notice of competition for recruitment for 2006; year 2006 d' National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies trainees.

NOR: ECOS0530017V ELI: Not available

An internal competition is organized to recruit trainees from The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies.

I. -Admission requirements to run
(open to employees who have completed a certain period of service)

Etre An official or agent of the State, the territorial authorities and the public establishments which depend on them, on the basis of an international intergovernmental organization, as well as the members of the military and the judiciary, who, at the closing date of the Enrolments, are in operation, on secondment, on parental leave or perform the national service;
On 1 January 2006, at least four years of public services, of which at least three years in one of the statistical services or Economic studies, the list of which is fixed by the order of 10 October 1996.

II. -Nature and programme of tests

The nature and programme of the tests are fixed by the decree of 27 January 1997 as amended.

III. -Number of positions offered

The number of positions offered is 15.

IV. -Dates and places of events

Written eligibility events will take place in Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nancy, Nantes, Orléans, Paris, Poitiers, Reims, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg And Toulouse on 18 and 19 May 2006.
The oral admission tests will take place from 3 to 10 July 2006, exclusively in Paris.

V. -Submission of applications

Registration will be on file Paper to be requested from the INSEE competition and examination cell.
The files are to be sent by March 17, 2006, the closing date of the entries (the postmark), or to be deposited in the INSEE Directorate-General (cell Competition and examinations, office 905), before 12 hours, strict term.

VI. -Service to be addressed by candidates

For additional information and application for registration, applicants may apply to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (cell competition et exams, stamp C 210), 18, boulevard Adolphe-Pinard, 75675 Paris Cedex 14 (telephone: 01-41-17-52-05 or 01-41-17-52-21).
The information is available at The application for the file and possibly the annals must be accompanied by an envelope (format 22 cm x 32 cm) cleared at 2.76, bearing the name, common name and address of the applicant.

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